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Jasim Malik

Jasim Malik

Talented Performing Artist

When did you first get into music?


I’ve always been involved with music, dance and acting from a young age, having a talented creative Jamaican family it’s hard too not be involved. I started off in my aunties dance group called Jukebox Juniors. We travelled the world, featured in films and competed in the toughest competitions. We were part of a program on Sky 1 called Got to Dance and an actor on Cebbiebes and Cbbc when I was a kid.

After years of dancing, my Grampy always tried to teach me to sing, but when you are younger it is easier for a boy, once you go past a certain age its either make or break for you.

I started writing raps with a couple of my friends when I was 13, my first one was to the fresh prince of bel-air (but made my own version). I got my first lead role in Hairspray as Seaweed in my school, and I was so nervous. As a performer, I’ve performed in front of thousands no problem, but that was physical. Performing vocally in front of a crowd was a different ball game. So, I tried creating a couple of songs and performing them in a local festival. After seeing the reaction of that, it instantly grew me a new passion and the new journey started.

What genre of music do you perform and why?

I mainly perform Commercial Hip-hop, as it’s upbeat and more catchy for the audience. I also perform Trap and Rnb just to mix up my performance a little.

And why did you choose that style of music?

I like to create and perform music I like to listen to, my music library is so diverse and I try to show that in my music.

Who or What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

Musically my Grampy and my mum has always pushed me and helped me to become a better artist. The roots of just jamming in my Grampy’s shed creating music with both of them have always been the best moments of my career so far. He’s always told me to be myself cause there is no one like me.

Also, I had a music teacher who recently passed in my college who believed the world of me. Even though he didn’t get Hip-hop or anything Urban, he always tried to learn from me and tried different things to get me better. I have him to thank for making me think with more of an open mind when it comes to genre, he used to make me rap 1232 bars to a rockabilly song or even a heavy metal track with not long to prepare for it, so I was always kept on my toes.

How has your music evolved since you first began performing/songwriting?

Going from making remixes of songs, too getting type beats off youtube and creating songs too it, too now thinking of bigger projects like EPs and Albums. I’ve been studying music since I started really, so jumping into college and a year of uni with kids who practice since they could speak was quite challenging but always been able to make myself top 3 in my competition. I do wish I knew what I know now back then, always felt like over been playing catch up, but it’s part of the journey i guess.

I’m sure you have shared the stage with a lot of talented artists/celebrities along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favourite stories with us?

I’ve supported a tun of people but in 2019 I supported two great artists in different festivals in Wales. One was Lady Leshurr in Newport, that was great, cause it was the first major show me being a solo artist. Another one is my friend brought me out on his set when he was supporting the Sugar Hill Gang. That gig was crazy, maybe my biggest gig musically I’ve done so far.

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

That’s a difficult one, cause I am so passionate about music and its the only thing that makes me feel like me. If you get what I’m saying? But, maybe I choose Desire, as I desire to be the best in this game, especially as a Welsh mixed artist. I have had a lot of people talk about me and lost a lot of my closest friends due to music, but I’m making it my life mission to prove the people who doubted me and pull funny faces when I do talk about my career that they were wrong about me. I got so much hunger, to be the top of my game and get my family out of the 9-5 cycle.

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as an artist in an industry overflowing with new talent and ideas?

I believe the ability of me not being scared to try something new and put all into everything I do. This will make me more special than the average new artist. Also, my business head is always on, I’m always seeing what people do and I try and take that, make it my own and do it 10x better. I’m always learning and improving and I got so much energy to put into the industry, I’d outwork anyone currently at the forefront.

What has been your biggest challenge as a performing artist? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

My biggest challenge is ongoing, I’m dyslexic. So, I find it hard to read, write and to memorize it. What I used to do is write my lyrics on my notes (laptop/phone) and then transfer it too paper, As I’m doing that I’m learning word by word of my songs. As I got older, I needed to write faster and learn quicker. So what I do is after writing, I record it and keep listening to it. I find this tactic could help me so much faster than my old ways, and I just keep going over and over again.

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art.” Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

Yeah, suffering can be in all shapes and sizes. The best musicians don’t come from an easy come up. The passion from the artist’s journey which makes it exciting. It could be from relationships, giving out freebies till you get enough exposure, lost of friends and family members. It could be anything that creates a great artist. Every musician in the world has suffered in 2020. Not being able to be creative and do what they do best, especially when the UK government told everyone in entertainment to retrain.

I’ve lost relationships over music, friends and family. My mum and dad trying to give me everything I wanted while working 2 jobs each, to try to make me and my brother have the best childhood, but for one good thing we had, we had to sacrifice another. The bullying I had in school and college cause of my race and the separation of my parents, all of this has made me suffer emotionally, physically and mentally and I try and incorporate that in my music. I always look for the good in things in life, I always think things happen for a reason and I try to look at situations and find the core of that lesson.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

I feel the Internet is an amazing place to help young artists get passed the gatekeepers of music, It has helped loads of musicians get success without a Major label etc. As it gets more advanced and more people is overcrowding the industry, it has now made it just as difficult to beat the algorithm without money behind you. I see it as Ying and Yang.

If you could change anything about the music industry. What would it be?

The industry needs to adopt a new way to find talent, some of the best talents don’t have 100K followers etc some may only have 100 but they will never be seen past the little circle and that’s a lost talent. I know the industry runs on a know to know basis, it’s not what you know, its who you know. I know there’s TV shows, different apps etc but finding raw talent is even harder now.

What are the 5 albums that have helped make you the person you are today? And why?

Chris Brown - Fan of a fan, Drake - More life, J Cole - Forest hill drives, Kendrick Lamar - Good kid, M.a.a.d city Drake - Take Care

All these artists and these albums imparticular have helped me through different periods of my life, without these, I think I would be a totally different person and found it hard to fight whatever I was going through at the time.

Tell us about your current project.

I’ve been working on a catalogue of songs, which include Commercial songs, Love songs, Trap songs and storytelling. This next year I want to share my voice. My next track coming out in February ‘Just do it’, This is my favourite song I’ve written and it’s only right to start the year with it. It’s about just cracking on with what you want to do. No matter what the obstacle is, you can just do it. I use the reference from Nike as it fits well with the message I want to get across.

What is the best advice you have received?

Musically I won best music group in Wales and also been nominated for best music video and song of the year.

What’s next for you?

Well, I got 9 singles to bring out this year with 4 videos to follow. I’m so excited to share what I’ve been working on and I’m already getting booked for commission gigs.

How can fans-to-be gain access to your music?

My music is on every streaming platform, If it plays music, my music will be there. DFlexXx - I’m the guy with the hat. Also, everything will be on my website: www.dflexxxmusic.com

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