NOV 2012 VOL. 33 NO. 10
New England’s most active outdoor people
Massachusetts Shooters Foundation Awards Banquet by Michelle Y. Siudut, Editor On Saturday, October 13th, nearly 200 shooters, coaches, parents, supporters and Olympians gathered at Emerald Hall in Braintree, MA to recognize the accomplishments and the dedication of junior shooters in Massachusetts. Massachusetts Shooters Foundation Administrator Michael D. Yacino (who also serves as the organization’s Secretary/Treasurer) welcomed attendees and special guests. Also attending were Foundation officers and Board members David Tetzloff (President), Al & Dee Bonney (Director), Coach Russ Doucette (Director), Don Holmes (Director), Coach Kevin Winters (Director) and members of the advisory board Ron Knoll, Don Kusser, Lynne Roberts and Michelle Siudut. Mr. Yacino called on Sarah MacLagan who began the meal with a prayer and scripture reading aptly chosen referencing pressing on to the prize ahead. Hats came off and hands went over chests as two cadets of the New Bedford JROTC - Arthur Washer and Julie Whitcher - lead the gathering in the Pledge of Allegiance. After a delicious Italian buffet meal, served up by the Mastrangelo family, the next order of business was to thank the cooks and get on with the awards. Throughout the course of the evening, tickets were sold for a variety of raffles. You could take a chance on winning a wheelbarrow of spirits or purchase tickets
for a chinese raffle, in which you picked off a table FILLED with interesting items. There was also a silent auction going on. And tickets were being sold for a 3-gun raffle, whose winners will be notified on Christmas morning. (Tickets for the 3-gun raffle are still available - but only 1000 will be sold! See ad on 32.) Olympian Lones Wigger was one of our special guests, congratulating nominees and winners in each category. Over the span of his career, Lones has won more than 110 gold, silver and bronze medals. He is the only shooter ever inducted into the Olympic Hall of Fame which occurred in 2008. Joining Lones to congratulate nominees and winners was Starlin Shi, current member of the USA Shooting Junior Development Team. Starlin won the gold medal this spring in sport pistol at the Junior Olympic Trials in Colorado Springs. In 2011 she placed 7th overall at the Meeting of the Shooting Hopes in Plzen, Czech Republic. She is attending Boston College and was pleased to be a part of our evening. Awards were given to junior shooters in five categories - Shotgun, Standard Pistol, Air Pistol, Air Rifle and Smallbore Rifle - as well as to coaches and instructors. Nominations were provided by coaches and instructors. The Distinguished winners were chosen to reflect their accomplishments in 2012.
Olympic hopeful Starlin Shi (far left) and Olympian Lones Wigger (far right) were o hand to congratulate the winners at the Massachusetts Shooters Foundation 1st Annual Junior Awards Banquet. Award recipients included (standing, from left) Sarah MacLagan, Isabel Macaulay, Mackenzie Martin, Sara Rayna, (kneeling) Russ Pearson and Josh Gelberger. Photo by Todd May
*** In the Shotgun Category, nominees were Kyle Grant, Ken Marton, Russ Pearson, Adam Preston and Matt Reinemann. Kyle Grant is 16 and shoots trap out of Hanson Rod & Gun Club. He is the Massachusetts State Open Singles Sub Junior Champion and the State Handicap Sun Junior Champion. He is in the 1st Place Gold class in the club trap league and is NRA rated Distinguished Expert. It
should be noted he broke his first straight 25 after shooting only one month. He is working towards his pilot’s license and completed his first solo flight in July. Ken Marton shoots out of Fin Fur & Feather Club in Millis. He is NRA rated Distinguished Expert and is presently the Massachusetts State Singles Junior Champion. Russ Pearson is 14 years old, shooting out of Southborough Rod & Gun Club. He (continued on page 8)
Starlin Shi (from left), USA Shooting Pistol Russ Doucette and Olympian Lones Wigger. Photo by Todd May
Have You Moved? Chapter 140, Sections 129B(11) and 131(l) of Massachusetts state law requires holders of a Firearms Identification Card (FID) and a License to Carry Firearms (pistol permit) to notify certain authorities of any change of address. You must notify - by certified mail, in writing and within 30 days - the authority who issued the card and/or license, the chief in your new town of residence and the Executive
Director of the Criminal History Systems Board (200 Arlington Street, Suite 2200, Chelsea, MA 02150). Failure to notify of any change of address is cause for revocation of the Card or License. If you haven’t yet done so, we also urge you to re-register to vote. A mail-in form can be obtained by calling 1-800462-VOTE. ★
Don Kusser, better known as “I don’t make change” was a raffle ticket-selling machine! He was a vital part of organizing our first annual Awards Banquet. Thanks, Don, for all you have done over your many years supporting the second amendment and the shooting sports! Photo by Todd May
The National Rifle Association's Political Victory Fund has announced its endorsement of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President. NRA's Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre, and NRA-ILA Executive Director, Chris W. Cox, made the announcement this week in Fishersville, Virginia, during a rally with both Gov. Mitt Romney (R) and Rep. Paul Ryan (RWisc.) in attendance. Also attending, and performing at the press conference, was country music superstar and NRA Life Member Trace Adkins. "Virginia is ground zero--the front line of this election. This is where the race could be won or lost. This is where the difference can be made. This is where gun owners must make that difference." said LaPierre. "Today, we live in an America that is getting harder to recognize every day, led by a President who mocks our values, belittles our faith, and is threatened by our freedom." said Cox. "So on behalf of the four million men and women of the National Rifle Association, representing tens of millions of NRA supporters, it is my honor to announce the NRA's endorsement of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President of the United States." The actions of President Barack
Obama have harmed the Second Amendment for generations to come. He has appointed two antigun nominees to the Supreme Court--one of whom has already signed an opinion saying that lawabiding Americans do not have an individual right to own firearms. Obama's administration worked on a United Nations Arms Trade Treaty that would undermine our Second Amendment rights, and he has helped cover up the deadly Operation Fast and Furious scandal, arming Mexican drug cartels that continue to kill countless innocent American and Mexican citizens. He has also said that the ability of lawful citizens to carry a firearm for personal protection should be banned nationwide. As a state legislator, he opposed a law to protect people who use guns in their own homes for self-defense; endorsed a total ban on the manufacturing, sale and possession of all handguns; and supported a 500 percent increase in federal taxes on guns and ammunition. America's 100 million gun owners justifiably fear that a second Obama term, unaccountable to the voters, would bring an all-out assault on the Second Amendment.
With the recent discovery of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Pennsylvania deer, Fish & Game Department officials in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, Rhode island and many other states are reminding hunters of the ban on importing intact deer carcasses from CWD-positive jurisdictions such as Pennsylvania, into New Hampshire. In most states, regulations prohibit the importation of hunter-killed cervid carcasses or parts of carcasses from the jurisdictions in which CWD has been detected, except for de-boned meat, antlers, antlers attached to skull caps from which all soft tissue has been removed, upper canine teeth (a.k.a. buglers,
whistlers or ivories), hides or capes with no part of the head attached, and finished taxidermy mounts. To date, CWD has been detected in wild or captive deer or elk in 23 states and provinces: Alberta, Canada; Colorado; Iowa; Illinois; Kansas; Maryland; Michigan; Minnesota; Missouri; Montana; Nebraska; New Mexico; North Dakota; Oklahoma; Pennsylvania; Saskatchewan, Canada; South Dakota; Texas; Utah; Virginia; West Virginia; Wisconsin; and Wyoming. State regulations are designed to minimize the risk of the state's deer and moose being exposed to CWD through the importation of an infected animal, or
CWD Detected In Pennsylvania Deer
Outdoor Message New England’s most active outdoor people
The Outdoor Message (USPS 790-980, ISSN 027-8053) is published monthly by the Outdoor Message Cooperative, Inc., 37 Pierce Street, Northborough, MA 01532. Periodicals postage is paid at Northborough, MA and at additional mailing offices. A subscription to The Outdoor Message is available through membership in one of the member groups, through single subscriptions by postal mail for $10 annually or via electronic means for $6 annually. Permission is hereby granted to reprint material in this publication that does not contain a byline as long as credit is given to The Outdoor Message. Written permission must be obtained from the author to reprint articles with a byline. Publisher: Michael D. Yacino Editor: Michelle Yacino Siudut
MEMBER GROUPS: Rhode Island Rifle & Revolver Association, Holyoke Revolver Club, The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation, Maspenock Rod & Gun Club, South Fitchburg Hunting & Fishing Club, Independent Sportsmen’s Club, Standish Sportsman’s Association, Hanson Rod & Gun Club, Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association, Fin, Fur & Feather Club of Wellesley and Natick, Woodville Rod & Gun Club, Cape Cod Fish & Game Association, Uxbridge Rod & Gun Club, Ayer Gun and Sportsmen’s Club, Fitchburg Sporsmen’s Club and Barre Sportsmen’s Club.
The editorials and articles appearing in this paper do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of all subscribers or contributors. Although sportsmen, in general, support each others views, they may occasionally differ over certain controversial issues. Each group’s articles reflect that group’s own position.
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photo from Mitt Romney on Facebook
NRA-PVF Endorses Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President
But there's a clear choice this November. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will protect our Right to Keep and Bear Arms by appointing Supreme Court justices who will uphold the rulings in District of Columbia v. Heller and McDonald v. City of Chicago--two landmark cases which held that the Second Amendment guarantees a fundamental, individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms for all law-abiding Americans. Romney and Ryan have also
stated their opposition to efforts by the United Nations to implement a global gun-control bureaucracy. "In this election, there is no debate. There is only one choice--only one hope-to save our firearms freedom and our way of life," LaPierre continued. "Get to the polls on Election Day and make the difference in this campaign. Help take back our country and protect our freedom. On November 6, vote freedom first--Vote Romney-Ryan!" ★
the disposal of brain or nervous tissue, lymph nodes, bones and other tissue from an infected hunter-killed animal. The disease agent of CWD, an abnormal protein called a prion, is very stable and could easily be spread if diseased deer parts were disposed of in our environment. Hunters should also note that while New Hampshire now permits importation of whole deer from New York, regulations in Massachusetts and Vermont have not changed, and these states prohibit the transport of New York-killed deer across their state lines. Since 2002, CWD monitoring and testing programs for wild deer have been conducted in New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont and Maine. There is no evidence that this disease exists in these deer herds. The rules and
testing program are designed to prevent exposure via infected animals being imported from other areas. CWD is a contagious neurological disease that is fatal to deer, moose, elk, and other members of the cervid (deer) family. It is classified as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy or TSE, and it attacks the brains of infected animals, resulting in their becoming emaciated, exhibiting abnormal behavior and eventually dying. Officials remind hunters and others who enjoy eating venison that CWD is a wildlife management issue, not a public health issue. There is no evidence that CWD is linked to disease in humans. For more information and FAQs about CWD visit Chronic Wasting Disease Alliance at <>. ★
Dear Editor, Only once in a lifetime comes an election that will affect not only the voters, but their children, grandchildren, and other descendants. That time is NOW, the issue is FREEDOM. We should know that if President Obama is re-elected our freedom is in jeopardy. If Pres. Obama is re-elected, we can almost bet he will try to gut the second amendment, with his new appointments to the Supreme Court. This will affect all gun owners, sportsmen and women, recreational and competitive. This is the time that those who would never vote Republican, must consider the consequences if they don’t do so. If they don’t, I can envision Pres. Obama signing an executive order to confiscate all firearms, from law abiding people in this country. Perhaps that fine young police officer, your son, daughter, relative, neighbor, or friend will have a sworn duty to confiscate your weapon. Think about that!
Your gun permit does not identify that you belong to any radical group, (like some think), it identifies you as a legal gun owner who took the trouble to act responsibly by taking the necessary classes to become a responsible citizen who happens to enjoy having a gun. And that is your second amendment right! “The possession of arms is the distinction between a free man and a slave”, a quote from J. Burgh, 1774 from the Aug/Sept. issue of CCA. To paraphrase Edmund Burke, All it will take for Obama to win, is for legal gun owners to not vote. Frank Pelletier NRA G.O.A.L. Danvers Fish and Game ★
Letters To The Editor
Outdoor Message
November 2012
Our Freedoms In Peril
by Walter Morse, NH Fish & Game Commisioner, Hillsborough County In 2008, the rights protected under the Second Amendment hung in the balance. In a 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court of the United States determined that the American people do indeed have the right to bear arms. Think about that. A right many of us take for granted, a right many of us believe is fundamental, was upheld by a single vote. If anyone doubts that this next election is critical for our fundamental rights, let them look no further than how the courts have treated gun ownership. This election is the most important one in our lifetimes. And it’s not just gun rights that are under attack. Some in power hold a misconception about fundamental sportsmen and owners of firearms. Too many in politics seem to see us as the enemy. They equate hunting with cruelty. They confuse enjoying the outdoors with
exploiting it. They think that anyone who owns a gun is dangerous, and that we are just one good gun law away from a safe and violence free society. In their view, the only law a violent criminal will follow is the one regulating firearms. We might mock these views, but to dismiss them would be dangerous. Almost half the Supreme Court agrees with them, and the last four years have proven that the current President agrees with them as well. We need new leadership that respects the contributions that we make to our nation’s economy and to preserving our natural beauty. Those contributions are more significant than most Americans know. Hunting, sportfishing and outdoor recreation contribute an astounding $700 billion to the U.S. economy each year. That’s almost as much as the entirety of
Barack Obama’s wasteful stimulus program. But whereas government has done a poor job creating employment opportunities, the industry that caters to outdoorsmen creates or supports over 6 million American jobs. But our contribution doesn’t end with the economy. Hunters and anglers fund habitat conservation and vital state fish and game programs that keep America’s wilderness around for future generations. Excise taxes we pay on firearms, ammunition, motorboat fuel, sportfishing tackle and other hunting and shooting equipment contribute hundreds of millions of dollars annually to habitat conservation and wildlife management. Protecting our rights is thus not only about the outdoorsmen and women of America; it’s about protecting our economy and the natural wonder of this
nation. President Obama has never appreciated that fact. We all remember his dismissive remarks of four years ago when he mocked us as “clinging” to “guns and religion.” But in this election, we have a chance to turn things around. Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan stand with us. If they are elected, we will have a friend in the White House, one that understands our needs and our contributions. They will appoint judges who respect the Constitution and apply it as it is written, not as they wish it were. Our freedoms are too critical to allow them to hang in the balance, as they will if Barack Obama is reelected. Mr. Morse served 31 years with the NH State Police and is a current New Hampshire Fish and Game Commissioner ★
Martha’s Vineyard Rod & Gun Hold Championships in Pistol and Trap 2012 PISTOL CHAMPION Joel Cristea from Edgartown, under an ideal warm and calm day, captured the large caliber pistol division of the annual Martha’s Vineyard Pistol Championships held on Saturday the 6th of October by edging out last year’s winner David Roberts within 1/16th of an inch in a shootout where both had scores of 390 out
of 400. Competitors had to fire from different distances, positions and time limitations. Second and Third place in the large caliber division went to David Roberts and Randy Ditson respectably while David Roberts took 1st Place in the small caliber category followed by 2nd place winner Randy Ditson and Jeff Delong picking up the third place honors in that division. We would like to remind all the island shot gunners to set aside Sunday, November 25th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.for the club’s annual Deer Shoot that takes place the day before deer season. This is a fun day with various shooting challenges and it gives the hunters the opportunity to win hams and other prizes while preparing for this year’s deer season. This event is always well attended; refreshments are Joel Cristea (left) and David Roberts (right) display also available throughout the awards they earned at the 2012 Pistol the day.
Championship at Martha’s Vineyard Rod & Gun Club.
Grades and Endorsements Available on NRA-PVF Site! This year's elections may well be the most important in your voting lifetime! The stakes are enormously high, and you need to be fully informed. For up-to-the-minute campaign information, and to see what you can do to help elect pro-Second Amendment candidates, visit the NRAPolitical Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) website, This official NRA campaign site will serve as your one-stop campaign reference guide this election season. The site is loaded with all of the critical information you'll need to make informed decisions on Election Day, November 6. Included on the site are news stories, articles from NRA's magazines, NRAPVF press releases, and a complete listing of NRA-PVF candidate grades and endorsements! In addition to all of the late-breaking
November 2012
Lane Wins 2012 Trap Championship. On Sunday afternoon, October 14th, under warm breeze conditions, Brian Lane of Oak Bluffs won the club’s 2012 trap championship at the Martha’s Vineyard Rod & Club’s trap facilities. Participants took aim at two rounds of 25 targets, the winner; Lane breaking the greatest number of clay targets to capture this Brian Lane is the 2012 Trap Champion at Martha’s year’s title. Dick Carlson Vineyard Rod & Gun Club and Bill Shanok took the 2nd and 3rd places respectfully after facilities on Sunday, November 25th, having tied for the second place position. 2012. This event has always been well Carlson then picked up the second place attended as hunters prepare for the by breaking two more targets than Bill in upcoming deer season. Prizes are awarded the shoot off. and refreshments will be made available. A reminder, that the Annual Fall Shoot Competition begins at 10 am and will be held at the Rod & Gun Club concludes at 3 pm. ★
THIS MONTH in The Outdoor Message
campaign news, candidate grades and endorsements, and firearm issue background information, you will find the "Are You Registered to Vote?" tool that will allow you make sure you are registered to vote. You will also find their media center, which houses easy-toaccess videos and ads that are perfectly suited for distribution among your fellow NRA members! Early and absentee voting is currently underway in several states. If you are voting early or by absentee ballot, please be sure to visit before casting your ballot. With this year's critically important election now just over one month away, please be sure that you're "All In" on November 6, and "Vote Freedom First"! ★
CWD Detected In Pennsylvania Deer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 Grades and Endorsements Available on NRA-PVF Site! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3 Keeping Hunters Out of the Hospital: Mayo Expert Offers Tips for a Safe Hunting Season . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4 Martha’s Vineyard Rod & Gun Hold Championships in Pistol and Trap .Page 3 New Three-Position Air Rifle Rules Released . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 6 NRA-PVF Endorses Mitt Romney
FEATUR E AR TI CLES Classifieds ..........................................Page 29 Gun Owners’ Buyers Guide...............Page 17 Hap’s Corner ......................................Page 5 Hipshots & Hangfires ........................Page 7 Hunting Around New England ..........Page 13 In Pop’s Pantry...................................Page 5 Just an Opinion ..................................Page 6 Letters to the Editor ...........................Page 2 Maine Department of Inland Fisheries The
Outdoor Message
Outdoor Message
& Willdlife .......................................Page 13 MassWildlife News............................Page 11 News from Around the Nation...........Page 6 NH Fish & Game News.....................Page 13 Notes from the Little Cabin...............Page 5 The Sportsman’s Calendar.................Page 24 30 & 31 Vermont Fish & Wildlife News .........Page 12
Ayer Gun & Sportsmen's Club . . . . .Page 18 Barre Sportsmen’s Club . . . . . . . . . .Page 26 Cape Cod Fish & Game Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 28 Fin, Fur & Feather Club of Wellesley and Natick . . . . . . . . . .Page 29 Fitchburg Sportsmen’s Club . . . . . . .Page 22 Hanson Rod & Gun Club . . . . . . . . .Page 15 Holyoke Revolver Club . . . . . . . . . .Page 27 Independent Sportsmen’s Club . . . . .Page 32 Maspenock Rod & Gun Club . . . . . .Page 19 The
and Paul Ryan for President and Vice President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 2 Our Freedoms in Peril . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 3 Report Shows Rise in Hunting, Fishing and Wildlife-Related Recreation Participation in 28 States . . . . . . . .Page 10 Sarah Scherer Sets NCAA Record . .Page 6 The Folds of Honor Foundation Establishes Patriot Range Day . . . .Page 10 The Most Important Election in History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 4
Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 20 South Fitchburg Hunting & Fishing Club . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 23 Standish Sportsman’s Association . .Page 14 The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Page 16 Uxbridge Rod & Gun Club . . . . . . . .Page 25 Woodville Rod & Gun Club . . . . . . .Page 24 Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association .Page 21
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Keeping Hunters Out of the Hospital: Mayo Expert Offers Tips for a Safe Hunting Season by Rick Thiesse Errant gunshots are an obvious health risk during fall hunting season, but a range of other dangers also can send hunters to the hospital or worse: heart attacks, injured backs and broken bones are among the most common medical emergencies. Emergency medicine physician Eric Grube, D.O., of the Mayo Clinic Health S y s t e m <> in La Crosse, Wisconsin offers several tips for a safe hunting season. “I am a hunter and always need to remind myself to lead by example when I’m in the woods,” Dr. Grube says. “Hunting can be a fun sport for all to enjoy. But we need to make sure that fun isn’t spoiled by some unfortunate accident.” Hunters should make sure they are properly educated about their surroundings. They also should be diligent with safety precautions, wear clothing suitable for hunting and for the weather, stay level headed, and always
alert other hunters to their presence, he says. Other tips from Dr. Grube: * Watch for heart attack < -attack/DS00094> warning signs. One study of middle-aged male deer hunters found that the activities inherent to hunting -- walking over rough terrain, shooting an animal and dragging its carcass, for example -- sent their heart rates up significantly. Although opinion varies, many doctors caution that exercising at more than 85% of a person’s maximum heart rate increases the risk of heart attack. Hunters unaccustomed to the strenuous hikes involved should take several breaks to rest, Dr. Grube says. * Falls tend to be the most common cause of injuries, and often happen when a hunter is up a tree and startled by animals there. Pay attention to your surroundings at all times. * Always check equipment and stands and use safety belts to prevent falls.
Permanent tree stands are more likely to deteriorate and should be avoided. The average fall from a tree stand is about 15 feet. Injuries suffered from those heights can cause broken bones, paralysis < a l c o r d injury/DS00460/DSECTION=symptoms > , or even death. * Avoid alcohol. Hunters are more susceptible to injuries, including frostbite and hypothermia, if they’ve been drinking. * Let family members know where you’ll be hunting and take two-way radios or loud whistles along in case help is needed. A surprisingly large number of hunting accidents occur between family members and friends who have gone out together, but do not remember or know where their party has gone, Dr. Grube says. * Learn some basic first aid before heading to the woods, including how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation
by Matt Barber Who says Republicans and Democrats can’t agree? Every four years, politicos and pundits, both left and right, come together in a harmonious hymn of hyperbole: “This is the most important election in history!” they sing. I think hyperbole is responsible for all of the world’s problems. Still, this time nobody’s exaggerating. What happens on Nov. 6 really is of critical importance. America’s future really does hang in the balance. We’re in uncharted territories. We’re lost. We stand dazed at cliff’s edge – legs wobbling – with big government winds at our back. Under President Obama, the reasons for this election’s unparalleled significance are piling up like pink slips in the private sector, like credit rating downgrades, like zeros on the national debt. Yet, as I see it, there are nine blackrobed reasons in particular that reign supreme. And those reasons never get a pink slip. In Federalist No. 78, Alexander Hamilton wrote: “The judiciary, from the nature of its functions, will always be the least dangerous to the political rights of the Constitution. … [T]he judiciary is, beyond comparison, the weakest of the three departments of power … [and] the general liberty of the people can never be endangered from that quarter.” I know. Settle down. Alas, Alexander Hamilton was obviously no better with a crystal ball
than he was with a dueling pistol. For better or for worse (hint: for worse), today’s judiciary – through the constitutionally erosive drip-drop of judicial attrition and congressional submission – has, instead, become the most powerful branch of government. Today, rather than the properly balanced, decentralized constitutional republic our founders envisaged, we live, to a large degree, under a very much centralized judiciocracy. (That is, when President Obama’s not circumventing the Constitution via executive fiat.) William Howard Taft, who served as both our 27th president and our 10th Supreme Court chief justice, had unique insight into the dichotomy between the framers’ intent, and today’s reality. He summed it up well: “Presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on forever.” Indeed, due to the creeping misalignment of separation of powers, the function of appointing Supreme Court justices is almost certainly the most significant thing any president can do. Though it defies the High Court’s original construct, these nine unelected, wellmeaning, yet very human, individuals profoundly steer law, public policy and our larger culture in perpetuity. So much for the balance of powers. Therein lies the problem. Conservative columnist Andrew McCarthy noted in March that four of the nine sitting U.S. Supreme Court justices are in their late 70s and early 80s.
“We wish them all well,” he wrote, “but the brute fact is that whoever we elect as president in November is almost certainly going to choose at least one and maybe more new members of the Supreme Court – in addition to hundreds of other life-tenured federal judges, all of whom will be making momentous decisions about our lives for decades to come. “If you don’t think it matters whether the guy making those calls is Mitt Romney or Barack Obama,” concluded McCarthy, “I think you’re smokin’ something funky.” Speaking of “smokin’ something funky,” during Thursday night’s vice presidential debate, Joe Biden touched on the Supreme Court. He agreed with McCarthy: “The next president will get one or two Supreme Court nominees. … For Mr. Romney, who do you think he’s likely to appoint? Do you think he’s likely to appoint someone like Scalia … ? We picked two people. We pick people who are open-minded.” And, of course, by “open-minded,” Biden means “not bound by those pesky constitutional limitations intended to avert government tyranny.” He means liberal “living constitutionalists.” To be sure, the next president may well appoint one, two, three or even four new justices to the U.S. Supreme Court. As voters, this should be our most critical point of focus: ensuring an originalist, strict constructionist majority. If Mr. Obama is re-elected and appoints just one
The Most Important Election in History
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Outdoor Message
or hands-only CPR, which consists of chest compressions, should a hunting partner have a heart attack. Dr. Grube notes four basic rules of firearm safety from the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources < ips.html> known as TAB-K < ips.html> : Treat every firearm as if it is loaded, always point the muzzle in a safe direction, be certain of your target and what’s beyond it, and keep your finger outside the trigger guard until ready to shoot. For example, if a hunter stumbles with a firearm in one hand and nothing in the other, whatever that person does with the free hand will automatically happen with the hand holding the gun, the agency notes. So if a finger is inside the trigger guard, that hand will likely close around the pistol grip of the gun and on the trigger causing an unwanted discharge. ★
more Ruth Bader Ginsburg, forget it. America, as our founders envisioned her, is gone. This is why, after the primary, I went from an outspoken Romney critic, to a cautiously optimistic Romney supporter. He has pledged: “I will appoint conservative, strict constructionists to the judiciary.” Still not sold? President Obama has already shown who he’ll appoint. In Justices Elena Kagan and Sonja Sotomayor – nice though they may be – he has stacked the Court with two radical counterconstitutionalists who share his belief that the Constitution “is not a static, but living document and must be read in the context of an ever changing world.” Naturally, if the Constitution is “ever changing,” the Constitution is meaningless. But it gets worse. Obama has also called this – the very founding document upon which our laws, public policy, indeed our very freedoms rest – an “imperfect document,” a “living document … that reflects some deep flaws in American culture.” Yikes. Moreover, during the 2008 campaign, Obama lamented that the Supreme Court, under Chief Justice Earl Warren, failed to “break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution.” Let that sink in a moment. In his own words, this man – a man solemnly sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution – has betrayed utter disdain for it. He has, in essence, admitted that he views our most sacred founding document as a “constraint” against his thinly veiled efforts to “fundamentally transform” America into Greece. Thank God our Founding Fathers predicted that men like Barack Obama would come and go. And thank God they had the wisdom to plan accordingly. Patrick Henry once said, “[L]iberty ought to be the direct end of your government.” Today, we have it exactly backward. Four more years of Barack Obama, and government will be the direct end of your liberty. Still thinking of sitting this one out? I hope not. ★ November 2012
Notes from the Little Cabin: Going Hunting by Paul Kress
There is a splash of color in the swamp maples. The old woolen shirt felt good on my morning walk. High above a V of Canadians heading south making “goose music”. Flights of woodcock headed in the same direction will be dropping into the alder runs along the West River. Somewhere there will be a fellow wearing a blaze orange cap and carrying a well used 20 guage side-by-side plowing through the pucker brush chasing grouse. He will be accompanied by that great New England gun dog - an almost white, high tailed, close working English setter. I will be with him in spirit. My side-by-sides and English setters are a part of the past. I am still a hunter but now I carry a Nikon instead of a Ruger. Hunting with a camera is not new to me. I remember the great privilege of being allowed to take one picture from every new roll of film that went into my mother’s Brownie camera - her “magic” box. In the time of the Great Depression when cameras and film were a luxury this
was a big event and one that didn’t happen too often. Decisions! Decisions! What would be the target of my one shot? One of the fox hounds? my favorite horse? Those were the days before fast film and rapid shutter speeds so whatever my subject it had to be stationary and OUTDOORS in PLENTY OF LIGHT! Unfortunately, there are no survivors of my early efforts. But it was the beginning of a life-long hobby of picture taking. As soon as I gathered enough cash from friendly adults I bought my own camera, better than the Brownie. In my early teens, before I discovered movie theaters, pool halls and small town girls, it was a struggle to stretch my trapping income to cover both the purchase of ammo for my .22 and film for the camera. But even as the bad times hung on we country boys adapted, found ways to earn a little extra cash. The pelts of muskrat, mink and even skunk sold well. In the summer the grover in town would buy a bucket of fresh picked wild blackberries
and hickory nuts in the fall. My single shot .22 was exchanged for one with a long tube magazines. Cameras became more efficient and small enough to be carried wherever I went with a gun or fishing rod. So what do I have from over eighty years of hunting with a camera? I have my early time on the farm all in one big album. My mother with a litter of fox hound puppies. A part of the creek that ran through our farm where I “swam” in the summer and trapped muskrats in the fall. Horses and cattle grazing in the big pasture. Bragging - a bag of three cottontails and the little dog that helped me get them. There is another album just for the Little Cabin. The land around it in all seasons. The Cabin in late fall, trees bare, smoke coming from the stove pipe. Inside, a dog stretched out, head on the pillow asleep on the bunk. The Franklin stove fills one picture. Doors wide open, flames
eating away beech at l o g s , warming the room. The book of the people who over the years have shared the outdoors with me. Hunting buddies. Fellow shooters trying out the new game sporting clays. The City Girl of long ago standing on the deck of a charter boat holding up a huge blue fish and looking so pleased with herself. All history - precious memories. What comes next? The City Girl and I walk the paths around the lawns and through the trees. One of my rod and gun clubs is a short drive away. Maybe I will go there someday and stake out the fish pond. Winter is coming - tracks in the snow. There are things out there for me. I will find them. I am a hunter. I will always be a hunter. ★
perhaps another urban legend, they began to grow geometrically and now spread about the world at the speed of light. This series of rifles is the subject of an urban legend which has yet to be verified or denied by Snopes. The rifle I was looking at, an example of German manufacturing excellence, was a 1600 series Anschutz. This model was a transition model between the 1400 and 1800 series. The 1600 or "X" series, so called because each serial number carries an X suffix, is a very sought after commodity in Europe as it has been used by some top shooters to win some big matches. In true urban legend style the legendary, perhaps mythical, accuracy of these rifles is laid at the feet of an exceptional batch of British steel used to make the barrels rather than the riflemen who shoot them. As far as military history goes the steel used in these barrels, it is said, is to have been salvaged from the hulls of the Hochseeflotte, the Imperial German Navy’s High Seas Fleet of World War I. Veterans of the Battle of Jutland these ships were held at the Royal Navy's base
at Scapa Flow in Orkney, Scotland pending their disposition, as part of the terms of the Armistice. The proud German fleet, eleven battleships, five battle cruisers, eight cruisers and forty-eight destroyers, dejectedly steamed into Scapa Flow under the guns of sixty allied warships on November 21, 1918. Dropping anchor they faced an uncertain future that promised to be as cold and as dark as the approaching arctic winter. The crews suffered through nearly seven months of boredom, poor food, cold, lack of mail, poor morale, and rumors before Rear Admiral Ludwig von Reuter gave the secret prearranged signal to scuttle the ships on June 21, 1919. At ten o’clock in the morning flag hoists soared to the top of the signal yards of the Friedrich der Grosse and were broken out as signalmen windmilled semaphore flags and the bridge was illuminated by the flashing of signal lamps. Within seconds seacocks were opened throughout the interned fleet and cold oily water gushed into the hulls. Within two hours the first of the ships began to list and turn turtle. By five in the evening nearly all the German warships lay under water. The hulks lay on the bottom until 1923 when entrepreneur Ernest Cox purchased salvage rights to the sunken fleet. Local fishermen had raised concerns about the hulks being a hazard to navigation and the Admiralty acted accordingly. Almost all of the ships were removed by the start of World War II. The ships not salvaged by Cox constitute the world’s largest reserve of non-radioactive steel because the metal was manufactured before the nuclear age and, as such, used no alloying material contaminated by fallout. The metal is important in the construction of radioactive measuring equipment, deep space probes, and other sensitive
mechanisms. Perhaps even Anschutz rifle barrels, or so we would be led to believe by the mystics of our sport. My interest in this particular urban legend was more than just passing for it turns out that, while Terry had just acquired a 1600 series rifle, I have been using one for several years. My rifle’s last four serial number digits are 400X, adding to its enigmatic aura, and, maybe because it is a 1600 series, I have also shot a 1600 with it. Taking everything into consideration, I guess I have every reason to believe the urban legend concerning the special nature and source of the magical steel used in these exceptional rifles. Deep down inside I am convinced that my rifle barrel is made from Krupp steel salvaged from one of the tubes of a 12 inch gun taken from a turret of the König class battleship Kronprinz Wilhelm, which lies upside down in 35 meters of water. The ship is a popular dive site but riddled with holes where salvors have cut away valuable metal, some say to make tack driving barrels for Anschutz. I would wonder about the British providing a German rifle company with scrap metal taken from German warships but as a Brooklyn, New York native I remember the Sixth Avenue Elevated, a subway line which was closed on December 4, 1938 and razed during 1939. It turns out that much of the scrap metal from the El was sold to Japan. During World War II it was said that this scrap was used by the Japanese to manufacture bombs, tanks, planes, or ships - you can take your pick - used against the United States almost exactly three years later on December 7, 1941. It may or may not be true, but certainly one urban legend concerning scrap metal deserves another. ★
Hap’s Corner: The Anschutz 1600-Tack Driver Or Urban Legend? by Hap Rocketto
I was standing in the assembly area at Camp Perry when my Pennsylvania shooting friend Terry Lightner hurried past me in a crouch, a soft rifle case cradled in his arms and held close to his chest. A vision of Ygor scuttling off to Dr. Frankenstein’s laboratory with a full brain bottle under his cloak came immediately to mind. Spotting me out of the corner of his eye he stopped, backed up and, with a conspiratorial wink, asked me if I wanted to see something special. Opening the case he rolled over the Anschutz rifle held within, chuckled, and pointed to the serial number which ended in ‘X.’ There I stood, looking down at the junction of Urban Legend, German manufacturing excellence, and military history. An urban legend is an apocryphal, secondhand story, sworn to be true and just plausible enough to be believable. Remember the Black Widow spider in the beehive hairdo? Or Little Mikey from the Life cereal commercial exploding after ingesting pop rocks and Coca Cola? Usually they circulate in small circles but after Al Gore invented the internet,
November seems to be a month very much about food! Some of you may be harvesting your own wild game - while others may be thinking about enjoying your Thanksgiving Dinner with family and friends. This month, In Pop’s Pantry is sharing a side dish that would go well with just about any meal. Stuffing comes in all varieties, but we chose this one for its fruit & nuttiness. If you’ve always followed the same recipe - or, gasp, used the same box - give this one a try! If you have a favorite recipe you would like us to print, send it to The Outdoor Message at PO Box 306, Northborough MA 01532 or email to Enjoy! ★
In Pop’s Pantry
Stuffing with Cranberry & Pecans Prep and cook time: 1 hour, 10 min 1 cup dried cranberries 4 tbsp butter 1 onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped 2 stalks celery, finely chopped
Enough for: 12
1 lb ea cornbread stuffing mix, and herb stuffing mix 1/2 parsley, chopped 1 cup pecans, chopped & toasted 2 eggs 4 cups chicken broth
Preheat oven to 350. In medium bowl, pour 2 cups boiling water over cranberries, let soak for 30 min, do not drain. In a large skillet, melt butter over high heat. Add onion, garlic and celery; cook til translucent; remove from heat. In large bowl, combine stuffing mixes with parsley, pecans, onion mixture and cranberries (with liquid). In medium bowl beat eggs with broth, pour over the stuffing and mix thoroughly. Spoon stuffing into 2 3-quart, buttered casserole dishes, cover and bake for 40 minutes. If you cut this out, it will fit nicely on a standard recipe card.
November 2012
Outdoor Message
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New Three-Position Air Rifle Rules Released by Vicki Donoho, CMP Program Coordinator The 9th edition of the National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules has just been released. The National ThreePosition Air Rifle Council whose members include The American Legion, BSA, CMP, the Daisy-US Jaycee Shooter Education Program, 4-H Shooting Sports, USA Shooting and the Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force JROTC Commands, issues a new rulebook to govern three-position air rifle shooting in the USA every two years. The new 20122014 rulebook goes into effect immediately. The 2012-2014 National Standard Rulebook has several rules that were changed to keep national 3-position air rifle rules in line with what competitors will see in USAS/ISSF rules at larger competitions. The ISSF is changing its rules for 10m and 50m rifle and pistol events to have separate “preparation and sighting” periods before record or
competition firing begins. Since this will become the new international standard, the Council decided that junior position air rifle competitors in the U.S. should use the same procedures. To adapt this change to 3-position air rifle, the course of fire will start with a call to the firing line, followed by a 10-minute preparation and sighting stage. Commands to start record fire are given at the end of the sighting stage. No further sighting shots may be taken after record fire begins. Time limits for the record fire stages are shortened to reflect the fact that there is now a separate time for firing sighters. In addition to adapting 3-position air rifle rules in the U.S. to the new international standard, these changes will make it much easier to facilitate the coaching of sporter class shooters that is permitted during sighters. Now when the preparation and sighting period ends, all coaching must stop and coaches must step
back from the firing line. The changes from prone to standing and standing to kneeling include a 5-minute changeover stage followed by a separate 5-minute sighting stage. Match directors have the option of ex t e n d i n g sighting stages to 10 minutes. The CMP has already tested this course of fire change during its monthly match at Camp Perry and Anniston on 22 September and found that competitors and coaches adapted with no difficulties. Most of these changes were also tested in the CMP Junior Rifle Camps this past summer. Course of fire
changes are further explained in Rule 5.3. Several other major changes, or rule clarifications have been made to help the rules more easily be understood. All changes from the previous rules are underlined in the rulebook so new rules can easily be identified. You can view the major changes here < default.asp?page=3PRULES> or download the entire new rulebook from the CMP website at or <> <>. ★
In Massachusetts the Information for Voters, published by the Secretary of The Commonwealth, provides full instructions about voting procedure including absentee voting. Most important it incudes a detailed unbiased description of the ballot questions. The ballot questions are binding proposals that by-pass the legislature and go directly to the voters, a
somewhat debatable procedure. Ballot questions get little, if any public disclosure which makes the Information For Voters particularly valuable. Unfortunately, for those of us who treasure our time in the outdoors our concerns are not only on the elections. In the last legislative session a bill was filed
that if passed would have seriously compromised the responsibility and authority of the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife to manage and protect wildlife. Although the proposal failed to pass it will surely be refiled for the new session. This is a major issue that will demand our strongest opposition. ★
be implementing a variety of shooting camps for elite-level and developmental shooters.
enact a deficit-reduction plan. Because no such agreement is yet in view, draconian mandated across-the-board budget cuts, sometimes referred to as "the fiscal cliff," are what awaits the nation starting early in 2013. Granted, there are larger economic issues posed by our burgeoning national debt and the inability of our elected leaders to reach a comprehensive agreement on taxing and spending, but any funds taken from what is supposed to be a dedicated trust fund to benefit wildlife conservation still constitutes a
breach of trust with America's sportsmen and reneges on a promise first made during the height of the Great Depression. Hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts should call their U.S. representatives and senators at 202-224-3121 and tell them to safeguard Pittman-Robertson funds for their historic conservation purposes. ★
Just An Opinion: Decision Making Time by Paul J. Kress
It is an election year with the biggest job up for grabs. The voter is flooded with information - newspapers, magazines, sound bites on TV, mailings, even phone calls. It is hard to separate wheat from the chaff - fact from fiction or at least distortion. Even more difficult to pin down a candidate’s position on issues of prime concern.
News From Around the Nation NSSF Bullet Points, October 2012
Firearms Retailer Grateful For Industry's Reward Offer... When the NSSF matched the reward being offered by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thief or thieves who stole 23 handguns from an Indiana firearms retailer, NSSF was practicing a policy it has had in place for such incidents. For the co-proprietor of that store, The Angler Bait and Tackle, in Helmer, Ind., however, NSSF's actions were viewed as more than simply standard operating procedure. "It really means a lot to have the industry support small business like this and help in the arrest for this horrendous crime," "Susan," the co-owner said in a telephone message. "I'm speechless that you are matching the ATF reward. It really means a lot to me and my husband, Paul. Thank you so much." Former Olympian Todd Graves Named USA Shooting Coach For Shotgun... Four-time Olympic shooter Todd Graves of Cusseta, Ga., has been selected by USA Shooting as the national shotgun coach. Graves can rely on 37 years of shooting and coaching experience, including a spot on the U.S. Olympic teams in 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2004. At the 2000 games, his bronze in Men's Skeet was the only medal earned by an American male shooter. Among Graves' upcoming challenges will
Terry Goode
Hancock, Dunn Are Tops In Skeet At Fall Selection Match... Haley Dunn, back to competitive shooting after time off for personal interests, and Vincent Hancock, the 2008 and 2012 Olympic gold medalist in skeet, finished No. 1 in Women's and Men's Skeet at the USA Shooting Fall Selection Match. Hancock missed only two targets over three days of competition, finishing with a straight 175 and a final total of 273/275. The Fall Selection Match continues for Men's and Women's Trap Oct. 12-14. See complete results at the USA Shooting website. Breach Of Trust With America's Sportsmen... One more negative outcome of the inability of Congress and the Obama administration to reach an agreement on reducing the federal deficit may be the siphoning off of millions of dollars from wildlife conservation funding provided by the 10-11 percent tax paid on new firearms and ammunition under the 75year-old Pittman-Robertson Act. This eventuality is brought to you courtesy of the so-called budget sequestration measure that forces a $1.2 trillion cut in federal spending should Congress fail to
Tues & Wed 12 to 5 pm Thurs & Fri 10 to 7 pm Sat 9 to 4 pm
Sarah Scherer Sets NCAA Record
USA Shooting - National Governing Body for Olympic Shooting Sports A busy weekend of collegiate rifle shooting was highlighted by 2012 Olympian Sarah Scherer as she fired an NCAA record 596 in smallbore. The defending smallbore National Champion Scherer shot a perfect 200 in prone, a 199 in standing and a 197 in kneeling. The record-setting day for the senior Scherer helped guide her TCU (Texas Christian University) Women's Rifle Team to a 4,667-4,493 victory over University of Texas El Paso on October 20, 2012. The win is the Horned Frogs 16th straight overall and stretches its regular season unbeaten streak to 34. ★
Collectors Firearms & Militeria 122 Bridge Street, Unit 9 Pelham NH 03076 Page 6
603-635-9699 603-635-8443 The
Outdoor Message
Give Thanks for the freedoms we maintain in America, and for those who defend them. November 2012
Hipshots & Hangfires by Mike Yacino
There are three big stories to talk about so let’s get started. The elections are coming and you have a duty to “alter or abolish” what is wrong with the leadership. Please make your choice the best for America and the children who can only stand by and watch. And whatever you do there are no excuses to fail to vote. None. Absolutely none. Period. + + + This is the month we honor and celebrate the veterans in America who have given selflessly to provide us all the opportunity to elect or un-elect those who will lead. What a great country we have. The founders gave us the power to decide for ourselves. The American Legion reminds us of the importance of doing our duty. Speaking of the Legion the new National Commander outlined his plan to raise funds for the Operation Comfort Warriors which provides personal items to our servicemen and women in hospitals around the world. They may be getting great medical care but often times the smaller items that take away the boredom of being in the hospital are not available. Sometimes we see people donate games, iPods, TV’s or just books that can help pass the time away. I also see the VA is finally getting around to upgrading its rating system for disabled soldiers. The present methods are about 65 years old and with the technological changes in the way veterans can be helped it’s time to modernize that entire process. We are talking about 3.4 million veterans drawing some sort of disability from war injuries that in many cases have caused the complete alteration of the injured person’s conditions of life. It brings to my mind that this is the 150th anniversary of Taps. It’s one of the shortest sound versions of a song. Its reminiscent of lights out. It is the final call. Taps signifies to the military man that ‘day is done’ and is the military final salute to those who have given the last full measure of their life. There are some interesting resolutions that came out of the American Legion’s National Convention back in August. The first was to return patriotic holidays to traditional dates, then the use of English in naturalization ceremonies, support a constitutional amendment protecting the Flag, supporting the Pledge of Allegiance, urging Congress to require government contractors to buy American, support for existing immigration laws, and restoring the long standing cooperation between the Department of Defense and the Boy
Scouts of America. I see that there were 7,576 JROTC medals awarded by Legion posts, 6,601 young shooters supported by Posts, and nearly 47,000 youngsters taking part in Legion sponsored scouting events. You might take note that in the recognitions handed out by The American Legion, Smith and Wesson received the large business award. Did you know that Jamie (Beyerle) Gray (the latest gold medal Olympic winner) started her shooting career at a Legion post? November 11, 2012…not just another day but one to fly the Flag at full staff in honor of all veterans from the revolutionary war to the mess we have in Iraq and Afghanistan. Ironically the day before, on the 10th, the United States Marine Corps celebrates its 237th Anniversary. + + + Needless to say the photo I have included this month tells a story all by itself. Civilian Marksmanship Air Rifle Champion Sarah MacLagan proved that making great shots comes to those who have discipline in the way they handle a firearm. She joined me and my son at a hunt in South Carolina in early October and what a way to begin her hunting adventures. The first shot she took resulted in a quick clean kill of a nice 6 point buck and I was able to be with her to record the success. The next morning while in a stand by herself, she fired her second round as a hunter and harvested a beautiful 7 point buck. Not a bad way to begin except…… what do you do for an encore? Meat for the winter is always a good thing and as she’ll be quick to say…there’s nothing like fresh backstrap on the grill. + + + It is also the month we celebrate Thanksgiving and we all should be very grateful for the blessings that we have. I am reminded of the essence of the speech given by Matthew J. Franck while at Hillsdale College in September: “Individuals of faith, joined in communities of faith, forming a society imbued with the many faiths of those many communities, OWN THIS COUNTRY (my emphasis). The states authority comes from us, and its power -the power of our elected employees -cannot be greater than what we can rightfully give it. We cannot give the state power over the conscience of men and women, because we do not ourselves have any right to come between God and our
Sarah MacLagan starts off her hunting career with one shot on a 6 point South Carolina buck at 85 yards. Her rifle of choice; a Ruger Model 77 Bolt Action in .270 Winchester. The hand loaded ammo had 150 gr Sierra PSP bullets. The scope was a Redfield 50mm 3x9. Photo by Michael D. Yacino
November 2012
I was privileged to have my picture taken with Sarah MacLagan and the result of her 2nd shot as a hunter - a 7 point, 14”x14” buck at about 80 yards. what? Photo by Michael David Yacino
fellow citizens. The sooner our elected employees remember these foundational truths, the sooner we may begin to recover a healthy nation with religious freedom.” + + + Not to be forgotten are a few birthdays that need mentioning. Lucy McKenzie, my great neighbor to the north, will be having supper with her candidate of choice on the 6th (how many years Lucy?); Cristi Ralleo clocks in at 11:31 PM for number 28 on the 8th and Gloria “Sunshine” Nelson ages just a little bit on the 22nd as everyone gives thanks over turkey dinner. By the way the NRA will be 141 on the 17th and for them it has
Outdoor Message
been quite the history. Set your clocks back one hour on the 3rd or you might miss something on the 4th. You’ll see a new moon begin on the 13th and the full moon will shine before your very nose on the 28th. + + + There are many who can lend a caring ear to the plight of our veterans but for those who never served it just isn’t the same. Veterans are awesome people but not everyone should apply. God Bless. Stay Safe and say a prayer for the men and women standing guard. And have a great Thanksgiving from my family to yours. ★
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Mass Shooters Foundation Awards Banquet (continued from page 1) is rated NRA Distinguished Expert. He is the Massachusetts Singles Sub Junior Champion, the State Doubles sub junior champion and placed second in the handicap sub junior category. At the 2012 Crushing Clays event, he was the champion, shooting 46/50. He shot his first 100 straight at the Labor Day shoot in Royalston. Adam Preston is 18, shoots at both Hanson Rod & Gun Club and Cape Cod Fish & Game Club. He is rated NRA Distinguished Expert. He began shooting in 2008, holds 30 Amateur Trap Association titles and is presently the Massachusetts State Doubles Junior Champion, the State Handicap Junior Champion, the State High All Around Junior Champion. He is currently coaching shotgun at Hanson. In the 2012 Mass State Trap Championship he took second place among all shooters - juniors and adults - breaking 95/100 targets. In 2010 he placed second at the Maine State event shooting 197/200 targets. Matt Reinemann shoots at Fin Fur & Feather Club in Millis and is rated NRA Distinguished Expert. He is the Massachusetts State Singles Junior Runner Up. The 2012 Distinguished Junior Award for shotgun was presented to Russ Pearson.
air and sport pistol at the Mass Junior Olympics in 2009 and 2011, the Bay State Games in Air Pistol in 2010, the National Matches at Camp Perry for Pistol in 2009 and 2010 and the Progressive Pistol Position national matches in 2012. He was the winner of the “Made in America” match at Camp Perry in 2010. Kevin Chen shoots Standard Pistol and Air Pistol at Woburn Sportsmens Association. He has competed at the Olympic training Center, taking J3 Gold in Free Pistol (2009), silver in Air (20112012) and Silver in Sport Pistol (2012). Competing in Air Pistol at the Bay State Games, he took Gold (2012), Silver (2011) and Bronze (2009-2010). And at the States held at MIT, Kevin took Silver (2010, 2011) and Gold (2012) in Sport; Silver (2010, 2012) and Bronze (2009) in Air. Josh Gelberger has been shooting for 8 years, taking up air pistol when he was 14. He is the reigning Massachusetts State Air Pistol Champion and second in Sport Pistol. Last year he and his teammates placed 3rd at the Progressive Pistol Position Championships in Alabama. He lives in Stow the town with the most American flags displayed and is a junior in high school. Amber Harbison started shooting pistols in 2010. Her first competition was
Starlin Shi (left) and Lones Wigger (right) award Isabel Macaulay 2012 Distinguished Junior Air Pistol Recipient. Photo by Todd May
shooting for 8 years. Considering all the types of shooting she is involved in, it was difficult which one to pick, but she is co-captain of the adult pistol team. She shoots smallbore, archery, trap and hi-power. She is also an avid hunter mostly for waterfowl and whitetail deer. 2012 The Distinguished Junior Award for Standard Pistol was presented to Josh Gelberger. *** Bronze medal winner at the CMP National Air Rifle In the Air Pistol Championships Sonya May and Coach Russ Doucette. Photo by Todd May the category, nominees were Kevin Bennett, Michael Blake, Kevin for Air Pistol was presented to Isabel Chen, Amber Harbison, Caroline Macaulay. Harmon, Isabel Macaulay and Vladlen *** Vronsky. There were four nominees in the Air Eleven-year old Michael Blake has Rifle: Sarah MacLagan, MacKenzie been shooting for two years at Riverside Martin, Sonya May and Chris Rooney. Gun Club. He is active in baseball and Sarah MacLagan is 18 and has been football and is studying for his junior shooting for 7 years, focusing on black belt in karate. He also serves on the Precision Air Rifle and Smallbore Rifle, student council. and is part of the Taunton Marksmanship Caroline Harmon is 15 and a Unit (TMU). She has qualified to attend sophomore at Concord Carlisle High the Junior Olympic Trials at the OTC for School, has been shooting for about a year the past four years. In 2009 she won at Riverside Gun Club. Her team went to bronze at the Bay State Games and gold at the Progressive Pistol Position national the 2011 Games. In 2009 she won silver at championships, which placed 5th in the the Junior Olympic Qualifier. In 2010 she country. She placed third in this year’s became the CMP Mass State Air Rifle Bay State Games. Champion and set an NRA National Isabel Macaulay is 14 years old and Record in kneeling 376-14x. At the CMP has been shooting on the Mass Junior Air 3P Air Rifle Championship in February Pistol Team for 3 years. in 2011 she won she won the Gold medal and became the gold at the Mass Junior Olympics in 2012 National Champion. She was part of Women’s Air Pistol and won silver in the team that set a new junior national Women’s Sport Pistol. Most recently she record of 2344/2400. competed at the 2012 Olympic Team MacKenzie Martin started shooting 4 tryouts, the Junior Olympics and the PPP years ago and is also part of the TMU. In National Championships. At the Olympic 2011 she won gold in air rifle at the USA team trials she placed 14th among women Nationals in Fort Benning and won silver and at the Junior Olympics she won gold at the CMP Open at Camp Perry. She also in J3. At the Progressive Pistol Position ranked 3rd in the country with the NRA in nationals she placed 8th overall. 2011 and was the sub junior gold medal
*** In the Standard Pistol category, nominees were Kevin Bennett, Kevin Chen, Josh Gelberger, Amber Harbison and Sara Reyna. Kevin Bennett is in 9th grade at Belmont High School. He has been shooting for 4 years. He has competed in
one week after she turned 12, 4 months after she began shooting - and took the Silver medal in Sport! She attended the nationals at Camp Perry in 2011, placing 3rd in the “Made in America” match. She earned Bronze in sport pistol at the 2011 Mass Junior Olympic Shooting Competition, and her Air Pistol score at the event earned her an invitation to OTC. In Colorado she placed 3rd in her class. Amber has competed in the last two Bay State Games and went to NRA Nationals this year with her new .45 cal Colt Gold Cup. Sara Reyna is a freshman at Bridgewater S t a t e University and Lones Wigger was happy to catch up with award winner Sarah has been
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Photo by Todd May
Starlin Shi (left) and Lones Wigger (right) award Russ Pearson 2012 Distinguished Junior Shotgun Recipient. Photo by Todd May
Vladlen Vronsky has been shooting Air pistol since 2007. In 2008 he won the gold medal in the Junior Olympic State Championship and the silver in 2009, the bronze medal at the Bay State Games in 2011 and participated in winning the team bronze medal at the 2011 Progressive Pistol Position Nationals. (See bios for Kevin Bennett, Kevin Chen and Amber Harbison in Air Pistol category.) The 2012 Distinguished Junior Award
Outdoor Message
winner at OTC that year. In 2012 she won gold at the Bay State Games in air rifle. She was part of the team that set a new junior national record of 2344/2400. Sonya May began shooting 6 years ago, competing in both air rifle and smallbore rifle. She is a senior at Rockland High School and captain of the TMU. She started her 2011 season with a 2nd place win in Air Rifle at the Olympic Tryout in Connecticut. That year she (continued on next page) November 2012
Mass Shooters Foundation Awards Banquet (continued from page 8) placed 9th overall junior at the USA Shooting Womens Olympic Team Trials. At the Palmyra invitational she placed 2nd in Air Rifle. In 2012 she was part of the team that set a new junior national record of 2344/2400. She won bronze at the CMP Open at Camp Perry. She also won silver at the 2012 Bay State Games. The 2012 Distinguished Junior Award for Air Rifle was presented to Sarah MacLagan.
Junior Olympic Championships at OTC in 2010. In 2011 at age 14, she won the gold in smallbore rifle for sub junior. 2011 also saw her placed 3rd in the country for NRA Metric Position Smallbore Rifle, became the NRA Junior Conventional Position smallbore Sub Junior Campion ranked 2nd in country. At the USA Shooting Nationals in 2011 she finished 8th for all juniors and 16th for all competitors which included the Olympic Team and Army
Sara Reyna (center) was given special recognition as all-around outdoor shooter. Photo by Todd May
Massachusetts Shooters Foundation Secretary/Treasurer Michael D. Yacino is flanked by 2012 Distinguished Junior Smallbore Rifle recipient MacKenzie Martin (left) and 2012 Distinguished Junior Air Rifle recipient Sarah MacLagan. Photo by Todd May
*** The Smallbore Rifle nominees were Alexa Aguiar, Jessica Grindell, Margot Lee, Mac Litishin, Sarah MacLagan, MacKenzie Martin, Sonya May, Rebecca Nicholson, Sara Reyna and Andrew Williams. Alexa Aguiar has been shooting for 1 year. In March she placed 3rd in the CMP 3 Position Junior Olympics. She got a new rifle and by July helped make up the top junior team in the NRA National Matches at Camp Perry.
Marksmanship Unit athletes. It seemed like she was just getting warmed up for 2012 when she won the Women’s Bronze medal at the Junior Olympics. At the Trials she won 2 junior Bronze medals in separate smallbore events and placed 12th overall. MacKenzie won the gold in smallbore at Bay State Games, won the open smallbore match held at West Point with a 1158/1200. And let’s top off 2012 with 18 additional national records bringing her total individual national records to 67.
*** Mr. Yacino stopped at this point to make special note of one of the nominees of the night. Sara Reyna shoots smallbore rifle, some air rifle, shotgun, she’s cocaptain of the adult pistol team and shoots high power rifle, archery and black powder. She just likes to shoot anything that goes bang and by all accounts is good at all of them. Joe Arena tells me she is quite the duck hunter so she also has the food gatherer instinct in her. She volunteers around the Holbrook Club for just about anything that needs to be done. There are so many people today who are missing the chance to take part in all these great adventures and young like Sara should be noticed and appreciated. *** After awards were presented ticket numbers were called and raffle winners came forward to pick the prize of their choice from a large display of items. Of course there was plenty of shootingrelated gear, but also jewelry, decoys, clothing and even a children’s bike! Silent auction winners were announced and by all accounts, banquet attendees went home happy! There was an excellent vibe in the room. The youngsters who were receiving certificates & other prizes, were proud to be recognized. Clubs, coaches and instructors - a vital part of our young shooters’ success - are seldom recognized. This night was about them, as well. Coaches & instructors give countless
hours and usually a lot of their own money. Clubs provide equipment and the facilities, often at little or no cost to the shooter. Everyone needed to be appreciated for all they do to promote our sport - and our next generation. Some recognition was bestowed, people went home with something new, and we raised some money for the future of the sport. The night was a huge success and plans are under way for the second event in October 2013. A special thanks to Don Kusser and his helpers from Braintree Rifle & Pistol; Michael MacLagan and Abby Wurster for selling new Foundation clothing and other stores items; Debbie Yacino and Sarah Siudut for overseeing ticket sales for the Chinese raffle; Todd May of Mays Photography for taking all of the photos; Michelle Kirouac, administrative assistant, for coordinating ticket sales and seating; Coach Russ Doucette for working to get Starlin Shi to attend; Colonel Kevin McGovern from the JROTC program at New Bedford High School for bringing up the cadets; Don Holmes for his presentation on Peter Jones and all his efforts for our sport; Sarah MacLagan for leading everyone in prayer; and especially the master of ceremonies, Michael Yacino, whose vision and planning for the event made it the highlight of 2012. As mentioned earlier in this article, the evening also paid tribute to instructors and coaches. Their stories and photographs will be published next month. ★
Josh Gelberger (center) received the 2012 Distinguished Junior Award in Standard Pistol, presented by Starlin Shi and Lones Wigger. Photo by Todd May
Margot Lee has been shooting 7 years, currently taking a break from the sport to deal with school. In 2011 she took silver in Bay State Games. She is active in the Maspenock League. She took silver in Air Rifle at the 2010 Bay State Games and the bronze in Air Rifle at the Games in both 2011 and 2012. Sarah MacLagan began her smallbore competitions at the Bay State Games in 2009 where she won the gold. She also won gold at the Junior Olympic Massachusetts Competitions to receive her first invitation to the Olympic Training Center. In 2012 she won bronze at the Bay State Games. She also participated at invitational matches in Palmyra, PA and Fort Benning GA for the last four years. MacKenzie Martin won her first sub junior silver medal in smallbore at the November 2012
Sonya May won the silver in Smallbore Rifle at the Bay State Games in 2012. In 2011 she placed 2nd in both 3P and Prone at an end of the year match at Taunton. At the Mass Junior Olympic Qualifier she won gold in the smallbore event. At the West Point indoor match she placed 2nd as a junior in smallbore and won bronze at the USA Shooting matches at Ft. Benning in women’s 50 meter prone. Sara Reyna is a freshman at Bridgewater State University and has been shooting at Holbrook Sportsmen’s Club for 8 years. She is working towards her NRA Distinguished Expert Classification. (More of her bio is under Standard Pistol.) The 2012 Distinguished Junior Award for Smallbore Rifle was presented to MacKenzie Martin. The
MacKenzie Martin (center) received the 2012 Distinguished Junior Award in Smallbore Rifle, presented by Starlin Shi and Lones Wigger. Photo by Todd May
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The Folds of Honor Foundation Establishes Patriot Range Day by Michelle Y. Siudut, Editor
The Folds of Honor Foundation was formed in 2007 by Major Dan Rooney, an F-16 fighter pilot in the Oklahoma Air National Guard. Upon witnessing the return of a soldier’s remains on a commercial flight, Maj. Rooney felt compelled to help widows and children like those of the soldier returning. From this sincere and simple idea, The Folds of Honor Foundation was created to honor military families by providing educational support and opportunities to ensure that families of fallen and disabled soldiers are not left behind. From the Folds of Honor website: “Over 700,000 soldiers have been killed or disabled in the military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan--Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, and Operation New Dawn. These service members' families exceed the national average of 2.5 dependents per household. As of January 1, 2012, over one million dependents have been adversely affected by multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. More than 87% of the dependents affected by the recent wars do not qualify for federal scholarship assistance. While the federal government provides some support for these families, it cannot
succeed alone without proactive civilian organizations to assist.” The Folds of Honor feel it as being our collective duty as Americans, to honor those who have sacrificed their families and their lives. They aim to do that by providing scholarships and other assistance to spouses and children of soldiers either killed or disabled as a result of their service to our country. What’s in a Name? The Folds of Honor website describes how the Foundation’s name was chosen. “The United States flag is our nation’s most beloved symbol of freedom. When it flies, we are reminded of our American freedom. When lowered and folded, it becomes a solemn tribute to our servicemen and women and the allegiance, valor and pride with which they have fought for generations. During the flag-folding ritual, each fold offers honor and remembrance for America’s greatest individuals, values and beliefs. “It is in the sixth fold – made to honor the Pledge of Allegiance – that our hearts
lie. For it is with allegiance and pride that we now give back to those service members who to continue protect America’s blanket of freedom.” Veterans Day 2012 will mark the first Patriot Range Day, established by Folds of Honor. Patriot Range Day was created to allow shooters nationwide to combine their love of the shooting sports with their love of country. During this weekend, participating shooting facilities will ask members and visitors to donate $1 in support of Folds of Honor’s mission. The event will occur at the option of ranges and facilities. You can search for facilities at two locations: NRA Find A Range Page <> or NSSF Find A Range Page <>. Then you can determine if they are participating in the event. If you are a shooting range owner, member or a visitor of your local shooting
range, or even someone who is interested in being a part of the first Patriot Range Day, please contact CONTACT@FOLDSOFHONOR.ORG or call 918.274.4700 to find out how you can get involved. If you’re not heading out to the range that weekend - or if you just want to make a contribution to aid in the mission of Folds of Honor, you can go to <> and click the “Donate” tab. Folds of Honor thank all of their contributors and partners. Primary partners of Patriot Range Day include: Bushnell, Budweiser Here’s to the Heroes, NRA County, NRA Life of Duty, Outdoor Channel, National Shooting Sports Foundation, Academy of Country Music, Sound Gear, North American Hunter Hunting Club. Folds of Honor also hosted their first Patriot Golf Day over Labor Day weekend, when golfers added extra dollars to their green fees to support Folds of Honor. Numerous golf organizations partnered with Folds of Honor for the event. To see those partners please visit <>. ★
New Report Shows Rise in Hunting, Fishing and Wildlife-Related Recreation Participation in 28 States Billions of dollars generated for local economies and conservation US Fish & Wildlife Service
Participation in wildlife-associated recreation increased in 28 states since 2006, according to the findings of the 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation State Overview Report released by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The State Overview Report is the second in a series of reports to be released by the Service over the next few months highlighting results from the National Survey. Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar released the first report on August 15, 2012. The National Survey, conducted since 1955, measures participation in these activities and related spending on trips and equipment across the nation and in individual states. The 2011 National Survey data show that hunters, anglers and wildlife watchers spent $145 billion last year on related gear, trips and other purchases such as licenses, tags and land leasing or ownership. “Hunting, fishing and wildlife watching are part of our national heritage, and the trip and equipment-related spending of participants’ forms significant support for local economies across the country,” said Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe. “These survey results are good news for the small businesses and rural communities who depend on wildlife-related tourism, and it shows an encouraging increase in personal investment of citizens in the future of wildlife and wild places.”
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Public lands managed by federal and state agencies support much of the fishing, hunting, and wildlife-associated recreation that Americans enjoy. The State Overview, provides national survey data on wildlife-related recreation at the state level, which helps state natural resource agencies to plan and provide wildliferelated recreation opportunities. “The State by State data from the National Survey is where the rubber meets the road for state fish and wildlife agencies,” said Dr. Jonathan Gassett, Commissioner of the Kentucky Fish and Wildlife Resources Commission and President of the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. “These results help each state set the course for future fish and wildlife conservation and they help quantify the results of investments that each state has made in its wildlife-related recreation programs, especially hunter and angler recruitment and retention programs.” Highlights from this overview include the following information: • Of the 28 States with increases in the number of wildlife-related recreation participants from 2006 to 2011, the largest percentage increases were seen in Alaska (47%) and Louisiana (40%). • South Dakota had the highest proportion of state residents who hunted– 21%. • Alaska had the highest proportion of state residents who fished– 40%. • Vermont had the highest proportion
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of state residents who wildlife watched– 53%. Overall, the 2011 Survey found that 38% of all Americans 16 years of age and older participated in wildliferelated recreation in 2011, an increase of 2.6 million participants from the previous survey in 2006. Participation in recreational fishing increased by 11% and hunting was up 9%. This increase reverses a trend over previous Surveys showing a 10% decline in hunting participation between 1996 and 2006. The 2011 Survey reports a corresponding increase in hunting equipment expenditures, which are up 29% from 2006. Through landmark conservation laws supported by American sportsmen and women, funds collected by states through the sale of hunting and fishing licenses are combined with federal funds from excise tax on sport weapons and ammunition and on angling equipment to pay for fish and wildlife conservation and associated recreational opportunities. Together, these laws support the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Programs, first established 75 years ago. Since then, hunters and anglers have paid more than $11 billion in excise taxes on purchases of firearms, ammunition, archery, fishing and boating equipment toward thousands of conservation projects, wildlife-associated recreational opportunities and access, and sport shooting ranges around the nation. The National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, conducted every five years since 1955, has become one of the most important sources of information on fish and wildlife recreation in the United States. Federal, State and private organizations use the rigorously-compiled and detailed information to manage wildlife and wildlife-related recreation programs, market products, and forecast trends in participation and economic impacts. The 2011 report was requested by the
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Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, coordinated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s National Survey Branch of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program, and administered by the U.S. Census Bureau. The Census Bureau conducted detailed interviews from individuals at 48,627 households across the country to obtain samples of sportspersons and wildlife watchers. Information was collected through computer-assisted telephone and in-person interviews. The Survey is funded through a Multi-State Conservation Grant from the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program. The Survey is being released in phases – the first report was issued in August 2012 and presented data for the nation as a whole. The final national report will be available in November 2012, and the detailed state reports will be issued on a flow basis beginning in December 2012. The full State Overview Report can be downloaded at < 11-prelim-state.pdf>. The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. We are both a leader and trusted partner in fish and wildlife conservation, known for our scientific excellence, stewardship of lands and natural resources, dedicated professionals and commitment to public service. For more information on our work and the people who make it happen, visit <>. Connect with our Facebook page at <>, follow our tweets at <>, watch our YouTube Channel at <> and download photos from our Flickr page at <>. ★ November 2012
New Turkey Hunting Regulations Several new hunting regulations have been promulgated which expand wild turkey hunting opportunities across the state. These regulations take effect in time for the 2012 fall turkey hunting season. Wildlife Management Zones (WMZ) 10, 11, and 12, which encompasses eastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod, will open for the fall wild turkey hunting season. Previously, the fall wild turkey hunting season was open in only WMZs 1-9 and 13; central and western Massachusetts and Martha’s Vineyard. The statewide fall wild turkey hunting season has been lengthened from one week to a two-week season. Fall wild turkey hunting season will begin on the second to last Monday in October and continue for 2 weeks. The 2012 fall hunting season dates are October 22 – November 3, 2012. Permissible shot sizes for wild turkey hunting have been expanded to include #7 shot. Formerly, shot sizes were limited to #4 - #6 for wild turkey hunting. Fall wild turkey hunters are reminded that wild turkey hunting hours during this season begin one half hour before sunrise and end one half hour after sunset. Only those turkey hunters who did NOT harvest a season limit of 2 birds during the spring season are eligible for fall turkey hunting where 1 turkey of either sex may be harvested. All other regulations relative to wild turkey hunting apply. Thanks to successful restoration efforts by MassWildlife and other conservation partners such as the National Wild Turkey Federation, Massachusetts has a healthy and robust wild turkey population, allowing for the expansion of the fall hunting season. Recent technological development of turkey hunting-specific shotshells using denser-than-lead shot alloys (typically tungsten or bismuth) has improved the ballistics of smaller shot sizes, ensuring an effective turkey harvest.
Autumn Outdoor Safety Tips
Fall is a great time to be outdoors enjoying the dazzling colors, crisp air and wildlife activity. Whether your passion is hiking, hunting, fishing, birding, or just taking in the scenery, a few common sense safety reminders will add to your enjoyment during a day in the field. Know your limits. Don't take off on a long hike, hunt, or bike ride if you're not physically ready. Tell someone where you're going and when you expect to return. Watch the weather. New England weather is notorious for quick changes. Be ready with an extra layer of clothing, warm hat, and gloves. Expect the unexpected. No one expects problems while spending a day outdoors, but having a fanny pack with a few first aid items, matches, water, extra food, pocket knife, map, compass, whistle, cell phone, and flashlight can help prevent small problems from becoming bigs ones. Be Safe, Be Seen, Wear Blaze Orange! Whether you're a hunter, hiker or walking the dog in rural areas, it's a good idea to wear a cap or vest of highly visible blaze orange clothing while you're enjoying the great outdoors. Respect the water. Canoeists and kayakers are required to wear life jackets from September 15 to May 15, but all water enthusiasts, especially anglers who wade our larger rivers, would be wise to November 2012
Mail: 100 Hartwell Street, Suite 230, West Boylston MA 01583 Phone: 508-389-6300 Email: Website: wear floatation devices especially now that water and air temperatures are cool. Respect other outdoor users. Mountain biking, horseback riding, wildlife watching, hunting, and hiking are not mutually exclusive activities. Know the hunting seasons < tions/abstracts/hunting_dates.pdf>, < etts/huntingandfishing/quick-referenceguide> ) and who is likely to be sharing the woods and waters with you. Keep dogs under control and respect other outdoor users' right to enjoy our open spaces. Finally, licensed sportsmen and women are reminded to take the basics of hunter safety to heart.Treat every firearm as it were loaded, keeping the muzzle pointed in a safe direction at all times. Accurately identify your target and know what lies beyond it. Outdoor activities are among the safest recreational pursuits available. With a little common sense, they'll stay that way.
New Deer Possession Limits on The Islands
The possession limit of unchecked deer in Wildlife Management Zones (WMZ) 13 and 14 (Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, and the Elizabeth Islands) has been increased from 2 to 4 deer. Antlerless deer permit allocations in Wildlife Management Zones 13 and 14 are very high, due to high deer population densities. As an effort to increase the deer harvest in these zones, increasing the possession of a larger number of unchecked deer within 48 hours will give hunters more time in the field. Island deer hunters are reminded that all deer harvested on the islands must be taken to a game check station on the islands within 48 hours of harvest before transport offisland. Deer hunters who hunt on the islands (WMZ’s 13 and 14) may purchase up to four antlerless deer permits per zone per day for Zones 13 and 14 available online and at any license agent location. Hunters are encouraged to purchase their permits well ahead of their planned hunting dates.
Antlerless Deer Permits on Sale
Surplus antlerless deer permits for Wildlife Management Zones (WMZ) 10 (6,161 permits); 11 (3,307 permits), 13 (2,589 permits), and 14 (2,627 permits) are available for online sale and at any license vendor locations. There are no permits available in other WMZs. NEW THIS YEAR: Hunters who do not have a computer may purchase antlerless deer permits at any walk-in license agent location (not just MassWildlife offices) or they can use any computer, such as at a public library. A listing of license agent locations and phone numbers is available at < tion/licensing/vendors/license_vendors_g ooglemap.htm> Anyone purchasing surplus antlerless deer permits MUST have the last name and Customer ID # of all hunters for whom they are purchasing permits. Surplus antlerless deer permits will be issued on a first-come/first-served basis. Hunters may purchase only one The
permit/WMZ/day for Zones 10 and 11 and up to four permits/WMZ/day for Zones 13 and 14 (Martha’s Vineyard and Nantucket).
Fall Trout Stocking
Autumn anglers will be pleased to learn that fall trout stocking is underway. Over 71,000 rainbow trout have been allocated among the five wildlife management districts across the state. The rainbow trout average over 12 inches in length and are grown at MassWildlife hatcheries in Belchertown, Montague, Sandwich, and Sunderland. A list of trout stocked waters posted at: is < tion/fishing/trout/ m> . Water bodies stocked in the fall are underlined. Anglers are advised to contact the District Office < es/districts.htm> in their area to determine local stocking schedules: Northeast (Ayer) 978-772-2145; Southeast (Bourne) 508-759-3406; Central (W. Boylston) 508-835-3607; Connecticut Valley (Belchertown) 413-323-7632; Western (Dalton) 413-684-1646.
Remember To Report Game At A Check Station, Not Online
The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) reminds hunters and trappers that because the MassFishHunt online game reporting system is not ready for the 2012 hunting and trapping seasons, hunters and trappers must report certain game at a traditional check station as in past years. Please notify other hunters and trappers they cannot report or check their game online this hunting/trapping season. Sporting groups are urged to post this information at their clubs, or include it in any meetings, newsletters, social media networks, or email blasts. Listings of game check station locations are available at all Division Offices and on the MassWildlife website at: <> . The following are the legal tagging and reporting requirements for certain game species: Game Check Requirements for Hunters • Attach your tag to black bear, deer, or turkey immediately upon harvesting the animal. • Report the harvest of black bear, deer, or turkey by bringing the fielddressed carcass (not skinned or butchered) animal to a check station within 48 hours of harvest where an official metal or plastic seal will be attached to the animal. • Report the harvest of bobcat, coyote, and fox by bringing the carcass or pelt
to a check station for an official seal within 4 working days of the end of the hunting season. • Keep the official (metal or plastic) seal attached to all above game until butchered, brought to a meat processor, or a taxidermist to be prepared for mounting or tanning, or the pelt is tanned or sold. Game Check Requirements for Trappers • Report the harvest of beaver, bobcat, coyote, fisher, fox, mink, and otter by bringing the carcass or pelt to a check station within 4 working days of the end of the trapping season where a plastic seal will be attached to the pelt. • Keep the official seal on the above furbearers until the carcass is prepared for mounting by a taxidermist, the pelt is tanned or the pelt is sold. Taxidermists and meat processors are reminded that for the 2012 hunting and trapping seasons they can only possess bear, beaver, bobcat, coyote, deer, fisher, fox, mink, otter, or wild turkey with an official metal or plastic seal attached to the carcass or furbearer pelt. It is illegal to accept any of the above listed game animals without an attached official Division seal.
November Deer Hunting Opportunity For Paraplegic Hunters
Since 1972, the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife has offered the opportunity for paraplegic sportsmen and sportswomen to hunt deer in several locations across the state during a special three-day season. This year's hunt dates are November 1 - 3, 2012. Locations will include Devens (Harvard/Lancaster), Quabbin Park (Belchertown), two areas in Berkshire County and the newest location at the Otis/Edwards Military Reservation (Falmouth). Licensed paraplegic sportsmen and women with an interest in participating in this hunt should contact Trina Moruzzi at 508-389-6318 for more details.
Reminder: New Address For Field HQ Office
On September 10, Division of Fisheries & Wildlife Field Headquarters staff relocated to temporary office space for approximately two years at 100 Hartwell Street, Suite 230, West Boylston, MA, 01583. A new Field Headquarters building will be constructed at the existing site in Westborough. Contact phone numbers and emails for Field Headquarters staff have not changed. Directions to the new office are posted at: < es/westboro.htm> . ★
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Vermont’s Bald Eagles Nested More Successfully
Hunters and Landowners Can Connect on F&W Website
Our national symbol, the bald eagle, is staging a dramatic comeback in the Green Mountain State. The Vermont Fish &Wildlife Department reports that bald eagles had a very successful nesting season this year with 15 nests documented in the state and 23 eaglets fledged -leaving the nest to be on their own. “Last year a total of 13 eaglets fledged,” said John Buck, the state wildlife biologist in charge of migratory birds for the department. “Three of this year’s 15 nests were newly discovered, and two of the nests produced three eaglets, which is excellent when you consider that one or two is the norm.” Bald eagles first began nesting in Vermont in 2002 after a 60-year absence. loss and environmental Habitat contaminants, such as DDT, were the cause of the alarming decline of bald eagles here and throughout the country. The Bald Eagle and Golden Eagle Protection Act, the Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act are important laws that were instrumental in the recovery of the bald eagle across the US. The bald eagle was removed from the list of endangered species at the national level in 2007. It remains listed as an endangered species in Vermont, as it does in many New England and surrounding states, because its resurgence has come later than in many other states. “Vermont has excellent eagle habitat and it has just taken longer for the eagles to discover it,” said Buck. “The reasons for this are unclear but territoriality, disbursement patterns and their five-year age at sexual maturity are likely involved.” “It is encouraging to see our eagles building more nests and having higher productivity per nest,” added Buck. “We will continue to protect and monitor the success of bald eagles every year in accordance with the Bald Eagle Recovery Plan. When it is evident through nest distribution and productivity the eagle population is capable of withstanding naturally occurring losses it will be considered for de-listing in Vermont.”
Vermont owners of forest lands who are concerned about keeping deer numbers managed can now connect with hunters who register their interest to hunt in the area by using a new feature on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department’s e b s i t e w <>. Following a recommendation from an advisory group of landowners, hunters, foresters, wildlife biologists, and Fish and Wildlife Board members to investigate the issues of deer doing damage as well as hunters unable to gain access to private lands, the department created an online system where hunters can register for permission to hunt in an area of the state. Landowners can go to the website and then contact hunters they would like to invite to hunt deer on their property. There are no restrictions on whether or not the land is posted. This new initiative is in response to hunters’ concerns about access to private lands, and because foresters and forest landowners are increasingly reporting that deer are causing damage to young seedlings and saplings -- preventing them from growing into valuable commercial trees. Red oak, white ash and sugar maples in southern Vermont appear to be especially vulnerable to deer feeding on them. Less obvious are the effects heavy understory browsing by deer is having on the overall health of the forest. Studies in urban areas of southern New England and in National Parks where deer are not hunted have documented not only problems with tree regeneration, but also marked decreases in numbers of flowering plants such as orchids and lilies, fewer songbirds due to a loss of nesting habitat, as well as reduced populations of upland game species such as snowshoe hare, woodcock and ruffed grouse. A “Get Connected” quick-link for interested hunters and landowners is on the website under “Items of Special Interest.” “We believe this is a win-win situation where landowners can proactively
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coordinate hunter access to their lands, and hunters willing to put additional effort into landowner relations will benefit by finding more forest lands open to deer hunting,” said Deputy Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Kim Royar. “It also enables deer hunters a chance to manage deer populations where it is most needed. The success of the program will depend on the interest of foresters and landowners to participate so that such lands become available to hunters.”
Muzzleloader Antlerless Deer Permit Winners Announced
The winners of Vermont’s muzzleloader season antlerless deer permits are listed on the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department’s website: < ap_antlerlesslottery.cfm> . “Hunters who applied for muzzleloader antlerless deer permits may check our website to find out if they will be receiving a muzzleloader season antlerless permit,” said Adam Murkowski, Vermont’s deer biologist. “Knowing the answer will help them in planning their hunt and making informed harvest decisions this fall.” The Fish and Wildlife Board approved the number of December muzzleloader permits at 12,425 for 15 of the state’s 24 Wildlife Management Units. The taking of antlerless deer with archery equipment is permitted in all WMUs except WMU-E. However, youth hunters are allowed to harvest any deer, regardless of WMU, during the youth deer hunting weekend on November 3 and November 4. “The antlerless permit allocation represents a conservative approach to antlerless deer hunting this fall,” said Murkowski. “Deer herds throughout the state are at or below population objectives. Thus, the number of muzzleloader season antlerless permits for this year will allow for slow growth in the deer herd throughout much of the state.” Biologists expect hunters who receive the permits will take about 2,200 antlerless deer in the muzzleloader season and an estimated 3,000 antlerless deer in youth and archery seasons. “The winter of 2011-2012 was the mildest recorded in recent decades,” said Murkowski. “It will be important for hunters to continue to manage their local deer herds for deer herd health to ensure the number of deer remains appropriate for the available habitat.”
Vermont Moose Hunt Auction Nets over $22,000 for Wildlife Education
Vermont’s sixth annual auction of five moose hunting permits closed with $22,094.05 taken in to help fund Fish & Wildlife Department educational programs, such as the Green Mountain Conservation Camps for 12 to 16 year old youths.
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License Center and Temporary Office: 542 US Rte 302, Berlin VT 05641 Email: Phone: 802-241-3700 Mailing Address: 10 South, 103 South Main Street, Waterbury, VT 05671-0501 Bids do not include the cost of a hunting license ($22 for residents and $100 for nonresidents) and a moose hunting permit fee ($100 for residents and $350 for nonresidents). Auction winners were as follows: David Wood, New York, $5,101.00 Robert Ashton, New Hampshire, $4,687.00 Peggy Davis, New Hampshire, $4,500.00 Michael Barry, Vermont, $4,033.33 Ashlee Leone, Vermont, $3,772.72 The Fish and Wildlife Department held a lottery in August, when 385 moose hunting permit winners were drawn from the more than 11,000 people who applied.
Vermont Youth Deer Hunt Weekend is Nov. 34
Vermont’s youth deer hunting weekend is November 3 and 4 this year, the Saturday and Sunday before the rifle deer season opens. “Vermont’s special youth deer hunting weekend helps ensure that young hunters get the quality training and experiences they need for lifelong participation,” said Fish & Wildlife Hunter Education Coordinator Chris Saunders. “By design, the youth weekend hunt reinforces the route of initiation that is critical in recruitment -- learning through the family.” Anyone, resident or nonresident, who is 15 years old or younger on the weekend of the hunt and who has successfully completed a hunter education course may purchase a hunting license and obtain a free youth deer hunting tag. The young hunter must be accompanied by an unarmed adult over 18 years of age who holds a Vermont hunting license. The adult may accompany up to two young hunters. The law now requires the adult to have direct control and supervision, including the ability to see and communicate with the youth hunter without the aid of artificial devices such as radios or binoculars. Landowner permission is required in order to hunt on private land during the youth deer hunt weekend. The young hunter may take one deer of either sex. The antler restriction that applies for other Vermont deer seasons does not apply for youth deer hunting weekend. A violation of the youth deer hunting law can result in a fine that is doubled and assessed against the adult who accompanies the youth. A 2007 survey proved that Vermont’s youth hunting seasons work. Current youth hunters, past youth hunters and their mentors were highly satisfied with their experiences, and this translated into an increased desire to hunt in the future. Perhaps most telling of all, the youth hunting weekend was the first time hunting for 69 percent of youth hunters. For more information, go to the Youth Hunting page of Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s website : < ap_youth.cfm> ★
Thank a Veteran on November 11th
Outdoor Message
November 2012
Got meat? New Hampshire hunters can share their harvest with the needy through the “Hunt for the Hungry” program at the New Hampshire Food Bank. The food bank collects donations of whole or processed game animals for distribution to more than 350 food pantries, soup kitchens, homeless shelters and group
homes statewide. The program offers packaging instructions and can pick up your meat donation. To donate game, call Kaytlynn Brewster at the N.H. Food Bank: 603669-9725, x240. If you’re donating a whole deer, you can bring it to Lemay & Sons Beef in Goffstown, N.H. (603-6220022), and they will process it for the food bank at no charge. For more information on donating game meat to the New Hampshire Food Bank, visit
Please be sure to verify dates and daily limits in the state regulations or on the individual state websites. Waterfowl hunting dates can also be found on websites.
Attention hunters! Hunters for the Hungry, is a cooperative program between The Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife and The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) within The
Department of Agriculture. This program provides a means for hunters to donate all or a portion of their hunt to a family in need. This program has been extremely beneficial to our citizens providing lean, high protein meats to voluntary feeding programs and to consumers with a medical necessity. Those wishing for more information on this program may call toll free 1-8884DEER-ME (433-3763) or visit: p/index.html. ★
N.H. Fish and Game Department Headquarters 11 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301 603-271-3211
Hunting Around New England
Phone: 508-389-6300 No closed season on ENGLISH SPARROW, STARLING, CHIPMUNK, FLYING SQUIRREL, RED SQUIRREL, WEASEL, PORCUPINE, SKUNK, SNAPPING TURTLE, WOODCHUCK BEAR Zones 1-9: Nov 5 - Nov 24 PHEASANT, RUFFED GROUSE, QUAIL: Closes Nov 24 COTTONTAIL Zones 1-12: Closes Feb 28, 2013 Zones 13-14: Nov 15 - Feb 28, 2013 COYOTE: Closes Mar 8, 2013 CROW: Closes Apr 10, 2013 DEER - Archery: Closes Nov 24 Shotgun: Nov 26 - Dec 8 Muzzleloader: Dec 10 - 31 FOX (red or gray): Nov 1 - Feb 28, 2013 GRAY SQUIRREL Zones 10-14: Closes Jan 2, 2013 JACKRABBIT Zone 14: Nov 15 - Dec 31 RACCOON, OPOSSUM: Closes Jan 31, 2013 SNOWSHOE HARE Zones 1-4: Closes Feb 28, 2013 Zones 5-12: Closes Feb 2, 2013 WILD TURKEY Zones 1-9, 13: Oct 29 - Nov 3 GRAY SQUIRREL Zones 1-9: Closes Jan 2, 2013 Phone: 207-287-8000 No closed season on COYOTE, WOODCHUCK, PORCUPINE, RED SQUIRREL BEAR General: Closes Nov 24 DEER Expanded Archery (designated areas only): Closes Dec 8 Muzzleloader (all WMDs): Nov 26 - Dec 1 WMDs 12-13, 15-18, 20-26, 29: Dec 3 - Dec 8 DEER Firearms: Closes Nov 24 FOX: Closes Feb 28, 2013 GRAY SQUIRREL, RACCOON: Closes Dec 31 MOOSE WMDs 15-16, 22-23, 25-26: Closes Nov 24 WMDs 1-8, 11: Nov 5 - Nov 10 PHEASANT, RUFFED GROUSE, BOBWHITE QUAIL: Closes Dec 31 SKUNK, OPPOSSUM: Closes Dec 31 SNOWSHOE HARE: Closes Mar 31, 2013 Phone: 860-424-3011 depNav=| CHUKAR PARTRIDGE, CROW, GRAY SQUIRREL, PHEASANT: Closes Dec 31 COTTONTAIL RABBIT, RACCOON, RED FOX, GRAY FOX: Closes Dec 31 COYOTE: Closes Dec 13 QUAIL: Closes Nov 3 RUFFED GROUSE: Closes Nov 30 TURKEY - Archery - State Land: Closes Nov 13 Private Land and State Bowhunting Land: Closes Dec 31 WOODCHUCK: Closes Nov 13
November 2012
Hunters for the Hungry
The New Horizons Food Bank in Manchester also accepts game donations to help feed the hungry. To donate game meat to New Horizons, contact Mike Tessier, Executive Director, at 603-6286133, ext 114. New Horizons is located at 199 Manchester Street, Manchester NH 03105.
Ten Commandments of Hunting Safety
Treat every firearm with the same respect due a loaded firearm. Control the direction of your firearm's muzzle.
Be sure of your target and what is beyond it. Be sure the barrel and action are clear of obstructions. Unload firearms when not in use. Never point a firearm at anything you do not intend to shoot. Never climb a fence or tree, or jump a ditch or log, with a loaded firearm. Never shoot a bullet at a flat, hard surface or water. Store firearms and ammunition separately. Avoid alcoholic beverages or other mood-altering drugs before or while shooting. ★
Happy Thanksgiving!
N.H. Food Banks Seek Meat Donations from Hunters
will have another chance on November 17, 2012. For more information on the current Maine waterfowl hunt, visit < _trapping/mig_birdlaws.htm#schedule>.
The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has added a third waterfowl hunting zone south of Route 1 from Kittery to Calais, Maine. The waterfowl hunting season dates for this new Coastal Zone will run from November 19, 2012 to January 5, 2013. An earlier season ran October 1 to October 20, 2012. The South/Coastal Zone Line will run from the Maine-New Brunswick border in
Calais at the Route 1 bridge, south along Route 1 to the Maine-New Hampshire border in Kittery. This modification to the Maine waterfowl hunting zones is part of an effort to provide waterfowl hunters with an opportunity to harvest waterfowl that migrate to the coast of Maine from November to early January. Prior to this addition, coastal waterfowl hunters were subject to the same season dates as the Southern Zone. Youth enjoyed one Coastal Zone waterfowl hunting day in September and
Third Waterfowl Hunting Zone Added
Maine Fish and Game Department Headquarters 1284 State Street, Augusta, ME 04333-0041 (207) 287-8000
Phone: 603-271-3211 No closed season on COYOTE, WOODCHUCK BLACK BEAR varies by method & WMU: Closes Nov 13 COTTONTAIL RABBIT varies by WMU: Oct 31 - Dec 31 CROW: Closes Nov 30 DEER Archery varies by WMU: Closes Dec 15 DEER Archery varies by WMU: Closes Dec 15 Firearms varies by WMU: Nov 14 - Dec 9 FOX (Red and Gray), OPOSSUM, SKUNK, RACCOON: Closes Mar 31, 2013 GRAY SQUIRREL: Closes Dec 31 MINK, MUSKRAT, WEASEL varies by WMU: Closes Apr 10, 2013 PHEASANT, RUFFED GROUSE: Closes Dec 31 QUAIL CHUKAR, HUNGARIAN/EUROPEAN PARTRIDGE: Closes Dec 31 SNIPE: Closes Nov 14 SNOWSHOE HARE varies by WMU: Closes Mar 31, 2013 TURKEY varies by WMU - Archery: Closes Dec 15 WOODCOCK: Closes Nov 14
Phone: 401-222-6800 No closed season on COYOTE (private land only) CROW: Closes Nov 30 DEER Archery: Closes Jan 31, 2013 Muzzleloader: Nov 3 - Nov 25 MOURNING DOVES: Closes Nov 10 RAILS, COMMON SNIPE: Closes Nov 9 FOX (Red and Gray), GRAY SQUIRREL, COTTONTAIL RABBITS, SNOWSHOE HARE: Closes Feb 28, 2013 QUAIL: Closes Nov 25 RING-NECKED PHEASANT: Closes Feb 28, 2013 SEA DUCKS: Closes Jan 20, 2013 TURKEY Archery: Closes Nov 28 WOODCOCK: Closes Nov 30
Phone: 802-241-3700 range=future No closed season on COYOTE BLACK BEAR: Closes Nov 14 DEER Youth Weekend: Nov 3-4 Rifle: Nov 10-25 GRAY SQUIRREL: Closes Dec 31 HARE & RABBIT: Closes Mar 10, 2013 RACCOON: Closes Dec 31 RED AND GRAY FOX: Closes Feb 10, 2013 RUFFED GROUSE: Closes Dec 31 TURKEY 16-day bow archery or shotgun varies by WMU Closes Nov 4 ★
Outdoor Message
Page 13
Dues Are Due
P.O. Box 258 East Bridgewater, Massachusetts 02333
Your annual dues of $80.00 for the year 2013 are due on January 1, 2013! As always we give you a 30-day grace period to pay and we ask that you pay by check so you have proof you paid if there are any questions later on. You must pay by the February 7, 2013 business meeting. Luckily, our 2013 Sportsman’s Show is the weekend before this on February 2 and 3 so you can pay your dues when you visit the show! Your club dues is still one of the best bargains around! Just check out the prices other clubs charge or to buy range time at commercial ranges. You will automatically be dropped from the membership if you have not paid by February 7, 2013.
Annual Elections will be coming up in December so we have set up a nominating committee of Larry Witnauer, Joe Duncan
and Frank DelPrete to get ready for the election of club officers and directors for 2013. Any Charter Member is eligible to hold a club office. Anyone interested in running for club officer or director should put your name on the list posted on the club bulletin board or contact Larry, Joe or Frank to have your name put on the election ballot. Nominations can also be made at the December 6 business meeting when nominations will be closed so the ballot can be printed.
2013 Sportsman’s Show
Hugh Hurley and his committee have begun preparations for the 2013 edition of the club’s Annual Sportsman’s Show. The show dates are set for February 2 and 3, 2013. This is also Superbowl weekend, so we changed the show hours on Sunday to accommodate the football fans. The show will run from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturday and 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM on
Business Meeting - Thursday Nov 1 at 7 pm Board of Directors - Thursday Nov 15 at 7 pm
Sunday at our clubhouse on Burr Lane, off Union St. and route 18 in East Bridgewater. Hugh reported things are going well and we are off to a good start with some vendors’ returns in already. There will be over 75 booths displaying and selling all types of hunting, fishing, camping, firearms and marine equipment. Hugh is looking for additional help, especially from new members, to get the show organized and get the advertising out. Please remember that all new Temporary Associate members have a work requirement to complete, before they can be voted in as full Associate members! To reserve a space or to get more information call Hugh Hurley at 508-588-9327.
3-D Archery
Ed Souza announced the dates for the 2013 3-D shoots at Standish. They are: January 6, March 10, March 30 and 31 dual shoot and April 6 and 7 dual shoot. Thanks again to George and all the members who worked so hard to give us another successful 3-D season!
Youth Archery
HOLBROOK SPORTSMEN’S CLUB November 17-18 SAT. 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM SUN. 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Youth Rifle Class
The youth archery league is shooting on Wednesday nights and more and more youngsters are showing up each week. Youths shoot from 6:30 to 8:00 PM. Thanks to Mike Scanlon, John Brennan, Larry Witnauer, and all the other members who show up regularly to support the youngsters.
Bill Doherty reported he had a good turnout of enthusiastic youngsters for our club’s new .22 cal rifle class on Wednesday, October 3. The club purchased all new rifles and safety equipment so the best, safest training can be provided. Thanks to Bill Doherty who is running the program and to Dick McMahon, Joe Butler, Dave Feight, Frank DelPrete, Bob Azzola, Dave Singer, Bill Slack, Al Fruzzetti and Paul “Lefty” Kravitz. Special thanks to “Lefty” for all his time and efforts in processing the paperwork for the new rifles and for getting the new safety equipment.
Turkey Shoot
Paul Clark and Walter Potaznick will be running a turkey shoot on Sunday, November 18, starting at 10 AM. Come on down to the club for a friendly competitive shoot and have a great breakfast from the club kitchen before the shoot. The shoot may also include a new “broken bird” shoot, which Walter will explain the day of the shoot.
Annual Club Audit
Walter Potaznick presented the annual club audit report that he and Everett
Renew your subscription -or purchase a subscription for a friend!
Use the form printed on page 12 or visit to download a subscription form or pay online using PayPal. Page 14
Outdoor Message
Hanson prepared for the 2011/2012 period. Everything checked out OK and the membership voted to accept it. Thanks go to Everett and Walter for performing the audit and preparing the report and recommendations. Special thanks to our treasurer, Mike Scanlon, who does a great job keeping up with the club’s finances!
Security System
Thanks to Nick Merolli, Kevin Provost, Frank DelPrete, John Fabroski and Ed Holmes for obtaining and installing the club’s new security cameras and system. Signs have been posted as required so be warned!
Junior Conservation Camp
Please submit the names of any youngsters between 13 and 17 years of age who would be interested in attending Junior Conservation Camp next August at the club’s expense. We usually send one or two youths to the camp each year, but would consider sending more if there is enough interest. We just read a letter of thanks from Brandon Cannistrano who we sent to the camp last year.
Around The Club
Lorna reported the lobster and steak cookout went very well with 75 people attending and having a great time. Thanks to all those who helped prepare the meal and donated food. Thanks to Scott Blood, John Brennan and Joe MacLaughlin for repair and painting of the skeet houses/doors. Thanks also to John Brennan for his work screening off the clubhouse openings the critters were using. Thanks to Bill Ewell, Jerry Snuffer and John Fabroski for all their work landscaping around the new pavilion and on the club road. Thanks to Peter Kruger for the gun rests he recently donated to the club and for the new flags he got for the club at a great price.
New Roof
The club approved funding for John Fabroski’s proposal to put a roof over the shooting stations on our outdoor pistol range. John has some roofing panels available and the cost of additional materials should be small, which should keep the cost very low. Thanks, John!
Bus to Big “E”
The club is asking members if there is any interest in getting a bus to take club members to the Big “E” in Springfield. Anyone interested should let Ed Holmes know.
We have had a recent problem with someone shooting what looks like high power .50 cal/magnum loads on the indoor pistol range. These can damage the backstop and are prohibited in the indoor range.
Dick McMahon did the readings for new Junior members Jenna Talabach and Taryn Scanlon, who were voted in at the October meeting. Sincerely Yours, Tim Santry ★ November 2012
Davis Road - PO Box 101 Hanson MA 02341
President: Vice President: Secretary: Treasurer:
Phone 781-293-9872
Mike Dunn Bob Preston Mitch Soroko Bill Segalla
Executive Board: Dave Gonsalves Greg Williams Rick Zadrozny
Happy Thanksgiving to all Hanson Club Members and their families!! of the championship trophy until that time Stone to our range. For details, please November Meetings when we will all meet again at the 16-yard contact Adam Preston at 774.406.1573.
Please be advised that the next scheduled Business Meeting will be held at 7:30 PM on Thursday, November 8th, 2012. The November Board of Directors Meeting will be held at 7 PM on Thursday, November 29th, 2012.
Hard to believe that 2012 is almost over and we are looking forward to another New Year. With that being said, members are reminded it is time to pay your annual club dues. Member dues statements will be out shortly and members who wish to pay their dues on Sunday Mornings in person (in the clubhouse) are reminded to bring a check or money order. Sorry folks, cash will not be accepted. Members wishing to mail in their payment are urged to due so as soon as possible. Again… checks and money orders only. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Speaking of Dues - HRGC One-Year Membership Raffle (valued at $150)
Mitch Soroko Our club will be offering a one-year membership raffle prize which will be transferable to any existing member. To enter just add $5.00 for each entry with your membership renewal payment and send it into the club. Members can also purchase chances online under the raffle tab on the club website or at the monthly meeting. Please feel free to enter as many times as you like. There will be one free membership drawn for each $300.00 of raffle proceeds collected. Therefore depending on the participation, multiple memberships may be given away. The drawing will be held at the February 14th, 2013 Business Meeting. You do not need to be present to win. For additional information please contact
Hanson Claybusters Lose to Cape Cod’s team of Fame’s Favored Few
Dan Grant On Saturday, September 29th, our Hanson trap team faced off against a very well organized and formidable team from Cape Cod Fish & Game. Together there were 26 shooters from both teams participating in what has become an annual event. This was our ninth competition between the two organizations. Our team was well prepared and we had our own share of momentum, as Hanson had won the last three match ups. However, our winning streak ended very abruptly by the end of the day. The final score was Cape Cod 471 to Hanson Rod & Gun’s score of 452. Our top five shooters were Adam Preston (Top Gun) with a final score of 98 X 100 targets. Jim Dwyer took second place with a score of 90. His son Jameson Dwyer held on to third place as he broke an 89. Fourth Place went to Joe Chaves with an 88 and fifth place went to Bill Sargo with an 87. As a result of this defeat, Hanson Rod & Gun will host the next match-up between the two clubs. We expect the event to be in the early fall of 2013. Fame’s Favored Few will keep possession
November 2012
line of our own Hanson Rod & Gun Club trapfield. Hopefully having the home field advantage will be helpful to our game plan. In any case, rest assured…we will be ready! Congratulations to our friends and colleagues at the Cape Cod Fish & Game Association. You guys shot well!
Trap Hurricane Cup
Bob Preston Last year we introduced the Trap Hurricane Cup to the fall schedule. Due to the success of Bob Sullivan is a 13 year old club member who that event we are again hosting recently joined our Junior Trap Program. Bob became interested in shooting clay targets this program at 9 AM on Sunday, while attending the Massachusetts Junior November 4th, 2012. The cost to Conservation Camp this past August. shoot 100, 16-yard targets will be $25 and will include lunch. Prizes will go to the Club Champion, Open Champion, Open Runner Up Champion, Open Junior Champion, Open Lady Champion and Open Veteran Champion. The rain or snow date will be Sunday, November 11th, 2012. For details please contact Bob Preston at 774.406.1573.
Angelo Nuby John Coyman Barbara Dunn
ammunition and see Dave on the range. For further details please contact Dave at 508.331.9177.
Christmas Party & Toy Drive
Mitch Soroko The annual club “Toy Drive” is underway. Last year our club, through our own member contributions, helped a huge number of local children have a better Christmas as the number of toys we collected was over 300. Despite the sluggish economy, Hanson Rod & Gun Club members dug in deep and truly came through for kids who might not have had as many presents to open. Members, this is one of those things we can all be proud of! When coming to the clubhouse during this fall and upcoming Holiday Season, please try to remember those families, who, for whatever reason, may not be as
Ladies’ Night
John Coyman Members are reminded that Ladies’ Night is scheduled for the Tuesday, November 13th, 2012. Participants will learn the fine points of firearm safety as well as an introduction to handgun shooting. The action begins at 6 PM and the cost is $10 for the evening. Reservations are limited to 20 people. For details please contact Mitch Soroko at any club meeting.
Dan Grant Business has been brisk on the club trap range as Wednesday Evenings have hosted over twenty shooters. It is not uncommon for our club to run upwards of ten or even eleven lines of trap. In an effort to give everyone a chance to shoot, the trap committee is expanding their schedule to include Thursday nights. This revised weekly schedule will include only the first, third and fourth Thursday Nights of each month. (The second Thursday night each month is our club business meeting.) It is our hope that this expanded schedule will give all Hanson club trap shooters and their guests a chance to shoot trap. The fun begins at 6 PM and ammo is available along with loner shotguns. Our range is also open Sundays at 1 PM.
Junior Trap
Adam Preston Junior Trap is moving to Tuesday Evenings at 6:30 PM. Interested members are urged to bring their teenagers down to the range for some shotgun fun. Youth rates are in effect as junior shooters pay a reduced range fee of only $2.00 per round of 25 targets. Loner shotguns and coaching are available. Already we have had some success stories on the range. While this event is primarily open to shooters from ages 12 to 18 we have been getting a number of adult shooters who are interested in trying the sport. This new format is quickly becoming an “Introductory Trap Program” as we would also like to welcome trap newcomer Pat The
The top five shooters representing the Hanson Claybusters Trap Team, from left are Bill Sargo, Joe Chaves, Jameson Dwyer, Jim Dwyer and Adam Preston. Team Hanson will host our friends from Cape Cod Fish & Game at next fall's 10th rematch between the two clubs.
Junior Rifle
Rick Zadrozny Wednesday Nights on the indoor range at 6:30 PM is the timeframe of our Junior Rifle Program. Juniors between the ages of 10 and 18 are urged to try this program. Over the years our club has produced a number of champions who have gone on to shoot competitively at national events. This is a great way for a kid to get introduced to the sport of competitive target shooting. Members are urged to bring their kids and/or grandchildren to this event. In return they will have a lot of fun for not a whole lot of bucks!!
.22 Cal Steel Plate Shoot
Dave Goncalves Please be advised that this month’s .22 cal Steel Plate Shoot is slated for Sunday, November 11th at 11 AM on the outdoor pistol range. The cost to participate is $5.00. Interested shooters need to bring a .22 cal rifle or handgun as well as
fortunate as the rest of us. A toy for a child on Christmas Morning will go a long way. In keeping with the season, please be advised that the annual club Christmas Party is slated for 6 PM on the evening of December 8th here in our clubhouse. Tickets will be available at the November Business Meeting.
Hanson Rod & Gun Club Striving to GO GREEN!
Electronic communication is growing exponentially. The Outdoor Message is a monthly news magazine that has also gone green. This publication is available online in addition to being offered in print format. If any member would like to receive their copy online, send your name, address, email address and member number (found on your keycard) to Thank you for going green. Until next month…Bob P. ★
Outdoor Message
State NRA Certified Pistol Safety Courses
194 East Grove Street (Rt 28) Middleboro MA 02346 HOURS: MON/TUES/FRI/SAT 9 - 5; THURS 9 - 7 Page 15
THE MASSACHUSETTS SHOOTERS FOUNDATION 37 Pierce Street ● PO Box 306 ● Northborough, MA 01532 Phone 508-393-5133 Fax 508-393-5134
President: David Tetzloff Secretary/Treasurer: Michael D. Yacino Directors: Al Bonney, Dee Bonney, Don Holmes, Coach Russ Doucette, Coach Kevin Winters, Joe Colbert
The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation Junior Smallbore Postal Matches The 2012-2013 Mass Shooters Foundation Smallbore Postal matches will begin in November. Postal certificates will be mailed on a monthly basis to the team captain or coach. Please be sure to include junior’s complete names and birthdates on the score sheets, as well as contact information for the club (club name, address, phone number and coach name). Schedule: The postal matches run from November through April and we must have your score sheets by the 5th of the following month, to give us time to calculate the scores in time for publication. For example: November’s
postal scores must be received by December 5th and will be posted in January’s issue of The Outdoor Message. The score sheets can be sent to The Mass Shooters Foundation, PO Box 306, Northboro, MA 01532. Or you can email them to or fax them to 508-393-5134. Eligibility: Any Massachusetts boy or girl who has not yet reached their 20th birthday by December 31st of 2012 may compete. Course of Fire: The Mass Shooters Foundation recommends that all competitors fire the NRA Three Position
Course; 20 shots prone, 20 shots kneeling and 20 shots offhand. All firing will take place on the A-36 target. Competitors may participate in 1, 2 or all 3 positions by firing 20 shots at two A-36 targets per position. Awards: Award certificates will be mailed to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place shooters in each category. 1st place requires a minimum of 3 shooters in the category, 2nd place requires a minimum of 5 or more shooters in the category and 3rd place requires a minimum of 10 or more shooters in the
category. Categories are as follows: Sub Junior: born on or after January 1st, 1998 Intermediate Junior: born between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1997 Junior: born between January 1, 1991 and December 31, 1994 We encourage you to send along any photos you may have of your junior shooters or teams. I'm sure they would love to see themselves in The Outdoor Message! ★
Premiums for Foundation Donations Last month the Massachusetts Shooters Foundation announced several new ways gun owners and supporters can help our efforts. The Board approved the following categories of contributors: • A supporter of $25 or more will receive a one year subscription to The Outdoor Message. • For $50 or more contributors would receive a subscription and a new window decal. • Donations of $100 or more will put you in the Bronze category. You would receive the subscription, the decal and a shooters bag with our
new logo. The Silver class is for those contributing $500 or more. You will receive the subscription, the decal, the shooters bag and a shooters shirt. • To achieve the Gold Donor window decal c a t e g o r y contributions must please pass on our be $1000 or more. In addition to the fundraising efforts. subscription, the decal, the shooters If you would like a bag and a shooters shirt, speaker to attend a meeting we’ll also send you an of like-minded gun owners, awesome 3-season jacket. we would be happy to send We know you get the idea someone as the schedule that we not only want to permits. Please be aware express our thanks and will that we are not political in give you a tax letter for all our delivery. We are a that you give (less a small Fleece jacket comes in mens or womens cut public educational entity portion for these premiums) dedicated to safety training and the wish to help by offering equipment, we but we need you to advertise sponsoring of programs that help new have a huge need of standard velocity .22 our existence. What better shooters learn the proper way to handle caliber ammunition and both 20 and 12 way than with products that gauge target ammunition. We would also firearms. bear our logo? And practical like to remind you that the value of any Speaking of our mission, we want to products, at that! These donation is a tax deduction and we will extend an invitation to all gun owners to items were all part of the send you a letter to that affect. send us information on young shooters. award ceremony for juniors, Lastly if you have working firearms We are always looking to improve held on October 13th, 2012. that you no longer have a need for or programs at clubs and have been very The mission of the simply want to donate, we can sell them successful placing young people who we Foundation has never been and raise money for our programs. meet at the Massachusetts Junior as important as it is today Whatever we receive is a tax deduction for Conservation Camp and at other public and financial support for our you and it helps The Foundation continue functions. If you have someone looking juniors requires a constant its efforts on behalf of the juniors. for a place to shoot or need more cash flow. As always, we Bequests are also very helpful if that instruction, we can direct you to a place appreciate whatever amount would be something you might consider. close to home. you can donate. If you have Windbreaker jacket For what ever way you can help, we If you have a youngster you would like a friend who could help out us to recognize for thank you for all the years of support and their efforts, please hope these news ideas will spark a The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation - Item Order Form pass on a name and renewed interest in what we have done Item Price Quantity Total Size Male/Female contact information or since incorporation in 1990. ★ write an article along 15” Navy Shooters bag with logo $26 _______ _______ with photos, that we Fleece jacket with pockets & logo $35 _______ _______ _______ _______ could include on Windbreaker jacket with pockets & logo $35 _______ _______ _______ Unisex jacket these pages. We are Mass Shooters Foundation decal $1 _______ _______ always ready to Survival bracelet kits $5 _______ _______ highlight young athletes who excel in Under $10 = $2 shipping Subtotal _______ $10-$30 = $3 shipping the game of Shipping Shipping Total _______ $30-$50 = $6 shipping shooting. Clubs and Charges Order Total _______ $50-$75 = $8 shipping instructors or $75-$100 = $10 shipping coaches should also be thanked and we Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ w e l c o m e Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ information on a club program that City: _______________________________________ State: _______________ Zip: ______________ encourages young adults to become Send check/money order to: better shooters. Massachusetts Shooters Foundation, PO Box 306, Northborough, MA 01532 Shooting Bag For those of you who
Page 16
Outdoor Message
November 2012
The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation would like to thank the following individuals for their generous donations! D. Tetzloff, F. Iadarola, W. MacCallum, R. Williams, R. Tourigny, B. Lyman, R. Greenleaf Sr., P. Kress, W. Smith, R. F. Conway, M.D., C. Ralleo, H.W. May and P. Patch.
Donate to The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation
The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation is a non-profit tax-exempt corporation that supports education and training programs for the responsible use and ownership of firearms. Funds are also used to help defray costs for our Junior Shooters to compete in national competitions. I would like to help The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation. Please accept my tax-deductible donation of: _____$25
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ City: _______________________________________ State: _______________ Zip: ______________ The GOAL Foundation is a non-profit 501(c) 3 corporation.
Training Opportunities on the Way! Now that the junior awards banquet is behind us, the all-volunteer Board of Directors running The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation can set their sites on establishing training opportunities. The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation intends to contract with those approved to instruct and cover a wide spectrum of courses for both young and
Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If you would like to make a donation to The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation, please complete this form and mail with check or money order to The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation, 37 Pierce Street, Northborough, MA 01532. You can also make credit card donations to The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation through Simply click “Send Money” and enter email address
Missing Donations?
old. Our administrator and our administrative assistant are presently working to put together a new team of instructors, dedicated to bringing learning opportunities to the public. If you are interested in becoming a member of our training team, please contact Michelle at 508-393-5133 or email ★
There are many supporters who, over the years, have made consistent donations some every month - to the efforts of The Foundation. We are very grateful for every single dollar we receive. It has come to our attention that some of those contributions to The Foundation, may have not been recognized. With our new post office box, we are concerned
some of the checks may have been misdirected. If you have sent a donation to The Foundation in recent months and have not been acknowledged in this publication or received a thank you letter, please let us know. Call Michelle at 508-393-5133 or send an email to ★
Gun Owners’ Buyers Guide ✮ ✮
Are you in need of a product or special service? Wouldn’t you like to know that you are giving your money to a business who believes in the same things you do? Following is a list of businesses who are owned or run by gun owners. They have agreed to give a donation to The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation for every reader who shops at their store or uses their services. So when you shop at these businesses, tell them you saw their listing in the Gun Owners Buyers Guide in The Outdoor Message! Participation is voluntary - the people listed have asked to be a part of this Guide. Help support fellow gun owners. Take advantage of the Gun Owners’ Buyers Guide.
Accounting/Tax Services L.A. Jones Tax & Accounting Services (L.A. Jones) Milford MA 508-634-2711
Acupuncture Acupuncture Center of Canton (Jeffrey S. Wernick, Lic. Ac., LICSW) Canton MA 781-8286636 Archery Supplies Eryleen Archery Pro-Shop (Emery Loiselle) Burlington MA 781-272-0244
Attorney Attorneys & Counsellors at Law (Josef J.D. Gazzola) 781-235-4989 Building/Remodeling Curtis K. Abbott Co Inc (Curtis Abbott) Charlton MA 508-248-4416 Mr Fix It (Eddy Provost) Worcester County MA 508-798-8216
Computer Consulting S&H Associates (Steven Sotsky) Framingham MA 508-656-0613
Concrete, Granite & Asphalt Cutting & Coring Concrete Cut & Core (Curtis Abbott) Charlton MA 508-248-7778 Constable/Notary Raymond Harris Constable Service, Dedham MA 781-326-7597 Northern Process Servers (Ronald Bertheim) Greater Lawrence MA 978-685-0093 Segal Constable Services (Len Segal) Sharon MA 781-784-5924
Consultant on Liquor Liability Issues Truth or Dare (Brad Greenfield) Wellesley MA 781-789-0675 Deep Sea Fishing Trips Tuna Hunter Fishing Charters (Gary Cannell) Rockport MA 978-407-1351 Dentist Dental Care North (John Kozlauska, DMD) Lynnfield MA 781-334-2520 November 2012
Electrical Contractor Morse Electric (Richard A. Morse) Rowley MA 978-948-2727 EJ Kennedy Master Electrician (Eric Kennedy) North Attleboro MA 508-TUGWIRE Firearms Instruction Joe Nava, Fairbanks AK 907-479-2340
Flooring Touchdown Carpet & Flooring (Doug Gibbs) Marlboro MA 508-480-8552
Graphic Design On Point Graphics (Steve Moore) Norton MA 508-942-8125 Gun Sales Mike’s Gun Shop (Jon Green) Northboro MA 508-369-9234 Gunsmithing LaRocca Gun Works (Mike LaRocca) Worcester MA 508-754-2887
Promotional Imprinting Gumption, Inc. (Joe Cassia) Malden MA 781322-6400 MCA Promo (Michael Amburgey) Lunenburg MA 978-582-3662 Real Estate Sales & Consulting Scharpenter Realty (Jack Scharpenter) Lakeville MA 508-946-5602 Peter Neslusan 508-277-7503
Scaffolding Cape Cod Staging (Kevin Kelleher) New Bedford MA 508-992-2411, Cranston RI 401-941-6660
Security EJ Kennedy Security/Life Safety Systems Contractor (Eric Kennedy) North Attleboro MA 508-TUG-WIRE
Septic Inspection Lane Septic Inspection (Brian Lane) Walpole MA 508-212-2916
Signs, Truck Lettering, Graphics (Leonard Mort) Millbury MA Merchant Services/Credit Card Processing 508-865-2382 Strategic Payment Systems (Michael Roux) Canton MA Stained Glass 978- Custom Stained Glass (Jack Hurley) South Easton MA 508-238-0386 337-7126 Mortgage/Real Estate Loans Bank of America (Lex Towle) Peabody MA 978-869-2424 Diamond Funding (Brian Hazard) Milford MA 508-395-1559 Optometrist Dr. Arthur Breen, Peabody MA 978-532-0097 Charlton Optical (David Snowdon) Charlton MA 508-248-1188
Outdoor Wood Furnace Crystal Rock Farm (Eliot Starbard) Oakham MA 508-882-0178 Plumbing & Heating Russo Plumbing and Heating (Steven Russo) Boston MA 617-201-8042
Steel Buildings Metal Building Concepts (Brian Robbins) Raynham MA 508-828-1368 Surveying & Engineering Landmark Engineering of New England (Brian Lane) Norfolk MA 508-384-3064
TV & Satellite Pierce TV & Satellite (Ben Pierce) East Falmouth MA 508-548-4519
Vacation Resort Liberty Haven Ranch (C.D. or Jeanne Tavares) Wickenburg AZ 623-640-7880 Website Development Gumption, Inc. (Joe Cassia) Malden MA 781322-6400
For more information about the Gun Owners’ Buyers Guide call 508-393-5133. The
Outdoor Message
Page 17
255 Snake Hill Road - Ayer, MA 01432 - 978-772-9748
Email: Website: Facebook:!/pages/Ayer-Gun-SportsmensClub/265885770137669
Welcome New Members Philip Marshall, Marc Gautreau and Tom Gamble.
Items Of Interest
To keep up to date on current events and activities visit us on Facebook or on our Website – both are listed above.
Our second Youth Archery clinic was held on Oct 14th – 2 sessions again. We will have pictures for the next issue. A big thanks to Barry to scheduling these events for our youth.
We have been holding a couple of trap shoots per month. They have been lots of fun. We hope that we see you there.
Boy Scouts
Troop 2, which we sponsor, are planning their annual weekend on November 9th11th. They are the oldest troop around. We are expecting more scouts this year roasting turkeys, etc. There will be rifle and shotgun shooting. They will be camping out back. They appreciate our hospitality and we appreciate their enthusiasm. We can always use volunteers to help out at this event.
The 2013 dues has been set at $65.00 for full members and $10.00 for Juniors. This is payable by January 3rd, 2013. If you joined prior to October 4, 2012, your membership renewal is due. People joining October 4, 2012 or later, you are paid up for 2013. No reminders are sent
out for this. It is posted both in The Outdoor Message and in our minutes. If you have not paid by January 3rd, a later letter will go out and you will have until February 7th to pay the $65.00 plus a $5.00 late fee.
President - Ernie Johnson DirectorsVice President - Buddy Shorey Don Anderson- Chair Treasurer - CJ Moore Brent Routhier, Gary Secretary - Darlene Johnson Coke, Roger McPadden, Sergeant of Arms - Walter Peeler Norman Reynolds, Justin Field Captain - Barry Schwarzel Harvey, Miles Donell
Thanksgiving Meat Raffle
Sunday Breakfast
We are back up and running full-swing for the season. Our new hours are 8-11 AM. Breakfast is open to the public and it is a great way to come check the club out and meet some of us. We hope to see you there.
Hope you are doing well
Elaine and Dick, we hope you guys are doing better; we are thinking of you. Phyllis, we also hope that you are feeling better; we miss seeing you on Sunday mornings. ☺
Upcoming Annual Meeting, Nov 1st - 7:30 PM
Election for our 2013 Officers will be held. Currently, the following people have been nominated and accepted: President - Ernie Vice President - Buddy Shorey Treasurer - CJ Moore Secretary - Darlene Johnson Field Captain - Barry Schwarzel Srgt. of Arms BOD - Jared Clough Todd Moore Kelly Ware Gail Bruhn Norman Reynolds Don Anderson Tom Horgan
Outdoor Message
As members of the club you receive a copy of The Outdoor Message Paper. It is now offered digitally so that you can receive it via email instead of the hard copy you now receive. This offers us a good savings per person per month. Please let Darlene know by either leaving a message with your email address at the club or emailing Darlene at letting her know if you would rather receive this via email.
Meeting Minutes
To view the meeting minutes look on the back bulletin board at the club or check
Precision Sheet Metal Fabrication Prototype l Production l Engineering l Consulting
Judy Candage
● ●
200 Modern & Muzzleloading Firearms in Stock “The East’s largest stocking Over 150 Bows & Related Accessories in Stock dealer of Shiloh Sharps Single Shot Custom Made Traditional Archery Equipment, Long Bows, Recurves, Rifles and Accessories!” Quivers, Cedar Arrows, Videos, Books, Feathers, Etc. Dealer for Zebra Archery, Wheeler Long Bows, Buffalo Creek, Howard Hill, Damon Howatt Quality Custom & Semi Custom Muzzleloading Firearms, Related Accessories & Building Components Historical Clothing & Garment Quality Buckskin, Buffalo and Elk Leather
Upcoming Events SUNDAY MORNING BREAKFAST Every Sunday from 8 AM – 11 AM From Sept 9th through Mother’s Day Open to the Public BOY SCOUTS WEEKEND November 9th – 11th NRA BASIC PISTOL Nov 17 Indoors, 8-5 Nov 18 Outdoors, 1-5 Contact Dan D’Amato 978-772-2132 THANKSGIVING MEAT RAFFLE November 16th - open to the public CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY December 16th, Members’ kids and grand kids
2013 DUES
70 Nemco Way Ayer, MA 01432 T: 978.772.9034 F: 978.772.3012
Traditional Archery, Muzzleloading Firearms & Accessories ●
your email.
Exit 31 off Rt 495 HOURS: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 10 am - 6 pm ● 11 miles West on Rt 119 Pepperell, MA Tuesday Call Ahead ● Saturday 10 am - 5 pm ● Sunday 1-5 pm Look for the Log Cabin -- Headquarters for the Traditional Hunter/Sportsman and Historical Reenactor -The
Need a Firearm s Safety or Basic Pis tol course?
Check The Sportsman’s Calendar on page 31
Outdoor Message
is now available to single subscribers and also available electronically! For more information contact
Page 18
Outdoor Message
November 2012
P.O. Box 42 - McGill Lane - Milford, Mass. 01757
September 24, 2012 After the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for our public servants, members of the armed services and our deceased and sick club members, the meeting was called to order by President Dick Zontini. There were 65 members in attendance. There were 9 new members voted in this month. Welcome to Maspenock Joseph Aurelio, David Cormier, Joseph Freidwald, Richard Keefe, Jason and Jennifer Nixon, Richard Nixon, Derek Sincotta and Anthony Vitale.
Treasurer’s Report
Jeff Croteau presented the treasurer’s report.
Financial Secretary
Leo O’Rourke reported that there are 353 regular members, 77 life time members, 18 spousal, 16 junior rifle and 6 juniors, 8 students and 9 military. The total membership is 487. Leo has updated the membership list with The Outdoor Message.
Recording Secretary
Minutes were sent to Message.
Tony Manbucca gave the directors report. It was a very busy meeting. The junior rifle budget was submitted. A registered letter was sent to a member for a range violation. They discussed the clam bake. Lloyd was thanked. The clam bake went off smoothly and was a success. They had a discussion regarding range closures during private parties. The Hopedale Police Department held their qualifications on the outdoor range. Other topics will be covered under committees.
Buddy Mainini reported that there was a lot of first time shooters during the clambake. He thanked all who helped during the event including Francesca Mainini and Joe Austin. New members may use their two free rounds either on Wednesdays, 6-9 PM, or on Sundays, 9 AM to whenever.
Rifle Range
Dave Kirschner reported that they are ordering the hardware for the first baffle construction. Terry Thomas reported that there were 13 shooters at the last silhouette shoot. The next shoots are 10/7 and 11/4. He noted that there is an issue with the grading between the 50 and 100 yard berms.
Junior Rifle
Manny Snyderman reported that he anticipates 20 junior shooters. There are 7 new shooters. He has built an advanced team of 5 shooters. They will be shooting 6 1200 matches at West Point. They will be shooting matches in Bridgeport, CT in October and November. They will also be shooting in an USA Marksmanship clinic in Woburn. The Army Marksmanship team will be there. In January there is the Junior Olympic qualifier. Manny has plan for the juniors to attend as well as going to Camp Perry and Palmira GA. During the meeting, junior Ryan Darrow was presented his distinguished expert award. He is the third junior in the club to achieve this award.
Indoor Pistol Range/ Outdoor Pistol
Construction is about to start on the range on October 18th & 19th. Paul Terrio asked the members for volunteers to precut lumber prior to construction. This would be a good opportunity for new members to meet their work party requirements. An appropriation was asked for and approved for materials. Leo reported that there were a lot of new shooters at the first pistol league match. If new members are looking for practice time, contact team members.
Fish And Game
Dewie reported that he sent the applications for permits to release birds and to import them.
Lloyd Currie reported that the clam bake was very successful and thanked the many people who helped. There were 100 lobster tickets and 30 chicken tickets sold. He reported that there were 2 private parties scheduled for October. There may
be a Porketta Dinner on November 3rd. Lloyd also noted that there will be a second tactical shoot scheduled.
Structure And Grounds
Tony Manbucca reported that the building was inspected and passed. They found a bird’s nest near a light fixture and it had to be removed.
Archery No report.
Worcester County League L.A. Jones provided the WCL report. The Mass Wildlife Field Headquarters staff moved from Westboro to temporary office space at 100 Hartwell St., Suite 230, West Boylston, MA 01583, effective September 10. Telephone numbers and email addresses for personnel remain unchanged. Assistant Director Tom O’Shea reports that there will be no online checking of game this fall. The online system is currently being tested and will likely be rolled out beginning with the 2013 spring turkey season. All deer, turkey and bear harvested in the fall of 2012 must be checked physically at designated check stations as has been the case in the past. Four black bear have been checked at Central District. Two were taken in Buckland, one in Bernardston and the fourth in Townsend. The largest weighed 200 lbs. dressed. A fifth bear was presented but was not properly tagged or transported. The hunter could not determine the town of kill. The animal had been partially butchered and the parts not brought to the check station were therefore in illegal possession. The Environmental Police were contacted and cited the individual and seized the bear. The District has provided Deer and Moose Project Leader David Stainbrook with a list of routes and roads where moose are known to cross and therefore pose a threat to the driving public. The Department of Transportation will be installing additional moose crossing signs to warn drivers on higher speed roads
where moose are present. Land Agent Brandon Kibbe closed on 58 acres of land along Charity Hill Road in Hardwick. The parcel is an addition to the Muddy Brook WMA and was acquired using Land Stamp, Bond and Sport Fish and Wildlife funding. Funding for chronic wasting disease monitoring efforts will not be available for the end of 2012. Samples will not be sought from sportsmen or deer processors during the fall deer seasons. Individual animals displaying symptoms or behavior suggesting possible CWD or another condition will be tested at the Division’s expense. No CWD was detected in the samples taken in 2011. The next meeting will be held at NORCO. There will be trap shooting prior to the meeting.
Old Business
L.A. had a collection of old club pins dating back to 1944. The collection is missing 1939 – 1943 and 1945. If anyone has these years and would like to donate them to the club, please contact L.A. The collection will eventually be mounted and displayed in the club. Al Mazzarelli and Terry Thomas donated the pins.
New Business
Terry Thomas submitted a bylaw change to Article 21. There was no discussion on this. Discussion and the vote will take place at the October Meeting. Terry also presented a change to a standing rule which would allow ranges to be open during hall rentals and private parties. There was a long discussion regarding this matter. The change was rescinded until next month. The change will be rewritten and presented next month.
Good Of The Club
The monthly cash raffle was drawn and won by a member. It pays to attend meetings! Motion was make to pay the billsApproved Motion to adjourn- Approved Respectfully submitted, Michelle St.Gelais ★
5 Whittier Street, Framingham MA 01701
(Including private hunting clubs, private fishing clubs and guided hunting and fishing clubs)
- LIABILITY - Comprehensive General Liability (Limits up to $2,000,000)
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Cape Cod resident Laurie Kraynic, was proud to lead the Pledge of Allegiance at a rally for Scott Brown in October in Hyannis. Laurie, a combat veteran of the Bosnian war, has been a reader of The Outdoor Message for many years. She never misses an opportunity to stand up - or speak up - for her country. This year’s election is pivotal in deciding the future of America. Get out and vote - get your friends and neighbors out to vote. Photo by Courtney Duffy from the Brown Campaign
November 2012
We are a local independent agency who would be there for you when you need it. Our premiums are more competitive than other insurance companies.
Call for an insurance evaluation and quote. 508-656-1440 Arlene Pucillo
Outdoor Message
Page 19
President: Charles Hawkins, Sr.
PO Box 10177 - Cranston RI 02910 - 401-573-0260 Executive Officer: Joseph Graf
Treasurer: Stephen P. Hogan
Opening Day
By Steve Hogan Well shooting fans I got lucky again this year and drew a winning spot at the Scituate Reservoir for Deer season. It's a little different this year as everyone who won a permit gets to choose a hunting buddy and they also get a permit just as if they won. Of course, I picked Gail as my buddy, she put in for it again but didn't win. (I don't know what's up with her luck lately.) It just made sense to pick her (peace in the household, you understand) as we could now hunt in the same area. My tree stands were already set up so the night before the opener of the early antlerless only season found me putting up her pop up blind in the pouring rain. I had chosen a spot about 100 yards from one of my tree stands that was smack dab in the middle of three intersecting deer trails. (Remember this statement.) Opening morning was just like the night before with copious amounts of rainfall as we sat in the truck at 5:15 am drinking tea. Sunrise was at 6:41 that morning and
Match Results
with the clouds that meant it would get light much later. The rain finally let up enough for us to head out but just as we were walking away from the truck a vehicle pulled up right across from our access trail. It parked in the same spot that my big black Excursion was in last year when I was busted by two deer as I was sitting in my tree stand. Because it is so open here the deer can see a car or truck 200 yards from the road in spots, and this was one of them. We spoke with the driver and he said he would move it but we suggested he leave it and not park there next time. He was heading to the spot where one of my tree stands was, and said he had not seen it in the area and had scouted there for at least a week! Must be that Camo paint job I did to the aluminum ladder I made (ha ha). Anyway I told him of a spot about 200 yards south of my stand were 6 deer came from last year heading to my area. They were always too far for me to shoot at and I'm all about someone, anyone, getting an opportunity to get a deer.
by Gail A. Hogan
The Newport Rifle Club, located in Middletown, RI, has been a very busy club. They listen to their members and their membership has been growing! The Club is always looking for different matches to hold to keep their members shooting. They held two matches recently with the following results. Richard Ashmore presided over the inaugural Standard Pistol Match that was held on Saturday, September 22, 2012. Congrats go to John Francis of Stony Brook, and the proprietor of Competition Shooting Supplies, Inc., (what’s a shameless plug every now and then), with a score of 503! Coming in second was Jack Foley with a 484, and third, Robert King with a 473. The other participants came in the following order: Scott Cook, Sunil Verma, Warren Hudson and C. Welch. Congratulations to all who The
participated! The Newport Rifle Club’s next Standard Pistol Match was held on October 20, 2012. Following the above match, which was a good warm up for this match, was the Practical Pistol Shoot. Bob King, who is known well for one thing or another by most of the local clubs, organized this shoot. Because accuracy and speed are both a factor in this match there is a formula to the scoring. The posted score is a number derived from taking the total points and dividing by the total time. Twenty-three shooters participated and Bob said they had a great time! Scott Cook took first place with a 2.478, next was Dave Fraser, 2.241, Paul Donovan, 2.118. Congratulations to all who had fun! That’s what it’s all about. Not just the numbers! ★
Outdoor Message
New England’s Most Active Outdoor People
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Page 20
Assistant Executive Officer: Elizabeth Clupny
Secretary: Gail A. Hogan
So we got Gail set up in her blind and I set out to go to my tree stand. She has a great view out to 80 yards or so from three sides. I got settled in and just kept scanning the area for some sort of movement and not too long after there it was, movement, but not the kind I wanted! It was that hunter we met earlier and he was less than 140 yards from my stand and getting closer, and now he was sitting down! I was standing up in my tree stand waving my 200 square inches of fluorescent orange hat frantically at him but to no avail. He was now my new hunting buddy moving 20 or 30 yards at a time in much the same way I would work the area if I were "stillhunting" it. Every time he would move I would go into my hat mode as if I were swatting flies at a hog festival. To anyone but him I must have looked like what NOT to do when trying from 20 feet up to not let deer see you. He was now 100 yards away and I could wait no more, I whistled at him and he was quite surprised to see me up there. He waved at me and headed for the opposite road away from me but now towards Gail. He walked the road a short distance then cut in and kicked out a deer. I could see patches of brown running through the trees and it was heading in her direction. I text her (isn't technology great) to let her know both a deer and a hunter were heading her way! It was a good bet the deer would arrive first but she text me back saying that she didn't feel safe shooting with him in the area. That showed great restraint on her part even though she hasn't shot a deer yet. Gail has watched many a doe and young deer through her scoped rifle up in Maine over the last few years not able to take a shot because of the bucks only policy they have. I know this area well and I knew the deer would take a left turn and head for the swamp that Gail was watching and waiting for them to come out of. Not having any more action that morning, we left at 11:15 am for a late breakfast with the Hoffman clan, who also drew permits. Ken, and his two sons, Ken
Jr. and Karl, were to meet us at a small restaurant and after our Camo'd army took over the place we were to head back for a afternoon of hunting. Ken Jr. was the only other one to see deer that morning. After we all heard a shot ,a wounded deer went by his stand that we found out later was retrieved by the hunter who shot it. Jr. also had 4 deer go by late afternoon, but none that presented a good shot as they all went behind his stand. He plans to turn his stand in the opposite direction as this is the way they all came from. He is very optimistic as this is more deer in one day than he has seen in Maine in 3 years. Now remember that intersection of three trails that I put Gail's pop up blind at? Well, with our Friends of NRA event coming up at the time and bad weather, we did not get back to hunt again for the early season. On Friday, right from work, I go to retrieve Gail's blind. As I walk up on it from a distance it looks disheveled and out of place. Turns out a deer ran into it and broke the fiberglass rods that support the roof. I knew this was a good spot! So, as I'm taking it down, I hear something coming. I stand up and their are 5 deer coming at me! A big doe followed by 2 fawns then another doe followed by 1 fawn! Don't you just love a parade?! The wind is just right, they haven't a clue I'm there but wait, I just came from work, muzzleloader season is closed right now, I don't have my bow with me, what now? Ah, that modern technology thing again. I take out my phone and snap a few pictures just before a loud sound from behind sends them off for parts unknown! Like I said, "I knew this was a good spot!" Gail and I are off to Maine for deer. Hopefully I'll have a story or two like the time I was surrounded by coyotes coming out from my stand, but that's for another time. Remember send us your hunting stories or your club’s activities and it will be included here on our very own page!!! Good hunting to all! ★
-------- GET OUT TO VOTE -------~~ LET’S KEEP OUR FREEDOM ~~
2012 Rhode Island State Championship by Steven “Blink” Blinkhorn Overall 2700 Match Winner: David Lange, NJ ~ 2632 125x 2012 RI State Outdoor Conventional Pistol Champion: Donald E. Norris II ~ 2567 97X Civilian Marksmanship Program’s Excellence In Competition Overall Leg Match Winner: David Lange ~ 288 11x 2010 RI Governor’s Cup Winner: Donald E. Norris II ~ 275 4x Top Non-Distinguished Leg Match shooter* (*Subject to CMP approval): Robert Walsh~ 244 2x NRA Distinguished Revolver Match Overall Winner & Top NonDistinguished Revolver shooter (*Subject to NRA approval): Donald E. Norris II ~ 285 2x
Congratulations to all of the match winners and the individual section winners of the match. The participants
Outdoor Message
would like to thank the Match Director, Chief Range Officer, Statistician, organizers and range officers for their volunteer work. You all helped make this a well run match and fun match. The tournament staff would like to thank all of the New England & New Jersey shooters for their participation. All would like to thank the Cumberland Beagle Club for hosting the event and providing a great range for competition. Along with the RI State Rifle & Pistol Association, the Ocean State Pistol League, CMP and the NRA for their support. So be well, shoot straight and we’ll see you all next year! God Bless America. ★ November 2012
Makucevich & Muzzioli RI Outdoor Metric Prone State Champions by Joe Graf
The 2012 RI Metric Prone Regional/State Championship drew 20 competitors from 4 New England states. The first match of the day was the 50 yard match fired with iron sights. Junior Mackenzie Martin from Fairhaven, MA took the lead dropping just ten points in the 400-point match. Just two points behind was Chesterfield NH’s Lacey Hamelin who earned the top Marksman award. One point behind Lacey was the top Master, Joe Caires from Cumberland, RI. Bob Lynn from Windham, NH took the top Expert and Tiverton RI’s Alex Muzzioli was the top Sharpshooter. The second match of the day was the iron sight Dewar, 20 shots at 50 yards followed by 20 shots at 100 yards. Attempting to make up lost ground, Brian Jylkka of Hudson NH and Michele Makucevich battled for the top spot. It went down to the X count after both fired a 392; Brian’s 22 Xs were two better than Michele, giving Brian top hours for the match. Michele earned the top Master award. Lacey continued to dominate Marksman’s class with her 387. Mackenzie was the top Expert with her 385. Alex continued to control the Sharpshooter class with his 379. The third match was a repeat of the second match, this time with any sights. Michele’s performance continued to improve; she took the top spot by dropping just seven points. A point behind
was Brian, the top Expert for the match. Joe returned to the top Master after shooting a 391. Alex and Lacey remained atop of the Sharpshooter and Marksman classes, respectfully. Going into the final match of the day, the 100 yard any sight match, it was Michele and Brian battling for Regional Gold medal. Brian’s 392 with 20 Xs took the top spot for the match. Michele fired a 392 with 19 Xs to earn top Master for the 100 yard match. Joe Graf also fired a 392 but with 18 Xs; good for top Expert. Alex fired a 385 and was the only person to sweep their class. Sonya May fired a 384 to take top Marksman. At the end of the day Michele took home both the Regional Gold and the title RI Open State Champion. Her 1562 was 3 points better than Brian, who collected the Regional Silver. Taking the Regional Bronze was Mackenzie, who ended the day with a 1553. Taking home the Regional class awards was Master Steve Roby, Expert Joe Graf, Sharpshooter Alex Muzzioli, and Marksman Lacey Hamelin. Junior State Champion Alex Muzzioli ended his day firing a 1534. Thanks go out to Nicole Panko for scoring the match and Keith Jylkka and Sid Martin for calling the line, and the Smithfield Sportsman’s Club for providing the facilities and range safety officers for the match. ★
Michele Makucevich (left) Open RI Metric Prone State Champion and Alex Muzzioli Junior RI Metric Prone State Champion.
Do you have a firearms or sporting business in Rhode Island? This publication reaches all current members of the Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association. To find out how to get your business name out to hundreds of RI sportsmens, contact for rates and information.
PO Box 83 - 7 Madison Street - Wrentham, MA 02093 508-643-1322 -
Club Event Schedule
Meetings: Advisory Board: First Monday of the Month, 7 pm; General: Second Monday of the Month, 7 pm
Dec 15..... Christmas Party We could use help during any event listed above. Please contact the club to get appropriate committee contact. New Members be sure to fulfill your work party commitment.
The practice archery range now is lighted and open until 9 pm at night. Archery is shooting Wednesday nights at 6 pm. For more information or interest about archery or events you may contact Chuck DuPont 508-520-3339.
The range is a private range except during shoots. Other than those times, nonmembers are only to use the range as a guest when they are accompanied by a member in good standing. Competition shoots at the club are held on Sundays at 1 PM. The entry fee is $20. You will shoot 10 targets at 2 distances. The distances normally are 25 and 50 yards for rifle. The distances normally are 15 and 25 feet for pistol. Prizes of steaks or gift certificates are awarded to the highest shooter of each round. Shooters may only win twice, once at the closer distance and once at the further distance. The shoots are open to all. Plan on 50-60 rounds for rifle and pistol shoots, less for black powder and shotgun slug shoots. November 2012
Any ideas for future shoots would be greatly appreciated; you may contact John directly or email the editor with your comments. Range hours are 7 am to ½ hour after sunset Monday through Saturday, and 9 am to ½ hour after sunset on Sundays. The lighted Pistol Range is open until 9 pm each night. There will be no range use during scheduled archery events. If you are interested in doing reloading, and never knew how to get started, you can contact John Dennis and he will set something up. For more information or interest about the range or events you may contact John Dennis 508-384-7607. Date Nov 4 Nov 18 Dec 2 Dec 16 Dec 30
Shoot Schedule 2012 Military Rifle and Pistol (Sling Allowed) Shotgun, Slug and Gauge Rifle, Black Powder Rifle Pistol, Center Fire 25 and 50 yards Military Rifle, armrest permissible
scheduled archery events. Newcomers are always welcome. There is always help for newcomers. The winter league is coming sooner than you think, so get to the trap range on Thursday night and get in some practice for the upcoming league season. Steel shot ammunition is always available at all trap shoots. For more information or interest about the trap range or events you may contact Dave Deschamps 508-883-7959.
Fish & Game
New members see the fish & game committee to get your work party hours signed off. Good luck hunting & fishing and be safe. For more information or interest in fish and game you may contact Gary "Who" Duquette at 508 384 3415 or e-mail at Give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach a man to fish feed him for a lifetime.
All Shoots Start Promptly at 1:00 pm
Trap shoots every Thursday at 7 pm and Sunday at 10 am. The cost is $3 per round. There is to be no lead shot fired at the trap field. Wrentham Sportsman is a non-toxic shot only trap field. There will be no trap shooting during The
Outdoor Message
Junior Members
Junior membership to the club is for ages 13-18 and is a yearly fee of $5.00.
Notes From the Kitchen
As always we are serving a meal on Meeting Nights. The cost is $5.00. Check at the club for details.
2012 Officers
President - Jim Stella First V.P. - Tom Stella Second V.P. - Dan Sbardella Rec Sec. - Keith Sharron Financial Sec. - Howie Treasurer - Taras Suchy
Do You Have a Story? If you are a member and would like to have your story, photograph or information published in the next issue of The Outdoor Message, my contact information is Chuck DuPont email: ★
e-mail: Page 21
289 Rindge State Road (route #119) in Ashburnham, Massachusetts
Dear Fellow Sportsmen, Our monthly meeting was held on Monday, October 1, 2012. President Philip A. Madonia III welcomed all and called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM observing a moment of silence for our brave warriors and deceased club members. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by President Madonia.
Meeting Minutes
President Madonia requested that the August meeting and Kids Day meeting/program be read. A clarification of the August meeting as to vote by membership was explained that the membership present approved the proposal to bring up the Dues increase at the November meeting for membership to vote on. President Madonia reported a very sparse turnout for Kids Day observing that there were many other activities in the surrounding area taking place the same day. He said that it is a way to generate interest in the outdoors and we must consider another approach as participation in Hunting and Fishing has dropped precipitously in recent years. He requested a motion to accept the minutes as clarified, the motion was
made, seconded and passed.
New Member Applications
Vice President Randy A. Nichols read the applications of Kevin Ring, Andre Stupak, Terry L. Jordan Jr., Derek Nikander, Timothy Sparks, Thomas Sparks and Christopher Sandrelli. A motion was made to accept subject to final review, seconded and passed. Once accepted we hope you will participate in our activities and workdays.
Treasurer’s Report
Secretary George F. LeBlanc read the Treasurer’s Report, all bills received are paid. A motion was made, seconded and passed to accept the treasurer’s report as read.
House and Grounds
Dennis Ring reported that the fencing along the Pistol Range was worked on as well as cleaning up debris and trash, a cleanup of the area and taking up of the picnic tables and some wood was cut and brought in. He plans another workday on October 21, 2012 starting at 8:00 AM to
cut more firewood. President Madonia reported that a person or persons unknown are attempting to raise the level of the big (Wallace) pond. The big dam continues to be a matter of concern as it was not constructed properly, someone keeps adding rocks and this is unacceptable. After the dam was breached, shale rock was emplaced to keep the spillway at a reasonable height. If you know of anyone tampering to create a dam, let us know and we will prosecute anyone doing this. Dennis Ring thanked Ken Rehler for cooking the meal for the workcrew. The next workday will be on Sunday October 21, 2012.
Fish and Game
Leo B. Ross reported he will start stocking on Oct 12, 19 and 26 and November 2, 9 and 16 with 25 birds for the first three Fridays, then 20 for the rest until all have been stocked. We may have an increase in the number due to the great survival rate of the Pheasant. Right now we are scheduled to receive 125. Stocking will be done between 4:30 and 5:00 PM. Hunting on stocking day is prohibited. Contact Leo if you can help, he needs volunteers. Leo remarked that the birds look really healthy, he plans on putting them out behind the clubhouse, Stow Road/corner of Pierce Rd and behind the big pond.
President Madonia is concerned that the backstop of the Rifle Range is badly deteriorated. The heavy precipitation has caused the membrane to be exposed. He said that as stewards of our property we must maintain our facilities and grounds in good order. This problem will be addressed as to a remedy for this constant erosion of the berm.
Kitchen George Mclean has provided us with another fantastic photograph, this time a dancing wood duck! Our thanks to George for sharing so many wonderful photographs with our readers. If you have a photo you would like to sumbit for publication, please email it to or mail to Editor, PO Box 306, Northborough MA 01532. Be sure to caption the photo and include the name of the person who snapped the photograph. Statement of Ownership Form 3526 is required by the US Postal Service to show ownership, management and circulation. The Outdoor Message publication number 027-8053. Annual subscription price is $7.32 group/$10 individual for one year. Filing date October 2012. Mailing address of office of publication and business office: 37 Pierce Street Northboro MA 01532. Publisher is Michael Yacino, Editor/Managing Editor is Michelle Siudut, both at PO Box 306 Northboro MA 01532. The owners include: The Outdoor Message Cooperative and The Massachusetts Shooters Foundation, whose mailing address is PO Box 306, Northborough MA 01532; Gun Owners’ Action League, PO Box 567, Northboro MA 01532; Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association, PO Box 10177, Cranston RI 02910. There are no known bondholders, mortgagees or other security holders owning or holding one percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages or other securities. The tax status has not changed during preceding 12 months. The extent and nature of circulation: average number of copies number of copies of each issue during preceding single issue published 12 months nearest to filing date. A. Total number of copies 15058 6000 B. Paid circulation 1) mailed outside county paid 10623 4416 2) mailed in county paid 1381 1282 3) paid distribution outside mail 0 0 4) paid distribution by other mail class 0 0 C. Total paid distribution 12004 5698 D. Free or Nominal Rate (by mail and outside mail) 1) Free/nominal rate outside county 108 29 2) Free/nominal rate in county 68 17 3) Free/nominal mailed other classes 240 30 4) Free/nominal outside mail 821 143 E. Total free/nominal rate distribution 1237 219 F. Total distribution 13241 5917 G. Copies not distributed 1817 83 H. Total 15058 6000 I. Percent paid 91% 96% Signed by Michelle Y Siudut, Editor 10/1/12
Page 22
Ken Rehler cooked hamburgers for the workcrew on the workday. Secretary’s note, they were delicious and cooked to order.
Old Business
President Madonia mentioned that we are restructuring our By-Laws so a seamless way of establishing Dues and bringing forward a proposed rate increase for March 2013, an increase of 18% for a Regular membership. A Family membership would have two votes, approximately 30% and go to $85.00 or around $1.67 per month increase. The way the trust is written, we must have a majority to vote on funds disposition, etc. Presently we have about
West Lebanon, NH Manchester, NH Augusta, ME
West Lebanon, NH
New Business
John Root remarked that the Hamilton Rod and Gun Club hosted a Massachusetts Outdoors Exposition, aka “The Big Moe” and had approximately 7,000 attend. There were many activities for the public to participate in - shooting, trap, archery, fishing and outdoor skills, etc. Esther Erickson said that we should get more involved in mentoring young and adults alike about hunting to foster more participation. President Madonia said that these are good ideas and he welcomes suggestions to make our club more inviting to the public. President Madonia said that David Stanley has volunteered to help us with our website.
Member #219, William Leary Jr., did not attend. The prize for the November 5th meeting will be $242.00. The 50/50 was won by new member Timothy Sparks.
Good and Welfare
President Madonia reminded all that this election is crucial for guns owners and sportsmen. Please get as many out to vote on November 6th, we need all the help we can get. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. Respectfully submitted Yours in Sportsmanship George F. LeBlanc, Secretary
Calendar of Events
Monday, November 5 - Range Orientation 6 PM Membership meeting 7:30 PM. Monday, November 12 - Range Orientation 6:00 PM, Director’s meeting 7 PM. Monday, December 3 - Range Orientation 6 PM, Membership meeting 7:30 PM. Nominations for Club Officers and Directors are opened. Monday, December 10 - Range Orientation 6 PM, Director’s meeting 7:00 PM. Monday, January 7 - Range Orientation 6 PM, Membership meeting 7:30 PM. ★
DiPrete Promotions, Inc. 2012-2013 GUN SHOWS Fireside Inn 25 Airport Rd, I-89 Exit 20
Radisson Hotel Center of NH 700 Elm St, I-293 Exit 5 August Civic Center I-95, Exit 112S or 112A-N Fireside Inn 25 Airport Rd, I-89 Exit 20
Show Hours: Saturday 9-5 Sunday 9-2
Outdoor Message
625 members of which approximately 100 are active. Senior member would see a $4.00 increase, approximately 11%. Junior member would see an increase of approximately 27%. A discussion about prorating dues was held and it was decided to continue to maintain current practices. We are in the process of streamlining our By-Laws, next month we will take a vote on the Dues increase.
Nov 17-18, 2012 Jan 12-13, 2013 Jan 19-20
Feb 16-17 603-225-3846 November 2012
Mailing: P.O. Box 687 - Townsend MA 01469 Location: 60 Warren Road Townsend MA Club phone 978-597-8733 * Secretary’s email: or Web site:
Meetings Board meeting: November 1st and November 29th, 2012 at 6:30 PM. Membership meeting: November 3rd and December 1st, 2012 at 3:00 PM. The October 6, 2012, membership meeting was called to order by the President, Bill Farman at 3:06 pm. There were 18 members present at this meeting
New Members
The club would like to welcome 1 new member this month- David deDiego (Pepperell).
Past Functions
I have a few of these to report on. So here goes. The .22 shoots that took place for the months of August and September came to an end and the top gun in that was Carlos Pagan. On September 16th we held our annual Kids’ only free fishing derby from 9-1. We had 28 in attendance and the kids
caught about 50 trout throughout the day. Winners for the 3 age groups were: (4-6) 1st- Devin Morrow 15 5/8” 2ndDevin Morrow 15 ¼” 3rd- Jacob Doherty 11” (7-9) 1st- Ritchie Ortis 11 3/8” 2ndSiri Ortis 11” 3rd- Mike Shea 10 7/8” (10-14) 1st- Matt Overton- 19 1/8” 2nd- Matt Overton 16 1/8” 3rd- Matt Overton 14 ¾” Food and juice drinks were free for the kids all day. Door prizes were also drawn 3 for each age group, but I must apologize that not all the names were taken down in all the age groups as to who won them so I don’t think it is fair to list only some of them. But I will say that they were all gift cards to Wal-mart and all who won them couldn’t wait to go shopping as soon as the derby ended! September 23rd we held a regular fishing derby (this was suppose to be a 29 hr derby but due to lack of interest it was cancelled). We had a very good turn out for this event and some nice trout were also caught. Taking 1st was Frico Ortiz with a 17 5/8” trout. 2nd- Vern Leger with a 16 7/8” trout. And 3rd went to Paul Doherty with a 16 5/8” trout. Bob Souther took the pool for the smallest trout which was 8 7/8”
Upcoming Events
Matt Overton shows off his big trout, which won him 1st place at the Kids Fishing Derby!
Scheduled for November 4th the club will hold our last open water derby of the year. The derby starts at 7:00 and runs until 1:00 pm. Fee to fish is $12.00 for adults and $6.00 for kids under the age of 14. Breakfast and lunch are available. November 18th starting at 10 am on the range the club will be holding our annual slug shoot. Come on down and try out your skills to see how good you are, or think you are! Then on the same day, only in the clubhouse, where it is much warmer, we will be holding our annual Thanksgiving raffle. The raffle starts at 1:00 pm and runs until 4:00 but we are so good at this that we are usually done before then! Don’t forget to get your tickets for the big drawing held later that day for
Smiles all around at the Kids Only Free Fishing Derby!
the $100.00 certificate to Market Basket to also include a 20# turkey and a spiral ham. There are also 2 cash prizes. The last function to report on to end our 2012 season is the Holiday Meat and Gift raffle that will take place on Sunday, December 9th from 1:00 – 4:00 pm. We will be offering a variety of gifts, meats, and Certificates. So if you still need to do some last minute shopping, plan on attending the raffle- you may be surprised what you find!
New Business
I know that no one wants to start thinking about it but we are now accepting plowing bids. If you would like to submit a bid you can send it to the club’s address and make sure that you write plow bid on the outside of it. Bids will be reviewed at the December board meeting. All bids are to be sealed bids.
Good and Welfare Serving some kind of “lunch” prior to the membership meetings has been working out quite well for the club. Maybe there is something “quick” that you would like to see served? Why not mention it and I will see what I can do? Members are reminded that your daily fish catch is now 3 and juniors are at 2, until further notice. Not present to win the attendance drawing was Aurele Comeau. The consolation prize was won by Donny Dion. The 50/50 raffle was won by Donny Dion it was worth $34.00. 100 – Club winners. There were (5) $20.00 Winners - #23 Chet Moreau (Bob), #14-Wendy Hood (Bob), #61-Bill Gerow (Bill), #30-John Grafton (Brenda), #26Bill Gerow (Bill). With no further Business, the meeting adjourned at 3:34 pm. Respectfully submitted, Brenda Saucier ★
South Fitchburg Hunting & Fishing Club 60 Warren Road Townsend, MA 01469 Club’s Number- (978) 597-8733 Sunday, Sunday, Sunday, Sunday,
November November November December
2012 Calendar
4th........Fishing Derby, 7 am - 1 pm 18th......Slug Shoot, 10 am 18th......Turkey Raffle, 1 - 4 pm 7 am
Massachusetts Shooters Foundation 3 Gun Raffle
Get your tickets for the 3 Gun Raffle -- $10 each or 3 for $20.
❶ Walther P22 Semi-auto Pistol
Only 1000 tickets have been printed!
Winners will be notified on Christmas morning! ❷ Ruger 10/22
❸ H&R Pardner 12 gauge Shotgun November 2012
Outdoor Message
Call Michelle at 508-393-5133 for ticket information.
Page 23
252 Wood Street ~ Woodville, Massachusetts 01784 508-435-4148 ~
Est. 1927
Meeting Members’ Meetings held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the Month, at 8:00 pm. New Membership interviews held on the 2nd Thursday of the Month, at 7:00 pm.
Club Website
Calendar of Events 2012 Trap shooting is every Sunday at 1:30 pm. 10/27/2012 Adult Halloween Party 10/31/2012 Kids Halloween Party 11/3/2012 Comedian Event 11/22/2012 Thanksgiving 12/8/2012 Adult Christmas Kids Christmas 12/9/2012
Our deepest condolences to George Payson.
New Members Welcome Kevin Moran.
Dues are Due
Dues are $80.00. Anyone who pays their dues by 12/1/12 will be eligible for free dues for 2014. A name will be drawn at our Adult Christmas Party 12/8. Please note, we do not send out notices. Please pay your dues before 12/31/12 in order to avoid an additional $10.00 late fee.
Elections 2013
Elected members will begin their term on January 1, 2013. Congratulations to the following: President: Robert (Boo) Clark Vice President: Kevin Johnson Secretary: Cris Riley Treasurer: Karen Remillard Trustee: Joe Hayward Membership: Stefanie Garner
Hunting Seasons
11/26 club opens for 1st day of hunting season. Club opens at 3:00pm Reminder: Because the MassFishHunt game reporting system is not ready for the 2012 hunting and trapping seasons, hunters and trappers must check their game at a traditional check station as in past years. There is NO online checking in
2012. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please notify your hunting and trapping buddies!
Woodville Rod & Gun Club, Website
We would like to thank Dennis Wadsworth for the 12 plus years of hosting and updating our website. Many years ago the website was developed by Dennis Wadsworth and his staff. Dennis has continued to maintain the site with our monthly news paper updates and the numerous pictures sent in. This as usual is a behind the scenes task, and not many are aware of the work and time it takes to maintain the site. Dennis has taken on more tasks at his ‘full time’ job and is looking for some help with our site. Dennis, thank you from all of us for all the years of support and the work you’ve put into in making our website so informative. Heidi Schwarz has graciously accepted the offer to handle updating the site going forward. We will relay information to you all once we determine the best way for Heidi to get any update requests.
Adult Halloween Party
Saturday 10/27/2012 7:00pm – Midnight $10/person (tickets will be sold at the door) 1st Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest (bring your carved pumpkin for a chance to win. Prizes in multiple categories. DJ, Dancing, Snacks and SCARES!!! Costume and Raffle prizes!
Children’s Halloween Party
Wednesday, October 31, 2012 6:00 pm
Comedy Night
Comedy night is Saturday 11/3. Tickets are on sale at the club house. Dinner followed by 3 comedians. This event typically sells out; suggest you get your tickets quickly.
2013 TV Raffle
Tickets are on sale for the 2013 TV Raffle. 1st prize: Sony 46" LED/LCD/1080p/2D & 3D/ Motion Flow XR 480
2nd prize: 42" Panasonic LED/LCD/Full HD 1080p Drawing - Super Bowl Sunday 2013 Price $20.00 Only 100 Tickets being sold
In case you didn’t know
MASSWILDLIFE'S FIELD HEADQUARTERS MOVED TO A TEMPORARY HOME As of September 10, 2012, the Division of Fisheries & Wildlife Field Headquarters staff will be relocating to temporary office space for approximately two years at 100 Hartwell Street, Suite 230, West Boylston, MA, 01583 while a new Field Headquarters building is constructed at the existing site. Contact phone numbers and emails for Field Headquarters staff will not change. Later this month, hunters, hikers, and other users of the Westborough Wildlife Management Area may no longer access the WMA from the old Field HQ hill as it will be an active construction site. The parking lot located off Milk Street (Rte. 135) has been enlarged and improved for access in anticipation of the building construction. Access is also still available from the Fisherman’s Access off Oak Street and the access point at Little Chauncy Pond on Lyman Street, both in Westborough.
The Outdoor Message
Please notify Karen Remillard ( if you are interested in obtaining The Outdoor Message via email. This will save the club money. If you have already responded to my original email then you are all set. The printed, mailed version of The Outdoor Message will still be available to those who do not have internet access or who simply prefer having a paper in hand.
them to The Outdoor Message committee, Cherryl Barrett, Phil Goodwin, Tom Marcone or Remillard Karen
• If anyone knows of a member who is sick or hospitalized, please let us know. You can leave a message at 508-4354148. • Please remember to lock the gate behind you if you are the last or only person that is on the range on any given day. Please be considerate of others and pick up after yourself. • Trap Shooting - Come on down and bring a friend, weather permitting. Trap starts at 1:30 pm on Sundays. The public is welcome. • Trap Shooting on member meeting nights from 6:30 – 7:30 pm, if enough interest to open the range.
The club offers a $500 scholarship each year. Call the club, email David Laquidara at or go to our website for more info. Many local students have benefitted from our scholarship over the years.
If you’re interested in club clothing see Cherryl Barrett, or send an e-mail: There is also a signup sheet at the clubhouse. There will be a nominal deposit for clothing being ordered.
Hall Rentals
The hall is available for rentals, please contact, Kim Clark at: or leave a message at 508-435-4148. ★
Do you have any pictures you’d like to have put in The Outdoor Message or on our website? Please send them over to anyone on the Website Committee, Gary Schultz, Karen Remillard, Heidi Schwarz or Kim Clark; you can send them with captions or without. Or send
The Sportsman’s Calendar . . .Competitive Shooting Matches and Special Shooting Events
Nov 7, Nov 10, Nov 14: 3P Air Rifle Veteran’s Cup Match (Individual & Team) Dec 26 & Dec 29: End of Year PTO Taunton Rifle & Pistol Club 430 East Britannia Street Taunton, MA Must pre-register Sid 774-473-7934
Nov 13: .22 Pistol & Master Blaster Chicopee Sportsmen’s Club off Batchelor Street Granby, MA Walt 413-536-5695 1st Sunday Cape Ann Sportsmen’s Club 57 Cherry Street Gloucester, MA 978-283-0304 ARCHERY 1st Sunday Springfield Sportsman’s Club Wednesdays 6 pm: Indoor Paper 215 Wood Hill Road League Monson, MA Manville Sportsmen's Rod & Gun Club 413-267-9652 250 High Street 3rd Sunday, 1 pm Manville, RI Georgetown Fish & Game Club
Page 24
Lake Avenue Georgetown, MA Craig 508-265-2255 3rd Saturday, 10 am Lawrence Rod & Gun Club Webster Street Lawrence, MA Art 978-687-9504 ext 1
Nov 3: Police Pistol Combat and RI State Combat Police Scituate, RI George 401-639-8573 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 4th Saturdays: IDPA League Club Matches S&W Shooting Sports Center Springfield, MA 413-846-6400 The
Outdoor Message
4th Sunday Rod & Gun Club of New Bedford North Hixville Road North Dartmouth, MA Dave 508-984-9589 4th Sunday 8:45 am: IDPA Matches Nenameseck Sportsman’s Club Bacon Road Palmer, MA Norm 413-967-3797
4th Sunday 1 - 4 pm Manville Sportsmen's Rod & Gun Club 250 High Street Manville, RI Bob 401-773-7720
Dec 12, Dec 15: USA Shooting 60 shot prone and 3P Smallbore match Taunton Rifle & Pistol Club 430 East Britannia Street Taunton, MA Must pre-register Sid 774-473-7934
Sundays 10 am, Wednesdays at noon: Winter League Petersham Gun Club 159 Nelson Road Petersham, MA Parker ★
November 2012
October 1, 2012 Meeting Pres. Berube called the meeting to order at 7:01 PM. Bob Brooks lead the Club in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Secretary’s Report
Chris Britt read the Secretary’s report. Joe Leonardo made a motion to accept; Gordon DeJong seconded.
Treasurer’s Report
Jerome Jussaume read the Treasurer’s report. Bob Brooks made a motion to accept; Bill Wurzburg seconded.
Committee Report
There were no reports from Archery, Audit, Board of Advisors, BMP, Club House, History, Officers, Pistol, Trap, WCL or Website.
Pres. Berube reported as of this date there are still a few good fish being taken other than the word of mouth from a few members. The last entries on both log sheets are back in June, one being on the 17th the other around the 28th. I’ve asked the general body repeatedly to at least try to keep our log sheets up to date so that we have some idea of the catch and how we are spending our stocking monies to get the most for our dollars. If the body thinks that the practice of logging our catches is a waste of time than let me know and we’ll suspend the practice!!! As reported previously the weeding of the pond is turning out to be a time consuming process. After the public meeting on it that was scheduled for September 17th and the site visit that was conducted on the 24th an order of conditions was set forth by the conservation commission and initially we’ll be weeding 35% of the pond to be taking place within the next week or two. The next stocking will be Saturday, October 13th, 2012 at 1 PM with the pond being closed for a week and reopening the following Saturday, October 20th, 2012 at 1 PM. In regards to our ongoing beaver problems I have contacted Beaver Solutions for an estimate to install a beaver deterrent device at the spillway as well as a couple of trappers for estimates on trapping and removing the beavers that way. Please remember to use our pond at your own personal and safe discretion and to respect space and rites of other members also! Enjoy yourselves and please keep our catch recording sheets up to date.
UXBRIDGE ROD & GUN CLUB West Street - PO Box 412 - Uxbridge MA 01569 The birds are schedule to arrive Wednesday, October 3rd.
Ray Moloney, Sr. reported that the grounds looked good. Just a reminder if you remove the trash please put another trash bag in the barrel.
Wil Huber reported the kitchen will be open during pheasant hunting.
Ed Gervais reported the waiting list is up to date with the latest information he has. Also, this February at renewal time, any auxiliary member who is not the spouse or significant other of a club member will be asked to either join the club outright or walk away from the club. He is working on a list that he will need to go over with Gary and post as soon as possible. He doesn’t want to deal with a lot of people at renewal period being surprised and claiming they were not aware of the situation.
Work Hours
Durk Lawson reported that 9 probationary members have met their hours and meetings. Another 9 or 10 probationary members will probably make it. Several have not completed any hours or meetings yet. A reminder to members who have sponsored someone, make sure you tell them to get their hours and meetings in.
Old Business
Jerome Jussaume reported on the Youth Pheasant Program that was held on September 22nd. He thanked the following people for donating: Ed Pokornicki-hats; Lenny Audette-Safety Glasses; and Dick Baker-20 gauge shells. He thanked the following people for helping out: Paul Soares-Hunter Education, Trap Range Instruction, Field Hunt Mentor; Willy Huber and Rick Sullivan-Kitchen; Ron Branco-Trap Range Instruction, Field Hunt Mentor, Care of Game Instruction; Ron Manyak and Dario DePasquale-Trap Operation; Jon Quinn-Bird Planter and All-round help; and George Hamm and Misty-Dog
Handler and English Springer Spaniel. They had 12 attendees: Sam Fuschetti, Brandon Arsenault, James Fuschetti, Laura Manyak, Bradley Novacki, Bobby Jackson, Jillian Allen, Jonathan Canoy, Joseph Canoy, Zack Bianco, John Niro, and John Piotrowski, Jr. Dick Baker reported that they will be putting the yard rail up. In order to do this they will need a waiver signed. Bob Brooks made a motion to allow them to sign the waiver to put the yard rail up; Bob Hayward seconded. Unanimous. Mike DiLibero reported they received the tests results back from the soil samples. They were good.
New Business
Chris Britt reported that the Children’s Christmas Party will be held on December 9th, from 1 to 4. The sign-up sheets are at the front desk. You have till November 18th to sign-up. If anyone would like to help, please contact Gary or Chris. Bob Brooks made a motion to adjourn at 7:45 pm; Joe Leonardo seconded. Respectfully submitted, Chris Britt, Secretary ★
Gordon DeJong reported that he and five other guys pulled the wood out of the woods and brought it over by the pavilion. Gordon thanked the guys who helped out. If you are interested in helping, please contact him.
Jon Quinn reported that the permit has come in. Anyone who wants to book a private hunt, please see him. The rules and schedules are located at the front table. The raffle hunt will be held next month. November 2012
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Eastern Security Safe
Many Models in Stock ● In-home delivery available Open in two locations! 23 Providence Street Mendon MA 1-877-644-7233
13 Bosworth Street West Springfield MA 413-781-1048
Outdoor Message
Page 25
PO Box 111 - 221 Spring Hill Road - Barre, MA 01005 978-355-4643 Email: ~ Website:
Range Notes
Turkey Shoot & Youth Pheasant Hunt (see schedule below!)
New members for October were: Jason Clark and Mike Sweets. Please be sure to welcome them when you see them! MEMBERSHIP CARDS have the event dates printed on the back, AND have the new gate code.
Pertinent Reports
Secretary, treasurer and bar reports were read and accepted.
Monday evenings at 6 pm until hunting season, but no more ‘feeds’. Call John (Fig) with any questions 978-857-8202.
Wednesday evenings at 7:00 pm. Call Mike Klawitter with questions.
Sporting Clays
Done shooting until January.
Pistol shoots the 3rd Saturday of the month, in the am. Questions, call Bert DuVernay at 413-477-6529.
200 Yard Rifle
Mondays at 6 pm – come on out and shoot. Contact is Peter Stalker.
Clambake Results
Clambake was a great success with attendance well over 200 people, and as always delicious seafood and chicken, with no one leaving hungry. We had live music from Duncan Walters and his ‘crew’, with an awesome mix of instruments, guitars, drums, banjo and a ‘mean’ fiddle player.
Two Club Shoot
Two club shoot with Petersham Gun Club was a success, with approximately 38 attendees who enjoyed the breakfast cooked at Barre and the delicious meal at Petersham thereafter. The weather did not entirely cooperate however it did not appear to dissuade the attendees.
Be sure to sign up before the season gets rolling – and good luck to y’all in the woods!
Crowd Control Managers
All members are urged to go online and take this ~30 minute course and get certified. The club is required before opening for any event to go through a safety checklist and have a Crowd Control Manager on site at each event. For renting the club you will be required as the sponsoring member to have this certification as you will be responsible for the checklist. When you finish the course, please provide a copy to the board secretary and treasurer as there must be 1) One on site in a notebook which resides in
Over 35 years experience Free Estimates * 100 satisfaction guarantee
the kitchen, 2) Must have the information in order for the maintenance of the liquor license as per MA state laws.
Children’s Christmas Party – December 2, 2012
w w w. s l g u n s h o p . c o m
443 Fitchburg Road, Corner of Rte. 31 & 124 - Mason, NH 03048 Phone 603-878-2854 Fax 603-878-3905 Hours MON-FRI 10 am - 7 pm; SAT 9 am - 6 pm; SUN Noon - 4 pm
Outdoor Message
Plans are in the works for the Christmas Party for children. If you have kids or grandkids who would like to attend the Christmas party, where Santa will make an appearance and give out gifts, please contact Patty Fleming at 978-928-1253 ( or JoAnn Bousquet at 413-967-8076. If you leave a voicemail and do NOT get a return call in a week, please call again. All those with kids interested should call ASAP so the planning can begin and preparations can be made for the event. Help us make this a most wonderful return to a tradition of the club! If you are interested in helping out that day, feel free to call or email and let these volunteers know.
MAPLE TREE INDUSTRIAL PARK 21 Wilbraham St, Building 35 - Palmer, MA 01069 413-283-9975
October 6th Gun Raffle – Photo above is Gun Raffle & raffle tables. In the photo below are our raffle ticket sellers, two years running. Carolyn Pitisci, Emily Young and Marissa Pitisci.
Big Buck & Doe Award
re u t u depends f e h T on the young. d shooti e a ki ng k a
Fifty yard backstop was set up, grounds cleaned up at the cleanup before the clambake. Thanks to Rob Deschenes for the back hoe, as well as to all those who showed up and assisted to get the grounds ship-shape. Be sure if shooting in the 25 yard area, that if you are standing to shoot, you post targets to the top, if you are sitting, post them down to the middle so you don’t shoot over the targets.
Club Calendar
NOVEMBER 2012 Thursday, 1st – 7:30 pm, Club Meeting Saturday, 3rd – 9 am, Youth Pheasant Hunt (POC Chris Duggan 978-9285878) Sunday, 4th – 10 am, Turkey Shoot (POC Rob D. 978-771-7013) Thursday, 8th – 7:30 pm, BOD Saturday, 17th – PRIVATE RENTAL DECEMBER 2012 Saturday, 2nd – 1 pm, KID’s CHRISTMAS PARTY Thursday, 6th – 7:30 pm, Club Meeting Thursday, 13th – 7:30 pm, BOD ★
Bald Peak Mountain Taxidermy Custom Deer & Fish Mounts John Candage 85 Reimers Road Monson, MA 01057 413-267-0284
November 2012
P.O. Box 543 - Holyoke, MA 01041 - 413-539-9345 -
President - Normand Desilets Secretary - Richard Asselin Directors - George Apgar, Jr. Vice-president - Joseph Knapik, Jr. Membership Secretary - William Burgess Joseph Kingsley Treasurer - Richard Moreau Governor - Daniel Jones James King
November is election month. The offices of president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, governor and membership secretary, as well as two seats on the board of directors will be filled. Any member in good standing may vote, run for office or nominate another member. The November meeting is also the annual meeting, and includes the club’s financial report as well as budget planning for the new year.
Western Mass Pistol League
The annual matches of the WMPL have started. Each Monday evening through fall and winter, HRC shooters compete in a .22 postal match against another team from the area. All matches are held at HRC, and newbies are encouraged to try it out, as loaner guns are available. Team captain Ron Mehlhorn conducts practice sessions every Friday evening as well as some Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Those times are listed on the club calendar, available on the website.
Scholastic Steel Challenge
The club has purchased equipment to hold SSC matches for junior and adult members. The course of fire is an action match against a series of steel plate targets, and winners are decided by the shortest times. Adult range officers accompany each junior through the course, and safety is emphasized at all times. Guns used are .38 Special revolvers, 9 mm pistols or .22 rifles and pistols. Juniors must be HRC members and have a signed parental permission slip. SSC membership is $20 per year. There will be a safety training course for SSC at a date to be announced. Marshall Johnson and Joe Knapik are in charge.
Donald Ballou Awards
Four members of the Holyoke Revolver Club were honored recently with the club’s Donald Ballou Award for their outstanding contributions to the club. Club Secretary Richard Asselin received the 2010 award for his long service as secretary and for his many hours of work on special projects and as a pistol instructor over the years. Membership Secretary Bill Burgess was recognized with the 2011 award for his work on the club’s membership records and his contributions to several shooting programs. Ann Robinson and Marshall Johnson shared the 2012 award. Ann has been a major factor in the club’s highly successful NRA Basic Pistol training program, coordinating schedules and corresponding with trainees. She has also been active in the junior rifle and other
programs. Marshall is the chief instructor and a training counselor for range safety officers. He has also worked with the juniors and on many other club programs. The awards were presented at the club’s awards dinner in October. Several dozen other club members received certificates of appreciation for their volunteer work at HRC.
Security Cameras
Cameras are being installed to monitor the interior of the building as well as the parking lot and 50-yard outdoor range.
Automatic Target Carriers
The target carriers on two lanes of the indoor range have been fitted with electric target return motors to facilitate their use by handicapped shooters. Plans are underway to motorize all of the indoor range carriers.
Outdoor Message
For years the club has benefitted from using The Outdoor Message to deliver its news and notices, and HRC members have enjoyed keeping up with the news and with old friends at other clubs around New England. The Gun Owners Action League paid for the subscriptions of club members who were also members of GOAL, and the club paid for the others. This year the board of directors of GOAL voted to end this benefit for its members. The club now pays for all subscriptions, which are available in both the traditional paper format or as an electronic newspaper, which costs the club one-third as much. Anyone who would like to receive the online publication should contact Membership Secretary Bill Burgess to make the change, or to alert him if a household is receiving more than one copy of The Outdoor Message.
Plate Racks
The pistol target plates and the rubber bumpers on the outdoor racks have been replaced recently. The plates on the left are rated for .22 caliber, and will fall when hit with a .22. The plates on the right are for normal centerfire pistol rounds, and will fall when struck with a .38 or 9 mm, but not a .22. Neither set of plates should be shot with any rifle or shotgun rounds.
Junior Rifle The club’s junior rifle program has started a new season. The junior program is open to 12 – 20 year-olds with parents’ permission. Several Scout organizations have received Merit Badge training, as the club instructors are now certified as Merit Badge counselors. Interested parties should call the club phone at 413-5399345. Jim Torrey is in charge. Adult volunteers are needed.
Missing Sling
One of the rifle slings belonging to the junior program has wandered away. Anyone knowing its whereabouts is asked to return it.
New Members
Leonard Moskal and son Kevin, a junior shooter, as well as Stephen Lang, all of Holyoke, were among seven new members welcomed by the club in October. Also joining were Thomas Wylie Landon Jenkins, both of and Easthampton, Dan Desnoyers of West Springfield and Glenn Flynn of Westfield.
HRC Hats and Patches
Hats and jacket patches embroidered with the club’s logo are now available for sale from Membership Secretary Bill Burgess.
Other Groups
The club encourages its members to join the National Rifle Association and Gun Owners’ Action League, the state rifle and pistol association. Ed Pelland is the club recruiter for both organizations, and handles membership applications and renewals for both. Club members can save $10 per year by paying for their NRA memberships through Ed for $25, rather than the standard $35. Ed receives NRA points for each renewal or new membership, which he applies to NRA memberships for the junior members of the club.
Fun Shoots
Dave Sparko conducts fun shoots on Tuesday evenings at the club. Competitors shoot .22 pistols at steel plates and a “Dueling Tree” of spinning targets, trying
Robert Lombardi David Matuszek Ronald Mehlhorn
to move all of the discs to the opponent’s side of the tree. Match schedules will be posted on the club’s website and calendar.
Practical Matches
The club holds practical matches on the fourth Saturday of the month. New shooters should arrive at 9 am for safety instruction. Participants should bring a centerfire pistol or revolver and 100 rounds of ammunition, extra magazines and speedloaders, a holster, which is not a shoulder or crossdraw model, a baseball cap and eye and ear protection. Chris Fila is in charge. Volunteers are needed to set up the stages, and should arrive at 8 am. The Saturday .22 benchrest matches have resumed. Setup is at 9 am and shooting starts promptly at 10. HRC members should check the calendar on the club website. Any rimfire rifle with iron or telescopic sights may be used. Ron Mehlhorn is in charge.
100-Yard .22 Rifle
The club holds monthly matches at the newly-improved 100-yard range. Matches are held on the second Saturday from 9 until noon, and Pete Richard is in charge.
Pistol Course
Holyoke Revolver Club conducts an NRA Basic Pistol course every month on the third Saturday. Successful participants receive both the NRA certificate and the Massachusetts state certificate required for firearms licenses. Information is available at the club website or by leaving a message on the club phone at 413-5399345. The club is now listed on the NRA website and will appear on a zip code search for NRA instruction. The club has more than a dozen NRA-certified pistol instructors and a similar number of certified Range Safety Officers. Volunteers are needed to monitor the firing line from around 11 am to 3 pm. Marshall Johnson is chief instructor.
50/50 Raffle
Ron Mehlhorn won $34 at the October meeting. Cathy Monfette’s name was drawn to win the members' drawing, but she was not present, so the money goes into the next jackpot. ★
Following a recent discussion by the board of directors, the membership voted to purchase plastic ID carriers so that HRC members can display their membership cards. The badges are now required on all club ranges. Members are also required to sign in at the clubhouse door prior to using indoor or outdoor ranges.
Gunsmith - 25 years - Full Service - Full Time
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Call 413-323-4052 9-4 days, 9-11 AM Saturday Estimates over the phone Quote on Examination DEALER - CLUB DISCOUNTS FOR VOLUME
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Outdoor Message
Page 27
Depot Street, North Harwich MA 02645 - Club Lodge 508-432-4457 Mailing Address: PO Box 119 Harwichport MA 02646
November Meetings
President, Jim Gillespie 1st Vice President, George Baggitt 2nd Vice President, Dan Welch Treasurer, Ricardo Vasconcellos Secretary, Kim Johnson
George Baggitt All members are reminded that a current member must sponsor new applicants. All applicants and sponsors must be interviewed for membership. After submitting an application, all perspective new members will be contacted to schedule the interview. Anyone with a membership question should contact George Baggitt at any club meeting. All new members who come into our organization during the 2012-2013 membership period must fulfill your obligatory commitment of four work hours. Failure to do so will result in a $50 assessment for the following year's dues.
The next club Business Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 13th, 2012. It has been a long-standing tradition here at Cape Cod Fish & Game that the November meeting features an Italian Extravaganza. Now in its 13th year, our band of Italian Stallions will put their spin on specialty red sauce, sweet sausage, pasta, garlic bread, salad and a few other favorites from the Old World. Per usual, dinner will be served at 7 PM and the meeting will begin at 8 PM. Members are urged to arrive early for a good seat. The November Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 27th, 2012 at 7:30 PM.
Yet Again…Another Club Secretary
Our Board of Directors would like to introduce Club Secretary, Kim Johnson. Kim will be taking over the position formerly held by Shaun Baggett who left the Board due to a scheduling conflict. Hopefully the revolving door will stop spinning and this secretary will stick around. Good luck and welcome, Kim!
Fame’s Favored Few Wins 9th Match Against Hanson Claybusters
Bob Bates On Saturday, September 29th, our Cape Cod trap shooters faced off against a very well organized team from the Hanson Rod & Gun Club. There were 26 shooters from both teams participating in what has become an annual event - this was our ninth competition! Our team was well prepared as we faced the Hanson team that still had momentum from winning the last three match ups. Hanson’s winning streak did end abruptly by the end of the day. The final score was Cape Cod 471 to Hanson Rod & Gun’s score of 452. Our top five shooters were Andy Smith (Top Gun) with a final score of 98 X 100 targets. Peter Morgavio took second place with 96. Bill Scheck held on to third place breaking 93. Fourth Place went to Ray Ertel with a 92 and fifth place went to Club President Jim Gillespie with a 92. As a result of this defeat, Hanson Rod & Gun will host the next match up - the tenth between the two clubs - sometime in the early fall of 2013. Thanks to our friends at the Hanson Rod & Gun Club for attending our event. As always they are wonderful guests and all seemed to have a great time. It should be noted that all fourteen Cape Cod club shooters put forth a great deal of team effort on this day.
How About That August Youth Fishing Derby!!!
Richard Zweig (Reporting) The Annual Kid's Fishing Derby was held
Fames Favored Few's won the latest of nine matches with the Hanson Rod & Gun Club. From left are Bill Scheck, Ray Ertel, Jim Gillespie and Andy Smith. Missing is second place winner Peter Morgavio. George Baggitt (right) is holding the Club Championship trophy. As winning club, we get to keep this cup in our possesion for one year. Photo by Dan Grant
on Saturday, August 25th, 2012. Registration began at 7 AM and the Fishing Derby started at 8 AM. There were three age categories: up to 7 years of age, 8-11 years and 12-15 years. A total of 54 kids participated. It was a beautiful day and a total of 181 fish were caught - a new record for our club! The varieties of fish caught were mostly bass and sunfish, although several perch and at least one pickerel were also caught. The fishing contest was followed by the bait scoop AKA “eel catching by hand” contest. All of the contestants received numerous raffle prizes, including fishing rods and reels, tackle boxes, fishing trips, lures, T-shirts and caps. Trophies were awarded in each age category for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places for the most fish and the largest fish. Top prize for the most fish was won by Auldon Perkins with a total of 18 fish. Riley Laflash took top prize for the largest fish, weighing 4 pounds. After the fishing and the bait scooping, all enjoyed a lunch of hamburgers, hot dogs and watermelon. The chairman of the Fishing Derby was Roger Bassett. Workers included Chris Dudzik, Kent Vieneau, Richard Zweig, John Linhares, Tom Kelley and Gary Kaser. Numerous Cape Cod sporting, fishing and grocery stores made donations. The Fishing Derby concluded at 1 PM and a great time was had by all.
Trap Range Turkey Shoot
Dan Welch With the Thanksgiving holiday quickly approaching, all trap shooters are reminded that 9 AM, Sunday, November 18th, 2012 is the date of our Annual Trap Range, Lucky Bird, Turkey Shoot. Being skillful with a shotgun is helpful! Being lucky is CRUCIAL!!! All shooters will compete in a 25 target round of trap. The shooter who breaks the most green birds wins the turkey prize. In the event of a tie, the shooter who breaks the most overall GUNS AMMO ANTIQUE WEAPONS RELOADING EQUIPMENT ARCHERY SUPPLIES
The Powderhorn
210 BARNSTABLE ROAD HYANNIS, MASS. 02601 508-775-8975 HOURS: Mon- Fri 9 am to 5 pm Sat 9 am to 5 pm Page 28
(orange and green) birds will win the turkey prize. Last year we gave out about 11 prizes. All trap fees will be $5.00 per round of 25 targets for this day only.
Hone Your Skill
Peter Morgavio All members are reminded that Trap is shooting Saturdays at 10 AM, Sundays at 9 AM as well as Wednesdays and Fridays at 12 noon. The cost to shoot is a mere $3.00 per round of 25 clay targets. Non members will pay just a dollar more! Our trap range is open to all whether you are a novice, a rookie, an expert or an ATA superstar. Everyone is welcome so come on down and join us for some fun!
Shotgun Slug Shoot
Bob Preston This year’s annual slug shoot will be held on Sunday, November 25th, 2012 at 1 PM. Shooters can compete for trophy prizes in either the iron site or scoped categories. The entrance fee is $5.00 for a round of five shots and $4.00 for retries. Shooters will need their favorite slug gun and ammo. Matt Yarnell was last year’s champion. Second place was Mike London. For details please contact Bob Preston at 774.406.1573.
NRA Training
Peter Donovan This month’s NRA Home Firearms Safety Course will be held Tuesday, November 20th at 7 PM. Anyone interested in ascertaining his or her firearms identification card (FID) or license to carry (LTC) is encouraged to attend this invaluable course. Space is limited and reservations are strongly recommended. Please contact Peter Donovan or George Baggitt at any club meeting. In August we hosted nine students!
Members are reminded to watch this space for information regarding the upcoming January, February, March and April 3D shoots. Please be advised that business has been brisk as Wednesday evenings have had as many as 10 or more archers using the indoor range. Anyone with a compound bow, reverse curve or long bow is welcome. To all who have crossbows, please feel free to bring them along as well. The fun begins at 7:30 PM. Come on down and throw some arrows!
Outdoor Message
Deck The Halls Club Christmas Party
Dave Larosa All members are reminded that the Annual Club Christmas Party is scheduled for Saturday, December 1st, 2012. The doors will open at 6 PM for appetizers, dinner will be served at 7 PM. Members can expect a delicious, festive, buffet style ham dinner. Members can further expect a 50/50 raffle, a number of table raffles with a variety of prizes as well as a mystery door prize. Tickets are $10 each for adults and $5 each for children aged eight to fifteen. Children aged seven and under will be admitted free of charge. All tickets are available from Al and Jill Savage at 508.398.5058, Dave Larosa at 508.398.4199 or Bob Preston at 774.406.1573. Seats are limited to fifty persons and they will go fast. It is suggested that all guests bring an unwrapped toy for Toys For Tots. In keeping with a spirit of cheer please be advised that this party is BYOB and by that we mean beer or wine only. Did I mention the gun raffle? Please read on...
Christmas Party To Hold Gun Raffle
Al Savage Guests attending this year’s Christmas party can expect a gun raffle for a .22 caliber, lever action, Henry rifle. Tickets will be $5 each or three tickets for $10. A nice prize for short money! This 100% American made rifle will make a great addition to anyone’s gun collection. It is great for plinking on the new range or sharing a first shooting experience with a son, daughter or grandchild! These make memories that will last a lifetime. So there you have it. A Christmas party with great food, raffles and a firearm for a prize. Great evening full of fun and a firearm. Not bad for just a few bucks!
Toys For Tots
Dave Larosa Members, it is the season for toy donations. Last year our club contributed over 275 toys to local youngsters. These kids might not have had a good Christmas if it were not for our contributions. The Cape Cod Fish & Game Association can be proud of their efforts as even during these hard times our members dig deep to help the less fortunate. Let’s make another banner year for toy collections! Please place a toy in the collection box at the clubhouse. To all members, thank you in advance for all past and present or even intended contributions. Until next month….Bob P. ★ November 2012
FIN, FUR AND FEATHER CLUB OF WELLESLEY AND NATICK PO Box 272, 100 Larch Road - Millis, MA 02054-0272 508-376-2977
Pistol and Rifle Report
Skeet and Trap Report
Fish and Game
At the time of submitting this report the Club's Pistol Team is 5 weeks into the Maspenock League season, and is undefeated so far. We're hoping to do as well as we did last year when we took first place in the League and then shot in the Massachusetts All-League Shoot. The November schedule for the Maspenock League is: 7 November - Southborough @ Millis 14 November - Millis @ Riverside 21 November - no match 28 November - Millis @ Maspenock
On September 23rd we held the Club's Trap Championship. annual Congratulations to winner Peter Rosati, and also to John Cross who finished 2nd, and Bruce Tycks who finished 3rd. Thanks to all who shot and helped out with the event.
Our Pheasant Hunting Programs are in full swing with many members enjoying the hunting at the club. Just like all our shooting ranges, safety is the key for everyone. Please watch out for your fellow hunter and his dog.
Remember that at every shoot only the top five scores of that night are counted as “The Team”. Anyone from the club can attend and shoot with hopes that they will “Hit it Big” and make the team for that shoot. Check out the club’s website where all the schedules and scores for the Maspenock League shoots are posted. During September the Pistol and Rifle Committee got a crew together to spray a special mildew resistance film onto the new baffle system on the Outdoor Range. Just to remind all shooters who use the Outdoor Range that the new baffle system eliminates the "blue sky" that a shooter can see above the range backstop when sitting or standing at the firing line. This is a proven blue-sky elimination technique that is widely used at ranges across the country to eliminate the likelihood that any bullet will travel over the berm and leave the range. It is extremely important that all shooters follow all the rules for shooting in this facility so we can maintain the very good safety record that we have had at the club for many years. If you were unable to attend any of the required Outdoor Range Safety Meetings, and desire to use the new Outdoor Range facility, all you need to do is to attend one of the monthly New Member Safety Meetings and tell the instructor you are there especially for the Outdoor Range rules.
Membership applicants in October: F. Reed Austin, III - Norfolk Joshua Ganjei - Chestnut Hill Jackson Hudgins - Medfield Michael Kellogg - Wellesley Andrew Kellogg - Wellesley Mark Olson - Dedham Mark Thompson - Millis Thomas Worboys – Natick Annual Trap Championship winner Pete Rosati. Photo by Tad Bengston
The Thanksgiving Lucky Target shoot will be held on Sunday, November 18th starting around 12:00 Noon. As always this is a lucky target shoot where every shooter has an opportunity to be a winner, expert or beginner alike. Being a random lucky target shoot, even an expert who breaks every target that is thrown for him can lose to a beginner who breaks more lucky targets. There is a winning turkey won in every squad of shooters. There will be a “Turkey Something”, deep fried or otherwise, after the shoot for all at the clubhouse. Even with the cold weather coming Skeet and Trap shooting is very active during the fall and winter seasons. As of November 4th we will be shooting on our Eastern Standard Time Sunday (Only) shooting hours which are 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM on all the outdoor ranges. There is no outdoor shooting on Sundays before or after these hours. As always the indoor Pistol Range can be used before and after these hours on Sundays. Check in the Skeet and Trap House for the exact time each week.
Wishing hunters a safe and successful fall season. Send your pictures and stories to
OF THE LAW IS NOT ONLY NO ExCUSE , IT CAN BE VERY ExPENSIVE AND LAND YOU IN jAIL . Contents: 1. Copy of Statutes Relating to hunting, Firearms, Rifles, Shotguns and Ammunition 2. Copy of Regulatory References 3. Copy of Gun Application Form with Suggestions on Filling Out 4. List of State Police Approved Gun Locks 5. Selected Federal Law and Statutory References 6. Summary of 1998-1999 statutory changes 7. Common Questions with Answers 8. Discussion and Case Law relating to Licensing, Firearm (possession and carrying), Purchase and Sale of Guns and Ammunition, Definitions, Firearms in a Motor Vehicle, Citizens Right of Arrest, Civil Liability (with Cases), Use of Force and Deadly Force (with Cases), Criminal Liability 9. Domestic Violence under Federal and State Law 10. Fully Referenced for case of use 11. Designed for Gun Owner - Police Officer - Attorney - Security Personnel - State Police Approved Instructors 12. Over 140 pages of valuable information. 8 1/2x11 pages lay flat for easy reading Civil and criminal sanctions are serious - Jail sentences added and expanded.
Cost: $24.50 (includes tax & shipping). Send check to William M. Cloran, Esq. 50 Union Street, Suite 1, Newton Centre, MA 02459 Phone 617-969-2001 Fax 617-969-6517
Also available... “Criminal Law Reference Handbook” and Motor Vehicle Law Reference Handbook” Cost: $17.95 each (includes tax and shipping)
November 2012
New Members
Note: The next New Member Safety Meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 11th at 11 am.
Calendar of Events
November 5 Board of Directors, 8 PM 11 New Member Safety Mtg, 11 AM 15 Practical Shoot, 8 PM 17 Needham Scout Shoot, 9 AM 18 Thanksgiving Lucky Turkey, 12 PM 24 Last Day of Button Program, 5 PM December 1 FFF Day at Addieville, 8 AM 3 Board of Directors, 8 PM 9 New Member Safety Mtg, 11 AM 16 Christmas Turkey Shoot, 12 PM 16 Christmas Party, 3 PM
20 Practical Shoot, 8 PM 25 Christmas - Closed - All Day
Web Page
Please visit our club web page at for a lot more information about the club and its activities. Many thanks to our webmaster Ken Wellington for much of the information published above.
Address Change
If you've had an address change, please forward it to Greg Nealand at The Fin, Fur and Feather Club, P.O. Box 272, Millis, MA 02054, or email to . ★
Before you buy... Give us a try!
Hours: Tues.-Sat. 12 Noon - 6 pm
Law Enforcement Equipment, Inc.
305 River St, Waltham MA 02453
168 Elm Street - Agawam, MA 01001
Guns Built Bought Sold Traded & Repaired
Tu-W-F 12-8 Th 4-8 Sat 10-5
Off hours by appointment
Outdoor Message CLASSIFIEDS
BOW CLEARANCE - 40% off MSRP on many new, non-current Top Model Bows from various manufacturers. See Photos, Descriptions, Prices on website w w w. e m e r y l o i s e l l e . c o m ERYLEEN ARCHERY 781-2720244. Also MATHEWS dealer. Wanted!! Military items for educational purposes and collection. Uniforms, swords, hats, medals, bayonets, flight jackets, helmets, flags. Anything - any country. Civil War, Spanish American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam. Longtime Historian and Collector. Also buying old guns and gun parts, old
ammo and other related items. Paying cash, I buy it all! Call Randall 978-772-2563 Wheels for hunting: Quiet, small displacement motorcycles or go electric bike w/ trailer---- quick, quiet, scent - free to your stand. Come test drive. Also have, exquisite, wood canoes; hi-tech & best, traditional wood snowshoes. Claude's Cycles 508-543-0490 w w w. c l a u d e s c y c l e s . c o m <> U.S. SILVER DOLLARS WANTED. Paying $25 each. Also buying all other coins. Higher pay than coin shops or mall buyers. Call Lin at 781-956-8891.
CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 per insertion for 30 words or fewer. $1 for each additional group of 10 words or fewer. Advance payment required. Send check, payable to The Outdoor Message, to 37 Pierce Street, Northborough MA 01532.
Outdoor Message
Page 29
The Sportsman’s Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Shooting Practices
Wednesdays: Indoor Archery Woburn Sportsmen’s Association 155 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford, MA Wednesdays 6 pm: Archery Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association 7 Madison Street Wrentham, MA Dave 508-883-7959 Wednesdays 7 - 9:30 pm Rod & Gun Club of New Bedford North Hixville Road North Dartmouth, MA Paul 508-993-2117 Thursdays 7-9 pm Monument Beach Sportsmen Club Dump Road off MacArthur Blvd Monument Beach, MA Club 508-759-5653 Barre Sportsman’s Club 221 Spring Hill Road Barre, MA John 978-355-4071
Sundays 8 am - 12 pm Leominster Sportsmen’s Assoc. 1455 Elm Street Leominster, MA
Mondays & Wednesdays 6 - 9 pm Tiverton Rod & Gun Club 1529 Fish Road Tiverton, RI John 508-675-2946 2nd & 4th Monday 7 pm: Big Bore Pistol Shoot 3rd Saturday 1 pm: Blacklight Pistol Hanson Rod & Gun Club Davis Road, off Elm Street Hanson, MA Bill 781-585-8225 Tuesdays: Pistol League Cape Ann Sportsmen’s Club 57 Cherry Street Gloucester, MA 978-283-0304 Tuesdays 8-10 pm: .22 NMC League Mass. Rifle Association 290R Salem Street Woburn, MA Steve 781-862-6516 Wednesdays 8 pm: .22 Pistol League Hopkinton Sportsmens Assoc. 95 Lumber Street Hopkinton, MA Mark 508-529-4207 2nd Sunday: Action Pistol Fall River Rod & Gun Club Sanford Road Westport, MA Bob 508-995-7768 3rd Saturday 9 am Barre Sportsman’s Club 221 Spring Hill Road Barre, MA Bert 508-413-6529
1st Saturday 9 am, 3rd Sunday 1 pm: CMP Hanson Rod & Gun Club Davis Road, off Elm Street Hanson, MA 781-293-9872 4th Sunday 1 pm: DCM Shoots Maspenock Rod & Gun Club
McGill Lane, Milford, MA Dave 508-478-6211
Mondays 6 - 9 pm: Junior Rifle Mondays 6 pm: Smallbore Rifle Hopkinton Sportsmens Association Lumber Street Hopkinton, MA Kris 508-254-6221 or 508-881-3868 Mondays 7 - 9 pm: Junior Rifle Reading Rifle & Revolver Haverhill Street Reading, MA Bob 781-246-4860 Tuesdays 7 pm: Sporter Air Rifle Fridays 7 pm: Smallbore Rifle Maspenock Rod & Gun Club McGill Lane Milford, MA Dave 508-243-1521 Wednesdays 6 pm: Smallbore Rifle Hanson Rod & Gun Club Davis Road, off Elm Street Hanson, MA Rick 781-293-6185 Wednesdays: Smallbore Rifle Ames Rifle & Pistol Club 110A Canton Street North Easton, MA Bob 508-238-8563 Wednesdays: Smallbore Rifle Sagamore Rifle Club Sagamore, MA Leon 508-888-2474 Wednesdays 5 - 9 pm: Smallbore Rifle Taunton Rifle & Pistol Club 460 Britannia Street Taunton, MA Sid 774-473-7934 Saturdays: Junior Indoor Archery Manville Sportsmen's Rod & Gun Club 250 High Street Manville, RI Saturdays: Smallbore Rifle Old Colony Sportsmen’s Assoc. Forest Street Pembroke, MA George 781-871-0003 Sundays 5 pm: Smallbore Rifle Lenox Sportsmen’s Club 258 New Lenox Road Lenox, MA Jeff 413-528-1343 Sundays 6 - 9 pm: Smallbore Rifle Nenameseck Sportsman’s Club Bacon Road Palmer, MA Dick 413-283-3920 Junior High Power Rifle Team Reading Rifle and Revolver Club Haverhill Street Reading, MA Duane 978-317-2811
250 High Street Manville, RI Bob 401-773-7720
Barre Sportsman’s Club 221 Spring Hill Road Barre, MA Tony 978-355-4474
Every Day 9 am - Dusk Peace Dale Shooting Preserve Peace Dale, RI 401-789-3730 Saturdays & Sundays 1 - 4 pm Independent Sportsmen Club Mirimichi Road Foxboro, MA Saturdays 9:30 am - 1 pm Western Mass Bird Dog Club 87 Charles Farnum Road Granville, MA Jim 413-538-8941 Saturdays Noon - 5 pm Fall River Rod & Gun Club Sanford Road Westport, MA 508-673-4535 Sundays 9 am - 12 pm Cape Ann Sportsmen’s Club 57 Cherry Street Gloucester, MA 978-283-0304 Sundays 1 - 4 pm Fin, Fur & Feather 35 Crystal Spring Road Mattapoisett, MA 508-758-6790 Sundays 10 am - 2 pm Springfield Sportsmen's Club Woodhill Road Monson, MA Al 413-222-8322 Thursdays 5:30 pm Barre Sportsman’s Club 221 Spring Hill Road Barre, MA Randy 978-632-8708
Trap: Sundays 9 - 11 am Nashoba Sportsman's Club, Inc. 924 Main Street Acton, MA Trap: Tuesdays 6 pm Fitchburg Sportsmen’s Club Route 119 Ashburnham, MA Esther 978-827-3340 Trap Barre Sportsman’s Club 221 Spring Hill Road Barre, MA Mike 508-867-8867 Trap: Sundays 9 am - 1 pm PRACTICAL SHOOTS Swift River Sportsman’s Club 1st & 3rd Monday 7:30 - 10 pm: 79 Moore Road IDPA Practice Belchertown, MA Harvard Sportsmen’s Club Sundays 10 am - 2 pm Littleton County Road Standish Sportsman's Association Harvard, MA Off Burr Lane East Bridgewater, MA John 508-378-7696 SINGLE ACTION Trap, Skeet, 5 Stand: Saturdays & SHOOTING Sundays 1 - 4 pm; Wednesdays 5 - 8 pm 1st Sunday 1 - 4 pm Independent Sportsmen Club Manville Sportsmen's Rod & Gun Club Mirimichi Road
List your club events free of charge in The Sportsman’s Calendar!
Event Category: ❑ Education & Training ❑ Competitive Events ❑ Informal shooting & practices Date of Event: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Event Description: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Event Location: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________________________________________ Contact Person, Phone, Email: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________________________________________ Email: Fax: 603-642-4327 Mail: The Sportsman’s Calendar PO Box 306, Northborough, MA 01532
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Outdoor Message
Foxboro, MA Trap: Sundays 1 - 4 pm Georgetown Fish & Game Club Lake Avenue Georgetown, MA Mike 978-463-9970 Trap: Sundays 9 am - 12 pm Cape Ann Sportsmen’s Club 57 Cherry Street Gloucester, MA 978-283-0304 Trap: Sundays 1 - 4 pm; Tuesdays 6:30 - 9 pm; Wednesdays 6:30 - 9 pm Women Only Trap: 2nd Saturday 1 - 4 pm Hanson Rod & Gun Club Davis Road Hanson, MA 781-293-9872 Trap & Skeet: Sundays 1 - 4 pm, Thursdays 6 - 9 pm Southborough Rod & Gun Club 254 Fruit Street Hopkinton, MA Skeet: Sundays 9 am - 1 pm, Tuesdays & Thursdays 7 - 9:30 pm Trap: Sundays 9 am - Noon Riverside Gun Club 16 Wilkins Road Hudson, MA Trap: Sundays 10 am, Wednesdays 5 pm, Fridays 9 am, Saturday Noon Lawrence Rod & Gun Club Webster Street Lawrence, MA John 978-470-0327 Trap: Tuesdays 9 am - 12 pm Skeet: Thursdays 9 am - 12 pm Trap & Skeet: Sundays 9 am - 1 pm, Thursdays 6 - 10 pm, Saturdays 12 - 4 pm North Leominster Rod & Gun Club Lancaster Avenue Lunenburg, MA 978-840-6322 Trap & Skeet: Sundays 9 am - 12 pm Leominster Sportsmen’s Association 1455 Elm Street Leominster, MA Trap, Skeet, Modern Skeet, Five Stand: Sundays 11:30 am - 4 pm Trap, Skeet, Modern Skeet: Saturdays 11 am - 3 pm Ludlow Fish & Game Club Sportsman Road Ludlow, MA Marshall 413-585-8662 Trap: Sundays 1 - 4 pm Fin Fur & Feather Club 35 Crystal Springs Road Mattapoisett, MA 508-758-6790 Trap: Mondays 5 - 9 pm Methuen Rod & Gun Club 240 Tyler Street Methuen, MA Eli 978-683-3261 Trap: Sundays 10 am; Wednesdays 6 pm Maspenock Rod & Gun Club 1 McGill Lane Milford, MA Joe jhaiken3@yahoo.comt Saturdays and Sundays 12 - 3:30 pm Fin, Fur & Feather Club 100 Larch Road Millis, MA 508-376-2977 Trap & Skeet: Sundays 10 am - 2 pm Skeet: Wednesdays until 1 pm Springfield Sportsmen's Club Woodhill Road Monson, MA Skeet field 413-267-9230 Al 413-222-8322 Trap: Sundays 9 am; Thursdays 3 pm; Saturdays 10 am Monument Beach Sportsmens Club Dump Road off MacArthur Blvd Monument Beach, MA Club 508-759-5653 Trap, Skeet & Wobble Skeet: Saturdays & Sundays 1 pm Angle Tree Stone Rod & Gun Club 57 Kelly Boulevard North Attleboro, MA Joe 508-699-6730
Trap: Wednesdays 7 pm North Brookfield Sportsmens Club 20 Boynton Road North Brookfield, MA 508-867-9216 Trap: Sundays 9:30 am - 1 pm; Fridays 12 - 3 pm Cape Cod Fish & Game Depot Street North Harwich, MA Peter 508-430-1072 Trap & Skeet: Saturdays & Sundays 10 am - 2 pm; Wednesdays 10 am - noon 5-Stand & Sporting Clays: Wednesdays 10 am - noon; Saturdays 10 am - 1 pm Old Colony Sportsmen’s Assoc. 159 Forest Street Pembroke, MA Dick 781-585-1875 Trap: Thursdays 6 - 9 pm Nimrod League of Holden Coal Kiln Road Princeton, MA Sundays 10 am Sippican Rod & Gun Club 215 Dexter Lane Rochester, MA Paul 508-763-4226 Trap & Skeet: Sundays 1 - 3 pm; Thursdays 6 - 9 pm; Saturdays 1 - 3 pm Easthampton Fish & Game Rt 10, College Highway Southampton, MA 413-527-9340 Skeet: Sundays 9 am - Noon; Tuesdays & Thursdays 5 - 8 pm Stockbridge Sportsmen Club Route 102 Stockbridge, MA Gary 413-298-3623 Paul 413-528-0859 Trap: Sundays 9 am - 1 pm; Wednesdays 6 pm Townsend Rod & Gun Club Emery Road Townsend, MA Jim 978-597-9121 Trap: Thursdays 6 pm - dusk Trap & 5 Stand: Sundays 9 am - 1 pm Skeet & 5 Stand: Tuesdays 6 pm dusk Walpole Sportsmen’s Association Lincoln Road Walpole, MA 508-668-6919 Trap: Sundays 1 - 4 pm Westford Sportsmen’s Club West Street Westford, MA Tom 978-692-4974 Sundays 12 - 4 pm; Tuesdays, Thursdays & Saturdays 10 am - 4 pm; Wednesdays 7 - 9 pm Fall River Rod & Gun Club Sanford Road Westport, MA 508-673-4635 Trap: Thursdays 7 pm Wrentham Sportsmen’s Assoc. 7 Madison Street Wrentham, MA Dave 508-883-7959 Trap: Wednesdays 6 - 9 pm Saturdays 10 am - 2 pm Skeet: Saturday & Sunday 12 - 4 pm Tuesday & Thursday 6 - 10 pm Wallum Lake Rod Gun Club 200 Brook Road Harrisville, RI 401-568-7171 or 401-568-5640 Trap: Sundays 9:30 am; Wednesdays 5:30 pm Manville Sportsmen's Rod & Gun Club 250 High Street Manville, RI Trap: Sundays 10 am - 1 pm; Saturdays 12 - 2 pm Smithfield Sportsman's Club Walter Carey Road, Off Route 5 Smithfield, RI Dave 401-949-1525 Trap: Sundays 10 am - 12 noon; Thursdays 4 - 7 pm Tiverton Rod & Gun Club 1529 Fish Road Tiverton, RI Clubhouse 401-624-3959 ★
November 2012
The Sportsman’s Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Education & Training
Daily: NRA and Mass Certified Pistol Course and FID Card Course Distribution Firearms Services 10 Colonial Road Suite 209-C Salem, MA Must pre-register 978-741-0044 3rd Saturday: NRA Home Firearms Safety/Mass Basic Firearms Safety Rod & Gun Club of New Bedford North Hixville Road North Dartmouth, MA Must pre-register R.J. 508-676-9861 Last Thursday and Last Saturday: Basic Firearms Safety & Handling Worcester County Jail and House of Correction 5 Paul X Tivnan Dr West Boylston, MA Pre-register Julie 508-854-1800 x2442 Weekends/Monthly: MA Certified Pistol Course, Law Enforcement and Civilian Training Franklin County League 721 River Road Deerfield, MA Alan 413-863-2964 Quarterly: 2-day Defensive Handgun IM-SAFE Firearms Training Center Simsbury, CT Dennis 860-651-4911
TRAINING offered AS NEEDED: Mass Basic Firearms Safety Ayer Gun & Sportsmen’s Club Ayer, MA Dan 978-870-7298 NRA Basic classes, Advance Tactical classes Dynamic Incident Response Mike 781-258-6577 Mass Basic Firearms Safety, NRA Home Firearms Safety, NRA Basic Pistol, NRA Rifle, NRA Shotgun Carver, MA John 508-728-5899 NRA Basic Pistol, Home Firearm Safety, Tactical Pistol, Concealed Carry, Private Accuracy Workshops Central Mass NRA Basic Pistol, Home Firearm Safety, Personal Protection in the Home; Private Shooting Lessons; Advanced Tactical and Concealed Carry Courses Central MA Area First Defense Firearms, Inc. 508-278-6844 FID & LTC Courses Cape Ann Sportsmen’s Club 57 Cherry Street Gloucester, MA 978-283-0304 NRA and Mass State Police Certified Pistol Course, Shotgun Shell reloading, Metallic Cartridge Reloading, Refuse to be A Victim Hampden and Worcester Counties Conrad 413-739-3015 NRA Basic Pistol, NRA First Steps Hanson Rod & Gun Club Davis Road Hanson, MA NRA and MA State Police Certified Pistol Course Leominster, MA Michael 978-534-2484 Smallbore Rifle Courses Ludlow Fish & Game Sportsmen’s Road Ludlow, MA Al 413-782-2917 Craig 413-589-7093 Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Home Firearms Safety Millis, MA Paul 508-541-3164 NRA Basic Pistol and NRA Home Firearm Safety Plainville, MA
November 2012
Jeff 508-944-3797 NRA Home Firearms Safety, Basic Pistol, Personal Protection; Mass Basic Firearms Safety; GLOCK Certified Instructor; GLOCK Armorer Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut Harry 401-965-4648 NRA Basic Pistol, NRA Home Firearms Safety, MA State Certified Shrewsbury, MA Mike 508-330-9430 Mass Basic Firearm Safety Course South Shore Charles 774-776-6494 Home Firearms Safety, NRA Basic Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun; Blackpowder Rifle, Pistol or Shotgun South Shore John 781-963-7785 State Certified Basic Home Firearms Safety, Basic Pistol, Rifle, Personal Protection, Shotgun, Muzzleloading Swansea, MA Richard 508-673-8263 NRA Home Firearms Safety, Basic Pistol, Mass Basic Firearms Safety Swansea, MA Mike or Richard 401-413-2313 Home Firearms Safety, Basic Pistol, Basic Rifle, Shotshell & Metallic Cartridge Reloading Worcester, MA John 508-414-0491 Corporate Seminars & Workshops including workplace Violence and Women’s Safety Seminars. Custom programs available IM-SAFE Firearms Training Center Simsbury, CT Dennis 860-651-4911 MA/RI certified instructor, RI Pistol recertifications Tiverton, RI Steven 401-624-2649
413-539-9345 3rd Sunday Brockton, MA Charles 508-238-1586 Saturdays & Sundays Instructional Shooting Inc. 164 Andover Street Lowell, MA Must pre-register 800-984-4867 Monthly Starfire Haverhill, MA Lynne & Edward 978-373-4325 Monthly - Must pre-register Eastern Rifle & Revolver Club 315 Walnut Street Lynn, MA Sonny 781-599-9882 Twice Monthly Western Massachusetts Robert 413-232-7700 Monthly Tactical Dynamics Firearms Training Foxboro, MA Rob 508.276.5730 or
Courses offered AS NEEDED: Ayer Gun & Sportsmen’s Club Ayer, MA Dan 978-870-7298 Blackstone Valley Area Blackstone Firearms Training LLC Fred Braintree, MA John 781-848-0047 Central Cape Area Harwich, MA Steven 508-432-8036 Central Massachusetts
Wednesday Evenings Cape Cod Steven 508-548-5879 Sundays 1 pm Black North Firearms & Training Dracut, MA Tony 978-337-4044 Monthly. Must pre-register Hamilton-Wenham Rod & Gun Mike 978-815-6989 Every 2nd Wednesday Ludlow Fish & Game Sportsmen’s Road Ludlow, MA Les Every 3rd Saturday Holyoke Revolver Club 431 West Cherry Street Holyoke, MA
Courses offered AS NEEDED: Greater Lowell area Ken 978-692-6818 South Shore John 781-963-7785 Swansea, MA Richard 508-673-8263
NRA BASIC SHOTGUN Monthly Ludlow Fish & Game Sportsmen’s Road Ludlow, MA Ray 413-596-3288
Courses offered AS NEEDED: NRA Range Safety Officer Certification Holyoke Revolver Club Holyoke, MA 413 539-9345 or NRA Instructor & RSO Training Greater Lowell area Ken 978-692-6818 NRA Instructor Courses Instructional Shooting Inc. 164 Andover Street Lowell, MA Must pre-register 800-984-4867 NRA Instructor Courses for Rifle, Shotgun, Pistol, Personal Protection, Range Safety Officer and Reloading Metallic or Shotgun IM-SAFE Firearms Training Center Simsbury, CT Dennis 860-651-4911
Tom 781-284-6677 Sharon, MA Sharon Fish & Game 307 East Street Dan 781-784-5806 Shrewsbury, MA Mike 508-330-9430 South Shore/Cape Cod Steve 781-974-3920 South Shore John 781-963-7785 Southboro, MA Chuck 508-485-1430 Swansea, MA Mike or Richard 401-413-2313 Tewksbury, MA Stan 978-658-7308, 978-436-0639 Westboro, MA Self Reliance Firearm Training 290 Turnpike Road, Ste 6, Box 390 Steve 508-963-6073 Westford, MA Stony Brook Fish & Game Assoc. Jim 978-392-7996 Weymouth, MA Chris 781-812-2541 Weymouth, MA Weymouth Sportsmen’s Club Joseph
Central Massachusetts First Defense Firearms, Inc. 508-278-6844 Central Massachusetts Richard 508-876-9270 Central Massachusetts Charlie 508-981-6402 Hampden and Worcester Counties Conrad 413-739-3015 Hanson, MA Hanson Rod & Gun Club Davis Road Holliston, MA Holliston Sportsmen’s Association 137 Bullard Lane Ed 508-881-0850 Lenox, MA Lenox Sportsmen’s Club New Lenox Road Lou 413-442-4550 Greater Lowell area Ken 978-692-6818 Marlboro, MA Marlboro Fish & Game 1 Muddy Lane Mark 508-393-7575 Maynard, MA Maynard Rod & Gun Club 45 Old Mill Road Kenyon 508-361-4259 New Bedford, MA Joe 508-863-0464 Revere, MA Boston Firearms Training Center 796 Broadway The
Outdoor Message
Tuesdays, Thursdays 6 pm Black North Firearms & Training Dracut, MA Tony 978-337-4044 Weekly RKBA Personal Safety Training 129 No Main Street, Room 302 Mansfield, MA Jeff 508-944-3797 1st Tuesday and Thursday monthly Scituate Rod & Gun Club Rte 3A Scituate, MA 781-545-1510 3rd Saturday. Must pre-register Rod & Gun Club of New Bedford North Hixville Road North Dartmouth, MA R.J. Kozik 508-676-9861 3rd Sunday Brockton, MA Charles 508-238-1586 3rd Tuesday Cape Cod Fish and Game Off Depot Street North Harwich, MA Jack 508-394-9466 Evenings & Weekends Metrowest Boston, Eastern Mass Mike 508-734-1156 or
Courses offered AS NEEDED: Ayer Gun & Sportsmen’s Club Ayer, MA Dan 978-870-7298 Braintree, MA John 781-848-0047 Central Cape Area Harwich, MA Steven 508-432-8036 Central Massachusetts Central Massachusetts First Defense Firearms, Inc. 508-278-6844 Central Massachusetts Richard 508-876-9270 Clinton, MA 978-368-8065 Hampden and Worcester Counties Conrad 413-739-3015 Holliston, MA Holliston Sportsmen’s Association 137 Bullard Lane Ed 508-881-0850 Greater Lowell area Ken 978-692-6818 Marlboro, MA Marlboro Fish & Game 1 Muddy Lane Mark 508-393-7575 Maynard, MA Maynard Rod & Gun Club 45 Old Mill Road Kenyon 508-361-4259 Milford, MA Dave 508-243-1521 New Bedford, MA Joe 508-863-0464 Revere, MA Boston Firearms Training Center 796 Broadway Tom 781-284-6677 Shrewsbury, MA Mike 508-330-9430 South Shore John 781-963-7785 South Shore/Cape Cod Steve 781-974-3920 Southboro, MA Chuck 508-485-1430 Swansea, MA Richard 508-673-8263 Swansea, MA Mike or Richard 401-413-2313 Westboro, MA Self Reliance Firearm Training 290 Turnpike Road, Ste 6, Box 390 Steve 508-963-6073 Westford, MA Stony Brook Fish & Game Assoc. Jim 978-392-7996
Wednesday Evenings Cape Cod Steven 508-548-5879 Monthly Starfire Haverhill, MA Lynne & Edward 978-373-4325
Courses offered AS NEEDED: Ayer Gun & Sportsmen’s Club Ayer, MA Dan 978-870-7298 Central Cape Area Harwich, MA Steven 508-432-8036 Greater Lowell area - Offering In the Home and Outside the Home courses Ken 978-692-6818 Swansea, MA Richard 508-673-8263
Courses offered AS NEEDED: Greater Lowell area Ken 978-692-6818 ★
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Club Location: Mirimichi Road - Foxboro, MA 02035 Club Phone: 508-543-9887 Mailing Address: PO Box 902 - North Attleboro MA 02761
Web Site
Web address: Email address:
Get the most up to date information on what is happening at the club in the “Latest News & Calendars”.
Range Times
Skeet, Trap, 5-Stand: Wednesday, 5:00 to 8:00. Saturday & Sunday, 1:00 to 4:00. Open to the public. Sporting Clays: Saturday & Sunday, promptly at 1:00. Open to the public. Pistol & Rifle Ranges: Monday through Saturday from 9:00 AM to sunset. Sunday and Holidays from 12:00 PM to sunset. Open to members. Limited member guest visits (must sign in).
Meeting Times
Board Meeting: 3rd Tuesday, monthly at 7:30 PM. Membership Meeting: 1st Tuesday of March, June, September, and December at 7:30 PM.
New member orientation is held at 9:00 AM on the 4th Sunday of each month. All new members must attend a session in order to get a gate key. If you plan to attend, call Vinny Tuzzo. 508-543-7029.
Shotgun Sports News
Summer Skeet League - Our 12 week Skeet League has finished, and the results are in. 19 members participated this
summer. Congratulations go to High Over-All Champion Mike Lombardy, followed by Dick Wall as Runner Up. Congratulations also go to Al Digiampietro 1st Place Class A, Royce Ferrara 1st Place Class B, and Paul Belanger 1st place Class C. “Most improved shooter” recognition goes to Mark Defilippo who started the league as a new shotgun shooter hitting 6 out of 50 targets and by the end of the league he hit as many as 38 out of 50! Other Shotgun Leagues - A six week Fall Trap League began on October 24th, and a twelve week Winter Skeet/Trap League will begin in early January (2013). Always check the website for details.
Pistol & Rifle News
Scheduled Action Shoots are open to the public. During scheduled shoots, the Shown here are a few of the shooters at the Summer Skeet League dinner including rifle/pistol ranges are CLOSED to normal 1st place Class C winner Paul Belanger on the left, 1st place Class A Al Digiampietro member use until approximately 1:00 PM. third from left, and 1st place .410 Charlie Cochrane 2nd from right. Action Shoot Reminders: • 7:30 AM Setup; 8:30 AM Signup; for 2012 Patricia Downing of North Attleboro 8:50 AM Shooters Meeting; 9:05 AM Nov 3rd, Western 3-Gun Shoot Ryan Mann of Attleboro Start Time (Cowboy) Michael Kominsky of Foxboro • NEW shooters are ALWAYS Nov 10th, Action PISTOL Shoot Peter Dehman of Wrentham welcome! If a new shooter shows up at Dec 8th, Action PISTOL Shoot Victor Rinaldi of North Easton 8:00 AM, we would be happy to give them Brian Bowser of Plainville some personal instruction before the shoot Karl Pease of Sharon begins. Matthew Gray of Wrentham We are pleased to announce that Tactical • Ear protection, and eye protection Nathan Gray of Wrentham Dynamics Firearms Training will be with side protection, is required. Matthew Light of Foxboro For shoot information contact Paul offering a one day course on-site at the Independent Sportsmen’s Club on Friday, Remick III, 508-384-4150. November 9th 2012. It is “designed to Action Shoot Remaining Schedule serve as an introduction to today’s handgun manipulation techniques that If you would like to receive The will get your head in the “game” of selfOutdoor Message via email, rather than defense. For full details, including in the newspaper format, please send the equipment requirements and cost, and request to the club’s email address. confirmation of the date and times, please visit our web site. Also check out the Tactical Dynamics Firearms web site at The club would like to thank the outgoing editor Mike Remillard for his years of service and his commitment as a member. We all wish him good luck for Welcome to new members: the future. ★ 11/29/12
New Activity
Outdoor Message OnLine
From the Editor
Membership News
Massachusetts Shooters Foundation
3 Gun Raffle
Walther P22
Semi-auto Pistol
$10 each or 3 for $20.
Only 1000 tickets have been printed!
❷ Ruger 10/22 ❸ H&R Pardner 12 gauge Shotgun
Winners will be notified on Christmas morning! Call MSF office at 508-393-5133
Page 32
Outdoor Message
for ticket information.
November 2012