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Lets Get Reconnected
A heritage project rediscovering the rich roots, the historic role and the lasting relevance of Independent Orangeism in Belfast by reconnecting with former members and families.
Join us as we walk back in time in the footsteps of our founding fathers to rediscover the origins and impact of the Independent Orange Order in Belfast.
Rediscovering the Past
Faces from the Past
The I.L.O.I. has recognised the need and the urgency of reaching out to former members, their families and followers in Belfast where it was once a formidable force in working-class areas. The ILOI was a unique cultural, political and social movement in Belfast and understanding it from a grassroots perspective will help us understand working class Belfast, its mind, motivations and means of expressing itself.
RECONNECT is a heritage project rediscovering the rich roots, the historic role and the lasting relevance of Independent Orangeism in Belfast by reconnecting with former members and families.
Founding Fathers
The founding fathers saw it as the ‘Reformation Refought’ and set themselves to revolutionise Orangeism, a project which they succeeded in over the next Century. However the Institution lost its connection with Belfast. -
Bringing the Past to Life
We aim to capture a collective memory of Independent Orangeism in Belfast, as told through the memories and artefacts of former members.
To reconnect with the last generation of Independent Orangemen and provide support and give value to their experience.
To produce educational and exhibition material to highlight this unique urban movement and its impact on the community around it.
To give our members increased awareness of Good Relations issues, language, ethos and principles and allow them to engage more fully and productively.
Project Outcomes
The project will produce
• A History of the ILOI
New insights into the ILOI in Belfast its roots, role and relevance will be researched using the oral history and records of the Order as well as artifacts and other information.
• Bespoke Training
All the volunteers will benefit from an Applied Heritage Course to raise confidence and capacity enabling them and the wider ILOI to properly engage in a sustainable way with cultural heritage work.
• The Archive
All the project’s recorded i n t e r v i e w s w i l l b e archived in perpetuity as p a r t o f t h e I L O I c o l l e c t i o n . D i g i t a l playback copies of each of the in-depth interviews will be made available to researchers and (subject to copyright clearance) to remote users via an online catalogue and other digital service delivery points.
• Booklet
The interviews will form t h e b a s i s f o r an interpretive booklet or resources pack for use in the study of the material, and to contextualise it in the wider history of the ILOI in Belfast and generally.
• Exhibitions
Interview material, subject to interviewee consent, will have the potential to feature in the future exhibitions (onsite and virtual), in a u d i o a n d p r i n t e d publications, and as a r e s o u r c e f o r broadcasters, writers and users of all kinds.
• C u l t u r a l To u r i s m Product
Interview material, subject to interviewee consent, will also have the potential to feature
It will further bring our Institution together b e c o m i n g m o r e engaged in community heritage work in the Belfast area. It promises t o r e d i s c o v e r a n exciting history and reconnect with a lost g e n e r a t i o n o f I n d e p e n d e n t Orangeman.
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