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James Branton

James Branton

Photo by Cliff Braun

Pilot Haus


When did you first get into music?

I was born and raised in Philippine Islands and did not move to America until my early 20’s. Music has always been part of my childhood. Listening to the radio got me started with music at a young age. It has always been a source of motivation and inspiration. I spend hours listening to songs by singer songwriters and bands from United Sates, England and Canada. I was intrigued by the words and melodies they make. This obsession got me started learning how to play the guitar so I can play their songs. It gave me joy every time I’ve learned how to play songs of my favorite singer songwriters and bands. Some of my early favorites are James Taylor, Cat Stevens, Bob Dylan, Jim Croce, Neil Young, America, Beatles, The Doors, and Bread to name a few. I began hanging out with friends having the same interest to play songs with them on my guitar. We found it very exciting and fun. Then we started playing at our school campus and coffee shops in the city allowing live music.

Who or What inspired you to pursue a career in music?

My days with the Navy while we were out to sea inspired me to write songs and think about pursuing a musical journey someday. But because of family responsibilities the journey did not happen until early 2015 when I formed Pilot Haus. An original alternative rock band based in Aurora Colorado. With the help of local talents as Scott Alexander McTaggart on drums, Johan Bautista on bass/lead guitar and Julia Bautista on keys, we practiced and eventually recorded our first EP album INCEPTUS. Later we were joined by Andrew McTaggart, Cliff Braun and Pete Carstensen. Performing live shows around the Denver Metro venues as The Roxy Theatre, Herman’s Hideaway, Cervantes Masterpiece Ballroom/Other Side, Colorado Dragon Boat Festival and the Denver Art Society followed.

How has your music evolved since you first began performing?

Since our early live performances, Pilot Haus live shows evolved into a more dynamic and high energy experiences. So has the music. Our second full album Breaking Zora and third full album Latitude were indicative of that concept. In a very good way, the influence of such alternative rock bands as Nirvana, Weezer, Pearl Jam, The Ramones and Green Day to name a few, significantly influenced this approach.

I’m sure you have shared the stage with a lot of talented artists/celebrities along the way. Would you share 1 or 2 of your favorite stories with us?

One of my favorite local bands is SF1. We shared the stage with them at the Colorado Dragon Boat Festival. Headed by Shane Franklin. An accomplished emcee, drummer, music producer, songwriter dancer and actor. Their high energy live performances are something to be reckoned with. They are awesome to watch. Another band was Wendy Woo. A highly accomplished singer songwriter and an outstanding guitar player with many albums under her belt. I’ve followed and watched her performances over the years.

If you were forced to choose only one, which emotion, more than any other drives you to stay in this tough business? Is it joy, anger, desire, passion or pride and why?

Passion. It keeps me going. I’ve always loved music and having to create my own makes me feel good about myself and it’s my passion for music that makes it happen. My motivation remains high because of it.

Which ingredient do you think makes you special and unique as a performing artist in an industry overflowing with new faces and ideas?

Remaining true to myself and my conviction makes me unique as a performing artist and songwriter. It sounds like a cliché but it’s true. I write and express what I feel. It gives for more meaning to my life. So beware, if you piss me of, I might write a song about you with lyrics hidden behind words and metaphors. Lol.

What has been your biggest challenge as a singer-songwriter/musician? Have you been able to overcome that challenge? If so, how?

The biggest challenge for me is finding players that will be with me for the duration of this journey. Members come and go but to me, they remain as Pilot Haus family. Their contribution to Pilot Haus music is priceless. The talented Johan Bautista, Scott Alexander McTaggart, Andrew McTaggart, Julia Bautista, Cliff Braun and Pete Carstensen had moved on due to family commitments and other ventures but they remain my brothers and sister. I love them. To overcome, Pilot Haus continue to move forward with new local talents. They are hard to find but with hard work comes huge benefit. Completion of our third album Latitude is a testament to that persistency, hard work and way to overcome.

A common phrase in the industry is, “you must suffer for your art.” Do you agree with this statement? If so, how have you suffered for your art?

I agree and sure did and continue to experience a bit of it. This pandemic is a good example of this when I have to cancel all live performances, practice sessions and the recording of new album. Another is losing members. They are so dear to me and I miss them so but that is life. Accept and move on. Suffering only makes for sweeter and meaningful accomplishments.

How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?

The impact is tremendous. There many avenues now to make your music heard when before the internet this is unheard of. From Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, i-Tune, BandCamp, ReverbNation, and Deezer to name a few. And Google makes for an awesome archive of all your accomplishments and activities. I’m always in awe whenever I Google Pilot Haus and see the many sites that pop up. It took me many long hours and hard work to make it happen but it really is amazing.

Have you done or plan on doing any Live-stream Concerts? If you have, how has the response been from your fans?

Yes, and I have. And it was nice. My first was with the Denver Open Media (DOM). Was a very good experience and the response, excellent as it was very interactive. Fans putout comments through chat as I was performing live.

Photo by Dennis Gatchalian

If you could change anything about the music industry. What would it be?

Laws and regulations, either Nationwide or Statewide

must be enacted to protect local musicians. There are predators out there to make money and take advantage of them. When we check posts and activities in our personal major social plat-forms we see promotions pops up all the time and yet revenue shared is non-existent. That could be an example.

What are the 5 albums that have helped make you the person you are today? And why?

Sweet Baby James - James Taylor: Learning to how play an acoustic guitar. Abbey Road – Beatles: Inspired me to write my own songs. Harvest – Neil Young: Taught me the emotions that comes with writing lyrics. History: America’s Greatest Hits - America: Being in a band and with talented musician is fun. The Very Best of Bread – Bread: The power of melodies in music.

Tell us about your current project. Are you working on new music? An EP or Album?

I’m working on the next Pilot Haus full album titled Odyssey. It’s a selection of songs about my life’s journey and as a sailor in the U S Navy. A tribute to my American Dream. As I child growing up in the Philippine Islands it was my dream to live here in America. The Navy made that dream happen for me and I’m forever grateful.

What is your baseball walk onto the field song?

I could suggest my own original composition but I rather not. Therefore, I suggest Enter Sandman by Metallica.

What’s next for you?

I will be recording the next Pilot Haus full album early next year. It’s a long time coming and a good therapy for being confined at home for a long time. Hoping that this pandemic slows down, we will start performing the new song live next year on different Denver Metro venues to promote the album.

How can fans-to-be gain access to your career?

Please Google Pilot Haus and checkout many of our social media sites. There you can see and learn how Pilot Haus evolved since I formed the band in the spring of 2015. Below are some of them:








https://www.iheart.com/artist/pilot-haus-31999875/ albums/breaking-zora-54181277/

Photo by Dennis Gatchalian

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