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Chrissy Stokes

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Singer & Actress

First off, congratulations on "Howard High" and it being one of the top streamed shows on UrbanflixTV! How did you get the lead role?


Thank you so much! Well, I enjoy reading my Dad’s scripts, and I asked him if I could audition for the role. And I auditioned and I ended up getting it!

Tell us about your character in Howard High and how are you similar or different from your character?

Nicki is vulnerable, she’s shy.. but she opens up once you get to know her. She is a teen just trying to find her place in life. I feel like Nicki and I are similar in a way that we only open up to people that we feel comfortable around.

What was it like acting in a movie with such talented cast such as Marques Houston and Brian White?

It was a huge privilege to work with such talented veterans. They are also such humble people.

Chrissy what was is like to play opposite of Marques Houston in "Somebody Help Me 2" and then work with him again in "Howard High"?

It was awesome, I also felt super comfortable because Marques is like an uncle to me. So it was like being on a job with family.

What was it like working with your father, Chris Stokes, who directed this series?

It was hard because he is a perfectionist. He is really passionate, so I wanted to make sure I did my best...and the pressure was on.

Let’s talk music, what was the first song you put out there and how has your music evolved since you first started?

I put out a mixtape at 17 called, “17". I wrote all of my music and it was like therapy for me. I’d say it’s evolved in a way that my voice has become more mature, so I am able to do more things.

What do you want listeners to take away from your music?

Positive vibes. With so much negativity in the world right now, I just want to bring some positivity.

What made you venture into acting and what has that transition been like?

I grew up around it, so it was like second nature for me to want to be behind the camera, where I do production designing and also in front of the camera where I like to do my acting.

How many TV and or movies have you done so far? Any memorable moments you can share?

I’ve done one tv show, opposite Regina King on "Southland", years ago which was super awesome. Then, I did one movie Somebody Help Me, then the series for UrbanflixTV Howard High, which is streaming now by the way. One of the most memorable moments I’ll never forget is when doing "Southland", I wrote a beautiful letter to Regina King and told her how great it was to work with her.

Are you working on any current projects outside of "Howard High"?

Right now, during the quarantine I’ve been just enjoying my family. Getting closer to my best friend, Miya. We started a YouTube Channel called, “Chrissy & Miya”. We do positive videos on makeup and fun challenges.

What kind of roles have you performed throughout your career? Any particular that stands out as a favorite?

I’ve played a murderer on "Southland", I’ve played a scared little girl on "Somebody Help Me", and a teen trying to find her place in "Howard High". I’ve loved playing a teen trying to find her place, because every teen goes through wanting to find themselves.

How different is it to act in a movie vs. theater?

So, I was in the "WIZ" play in high school & I LOVE THEATER. I played Addaperle, the crazy bag lady, haha! I’ve never got to play a character that was crazy fun until I did the "WIZ"!

I would say to act in a movie vs theater is the same because you’re following the character and the script.

Do you have a favorite, singing or acting?

Both! I can’t discriminate, haha!

What have you learned from the directors that you have worked with throughout your career?

It’s about there vision. It’s about listening to their direction. Listen to the director and trust them.

What have you learned from your fellow castmates? Whether in "Howard High" or in other projects?

That people who are not related by blood can really become your life long family.

What are some of your goals?

To finish my EP I’ve been recording.

What do you want to say to those who want to get into music or acting? What advice can you give?

YOU CAN DO IT. Just keep working at what you are passionate about.

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