5 minute read
The Making of Peace
of Peace
by Rachel Mann, PhD
Imagine for a moment in the 20th and 21st centuries there has been a critical mass of leaders of nations who are enlightened peacemakers. Not in the conventional understanding of the geopolitical but of the spiritual. In the parlance of Mahatma Gandhi, they tap into the power of soul force (satyagraha) that enables them collectively to confront and disarm even the most hardened autocrat.
What would be the outcomes? Would two World Wars have been averted? Would there be no nuclear weapons? Would genocide and other wars have never happened? Let’s consider a radically different reality anchored in sacred activism for peacemaking that taps into the Great Heart of soul force.
Gandhi states that the courage and strength to face down evil through nonviolent means, even at the risk of harm to oneself, comes from God. By surrendering to God, he says, we discover Truth. If we widen the language of this monotheistic, religious lens; Gandhi tells us that we can experience soul force as a vital and eternal vibrational frequency of love within, through, and around all of creation. When the inner and outer portals of consciousness open to our innate, visceral, and mystical remembrance of this life-creating, abundant energy, we see all things through the eyes of the Great Heart. A potent transformational, healing energy then arises.
Further, this Great Heart is the radiant bridge between our physical incarnation to our soul and spirit. At this level, we know ourselves as fundamentally indestructible and we recognize the greater purpose within an all arising experience. It is a natural imprint within all human beings. Though forgotten by some, it can be reactivated in them when in its presence.
The lesson is that when we are anchored into soul force while negotiating with others to turn back the will to warmongering, we have the power to penetrate the deepest darkness of fear. Fear is at the root of all attacks on another’s sovereignty, whether an individual or group.
Soul force also allows us to tap into new and creative solutions that might otherwise have been invisible. Violence and war burn a tremendous amount of creative energy, as does fear. When we are afraid, we are stressed. When we are stressed, our ability to access the unlimited potential within us and throughout creation is truncated. Our spiritual, energetic, mental, and emotional bandwidths are narrowed. We are thus more apt to act out of old conditioning and the psychological patterning arising from unhealed personal and ancestral traumas. We are blind to emergent, creative possibilities, and more peaceenabling choices and actions.
It is no accident that over the past century, pandemics, war, and increasing authoritarianism have intensified even as the wisdom of ancient spiritual lineages once hidden has been revealed to the world. When great light shines into shadow, a healing crisis is triggered. As chaos seems to be increasing, millions of people are reaching for meditation, prayer, and ceremony to create both inner and outer peace. As we seek to heal ourselves, we are healing our families, communities, and the planet. This is sacred activism for peacemaking.
Imagine that a critical number of the world’s population have been undertaking this work of sacred activism for peacemaking for the past century or more. They have been, vibrating at this higher consciousness of soul force and acting out of the Great Heart. Enlightened leaders are, as well.
Soul force, when collectively harnessed, has an exponential impact. And because we are all interconnected through this vast matrix of consciousness and lovelight, we do not have to be in the same room or even geographical location as the leaders who are working to heal and ignite the fire of peace in another leader’s heart. An estimate based on studies of how many people regularly practicing meditation is statistically connected to a reduction in violence is 3.5%. This means that if 2.7 billion of the earth’s 7.9 billion souls were consistently engaged in practices to activate the vibrational frequency of soul force and thus,
triggering within others an opening into the Great Heart, there would be a tidal wave shift in the destiny lines of humanity.
With this much vibrational support worldwide, the leaders and people involved in quelling the authoritarian or warmongering aspirations of some individuals or groups would be able to transmute their fear and activate what Gandhi referred to as their moral center. Indeed, he believed that somewhere inside every human being, no matter how confused or even depraved, there is the seed of humanity and the spark of God within. This is what the energetic frequency of the Great Heart seeks to awaken. It is awareness of the greater self and thus activates the presence of soul force—a mystical state of unity mind. Fear abates, minds are changed, and the course of human actions shifts. Even the tiniest adjustment could have a monumental effect.
The implications are profound. None of the wars, genocides, hate movements, and other forms of mass violence we have seen in the past century would have happened— or at least, they would not have escalated to the point they did.
Like, Gandhi, the great peacemaker, let’s keep up the faith and the work of sacred activism for peacemaking so that leaders and ordinary citizens alike; will awaken and activate the Great Heart of soul force. Let’s reach that critical 3.5%. This is what will save us and future generations.
Rachel Mann, PhD is a sacred activist, social scientist, healer, and spiritual mentor. She provides shamanic energy healings, an intensive 1-1 Mentoring Program, and offers courses and retreats supporting passionate individuals with a vision to integrate the wisdom gained through their healing and spiritual study into creative service to others as a healer/ therapist, minister, spiritual teacher, writer, artist, and/or socially conscious and spiritually awake entrepreneur. Through consulting and programs, she also provides businesses, NGOs, and nonprofits wishing to expand and anchor into the sacred values of positive inclusion, compassion, and a renewed, spiritual ethics with consulting and programs. Find out more at rachelmannphd.com.