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Finding His Rhthym & Soul

Rising R&B recording star Ian Guerin is quickly making his mark in the world of music. With the release of his latest album, “Irreplaceable” he has plummeted head first into an unapologetic industry with a bang. The Orange spoke with Ian regarding his inspirations and his song. “Feel good and timeless, “Irreplaceable” is The perfect spirit lifter, relatable in words and relaxing in music. Irreplaceable is for everyone who wants not only to escape their troubles in the tribulations, but to find comfort in the knowledge that they can be overcome.”


When and why did you decide to dedicate your life to the music industry?

It really came natural for me. I remember being almost 10 when I was first taken into a recording booth by my aunt Mitzi Bennett; I was mesmerized by the experience. I felt right at home. I was shy back then, but I remember feeling an urge to explode into freedom. I thought to myself “I want to be here always.” I don’t think I had to adapt, I felt like I had been put in the place I belonged.

The why came a few years later. I tried other things (including college) & I always came running back to music. I couldn’t find anything else that made me feel so at ease, effortless & natural.

When I write, record, perform or interview my real pours out. It’s a strange feeling. Nothing else I do feels 100% true, plus I learned early on that 98% of people don’t do what they love for a living & I couldn’t stand the thought or understand (still can’t) why or how they can go through life like that. I wanted my life to count & figured if I was going to be successful I might as well try to be so at something I truly love. Here I am years later doing it & trying to encourage others to follow their dreams.

You are an artist from Mexico who sings R&B, what’s up with that?

Music is a universal language. You don’t have to understand the words or the background to be moved by it.

I remember hearing a lot of different types of music from a very young age; my father is a rock fan, my family is more traditional, yet I was never really driven to local sounds or rock; I was driven by snaps, smooth feels, Jazz, Big Band & R&B. I tried pop for a minute there with my debut album ‘MADSEXY’ but I felt myself in the old fashion arena. I felt alive when I discovered you can mix those sounds with some R&B flavor; I had to cross over. For me it was never about race, upbringings, or location, it was about what made me feel alive so I went for it in the knowledge that souls know no bounds, so there would be people out there that would hear my music & feel connected regardless of their walks of life, age, looks or location.

Your songs seem to be influenced by love and relationships, are they specific to a special someone?

I’d love to say no, because that would mean I didn’t go through all that heartache, but there’s no good songs without. real experiences. The songs in my album ‘IRREPLACE- ABLE’ were all made for 3 specific girls that marked pivotal moments in my life.

I love them for the lessons & the stories I can now tell — in hopes that others will see the light at the end of the tunnel sooner than I did. I will most likely get over the emotions that still cross me, but I don’t think the soul fully ever recovers from those loses. It’s like a piece of glass that’s chipped & can never be pasted back to normal; wiseness & strength come at a price & that’s ok. I wish them well & thank them for giving me these great songs, I wouldn’t have had them without them, yet they’re most definitely not collecting coin from them, ever. Hahaha.

You seem to put all your passion and emotion into all of your songs, where does that come from?

I think from the need to express myself. Some people repress their emotions throughout their life; mine feel like a force that can’t be tamed. It comes from within’, I don’t exactly know how it forms, but when something happens to me lines & melodies start pouring out of me uncontrollably.

I might sound extra, but it’s true; when I’m hurt or confused or happy songs just seem to write themselves at speed of light. The title track of my ‘IRREPLACEABLE’ album came about in less than 40 minutes. It’s like my heart & mind had already aligned their speech & I was just a vehicle writing & recording their statement. It doesn’t happen always, when that element isn’t there I actually have to go back & remember, structure & piece everything out, but sometimes it comes out so perfectly I’m as amazed as anyone watching.

What is the driving force behind your career?

My hunger for expression. I want to get my message across & I want it to positively impact as many people as possible so that they know that dark times don’t last forever.

I know how hard it is to have an anxious mind & how much hurt is magnified through that lens so I want to bring empathy & strength through my songs. That’s why they have sort of a not so happy story yet an uplifting beat. I want people to know weights can be lifted even when they’re hurting.

I want to have a platform to create awareness on environmental issues & I want my parents & my sister to live at ease.

Buying my dad his apartment in Vegas while voicing issues that are planet relevant, & healing someone in despair through song, sounds like a perfect example of a driving mix to me.

What are the biggest challenges that you’ve faced and how have you overcome them?

Exposure & budget are the main ones. I think anyone who at some point has been independent in their career path knows they are the toughest because you’ve got a world of ideas, yet again no money or platforms to expose them & that holds you down.

The second one was confidence. I’ve endured so many negatives & so many none call backs that I’m immune now, but there was a time when rejection stung. Specially because I knew I had something special & it was hard for me to understand why the person in front, whoever that was, didn’t see it.

There was also a lot of doubting from relatives (not my parents or sister) that didn’t take me very seriously; that hurt because they’re the ones who are supposed to uplift you so that, when things get tough, you can keep going. They also made me doubt my looks, voice & style, so I wasn’t very sure I had what it takes to make it.

Sometime later I realized the only thing in that “making it box” you truly need is self-belief. You believe in yourself & nothing can stop you; that’s how I overcame them. I kept going, through fear, sorrow, anxiety, insecurity & ignorance — cause I had to learn by mistake how things are done. I just moved forward. Never letting the chance of not getting to my next stop invade my mind, & so far, looking back, I’ve come far & I continue to move regardless of those feelings. I once read “you haven’t failed till you stop trying” & I took it to heart.

Knowing what you know now would you have done anything differently?

For certain. I wouldn’t have waited a whole album to crossover & make the album I wanted. I also wouldn’t have wasted time reminiscing about nonsense & waiting for perfect moments. I should’ve taken what came my way & rode with it.

I wasted a lot of time trying to find perfect moves & I let many that could’ve helped pass me by. Still I grew into the man I am by paying the price of my miss outs & by building the mental strength that has so helped me take on my current opportunities so much better than I would’ve.out, another tour & of course putting my, by then, household name to good use. Speaking in front of audiences about the importance of environmental balance & serving a bigger purpose than just fame affairs & favors. I see myself trying to make a difference, even if said difference is roughly sketched now.

I now allow myself to blossom in front of people & to be who I truly am & I wouldn’t if I had taken these chances without that time wasted, that introspection & that knowledge. So, in a way timing has been perfect, I just wish I had done things a little faster, I wish I had taken more chances to gain more experience. However, I now know not to squander time so that’s a good story on its own.

What do you think about while driving alone in your car?

I guess it depends on what mood I’m in. If I’m sad, worried or despaired I try to speak to myself out loud to dissect the facts & reach a soothing conclusion.

I also introspect a lot on how my actions affect the way events go down & I try to converse with myself about it. My singing coach taught me that speaking your thoughts out loud makes them clearer than just thinking them through & it’s true, so I use that alone time to do so. I spend quality time with myself, laugh matters off, & reassure me that everything will be alright. It sounds crazy, but I’m my most important person & I want to nurture myself & be my friend.

I believe that if I achieve that I will be able to handle the toughness of the business better. I also sing of course: to Janet, Mariah, Michael, Tony & whatever my guilty pleasures & favorites. It’s a time for me to get away from all the noise & movement & I make it worth.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I see myself in the entertainment business for sure. Another album out, another tour & of course putting my, by then, household name to good use. Speaking in front of audiences about the importance of environmental balance & serving a bigger purpose than just fame affairs & favors. I see myself trying to make a difference, even if said difference is roughly sketched now.

I see myself with an AMA, a Grammy & writing songs for fellow artists & myself. Performing alongside my favorites & I want to say I see myself in love, but I don’t want to push my luck. I wish I was in love, but it’s ok as long as I’m living my best life; that includes: achievements, recognition, more music, helping others & making sure my family is happy.

What is your most triumphant moment thus far?

I’d have to say the reception given to my album since it’s release. I love that people love ‘IRREPLACEABLE’ as much as I do. I invested my whole self in this body of work & I wanted all songs to have a soul & count & I think I achieved that. To me ‘IRREPLACEABLE’ is my ‘Off the Wall’. It might seem far-fetched for some to see it that way, but to me it’s the culmination of a spiritual, emotional, physical, mental & musical transition that made me the man I always aspired to be. No song in the album is a filler. They all have a backstory & can stand on their own & I intended them to be that way.

During its making some people pressured/asked/mocked me if I was ever going to finish or release it because it took long. I’m glad I didn’t rush it. The end result is — as my sister puts it — timeless. & I was aiming for that. People who take a moment to listen to it while they read the lyrics will find somewhere to insert themselves in it. There is something in there for you, I guarantee it. It’s an album that to me has already succeeded in telling a great story & that ought to prove itself sooner than later; in its era or later. ‘IRREPLACEABLE’ is my pride & joy and & I’m like a father at his kid’s Christmas festival every time I get out there to promote it.

If I could ask you any question what would it be and how would you answer it?

Where do you dream of performing & why there, & the answer would be the O2 Arena in London.

All my favorites have done it at the pinnacle of their careers & to me that would be like having made it to their level. Like being right up there with them — where I as a 9 year old in a booth for the 1st time dreamed of being. That would be it. Ian Guerin Live at the O2! That sounds & feels amazing even in writing.

What’s new for Ian in 2020 and beyond?

New pair of music videos, new songs for the deluxe edition of ‘IRREPLACEABLE’, new tour, new collaborations, hopefully new songs for fellow artists & hopefully new girl.

I really want to fall in love head over heels for real; not as many couples who fall in love to be in love — not with the person. It’s been so long since I did so without having my heart broken that I’m not even sure I can feel that bliss anymore. I’m sure it’s there asleep, somewhere within’ me, but the fact that I can’t remember how it feels saddens me.

I want to clear the score, fall in love & make it irreplaceable. Any girl who’s interested can make sure to contact me, haha.

Ian Guerin Album “Irreplaceable” Streaming https://songwhip.com/album/ian-guerin/irreplaceable Twitter @IAmIanGuerin Instagram https://instagram.com/IAmIanGuerin Facebook https://www.facebook.com/IAmIanGuerin Reverbnation https://www.reverbnation.com/ianguerin

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