Gu stav e bau m an n t ho mas H ar t be n ton and ge n e kl oss
The Owings Gallery ON PALACE
w w w. o w i n g s g a l l e r y. c o m 100 East Palace Avenue | Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 505.982.6244 Phone |
29 th Annual Print Exhibition
Three Master Printmakers G ust a v e b a um ann t ho m a s Ha rt b enton and g en e k l o ss
December 27th through January 20th, 2015
This exhibition features three master printmakers whose work we admire and have consistently shown for nearly thirty years. Each of these artists brings a unique vision and process to printmaking, demonstrating the depth of this medium and its limitless capacity for individuality. Focusing our annual print exhibition on three of our favorite artists gives us the opportunity to share a significant body of work by each. It is our hope that, presented collectively, the breadth of their artistic qualities, which have long captured our attention, will be strikingly evident.
I want the finished print to enable the viewer to see the design, the subject matter from across the room, at arm’s length or under a magnifying glass – also upside down for satisfactory abstract design ... Art is life to me. – Gene Kloss 6
gene kloss
(1903-1996) 7
Night Mass - Our Lady of Dolores, Taos, d.1943, drypoint and aquatint, edition of 30, 12 3/4 x 9 5/8 inches Sky Answers Domingo, d.1935, drypoint, aquatint and mezzotint, edition of 30, 14 1/2 x 11 3/8 inches #345 and 316 in Gene Kloss : An American Printmaker A RaisonnĂŠ, 2009 Compiled by A. Eugene Sanchez 8
Processional - New Mexican Church, d.1948, drypoint and aquatint, edition of 50, 10 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches #351 in Gene Kloss : An American Printmaker A RaisonnĂŠ, 2009 Compiled by A. Eugene Sanchez 10
Penitente Fires, d.1939, drypoint and aquatint, edition of 50, 11 5/8 x 14 1/2 inches #359 in Gene Kloss : An American Printmaker A RaisonnĂŠ, 2009 Compiled by A. Eugene Sanchez
Rugged Land, d.1934, drypoint and aquatint, edition of 30, 11 3/8 x 14 3/8 inches #307 in Gene Kloss : An American Printmaker A RaisonnĂŠ, 2009 Compiled by A. Eugene Sanchez
Taos in Winter, d.1948, drypoint and aquatint, edition of 50, 10 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches #301 in Gene Kloss : An American Printmaker A RaisonnĂŠ, 2009 Compiled by A. Eugene Sanchez
Between 1918 and 1922 Baumann’s talent and skill came to full flower: the brilliant simplicity and subtelty of color in the surrounding landscape inspired him to become an innnovator and an acknowledged master of his art ... The hot, clear sunlight, the forested mountains, the dancing Indians, the lilacs of Spring and the October aspens were, in a sense, first perceived by him. – J.B. Jackson, Gustave Baumann Centennial
gustave baumann
(1881-1971) 15
Desert, #24/100, color woodblock print, 6 1/2 x 7 1/2 inches 16
Old Santa Fe, #53/100, color woodblock print, 6 5/8 x 7 1/2 inches 17
April, #107/120, color woodblock print, 14 x 13 1/4 inches Aspen Pool, #55, color woodblock print, 10 5/8 x 11 3/4 inches (opposite page) 18
Arroyo Chamisa, #56/125, color woodblock print, 10 1/2 x 11 5/8 inches Valle Grande, #12/125, color woodblock print, 13 5/8 x 13 1/8 inches (opposite page) 21
Atalaya Peak, #59/125, color woodblock print 10 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches
Talaya Peak, #40/120, color woodblock print 10 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches
Spring, New Mexico, #8/100, color woodblock print, 10 1/8 x 11 3/4 inches La Loma Taos, #34/100, color woodblock print, 10 1/2 x 11 1/2 inches (opposite page) 24
San Geronimo, #39/125, color woodblock print, 8 1/8 x 6 3/8 inches 26
Night of the Fiesta, Taos, #68/125, color woodblock print, 7 1/8 x 8 1/4 inches 27
Beginning of the Fiesta, #54/125, color woodblock print, 8 1/2 x 7 inches Chile con Cabra, #13/100, 6 x 7 5/8 inches, color woodblock print, (opposite page) 28
San Domingo Pueblo, #47/125, color woodblock print, 8 1/2 x 7 inches
Big Timber, Upper Pecos, #26/120, color woodblock print, 10 x 11 3/4 inches Morning Sun, #75/125, color woodblock print, 11 5/8 x 10 inches (opposite page) 31
From Hillside Gardens, #63/125, color woodblock print, 13 3/4 x 13 3/8 inches Grandma Battin’s Garden, #31/120, color woodblock print, 13 1/2 x 13 3/8 inches (opposite page)
Cedar - Grand Ca単on, #11, color woodblock print, 13 7/8 x 13 1/4 inches 34
Singing Trees, #4/120, color woodblock print, 14 1/8 x 13 5/8 inches
Marigolds, color woodblock print, 10 3/8 x 9 1/2 inches Marigolds, color woodblock print, 21 1/2 x 17 1/4 inches (opposite page)
Sanctuario, #29/125, color woodblock print 8 1/4 x 6 5/8 inches Summer Rain, #24/50, color woodblock print, 10 1/8 x 11 3/8 inches (opposite page) 39
Pine and Aspen, #45/100, color woodblock print, 13 1/2 x 14 inches
Three Pines, #33/100, color woodblock print, 12 1/4 x 10 3/8 inches
El Velorio, #33/125, color woodblock print, 9 1/4 x 8 3/4 inches Taos Placita, #17/125, color woodblock print 10 5/8 x 12 inches (opposite page)
Harden Hollow, d.1914 color woodblock print, 19 3/4 x 26 5/8 inches 45
Malapai, #1/110, color woodblock print, 11 x 13 1/2 inches Aspen Red River, #20/100, color woodblock print, 10 1/8 x 11 1/8 inches (opposite page)
Hopi Corn, #57/125, color woodblock print, 9 x 8 3/4 inches Cholla and Sahuaro, color woodblock print, 13 1/4 x 13 3/8 inches (opposite page)
The lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton have been created out of the wealth of raw material available to the perceptive observer of the panorama of American life. Out of his experience and knowledge Benton has created a series of pictures of the essentially native, American way of life. The aspects of American life and lore portrayed in the lithographs are close to the soil and as American as black-eyed peas and sow belly, corn pone and sixshooter coffee. –Creekmore Fath, The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton
thomas hart benton (1889-1975)
Repairing the Sloop, d.1973, lithograph, edition of 250, 14 5/8 x 18 1/2 inches #88 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
Country Politics, d. 1973, lithograph, edition of 250, 14 3/4 x 17 1/2 inches #89 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
Running Horses, d.1952 lithograph, edition of 100, 13 1/4 x 16 1/2 inches #78 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath 55
Letter from Overseas, d.1943, lithograph, edition of 250, 10 1/2 x 13 5/8 inches #59 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
Night Firing, d.1943, lithograph, edition of 250, 9 1/2 x 14 inches #57 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
The Race, d.1942 lithograph, edition of 250 8 7/8 x 13 1/4 inches #56 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath 58
Wyoming Autumn, d.1974 lithograph, edition of 250 17 3/4 x 23 3/4 inches #91 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath 61
White Calf, d.1945, lithograph, edition of 250, 10 3/8 x 13 inches #67 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
Gateside Conversation, d.1946, lithograph, edition of 250, 10 1/2 x 14 1/2 inches #69 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
Island Hay, d.1945, oil on tin, 5 1/4 x 6 3/4 inches 64
Island Hay, d.1945, lithograph, edition of 250, 10 x 12 5/8 inches #68 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
Jesse and Jake, d.1942, lithograph, edition of 250, 13 1/4 x 10 inches #55 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
Prodigal Son, d.1939, lithograph, edition of 250, 10 5/8 x 13 5/8 inches #29 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton, compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
The Corral, d.1948, lithograph, edition of 250, 10 1/4 x 14 3/8 inches #71 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath 68
A Drink of Water, d.1937, lithograph, edition of 250, 10 1/4 x 14 inches #15 in The Lithographs of Thomas Hart Benton compiled and edited by Creekmore Fath
This catalogue was published to accompany the exhibition: Three Master Printmakers Gusta ve ba u m a n n thoma s Hart b en t on and gene k los s
December 27th through January 20th, 2015 The Owings Gallery ON PALACE 100 East Palace Avenue, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Telephone: 505.982.6244 Fax: 505.983.4215 Web: Email: Publication Š 2014 The Owings Gallery All rights reserved. No part of this catalogue may be reproduced without the written permission of The Owings Gallery Catalogue Design: Laura C. Widmar, Santa Fe, New Mexico Photography: James Hart, Santa Fe, New Mexico On the Cover: Thomas Hart Benton (1889-1975) Running Horses, d.1952, lithograph 13 1/4 x 16 1/2 inches (detail) Frontispiece: Gene Kloss (1903-1996) Night Mass - Our Lady of Dolores, Taos, d.1943, drypoint and aquatint, edition of 30, 12 3/4 x 9 5/8 inches (detail) Introduction: Gustave Baumann (1881-1971) Winter Corral, d.1961, color woodblock print 13 3/4 x 13 1/4 inches and Thomas Hart Benton (1889-1975) Repairing the Sloop, d.1973, lithograph, edition of 250, 14 5/8 x 18 1/2 inches 3200 copies
The Owings Gallery Santa Fe, New Mexico