The Orion - Spring 2013, Issue 3

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volume 70 Issue 3


WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13, 2013

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Booze-free memorial may honor students

additional copies 50¢

Success fee

Risa Johnson Staff Writer

Mason Sumnicht, Brett Olson, Shaun Summa and Carly Callaghan — four students who died from alcohol-related incidents — may be remembered in a solemn ceremony on one of Chico’s biggest party holidays. A Chico State student has proposed an alcohol-free memorial during this year’s Labor Day weekend to commemorate the students who have died because of alcohol abuse. Senior geology major Kayla Mahoney, who works in the Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center office, presented her idea for a memorial to Trisha Seastrom, program manager for CADEC. Seastrom thought it was a beautiful idea, she said. The memorial is a natural fit with the idea of Chico State President Paul Zingg’s “A Call to Community Action,” she said. It is a part of the overall effort. “Parents, faculty, “If anyone has students and staff ideas or suggestions we’d love to have been crying hear it — not just out for a memorial for this event,” event.” Seastrom said. If the event moves forward, it Trisha Seastrom will be an annual CADEC program reminder of the manager potentially fatal dangers of alcohol in Chico, Mahoney said. “Some people forget and new people may not know — it’s accumulating,” she said. It’s a list of people in their 20s who have died.” Using peer outreach and having the message spread through sororities and fraternities will be the most effective way to spread the word, Mahoney said. At this point, most students don’t see an alternative to drinking on holidays like Labor Day, and now is a time to think about what Chico is really about, she said. “It’s not about not going tubing,” Mahoney said. “Hopefully people won’t be taken to the hospital for alcohol overdose.” Chico should also work toward providing safe and fun alternative things to do during Labor Day weekend without >> please see MEMORIAL | A3

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY Michelle reinmuth

Compact canceled Chico State President Paul Zingg announces his decision to stop a proposed student success fee on Friday during his spring address to students, faculty and staff. The most recent proposal tentatively set the fee at $450 per year and was designed to increase the number of available classes and advising hours. Zingg said he stopped the fee because of a lack of student support.

Zingg kills fee proposal due to lukewarm support Quinn Western News Editor

Chico State President Paul Zingg announced Friday during his spring address that he will not continue efforts to implement a new campus-based fee after months of consulting with students, faculty and staff. The fee was a part of the Chico Compact for Student Success, a proposal to bring revenue to the university following the steady decline of state support. The money that would have been gained from the fee, which was tentatively set at a maximum of $450 per year for each student, could have been used to increase the number of available class sections, improve campus learning technology and provide more advising hours. “Without those revenues, our investments in these areas will be less,” Zingg wrote in an email to The Orion. “If the governor’s proposed budget is realized,

Sept. 24, 2012

we will have some new funding, but not as much as the compact fee would have generated.” Zingg said he dropped the proposal because of a lack of student support. “I’ve said this before and I will say it again – this compact fee would not move forward without the students’ support,” he said. The university wanted to live up to its promise of forming a legitimate compact with students, Zingg said. “We will not risk that trust, we will not jeopardize the partnership of attitude and effort we need with our students,” he said. “We will not do that by pursuing a campus fee at this time.” Associated Students President Jaypinderpal Virdee spoke with administrators about the compact fee during winter break. “I was against the fee, but the notion of the compact I was for,” he said. Virdee is a member of the Campus Fee

Nov. 2, 2012

Chico State President Paul Zingg proposes the Chico Compact for Student Success at an Associated Students Board of Directors meeting.

The College of Communication and Education hosts student forums to gather opinions on how money could be spent.

Feb. 8

The discussion of the student success fee is discontinued because of a lack of student support.

Advisory Committee, which is made up of five students and four faculty members. Discussions were held between students and faculty through forums and focus groups to gather input and opinions. “I chose alternative consultation to gauge that opinion sooner than later,” Zingg wrote. “This consultation got me the information I needed, and I listened to it.” Students felt the compact wouldn’t make sense after Proposition 30 passed, he said. The prospect of raising tuition didn’t sit well with them either. “I think students like the idea of the compact fee, but the majority said no, probably because of the cost,” Virdee said. Both Virdee and Zingg can see another proposed fee in the future, but probably not for a while. “Any campus fees could be increased down the road, including fees that the A.S. manage,” Zingg wrote. “But I do not anticipate re-introducing something like the proposed compact fee any time soon.” Quinn Western can be reached at

for more on THE success fee, See A6 •

The Orion’s Editorial Board weighs in on Zingg’s decision to drop the fee


Timeline sets up reinstated Greeks for spring recruitment Pedro Quintana Staff Writer

The university has given its suspended Greek organizations the green light to reapply for university recognition and has also set up a timeline for required

Feb. 24

Greek chapters must attend a mandatory Safe Place Violence Prevention Education seminar.

guidelines chapters must meet. Chico State administrators met with regional and local chapter members last week to discuss the changes to Greek Life. The university will allow reinstated Greek

March 1

organizations to recruit new members, said Charles Carter, Chico State’s Student Life and Leadership director. The organizations do remain suspended and are not able to host any social gatherings or participate in philanthropy projects.


Recognized chapters may uncover the letters on their houses with permission of the university.

Chapters that don’t meet recognition requirements will present goal progress to a committee. SOURCE • student life and leadership office


Many chapters have already shown up to grab the paperwork required for university recognition, said Malcolm McLemore, a Student Life and Leadership coordinator. The chapters will have access to their accounts and be able to reserve rooms on campus once the university has approved their applications, McLemore said. Members presented their recognition packets last week, he said. The presentations detailed how the chapter members work together to

improve their GPAs and their involvement in the community, as well as how they live up to their charter values. The Greek organizations that don’t meet all of the requirements will have to form “smart goals” to outline areas of improvement, McLemore said. Those chapters will present their goals to a committee in April to show how they have improved throughout the process. “I can’t say if all 26 organizations will be active by next week,” McLemore said. In the 30 days before Zingg’s announcement of the

complete system suspension, three fraternities, Kappa Sigma, Phi Beta Sigma and Sigma Pi, had been temporarily suspended because of hazing allegations. The university is concluding its final stages of the investigations of the chapters, said Connie Hyuck, a Student Life and Leadership coordinator. In February 2012, the university suspended Phi Kappa Tau due to allegations of members drinking with potential recruits at a private home after recruitment >> please see GREEKS | A4


World News








Police Blotter






Sex Column



66 41

high low

full week A2 >>








Wildcat closer looks to make it to the championship this season

The man behind the Taylor Hall mural prepares to return to his alma mater for Taylor II repainting

Columnist holds off on going abroad to gain full Chico experience

Story B1

Story B5

HOUSING FAIR February 19 at the UHUB!

Column A6


A2 |


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WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013

WEATHER >> Today | sunny

Thursday | sunny

66 41

Pope Benedict XVI announced in Vatican City Monday he will retire at the end of February because of his poor health. He is the first pope to resign in nearly 600 years. Source: USA Today

A fire on a Carnival cruise ship Sunday left the ship and passengers stranded in the Gulf of Mexico. Tug boats are expected to pull it to port in Mobile, Ala. Thursday.

Friday | sunny

71 37

70 42

Saturday | partly cloudy

Sunday | partly cloudy

68 40

Monday | partly cloudy

67 36

Tuesday | partly cloudy

64 38

57 35

AS cuts members from committee Nicholas Carr Staff Writer

The Chico State Sustainability Fund Allocation Committee began preparing for the semester’s funding drive Monday after it was restructured by the Bell Memorial Union Committee last Wednesday. The group was created to allocate funding from a student-approved fee for environmentally sustainable projects. Following the restructuring, the SFAC now consists of eight voting members, down from eleven. The three positions were dropped due to scheduling issues, maintaining a consistent set of voices and securing the minimum number of votes required to pass a resolution, said Gabe Adley, chair of both

committees and Associ- of the committee’s actions ated Students vice president focused on project funding, of facilities and services. Adley said. The multicultural affairs “We’re in an identity cricommissioner, A.S. vice sis right now,” he said, president of business and citing that the committee finance and an A.S. presi- didn’t fund any events last dential appointee. semester. On several occasions, the The voting members of committhe comtee had mittee now trouble consist of “We’re in an identity passing two A.S. offimeasures cers serving crisis right now.” because as chair and of schedvice chair, Gabe adley uling three student A.S. Vice President of Business and Finance conflicts, appointees in addiand three tion to the position of A.S. university administrators. presidential appointee never Last semester’s meetbeing successfully filled. ings were hectic, said Marc “We’re trying to bring Thompson, A.S. commissome uniformity to the com- sioner of multicultural mittee,” he said. affairs. While several positions “There was one day when were added to advise on we had to go through 23 proevent coordination, most posals,” he said.

The BMUC made good points about which positions needed to be dropped, Thompson said. The discussion at SFAC’s first meeting on Monday centered on separating projects that receive different sources of funding and defining the rubric that determines eligibility. For projects to be considered, they must receive at least 60 of 100 points on the newly revised rubric, said Eli Goodsell, A.S. sustainability coordinator. “We’re keeping the score low for this cycle so that we can be flexible with the proposals we accept,” he said. “Then, possibly, we can raise it in the future.” With limited funds available, SFAC proposals will be selected based on their average score in subjects such as cost analysis and setting

measurable goals, Goodsell said. Due to past projects receiving funding from both the SFAC and the Instructional Related Activities program, the committee also passed a resolution to limit funding to one or the other. “We’ll still accept proposals, even if they qualify for both,” said Lori Hoffman, vice president of business and finance for the university. “I like the tweaks we’ve made,” Goodsell said. “I think this semester’s funding cycle will be successful.” The first of a series of workshops to help students apply for project funding will be at 12:30 p.m. Feb. 28 in BMU Room 303. The Orion can be reached at

Source: New York Daily News


CSU chancellor outlines agenda for student media

SOURCE • David B. Gleason via flickr

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta announced Monday that the Pentagon will extend military benefits, including dependent ID cards and family counseling, to gay and lesbian families. Source: USA Today

Aubrey Crosby Asst. Ne ws Editor

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY Pedro Quintana

stabbings spike The Chico Police Department responds to three stabbings in downtown Chico early Sunday morning. These incidents contributed to the 11 total stabbings that occurred in town over the last two weeks, which have stretched police resources thin.

Chico police observe rise in violent crime Pedro Quintana Staff Writer

SOURCE •NOAA via flickr

Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant declared a state of emergency after a series of storms and a tornado swept through Mississippi Sunday. More than 80 people were injured, but no deaths have been reported. Source: San Francisco Chronicle


Photo courtesy of KDavidClark via Flickr

A San Jose man who escaped police handcuffs and drove away in a police van after being arrested on suspicion of car theft was found and arrested again Thursday. Anthony Sanchez, 32, was found sleeping in a stolen truck.

Three men were stabbed early Sunday morning after a fight erupted in downtown Chico. Police responded to a reported fight that broke out about 12:50 a.m. on West Second Street between Salem and Broadway streets, Chico police Sgt. Curtis Prosise said. When officers arrived, they found two men who had been stabbed on the corner of West Second and Broadway streets near Cold Stone Creamery. The two men were transported to Enloe Medical Center. When police arrived at the hospital to interview them, they learned that another man had been stabbed, Prosise said. The third man went to the hospital voluntarily for treatment. One of the victims was treated and released from Enloe Medical Center on Sunday, he said. The other two men remain in the hospital in fair condition. The investigation of Sunday’s incident is still ongoing and police are still talking to witnesses, Prosise said.

Feb. 3

Family argument escalates and results in stabbing.

Anyone with information or who witnessed the stabbings is asked to contact the Chico Police Department at 530-8954900. Chico police have noticed a pattern in crime with 11 stabbings during the last two weeks, Chico police Sgt. Billy Aldridge said. Crime around the city has escalated during these past few days, putting a strain on officers, he said. Last week, Chico Police Department resources were stretched thin, and the department called on the Butte County Sheriff’s Department to assist in a stabbing incident that occurred Feb. 3, at The Handlebar on the 2000 block of East 20th Street. Two men were stabbed by a juvenile who fled the scene on foot. Police apprehended the suspect. Other recent incidents: • Sunday, Feb. 3, 9 p.m.: Police arrived to find two residents at the 1000 block of Nord Avenue with stab wounds. Police say a family argument escalated into violence when a man grabbed a pair of scissors and stabbed his stepson twice, >> please see Crime | A4

Feb. 3

A woman was stabbed in the side on Guntern Road, west of Chico airport. No suspect was found.

Feb. 4

One man was stabbed on Vallombrosa Avenue, and two others were stabbed on Holly Avenue. All three were taken to Enloe Medical Center. SOURCE • chico pd press release

The California State University system held a press conference Wednesday to address the concerns of its students, faculty and employees. CSU Chancellor Timothy White spoke at the conference and answered questions emailed in by students and faculty. Student enrollment It’s one thing to be admitted to our campuses, but it’s false access if the students Timothy can’t find the advice or classes they need for White a degree, White said. California State “We will grow only when we make sure University that a student who is admitted into a campus Chancellor that they are able to get the classes they need in a timely way,” he said. The CSU’s number of students is bound to grow, he said. Technology The integration of technology will create the learning environment of the future, he “This first year I’m said. going to get on each “Will we save money by campus.” using technology? Probably not,” he said. “But will we be able to get students into some Timothy White degree progression quicker? I CSU chancellor hope so.” The CSU’s new online initiative, Cal State Online, funded by Gov. Jerry Brown’s proposed budget, is a valid idea, but might not be applicable to all students, White said. It leads the system to think about how it can be more effective with the resources and classes available, he said. “It’s one thing to do this with algebra,” White said. “But i Budget White thinks the governor’s budget is a well thought out one, and he hopes it will stop some of the “hemorrhaging” of higher education in the state. “Compared to the prior four or five years, this feels like it is a good place to take a deep breath and be able to think about access to quality,” he said. Communication with campuses Communicating with students and the campuses they represent is important, White said. “This first year I’m going to get on each campus,” he said. “I want to have a chance to visit with students, listen to their interests and their concerns and their ideas about us.” Aubrey Crosby can be reached at

Source: The Associated Press

The article “Golfer proudly sports LGBTQ pride on green” that ran on B2 of last week’s newspaper mistakenly misspelled Maddison LeRoy’s name. Maddison is spelled with two Ds, not one. The Orion staff strives for accuracy in all it publishes. We recognize that mistakes will sometimes occur, but we treat every error very seriously. If you feel a correction needs to be made, please email the editor-inchief at

| College of Communication & Education | California State University, Chico | Chico, Ca 95929-0600 CONTACT | EDITORIAL Phone: 530.898.5627 Email: Editor-in-Chief Jenna Valdespino Managing Editor Ben Mullin Art Director Scott Ledbetter Chief Copy Editor Leila Rodriguez Video Editor Nicholas Kinoshita

News Editor Quinn Western Opinion Editor Carly Caumiant Sports Editor Trevor Platt Features Editor Katrina Cameron Photo Editor Brett Edwards

Advisers Mark Plenke, Lewis Brockus

CONTACT | BUSINESS Phone: 530.898.4237 Email: News Designer Jenna Fujitsubo Opinion Designer Ras Smith Sports Designer Jessica Amaro Features Designer Patrick Sheehan

Online Editor Dan Reidel Copy Editors Kayla Chance Anthony Peters Chantal Richards Nick Sestanovich

Business Manager Mitch Engelking

Advertising Manager Michael Kenny

Account Executive Rachel Tharp





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WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013

| A3

Campus officials sum up crisis plan Allison Weeks Asst. News Editor

Thirty-three days after the elementary school shooting in Newtown, Conn., President Barack Obama signed 23 executive orders involving gun control, creating much controversy nationwide. On a local level, Chico police and university officials have their own safety plans to follow in case of a similar emergency. Law enforcement Chico State would be fully prepared if a mass shooting were to happen here, University Police Sgt. David Bird said. The department has a shooter training program, along with critical incident training to

prepare for such occurrences at Chico State, he said. “We’re constantly training for this stuff,” Bird said. The University Police Department has multiple training session each year in different buildings on campus. Officers are trained in prioritizing who gets what kind of help in these training exercises, he said. The active shooter training program is mandatory for officers, and the Chico Police Department has taken part in these trainings as well in order to potentially assist if a mass shooting were to occur on campus, Chico police Sgt. Scott Ruppel said. Chico police would be notified through its dispatch center by the University Police Department

in an emergency situation, he said.

University Chico State has an emergency notification system run by Send Word Now, a company designed to inform students and faculty by phone, text and email if such an event were to happen on campu, said Joe Wills, Chico State director of public affairs and publications. “We want to do the things that reach you first and we want do it as quickly as we can,” he said. The notification system would be the first thing used by school officials to contact people during an emergency, Wills said. It has not been used since the bomb threat on the Student Services Center in November 2011.

Students and faculty must register with the campus notification system to be included in the message of a catastrophic event, he said. University officials use several other methods to let people know of an emergency, such as social media, putting a message on the Chico State homepage and sending a message to local media outlets, Wills said. There are also 30 loudspeakers on campus that would be used to inform people of an emergency situation, University Police Chief Robyn Hearne said. The loudspeakers are high up on the exterior of some university buildings in order to reach many people, but not every building has one, she said. The system has been in place

for three years and was funded by a Homeland Security grant, Hearne said. An emergency preparation coordinator has also planned designated areas in each building for people to go to during an emergency. The Campus Emergency Response Team has 20 Chico State faculty and staff members who would also respond to an emergency, Hearne said. Team members are certified in CPR and first aid, and they are not paid for their services, she said. “They are a really important team,” Hearne said. “They don’t get recognized very often.” Allison Weeks can be reached at

MEMORIAL: Student proposes annual sober event for dead continued from A1

drinking, Seastrom said. “We’re going to have to work hard to support them in having other things to do,” she said. “We need a list of 100 things to do in Chico advertised.” After reading about the dry weekend challenge at UC Berkeley, Mahoney thought of the idea of a sober memorial service on Nov. 4, the day Sumnicht died, she said. “I am excited to work with the community and campus to create change and create a healthier Chico, because this is a pretty amazing place to live,” she said. All community members will be invited to participate, including the families of young people who have died decades in the past, Seastrom said. “Parents, faculty, students and staff have been crying out for a memorial event,” she said. “It hits multiple layers by bringing the school and community together.” Other organizations and people can provide help for the weekend, Seastrom said. All suggestions are welcome and encouraged. “There’s a myriad of opportunities for involvement,” she said. “Every person I have talked to so far has been excited.” The event isn’t the only solution, but in times like these, it can only be a good thing, Chico police Capt. Lori MacPhail said. It has the potential to make a difference in how

people view Chico. “Would it change the culture which would ultimately change the image in the long run?” she said. Like the high school program “Every 15 Minutes,” in which students are scared into not driving under the influence, this event will teach students not to take part in risky behaviors, MacPhail said. The event should have a positive effect on the community if it is put together well, she said. It is important that people know Chico is paying attention and that the deaths are being taken seriously, said Dr. Deborah Stewart, director of the Chico State Student Health Service. The memorial will help demonstrate how much the community and campus cares. “The personal stories are always the most influential,” she said. “Numbers and facts don’t move people the way personal stories do.” The memorial offers the opportunity for people to change the culture in Chico and to tell others that the community has learned its lesson from the tragedies, Chico Mayor Mary Goloff said. “Sometimes the best ideas are the simplest ideas,” she said. “I’m all the way behind it and will do whatever I can to gain support.” Seastrom is currently creating an advisory

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY Brett edwards

deflated Chico Labor Day floaters recuperate along the banks of the Sacramento River Sept. 9 under the care of police officers. In September, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo student Brett Olson died after attending the float. An autopsy revealed he had used alcohol and cocaine. committee made up of students, faculty, a community coalition, officials from Chico’s city government, non-profit organizations, law enforcement, administration and parents. The committee will meet regularly within the next two weeks and begin engaging in partnerships with the community and campus.

The event will probably be most popular this first year because of all of the recent losses, Seastrom said. “We’ve never tried anything like this before,” MacPhail said. Risa Johnson can be reached at

A4 |

POLICE BLOTTER Selected calls directly from Chico Police Department or University Police Department. University Police Friday, 12:07 a.m.: Vandalism in the Meriam Library. “Graffiti reported in the west side first floor men’s bathroom, the interior door of elevator one and the east side third floor men’s bathroom.” Friday, 3:36 a.m.: Suspicious subject by University Police. “Possible urinator out by front doors.” Saturday, 3:43 p.m.: Suspicious subject on the tennis courts. “Counseled on retrieving tennis balls by climbing over fence.” Saturday, 7:55 p.m.: Welfare check reported in Sutter Hall. “Reporting party texting with daughter, not feeling well, leg pains, unable to locate resident adviser. Daughter being uncooperative with mom.” Saturday, 9:35 p.m.: Drunk in public violation reported in Whitney Hall. Patient had to be taken to Enloe Medical Center by ambulance. “Resident adviser out with who has been drinking. Male, vomiting.” Sunday, 12:03 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances reported in Modoc Hall. “Professor reporting disturbing email.” Sunday, 10:51 a.m.: Suspicious circumstances at the Tehama Hall bike racks. “Reporting party observed a transient-looking, Hispanic male adult deflate tires on a red bike and was carrying the bike above his head. Last seen walking toward the WREC.” Sunday 11:09 a.m.: Petty theft – bike – by the Whitney Hall bike racks. “Bike locked last Tuesday. Triax Blade Boys 21-speed, silver and orange.” Sunday, 10:23 p.m.: Facility Management Service at the parking structure across the street from the WREC regarding a lights issue. “Lights out, very dark.” Monday, 12:52 a.m.: Suspicious subject northbound, Warner Street, by Langdon Engineering Center and O’Connell Technology Center. “Male dressed in black, Scream mask.”

“Professor reporting disturbing email.” University police Sunday, 12:03 a.m.

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WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013

Chico Police Friday, 8:47 a.m.: Domestic dispute on West Second Street. Reporting party broke up with her ex-boyfriend two days ago. The ex-boyfriend had been drinking and beat up the reporting party. “Subject threw reporting party to the ground and was kicking reporting party and pulled her hair. Believes subject also slashed all her tires.” Friday, 11:34 a.m.: Fight on 1000 block of West Sacramento Avenue. “In parking lot between Safeway and donut shop, two males. One threw a shopping cart at the other.” Friday, 7:38 p.m.: Transient problem on 100 block of Main Street. A transient male has threatened to kill the reporting party and the reporting party took a lighter and pipe away from the subject. The transient was in front of the business and employees were afraid to leave when it was closing time. “Subject has guitar and is setting up camp.” Saturday, 12:03 a.m.: Fight on 800 block of West Ninth Street. Seven subjects were in a physical fight involving no weapons. “Female trying to break them up.” Saturday, 4:56 a.m.: Prowler on 800 block of West Fourth Street. Reporting party saw two people trying to open doors to get into people’s cars. “Reporting party actually saw subjects inside a Chrysler.” Saturday, 2:40 p.m.: Drunk in public on 2000 block of North Avenue. “Two males staggering around, picking up and moving the construction signs and equipment.” Saturday, 4:20 p.m.: Petty theft on the 500 block of East Fifth Street. “Reporting party states $70 cash was stolen from a box under her bed last night. Reporting party suspects it was her ex-boyfriend. Recently broke up.” Saturday, 11:27 p.m.: Party with 25plus people on 300 block of Oak Street. The reporting party was concerned for property because of a growing party next door with subjects coming into his backyard. “Approximately 300 at the party. Thirty on the roof. Foot pursuit, northbound from West Fifth Street. Subject detained in backyard at West Fifth and Oak streets.” -compiled by Allison Weeks and Nicholas Carr

GREEKS: Limited privileges provided to some chapters continued from A1

activities. The investigation was completed last year, and Phi Kappa Tau is now in The following privileges good standing with the will not be granted university, Huyck said. to reinstated Greek chapters When dealing with in the spring semester. Greek chapters, the administration evaluates chapters that have been • No philanthropy detrimental to the univerevents sity and the community • No intramural sports to decide whether they • No social events, should remain Chico Stateincluding formals, recognized organizations, socials or exchanges McLemore said. with other Greek “This conversation is chapters always on the table,” he SOURCE • STUDENT LIFE AND LEADERSHIP said. OFFICE Administrators want to help provide the tools for the organizations to reach their goals, Carter said. The university wants all of the 26 Greek chapters to be healthy. The Chico State Campus Alcohol and Drug Education Center will come up with a research-based curriculum to present to the Greek chapters, CADEC director Trisha


Seastrom said. The center was involved with Greeks before the suspension, she said. These classes will be different from what students have seen in the past. CADEC fully supports efforts from Greek Life staff, Seastrom said. Greek chapters will have to attend a mandatory violence prevention education class that will be put on by the student organization Safe Place on Feb 24. Pedro Quintana can be reached at

scan for MORE ON

CRIME: Series of stabbings requires attention from cops continued from A2 with a stab wound to the right leg. once in the back and once in the leg. The suspect fled the scene, and the • Sunday, Feb 3, 11:35 p.m.: A woman victim walked until he collapsed and who was running on Guntern Road, off couldn’t move due to his wound. of Garner Lane west • Monday, Feb. 4, of the Chico airport, 8:40 p.m.: Officers was attacked from responded to a call “We are seeing a pattern in crime behind and stabbed on the 2100 block over these past two weekends. Eleven in her side. of Holly Avenue of stabbings is a drastic increase.” The Butte County a fight that resulted Sheriff’s Office in two men being billy aldridge responded to the stabbed. Police Chico police sargeant call but has been arrested John Patunable to find a rick Jenkins, 19, suspect since the incident occurred on on suspicion of assault with a deadly Sunday. weapon. • Monday, Feb. 4, 8:15 p.m.: Officers responded at the 500 block of Vallom- Pedro Quintana can be reached at brosa Avenue, where they found a man


news all week @

WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013

| A5

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opinions all week at

Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975

WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13, 2013


Success fee outcome should set example for student input Chico State President Paul Zingg announced Friday that he has abandoned his proposed “Chico Compact for Student Success,” a campus-based fee that could have added as much as $450 each year to our already staggering student fees. The goals of the success fee were noble. If implemented, it was projected to generate millions of dollars that could have been used to offer additional class sections, provide greater access to advising and allow the university to hire additional tutors for those struggling academically. But after holding a months-long conversation that involved focus groups and the publication of a university wish list, Zingg heard students loud and clear. He decided not to impose another fee on a population that already faces the daily prospect of crushing debt and limited means. The university’s decision to listen to its students in the midst of the most

turbulent financial period in Chico State’s history is impressive. Zingg’s transparency about the specifics related to the student success fee is even more so. But the single greatest thing about the conversation surrounding the Chico Compact for Student Success was the participation it elicited from students. When the university proposed the fee in September, our Associated Students officers held focus groups and solicited student feedback. The deans of our colleges invited students into their offices and asked them to compile a wishlist. Students never paid a cent toward the fee, but the process of the compact forced them to evaluate what they’d be willing to pay for and what they desired most. The student body was asked to provide input on the issue, and it was taken into consideration. Individuals were directly involved in deciding whether or not they would begin paying extra money each

semester. Students decided to throw out the idea of a success fee, but that doesn’t mean the university should forget about the direction it gained from this whole process. Even if Chico State doesn’t have the money to pay for the things its population desires, it still gained a clearly defined list of goals to reach for in the future. Some probably stepped up to participate because the university reached out to them or because they had money at stake. New students may have voiced their opinions because they didn’t want to endure years of paying higher fees, and older ones might have because they considered younger brothers and sisters who would be forced to pay more at the university. Regardless of why people came forward, the kind of student participation the success fee kindled should be the norm, not the exception.

The spark of participation started by this proposition should become a standard part of the process for every decision made at Chico State, small or large, through transparency from the university about what is going on. And students, who were allowed to take the reins during this discussion, shouldn’t only relinquish the opportunity to shape the future course of their university when their pocket books are at stake. Throughout Zingg’s push for the instatement of the success fee, he made it clear that it would not be instated if students were not behind it. He upheld his end of the bargain by listening and calling the whole thing off. It is now the responsibility of students to recognize the effects of voiced opinions and continue to be involved in major university decisions that affect them on an individual level now and in the future.

Chemistry not factored into Valentine tradition Kevin Crittenden opinion columnist

the orion •ILLUSTRATION BY Liz Coffee

Valentine’s Day is stuck in a tie of love, hate and stupid. People in relationships seem to love it, and those who aren’t probably think it’s a stupid holiday, if they don’t just flat-out hate it altogether. Why all of the hate on a day devoted to love? Part of the reason is that relationship chemistry is rare. It’s not love at first sight, per se, but rather an instant connection mutually felt. I’m not talking about baseline physical attraction, the biological spark that makes Chico a good place for one-nighters and casual boning. Granted, part of it is looks, but the other part is not so easily explained. What is it? It’s that poignant knowing that you can feel, not just in your loins, but in your brain. To experience chemistry is to partake in a lucid flow of personalities. A well of relational potential is tapped, and it is deep and pure. But, like fun, it does not have a shelf life. It can’t be stored or sold. Chemistry is a sort of mystery. It certainly exists ­– it’s tangible and observable, if not measurable. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson have it on display in “Lost in Translation.”

It seems to involve conversational connection, a proclivity to “shoot the bull,” not to tiptoe with words like careful children who know too many rules. People with good chemistry become friends because they aren’t afraid to step on each other’s toes. I say the problem with Valentine’s Day is that chemistry isn’t for sale. Yet consumer culture corrals shoppers into purchasing chocolates and flowers as a means of creating connections among the lonely, jaded masses. Cards and candies with messages like “Be Mine” or “I’m Yours” solderize the notion of ownership in the minds of all of us who are living out an ephemeral existence. Some hopeful part of every person’s consciousness saves a space for chemistry to kindle itself into a meaningful relationship. But it’s not hiding inside of a heart-shaped box. Out of 100 acquaintances, there’s someone whose name you don’t want to forget, whose expressive wavelength matches your own. Suddenly, there is nothing to prove – not with chalky candy or overpriced flowers. If I were an advice columnist, I would suggest putting away two things in particular on Feb. 14 – your money and your concern for what the day may or may not bring. Relax and speak your mind. Things will unfold as they may. Kevin Crittenden can be reached at

Adventures abroad best left for postgrad Nicole Santos Opinion Columnist

My roommate has been excited for months about the journey she’ll embark on during her junior year, saying, “My dream of traveling outside of North America is finally coming true.” While she visits the Leaning Tower of Pisa, makes wishes in the Trevi Fountain and stuffs her face with pizza in Naples, I will be here in Chico. I’ve always aspired to visit other countries, but this is a trip I think will better suit me after I graduate. During the summer, as we settled into our duplex, my roommate started expressing an interest in studying abroad. I invited her to go to an international forum with Chico State study abroad students. I attended for an assignment in my journalism class but thought she would

benefit from the discussion and shared stories of travel. We spent the entire 50 minutes laughing like hyenas at the ridiculous stories these students told, like that of the guy who danced all night with a transvestite because he didn’t realize his dance partner had an Adam’s apple. As much as I enjoyed the discussion, I realized I’d be missing out on the full Chico experience if I ever studied abroad. Our university is filled with intelligent professors, active student organizations and much more. Since freshman year I’ve embraced the wonderful opportunities Chico State has to offer, such as singing in an a cappella choir and being a member of Momentum Dance. I couldn’t imagine not being able to participate in these activities, but it’s not just our university that has shaped my college experience. It’s also the bike rides to Bidwell Park, where my friends and I put our photography skills to the test. It’s the Jiffy Burgers

at Madison Bear Garden that make the trek downtown worth it. And it’s the spontaneous trips to The Senator Theatre to enjoy music on a Friday night. These are the reasons why I love my college town. However, the forum did help my roommate finalize her decision to study abroad. And with this choice, I realized she’d miss out on two holidays Chico is well known for celebrating. She won’t be here to float down the Sacramento River with us bikini-clad women during Labor Day weekend, and she won’t be able to show off multiple Halloween costumes downtown. Sadly, we’ll have to save our Sophia Grace and Rosie costumes for senior year. But I plan to wait to go abroad, because one of the best aspects of traveling is immersing oneself in the culture and beauty of the new state or country. I’d much rather spend my days roaming the streets of Italy, taking tours and eating pasta to learn about the culture, and I’d

rather educate myself about a country on my own terms and time than sit in a class with a professor. Personally, having to attend classes while living in another country wouldn’t be on my itinerary. My rebellious side would emerge, and I’d end up skipping class. The Chico State Study Abroad program is a wonderful outlet for students to receive their higher education in a new place, but I value the education and opportunities I’m receiving here. I know that it’d be much more fulfilling for me to graduate first before boarding a plane to Italy. My roommate and I are practically sisters, so her departure will be difficult for both of us. But while she studies in Viterbo, I’ll be busy studying and staying involved on our campus, building memories and saving photos to share when she returns.

Features Editor Katrina Cameron Photo Editor Brett Edwards Video Editor Nicholas Kinoshita

Chief Copy Editor Leila Rodriguez Online Editor Dan Reidel

Nicole Santos can be reached at

| EDITORIAL BOARD | Spring 2013 Editor-in-Chief Jenna Valdespino Managing Editor Ben Mullin Art Director Scott Ledbetter

News Editor Quinn Western Opinion Editor Carly Caumiant Sports Editor Trevor Platt


opinions all week @

WedneSday, Feb. 13, 2013


‘Thinspiring’ pictures promote unhealthy body image, mentality Opinion columnist

Women, the Internet wants you to get skinny quick. For those who don’t know, thinspiration is the new Internet fuel that pushes women above and beyond their weight-loss limits. Thinspiration is usually presented as a photo of a slender woman who inspires others during their struggle to lose weight. While not everyone who uses these images as a motivational tool has an eating disorder, it does suggest that there is a deeper problem. Recently, I’ve noticed the word becoming more popular on Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook. The idea of thinspiration sounds harmless, but for the most part, it isn’t. Thinspiration, or “thinspo,” is featured on more than 80 percent of pro-anorexia websites, according to a 2010 survey taken by the American Journal of Public Health. Aside from the implications about cultural views on women’s bodies, should we really be using a term that is predominantly used in online communities to encourage anorexia? There is nothing wrong with wanting to weigh less and be more fit and healthy. The issue is that the emphasis is placed on being “thin.” It becomes a problem when our selfvalue is based on the size of our waists. Everybody is different, and no matter how much someone exercises, their body will never be identical to what they see in magazines or in other sources of thinspiration. I don’t know what it means to struggle with weight loss, because I have always been slender. However, being slender does not make me immune to the pressures of our culture. Women are unfairly subjected to societal expectations of how they should look, and these ideals have become deeply

Wisecat :

Thumbs up to friendly business owners. Buying hot dogs on campus has never been more convenient. Story B5

Thumbs up to Jay-Z for clowning around at the Grammy Awards. Nice hat, The-Dream.

ingrained. One of the most damaging aspects of thinspiration is that it also causes others to harbor resentment toward the slender women in the photos. When I first stumbled upon some “thinspo” photos, I was shocked to find comments describing the photographed women as anorexic or having the bodies of 10-year-olds. The idea that slender women would be insulted to validate a curvier shape seems to be a direct product of society. These beauty standards are entirely contradictory and leave women feeling confused. Are they supposed to be slender, but not anorexic and bony, or should they be toned but not muscular because that is manly? Others would argue that curves are best because that’s what men like. Unfortunately, we struggle to find balance in our culture. We focus on skinny and fat as if there is nothing in between. Being thin is glorified, yet a fine line is drawn between being skinny and being unhealthy. In the struggle to embrace curves, a small

waist is both coveted and demonized. These are all products of an inability of society to embrace normal bodies and the idea that everyone is different. Replacing thinspiration with something more positive would allow people to feel better about themselves and the health goals they have. Striving to be thin or curvy isn’t a health goal; it implies an inability to love our bodies. Enter “fitspiration.” Fitspiration promotes workout routines designed to increase muscle tone or presents photos of women who are muscular with many different body types. Thankfully, it’s catching on. It’s time for us to drop terms like thinspiration from our vocabularies entirely. They perpetuate a one-size-fits-all beauty ideal and deny the individuality of each body. Thinspired? No thanks. I’d rather be fitspired. Dani Anguiano can be reached at

Singles, take time to celebrate solidarity


Marty Salgado

in my life for a while now. After years of feeling lonely and searching for a love that was never really there, I had to decide what to do in the meantime.

Advice Columnist

Nighttime can be your darkest hour when you are single. Friends can certainly fill the void when you don’t have someone special in your life, but there’s something about being alone in the evening that can leave you feeling unfulfilled and empty. You may begin to feel insecure, but I have to come to realize that even if you don’t think anyone is romantically interested in you, you should become interested in yourself. During your journey, there will be many quiet and cold nights. Those sad moments may never completely disperse, but if you know you can make it on your own, it makes some of these nights less dreadful. Being single is something I’ve dealt with

Thumbs down to Chico State alumnus John Pugh having to repaint Taylor Hall’s mural. History can’t be remade with a paint brush. Story B6

the orion •ILLUSTRATION BY Liz Coffee

Dani Anguiano

| A7

Figure out what your flaws are and take time to work on them day by day.

It has been seven years since my last relationship, and I have since discovered more about myself than I ever thought I would. I believe a lot of that had to do with being forced to spend so much time by myself. I’m not a psychologist, but I believe we should take this time in our lives to reflect inwardly and become interested in ourselves. Figure out what your flaws are and take

time to work on them day by day. Figure out what works for you and how you interact with others. Improve yourself daily so that when the time comes to meet someone special, you will know that no matter what happens, you will always have the strength to go to bed alone. Once you find a partner who loves everything about you, you will not only have the love you have given yourself, but the love from your companion as well. What a great feeling that will be. Who wants to be with someone who hasn’t learned to admire themself? Be the partner who is in love with who they are, and your significant other will just learn to appreciate you that much more. Embrace single life. Be interested in who you are as a person. There is so much more to you than you think. Know that you can make it on your own.

Thumbs down to Valentine’s Day cliches. Love is in the air, not chocolate and Hallmark cards. See Valentine’s Day Guide


the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY Riley Mundia

In the past week, 11 stabbings have been reported to the Chico Police Department. There is currently no solid explanation for the escalated aggression and violence in Chico, and with the city’s police budget dwindling, we can’t expect more officers to be hired. The crime rates in big cities like Los Angeles are sure to exceed that of Chico, but in these close quarters, the increase in such brutal acts of violence is frightening. Chico needs to set aside its anger.

Photo courtesy of sludgegulper VIA flickr

Chico City Council voted to prohibit smoking within 20 feet of business doorways in October. Locals can light up while roaming the streets, but it seems that cigarettes are making less of an appearance in Chico as of late. Living healthy is the latest trend, and that dismisses the idea that one needs to light up to fit in. While the everyday smoker may continue his or her habit, social smokers may now decide to pass.


Marty Salgado can be reached at

Letter to the editor Dear Editor, Wednesday mornings are Orion day. Each week, I make it a point to stop by the convenient crate on the first floor of Plumas Hall and pick up the newest edition of Chico State news. However, this week, while looking through the opinion page, an article jumped out at me right away. The column, titled “Fight back against meat, Big Mac generation,” talked about America’s problem with over-consumption of meat and the poor health effects that come with that kind of lifestyle. While the author does make a few points that we can all agree upon, there is one thing that I would like to clarify. Kevin Crittenden, the author, tells us that as a country, we “could become healthier, less wasteful and more environmentally responsible.” He goes on to reference the Center for Disease Control and Prevention suggestion that we need to start eating more fruits and vegetables. However, the article says, “these foods give us stuff meat doesn’t, like vitamins, minerals and fiber.” I couldn’t agree more that our nation should consume more fresh fruits and vegetables, and that healthy choices like these are becoming less common in our society. What I disagree with is the implication that meat is nutritionally bad for you.

The Orion encourages letters to the editor and commentary from students, faculty, staff, administration and community members.

Beef contains 10 essential nutrients (nutrients that must be consumed because our body does not produce them naturally). One three-ounce serving of beef provides 44 percent of our daily requirement for protein, 44 percent of vitamin B-12, 37 center of zinc needs, 27 percent of niacin, 26 percent of selenium and 13 percent of our daily iron needs. While fruits and vegetables do contain some important nutrients that beef does not, beef is a healthy choice, not the enemy. What the “Fight back” article should have focused on is consumption. It is common knowledge today that if you eat a Snickers bar and a large bag of potato chips every day, there are bound to be consequences. And many of us remember Morgan Spurlock’s 2004 documentary where he consumed only McDonald’s products for 30 straight days. Of course that kind of lifestyle is not healthy. The enemy, however, is not meat. The enemy is over-consumption. In-N-Out Burger, referenced in the article, first opened its doors in 1948. That’s 65 years ago. McDonald’s was founded in 1955, just a few years later. That means, for most of us, our parents also grew up eating hamburgers and french fries from these restaurants, and at least in the case of my parents, remained healthy. The difference is that back then, our grandparents

• Letters and commentaries may be delivered to The Orion, Plumas Hall Room 001. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. Letters are also accepted by e-mail and go directly to the opinion editor at

understood the idea of everything in moderation. They knew the importance of a complete and balanced diet. Eating beef, and other meats, does have health benefits if eaten in moderation and in appropriate serving sizes. A beef patty in a McDonald’s Big Mac contains 170 calories and 2.9 grams of saturated fat. The entire sandwich contains 546 calories and 9.9 grams of fat. That may seem like a lot of calories, and when eaten every day, it is. However, if you only eat a Big Mac once every week or even every two or three weeks, then it is acceptable. The problem isn’t just the beef — it’s what we add on top. I know a cattleman in his early 60s who has run in every major marathon in the world — Boston, New York, London. He has climbed most of the major mountains. He eats healthy and a lot of red meat. He once told me, “You can burn any fuel if the fire is hot enough.” Somehow, we have to understand that consumption, and the lack of exercise, is the primary cause of obesity. There are many factors that contribute to the obesity epidemic in our nation, but beef, and meat as a whole, is not to blame. Over-consumption of all foods and lack of physical exercise are the problem. So feel free to have that hamburger, eat that steak and enjoy those carrots. Just make sure you do so in responsible amounts.

Photo courtesy of Podknox VIA flickr

Review: “The Walking Dead” Season Three Many had been eagerly awaiting Sunday’s return of AMC’s “The Walking Dead.” Viewers watched with excitement as they finally discovered the fate of Darryl and Meryl, and the future of Rick’s sanity. Sadly, the return episode was slow and slightly uneventful. Darryl got saved from the governor just to end up leaving the crew behind, it became increasingly evident that Rick is falling deeper into his psychotic state and the governor still needs to die. These are all things that any avid viewer of the show was already prepared for. It was a disappointing episode for any fan awaiting the return, but it did show promise for future episodes. Previews of the season show that plenty of action and drama are sure to come. The highlight of the first episode of season three was the sneak preview of clips for next week’s zombie adventures. The season return played as a slow setup, so if you missed it, you didn’t miss much. But make sure to get caught up quickly, because once the remainder of the season hits its stride, things are going to go down hard.

- Trevor Airola, Chico

• Commentaries should be limited to 500 to 700 words and are subject to editing for length and clarity. Please include your phone number.

• Letters to the editor should be limited to fewer than 300 words, must include writer’s name and phone number (for verification) and are subject to condensation. Please include your year in school and major, or your business title.

- Compiled by Trevor Platt

• The Orion does not publish anonymous letters, letters that are addressed to a third party or letters that are in poor taste. The opinions expressed by The Orion’s columnists do not necessarily reflect those of The Orion or its staff.


opinions all week @

WedneSday, Feb. 13, 2013

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Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975


WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13, 2013

Wildcat closer challenges opposing hitters Jake Martin Staff Writer

After pitching for Chabot College’s baseball team for two years, getting dropped by Cal State Long Beach and getting drafted by the Kansas City Royals, senior pitcher Mike Botelho arrived at Chico State last winter. The right-hander put up solid numbers and was named to the All-Golden Gate Conference second team in 2010 while at Chabot College in Hayward. In the same year, Botelho also received a phone call from the Kansas City Royals, letting him know he had been selected in the 2010 Major League Baseball amateur draft. “It was definitely one of the most amazing moments of my life,” he said. But after careful consideration, the pitcher decided he wanted to instead play more college baseball and get a degree. In 2011, he was given a full scholarship to Cal State Long Beach, where he red-shirted his first year. But when some of his community college credits didn’t transfer, he was told he would be unable to play.

Former Chico State baseball coach the team and the staff.” Mike Hartman and current head coach After moving to Chico, Botelho Dave Taylor heard about Botelho and quickly befriended the team’s senior chose to pursue him for the 2012 Wild- catcher, Ben Manlove. The two have cat roster. been roommates ever since. “We felt like he could be a starter Botelho is an effective closer because or a reliever,” Taylor said. “We didn’t he is a tenacious, clutch performer who have a true closer, so remains calm and the opportunity to get doesn’t let things get to a front-line guy like him, Manlove said. “You get to go right at that, we jumped at it.” “Honestly, I think guys and challenge Last season, with hitters are intimidated Botelho on the roster, by him,” he said. “After them and see if they the Chico State baselast season, guys defcan hit it.” ball team enjoyed a initely know who he Mike Botelho 40-19 record, earned is.” Senior pitcher a conference title and Botelho was lightswon the National Colout as a closer, with a legiate Athletic Association Division II 1.50 ERA. He finished the 2012 season West Region. The team also made it to without allowing a single run in his the College World Series before its sea- last eight relief appearances. He also son ended. won his lone game as a starter. Botelho’s personality and menThe senior had the second most tal toughness make him great, Taylor game appearances of the team with 22 said. and had 13 saved games, the most for “He’s been a great addition to our a Chico State pitcher since 2007. His pitching staff,” he said. “Not only just number of saves also allowed him to what he does on the field, but this year, place seventh overall in saves for an as a captain, he’s taken a little bit more NCAA Division II closer. of a leadership role. He’s been great for At 6 feet 3 inches tall with a 230-

pound frame, Botelho is an imposing figure. But the deadliest part of his arsenal may be his fastball, which clocks in at over 90 mph. “You get to go right at guys and challenge them and see if they can hit it,” Botelho said, smiling. “It’s definitely the easiest way to go, no fooling around with anything else.” Even if a big hit or run is given up, the best thing to do is forget about it and simply keep pitching, he said. Prior to this season’s start, Botelho was named a preseason first team AllWest Region player, and while he looks to help the ’Cats get back to the College World Series, he will have another shot to be drafted by an MLB team. The idea of passing up a chance to play at the professional level is unheard of for most collegiate pitchers, but Botelho is happy with his choice. “I wanted to get some more college under my belt, get a little closer to a degree, play some college baseball,” he said. “I don’t think I regret that decision at all.” Jake Martin can be reached at

Fastball Senior Wildcat pitcher Mike Botelho’s fastball clocks in between 89 and 93 mph and is based around both speed and power. This pitch is used to get ahead in the count or throw a strike.

Curveball The pitcher grips the ball like a cup and throws this pitch at about 75 mph. It is thrown with a forward spin, causing the ball to dive in a downward motion. The amount of break on the ball depends on how hard Botelho can snap the throw off.

Change-up Botelho throws a circle change-up at about 73 mph. It is thrown with the thumb and index finger in a circle formation. The change-up is an off-speed pitch that will break down and away or down and inside, depending on the batter facing it.

the orion •PHOTOgRAPHs BY Meaghan Silva

Looking beyond team loyalties to appreciate true beauty of big picture Trevor Platt sports editor

The Clean-up Spot I’ll clear this up right now, Northern California: I’m a die-hard, blue-bleeding Dodgers fan. With baseball around the corner, I can’t wait for the opening pitch. But let’s face it — the last few years didn’t exactly go my way. Watching my favorite team break a record is extremely enjoyable, while watching my favorite team’s rival break a record is not. In both scenarios I get to see history being made, but I am obviously a little more invested in my team’s advancement than in others’. But when does the pleasure of watching great games override my alliance to the

team? I’m not saying you have to be happy when Many exciting records were broken all your rivalling team wins, but sometimes you around baseball last season. I was able to have to stand up and realize that being an watch Mike Trout rise to complete the best enthusiast of a game comes before being a rookie season ever. I was also able to see fan of a particular team. the first Triple Crown winner It is amazing to see since 1967 in Miguel Cabrera. records being set. They are Then I watched the San what make sports teams It is amazing to see Francisco Giants do some great. records being set. They things. I have noticed that we are what make sports While I never want to sometimes hold our team watch the Giants win, I was affiliations over watching teams great. forced to look at myself as a what an incredible thing a fan and address a few things. new record really is. As a baseball fan, I have to I have watched and respect the history of the sport. So even if the enjoyed many records set by athletes, regardGiants win, I have to respect Matt Cain’s per- less of whether they were on my team or fect game. playing against it. I have to acknowledge the fact that the In 2007, Antonio Cromartie of the San Giants made up the first team in the National Diego Chargers set a record for longest kick League to ever come back from an 0-2 start in return of 109 yards against the Minnesota the National League Divisional Series to win Vikings. Cromartie made this noteworthy that series and the World Series. run off of a missed field goal attempt, so it

was not a record for longest actual kickoff return. I’m a Vikings fan, so because of this record, I understood the pain of 49ers fans as they watched Jacoby Jones of the Baltimore Ravens run away with a 108-yard kickoff return in the Super Bowl. Not only did Jones tie the record, he also became the first player to return a kickoff for 108 yards twice. No one ever wants to see their team lose and no one ever wants to watch their rivals do well, but sometimes we have to accept athletic achievement as a fun part of sports. Fans should remember why they fell in love with a sport and realize that no matter where loyalties lie, these physical achievements are rare. Sometimes we have to just sit back and watch history in the making. Trevor Platt can be reached at

B2 |


WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013

sports all week @

Volleyball club moves past 0-3 start WEEK


Photo courtesy of wildcats athletics

of the

TROY NEIMAN #22 senior right-handed pitcher Year






‘1 2013


6.0 0.00






Total 1-0


Chico State



Troy Neiman Position: Pitcher Class: Senior Height: 6 feet, 6 inches

The Castiac native pitched for two years at College of the Canyons in Valencia before transfering to Chico State. After receiving an All-CCAA mention in 2012, the senior began his 2013 season by pitching six of the seven innings for the first no-hitter in Chico State baseball history.

W ild C ats STAT ’CAT


(Baseball) The first no-hitter in Chico State history was pitched in the second game of the Wildcats’ doubleheader against the Academy of Art University Saturday.


(Baseball) The Wildcats began the season by sweeping he Academy of Art University. They only allowed three runs all weekend.


(WOMEN’S BASKETBALL) The Wildcats won four straight games on the road and are now riding a fivegame win streak.


(MEN’S BASKETBALL) Junior guard Rashad Parker, senior guard Damario Sims and junior forward Amir Carraway combined for 49 points in Saturday’s game to end the ’Cats’ losing streak.

should be doing. It shows us how our practices are working, and it Staff Writer shows our progress.” Echoes of cheers and whistles Despite only having one win so flooded Shurmer Gym last month, far, it is early in the season and the signifying the start of the season team remains optimistic about the for the Chico State men’s club vol- rest of the season. leyball club. The five seniors on the roster The team fell to Sacramento have embraced this year as a time State, UC Davis and UC Berkeley to welcome the younger players to in its opening Northern California the program. Collegiate Volleyball League games “We have some guys who have during the weekend of Jan. 25. played together for a while,” “It was rough,” said Stu Chap- Chapman said. “As an older guy, man, a senior outside hitter. “We integrating the freshmen and weren’t playing as a team, but we watching them progress and get worked really hard in practice to better — it’s fun.” turn it around.” With their senior leadership The team has since channeled and a range of talent distributed its energy into focusing on defense throughout the roster of new and and basic funreturning playdamentals of the ers, the Wildcats game, because the expect to compete If we get on a roll as a members hope to at the National team, we can build a dig themselves Championships out of the 0-3 seaheld April 4 to 6 in fire quickly and build son start in the senior setoff of it. With that and Dallas, conference. ter Richard Thao good players stepping said. The next test came in a match “If we get on a up, we are really against the roll as a team, we strong. Sonoma State Seacan build a fire wolves in Sonoma quickly and build Tanner Ruhlen on Feb. 2. off of it,” Ruhlen Sophomore middle blocker With improved said. “With that serving and effecand good players tive blocking, the stepping up, we Wildcats defeated the Seawolves in are really strong.” three sets, 25-22,25-22 and 25-21. The team has shifted its attenThe team improved play overall, tion toward raising money to cover and standout performances from the costs of the trip it hopes to take middle blockers sophomore Tanner to nationals. Ruhlen and freshman Zach HanThe team members are in the lon allowed the Wildcats to clinch process of planning multiple the much-needed first win of the fundraisers over the course of the season. season. They are selling T-shirts “Winning should be the expec- and calendars and will host fundtation,” Ruhlen said. “It’s what we raiser nights at local businesses to Emily Duran

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY Riley Mundia

Netting a win Sophomore Tanner Ruhlen helped the ’Cats end a three-game losing streak with solid play in the 25-22, 25-22, 25-21 victory over Sonoma State’s team. The ’Cats will be back on the court Saturday at Fresno State. earn money for the trip. Chico State will begin the first of two tournaments on the road this weekend at Fresno State, followed by next weekend’s tournament at UC Davis. The team will then

return home to play in another match against Sonoma State on Feb. 22. Emily Duran reached at

Men’s lacrosse team rebuilds with young roster


Brandon Eiges Staff Writer

With the start of the new season on the horizon, the Chico State men’s lacrosse team is on the hunt for victory, despite its youth. First-year head coach Dan Metoyer is also new to the team and is eager to see what the squad could possibly do this season, he said. “Some new players that I’m excited for are Toby Harvey, Robby Blethen, Cooper Wilce and Curtis Bowden,” he said. “But really, every new person on the team has a lot of room to grow and make us better.” Of the 25 players on the roster, 19 are new to the team. “We have six guys from last year’s team who came back,” Metoyer said. “Everyone else is new.” Of the six returning players, the Wildcats retained fifth-year player and two-time all conference defender Frank Cuneo. “There is a lot of youthful energy right now compared to my last four years,” he said. “That is making everyone work harder and keep a good attitude.” Every season, veteran players leave and new recruits join college teams throughout the country, Metoyer said. “Technically, we are in the same place as most schools,” he said. The Wildcats are currently ranked No. 25 in the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association Top-25 to start the season, but a top ranking doesn’t mean much for the team, Metoyer said. The coach will focus on the fundamentals of lacrosse and the players’ ability to work together as a team, rather than as individuals, he said. This is also something team president Ryan Seidel is working toward. “We’re going to be bringing something

Chico State’s men’s lacrosse team just made the cut on the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association’s Top-25 list by placing 25th. Four other teams in its conference also placed.

SOURCE •Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse AssociAtion

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY Michelle Reinmuth

youth movement The Chico State men’s lacrosse team is looking to build off of last year’s strong season, despite 19 new additions to the squad. fresh,” Seidel said. “As president, I want to instill more of a group and team atmosphere instead of how it was last year. It was very individualistic.” The WCLL features seven teams, and five of them are ranked in the Men’s Collegiate Lacrosse Association Top-25. Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s team is projected

to finish at the top of the conference with UC Berkeley, Stanford University, Sonoma State and Chico State following. UC Davis and Santa Clara University are the other two teams in the conference, although they did not place in the Top-25. “I expect us to finish No. 1,” Seidel said. The Chico State team finished last season with a fourth-place finish in the WCLL, an overall record of 8-5 and a 3-3 record in conference play. The 2012 season ended for the Wildcats in the first round of the WCLL conference playoffs with a loss to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s squad. “What a lot of people don’t know is that we were beating them until the last quarter,” Seidel said. “Our depth killed us.” The team opens play against the No. 21 Simon Fraser University Clan at 8 p.m. Friday at University Stadium. The Orion can be reached at

Standings Men’s BasketBall CCAA Cal Poly Pomona 15-1 Cal State San Bernardino 13-3 San Francisco State 11-5 Cal State L.A. 9-7 Chico State 8-8 Cal State Dominguez Hills 8-8 UC San Diego 8-8 Sonoma State 7-9 Humboldt State 5-11 Cal State Stanislaus 4-12 Cal State Monterey Bay 4-12 Cal State East Bay 4-12

Overall 19-1 15-4 13-7 12-8 11-9 12-11 9-10 9-11 9-11 7-13 8-15 5-15

Women’s Basketball CCAA Overall Chico State 14-2 18-2 UC San Diego 13-3 15-8 Cal State Monterey Bay 12-4 15-4 Cal State L.A. 9-7 14-9 Cal Poly Pomona 9-7 11-9 Cal State East Bay 9-7 11-9 San Francisco State 7-9 10-10 Cal State San Bernardino 7-9 9-11 Cal State Dominguez Hills 6-10 7-13 Humboldt State 5-11 9-13 Sonoma State 4-12 6-14 Cal State Stanislaus 1-15 2-19

Baseball Cal Poly Pomona Cal State East Bay Cal State San Bernardino Chico State UC San Diego Sonoma State Cal State Monterey Bay Cal Stae Dominguez Hills Cal State Stanislaus Cal State L.A. San Francisco State

CCAA 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

GAMES THIS WEEK Men’s Basketball

Friday, 7:30 p.m.


Cal State San Bernardino CCAA 13-3 (15-4 OVERALL)

Saturday, 7:30 p.m.


UC san diego

CCAA 8-8 (9-10 OVERALL)

WOMEN’S Basketball Friday, 5:30 p.m.


Cal State San Bernardino CCAA 7-9 (9-11 OVERALL)

Saturday, 5:30 p.m.


UC san Diego

CCAA 13-3 (15-8 OVERALL)


Friday, 12 p.m.


Cal state Dominguez Hills Saturday, 11 a.m.


Cal state Dominguez Hills (DH) Sunday, 11 a.m.



Overall 7-0 6-0 5-0 3-0 4-1 3-1 5-2 3-2 3-4 2-3 2-4


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WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013

| B3

in case you missed it

the orion • photograph by brett edwards

Safe Infielder Cody Webber slides into home plate to score a run. The baseball team is undefeated so far this season, with four victories against Academy of Art University.

Wildcat teams find success in weekend road trips Brett Appley Staff Writer

Baseball The Chico State team opened its season with a dominant series against Academy of Art University that featured the first no-hitter in Chico State baseball history. Now 4-0, the ’Cats played their first game Friday and earned a decisive 10-2 win. Starting pitcher Ryan O’Shea had a solid performance, pitching four innings with six strikeouts. The bullpen recorded another eight strikeouts and only gave up two hits in the process. First baseman Eric Angerer hit a gamechanging three-run homer in the third inning, giving the Wildcats the lead. Catcher Ben Manlove also notched a two-run shot in the fifth inning as Chico State pulled away. The Wildcats continued the pace established Friday during Saturday’s doubleheader with a 7-1 victory powered by a three-run double from Manlove in the ninth inning. In the nightcap of the doubleheader, pitcher Troy Neiman and closer Chris Rodriguez combined to pitch the first no-hitter in Chico State baseball history. The chance of a perfect game ended in the fourth inning on an error, but that didn’t deter the Wildcats from setting a record on the field. Junior catcher Jake Bailey and junior outfielder Ryne Clark each had three RBIs in the 13-0 shutout.

In the Sunday finale, the Wildcats earned an 8-3 win behind pitcher Nick Baker’s nine strikeouts. Designated hitter Cody Webber and pinch-hitter Austin Prott each tallied a pair of RBIs in the victory. Chico State will continue on the road for the first California Collegiate Athletic Association match up of the season, starting at noon, Friday against Cal State Dominguez Hills. Men’s basketball After a tough road loss to San Francisco State on Friday, the men’s basketball team bounced back from a three-game losing streak to defeat Sonoma State on the road on Saturday. Chico State started the weekend with the 63-59 loss to San Francisco State, and the team was forced to play catch-up for most of the game. The Wildcats didn’t make their first field goal until four minutes into the first half. San Francisco State finished the first on a 12-1 run and led 38-29 at halftime. Sophomore forward Jordan Semple led Chico State with 15 points off of the bench, but it wasn’t enough to complete the comeback. In the final game of the road trip, the Wildcats defeated Sonoma State 71-60. Chico State was down 30-22 at halftime but fought back to walk away with the win. The ’Cats dominated the latter half of the game behind junior forward Amir Carraway, who finished with 20 points and five

rebounds. Senior guard Damario Sims shot 6-8 from the field and recorded 17 points. The Wildcats are now 11-9 overall and in a three-way tie for fifth place in the California Collegiate Athletic Association with a conference record of 8-8. The ’Cats return home to face Cal State San Bernardino on Friday in Acker Gym.

Monnie Davidson-Mays had a strong game, with 11 points, seven rebounds and three steals. Annie Ward led the team with 12 points. The women’s team will next play against Cal State San Bernardino at home on Friday. Brett Appley can be reached at

Women’s basketball The women’s basketball team finished its four-game road trip with two victories against San Francisco State and Sonoma State this weekend. The wins improved the Wildcats’ record to 18-2 overall and 14-2 in the CCAA. Chico State started the weekend with a 54-53 victory against San Francisco State. The Wildcats were forced to rally in the second half after trailing 30-22 but scored 12 unanswered points in the second half, giving them the lead. The Gators had possession with 19 seconds left in the game and a chance to win, but good defense by Chico State forced the miss and earned the Wildcats the victory. Junior guard Jazmine Miller led the team with 16 points, and Hannah Womack had a solid performance with 14 points. The team continued its strong play Saturday with a dominant win against Sonoma State 66-48. Defense was essential in Saturday’s matchup, as the Wildcats held the Seawolves to only 15 points by halftime.

GAME 1 (Baseball) Academy of Art University Chico State


Academy of Art University


Chico State



Academy of Art University Chico State


Academy of Art University


Chico State


GAME 1 (Men’s basketball) San Francisco State


Chico State



Sonoma State


Chico State


GAME 1 (Women’s basketball) San Francisco State


Chico State



Sonoma State


Chico State


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B4 |

WedneSday, Feb. 13, 2013


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WEDNESDAY, FEB. 13, 2013

Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975

Christine Lee Staff Writer


crazy dog Owner John Geiger has been selling hot dogs in Chico for 13 years.

Crazy Dog

This stand is owned by Chico State alumnus John Geiger, who has been selling hot dogs in town for 13 years. Students who come by his cart near the Student Services Center are appreciative, Geiger said. “A lot of them don’t have time to go anywhere else, so this is a quick place,” he said. Other vendors have tried to set up shop near Crazy Dog but did not succeed because of Geiger’s loyal customers, he said. Eva Sandoval, a freshman biology major, buys a hot dog from Crazy Dog at least once a week and was first introduced to the stand by her older siblings who attended Chico State before her. “Since I’ve always been used to this one, I stay faithful to the Crazy Dog,” she said. Sandoval tasted her first Crazy Dog last summer and has been a loyal customer ever since. Andy McDonald, a junior business administration major, said he eats from Crazy Dog every Tuesday and Thursday. “I’m loyal to the man,” he said. “I don’t know him well, but he seems like a nice guy.” The convenience of grabbing food at the hot dog stand is more appealing than buying food at the student stores, McDonald said. Geiger won’t share his exact percentage of profits but said it is probably higher than a regular restaurant because of his circle of student, staff and faculty customers. His menu has seven types of hot dogs, and he sells them every weekday from 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. He has a secret menu on Facebook and also sells at the Chico Farmer’s Market.

Students are always flocking to the enormous, colorful umbrellas that overshadow steel carts with steaming hot dogs. The Hungry Hound and Crazy Dog are the two dominant hot dog vendors near campus, and both carts are popular choices for customers looking for a quick bite to eat. The two salesmen behind the hot dog stands are friendly with one another and even occasionally exchange emails about pricing trends in the hot dog business. The following is a tale of two vendors who spend their days between two buns to feed their loyal customers and passersby.

Crazy Dog prices: Crazy dog: $2.50 Double dog: $3.50 Polish dog: $3.75 Spicy dog: $3.75 Vegetarian: $3.75 (Add cheese, bacon or chili for 75 cents each)

The Hungry Hound prices: Veggie dog: $3 Hungry Hound: $3 Polish dog: $3.50 Hot link: $3.50 Pup (Turkey dog on a regular bun): $1.50 Hoagie Roll: $1.75

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY rachel cahill

hungry hound Mark Dicus serves hot dogs to students and staff outside of Holt Hall.

The Hungry Hound

This cart, located near Holt Hall, is owned by Chicoan Mark Dicus, who has been selling hot dogs for nearly eight years. Dicus prefers not to consider himself in competition with Crazy Dog and keeps his relationship with Geiger friendly. He sells slightly cheaper hot dogs, but Dicus plans to raise prices in the fall, because food prices are going up. The Hungry Hound makes profits of about 52 percent, despite competition from downtown businesses. One-third of his daily profits are from Chico High School students, and two-thirds are from Chico State students. Regular customer Tiffany Henkle, a senior psychology major, buys a hot dog from The Hungry Hound every day or every other day, she said. “All my classes are on this side of the campus, and this stand is a perfect stop for me to eat,” she said. Emilio Martinez, who has a two-hour break between classes, eats at The Hungry Hound two to three times a week. “I like the hot links here because there’s a better spice to them,” Martinez said. “Every time he has a new hot link, he’ll give me a free one to try it out.” The prices of energy drinks at the stand are better than those at the student stores on campus, he said. “Students support me, because I’m independent,” Dicus said. Customers can chose from five main hot dogs on his menu weekdays from 10:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. His cart leaves 1 p.m. Fridays. The Orion can be reached at

Alumnus returns brush to Taylor Hall mural April, the original Taylor Hall, along with “Academe,” could be demolished in late May. The mural on the east side of Taylor Hall Chico State has been planning to replace is hard to miss. With its illusion of a broken Taylor Hall for the last 20 years, because it is wall that reveals Greek columns within, in need of new roof panels and plumbing. it has become a well known landmark on Pugh will once again take his brush to campus. the campus, once the new Taylor building But few know that the artist who painted is erected. the mural 32 years ago was once a Chico “I have no doubts that the university State student. has a good reason to approve that at all,” John Pugh painted “Academe” while Pugh said. “I think the solution that we’ve attending Chico State, and he graduated come up with is a good solution all the way with a bachelor’s degree in art two years around.” later in 1983. Many community members are upset that “Academe” uses the style of trompe l’oeil, the mural cannot be saved, said Michael which means “to deceive the eye.” Realistic Magliari, a Chico State history professor who images are used to create illusions of threeopposed having Pugh repaint the mural. He dimensional artwork. coordinated Chico Heritage Association’s “I had my eye on that wall in particular, campaign to save the original mural. because I liked its location,” Pugh said. “In “We’ve lost his original work and once the designing process, I had a dream about the wrecking ball smashes it to smithereens that wall, and it was breaking open to show that’s it, it’s gone forever,” Magliari said. the columns.” “For historic preservation, a replica can The mural represents the scholarly comnever replace the loss of the original.” munity of ancient Greece, he said. The Teresa Cotner, chair of the Chico State Greek academy is the cornerstone of the art department, agrees with the decieducational system, and it is breaking sion to have the mural repainted, she said. through the modern educational facade. “His trompe l’oeil style is very impressive “What determines a successful piece of to the greater community,” she said. “We public art is that people are getting a concept have an excellent mural in comparison to from the artwork, and I’m not telling them really anything that anybody might use as what it means,” Pugh said. “The viewer is a comparative measure.” free to have their own interpretation.” The current mural wouldn’t have lasted The art piece launched long anyway, Pugh said. Pugh’s career, and he is The materials he intends “It’s not ‘Anytown, U.S.A.,’ now an internationally to use for the new one will something that you might known muralist. provide a longevity the curfind anywhere, but it’s His murals are displayed rent mural does not have. something unique to on buildings and freeway “I know which colors will underpasses in many Calhold up better than other Chico.” ifornia towns, including colors from experience,” john pugh Bishop, Dublin, Merced, he said. “We’re allowing Muralist Los Altos, San Jose and it to stand into the next Tehachapi, according to generation.” Pugh’s website. Pugh has already started preparing for He has also worked on murals throughthe new mural, he said. out the United States and overseas in New “It’s in my studio now,” he said. “I’ll probZealand and Taiwan. ably start painting on it again in about a However, “Academe” will not be on disyear, at least six months before the new play for much longer. building is expected to be complete.” If the university’s Taylor Hall II project is Pugh’s life would be sublime if he could included in a bond sale that is expected in spend all of his time painting, he said. Nicole D’Souza Staff Writer

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY brett edwards

artistic alumnus Muralist and Chico State art graduate John Pugh will repaint his famous, 32-year-old “Academe” piece once construction of the new Taylor Hall is completed. Unfortunately, being an artist is a business like any other. “An artist is like an octopus,” he said. “You have to have your hands into being a small business, into public relations, into legal situations, into marketing, into accounting.” He also gets commissions from different countries and finds that the most exciting aspect of his job is working with and learning about different cultures. “It takes me off the beaten track of what a tourist might see,” Pugh said. “By the time I develop a concept and I finish the piece, I feel deeply connected to the culture there.” The artist has worked with many interns during his career, many of whom are students who want to go into similar careers. He often develops professional relationships

with them. “It’s a real symbiotic relationship,” Pugh said. “Each artist is climbing this ladder, and we can work together and learn from each other. I don’t believe in holding anything back. It’s a community.” “Academe” is the most popular mural in Chico, a city that prides itself on its public art, Magliari said. The painting launched a culture in Chico, evident from the many murals that decorate the downtown area. “My hope is that it creates a sense of place,” Pugh said. “It’s not ‘Anytown, U.S.A.,’ something that you might find anywhere, but it’s something unique to Chico.” The Orion can be reached at

B6 |

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WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013


Students overcome gender stereotypes Sex is not a factor when determining future career path Jessica Bauer Staff Writer

There’s no denying that some majors and fields of study are dominated by members of one particular sex, such as nursing, engineering and construction management. Sex segregation, the phenomena that causes males and females to gravitate toward different occupations, starts early and continues throughout work lives, according to Michael S. Kimmel, author of “The Gendered Society.” There are many Chico State students breaking the mold and following their career paths regardless of whether it’s the road less taken for members of their sex. Students are drawn toward certain majors because of the gender binary that starts at a young age, said Morgan Covington, a senior psychology major and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer program coordinator for the Gender and Sexuality Equity Center. “There is so much morgan covington socialization and enculLGBTQ program turation,” Covington coordinator for said. GSEC She thinks women are told they are more emotional and caring, while men are told to be smarter and more logical. To bridge the gap, majors can start by making it clear to students that their field is open to those of any gender, Covington said. One idea she suggests is to have an equal showing of gender among faculty. “If you only see, for example, a male dean of the department or male professors, then that can be really discouraging,” she said. Covington believes this also applies to men who might not feel included in female-dominated majors.

“Reflecting the fact that we do have men and women in all majors and being able to show this to students will make it more accessible to them,” she said. Alex Casarez: junior nursing major Casarez occasionally gets mocked for his field of study, but it doesn’t bother him much. “My sister always calls me Gaylord Focker,” he said with a laugh. “But it rolls off the shoulders.” The profession may be Alex casarez counterintuitive for some Junior nursing major men, Casarez said. “It’s about caring for someone and having that nurturing aspect, and I think that naturally people associate that with being more feminine.” Shelby O’Reilly-Gronke: senior construction mangement major O’Reilly-Gronke’s classrooms are dominated by both male professors and peers, and she is the only female in two of her classes, she said. The five-year male to female average enrollment in the construction Shelby O’Reillymanagement major at Gronke Chico State is 517 males Senior construction management to 37 females, according major to the university’s institutional research data. “I think there are so few girls because right now it’s looked at as a male-dominated major,” she said. “But I believe that girls should look into construction, being that we are a minority.” The Orion can be reached at

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY michelle reinmuth

documentary duo Mark Oliver and James Langford captured a town’s history in “Lincoln Heights.”

Film revisits racial trials Zachary Coyl S TA F F W R I T E R

Nathan Glover has lived through the civil rights movement and experienced segregation firsthand, but for one evening in Ayres Hall, his story was just one of many collected together. Chico State’s university film series’ first event of the semester, shown Feb. 5, was a special screening of “From the Quarters to Lincoln Heights.” The film’s director, Mark Oliver, was in attendance. The documentary presents a chapter of forgotten history in the West, that of the African-American experience in the northwestern part of California. An audience of several students and older couples, some silver-haired, watched with quiet attentiveness punctuated by chuckles and laughter. Interestingly, the film’s title is in reference to the area in which the African-American population of Weed, Calif., lived: the Quarters, which was renamed Lincoln Heights at the tail end of the civil rights movement, Oliver said. How such a large black population ended up in Weed sparked the director’s curiosity and led to a conversation with jazz musician Victor Martin, which in turn inspired the film. The film answers the question as it progresses. After the logging business slowed in the early 1900s, timber companies in the South moved their employees, including hundreds of African-Americans, west

to Northern Californian towns to find work. The film chronicles the racially charged trials and successes of African-Americans living in theses rural company towns and, to a larger extent, Weed. The stories of these migrants and their children are told through spoken narratives, old photos and grainy reenactments of various interviews. With any documentary comes the challenge of keeping the audience engaged, and to this extent, the director is mostly successful. The film’s account covers the early 1900s until present day, stopping along the way to examine various aspects of life for the black population, ranging from baseball to the civil rights movement in Northern California. From its opening scene, an idyllic tour of Weed, to its charming credits, the film satisfies. The evening closed with questions from the audience for Oliver and the film’s co-producer James Langford, Weed’s first black elementary school teacher. Despite the movie winning Best Film at the 26th Black International Cinema festival in Berlin, Oliver is proudest of something else. “If I am proud of anything, it’s making the information available,” he said. “This was a segment of the population who never got to tell their stories.” Zachary Coyl can be reached at


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READERS, DIGEST: Quinoa with Latin Flavors keen-wah This South Africanbased grain contains all 22 standard amino acids and can be served as a healthy, spicy side dish, especially after adding Latin ingredients.

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY alexandra archuleta

is especially rich in lysine — the amino acid that aids healthy tissue growth throughout the body. I know what you’re thinking: Blah, blah, blah, healthy talk. This food sounds too healthy and wholesome to fit into your everyday life, right? Wrong. Quinoa is just as versatile as rice. Pair it with honey and dried fruit as a hearty breakfast to start the day, or serve it cold with chopped bell peppers and basil for a crisp fresh salad. With this recipe, I’m going to let my Latin side shine through and spice up the universal seed.

Alexandra Archuleta Food Columnist

Quinoa has been a part of my regular diet for as long as I can remember, so when I came to Chico State and none of my friends had heard of it, much less tried it before, I was shocked. Quin-what? It’s quinoa. Pronounced keen-wah, for those of you who are unfamiliar with this increasingly popular seed. Miscategorized as a grain, this super healthy food is actually a seed of a grainlike crop with South African roots. Quinoa is packed with protein, making it optimal for a post-workout meal. It contains all 22 standard amino acids and

Alexandra Archuleta can be reached at

WHAT YOU NEED: ● 1 cup quinoa ● 2 teaspoons canola oil ● 1 medium onion, chopped ● 1 4-ounce can chopped green chiles ● 2 cloves garlic, minced ● 1 14-ounce can reduced-sodium chicken broth

● ● ● ●

3/4 cup coarsely chopped fresh cilantro 1/2 cup chopped scallions 2 tablespoons lime juice 1/4 teaspoon salt

| B7

WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013

Cures for homesick blues more on missing home

Yzel Romo Staff Writer

Home is where the heart is, but the temporary stack of bricks college students reside in doesn’t always compensate for the feeling of home. Some students are only a couple of hours away from their hometown, while others are countries away. Regardless of how far, there’s no place like home. Koki Nakatani, a sophomore English major, is originally from Japan, and this is his first semester away from his family there. “My town is so small and there is great nature, but it is so far from my university,” Nakatani said. “I miss my family.” He hopes to meet more people in the United States and to make friends. Even California natives can feel homesick in Chico. “I occupy myself with fun stuff,” said Kimberly Palacios, a freshman pre-nursing student whose family lives in Riverside. “I hang out with my roommates all the time.” Palacios and her roommates attend school events, go downtown or have dinner together. She encourages students to cope with the transition of moving away by becoming more involved on campus through clubs and new relationships. But freshmen are not the only ones who feel homesick. Regardless of age or year, nostalgia can strike at any time during the semester. “When I feel homesick, I let my friends know how I am feeling and usually they pull me out of my room and make me do something,” said Miranda Baker, a junior criminal justice and political science major. “I usually stay really busy to avoid being homesick. I am involved in a few committees, a Community Legal Information Center internship and my job.” The Chico State Counseling Center in Student Services Center Room 430 is one solution the university offers to help students deal with the blues. It offers free counseling and handouts full of information. Walk-in hours are Monday through Friday from 10 to 11:30 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Students can also set up appointments. “Talking about it is a great first step,” counselor Stephanie Chervinko said. “Counseling can always help, and we are available to talk with students about homesickness.” Getting involved can also make Chico State feel like home. Spending time with friends, joining clubs or going to events hosted by the university are all methods of overcoming the longing for family and familiar environments.

Signs of homesickness: • Feeling upset or having low energy • Distancing yourself from others • Changed eating habits • Change in sleeping patterns • Constantly thinking about home and struggling to keep up with academics • Getting angry easily • Not liking current environment • Going out to party more than usual • Turning to drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism

Healthy ways to cope: • Remember that you are transitioning to a new life and your feelings will change • Communicate with family and friends back home through phone calls and email • Add activities to your days and weeks • Join a club • Invite friends to hang out and do fun activities • Try exercising • Remind yourself of other transitions that you have overcome • Focus on the future and the new start you are creating instead of reminiscing on past events • Talk to someone you trust or with a counselor at the Counseling Center

SOURCE • Chico state counseling center

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HOW TO MAKE IT: 1. Toast quinoa in a large dry skillet over medium heat for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring often, until it crackles. Transfer to a sieve and rinse thoroughly. 2. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and cook, stirring often, until softened for 2 to 3 minutes. Add chiles and garlic. Cook and stir for 30 seconds. Add the quinoa and broth, and bring it to a simmer. Reduce heat to maintain a simmer for 20 to 25 minutes. Cover and cook until most of the liquid has been absorbed. 3. Add cilantro, scallions, lime juice and salt to the quinoa. Mix gently. SOURCE • Eating Well Mobile

Trash to Treasure: Last-minute Valentine’s Day gift box Cierra Goldstein Upc ycling Columnist

If you’ve ever procrastinated before turning in an assignment, then you’ve surely felt that acute sense of panic when something goes wrong. It’s usually something as simple as forgetting to attach the required title page to your 20-page paper. With Valentine’s Day, it’s very similar.

Say you’ve got the perfect gift for your sweetheart. Maybe it’s some homemade candy or some jewelry, but you didn’t think to buy wrapping paper until it was too late. That’s where this simple six-step guide to crafting a heart-shaped calandar gift box comes in. I created a template for this box, which is available on Cierra Goldstein can be reached at

THE O-FACE: Risks and benefits of online dating

Chantal Richards Se x Columnist

Online dating was considered taboo until websites like OKCupid, and eHarmony stepped in to turn the idea into a multi-million dollar market. In the past decade, online dating services have grown 154 percent per year, according to All dating sites have advantages and disadvantages, and it is best to venture into this new-age dating realm with a clear idea of how things work. From setting up your profile to sifting through potential matches, dating online can be just as fun — and messy — as the real thing. With just a few clicks, you could snag a date in time for Valentine’s Day. With that said, here are a few tips for potential digital darlings who decide to pursue online dating. Liar liar, profile on fire There is always the risk of someone lying their way to an appealing profile in order to make it seem like they are some great, amazing person you need in your life. For all you know, the user claiming to be 20 could be 40 years old. Also, many users say they want a committed relationship, but some of them will be open to other options because they want to see what’s out there in the market. The Internet makes it difficult to discern truth from fiction. Deceit is everywhere. However, conducting your own background check on Facebook is a smart way to see if a Facebook profile correlates with what someone has stated on their dating profile. Google is also a good search tool if you sense deception. Meet in person Every dating site has some form of an algorithm that matches you to potential mates. The problem is that it matches you based on answers to questions that are either very bizarre like, “Do you prefer clean shaven or hairy?” or irrelevant ones like, “Half of all policemen are thieves and half of all policemen are murderers. Does it follow logically that all policemen are criminals?” Some questions leave you wondering what this has to do with meeting a potential mate. Algorithms in online dating

fail to address the full answer by giving you options instead of getting you to answer the question on your own. Most options don’t include relationship science but instead use more easily assessed answers. In the past year, online dating sites have started to include in-person meetings or have at least tried to make it easier for users to be social with one another. OKCupid recently launched a new app called “Crazy Blind Date.” With a jumbled photograph as a reference, you will have a date, possibly for every day of the week. We have all been taught about the stranger danger that comes with meeting someone in person for the first time. Be smart about it and tell people where you are going. Also, plot your escape route for the off-chance you meet the “Craigslist Killer.” One thought that can pop into your head while on a date with someone you met online is, “I can see why you would be on a dating site.” It’s best to keep this thought to yourself to make it less awkward. The great thing about online dating is that if the date goes god-awful, you don’t have to see the person ever again. Who uses online dating? So many different types of people use online dating in this day and age, including: • Retirees and divorcees who have joined the technologically savvy world and want to meet another lover in life to try to find the passion again • Soldiers who are deployed or moving constantly looking for an easier way to meet someone meaningful in their home country • People who have recently moved to a new area and are looking for both social friends and potential soulmates. • Young people who are tired of the bar scene • Busy people, those who have no time to go out and be social, grave-shift workers, parents No matter which site you use, you’re bound to find the right match after the usual ups and downs of any relationship. Valentine’s Day is upon us, and if you are fretting not having a lover, dating sites are available for you to use. Chantal Richards can be reached at

the orion •PHOTOgRAPH BY cierra goldstein

Gift box Your old calendar pages can be transformed into gift boxes for candy, jewelry or other assorted goods to surprise your significant other with this Valentine’s Day.

MATERIALS: • Box template from • Printer • Scissors or X-Acto knife and cutting surface • Pen or pencil • Old calendar with pretty pictures, at least 11-by-11 • White or stick glue (optional)

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Download and print the template. It doesn’t matter what kind of paper you print it on, because it will be used like a stencil. 2. Cut the pattern out on the solid lines. 3. Trace around the edges with pencil onto the back of the calendar image you want. 4. Cut image out along the edges. Cut the solid lined slits marked on the printed template. 5. Fold the calendar image up, using the dotted lines on the printed template as guides, keeping the design side of the image facing out. 6. Tuck the slits together to keep the box closed. If you prefer, glue the smallest flaps in place to solidify. Now you can use the box to hold sweets, treats or gifts for your Valentine.

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WedneSday, FEB. 13, 2013


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