Living in the Daze of Deception Book Review

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Why did I buy Jack Hibbs book, Living in the Daze of Deception? Was it the title of the book? Was it the words at the bottom of the cover of the book - How to Discern Truth From Culture’s Lies? Was it because you knew Hibbs would bring the truth via Scripture? There would be no mincing of words.

The title, on its own, speaks to the days in which we find ourselves living It is brazen and brassy, speaking to what many of us know in our hearts to be wrong with our world today Thus, the book’s message begins with the title on its cover and then is expounded profusely on the pages that follow by this passionate pastor, Jack Hibbs, whose words implore us all to wake up and take heed of what God is telling us

The Webster’s Dictionary tells us that deception means “the fact or condition of being deceived ” It means a person or society has been tricked or mislead It speaks to lies and untruths I am reminded of what David Fiorazo says in his book Redefining Truth that “truth has never been so assaulted...” as it is today. In John 8:44, Jesus calls out the Jews who were lying “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do ” Jesus goes on to say the devil “does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” In Galatians 6:7 Paul declares unabashedly “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap ”

Yet deceived many of us are. In chapter 1, Hibbs speaks of the “fog” we find ourselves in. He rightfully makes the admonishment to us all that if God was in our hearts we would not let “haters” of God determine what is best for us Throughout this chapter, as well as the other eleven, he reminds us of what scripture says as we approach the last days. Scripture tells us of the events that will unfold during this time. Scripture that speaks to the church as well as those individuals outside the church who choose a pagan lifestyle Paul speaks to this in 1 Timothy 4:1 - “Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons.”

Along with the title, the first ten chapters of the book have the word “daze” in their titles The word “daze” means being confused or dumbfounded In chapter 2, Hibbs speaks of being dazed by “spiritual deceivers.” Who are these deceivers? False teachers. Hibbs minces no words when it comes to describing who they are in this chapter. Take note of such descriptions as we all have undoubtedly spoken or listened to the falsities of such an individual


In chapter 3, Hibbs warns us of being deceived by “deceptive spirits ” What or who would constitute such? It would be an individual led astray. Someone who abandons or walks away from his or her faith in the Lord. Someone who then spews lies or false doctrine to others. In 1 John 4:1-6, we are told that this individual is one “who does not confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh” and “is not of God ” Hibbs reminds the reader of 1 Thessalonians 5:21, which states that we, as Christians, should “test everything; hold fast what is good ” Two words that Hibbs uses repeatedly is to “stay centered” and how we can go about it

Hibbs goes further in the discussion of deception in chapter 4, in which he discusses confusion brought on by the “doctrines of demons ” We are witnessing these doctrines gain greater presence at home, work, and play As Hibbs points out, the world and the church are changing direction, causing many to be deceived, falling victim to lies One such example is in the public school system of which Hibbs addresses. The progressivism being taught in the public schools today has Satan’s fingerprints all over it. God cares for us However, as Hibbs states, the “false doctrine and false prophets are straight out of the doctrines of demons’ playbook ”

Chapter 5 discusses Christians being “dazed by the deceptions within the church ” Hibbs states “the pure, unadulterated gospel message has been taken ahold of and abused by those whose human calling is to amuse.” Discernment on the part of Christians is needed Ask the question as to whether the church is woke or biblically sound Because, as Hibbs points out, “ on one side sits the woke church, drawn into doctrinal error through emotionally appealing ideas rooted in Marxism ideology On the other side is Jesus’ church, resting upon ‘the pillar and ground of the truth (see 1 Timothy 3:15).’” We must get back to the truth, which lies in God’s Word. Fiorazo bluntly states that as Christians, “ our indifference has allowed godlessness and relativism to advance ”

Side note: In America, more than three centuries ago, the Puritans were ensuring that their children could read and, therefore, be able to read the Bible However, according to the, average reading scores in 2022 for thirteen year olds fell 4 points. While many factors played into this decline, reading, as they say, is fundamental. Without the ability to read, one becomes dependent upon the opinions of others, some of which are false teachers

Today‘s culture is discussed in chapter 6 Hibbs points to the enemies of the Gospel who, we’re told, are “everywhere.” They seek to replace the truth of the biblical gospel with something that is easy to believe, which is false teaching. Hibbs succinctly states that “people come away from this type of teaching with false hope.” Please take into account the section of the chapter titled “A Series of Minuses ” In this section, Hibbs discusses false teachers taking sin, repentance, and the cross out of the Gospel

There is deception behind what to some sounds glorious - ecumenical or unity among all Protestant denominations. In chapter 7, Hibbs makes several valid points as to the issues associated with such a move One such point is found on page 116 of which I emphasized in my notes: “We must exercise extreme caution because some calls for unity will tug at our emotions yet have no biblical basis ” Further down the page, Hibbs rightfully reminds us of the areas in which there is no room for disagreement (see page 116-117). Because we are different from the world, we must stand up against the wokeness, the falsehoods, that go against God.



Tolerance - a word we’ve all heard countless times over the last few years Hibbs speaks to this term and the issues associated with it in chapter 8, “Dazed by the Deception of New Tolerance ” Before we begin a brief discussion of this chapter, let’s look at how the Webster dictionary defines truth: “the state of being the case: FACT; the body of real things, events, and facts: ACTUALITY.” Regarding truth, Hibbs wastes no time in setting the record straight:

“Today’s culture believes tolerance trumps truth ”

“The new tolerance has become a weapon in the war against the truth ”

It is unfortunate, as he rightfully points out, that someone who preaches tolerance has none for the person who identifies him or herself as a Christian. Lowering the bar versus raising the bar is now to be strived for.

“Whenever believers allow themselves to be guided by the feelings of unbelievers they’re right where Satan wants them: fearful of speaking the truth.”

Chapter 9, “Dazed by the Deception of the World,” to me encapsulates so many of the issues discussed in the previous chapters. Those promoting progressivism, seeking to enlarge the scope of government and minimizing people’s freedom, erasing true accounts of history, manipulating data, peddling alarmism regarding the environment have not just infiltrated government and the business sectors, but, also unfortunately the souls and minds of many people today The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:24-25 “therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever!”

Chapter 9 is a good segue for chapter 10, “Dazed by the Ultimate Deceiver ” Who is the “ultimate deceiver?” Jesus tells us in John 10:10 it is “the thief” who “ comes only to steal and kill and destroy ” It is the devil whom we have read about throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Hibbs reminds us that “the world is hungry for direction and guidance.” Such hunger will allow the ushering in of the Antichrist “who will have the power to persuade with words ” This chapter should enlighten the reader about the “ultimate deceiver”, the Antichrist

What can Christians do? As Hibbs puts it, we must stand “strong for God’s Truth ” Chapter 11 speaks to being “Equipped for Living in the Last Days.” This is not a fear-mongering chapter. It is one in which Hibbs presents the realities of today in the world in which we live. I must agree with him, as I’m sure many Christians do, that “today’s world is foreign to us in many ways.” Are we past the u-turn to return to the “normalcy” we once had? I agree with Hibbs that “there will be no going back to what we once knew as normal” because of the pandemic Fear has now gripped many people It is a spiritual battle A battle over truth Imagine that! But let us remember this, as Hibbs puts it, “God calls His people to courage, and He equips them to stand and fight ”

The final chapter (chapter 12) is titled “Equipped for Living in the Last Days.” Thousands of years ago, God told Joshua before he led God’s people into the Promised Land, “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you I will not leave your or forsake you” (see Joshua 1:5) God is with those whose faith is in the Lord Hibbs reminds us that “from God’s perspective, nothing that is happening is unexpected.”

Recommendation: Buy this book! In today’s upside down world with all its craziness, it speaks to the need to read God’s Word for truth and discernment.

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