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Chico State’s Independent Student Newspaper since 1975

Junior outfielder Britt Wright is bringing swagger and speed to Wildcat softball Story B1


Bale Folclorico de Bahia performs at Laxson Story C1 VOLUME 66 ISSUE 7



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Butte College student shot, suspect flees scene



One hundred new bicycle racks will be included in the Taylor Hall redesign, prompted by a survey conducted by the Office for Sustainable Development. The online survey, which closes today, is targeted at those who bike to campus. The survey is to find which type of bike rack works best for those who use them daily to inform future purchases. Old bicycle racks will be replaced in the redesign area as well, said Halli Bovia, Chico State’s Sustainability Coordinator. The information from the survey will be presented to Campus Transportation Committee, and then to Lori Hoffman, vice president for Business and Finance.

A Butte College student was shot in the chest 2 a.m. Sunday outside Cafe Culture on West Fifth Street. Khalil Abdulkarim, 20, was taken to Enloe Medical

Center for a gunshot wound, Chico Police Lt. Mike O’Brien said. The shooter fled the scene before police arrived. Abdulkarim, a 6-foot-3-inch 260-pound Butte College football player, had a brief exchange of words with the shooter in the parking lot of Cafe Culture

before the shooter fired a single shot to Abdulkarim’s upper chest, O’Brien said. Abdulkarim then ran to the nearby train station not realizing he had been shot, O’Brien said. Abdulkarim’s friends surrounded him as police and aid arrived on the scene which

delayed him aid for a short time. Abdulkarim is in “fair condition” as of Tuesday morning, said Christina Chavira, communications specialist for the hospital. Fair condition denotes stable vital signs within normal limits, consciousness and favorable indicators for survival.

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Source: Student Announcements

Andre Byik can be reached at

Women, men march against silence, abuse

Source: Office for Sustainable

The campus-wide blood drive is today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Bell Memorial Union auditorium. Sponsored by Staff Council and Epsilon Sigma Rho, the drive will be providing information and registration for those interested in donating bone marrow. For those interested in donating blood, participants must bring a photo ID, drink an ample amount of liquids, weigh at least 110 pounds and be in good health. Walk-ins are welcome at the drive, but those without an appointment can expect up to an hour wait. For more information contact the Staff Council office at 530-898-6156.

Chico police think there are more witnesses of the shooting and encourage anyone with information to call the Chico Police Department at 530-897-4900.


SHOUTING IN THE RAIN Junior sociology major and protest organizer Luis Munoz adds to the chants of “fight the beast” and “students united will never be divided” on the rainy afternoon of March 2. Students will bring a larger protest to Sacramento on March 14.

Group rallies to get student protesters to Sacramento march Andre Byik STAFF WRITER

Students that protested education cuts and tuition increases March 2 will bring

their displeasure to the State Capitol grounds Monday — but they may have a hard time getting there. Students and faculty from California college campuses will rally in protest of the proposed $1.4 billion cut to higher education from Gov. Jerry Brown during the March for Higher Education. The group that organized

the “Day of Action” protest last week, The People’s Mobilizing Committee, will have a table set up this week taking information from students who want to attend the rally in Sacramento, said protest organizer Luis Munoz, a junior sociology major. “I have my car and a couple other people with cars, so we could take at least 20, 30, 40

people down there just in our own cars,” Munoz said. The group said it was in talks with Associated Students to provide bus transportation to the march, but there isn’t enough student interest or money to warrant buses, said Nathan Brady, A.S. director of legislative affairs. Students can use the new >> please see RALLY | A6

Allies against domestic violence took back the night this Tuesday evening in a march through downtown Chico, defying stop signs and a stifling culture of silence. “We don’t stop for traffic, we don’t stop for anything,” said Katie Morley, a student intern at Planned Parenthood who worked to organize the event. The Take Back the Night march allows both men and women who have been targets of sexual, verbal, or physical assault to congregate and demonstrate solidarity against nighttime violence, according to Chico State’s website. A “Women Only Survivor Speak Out” meeting took place before the march where women talked about their experiences with sexual and physical assault, Morley said. No men were allowed in the meeting to create a judgmentfree environment in which women can discuss what happened to them. “You can tell people whatever you want,” she said. “No one judges you, there’s no one in there saying ‘Oh, she wanted it.’” There’s an unspoken acceptance of domestic violence that Take Back the Night is meant to shatter, wiping away the shame of being sexually assaulted, Morley said. “People shouldn’t feel >> please see NIGHT | A4

Measure could cut students from polls The Center for Ecosystem Research is hosting a Brown Bag Lunch Seminar from noon to 1:30 p.m., Thursday, in Holt Hall Room 157. The seminar will feature guest speaker Dr. John Nishio, director of the Professional Science Master’s, a graduate degree program. The relatively new program is an interdisciplinary degree that focuses on science and professional skills. The program is deigned to train students to acquire jobs in government agencies, technology-based companies and non-profit organizations. Advanced science training in fields such as agriculture, biology, chemistry and engineering are included in the program. For more information on the seminar contact Jennifer Rotnem at 530-898-5205. Source: Student Announcements

Orion Staff The proposal to change the Chico general municipal elections date is now in the hands of Chico voters come June 7. Measure A would change the election date from November to June. Proponents of the measure submitted 8,000 signatures, whereby 485 were verified, according to the City Council Agenda report from the March 1 meeting. The idea to circulate the petition was first presented to the council by Chico resident Stephanie Taber, Mayor Ann Schwab said. Taber could not be reached for comment. “It’s a mean-spirited power grab, pure and simple,” Schwab said. An ad hoc committee consisting of a few individuals, including councilmembers Mary Flynn and Scott Gruendl, will write an anti-Measure A piece


that will be in the Voter’s Guide for the June election, she said. Councilmember Andy Holcombe has also agreed to sign the completed draft. “Students may be gone, people are on vacation — it’s not just the students being disenfranchised,” she said. “It affects other members of the community as well.” The June election is expected to be more costly for the city, according to the research in ■ VIDEO Watch students’ the City CounAgenda response to Mea- cil sure A, a proposol report from the that would change March 1 meeting. The 2012 election day. June election would approximately cost the city $130,000 as opposed to an estimated $57,000 if it were held in November, the >> please see VOTE | A4

STUDY TIME IS MONEY Senior sociology major Walter Torrence and junior marketing major Anja Grueterich study in the CCLC in hopes of recieving a cash prize for their efforts. The incentive encourges students participating in CCLC programs to maintain their grades.

Cash prizes given for good grades THE ORION • RYAN RICHARDS

Alexander Seymour STAFF WRITER

The Cross-Cultural Leadership Center is giving students a way to convert study hours into cash prizes this semester. The CCLC began its new Academic Incentive

Program last week that creates a material benefit for students who find study motivations difficult to come by, CCLC logistics coordinator Jessica Belanger said. The new program was created after CCLC director Charles Carter had worries about the grades of >> please see STUDY | A6


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Tibetan monk returns to Chico State to create sand mandala Story D1

Inside the Church of Scientology Story C4

Visiting home comes at too high a price Story A8

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WEATHER >> today | partly cloudy

all temperatures are in Fahrenheit | source:

thursday | few showers

688 466

friday | mostly sunny

62 41

saturday | partly cloudy

644 411

sunday | mostly cloudy

633 422

61 466

monday | showers

tuesday | showers

61 42

62 42

WORLD NEWS >> A NASA scientist has revealed findings that he believes reveals fossil evidence of bacterial life within a meteorite. The study has the potential to change the face of the scientific community, and is being rigorously peerreviewed before its release in the Journal of Cosmetology. “No other paper in the history of science has undergone such a thorough vetting, and never before in the history of science has the scientific community been given the opportunity to critically analyze an important research paper before it is published,” said Dr. Rudy Schild, editor in chief of the Journal of Cosmetology.

Mexico — A police convoy transportJapan — Video footage from a new,

ing two prisoners through northern Mexico was assaulted by gunmen

incredibly lifelike android circulated

occupying about 20 different vehicles on

around the Internet on Monday, revealing

Monday evening, killing seven officers

the robot’s first, incredibly eerie smile.

and one prisoner. The attack occurred

The android, dubbed a “geminoid” by

outside the city of Guasave, said Sinaloa

its creator Hiroshi Ishiguro, is “designed

State Attorney General Marco Higuera.

France — Former French President

“It was practically a massacre,”

Jacques Chirac went on trial Monday for

Higuera said. “Initial reports indicate

allegedly embezzling money from the

there were 1,200 shell casings at the

city of Paris during his tenure as mayor


from 1977 to 1995. Chirac supposedly

Source: United Kingdom Press

to look exactly as its master, and is controlled through a computer system that replicates the facial movements of Libya — Britain and France are contemplating a UN resolution which would Australia — Claude “Chuckles”

establish a “no fly” zone over Libya, in

his political party, the RPR. Chirac, 78,

Choules, one of the last two known

response to the air strikes that Libyan

denies the charges. If found guilty, Chi-

surviving veterans of World War I, turned

leader Muammar Gaddafi has initiated

rac faces 10 years in prison and a roughly

110 last Thursday. Choules snuck into the

against rebels. The “no fly” zone would

$100,000 fine.

British Royal Navy in 1915 when he was

prevent Gaddafi from bombing his own

just 14 and saw the German High Seas

people. The Gulf Arab states, including

Fleet surrender three years later from the

Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, have

deck of the HMS Revenge. He worked in

approved the measure. The United States

the military for 41 years after that, mov-

has not committed to the measure,

ing to Australia and working to dismantle

though Defense Secretary Robert Gates

rogue German mines that washed up. On

said, “I think at this point there is a sense

his special day, all he wanted was to be

that any action should be the result of an

surrounded by his 11 grandchildren and

international sanction before anything

22 great-grandchildren, because, as his

is done.”

used the ill-gotten money to bankroll


Source: CNN

Source: Fox News

daughter said, he “didn’t want a fuss.”

the operator in the robot,” according to his website. Source: Fox News

Source: BBC

Source: The Washington Post

The House of Representatives has done away with a compost plan for its food services that serve 240,000 meals a month to legislators, staff and tourists. The new system removes compostable, cornderived cutlery and replaces it with traditional plastic forks, knives and cups. The compost program had diverted 650 tons of waste from landfills in 2010, but was cited as costing $500,000 a year and delivered cutlery that would often warp or melt when exposed to hot soup. The change has become a point of contention between the Democratic Majority in the Senate and the Republican Majority in the House. Source: The Washington Post


Forbes released its top 10 list for most toxic American cites this week, and the results do not bode well for California. Four of the top 10 toxic cities are in the state, with Bakersfield, Fresno, Los Angeles and Riverside-San Bernardino all winning a place in Forbes’ list, primarily for poor air quality. The No. 1 spot went to Philadelphia for its many toxic waste sites and poor water quality. Source: ABC News


TOP OF THE CHARTS Brittany Kaslin, a communication design major, interns at the radio station Power 102. The station is the first top 40 hits sation in Chico in the last four years and replaced Oldies 102.1 as of Feb. 23. While Oldies 102.1 served the Chico area for more than a decade, market research indicated that the transition would be beneficial.

Top 40 station fills void in Chico radio Bryan Clendon STAFF WRITER

Justin Bieber is replacing The Beatles, Lady Gaga is taking the place of The Beach Boys and the sounds of Rihanna will flood the airwaves instead of Rod Stewart. Chico’s radio station Oldies 102.1 changed its format at noon, Feb. 23, from classic hits to a contemporary top 40 hit radio station called Power 102, said Jon Graham, market manager for Results Radio. The company owns Power 102 along with five stations

in Redding, three stations in Yuba City, one station in Sacramento and three other Chico stations. Power 102 is the fi rst top 40 radio station in Chico in four years, Graham said. The decision to switch formats came after more than a year of market research in Chico, Graham said. This was necessitated by a Federal Communications Commission’s regulation that limits the amount of stations a company can own in one market. The decision to remove Oldies 102.1 was made shortly

after the new year began, Graham said. “It was not an easy decision to take Oldies off the air,” Graham said. However, most of the staff understood that the decision had to be made, he said. No employees lost their jobs in the transition to Power 102. “We are really excited about this new station,” said Bryan Fox, promotions and marketing director for Results Radio and a Chico State alumnus. Not everybody is excited for the new top 40 station, however.

“I defi nitely don’t like it,” junior Bryan Floyd said. “I think the station is relevant, but I don’t think it should have taken the place of the oldies station — it’s kind of iconic.” Oldies 102.1 was on the air for the past 10 to 11 years, Graham said. When Oldies 102.1 was taken off the air, another Results Radio oldies station in Yuba City got FCC approval to increase their range, Graham said. That station will be able to serve oldies fans in Chico. Switching from oldies to top 40 changed the station’s

demographic from adults to the “moms and daughters” demographic, Graham said. Accordingly, the station had to fi nd new advertisers. The new station is presently programmed by one of Results Radio’s stations in Redding, and is broadcast without a disc jockey in Chico, Fox said. Going without a DJ is part of the launch of the station, Graham said. DJs will be added to programming in the coming months. Bryan Clendon can be reached at

Source: The New York Times

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Darleen Franklin, a supervisor at San Francisco State University’s biology lab, was recently commissioned to analyze the bacterial content of random Bay Area Rapid Transit seats. A series of random tests carried out on the transportation system found colonies of antibiotic-resistant staphylococcus, fecal and other skin-borne bacteria. The hard-to-disinfect cloth and foam-style seating are blamed for the infestations, which are far worse than those found on vinyl or plastic seats.


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WEDNESDAY, MAR. 9, 2011 |


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>>The Webz _ Previews to this week's treats

NIGHT: Possible federal cuts may reduce health services continued from A1





By Elizabeth Ghiorso



By Emily Hirschman


guilty,” she said. “It informs people how devastating it is.” Planned Parenthood at risk The House of Representatives recently proposed a $363 million cut to Planned Parenthood’s government-subsidized budget. This massive cut would deprive needy people of access to reproductive health, said Jane Hunter, the community health organizer for Chico’s Planned Parenthood affiliate and a co-organizer of the Take Back the Night rally. “The funding is there for a reason,” Hunter said. “That money is allocated in a great way.” Many proponents of the cut support it for fiscal rather than ideological reasons, said Ryan Fedrizzi, the president of the Chico State Republicans. In

order to create a more competitive market for reproductive health care, funding should be made available to all reproductive health clinics rather than supporting only Planned Parenthood with a blanket subsidy, he said. “We’re essentially monopolizing the reproductive health system by picking one,” Fedrizzi said. “It’s a little bit of crony capitalism.” Although she thinks Planned Parenthood deserves every bit of its funding, Hunter agreed that the government should also consider offering aid to other clinics. “The government does need to look at different organizations and provide for them just as well as others,” Hunter said. “It’s all about choice.” The Orion can be reached at

CHARMS OF CHICO By Rebecca Hucker


VOTE: Student political groups differ on Measure A’s impact continued from A1

Burger Bytes Check out what students have to say about their favorite burger places in Chico.

Pauly Shore interview

Catch a more serious side of Pauly Shore in this exclusive interview with the comedian.

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agenda report said. The responsibility of voting is important regardless of the election date, said Ryan Fedrizzi, sophomore biochemistry major, Chico local and president of the Chico State Republicans. Those who have a vested interest in the city of Chico should not miss the election date, Fedrizzi said. “Chicoans are Chicoans just like they are in June,” he said. “We’re not like some seasonal animals — we don’t change throughout the year, and the same goes for the city councilmembers.” Education on Measure A is relevant for voter turnout on June 7, said senior Brian Ray,

political science and public administration major and president of the Chico State Democratic Club. The student organization will begin tabling this week until the end of the semester, providing information on Measure A to the campus community, Ray said. One of the goals the organization hopes to achieve from the daily tabling is to show students the importance of absentee voting for the June 7 decision, he said. “If they do move the elections to June,” Ray said, “things are going to change for students here.” The Orion can be reached at

POLICE BLOTTER All accused of violating the law are innocent until proven guilty | Information cited directly from Chico Police Department Thursday, 8:07 a.m.: Transient problem reported in 700 block of East Avenue Between “the building there is a patio with chairs. Reporting party states they have had a male subject sleeping under the table on an ongoing basis. Reporting party not sure if subject is there now because there is a blanket draped over the table. Reporting party cannot see if he is asleep underneath.” Thursday, 9:04 a.m.: Suspicious subject reported in 300 block of West Second Street. “Subject with a pole, swinging it around, intimidating people.” Thursday, 8:20 p.m.: Noise complaint in 200 block of Oak Street. “Across from reporting party, the walnut side, a loud obnoxious horn. Reporting party has asked the group to stop blowing the horn and they refuse.” Friday, 1:20 a.m.: Noise complaint reported in 800 block of Pomona Avenue. “Reporting party advised ‘Pomona West’ but advised apartment 128 ...? Loud music. Reporting party unsure of his own address.” Friday, 1:02 p.m.: Suspicious vehicle reported in 2100 block of North Avenue. “Subject outside with a wrecked car that is smoking. Subject taking pictures. Unknown what he hit or if it’s drivable. Does not live where he’s parked.”

Subject with a pole, swinging it around, intimidating people.

THURSDAY, 9:04 A.M. Chico Police Records

Friday, 7:14 p.m.: Noise complaint in 100 block of Artesia Drive. “Loud people riding a go-kart up and down the street.”

Saturday, 9:28 a.m.: Petty theft reported at North One Mile. “She is reporting that male subject pretended to trip and fall into her belongings. When he got up and left, she noticed her cell phone gone.” Saturday, 12:25 p.m.: Juvenile problem reported in 3100 block of Shallow Springs Terrace. “Address backs up to Canyon Oaks Country Club. Juveniles are hitting golf balls from back yard onto the golf course. Reporting party concerned incoming balls will hit a member on the course. Balls have

Across from reporting party, the walnut side, a loud obnoxious horn. Reporting party has asked the group to stop blowing the horn and they refuse.

THURSDAY, 8:20 P.M. Chico Police Records

already hit occupied golf carts. Same problem last week, officers responded to address and teenagers would not answer the door.” Saturday, 2:01 p.m.: Suspicious circle reported in 1500 block of Hooker Oak Avenue. “Three white males practicing with ‘throwing knives’ at the wall. Wall is wooden and close to the playground where other children are currently playing.” Sunday, 5:13 p.m.: Possible drug activity reported in the 2000 block of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway. “Male subject smoking marijuana. Brown pickup with camper shell. Reporting party concerned he will drive under the influence.” Sunday, 6:50 p.m.: Drunk in public reported in 2500 block of Esplanade. “Very intoxicated transient sitting out front. Subject is bleeding from the nose. Reporting party asked him if needed medics. He said ‘no.’”

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WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2011 | FOOD FOR THOUGHT Senior liberal studies major Ben Kane sits down to enjoy his lunch from the Marketplace Cafe. The increasing costs are directly related to rising food costs, said Corinne Knapp, retail manager of A.S. Dining Services.

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Shortage in food, higher gasoline costs responsible for raised prices for dining services on campus

Expect another small price increase in the middle of the semester.

CORINNE KNAPP Retail Manager of A.S. Dining Services

The Marketplace Cafe increased prices 3 to 5 percent on food products early this spring semester. This increase was implemented because of an overall jump in the food industry price, which is continuously increasing, said Brittany Turner, a senior psychology major who works at the Marketplace Cafe. The price increase was essential “to be compatible with the amount the BMU has to purchase from the market.” “As certain foods become scarce the prices for that product increases,” Turner said. “We had to reduce the amount of tomatoes because they were so expensive.” Changes in food pricing had officials predicting this increase, said Corinne Knapp, retail manager of A.S. Dining Services. “We put off the price increase for as long as

Orion Staff

hours are balanced between coworkers, Knapp said. The BMU began cutting labor to minimize expenses, although another small food price increase will occur again soon. “Expect another small price increase in the middle of this semester,” Knapp said. “What is concerning us also is now the gas prices are rising, which will affect the pricing even further.” A recent change this year has made the meal plans only valid in Sutter Dining, forcing students to purchase food from the BMU in cash or credit. “They have good quality food, but Toppers is way too expensive,” said junior international relations major Dillon Rice, who eats at the BMU on a daily basis. “The school should subsidize money and take some from the pay raises given to the administration.”

Prices rise at Marketplace Cafe we could,” Knapp said. The Bell Memorial Union receives most of its food from the University Farm, but there are a few items like bell peppers and cucumbers that need to be transported a far distance to get to Chico State, she said. With freezing temperatures destroying crops in Mexico at the start of the year, tomatoes, cucumbers and bell peppers all had a jump in price, Knapp said. For a few weeks The Grill couldn’t serve tomatoes with hamburgers, she said. Marketplace employee, Samantha Lawrence has noticed that there are smaller portions of buns and patties, she said. “Not only are the students affected, but we workers receive a smaller meal plan,” said the senior parks and recreation major. “So instead of choosing a $7 meal, we can only get a $5 meal.” Shifts have also been changed around so

Greeks set bid record The numbers for Greek life recruitment reached an alltime high this semester. The number of women that accepted bids into sororities this semester reached its high at 284, not including fall semester, Greek Life Coordinator Jennifer Wendell said. Fraternities also reached a high with 214 bids in total, said Larry Bassow, Greek Life program coordinator. Over the next few years, the goal is to expand both fraternities and sororities, Bassow said. There are plans to have a new sorority on campus by next spring, Wendell said. Sororities have a set quota each year, so each house gets about the same number of new pledges, Wendell said. All five houses met their quota or exceeded it. Fraternities, however, decide how many new pledges they can take on due to the size of their chapter, ranging from 15 to 70, Bassow said. Over the past five years, fraternity recruitment has gone from 129 to 214, Bassow said. For a fraternity, that is the biggest number in four semesters. Chance Borders, a member of Pi Kappa Alpha was happy with recruitment, he said. “Recruitment went really well this year, we had a lot of guys who turned out and met a lot of good potential new members,” Borders said. “I defi nitely think Greek life is becoming big at Chico State.” While the process of recruitment and the rules and regulations are very different between fraternities and sororities, they are taking steps to make Greek life more unified on campus, Wendell said.


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STUDY: Competition for prize open to all interested students continued from A1

students participating in CCLC programs. “I don’t want the center to just be a place where people can hang out and get involved in programming, which can sometimes come at the cost of lost study time,” Carter said. The program allows students to compete with one another to get the highest test scores, Belanger said. Every two weeks, the best scholar is awarded a $25 gift certificate for the A.S. Bookstore. Students don’t have to rely solely on tests to participate and can bundle quizzes together for submission, as long as their cumulative point total is 50 or above, Belanger said. In order to qualify, participants must spend time in the CCLC during the new study hours on Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 7 to 10 p.m., Belanger said. Students must attend five of the nine study evenings in each two-week block. The CCLC has not traditionally operated during these hours, but now its doors are open in the evenings explicitly for providing more study time to students, Carter said. The program was designed to prevent fraud and get students into the habit of building relationships with their professors, Belanger said. A teacher’s signature is required for any

submitted tests. While the program was initially intended for newer students lacking study motivation, some established seniors like sociology major Walter Torrence found that studying in the CCLC is more comfortable and efficient than the library. “It’s almost like studying in my room without having the distractions that come from being at home,” Torrence said. These goals are aided by the center’s cushy couches, high tables and warm lighting, along with an understanding that it’s silent study time after 7 p.m., he said. It is hoped that, over time, this peer-to-peer understanding will mature into a system of academic co-sponsorship as students form study groups and hold each other accountable for grades, Carter said. Since a $25 gift card may not be worth it for some, an iPad raffle awaits at the end of the semester for those who attend the study hours a certain amount of time. Any student interested in taking part in the Academic Incentive Program can stop by the CCLC in Meriam Library Room 172, right next to the stone benches across from the Bell Memorial Union. Alexander Seymour can be reached at

COVETED CUTLERY Silverware theft proved an issue in Whitney Hall but is less prominent in Sutter, said Joe Bassett, manager of A.S. Dining Sevice. Dining staff still watche out for thieves, however. THE ORION • GINA SPADORCIO

Silverware too tempting for some Sutter Hall diners Allison Weeks STAFF WRITER

University dining halls as far away as Princeton have issues with silverware theft, and Chico State is no different. Most freshmen living in the residence halls do not have silverware of their own, said a freshman chemistry major who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “I don’t have any money, and I don’t have plastic silverware, so it seemed like a good idea to take silverware,” the freshman said. He stole a spoon for cereal and mixing his hot chocolate in his room. “I get sick of the dorm food, so I wanted to make my own food.” One of the chefs at Sutter Dining yelled at a student for accidentally bending a fork,

said a Sutter Hall employee who was also granted anonymity. “I think they’re mad when people accidentally bend silverware because they are aware silverware theft is an issue in Sutter,” the employee said. “They don’t tell the staff what is going on regarding silverware theft, but they are definitely aware it is happening.” About a year ago, Associated Students Dining Service had issues with silverware theft in Whitney Hall. They decided to have students put their backpacks by the door when they come in, said Joe Bassett, manager of A.S. Dining Service. “Since Sutter is more spread out and has more food to choose from, we don’t have issues with silverware theft,” Bassett said. “Silverware theft

was more of an issue in Whitney. There is more of an issue with people stealing food in Sutter.” Sutter Hall Dining staff are told to keep an eye out for what is going on inside the hall, Bassett said. If they happen to miss something, there are also hidden cameras inside the dining hall in case theft does occur. “Workers are told to keep an eye out for people taking silverware,” Bassett said. “If they see it, they are told to fill out an incident report. They take down their name and ID number to give to University Housing, who then takes it to University Police.” Sutter Dining Service does not take inventory, so they do not notice when people do steal silverware from the hall. “We serve 2,200 meals a

day,” Bassett said. “We have extra plates and extra silverware in case anything does happen. We have to be prepared for anything because we have to keep our doors open no matter what.” A.S. Dining Service runs on a cost plus system. University Housing pays the costs, and then pays a set amount at the end of the year which began last semester. No student fees go to A.S. Dining. It produces its own money, Bassett said. “I’m sure people do steal silverware, but 99 percent of the students that come into our facility are respectful,” Bassett said. “There are always going to people who steal from you.” Allison Weeks can be reached at

RALLY: Group wants to sustain activism after Sacramento march continued from A1

ridesharing website,, to organize transportation to the Sacramento rally, Brady said. Grassroots organizing will show legislators that students can’t handle any more cuts, he said. “Is it going to change their vote?” Brady said. “Who knows, but I just want to be able to say that I did something about it.” The demonstration at the Student Services Center Plaza last week was organized in just a

couple of days, Munoz said. The protest attracted about 70 students and drew chants of “Students united will never be divided,” and “Fight the beast,” during the rainy afternoon. The Action Rally held last year, while successfully organized, didn’t have follow-up events to capitalize on students’ frustrations, Munoz said. “This committee is about keeping the issue at the forefront,” he said. Protesters propped up signs reading, “$500 million cut to CSU. CSU presidents still getting

raises. WTF?” and “Think education is expensive? Try ignorance.” “We have these rights, let’s utilize them,” Munoz said. “We saw what happened in other countries — Tunisia, Egypt, Libya — who are considered less democratic countries and yet look at what they did, look at what they accomplished.” The cuts to the California State University system will lead to a higher student-to-teacher ratio, said Xai Lao, a civil engineering senior who supported the protest. He called the tuition increases over the last decade “ridiculous.”

The divisive rhetoric of the protest isn’t helping its cause, said Darren Allen, a history and social science graduate student. He added that Brown’s proposed cut to the CSU is a reality resulting from California’s extreme spending. Protesting can inspire thought and conversation, but it is ineffective in bringing tangible results, Allen said. “Who owes us an education?” he said. Andre Byik can be reached at


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Higher education march first step to reform It might not serve a purpose, but there it is. The demonstration held in the Student Services Center Plaza March 2 demonstrates the knowledge and awareness of a problem with no obvious solution. California’s financial woes burst the CSU’s budgetary bubble. It has forced us to consider not how to avoid cutting funding but how much and from where? The students are consumers of the CSU system and as the consumers it seems obvious why raising tuition and reducing the budget of the entire CSU system is the last thing we should be doing. However, this is not the case. We must take on the role of the special interest groups that guard our need and that opportunity is now present. That opportunity is the March for Higher Education happening in Sacramento March 14. The California State Student Association and Student Senate for California Community Colleges have collaborated to execute this advocacy event at the State Capitol, according to the Chico State website. The rally will consist of a march from Raley Field to the Capitol where a press conference will end the day. This is a unique opportunity for students and opposers to the educational budget cuts in that it occurs during spring break for many

campuses, including our own — probably not a coincidence. If there was ever a time to take advantage of an opportunity, this will be it. Groups of students shouting in the rain outside our own administration’s windows makes this issue visible on a local scale but hoards

of supporters making their way through our state’s capitol allows us to take part in something bigger than ourselves. Simply walking through a city with signs as protest won’t bring change. That will take many long conversations about possible action we can take and probably an even

longer time before those solutions get put into place. But even if being present on March 14 does nothing but get attention, at least it’s something we can do. And no matter what relaxing, laid-back or frivolous plans we may have for that day, none will be as empowering as speaking up for what we believe in.

START 400 Ball Park Drive, West Sacramento (Raley Field) FINISH 1315 10th St., Sacramento WHAT March for Higher Education WHEN Monday, March 14 SCHEDULE

7:30 to 9:30 a.m.: Meet at Raley Field, West Sacramento 10 to 11 a.m.: March from Raley Field to State Capitol, via Capitol Mall 11 a.m. to noon: Press Conference on North Steps of the State Capitol MAP BY ASHLEY VIEGAS

Citizen watches from behind badge Serena Cervantes OPINION COLUMNIST

The dispatcher calls in a situation. It comes through in the patrol car. A quick summary of the situation displays on a screen in front of the windshield. Based on who the caller was, the situation is subjective. The summary on the screen may not always be the reality of the situation. The officer picks up the intercom and talks numbers, code. He speeds along but from that point on, he can’t ever truly predict the outcome. On Saturday, I had the opportunity to do a ride-along with Chico Police Officer Ed Marshall. We were scheduled to ride at 9:30 a.m. About 30 minutes later Marshall introduced himself and apologized for being late. He relayed the situation with a look of absurdity that was quickly calmed by an expression that communicated it’s nothing new. He was making an arrest because a transient was apparently sleeping on top of someone’s BMW. The person also had a warrant out for his arrest, Marshall said. This is one example in many that officers encounter daily. The ride-along was a small window into the daily routine of a police officer. If two hours in a cop car cruising around and answering dispatch calls could teach me anything, it was that officers are constantly bound to their conscience. Marshall and I followed his partner to an apartment where they intended to make an arrest of a man in possession of a gun. The suspect had also been in a domestic dispute with his girlfriend, who had been arrested earlier that day, the police said. We rushed over and I asked Marshall if he’s afraid of his job, knowing that he could be shot or hurt on any given day. He got out of the car and said he’d answer my question when he got back. I was a little worried. I thought maybe he’d get shot before I even had a chance to interview him. I wasn’t expecting this kind of action early on Saturday morning. Of course, I was mainly worried for his safety. But he came back with his partner. “Guy wasn’t home or didn’t answer his door,” Marshall said. Marshall has been an officer for nine years and he’s not afraid of getting shot. In Chico, the minimum response to a call has at least two officers dispatched to the scene, he said. Officers undergo annual training, such as

arrest and patrol techniques, defense tactics and firearm and baton training to avoid getting shot. He said integrity ultimately guides an officer, or should. Gauging people is a skill learned by cops when they’ve had enough experience settling disputes. Utilizing the concept of “command presence” also helps an officer enforce his authority as the law. “It’s how I choose to interact with people,” Marshall said. “I interact with people in a professional but confident manner.” As I rode with Marshall, we talked about how violent people can be. He said he’s never been shot at but he’s had people come at him with fists. I realized how much I didn’t want to be a cop. But for Marshall, a ride-along with an officer one day was the pivotal moment in his life where he decided that this job was what he could and wanted to do. “It’s not routine at all,” Marshall said. “Some days you come to work and nothing happens at all. Other days you come to work — you can barely get dressed, it’s just off-the-hook crazy. You’re running from place to place, chasing people.” It’s one part adrenaline and one part an outlet that makes the job fulfilling for Marshall to plug in the fundamental value system that he believes in. “People need to be held accountable to their actions,” he said. Marshall’s background proves to have had an influence on channeling him in that same general direction of sighting those who are not above reproach. He’s been a case manager who worked with families who were at risk for having their children taken away by Child Protective Services in Tehama County. He’s also worked as a counselor in Shasta County for behavioral health where he worked with a doctor to help diagnosis adolescents and adults who had alcohol and drug problems. “I worked in that sort of field for nine years,” Marshall said. “And those are the same type of people we’re dealing with out here.” At that moment, looking out of the windshield was like seeing the world through a law enforcement lens. I understood, just a little, what it was like to be on the other side. It was a loaded moment, heavy with meaning. Then Marshall heard the dispatcher like an omen. He lightly picked up the intercom and drove off. Serena Cervantes can be reached at

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Going home comes with high cost Andrea Robertson OPINION COLUMNIST

It turns out you can actually go home again — if you can pay. Over the past semester I’ve spent plenty of money on food and school supplies. I’ve spent the same amount or more just trying to get home. After only visiting my home of San Leandro in the East Bay once or twice per semester, my transportation needs have totaled more than $200 — one time driving and twice taking the train. There aren’t many things sadder for students than not being able to go home to see their families on account of budget concerns. On Saturday, the average gallon of gas in California cost $3.80, according to Students who are hoping to reach the home around the Bay Area would end up spending about $55 round trip, if their car gets 25 miles per gallon.

Letters Editor

to the

Editor in Chief


The Orion encourages letters to the editor and commentary from students, faculty, staff, administration and community members.

• Letters and commentaries may be delivered to The Orion, Plumas Hall Room 001. Deadline is 5 p.m. Friday. Letters are also accepted by e-mail and go directly to the opinion editor at

Based on the same data, Wildcats migrating to Los Angeles would have to pay roughly $145, whereas those headed to San Diego would have to invest about $185 just to see mom and dad — and that’s just considering that the car is the most typical way to travel. After talking to students around campus, the second most popular way to get home seems to be the train. Amtrak makes calculating your payment easy, but with all the stops along the way, it’s difficult to accurately account for the time cost. The farther away you are from Chico, the more unwilling you will be to hop on the train. A roundtrip ticket to Oakland costs around $84, while tickets to Los Angeles and San Diego can set one back by almost $200. These rides are long, loaded with stops and just altogether exhausting for those who have to use it. Chico also has an airport, but it’s miniscule in size and lagging in affordable flights. Roundtrip airfare to Los Angeles, San Diego and

even the Bay Area can cost at least $350 — and that’s before taxes. Students have to pay for everything we do including textbooks, school supplies, food and social activities. We even have to pay money just to go to school so we can pay more money to do the necessary things while we are here. Although the Bell Memorial Union has a board where you can find rides to carpool home, it seems as though there should be a greater effort made toward the issue on behalf of the university and not just students helping students. It only makes sense for Chico State to consider sponsoring a transportation system to support the students beyond the borders of the city. Leaving Chico might not always be fun or what we want at the time, but it will always be expensive. It’s up to students and the university to find a detour to more debt. Andrea Robertson can be reached at

Read the guidelines below for information on how to submit your own Letters to the Editor • Commentaries should be limited to 500 to 700 words and are subject to editing for length and clarity. Please include your phone number.

• Letters to the editor should be limited to fewer than 300 words, must include writer’s name and phone number (for verification) and are subject to condensation. Please include your year in school and major, or your business title.

• The Orion does not publish anonymous letters, letters that are addressed to a third party or letters that are in poor taste. The opinions expressed by The Orion’s columnists do not necessarily reflect those of The Orion or its staff.


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Klout scoring judges Web users Las Vegas, is currently setting up an exclusive amenity system for highranking influencers determined by Joanna Hass Klout scoring in hopes that those peoOPINION EDITOR ple will pass the information on and Social Darwinism had no problem become word-of-mouth middle men surviving the “everybody’s special” according to The Palms movement, adapting to the Internet is already using this website as a refand continuing to make another gener- erence point for their reservation process according to the same article. ation feel uncool. It may have taken a while but we In high school it was called being popular, in college we say we’re legit finally found a way to belittle, exclude and when it comes to Internet influ- and remove the non-important Interence, a Klout score determines our net users from the real world. Forget being a conscientious objecimportance. is a new tool to determine tor to Facebook or Twitter — you’re the type and rank activity on the inter- going to have to have a strong profile if you plan on getting a table net on a scale from one to 100. to your favorite restaurant. This “standard for internet The problem here is we are influence” breaks down your being forced to participate in activity on the Web through a consumer arena by threat Twitter and Facebook into catof extortion. Unless you have egories which, when processed a social media presence you by an algorithm you have to be ■ LINK might as well not be present a Trekkie to understand, gives Find out how to at all. you a score which represents check your Klout The more influential these your influence on web content, score by going to sites get, the more mandatory according to the website. they become. That used to just What does this mean for us affect our personal lives but ragers against the machine? Other than lifting the veil off most now it’s twittering in the ear of our Internet daters and chat room addicts, social lives too. Sorry mom and dad — you betprobably nothing new. It’s just another attempt to keep the weak in ter find that fountain of youth or just their place and give the so-called give up trying to book a hotel room for strong a tech-friendly reason to turn your anniversary. You’re clearly only an “observer” and not a “celebrity” up their noses. None of the classifications on this so it’s the bottom of the list for baby burn-book-esque site are technically boomers behind the trend. Can’t afford a smartphone, the negative, but the opposite ends of the chart are “celebrity” and “observer.” Internet or even a computer? Well There would have to be crowns and there’s no room in the algorithm for coliseums involved for it to get any poverty or being under-privileged, so that must just be our fault too. more hierarchical. It’s no surprise that someone The nature of the website requires you to link it with your other social needed to find a way to make people media accounts so naturally it comes feel bad about themselves, but that with a badge that you can embed, doesn’t make it any less disappointalthough most probably won’t want to ing that it exists. wear it like one. Jason Gastwirth, the chief market- Joanna Hass can be reached at ing officer of Palms Casino Resort in

KLOUT SCORING CATEGORIES a1 - Curator a2 - Broadcaster a3 - Syndicator a4 - Feeder b1 - Taste Maker b2 - Celebrity b3 - Thought Leader b4 - Pundit c1 - Dabbler c2 - Conversationalist c3 - Observer c4 - Explorer d1 - Socializer d2 - Networker d3 - Activist d4 - Specialist


THUMBS >> Thumbs Up to The Orion for winning Best of Show at the Associated Collegiate Press Hollywood Convention. Please excuse us for patting ourselves on the back.

Thumbs Down to anyone who thinks teachers are paid too much. We’re not trying to suck up but we’re on your side prof — wink wink.


Sleepless nights filled with hope August Walsh STAFF WRITER

I’ve got a job that gives me a lot of rewarding things — unfortunately sleep isn’t one of them. Students think that the resident adviser is hired to get people in trouble. While incidents occasionally come up that need to be dealt with, there’s so much more to the job than broken rules, which includes drinking alcohol and being loud. Being a resident adviser is more of a lifestyle than an actual job and I’ve been making it mine for the past year and a half. The duty nights, events and the informational boards are all part of what has made me more of a Chico State student than most. Many people assume it takes a specific type of person to be a resident adviser – the outgoing and outspoken student who wants to have a golden resume. That’s not usually the case. Extroverted students don’t necessarily make the best resident advisers just like introverted students don’t make the worst resident advisers. All you really need to do the job is have the willingness to put in the effort. That means getting to know people and getting the work done early. The average workload of the resident adviser includes making monthly boards with information specific to the residents, throwing monthly programs, being on duty once a week, dealing with things that come up — whether good or bad — and weekly staff meetings. That doesn’t even include your own life and schoolwork. I’m on duty an average of one night per week and one weekend per month. Duty nights generally consist of socializing with residents, letting them back in their rooms if they get locked out and dealing with incidents of student living that might arise. Incidents range from loud noises in the middle of the night to residents peeing all over their roommates’ desk – which has actually happened.

It’s true that I originally accepted the job for the compensation. The big selling point of being a resident adviser is not paying for rent or a meal plan, hanging out with young people and getting paid all at the same time. After a few months, I realized how much more to the job there was than just the money. A few residents had told me how much they appreciated my help, which allowed me to realize that I had the opportunity to make an amazing impact on my residents. The job has by no means been easy. At times the job is difficult but I always know there is a supportive group of co-workers who are watching my back for kick-me signs. Getting woken up in the middle of the night to let students back into their rooms can at times be exhausting. I have to stay up later than usual and help residents get through difficult transitions that many college students face every year — all without forgetting about the test, paper, project or whatever it is I have due the next day. Homesickness, picking a major, dealing with alcohol and culture shock are only a few of the pressures I help my residents deal with. There is also the creativity aspect. Deciding what boards and what information to put up along with how to make them look visually appealing is almost as difficult as counseling the students. However, it’s just as important. The impact I have on the residents is worth it. The amount of knowledge and skills that I pass on to my residents outweighs the difficulties that they come to me with. I will be a teacher one day and the resident adviser job gives me skills that I have to deal with students in the future. The job allows me to give students hope for today and give myself hope for my future.


All I’m asking for is a reason to show up — other than fear. Forced attendance leads to forced student participation which does not guarantee a quality education, but that’s the situation we’re in. Over the course of my four years in college I experienced many attendance policies and not all of them made sense. Some professors let attendance go under the radar but most keep a strict policy. In the past, I’ve been docked attendance points for doctor appointments, funerals, car trouble and so on.

perform well as students. Grading attendance is a method professors use to get students in the door. This turns teachers into babysitters and doesn’t allow them to be educators. Forced participation will not yield quality results, if we don’t want to be in class physically, our minds won’t be. Why not make attendance a priority by having in-class projects and testing material that was only learned through in-class lecture? That way, students don’t receive grade points for showing up but will have to apply their knowledge in order to receive the desired grade. Students will be forced to pay attention in class instead of just pretending to.

Thumbs Up to the March for Higher Education taking place in Sacramento on March 14. Be there or be unrepresented.

Thumbs Down to the ice cream feud between Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon created by Ben & Jerry’s new flavor. Can’t we all just get a spoon?

Thumbs Up to the iPad 2 coming out. We’re supposed to be excited about that — right?

Thumbs Down to the fact that the iPad 2 still doesn’t have a USB port. Hey Steve Jobs, you want to come out of retirement and fix this for us? You’re good at that.

August Walsh can be reached at

Forced attendance unfairly punishes students Students need to go to class, but attendance policies belong at elementary schools — not at college campuses. College students have lives that cannot always be put aside. Some of us have jobs, homes, children and a hundred other stressors that get in our way. Attendance policies are patronizing. As adults, it is our responsibility to maintain a happy balance with all of the aspects of our busy lives and sometimes that means we need to miss class every once in a while. I am not saying that work comes before school, but our physical and mental health definitely should. Without either of those, we cannot


Instead of being penalized for the absence itself, you would be penalized for lack of effort — at least that’s a real reason to punish someone. As the price of tuition is driven up semester after semester, we understand the value of our education, if only the monetary one. I want to go to class because am a consumer who wants to gain as much as possible from my money. Professors should view us this way or they do no one any good. We get it. We understand absences can affect our grades but we have to be able to claim ownership of our own education. We need to be the ones to make these decisions and do not deserve penalty for such

patronizing ideals. An attendance policy isn’t needed to ensure that those absent students get the grades they deserve. If a course is taught well and a student is present during that class then students should receive grades that reflect their level of understanding. Instead of students missing out on points for shallow reasons, professors need to reflect upon their own curriculum and determine how they can make attendance non-negotiable for students to understand the subject. College is about learning, not learning the way you want us to.

Thumbs Up to Charlie Sheen for setting a Guinness World Record by gaining more than 1 million Twitter followers after only 25 hours.

Thumbs Down to Charlie Sheen as a whole. Lay off the tiger blood or whatever you want it is you want to call it that makes a loser think he’s #winning.

Kelly Hering can be reached at

PIECE OF MIND >> What’s the worst thing about living on campus? Related video online “I guess you don’t have complete freedom. You can’t bring a handle in your room but besides that it’s not a problem. I don’t mind it.”

Juliet Avery

freshman | undeclared

“The worst thing about living on campus is that I have to share a communal bathroom. It’s really disgusting.”

Kelsey Pankratz freshman | business

“The most difficult part was having my privacy. There’s no alone time. Never.”

James Wright

junior |recording arts

Erin Shea

sophomore | exercise physiology

“I kind of want my own space. I like the dorms but sometimes getting older, I would like to have my own room. That’s the only drawback to it. There are a lot of benefits.”

A10 |



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Wright brings swagger to ’Cats Allie Colosky STAFF WRITER

Anyone sitting at the top of the California Collegiate Athletic Association would radiate confidence and Britt Wright is no exception. Regarded as one of the most positive and energetic players on the Wildcats softball team, the junior Wright is also leading the CCAA with a .442 batting average in the leadoff position and is tied for second with a .500 on base percentage. “Softhas ball opened so many doors for me for the rest of my life,” Wright said. “It can only make you confident when there’s so

someone whose return has been fairly recent. “The biggest thing about me is that I didn’t play for so long,” Wright said. “Now I’m pinching myself

THE WRIGHT CHOICE As a Wildcat, Wright is hitting .442 with eight stolen bases and four RBIs. At Grossmont College a year ago, Wright as an All-Pacific Coast Athletic Conference first team member, after hitting .440 with 10 triples and 25 stolen bases.

much positive surrounding you.” For a squad that advocates a strong central unit, Wright has only added to the ’Cats already upbeat environment. Teammate junior Sam Quadt thinks Wright’s energy and very vocal encouragement has made her one of the spunkiest people she’s known, she said. Quadt was also impressed with other aspects of Wright’s game, she said. “Britt brings a lot of speed,” Quadt said. “She’s defensively and offensively the team a huge assett to and she’s proven herself well.” Already reaching the top is quite an accomplishment for

Thomas Lawrence SPORTS EDITOR

Let’s Play Two

because I can’t believe where I am.” Wright lost interest in the sport her freshman year of high school and focused her h interests attention on other intere cheersuch as volleyball and che leading. She picked up the bat b Colagain in 2009 at Chabot C lege because she was tired of being lazy and wanted some so direction, Wright said. Her first day back left her h Wright in tears, however, as Wrig home remembers driving ho crying after practice. She S was just overwhelmed overwhelm with the amount of effort it took, and how long it had been, she said. But B day, she returned the next d and as she says, the t rest is history. that “Taking th has time off h given me a huge advanadva tage becau because I want it more,” Wright said. “I have a desire desi to be there.” ther Wright Wrig Chabot left Chab College with a .353 batb stolen ting average and 17 stol was bases. Her next stop w San Grossmont College in S Diego. She led the Griffi ns Athletic to the Pacific Coast Athle 2010 Conference title win in 20 ranked batting .440, which rank her third in the conference. conferen Her speed propelled her to the top of the PCAC where wh she led the conference conferen with 10 triples and 25 stos len bases. After her breakout seas season in San Diego that ended at the California Commun Community College Athletic AssociaAssoc tion Super Regionals and a a 2010 all-PCAC First Team Tea selection, Wright eyed Chico Ch State. It’s close to family, her ssister is a Chico State student and a she would get the full college colle experience in a small town, tow Wright said. Things couldn’t could have turned out any more mo perfect. “It was an easy decision,” decisio Wright said. “It’s been nothno ing but good things. Chico has h given me the whole package package.” Fitting seamlessly into her h role as leadoff hitter, Wright Wrigh is headed for all-CCAA honors, hono but for now she’s focused on


READY TO POUNCE Junior outfielder Britt Wright prepares to take off in Friday’s game against San Francisco State. Wright, 22, is hitting .442 with eight stolen bases as a Wildcat. She is a transfer from Grossmont College, and leading the team with 19 hits. capitalizing on the team’s success in 2010. New head coach Angel Shamblin led the ’Cats to a 33-21 record, and was one win away from the NCAA Division II College World Series , a year ago. “She’s got a lot of speed. She’s a threat every single time she gets on base and it puts pressure on their defense,” Shamblin said. The ’Cats split a home series against San Francisco State Friday and Saturday after winning six straight games. With a record of 9-4 overall and 6-2 in the conference, the

’Cats are still on the prowl. They head to Cal State San Bernardino for another fourgame series on Friday and Saturday. The ’Cats are currently third in the CCAA. A return to the regionals and more seems very possible to Wright, she said. “I know we have so much potential,” Wright said. “The team did so well last year and we just want to capitalize on it. I’m excited for what’s to come.” Allie Colosky can be reached at

Freitas embodies ’Cat athletics Men’s track and field coach Kirk Freitas has been around this town for more than three decades, inspiring many athletes and winning many titles. Blake Mehigan A SST. SPORTS EDITOR


ALL SMILES Kirk Freitas, a Chico State alumnus and head coach of Wildcat men’s track and field, has won seven straight CCAA titles.


W H E R E A R E T H E Y N O W? Distance runner Scott Bauhs, a former Wildcat, is now a professional runner sponsored by Adidas. Bauhs is the youngest American to break both the four-minute mile and the 28-minute 10 km run.


Coaching well enough to have lasted three decades and counting while having great success is no easy feat. Men’s track and field coach Kirk Freitas has managed to do both. And he keeps coming back for more. “It’s what I love to do,” Freitas said. Freitas, who is in his 31st

season as Chico State’s men’s track coach, knew he wanted to coach from a young age. While many kids wanted to be astronauts, he was set on being a coach on this planet, Freitas said. In his junior year as a student at Chico State, Freitas began coaching his fellow athletes. Thankful to those who encouraged him to look into Chico State after high school, Freitas visited and knew it was where he wanted to be. “I saw the creek through campus, and I knew I was going to be here right then,” he said. Oliver Hanf, who is in his 14th year as coach of the women’s track and field team,



March 9, 1995 Major League Baseball officially awarded a franchise to Tampa Bay, Fla. The Devil Rays, now the Rays, began play in 1998, and are 645-972 through 13 seasons.

is a product of Freitas from his years at Chico State in the early ’90s. Hanf has a special relationship with Freitas, but also emphasizes that his colleague and former coach shares a bond with many that he coached over the years — a bond that has led to exceptional results for both men’s and women’s track and field year after year after year. “I think the key is the love and the passion,” Hanf said referring to Freitas’ focus on the sport. Hanf said that Freitas’ relationship with the Chico State community as a whole is deeper than many coaches >> please see FREITAS | B4

Why we really love sports Sometimes, we all need a reminder of why we love sports. Pompous coaches, labor talks and the Miami Heat can all make us forget what made us fall in love with sports in the first place. Sports are a perfect showcase for the endless capacity for optimism that human beings have, and they are the highest form of physical, mental and emotional exhaustion and effort, showcased in aesthetically pleasing two to three-hour segments. After seeing a keynote speech by Bill Plaschke, a Los Angeles Times sports columnist and frequent ESPN contributor, at the 27th annual Assoicated Collegiate Press National College Journalism Convention in Hollywood this weekend, I was reassured that I wanted to be a sports writer for the rest of my life. Much more importantly, he reminded me that each and every one of us has every reason to love sports, no matter how disgusting things get at the professional level. Or at USC. Same thing, right? As Plaschke said, sports, and any story worth hearing in general, are “all about human beings.” For example, Plaschke described a Dodgers fan named Sarah Morris living in rural Texas, writing daily stories about her team for a personal website, and well-thought out criticisms of Plaschke’s columns. Except, Morris was different from the average dedicated fan. Plaschke discovered that she was much, much more. Sarah has cerebral palsy, and therefore has to type out her stories with a special program that involved her hands, legs and the table she’s using. Plaschke visited her, and helped indirectly through the publicity generated by his column to get the talented Mrs. Morris a job with Since moving to Chico, I’ve experienced some of the power of sports on my own. Last summer, I wrote a story about Kyle Warner, a then17-year-old Chico boy who became a nationally competitive mountain biker against staggering odds. But for Kyle, biking came up as a hobby just to take his mind off the unfortunate turn his life had taken. His mother Jeanette, when giving birth to Kyle’s brother in 1979, had been given blood tainted with Hepatitis C in a transfusion during a cesarean section. The disease stayed dormant in her body until just a few years ago, when it nearly killed her. Kyle, only a teenager, was forced to take care of her, the house and all of their pets without a father in the picture. Kyle’s humility and resolve to put family first, all the while becoming an exceptional athlete, moved me more personally than I’d ever experienced as a writer. Eventually, Jeanette’s disease went into remission, and now both Kyle and his mom are enjoying a much more stable and calm life. Sports, it seems, do a lot more than entertain. Thomas Lawrence can be reached at

[ jock ] talk There are a couple of guys crying in the locker room right now. It’s not a matter of want.” - Erik Spoelstra Miami Heat head coach, on an 87-86 loss to the Bulls Sunday in Chicago.

B2 |




Chico State sports in a nutshell

Senior forward Roderick Hawkins and junior guard Jay Flores were both named to the All-California Collegiate Athletic Association second team for their play this past season. Hawkins led the men’s team in points per game at 12.7. Flores averaged 11 points per game and led the team in assists with 4.8 per game. Guard Courtney Hamilton won CCAA Freshman of the Year on the women’s side, while junior guard Molly Collins and senior forward Taylor Lydon both made the second team. source:

Chico State’s Eric Frazzetta was named CCAA Golfer of the Week for the week of Feb. 28 to March 6. Frazzetta, a junior and native of Long Beach, shot nine-under par at the Coyote Classic in San Bernardino Feb.28 to March 1 — good for third place. His strong play helped carry the ’Cats to a second place finish in the tournament. source:

Both Chico State basketball teams lost in the first round of the California Collegiate Athletic Association Tournament on Tuesday, March 1. Greg Clink’s men’s basketball squad lost 75-59 at the hands of Cal State Dominguez Hills in Carson, the same place and same stage where they had a huge upset win a year ago. The women lost a hard-fought contest to the UC San Diego Tritons in La Jolla by a score of 76-71. The men finished at 14-13 overall, and 10-12 in the CCAA, while Brian Fogel’s women were 15-12 and 12-10 in conference.

BASEBALL GET BACK! Wildcat second baseman Jackson Evans dives back to the bag in the Feb. 27 and 28 series against Montana State-Billings. Evans, a senior from Vancouver, Wash., is hitting .389 with two triples and 10 RBIs this season.


’Cats not satisfied with 11-2 start Strong individual performances and pitching helped the team to a good start as the ’cats begin to click. Blake Mehigan A SST. SPORTS EDITOR

The ’Cats kept on being road dogs this weekend. Chico State baseball took three out of four on the road in conference games against Cal State Monterey Bay and are off to an 11-2 start overall and a 6-2 start in the California Collegiate Athletic Association. Yet the coaching staff and players of the ’Cats are nowhere near satisfied with their 2011 effort. At least, not yet. Senior third baseman Adrian Bringas was pleased with his

team’s play on the road, and thought he had solid contributions personally, but also sees room for improvement, he said. “We just can’t practice enough,” said Bringas, who added an RBI single and scored two runs Sunday. Chico State needs to continue to work on the fundamentals, like bunting, baserunning and all-around smart play, Bringas said. “Our pitching has been great, and I really feel like our hitting has come along,” he said. Wildcats head coach Dave Taylor thinks the team has room to grow on offense, he said. “Pitching and defense were exceptional,” he said. “Offensively we’re not where we need to be.” Taylor noted that tinkering with the batting order might be


necessary in the coming weeks to help generate some more consistent run support. Sophomore catcher Ben Manlove was another Wildcat who thought he and his team performed well in spite of their lackluster bats. “I was able to handle the pitching staff pretty well,” he said. “On the road we just get along real well. It’s important that we maintain our good chemistry.” Despite Chico State’s spotty offense thus far, Taylor has

Brahney, despite getting the loss in a 4-2 game in the second half of the Saturday doubleheader. The southpaw from Sunnyvale had missed the first three weeks of the season due to academic related issues, and the Wildcats are better off with him back on the hill, Taylor said. Despite the strong start from his team, the Wildcats could just as easily be hovering just above a .500 record right now, Taylor said. “Offensively we need to be a little tougher,” Taylor said. Chico State is beginning to look like a very competitive team, something that Bringas attributes to the team beginning to mesh. Blake Mehigan can be reached at

Softball picks up first conference losses Kevin Augustine STAFF WRITER


Wildcat of the Week

Talor Fulfer

Men’s Track & Field

Wildcat of the Week is a regular feature meant to acknowledge the contributions made by individuals to the team. Winners are chosen by The Orion sports staff from nominations taken from all sports. To nominate:

Offensively we need to be a little tougher.

been thrilled with the grit and play of the team’s younger players, especially from freshman pitchers Ryan O’Shea and Nick Baker. O’Shea, a right-handed native of Brentwood, threw six innings of three-hit, onerun baseball in Saturday’s fi rst game for the Wildcats. Baker allowed three runs on four hits in seven innings on Sunday. “Both those guys threw very well,” Taylor said. On Friday, junior Brian Buckham started off the ’Cats strong, giving up five hits in seven innings while surrendering only two runs. “Brian Buckham proved this weekend he is a legitimate Friday night guy,” Taylor said. Another important contribution from his pitching staff came in senior lefty Kevin


Sports shorts compiled by Blake Mehigan

Senior decathlete Talor Fulfer stole the show at the Chico Multi-Event competition Thursday and Friday. The 21-year-old from Bieber earned first place in the discus throw, javelin and pole vault decathlon events at the Multi-Event. Fulfer followed up his performance in Chico by finishing second in the javelin contest at the Kim Duyst Invitational in Turlock Saturday, with a throw of 56.54 meters.

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REACH FOR THE SKY Junior catcher Hailey Stockman reaches for a pop-up unsuccessfully, as first baseman Rachel Failla watches.

Wildcat softball was dealt its first pair of conference losses this weekend in the first home series of the year at University Softball Field against San Francisco State. The ’Cats swept the first doubleheader on Friday 1-0 and 2-1, but were swept by the Gators in the second doubleheader on Saturday, 2-0 and 4-3. The concluding day to the series was anything but quiet for the formerly unbeaten hosts. It was the first doubleheader sweep by a divisional opponent this season for the Wildcats, who came into the series undefeated in the California Collegiate Athletic Association, but now sit at 6-2 in conference, 9-4 on the season and third in the conference standings. The Gators managed to snap a seven-game losing streak while also earning their first sweep of an opponent on the year, and are now 3-13 in the CCAA. Each game of the series featured strong pitching performances from both squads, as Wildcat junior pitchers Sam Baker and Jessica McDermott managed complete games on the first day of action and compiled 29 strikeouts, 11 walks and three earned runs combined on the series. The Gators, behind senior Ashley Jackson’s 21-strikeout, two-walk and fourearned run performance, kept the Chico State offense from gaining momentum on the second day. “The pitching came out and did great both days,” Wildcats head coach Angel Shamblin said. The first divisional loss of the season came down to the seventh inning in game one Saturday, as the Gators put up two runs and two hits on a rally which began after a costly error by the Wildcats. Gator senior pitcher Kendra Wood hit an RBI double to put the Gators on the board first. “I felt like I was struggling a bit but I just had to keep forcing myself to go on and pull through,” Baker said. Later in the same game, Gator sophomore Heather Jensen drove in Wood on an infield single. Freshman shortstop Taylor Hanamaikai walked off the field holding her right arm,

after three players, including her, collided trying to field the ball. The injury prevented her from returning to the Wildcats for the second game. “It looks like she’s going to be okay,” Shamblin said. “The athletic trainers will retest her this week.” The ’Cats were unable to gather momentum, grounding out to finish the inning as Jackson and the Gator defense managed a complete game. “We didn’t hit the ball like we needed to in the first game,” Shamblin said. Despite combining for a team-leading series total of six hits, two runs and one RBI performance, junior outfielder Britt Wright thinks the slow start on offense kept Chico from winning the game. “Our team was a little flat in the beginning and you can’t be that way against any team in our conference,” Wright said. “It came back to bite us.” After tasting defeat in the first game, the ’Cats looked to finish the second game and the series on a positive note with McDermott on the mound, but were burned once again by Wood, who in the third inning hit a long drive down the left field line for a solo home run. As the umpire waved the ball fair, and the Gator bench left the dugout to celebrate, fans erupted in raucous boos over the call. After a talk with the side judge, the umpire maintained the call. “I wish there was replay,” Wright said. The ’Cats’ offense looked to build momentum in both the sixth and seventh innings but were unable to sustain overcoming rallies in both, despite driving in the leadoff batter for a run in each. “We came out a little too late in the second game,” Shamblin said. “We just couldn’t score to win.” Both losses left the Wildcats licking their wounds. “We don’t like this feeling, none of us do,” Wright said. “We are dead silent and our team is never quiet. It’s going to put a little fire under our butts, that’s for sure.” Kevin Augustine can be reached at



The number of days between the Wildcats’ season opener Feb. 5, and their first home game Friday against San Francisco State. Chico State is 9-4 on the season and 6-2 in the California Collegiate Athletic Association.



The number of saves that junior righty Juan Guerra has through 13 games this season. Guerra, a Chino native, has five saves in six appearances, with nine strikeouts and no earned runs.



The number of events won by Talor Fulfer at the Chico Multi-Event on Thursday and Friday. Fulfer won in the discus throw, javelin and pole vault decathlon events.


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Track ’Cats win again at Chico Multi-event Chico State track and field kept on dominating at home Thursday and Friday, with a pair of first-place overall finishes at the Chico Multi-event. Gina Pence STAFF WRITER

Being the defending champion in the women’s heptathlon at Chico State’s Multievent would make most athletes happy but, for senior Kelly Clancey, it was a bittersweet moment. After all, it was her last multi as a Wildcat. For both Clancey and the men’s decathlon defending champion, Talor Fulfer, it was the last chance to compete in the Multi-Event. But once again, taking fi rst place, the two seniors along with the four other men competing in the decathlon were pleased with the end result. Over the course of the two-day meet, Clancey, a liberal studies major, picked up 4,690 points for Chico State, beating her closest opponent by more than 650 points. In the 800-meter event, she fi nished in 2 minutes, 19 seconds, earning 834 points to her overall score. While this is one of the fi rst heptathlon events of the season, Clancey already has high goals, she said. Although she has already qualified for the provisional mark for nationals, she’s looking to earn a higher rank to ensure that she’s included in the exclusive meet. “This year, I want to go to nationals, and get an All-American title,” she said. “I’m hoping to get the school record at conference as well.” The heptathlon includes seven events, with points awarded in each event depending on the athlete’s performance, rather than the place earned. Clancey enjoys the variety of events, she said. “I’m ADD,” she said. “I don’t have to come out and do the same thing every day. I get to do a bunch of different things. If I don’t have a good high jump day, I don’t have to come out and face it again the next day.” Affectionately called “Fluffer” by his teammates and coaches, Fulfer, a senior humanities major, earned fourth place at the NCAA Championships last season. “I want to make nationals again,” he said. He also wants to overtake at least one of two especially good competitors who bested him last year, he said. While Fulfer didn’t earn a personal record in the Multi-event, he’s looking forward to the next chance to improve, he said. “I got good scores, but they should go higher,” he said. “As a ‘dec,’ you’re never

happy.” The decathlon, or dec as the athletes call it, has 10 events spread over two days. Five ’Cats competed in the event Thursday and Friday and earned the top four spots once the dust settled. Fulfer, with a point total of 6,650, was trailed by junior psychology major Michael Beeman. Jon-Michael Delima edged out his teammate John Brunk with a difference of three points to earn the bronze. “I didn’t know I had beat him by that much,” said Delima, a junior kinesiology major. “I feel like I did good in all of my events, and I’m trying to qualify for the provisional mark for nationals.” Delima’s 6,085 points had Brunk’s 6,082 points beat, but Brunk was pleased with his performance, since he had been battling illness, he said. “I’ve been coughing up green stuff,” Brunk said. “It’s hard to put a whole dec together, 10 events in 48 hours. I still feel like I could have run my third lap of the 1,500-meter a bit harder.” Delima edged out Brunk for a third-place finish in the 1,500-meter after trailing for part of the event. Though the competition is tough, the athletes have a healthy respect and friendship with their competitors. Oliver Hanf, the women’s head coach, said that track is unique because of their travel situation. “This is unique in that athletes travel in groups together,” Hanf said. “It’s a traveling competition from one event to the next. Everyone does the 100-meter, then on to the long jump, and so on.” Besides the women’s track and field team, Hanf, a 14-year Wildcat coaching veteran, also oversees the decathlon and heptathlon events. “Our team goals are to peak at conference championships and to dominate the conference,” Hanf said. “There are eight spots on that podium and all five guys want to be up there.” The Multi-event is the first of three decathlon and heptathlon competitions in the season, and while some athletes weren’t thrilled with their performance, there’s time to get better. “I’m confident that these marks will improve,” Hanf said. “All of this was done on base conditioning. We’re trying to get our performance to be at its best when it matters most.” Gina Pence can be reached at


VANQUISHING THE VAULT Junior decathete Michael Storer competes in the pole vault competition at the Chico Multi-event, which was held Thursday and Friday at University Stadium. Storer, 22, finished sixth overall in the decathlon.

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’Cat youngsters swinging away

continues long tenure at Chico

Kevin Amerine

continued from B1


The ’Cats’ strongest play has come from one their youngest golfers. Thus far, freshman Heather Fegley has proved to be a leader on the team with an 80.5 stroke average through its fall schedule. “Her strength is her competitiveness,â€? said Kathy Dais, women’s golf head coach. “She comes alive to tournaments. She comes to play.â€? Fegley, a Chico native majoring in sociology, ďŹ nished tied for 25th place at the Grand Canyon Invitational with scores of 80 and 74, and 11th at the Lady Otter Invitational, shooting 78 and 80, in the fall. “She has helped me understand my goals better,â€? Fegley said of Dais. “Her motivation helps me motivate the team.â€? Fegley was league champion in 2006-07 at Pleasant Valley High School in Chico. Their team was Eastern Athletic League champs from 2005-07 and won sectionals those same years. “I know what I’m capable of,â€? Fegley said. “Hopefully I continue that this semester.â€? Fellow freshman Sarah McComish joins Fegley as a key player on the young ’Cats’ roster. McComish, a business management major hailing from Salem, Ore., capped her fall season o with a 14th-place ďŹ nish at the Lady Otter Invitational turning in rounds of 83 and 77. “Everything just came together,â€? McCom“My short ish h said. said sa i . id was the best game ga me w a as been all it h had a year.â€?

A priority for Dais is hitting quality shots, McComish said. “She preaches target-oriented,â€? McComish said. “You have to have that target in your mind.â€? Individually, golf is the hardest collegiate sport, Dais said. “It’s tough keeping your focus,â€? she said. Dais added that recovering from a poor shot or performance is most important, she said. Beginning their spring season, the ’Cats’ traveled to Vallejo, Calif., this weekend as Cal State East Bay hosted the Pioneer Shootout at Hiddenbrooke Golf Club. As a team, the ’Cats took sixth place in a field that included four schools ranked in the top 25. McComish finished in 24th place with scores of 84 and 85, earning her the top finish among the ’Cats squad. Hooper and Canadas both had solid finishes, placing 26th and 28th for the Wildcats. “I expect them to keep on improving,â€? Dais said. Ranked 10th in the nation, Sonoma State went back to the North Bay as Pioneer Shootout champs, topping second-place Cal State Monterey Bay by four shots. Cal State Monterey Bay’s Darcy Lake took home individual honors shooting, 75 and 72. The ’Cats host the InterWest Chico State Invitational at Canyon Oaks Country Club March 21-22. “We deďŹ nitely want to improve and at least get to regionals,â€? Fegley said. “We all showed we can shoot in the 70s.â€?

have ever shared. But those in Chico are not the only ones who recognize his special attention to his craft. “He’s known wide and far,â€? Hanf said. “It’s quite clear that he has made an impact on many lives.â€? During his tenure with Chico State, Freitas has enjoyed a large amount of success. “Since we joined the CCAA, the only team the men’s have lost to is UC Davis,â€? Hanf said. UC Davis has since moved to Division I, and Freitas’ program has been very dominant winning several CCAA championships since joining the division, he said. Freitas attributes much of his program’s success to recruiting high character athletes and to the idea of the team being a “track family,â€? a term coined on campus, he said. In the fall, there is a mandatory track meeting where each athlete becomes familiar with the others. This is when the team begins to bond and come together to form the family, Freitas said. Brian Beeman, a volunteer coach for the track team, is gaining experience as an assistant under the man referred to as “Papa Freit,â€? he said. Beeman is someone who has remained a part of the track family since becoming a Chico State alumnus. “He’s just been there for whatever I need,â€? Beeman said of Freitas. “Really just got me through those college years.â€? Freitas has inuenced numerous people, even outside of the team, he said. Rival schools have recognized the connection that Freitas shares with those he coached. Many of those athletes from other schools wished they could have had that same experience in their program. “Basically he’s the man,â€? Beeman said. “He just does it all.â€? Many alumni visit Freitas, especially at their annual alumni dinner. He receives countless emails from past athletes, just checking in. He has shaped the lives of Hanf and Beeman along with many others in a way that only certain people can. “I think my athletic director and wife have a pact that I’m going to die here in the sand,â€? Freitas said. “I’ve been out here doing this for 31 years and I’ve enjoyed being out here every second.â€?

Kevin Amerine can be reached at

Blake Mehigan can be reached at


SIZING UP THE HOLE Sophomore golfer Alexandra Bush contemplates her upcoming shot. Bush, a business major from Coto de Caza, ďŹ nished fourth on the Wildcats and 30th overall at 172 strokes. McComish was a 2010 graduate of Sprague High School and was part of the All-Mid Valley team all four years. Through the fall schedule, McComish played to an 83.3 stroke average. “I could only get better with the experience of playing at a competitive level,â€? McComish said. “I improved over the four years, and I lowered my score by 25 strokes.â€? Fegley and McComish are young additions to an already young ’Cats squad with no one graduating after this season. ’Cats’ veterans Katie Canadas and Shelby Hooper have played crucial parts in helping the younger players. “They have showed me what to expect in competition,â€? Fegley said. Hooper, a junior from Incline Village, Nev., averaged 81.5 strokes per round last fall, and ďŹ nished tied for 26th at the Sonoma State Invitational and placed 23rd at the Lady Otter Invitational. Canadas, a junior from Modesto, ďŹ nished in 10th place at the Western Washington Invitational shooting 80 and 76. “They’re very competitive girls,â€? McComish said. “It’s fun to compete while being friends.â€? Dais has also guided her young squad on improving their game.


ALL IN THE HIPS Sophomore Whitney Vau unleashes a powerful swing at a recent Wildcat practice.

any size

for one

soft drink or sweet tea & $ " () % ! " ! $ " " + !# ' " #

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Nov. 6

Red/White Scrimmage

3 p.m.

Nov. 7

@St. Mary’s

L 58-104

Feb. 5

Simpson University (DH)

Nov. 7

@University of Pacific

L 44-59

Nov. 19

Academy of Art

W 73-55

Feb. 18-20

@Cal Poly Pomona

Nov. 18

@Cal State Stanislaus

W 64-59

Nov. 20

Hawaii Pacific

W 64-46

Feb. 27-28

Montana-State Billings

Nov. 22

Bethany University

W 63-44

Nov. 23

Cal State Stanislaus

W 74-59

March 4-6

@Cal State Monterey Bay

Nov. 26

Northwest Christian

W 85-72

Nov. 27

@Cal State Stanislaus

W 88-80

March 11-13

@Western Oregon

Nov. 27


W 71-52

Dec. 3

Humboldt State

W 64-62

March 18-19

Dec. 3

Humboldt State

L 81-84 (OT)

Dec. 4

Sonoma State

W 52-41

Dec. 4

Sonoma State

W 69-65

Dec. 10

@Western Washington

W 65-62 (OT)

Dec. 8

Cal State Stanislaus

W 61-59

Dec. 11

@Seattle Pacific

L 56-57

Dec. 11

Pacific Union

W 69-40

Dec. 30

@Cal State L.A.

Dec. 30

@Cal State L.A.

L 62-71

Dec. 31

@Cal State Dominguez Hills

Dec. 31

@Cal State Dominguez Hills

L 65-76

Jan. 7

UC San Diego

Jan. 7

UC San Diego

W 68-55

Jan. 8

Jan. 8

Cal State East Bay

W 65-47

Jan. 14

@Cal State San Bernardino

Jan. 15

W 21-9, W 6-2

Feb. 5


3 W, 1 L

Feb. 5

Cal State San Marcos


Feb. 5

San Francisco State

3 W, 1 L

Feb. 6

Sonoma State/CSU Stan.

Feb. 18-19

Cal State East Bay

Cal State Stanislaus

Feb. 25-26

@Cal State Stanislaus

March 20

@Cal State Stanislaus (DH)

March 4-5

San Francisco State

March 22

@Simpson University

March 11-12

@Cal State San Bernardino

March 25-26

@San Francisco State

March 18-19

@Sonoma State

W 68-58

March 27

San Francisco State

March 25-26

UC San Diego

W 71-59

April 1-3

@Cal State Dominguez Hills

April 1

West. Oregon/Hawaii Pac.

L 53-73

April 8-10

Cal State San Bernardino

April 2

Grand Canyon

Cal State East Bay

W 74-47

April 15-17

Cal State L.A.

April 2


Jan. 14

@Cal State San Bernardino

L 56-61

April 21-23

@Cal State East Bay

April 2

Montana State-Billings

L 61-75

Jan. 15

@Cal Poly Pomona

L 42-62

April 29-30

UC San Diego

April 3

Tourney of Champions TBD

@Cal Poly Pomona

L 68-82

Jan. 21

San Francisco State

W 59-46

May 1

UC San Diego

April 8-9

Humboldt State

Jan. 21

San Francisco State

L 70-83

Jan. 22

Cal State Monterey Bay

May 6-7

@Sonoma State

April 15-16

@Cal State Dom. Hills

Jan. 22

Cal State Monterey Bay

W 73-68

Jan. 28

Cal State Dominguez Hills

W 55-42

May 8

Sonoma State

April 21-22

Cal State Monterey Bay

Jan. 28

Cal State Dominguez Hills

L 66-76

Jan. 29

Cal State L.A.

W 63-60

May 12-14

CCAA Tournament

April 29-May 1 CCAA Tournament

Jan. 29

Cal State L.A.

L 53-71

Feb. 3

@Sonoma State

W 64-44

May 19-22

NCAA West Regional

May 13-15

NCAA West Regional

Feb. 3

@Sonoma State

W 80-77

Feb. 5

@Humboldt State

L 60-76

May 20-21

NCAA Super Regional

Feb. 5

@Humboldt State

L 60-65

Feb. 10

@Cal State East Bay

L 69-74

May 26-30

NCAA Division II College WS

Feb. 10

@Cal State East Bay

L 66-72

Feb. 12

@UC San Diego

L 60-71

Feb. 12

@UC San Diego

W 60-56

Feb. 18

Cal Poly Pomona

L 79-93

Feb. 18

Cal Poly Pomona

W 62-58

Feb. 19

Cal State San Bernardino

L 60-70

Feb. 19

Cal State San Bernardino

L 60-67

Feb. 24

@Cal State Monterey Bay

L 48-54

Feb. 24

@Cal State Monterey Bay

W 68-66

Feb. 25

@San Francisco State

March 1-5

CCAA Championship Tourney


L 62-64 (OT)

L 38-51

W 60-52

May 28-June 2 NCAA Division II College WS


W 7-0 L 0-9 W 2-0 W 4-1, L 1-2 PPD 4W 2 W, 2 L


Feb. 25

@San Francisco State

Sept. 19-21

Sonoma State Invitational

Feb. 26

Wildcat Relays

March 1-5

CCAA Championship Tourney


March 11-14

NCAA Championship Tourney


Sept. 27-28

Grand Canyon Invitational

March 3-4

Chico Multi-event

March 12-15

NCAA Championship Tourney


March 23-26

NCAA Championship Elite 8


Oct. 11-12

Viking Invitational

March 5

Kim Duyst Invitational

March 23-26

NCAA Championship Elite 8


Oct. 18-19

Golf Mart Lady Otter Invitational

March 12

Aggie Open

March 5-6

Cal State East Bay Invitational

March 19

Hornet Invitational

March 21-22

InterWest Chico State Invitational

March 23-24

California Multi-event

March 28--29

CSU Monterey Bay Otter Invite

March 25-26

S.F. Distance Carnival/Stanford Invite

MEN’S GOLF Feb. 28-Mar.1 Coyote Classic

April 18-19

CCAA Championships

April 4-5

Grand Canyon Invitational

April 2

American River College

March 21-22

Mustang Intercollegiate

May 2-4

NCAA Super Regional

April 11-12

Tarleton State Invitational

April 8-9

Chico Distance Carnival/Twilight Invite

March 28-29

Grand Canyon Thunderbird Invite

May 17-20

NCAA National Championships

May 1-3

NCAA Super Regional

April 15-16

Mt. Sac Relays/Woody Wilson

May 11-14

NCAA Championships

April 22-23

CA/OR Border Battle

April 30

Peyton Jordan Invitational

May 5-7

CCAA Championships

May 13-14

Stanislaus Twilight

Note for softball, golf, and track and field: Home meets and tournaments are in bold, while neutral sites – in softball – are in italics.

NCAA Championships


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Earl Parsons ARTS EDITOR

Pop Culture Shock



LINEUP Bale Folclorico da Bahia performs March 2 at Laxson Auditorium. The troupe preserves Afro-Brazilian dances.


Bale Folclorico da Bahia performs Afro-Brazilian dances for Laxson crowd Nicole Walker STAFF WRITER


t could have been the colorful costumes, the energy of the moves, the fierce intensity on the dancers’ faces or the partial nudity displayed on stage. Whatever it was, it had Laxson Auditorium up dancing to the beat of every drum. By the end of the Chico Performances show Thursday night, the dancers of Bale Folclorico da Bahia had the crowd gathered near the stage, following the moves and the beat of the Afro-Brazilian rhythms. “People can’t resist this influence and can’t stay seated in their places,” said Walson Botelho, Bale Folclorico da Bahia director and co-founder. “The energy of the dancers, rhythms, musicians and singers go beyond their expectations. They are captured by the emotion.” The show is made up of 20 dancers, five musicians and three singers that perform nine dances. The nine dances are based on rituals from the Candomble religion brought to Brazil by the slaves in the colonial period.

Auditions are held every two years or when performers are needed for a new project, and the first quality Botelho searches for is authenticity. “The technique is given to them in the classroom,” Botelho said. “But to teach them how to have a Bahia smile is impossible.” Bale Folclorico da Bahia has grown from African roots, but the troupe’s latest show, “Sacred Heritage,” shows the legacy the African descendents have carried on from their ancestors in Africa. “The work we do shows on stage the Bahian culture in its most pure state,” Botelho said. “Embodied with professionalism without losing its origin.” The smiles of the Bahian dancers glowed as they flipped and jumped with an explosion of bright colors and movements while the lights and stage scenery changed behind them. The African-inspired costumes brought out the celebration with colorful layers of loose clothing. The troupe’s dances have to be based on Afro-Brazilian history because they are a folklore dance company, Botelho said. “African traditions are very present in the day to day life of Bahia,” he said. “It appears naturally in our performance.”

FIVE DANCES OF THE BAHIA After the colonization of Brazil, 10 million African slaves were relocated in the New World. The slaves continued practicing the Yoruban religion Candomble as a way of keeping their native culture alive. Each portion of the Bale Folclorico da Bahia troupe’s performance is based on an Afro-Brazilian Candomble ritual. The first part is the show’s namesake, “Sacred Heritage,” which choreographically establishes the Afro-Brazilian identity and culture. The second piece, “The Fisherman’s Dance,” is popular on Bahian beaches, and it entails fisherman and their wives singing and dancing to ask the sea goddess Iemanja for protection. The third and fourth pieces are related to one another. Capoeira is a kind of martial art brought to Brazil by slaves from Angola. Samba de Roda is the original style of dancing that created the modern Brazilian samba. The last dance is called Afixire, which means “Dance of Happiness” in the Yoruba West African language. The dance pays homage to the continent that inspired and formed Bahian cultural life.

“Air Bud 2: Ridiculous Receiver” I have a lot to say, so I’m just gonna get started — the second “Air Bud” movie, “Air Bud: Golden Receiver,” jumped more sharks than a room full of Fonzies at a jukebox convention in Australia. The first “Air Bud” movie is almost believable. I can buy into the idea of a dog being able to play basketball. I have the Internet — I’ve seen a dog dunk before. Why shouldn’t a retriever be able to lead a motley team of stereotypical pre-teens to victory in the regional tournament? The third “Air Bud” movie, “World Pup,” is even more believable — I’ve seen a dog kick a ball before my eyes, and a game as boring as soccer could benefit from the inclusion of interspecies participants. But there’s no way that a dog would have the mental acuity to play American football like our hero does in “Golden Receiver.” This movie doesn’t just stretch the realm of plausibility — it lays it out on a torture rack from the Spanish Inquisition. “Air Bud 2” presumes its viewers will overlook the fact that a dog has the physical toughness and mental discipline to wait for a snap count, read the defense, run a 10-yard post route over the middle, catch a ball without opposable thumbs then break a tackle and run out of bounds to stop the clock in the fourth quarter. That’s a lot to expect from your audience, even when your audience is little kids. If football were really that easy, I would steal a pack of dogs from a kennel right now and teach them the intricacies of a West Coast Offense. I’d be the Bill Walsh of canines. The National Football League would be 10 times more entertaining if the teams were made up of hungry mongrels. There would be no need for contract disputes or collective bargaining agreements since the dogs’ only payment would be Kibbles ’n Bits. Drafting the perfect pooch squad isn’t that hard either. St. Bernards would be linemen, pit bulls would be linebackers and chows would be running backs. You would still need a human quarterback, because a dog isn’t going to respect another dog in the huddle. The obvious best choice for the job is Michael Vick. He could just hit his receivers with a shock collar when they develop a diva complex like Terrell Owens. There’s more I could say about this important issue, but the space of this column precludes it. I could write a whole book about the “Air Bud” where the dog plays baseball. Don’t even get me started.


Nicole Walker can be reached at

SHAKE IT OFF A Bale Folclorico da Bahia performer dances for the “Sacred Heritage” show March 2 at Laxson Auditorium.

source: Walson Botelho

Earl Parsons can be reached at

VIRAL VIDEOS >> speaking “We made love like a pair of black wizards.” Of Montreal “The Party’s Crashing Us” 2005

“Borderline Racist 1960’s Jell-O Ad” YouTube

“Flintstones Winston cigarettes commercial” YouTube

This ad goes beyond “borderline racist,” using a generalized Chinese-American accent for effect.

It was a different time.

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Charlie Sheen Sheeen Edition Ed

- compiled by Earl Parsons


>> Winning (DUH) This is the first time in the history of celebrity that one person has created a new cult of personality within the span of a week. What sets the Charlie Sheen story apart from Paris Hilton or Britney Spears or any other tabloid lightning rod of the last decade is that the media are catching Sheen at a moment of triumph in his life. He’s clean, he’s speaking his mind and taking control of his career. As Sheen puts it, “I’ve finally extracted myself from their troll-hole and starting living my life the way I want to live it.” Sheen’s taking back his tumultuous life as a disgruntled father and actor in the only way he can, and he’s invented his own lexicon in the process and spurned a national debate over 12-step rehab programs that should’ve happened 15 years ago. The Web is responding to Sheen’s comments exactly how he intended them to. Charlie Sheen is the new Chuck Norris, but unlike the Chuck Norris Facts that would become early memes, Sheen got the opportunity to establish his warlock/Vatican-assassin credibility while he’s still relevant.



CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? [above] Alex Coffin of Teeph screams behind his drum set at the Sludge as Fest Friday at 1078 Gallery.


Metal trudges through 1078

USE YOUR HEAD [right] Amarok bassist Brandon Squyres and guitarist Kenny Ruggles get down at Sludge as Fest Friday.


A dark gathering took place Friday in the 1078 Gallery as six grimy metal bands heeded the call for heavy music. Into the Open Earth opened the Sludge as Fest followed by the slow and deep riffs from the two-piece Epitaph of Atlas. The audience watched as shrieking notes were coaxed from a ducttaped guitar. Amarok’s set consisted of two extended jam songs that lasted about 18 minutes a piece, guitarist Jeremy Golden said. The slow but vibrant music and growling vocals sounded strangely alien, as if they were birthed from another realm. “The riffs, if you played them fast, would be over five minutes,” Golden said. “It’s hard for some people to restrain themselves to play that slow.” Teeph performed strangely groovy rhythms with Sesar Sanchez’s voice alternating between a scream and a whisper. At one point during the performance, Sanchez called for the lights to be turned down and questioned the ambience

>> “Two and a Half Men” (TV) All this controversy is overlooking the fact that “Two and a Half Men” is the worst successful sitcom ever. Sheen really does deserve all of the money that show makes, because he’s been the only character keeping it halfway-watchable since the beginning. But that’s just my over-analytical opinion. “Two and a Half Men” is successful because it employs a very basic, honest style of humor that appeals to a certain type of no-nonsense sitcom viewership. The producers are making a big mistake if they’re not going to bring Sheen back, because he’s the core of that emotional honesty. If another actor played that role, it would just come off as a bad Sheen impression. Showrunner Chuck Lorre is trapped in a catch-22. If he replaces Sheen or restructures the show around Jon Cryer and the fat kid, the end result will be worse than the

the 1078 Gallery was attempting to create when the lights were completely shut off. “I said romantic,” Sanchez yelled, “not rapey.” Cold Blue Mountain shifted seamlessly between fast and slow rhythms and sweet and distorted harmonies. The audience felt that the band was building to something, but it was never what they expected. The audience couldn’t contain themselves for the final band, Armed for Apocalypse, and began jumping around like kids injected with sugar. The punishing band swayed across the stage and carried their instruments like aural artillery. The Sludge as Fest was a showcase of local sludge metal, a genre Cold Blue Mountain drummer Daniel Taylor describes as viscerally stimulating. “It makes you feel like you’re walking through a fucking swamp,” he said. “It’s the sound of being mired in pure filth, trapped in a hairy cave of cruelty and nothingness.” Tim Kerber can be reached at

episodes of “That ’70s Show” without Topher Grace. But if he acquiesces to Sheen’s demands, he’ll lose all respect with the cast and crew.


>> Tiger blood transfusion (BLACK MARKET SURGERY) My knowledge of tigers doesn’t extend much farther than orange stripes, so I’m not sure what the physiological benefits of a tigerblooded circulatory system actually are. The surgery seems like it would take a lot of time and money, and is tiger blood really that great? What makes it better than wombat pus or komodo dragon saliva? What are the long term effects of a tigerderived bloodstream? Is Adonis DNA required for the transfusion, or can you get by with Poseidon’s recessive balding genes? The questions are just too long and numerous. I wouldn’t recommend it.


>> “The Chase” (FILM) After Sheen’s recent outbursts, it’s hard to watch movies like “Wall Street” and “Young Guns” the same again, but “The Chase” feels more relevant to Sheen’s life now than it was during its release in 1994. Sheen plays a former birthday clown and escaped convict who robs a convenience store with a candy bar, kidnaps a trust fund girl and runs from police in the girl’s sports car. With appearances from Henry Rollins and The Red Hot Chili Peppers and a scene where Sheen has sex in the middle of a high speed chase on I-5, “The Chase” is winning, indeed.

WE NEED TO TALK Garrett Miller [left] as Eben Cabot stands close to Keilana Decker as Abbie in the Blue Room Theatre’s performance of “Desire Under the Elms” Thursday.


Hot Buttered Rum to spread over Chico Paige Fuentes STAFF WRITER

They’re not just your regular cups of buttered rum. Many have tried to place Bay Area band Hot Buttered Rum in a certain genre and failed. Erik Yates, who plays the banjo, guitar and woodwinds for the band, can barely put a name on it. “If I had to, I’d call it West Coast Americana,” Yates said. The band, performing Thursday at El Rey Theatre, consists of five diverse musicians, including Yates, Aaron Redner on the fiddle and acoustic and electric mandolins, Bryan Horne on the upright bass, Lucas Carlton on percussion and Nat Keefe on the guitar. All five musicians contribute vocals at different points on different tracks. The combined product is a powerhouse of danceable sounds. The group first sat down to play together at a friend’s house and tried to enjoy a cup of hot buttered rum, which turned out to be quite terrible. “We drank it down anyways,” Yates said. “We like to say that we’ve improved the recipe along with the music. I think both have reached a point where they’re pretty damn tasty.” Hot Buttered Rum are currently on the move but are not traveling in their well-known

“Veggie Bus” this time HOT BUTTERED around. The veg- RUM etable Time oil-powered 8 p.m. bus has been Thursday given the boot for a smaller Price van. Putting $13 advance chains on admission the dual rear wheels in the Location snow was no El Rey Theatre treat. “That old girl’s been good to us though and hosted some fairly ridiculous after-parties,” Yates said. Keefe, Redner and Yates are the primary songwriters, and Yates will sometimes pick up the flute or keyboard when needed. “Whatever the song needs, I’m sort of the kitchen sink guy — instrumentally speaking,” Yates said. The band’s fan base has been steadily growing over the years and they are looking to keep it growing. “We’ll always be honored as hell to play music for however many folks come out, but we’re gunning for big things musically,” Yates said. “You’ve got to. It’s always more fun to shoot for the moon.” Paige Fuentes can be reached at



Desire lurks under stage elms Madison Parker STAFF WRITER

The Blue Room Theatre was transformed Thursday from a black, square room to a haycovered farm with a little cabin set on top. On the opening night of the Blue Room production of the 1924 play “Desire Under the Elms,” handmade tree limbs hung among the lights on the ceiling as two men walked on the stage with tattered work clothes and an antiquated dialogue befitting the era. “Desire Under the Elms” is playwright Eugene O’Neill’s reimagining of the Greek tragedy of Phaedra, a goddess whose actions lead to the murder of her illegitimate child. In this story, Eben Cabot fights for the New England farm that his father Ephraim had left behind after his mother’s death. Ephraim returns with a new wife named Abbie, who gets tangled up in an affair with

the young Eben. Audience members held back giggles and reacted awkwardly during the scene when ‘DESIRE Abbie sleeps UNDER THE with her stepELMS’ son while her husband Time Ephraim 7:30 p.m. delivers a solilThursday, oquy in the Friday and Saturday foreground. through March “Desire 19. Under the Elms” is not a Price light-hearted $10 student, story — it senior, includes sex, $15 adult adultery and infanticide. Location “It’s not Blue Room Theatre fun,” director Brad Moniz said. “It’s a hard play that doesn’t have any fun in it.” The colloquial early-20th Century dialogue wasn’t interpreted — it was literally added

to the production, said actor Quentin St. George, who plays Ephraim Cabot. The script is littered with extra apostrophes, missing letters and folksy expressions. Moniz stumbled into the production accidentally. The original director was called out to Illinois and Moniz was asked to fi ll in at the last minute, he said. With only seven weeks of practice and one full dress rehearsal under their belts before opening night, the actors performed the best they could, said actress Keilana Decker, who played Abbie. “It’s been tough,” she said. “There were a lot of things we didn’t have the chance to try.” Despite the bumpy road, the actors managed to push boundaries, St. George said. “Honestly, we did better than I expected,” he said. “And that is a great thing.” Madison Parker can be reached at


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Path of an art grad

SHOW AND TELL Jeremy Golden holds up fliers inside his office. The communication design graduate is an illustrator who experiments with Polaroids and plays guitar for the metal band Amarok.

Leila Rodriguez STAFF WRITER

Jeremy Golden may have graduated from Chico State in 2006, but he left plenty of nuggets around campus. The local artist crafted the “Please be quiet” signs strategically placed and often overlooked throughout Meriam Library, and he takes on any canvas and any challenge, whether it’s a Rubik’s Cube, a band poster or his 1961 Gibson SG Reissue electric guitar. In his college days, Golden felt that something was missing from his experience at Chico State’s fine arts program. His teachers would criticize him for adding text to his paintings, so he transferred into graphic design and felt at home. “I just felt very connected to the narrative nature of the text,” Golden said with a soft, slow cadence masked by his thick beard and glasses. “My artwork has a very graphic element to it.” Golden joined Meriam Library’s Instructional Media Center and helped create the College of Business Ethics Scholars medallions worn by graduate students and displayed on banners all over campus. Golden’s professors admired his work, communication design lecturer Frank Armstrong said. “He stretched himself beyond what most students think about when it came to projects,” Armstrong said. T-shirt company Fifth Sun hired Golden before he graduated. He occupied two different departments for a year and a half, expanding his craft in design and learning about color separation, the act of making a digital image into an analog graphic. The fusion of the two skills



‘I REMEMBER IT DIFFERENT’ Local artist and Chico State communication design graduate Jeremy Golden uses acrylic paints on wood. balanced the company’s art department, former Fifth Sun colleague and long-time friend Matt Loomis said. “He’s refreshing,” Loomis said. “You don’t get much of that in the art world today.” The years closely following his graduation from Chico State were a blur for Golden, Loomis said. Losing his mother to cancer shortly after that took a massive toll on him, as well. “I’ve never seen someone take so many blows and survive,” Loomis said. “Not to put rose-colored glasses on the situation, but it was a huge blow to the guy.” The support Golden received from his former professors went beyond his expectations, he said.

“There was no teacher that didn’t take me aside and say, ‘Hey, let’s work through this,’” Golden said. Golden TO SEE MORE eventually wanted more of Golden’s personal freedesigns and dom in his illustrations, own creative visit his stomping website at ground, so jeremygoldenhe decided to leave Fifth Sun and start his own freelance graphic design company. Now he works from a small shared office space with project ideas scribbled on pieces of paper and taped to the walls like decor. With the two skull heads rested upon either side of a well-


utilized bookshelf, the office looks like an artists’ temple. Golden designs labels and professional fliers for different business owners across town, including Chico Chai owner Sarah Adams. “He’s really modest for his level of talent,” Adams said. While scavenging for work wherever he can, Golden has also collected a new love — photography. The ease of a point-and-shoot camera tugged at his heart when he was handed a Polaroid Land Model 100, and he’s now the proud owner of more than 15 different Polaroid cameras

and boxes full of pictures. “The images themselves are so gorgeous on their own,” he said. Along with his illustration career, Golden plays guitar for doom band Amarok, performing a heavy, slow, down-tuned version of metal. Music came naturally to Golden, but he had a hard time connecting with others at first, he said. “As I progressed on the guitar, my style became indicative of stoner rock and sludge style,” he said. Now Amarok has performed in Chico’s metal showcase

Sludge as Fest and is set to embark on a month-long East Coast tour in April. “We’ve gotten everything,” Golden said. “From ‘You’re my new favorite band,’ to ‘That made me feel sick.’” Even though he’s earned creative freedom through his design, music and photography, Golden has had to learn to live on less money, he said, adding that it’s been a gratifying experience. “It’s going well,” he said. “But I’m barely making it.” Leila Rodriguez can be reached at

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Scientology told me what I already knew JOHNIE GETS HIS THETANS CHECKED


To be honest, I felt terrified walking into the Church of Scientology Mission of Chico. I tried to clear my mind of any previous knowledge I had accumulated about the everso-controversial religion. They offer free personality tests, and if there’s anything definite about my personality, it’s that I love almost anything free. I had shown up at 1812 Esplanade numerous times over the past weeks in an attempt to redeem my enlightenment scan. But they were closed, operating only four hours on the weekdays. I called to schedule an appointment. I left a message. I received a message back. The man’s voice sounded disinterested, apathetic and generally uncaring, not the tone one would expect from a religious representative. So far, I was not impressed. Was this worth all the trouble? What could they tell me about my personality that I didn’t already know? I could envision the results. Irredeemable. Doomed. A lost cause. I finally caught them during their office hours Thursday. I waltzed into the small building to find two men in the middle of a conversation that halted immediately upon my arrival. I locked eyes with what appeared to be the man in charge and presented my well-tidings. “How can I help you?” he asked. He stood up from his desk. “Yeah, well you see, I had called about a free personality test a while ago ... ” I trailed off. “Oh yes, I remember — you’re Johnie, I take it,” he said. He extended his hand to shake. “My name is Kareem.” The mere fact that he






90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10











0 -10 -20 -30 -40 -50

These are the results of his Oxford Capacity Analysis, a test administered to assess different personality characteristics.









remembered my name indicated that the scientology people don’t get many takes for their personality tests. Kareem handed me a questionnaire with 200 inquiries about my psyche that required answers of “+,” “-,” or “?” Q: “Is your life a constant struggle for survival?” Naturally, but isn’t everyone’s? Q: “Do you often ponder your own inferiority?” What, me? Inferior? Q: “Do you often sing or whistle just for the fun of it?” I’m pretty sure this is a song lyric by Faith No More. Q: “Do children irritate you?” Only my own, and only part of the time. Q: “Do you openly and sincerely admire beauty in other people?” Oh, yes. Each and every time

it crosses my path. And I am quite open and sincere in my appreciation. I answered their questions. I battled through the madness and was prepared to find out my results. But the results never came. Kareem spent the rest of our visit discussing the various seminars and courses they offered. We watched DVDs and took tours. He showed me their “cleansing room.” Some three hours later I still had not received any insight regarding the inner workings of my personality. I’ve always been told that I’m the owner of an eccentric and complex personality and I hoped this test would show otherwise, or at least validate these notions. It was now 10:15 p.m. and I had to get home. A man can

only take so much bombardment in one evening. Show Him What He’s Won I was forced to schedule a second visit to be “graded,” as Kareem puts it. Is it possible to fail a personality test? I would have to wait until Saturday at noon to find out. I saw no cars in front of the building when I pulled up and the lights looked like they were off. I cursed to myself and stomped out of the car. I checked the door and it opened. Kareem appeared and greeted me enthusiastically. He informed me that his boss Sandy was ready to go over my results. This was obviously a recruiting ploy. I was sure that I would’ve failed miserably in all fields of their personality test and need to take all their courses.

But Sandy entered the room a few seconds later and said, “Hi Johnie, I’m very glad to meet you. I was very impressed with your results.” We sat at the same desk as the other night. Kareem took a seat to the side and Sandy produced a line chart with my results. “I have to say that your results are very rare for someone who walks in off the street,” she said. “Usually we see a lot of people below this line.” She then pointed at a dotted line on the graph. There was one facet of my personality far under it and another just below — marking me “critical” and “nervous,” respectively. She pointed at a notation that resembled a four-leaf clover. Naturally, she told me, there are courses to help with these fields and I would benefit greatly from them, but short of that, I

am very stable, certain, responsible and aggressive — meaning that I’m a cocky go-getter. The results also said that I am relatively happy, a good communicator and appreciative. Basically, I talk a lot and am content with my station in life. I bid Sandy and Kareem farewell and made my way out the door. I was happy with the outcome of my free test and had fended off any recruitment and course enrollment. I opened the door of my car and took my place behind the wheel. I tossed my copy of “Dianetics: The Original Thesis” into the passenger seat. Wait, what? Dianetics!? When did I buy that? There’s the receipt. Damn. They’re good. J.W. Burch, IV can be reached at

The Orion’s Awards:


The in Hollywood

First place, Best in Show — Associated Collegiate Press Conference First place, General Excellence — California College Media Association Second place, Best Overall Design —California College Media Association Third place, Best in Show website — Associated Collegiate Press Conference

daily dose always online >>




Chico State student market

Hot Buttered Rum with Swamp Zen

A.S. Sustainability’s market offers fresh organic produce and recipes for healthy living.

Hot Buttered Rum serves up acoustic rock at El Rey with Chico funk band Swamp Zen.

11 a.m. to 2 p.m. @ Student Services Center Plaza

8 p.m. @ El Rey Theatre $13


Surrogate 9 p.m. @ LaSalles $5

Surrogate celebrates the release of their new EP “Diamonds and Pearls” with Steve French and Dustin Ruth. First 50 people at the door receive a free copy.


The Shamrock Shuffle

8 a.m. to noon @ Student Services Center Plaza Free student admission Run or walk around campus and eat a fresh breakfast from Sheriff Bob’s Pancake Wagon at the eighth annual Shamrock Shuffle. Performances by The Pub Scouts and the Maria Oliver Irish Dancers.


Spring Break Ski and Board Tahoe

March 13-March 16 @ Adventure Outings Three-day package $215 with student ID Join Adventure Outings for a Spring Break adventure at Tahoe’s beautiful ski resorts. Fee includes transportation and three nights at the Cal Lodge.

| C5

necessities MON DAY



Same Sex Dictator

All day @ Bell Memorial Union Free

7:30 p.m. @ Ol’ Hawk Eyes Art Shackle $5

A gallery of digital inkjet prints by BFA photography student Monica Garcia.

It’s a night of Seattle metal at 2145 Park Ave. as the two-piece Same-Sex Dictator performs with Throne of Bone.





options >> TODAY

The Future of Science and Religion

6:45 to 9:15 p.m. @ Rowland-Taylor Recital Hall (PAC 134) Free Experts from a wide variety of disciplines discuss the relationship between science and religion in modern society. Panelists will give short presentations followed by a Q&A with the audience.

The Envelope Peasant & His Scientific Orchestra 7:30 p.m. @ Cafe Flo Free

Local folk artist performs with Weinland, New Heirlooms and Jeb Draper of Trail Ninety.

trenta size: big ass coffee


North State Symphony Fanfare: Mad About Music 6 p.m. @ Butte Creek Country Club

Keep it classy with The Chico Guild as they host a silent auction, dinner and concert to raise money for scholarships.

Dave Elke, Jackie Daum, Jahny Wallz Acoustic 7 p.m. @ Cafe Culture $5

Butte College music professor gears up with two Southern California artists, bringing a mix of Latin soul and indie folk.


Keeping Dance Alive!

7:30 to 9:30 p.m. @ Laxson Auditorium $14 student admission This event co-sponsored by Chico Performances and the Friends of Chico Community Ballet features the North State’s finest dancers and choreographers.

Rustwater 8 p.m. @ Cafe Coda $5

The group composed of members from Rock Creek Jug Band performs with Tater Famine, Shivaree and The Pushers.


Nate Pendery 8 p.m. @ Cafe Coda $5

Nate Pendery performs with West By Swan, Severance Package and Jeff Lee.

Nature Tours

10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 1 p.m. t0 3 p.m. @ North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve Free Experts from the California Wildlife Foundation host a tour of the areas geology, wildlife, waterfalls and wildflowers. Call -916-358-2869 to pre-register.


Dead Man’s Hand 9 p.m. @ Towne Lounge Free


Ingenuity: Thinking Creatively 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. @ Turner Print Museum Free

Country and Southern rock group Dead Man’s Hand perform at the Towne Lounge next door to Duff y’s Tavern.

The Turner Print Museum’s art exhibit about invention runs through April 1.

Dance Church

9 p.m. to 2 a.m. @ Madison Bear Garden

10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. @ Cafe Culture Come to Cafe Culture with a skip in your step and praise in your heart for the Mind, Body and Soul exercise with David Winglifter.


’90s Night @ LaSalles

LaSalles is playing the R&B and alternative rock hits from the 1990s all night.


Attention jukebox heroes – the Madison Bear Garden hosts a karaoke night every Monday from 9 p.m. until closing time.

STAFF FAVORITES >> JOURNALISTS Chuck Klosterman – All pop culture columnists live in the shadow of Chuck Klosterman. With books like “Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs” and “Killing Yourself to Live,” the Midwestern hair metal apologist is the premier chronicler of our mediaobsessed society.

H.L. Mencken – This early 20th Century essayist invented the term “Bible Belt” and was known as “The Man of Ideas.” Best known for his coverage of the Scopes evolution trial, his books like “The American Language” and “Notes on Democracy” established a philosophical groundwork for justifying elitism.

>> Earl Parsons Arts Editor

>> J.W. Burch, IV Arts Columnist

David Foster Wallace — Wallace wrote gonzo journalism stone-cold sober, painfully selfconscious stories that instigated profound conversations about modern American culture, employing breezy description and erudite philosophy simultaneously. >> Ben Mullin Staff Writer

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LITTLE BIG PLANET Senior graphic design major Kai Larsen [left], senior communication design major Tiffany Fisher [center] and senior anthropology major Andrew Wilding put together the Gateway Science Museum’s first self-produced exhibit.


Four students create a photograph exhibit of microscopic elements

look at tiny things

real world,” Wilding said. Using their knowledge from classroom experiences resulted rom a distant view, a in the creation of this nine-part picture of an elegant exhibit consisting of images ballerina dressed in ranging from the human retpink, swaying from ina to tiny electronic fibers all side-to-side can be photographed through the use seen at the Gateway Science of high-resolution microscopic Museum, but walk a few steps techniques. With no background knowlcloser and the ballerina disappears, revealing its true identity edge of the science behind the photographed molecules used in — a flea. Vibrant photographs of micro- the exhibit, the students put in scopic items like this drape the hours of research on top of putwalls of the Gateway Science ting the exhibit itself together, Museum for its new exhibit — Fisher said. “I had to spend a lot of time A Big Look at Tiny Things, a complementary exhibit to the researching the pictures,” she Microbes: Invisible Invaders … said. “We had to work with scientists and learn Amazing Allies a lot of stuff we exhibit. didn’t know to be The creators behind the Gate- With the size of some able to create the way Science of the things you can’t exhibit.” After hearing Museum’s first really appreciate how about the idea self-produced for the exhibit exhibit are Tifcomplex it is. through a profany Fisher and fessor as well as Andrew Wilding, from working senior anthropolANDREW WILDING senior anthropology major at the museum, ogy majors in the Fisher, Wilding, museum studies certificate program, Kai Larsen, Larsen and Story took control in a senior communication design making the exhibit theirs. Fisher and Story collected and major and Kari Story, a graduate negotiated with sources from student in child development. The students applied various across the country to provide the skills from their different majors museum with the images, while and what they learned in help- also researching the images to write the content for labeling. ing to create this exhibit. Wilding helped install the “I think this is the best way of taking what you learn in the exhibit while Larsen created classroom and realizing how signs and labels for the photoyou can actually use it in the graphs, as well as sizing all of the Hailey Vincent STAFF WRITER


“ “

THE GATEWAY SCIENCE MUSEUM images. The four students had little interest in the science behind the exhibit when they first started the project, but came to appreciate the material given to them and learned more than expected, Wilding said. “With the size of some of the things you can’t really appreciate how complex it is without the microscopic view,” Wilding said. “And you’ve got to enjoy the complexity of it. Having some experience from other museum exhibits already, Fisher, Wilding and Larsen all agree that creating this exhibit will provide them with a great addition to their resumes. Rachel Teasdale, the museum’s acting executive director, thinks that hands-on learning experiences like this will greatly benefit students out in the real world, she said. “I think that whenever there is a chance to have information translated in a hands-on way, that is ideal,” Teasdale said. By working side-by-side with professionals in a career-like atmosphere, and through hard work and dedication to this exhibit, these students proved to be ready for jobs out in the real world, she said. “In different areas, they are more skilled than I am,” Teasdale said. “Tiffany and Andrew were trained to handle the artwork through their classes so I

A Big Look at Tiny Things exhibit will be at the Gateway Science Museum from Feb. 12 to May 30 The museum is open Wednesday through Friday from noon to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Located at 625 Esplanade Admission: $5 for adults, $3 for children and free for museum members A Big Look at Tiny Things is divided into nine sections: - The Science of Classification - Human Retinas - Is it a Mineral? - It’s Elemental - Invaders … Body, Plant and Home

- Micro Parts - Tiny Technology - Eruptive Results - Building Blocks of Life

Source: Fact sheet provided by Kelly Servis, PR intern, Gateway Science Museum

Courtesy of Google Maps

differed to them because they have more expertise in that area than I do.” Gaining experience through work like this museum exhibit is an important practice that college students’ should be thinking about, Larsen said. “Get experience in your field no matter what field that is,” he said. After weeks of hard work and

the exhibit finally in place, these students are thought of on a professional level with the success of their exhibit, Teasdale said. “This has been a win-win experience,” she said. “With probably three or four other wins in there as well.” Hailey Vincent can be reached at


Street musicians sing about addictions, jail, exes Serena Cervantes OPINION COLUMNIST

Their songs are candid, sad and unapologetic. This is Life with Max — the band name for two street musicians who sing outside of shops in downtown Chico, at the Plaza or at any open-mic performance in the local cafes. On March 5, the duo played in Chico’s Got Talent at Cafe Culture. Joshua Leif Owen, 36, is “Life” and Max is, well, short for 25-year-old Maxwell Lahey’s

name. Besides a clever title, Life with Max suggests that the two were destined to play music together. They’ve known each other for about four years and have played together off and on ever since they met. Owen has been waiting his whole life to play with “somebody who understands him,” he said. That somebody is Lahey. Most Chicoans are used to street musicians asking for money in exchange for jarring music and jumbled lyrics. And some businesses do not appreciate musicians playing



Tibetan Monk’s mandala portrays life and death at BMU Story D2



out front on the sidewalk or inside a building’s alcove. On one Sunday evening, an interview with Lahey was interrupted by a downtown business owner, who told Owen that he couldn’t

play his music in one of the alcoves. Owen and Lahey were respectful, packed up their stuff and left. But on other nights, the crowd applauds them at open-mic nights at Has Beans Coffee and Tea Co. and out in front of The Naked Lounge Tea and Coffeehouse downtown. Couples saunter by smiling and people come out to greet them with encouragement. Life with Max doesn’t panhandle, but they don’t exactly deny donations either. They’re more about creating a sound that makes a difference.

Owen and Lahey sing about real events that have happened in their lives or, as Lahey put it, “bad situations make good songs,” they said. Some of the subjects they sing about are suicide, drug addictions, jail, prison and ex-girlfriends. When listening to Life with Max, it feels as if their songs hit ground zero with the human condition. Lahey, born and raised in Chico, wrote and delivered a song with Owen at one of Has Beans’ open-mic nights. His song, “Turn,” is a gospel of a >> please see STREET | D4

Ally Dukkers F E AT U R E S E D I T O R

The Ally Way Difficult living situations The college living experience can throw a lot of obstacles at any student. Gaining the life skills to live on your own and finding a new place to live can be a hectic process. Living parent-free is a learning experience for any college student — developing the skills to take care of yourself, getting along with roommates, and balancing schoolwork with the new found freedom. I’ve had some definite roommate and living situation issues in my four years at Chico State. When I came here my freshman year, I was placed in a three-person dorm room in Whitney Hall. Living with three people in one room with little privacy was a challenge. In my sophomore year my friend and soon-to-be roommate called me two weeks before we were scheduled to move in to tell me she would not be returning to Chico. I had to then find a replacement on Craigslist and move in with a stranger. I received many responses to my ad and my sister and I spent hours searching the names on Facebook so that we could find out some information on them. There were some interesting people who wanted to be my new roommate including a 40-year-old woman who wanted to know if she and her five cats could move in. Thankfully I found someone who seemed to have a similar lifestyle to mine and did not have any pets. It turned out to be a good situation for me but it was still uncomfortable to get to know someone by living with them. The current house that I’ve been living in for more than a year has been broken into three times. I’ve had personal property stolen and felt disrespected. My roommates and I recently found a new place to live in downtown Chico. We knew we wanted to live close to the action. We started to feel stressed when we heard our friends had found new houses and we were procrastinated on finding somewhere. Luckily for us, it worked out, but this is not something I suggest putting off. There will always be obstacles whether you live with roommates or alone, in a house, apartment or a dorm room. Living with roommates can be fun and it’s inevitable that they will have some things you will need to borrow such as clothes or cleaning supplies. Moving into different places can be fun, too, and gives you a change of scene and a chance to redecorate. Ally Dukkers can be reached at

WORD OF MOUTH >> How do you think student loans affect students’ plans after college? story D3 DICTIONARY

Microwave Mentality

[Mike • row • ave •Men • tal •ity] Having the attitude that if something can’t be done in five minutes or less, it’s not worth doing. “I hate how my roommate never does his chores because of his microwave mentality.” sorce:

Chanel Nalani junior | accounting

“Usually when students graduate, they get entry-level jobs that don’t pay much which then keeps students in a lot of debt. It’s worse if they can’t even find a job.”

“Loans are a big burden, and it’s hard to find a job already.”

“If they borrow they can get in a lot of trouble, because they can’t declare bankruptcy on loans. They have to be careful because loans go with you your whole life.” Endijs Jeremics senior | finance

Kathleen Tam

junior | international relations

“Students are more in debt, and it depends on how they plan out their life.”

Keegan Richerson sophomore | psychology

D2 |




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Events weigh in on body image problems face SE X COLUMN>>

Lexi Brister S E X CO L U M N IS T

Feeling good vibrations Some toys aren’t for little girls and boys. Sex toys include everything from ball gags and whips to dildos, vibrators and cock rings, which all exist for the purpose of enhancing your pleasure whatever your preference. Most toys are designed for making the sex act between partners more pleasurable, but many can also be used for self-servicing. When it comes to choosing your erotic aid it helps to know what type of stimulation you prefer. If you’re a woman who typically gets off on having your G-spot stroked, external clitoral stimulators like the Rabbit vibrator are probably not for you. You want something like a cylindrical rubber dildo with a curved tip and rounded head for maximum reach and rotation. Men also have a golden G known as the prostate gland, which can be stimulated with similar toys, but not all men like venturing into their back door to get to it. For men, however, there are more technologically advanced options that even offer blowjobs. With the Autoblow, all a man has to do is lube up his member and slide it into a rubber tube lined with rotating beads, then push a button and voila — instant oral action, no dinner date required. Most dealers in sexual delights have no return policies — for obvious reasons — so if you’re not sure what you want try filling out a questionnaire before buying like the ones offered at Many distributors also provide seminars on the uses and benefits of their products, which can be located with a quick Google search. Safety is also an important concern, especially for women. Toys are fun but a urinary tract infection is no game, so make sure your playthings are made of a quality material. Silicone is a great option because it’s hypoallergenic, easy to clean and provides a more natural feel than say, plastic, which can cause rash and irritation. Due to the sensitive nature of the areas of the body these toys are used on, doctors recommend scrubbing them well with basic soap and water. Also, don’t store your love gadgets in a place that often sees moisture, like the bathroom. The underwear drawer is always a good option instead. If your tastes lean more toward the kinky side there are plenty of bedtime baubles out there for you, such as the aforementioned ball gag and whip. Stores and websites like can help you select whatever items might heighten your pleasure My personal toy chest includes handcuffs and a few vibrating novelties. As someone with a strong preference for G-spot stimulation and a partner I see regularly, most of my gadgets are for heating up intercourse. A vibrating cock ring is my No. 1 recommendation for some simple extra fun. There’s minimal maintenance with just enough extra spice to take a regular roll in the hay to the next level. When it comes to the game of sex, whether you’re a seasoned pro or a small-time rookie, there’s plenty of it’s all about playing with the right toys. Lexi Brister can be reached at



After her freshman year at Pitzer College, Andrea Smeltzer wrote in her diary about her need to excessively exercise and vomit after meals. She hoped that she could be confident wearing a two-piece bathing suit and be filled with the excitement of looking like she did when she sucked her stomach in. A year later, Smeltzer became a victim of bulimia and her obsessions over her body image led to her death. The Counseling and Wellness Center along with other organizations contributed to Women’s History Month by challenging the portrayal of body images seen through the media, magazines and other women. From Feb. 28 to March 4 workshops and speakers were a part of Love Every Body Week, which addressed the stigmas of body image, dieting and eating disorders. The purpose was to raise awareness about eating disorders and to promote body acceptance, said Stephanie Chervinko, Wellness Center adviser. The Wellness Center puts on what was once called Eating Disorders Awareness Week, she said. Three years ago the center started collaborating with other organizations on campus, and changed the event’s name to Love Every Body Week. A planning committee that consisted of students and staff organized workshops and brought in speakers throughout the week, Chervinko said. Tara Malcom, a senior English education major, worked on the committee last year, she said.

Wear purple on every Thursday in March to show support for women’s history month 1848 First women’s rights convention 2007 Nancy Pelosi becomes first woman speaker of the house Source:


BODY TALK Doris Smeltzer the author of Andrea’s Voice, spoke in UHUB March 3 to raise awareness about negative body image issues and the eating disorder that her daughter, Andrea, suffered from. Her job was to reserve open space for workshops and recruit speakers, Malcom said. Another committee member was Wellness Center intern Sintia Garcia, a child development major. She participated in an information fair on Feb. 28, which provided information to students on how to stay healthy and love their bodies, Garcia said. Other organizations were also present, like the Nutrition and Food Science Association, the Women’s Center and Cross-Cultural Leadership Center, Garcia said. One of the themes of the fair was nutrition and eating healthy on a budget. “The Unexpected Path to Body Peace,” a workshop hosted by Debbie Devine, registered therapist intern with the board

of behavioral sciences, was held from noon to 1 p.m. March 2 in Bell Memorial Union Room 210. “Typically women equal goodness to thinness,” Devine said. “That cycle has to be broken.” Building self-worth makes it easier to deal with issues and stress, she said. Add self-love and compassion and women can fight back against the thin ideal. Doris Smeltzer, the mother of Andrea and president of Andrea’s Voice Foundation shared the story of her daughter’s experiences from complications of bulimia Tuesday in UHUB between Whitney and Tehama Halls. “I believe that eating disorders are a silent epidemic,” Smeltzer said. She wrote a book “Andrea’s

MONK’S MANDALA Venerable Losang Samten, a Tibetan Monk, creates a sand mandala in the Bell Memorial Union. He showed a movie about mandalas to crowd on Tuesday, March 1.

Voice” which contains Andrea’s poems and letters about her eating disorder and Smeltzer’s realization about the dangerous effects that eating disorders cause, she said. All proceeds from the book sales are donated to the Andrea’s Voice Foundation to continue to educate others about eating disorders. The book can be purchased online at www. “She was not perfect, but she lived life with a passion,” Smeltzer said. Myths about the relationship between weight and health were discussed at the workshop, Chervinko said. From a research perspective, problems like yo-yo dieting, missing meals or cutting off needed calories can be dangerous.

Tibetan sand art created, destroyed Melissa Hahn STAFF WRITER

The Tibetan Buddhist wipes a tear from the corner of his eye after about 100 people hum a mantra of compassion with him. A harmonious moment shared by a room full of strangers is sealed as Venerable Losang Samten chants a Buddhist prayer that echoed against the walls of Holt Hall, where a documentary about his artwork was presented. “Meeting the Kalachakra,” shown Tuesday, March 1, was about the first mandala made for Chico State by Samten in January 2008. The Peace Institute within the College of Humanities and Fine Arts contacted Samten for a second mandala, said Curtis Peldo, a philosophy professor who co-directed and co-edited the documentary. Samten has also done two mandalas for Butte College, making this the fourth mandala he has done in Chico, Peldo said. For three weeks, Samten came into the Bell Memorial Union to construct his second piece of meticulous sand art for Chico State called Mandala of Compassion, Samten said. Two narrow metal funnels are used to pour colored sand in symbolic patterns. The sound of the metal funnels scraping against one another while it releases the sand drew Frank Baroni, a senior construction management major, to the live art in the BMU, he said. “Just the amount of design that goes into this and how detailed he is about every piece of it — it’s like treasure,” Baroni said. “It’s hard to believe someone is capable of doing something like this.” Mandalas, which are represented artfully through different media and concepts, embody Buddhist teachings brought from India to Tibet 2,600 years ago, Samten said. Numbering in the thousands, they depict ideologies of life that can be interpreted in several ways. “It’s is a whole life studies,” he said. “It’s not just a piece of art. Mandala explains the whole universe idea; how it began, the concept of the elements, theories, metaphysics, science, logic.” A circle, geometrically divided into eight lines,

is the foundation of all mandalas, but each has its own emphasis, colors and centerpiece, Samten said. Every detail represents different natural elements and human qualities. Mandala of Compassion has a lotus in the middle, which represents compassion, and red, blue, yellow, white and green colors, he said. The colors can portray the five senses, cognitive aspects and act of releasing negative emotions. “Each color, like medicine, ■ VIDEO will cure ignorance, attachSee related video ment, greed, anger, jealousy, at negative pride,” Samten said. Peldo wanted to help showcase the mandala because it is an uncommon sight in Chico, he said. “That’s one of the great benefits of the university is that we can bring people here from all around the world,” Peldo said. “It’s very refreshing to know that not everybody is hooked into iPhone and their Facebook.” Since death is a part of life, destroying the mandala is part of the ritual, Samten said. Saturday, hundreds gathered in the BMU to witness the dismantling ceremony. The dismantling was initiated with the recital of Buddhist scriptures by Samten. While circling the mandala repeatedly, he pinched bits of sand and put it in a vase wrapped in green satin. Children and adults were then given foam brushes to help further dissemble the mandala, scraping the sand outside in, toward the center. Together, people walked to the Bidwell Bowl Amphitheatre to watch the dismantled art be put back into the Earth. Members of the community and Chico State faculty took turns pouring sand from the vase into the creek. After Samten poured the remaining sand, flowers were tossed into the river as a closure. Life is a team effort and a group journey, Samten said. “Live and love now,” he said. “Because things are destined to change.” Melissa Hahn can be reached at

Tasha Clark can be reached at


Student loans increasing, leading to greater debt Nick Pike STAFF WRITER


Just because a person is thin doesn’t mean they are healthy, said Kacey McCormack, sophomore nutrition major. Devine recommended being positive of all body images. After the workshop a panel of four people talked about recovering from an eating disorder, said Alicia Briscoe, a senior bilingual education liberal studies major. Briscoe who was on the panel had struggled with anorexia, bulimia and binging disorders for six years, she said. Briscoe had been referred by the Student Health Center to the Wellness Center where she joined a counseling support group. The panel discussed the group approach to recovery, Briscoe said. A lot of organizations on campus that helped with this week were those who see body issues increasing in women and men. Throughout the workshop Doris played a video of her husband Tom Smeltzer reading excerpts of Andrea’s poems and letters. “Healthy bodies come in all sizes, thin and heavy,” Smeltzer said.

Obtaining a student loan can be a simple solution for students who don’t have all the funding they need to attend school. But it comes at a hefty price, which many graduates find out when trying to repay their loans in a struggling economy. Shayla Nelson, a junior psychology major, described it as easy to find the different forms of aid that help her with her education. “I have a Pell Grant, a Cal Grant and a federal student loan,” Nelson said. “The process in obtaining the loan was as simple as clicking the ‘yes I agree’ button on the computer.” The loan must be repaid within six months of graduating, Nelson said. In the 2008-2009 school year, 42 percent of all Chico State students received federal student loans, according to the national center for education statistics. That averaged to nearly $5,600 per student. While most student loans are issued by the federal government, private loans do exist. However, federal loans are cheaper and more available and have better repayment terms, according to the financial aid organization website. The website also encourages students to visit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid website, as this medium offers students an easy way to find scholarships and grants that are not required to be repaid. Maurice Conner, a senior liberal studies major, found the application process troublesome but he sees it becoming more user-friendly in the future. “It’s not the easiest thing

to do,” Conner said. “You need to know all the different tax categories you fall into and be sure to file before the deadline.” But borrowing remains the only option for many students. For those who choose this option, it is recommended that if borrowing more than $10,000 per year, he or she should switch to a less expensive school, according to the financial aid organization website. But many students do not heed this advice, as current outstanding private and federal student loans inch to almost $900 billion nationwide. According to an Aug. 9, 2010 Wall Street Journal article, this number exceeds national credit card debt. The approach families are taking in sending their kids to college is very different than it used to be, said Dan Reed, director of the financial aid office. “We are seeing a lot of middle and upper-class students come in looking for help that we normally wouldn’t see,” Reed said. “ The amount that cost of living is inflating is too much compared to the amount that loans and grants are increasing.” Parents are realistically looking at what they can afford and applying it to where they’re sending their children and kids are worrying about what they’re going to do after college at a much earlier age than before because of the debt they’re incurring, he said. “Students should be seeking loans as a last resort and try to get as much free money as possible before going into debt,” Reed said. Nick Pike can be reached at

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Chico’s best burgers provide patty variety CHICO’S BURGER JOINTS: Madison Bear Garden 316 West Second St. Open daily for food 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Jiff y Burger — $8.29 Thunder Humper — $8.49 Bill Burger — $7.99

Griffin Rogers G STAFF WRITER

I often find myself staring across the table at a sexy silhouette with curves in all the right places, unable to stop from salivating over the figure’s perfect set of buns and arousing aromas. Gluttony may be one of the seven deadly sins, but I can’t help but feel so damn good when I eat a big, juicy hamburger. Lucky for me, Chico is booming with amazing burger joints with burgers ranging from all shapes, sizes and varieties. So after living in this city for six years, I consider myself somewhat of a hamburger connoisseur. For anyone who wants to go on a burger binge, I suggest staying away from fast food places. Craving In-N-Out at midnight is a tough urge to fight, but Chico offers a local experience that can really open people up to a world of hamburgers they never thought existed. Now before I go through and describe what I think are some of the finest burgers Chico has to offer, I should warn you that most of them aren’t for the squeamish or extremely health-conscious individual. Hell, they’re not even for the semi health-conscious individual. In fact, if a person cares about their health at all, they should just go eat a carrot. Madison Bear Garden The Bear is the most popular burger place among Chico State students, and it has good reason to be. They serve 15 different burgers ranging from the Thunder Humper, a burger served open-faced with chili on top, to the new Bill Burger, loaded with Frank’s Red Hot sauce and grilled jalapenos. I, however, had my sights set

Big Chico Burger 1550 East Ave. Monday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. ½ Pound Cheeseburger — $9.73 Burgers and Brew 201 Broadway St. Monday to Wednesday 11 a.m. to midnight Thursday to Saturday 11 a.m. to 3 a.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to midnight Double Cheeseburger — $9.75 Spicy Guacamole Cheeseburger — $8.95 Avocado Cheeseburger — $8.50 Buffalo Burger — $9.50 Garden Burger —$7.50


GOOD BUNS David Strasburg, a junior and kinesiology major at American River College, scarfs his burger at Madison Bear Garden. The Bear is top dog among burger joints for Chico State students. on the renowned Jiff y Burger, a burger furnished with peanut butter, jack cheese and thickcut bacon. Although the peanut butter on the Jiff y Burger is never overpowering, it does tend to drip out of the back and fall on the fries when eating it. This is one of kitchen manager Aaron Smith’s favorite parts, he said. “The Jiff y Burger is one of those things you can’t really understand unless you try it,” Smith said. After devouring this delicious burger at The Bear, the Jiff y Burger instantly became one of my favorite burgers in Chico. They can smother peanut butter on my cow any day. Big Chico Burger This burger joint can boast about some scrumptious burgers, mainly because of the quality of ingredients piled up

in each one. The meat they use is the best quality American Kobe beef raised in Red Bluff, and the buns are made from a local bakery, owner Francisco Saez said. Unlike other local burger restaurants, Big Chico Burger has individual hamburger patties for every size from ¼ pound to one pound, making them the only place in Butte County that serves one pound burgers using just one patty, Saez said. “We make sure they’re cooked to perfection, nice and juicy,” he said. After receiving my ½-pound burger, I went over to the condiment bar to load up on as much lettuce, tomatoes, pickles and chipotle sauce as I wanted — another perk of eating at Big Chico Burger. Burgers and Brew Whether it is the Buffalo

Burger, Lamb Burger, Avocado Cheeseburger or the Spicy Guacamole Burger, Burgers and Brew has the right hamburger for even the hungriest person. During my last trip to Burgers and Brew, I arrived on the verge of starvation, so I decided to try their Double Cheeseburger, two ½-pound Niman Ranch patties with a double-dose of cheddar cheese in a sesame bun. If I could describe this hamburger in one phrase, it would be “heart-stopping.” Not because I felt like dying from clogged arteries after I finished the whole thing, but because I immediately fell in love with it, and had no idea a person could invent such a glorious thing. Nobby’s I’m not going to sugar-coat this next section at all, so believe me when I say Nobby’s has the best burgers in Chico.


c h i c o

Chatter Around campus poll

Q: Where would you go to get a burger?

A. The Bear Alix Kelsey

freshman | undeclared

Christina Maguire

sophomore | pre-nursing

Hannah Rose

senior | journalism

David Oller

sophomore | undeclared

Daniel Malof

senior | spanish

Caroline Didlake junior | nutrition

Milton Grant

sophomore | health science

Nobby’s 1444 Park Ave. Tuesday to Saturday 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Nobby’s Burger — $4.25 Vegi Burger — $4.95

The restaurant looks like a shack, but the burgers there defy space and time. The ingredients are delivered fresh every morning. Buns are delivered from North State Bakery while the meat and produce are delivered fresh from S&S Produce and Natural Foods, Nobby’s manager Janeene Fox said. I ordered the basic Nobby’s Burger on my visit, which consisted of a 1/3-pound meat patty, cheddar cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, mayo and mustard. The crispy, grilled cheese laying on top of the juicy patty and in between the fresh, crunchy produce proves that Nobby’s burgers are a must-have for anyone who wants to enjoy the best burger Chico has to offer. Griffin Rogers can be reached at

B. Big Chico Burger None

C. Burgers and Brew Eileen Cullen

senior | liberal studies

D. Nobby’s Gabe Adley

sophomore | political Science

Blair Martin

senior | construction management

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Derby player rolls onto skating scene, size no issue STREET: Two singerSK8R GIRL Ashley Marquez, a Freshman social work and psychology major, “jams” around the track for the Nor Cal Roller Girls team.

Stephanie Consiglio STAFF WRITER


tanding 5 feet 6 inches and weighing 100 pounds, Ashley Marquez, freshman psychology and social work major, is ready to battle it out on the track in her roller blades against women who are bigger than her. Hearing about it through a friends sister, Marquez decided to join a roller derby team with her roommate, she said. “In high school I was only a part of the drama club,” Marquez said. “I wanted to do something new. I tried regular sports in PE and just got hurt with the simplest things.” Marquez was worried at first because she didn’t know how to skate, but she got the hang out of it quickly, she said. Robin Lee, Nor Cal Roller Girls head coach, thinks Marquez holds her ground in the rink, she said. “She was so easy to knock down,” Lee said. Marquez may be small, but she gives as well as receives, Lee said. Once out on the track, she doesn’t think about being small, Marquez said. She realizes she is going to get hit, but knows her teammates are there to protect her. Lee, who has been involved in team sports since the first grade, thinks it was apparent that Marquez had never played or even worked out for that matter, she said. But Marquez never gave up, when she gets hit, she pops right back up. This can inspire any woman that they can do it to if they try hard, she said. Size does not matter in roller derby, said Rini Jamison, freshman psychology major. It’s more important to have technique. “Just because you’re tiny doesn’t mean you can’t play roller derby,” Jamison said. There aren’t any sports out there that are like roller derby, she said. It’s a mental and physical challenge. “I’ve been knocked down by a girl who was six inches shorter than me who I also outweighed,” said Jamison, who is 5 feett 10 inches tall. “It’s all about the way you do it.” Marquez has been injured for the past few months but said she is never nervous to play.

opposing blocker starting on their second time through the pack each round, the Nor Cal Roller Girls website explained. Jammers wear a star on their helmet to differentiate themselves from the other players, Lee said. “What happens on the track, stays on the track,” she said. “Derby girls aren’t phony. They are tough and come from all walks of life.” The hits are not staged or planned, Lee said. They do hurt and bones are broken. The star jammer “Slappa Ho” is currently nursing a broken collarbone. “It is a adrenaline rush and it is also kind of scary because you have to go into a bout knowing you’re going to get smacked around,” Jamison said. “It’s really

continued from D1

exciting and a lot of fun.” Jammers have to weave their way through the pack of women, lap around the track and attempt to make it through the pack again, she said. There are about 30 people who train to be on the team, Marquez said. On the roster there are only 14 players. Potential players have to pass a skills test to play with the veterans of the team, she said. The ages range from 18 to 40. “I’ve met a lot of girls and it’s brought me out of my shell,” Marquez said. “I enjoy socializing and meeting more people now.”

young male’s disposition to be a rebel, swoon an older woman and finally, reluctantly, letting her go. The song is like something Johnny Cash would pen and have Sublime perform. He wrote the song in the Butte County Jail in Oroville, and, although it’s a harsh song about losing one’s turn, Lahey admitted that he was in love with the woman who ultimately cheated on him with his good friend. The term “turn” is an old jailhouse saying that refers to a man’s chance to have sex with a woman, Lahey said. “It was basically a way to get over the loss of a girlfriend,” Lahey said. “Kinda just like blow it off, kinda minimizing it, you know, you just lost your turn.” After years of heroin addiction Owen made the necessary changes in his life and was reminiscing on the past, he said. What came out of that experience is a melancholy song called ■ VIDEO Watch the related “Solitude.” “It was about me trying to video at theorion. change my life, and having a com hard time doing it,” Owen said. Owen has been clean for two years now. In one verse of his song, he sings: “ ... along the way a man could fall into the sea. The river’s wide and my hands are tied, but I jump in anyway.” Perhaps it is Owen’s ability to write about such disturbing events in a gentle way that causes the passers-by at The Naked Lounge Tea and Coffeehouse to hearken and heed the poetry of this tattooed-faced street musician. The mask-like tattoo on the right side of Owen’s face, the cigarette dancing between his lips as he sings and the weathered lumberjack boots on his feet give rise to perceptions that are demonstrated by his music. The tattoo on his face, a mark of a time in his life when he was a heroin addict and playing in punk bands in Texas, now takes on a different meaning and allows him to be a sort of Zorro of the music scene. His now folk-like style of music has been replaced and forgotten because of the commercialized bands, local and foreign, who sweep through town and stake their claim at the Senator Theatre. Music is not only the bond of their friendship, it also holds their heads above the temptations, bad choices and the neglecting aspects that present themselves when their art is performed at ground zero. Such is the life of a street musician.

Stephanie Consiglio can be reached at

Serena Cervantes can be reached at


“As of right now my right knee is completely numb,” she said. “I also had patellar tendonitis.” Roller derby has been around for a while. Lee was young when it she started watching it on TV at her home in the Bay Area, she said. It started to fade away before she could try out and it was years before it came back. “Modern day roller derby is an all-female, full-contact sport on quad skates, with the brutality of rugby and the grace of gymnastics,” Lee said. The game starts with five girls from each team making a pack and trying to block the other team’s jammers from getting through, Lee said. The jammers score a point each time they legally pass an

songwriters join up



Feb 2 | Mar 2 | Mar 30 | May 4


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c. 1975

c. 1980


Campus Spotlight: 1988 | Associated Students no longer battle over control THEN

c. 1980


“A.S. Wilson tug of war becomes statewide issue” Sept. 7, 1988 The Associated Students were battling it out for control over A.S. Business Operations. Chico State students wanted to restructure Associated Students’ business interests, which

consisted of A.S. Bookstore and campus food services. This drive for change resulted in an intense battle between the university president at the time, Dr. Robin Wilson, and A.S. Wilson argued that the inconsistency of students involved in A.S., due to yearly re-elections, would make it too challenging for students to take charge of

business operations. A.S. provided Wilson with a contract for operations of campus business, which he rejected calling it “arrogant.” Wilson returned to A.S. with a State University Administration Manual to be signed. This quickly turned the debate between former president Wilson and A.S. into a statewide issue.


Sunshine Connection provides welcoming environment for kids

c. 1981

c. 1983

The Sunshine Connection, formally known as the Sunshine Kid’s Club, is a nonprofit club for children in Butte County. The group is a community run organization that was founded by Faelin Klein. The club is for children ages 5-18 and is designed to promote self-esteem and create a safe and comfortable environment.

c. 1985

c. 1986


c. 1988

c. 1988

c. 1995

A.S PROBLEMS Robin Wilson [left], the university president in 1988, disagreed with some of the things the Associated students wanted to do. Current A.S. Executive Director David Buckley oversees an Associate Students organization that is much more expansive than it was in ’88.


In 2011, A.S. has become more focused on student development and student services, and fighting for control over operations has become a battle of the past. After discussions regarding legal issues and changes to the A.S. bylaws, the conclusion was made for A.S. to continue


to operate commercial operations, said David Buckley, executive director of A.S. It has grown a considerable amount since 1988 and has increased services to students through various programs, Buckley said. “Twenty years ago there wasn’t the WREC, a recycling program, a sustainability program, computer lab, art gallery,

a bike cart, a comprehensive outdoor program or an auditorium to hold large concerts and student events,” he said. The focus on student services by A.S. has increased substantially in the past two decades and shows no sign of slowing down. - Compiled by Hailey Vincent

Q: So what is The Sunshine Connection about? Klein: It’s a communityrun, non-profit kids’ club helping kids with and without disabilities. Q: What brought it about? Klein: My daughter actually suffers from a disability and wasn’t included in certain groups and activities when she was a kid, and so it came from a personal need with me. I wanted to start a group so that kids could feel included, accepted and have fun together.

Q: How long has The Sunshine Connection been around? Klein: It was 16 years ago when I first put the group together. I never intended it to turn into an organization with so many kids, but it just kept growing. Q: What else can you tell me about the organization, and what kind of activities do you do? Klein: We receive our funding on a primarily donation basis and we are here for the kids. The activities we do include martial arts, wheelchair basketball and biking. These aren’t activities we choose for the kids, but what they select. We have an upcoming fundraising event that is called “Guns and Hoses” where the Chico SWAT team will play against the fire department in a wheelchair basketball game on March 26 and they are taking it pretty seriously. Also, the whole community has been behind us from Rabobank helping with signage and Impact Marketing getting the word out about us. Please come and support us. - Compiled by Nick Pike



THAT MONKEY TUNE by Michael A. Kandalaft

HEAD by Larry Pocino Should we open it? There’s nothing else to do here.


BEAR JAIL by Devon McMindes


Across 1- Member of a great Peruvian people 5- Religion of the Muslims 10- Shoppe adjective 14- Category 15- Fearsome 16- South African river 17- Asian sea 18- Saltpeter 19- Goes astray 20- Bear witness 22- Salt of tartaric acid 24- Inexpensive 25- Interlocks 26- Franklin D.’s mother 28- Protection 32- Mature male European red deer 35- Mischievous person 37- Circular band of flowers 38- Gasteyer of “Saturday Night Live”

39- Part of LED 41- Barcelona bear 42- Unstated 45- Bumbler 46- Hit with an open hand 47- Lukewarm 48- Let ___ 50- Bog 54- Component of organic fertilizer 58- Caudal 61- Newspaper executive 62- Gaelic language of Ireland or Scotland 63- Located 65- Florence’s river 66- Exclamation to express sorrow 67- Clear the board 68- License plates 69- Playthings 70- Old Nick 71- “___ quam videri” (North Carolina’s motto)

Down 1- Sir ___ Newton was an English mathematician 2- Compass point 3- Jalopy 4- In any case 5- “___ She Lovely?” 6- Biol., e.g. 7- Starbucks order 8- Neighborhoods 9- Incense gum 10- Supervise 11- Zhivago’s love 12- Move suddenly 13- Additional 21- Health haven 23- Drop of water expelled by the eye 25- Former French colony of north-western Africa 27- Comic Foxx 29- London jail 30- ___ boy! 31- Boutique 32- ___ monde 33- Actress Heche 34- Coarse file

36- Rock’s ___ Fighters 37- Woven fabric 40- Raised platform 43- Purposeless 44- Billy ___ had a hit song with “White Wedding” 46- Arranged in order 49- Partially opened flower 51- Ascends 52- Director Kurosawa 53- Attack 55- Gillette razors 56- Forceps 57- Uneven 58- Milk source 59- He sang about Alice 60- Brit’s exclamation 61- Biblical garden 64- Conductor ___Pekka Salonen;

POWERKIDS by Max Nelson




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