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What’s a JCR?

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Oxford Glossary

Oxford Glossary

Each college has its own Junior Common Room (JCR) and Medium Common Room (MCR). This can get a little confusing, as the JCR/MCR can refer to the room itself, but also to the student body (undergraduates/postgraduates), or the committee that represents the student body. The purpose of these committees is to be a point of contact between students and the college administration, as well as hosting events, providing welfare support, and more. If you want to shape the future of your college, there are lots of different roles, including JCR President.

IntervIew wIth DanI Yates , Former PresIDent oF worcester college Jcr


How did you get involved with the JCR?

I became very disillusioned with college life through the pandemic in first year and wanted to be part of the voice that would demand change. There was high staff turnover and a risk that college culture and values would be lost due to the pandemic, so I really wanted to set a precedent for the future. I decided to run for President in Trinity of my first year, which involved creating a poster and a manifesto, followed by around 40 challenges and finally a hustings.

Why do you think the JCR is important?

This year, I updated and refined the core aims of the JCR. I think these summarise why it’s important we have a JCR: 1. Representation: to represent the interests of all undergraduates to college authorities. 2. Events: to run events that improve life for college members. 3. Equalities: to actively deter discrimination from being inflicted by or against any member. 4. Outreach: to promote access to the college through outreach to schools and the wider community. 5. Culture: to foster college culture and promote a sense of belonging.

The JCR really holds the college community together. This makes the college system so special because you really don’t have to worry about making friends-you are basically forced to make friends whether you like it or not!

How can freshers get involved with the JCR?

My advice to freshers is to turn up to ALL the events on the freshers timetable and on the term card-the more engaged you are, the more you’ll get out of the JCR. Towards the end of your first year, there will be opportunities to run for roles on the JCR committee. These are super relaxed roles and allow you to have an impact in an area that interests you most. The bonus is that it’s something to put on your CV!

What did you enjoy most about your role as JCR president?

My favourite part was getting involved with Prescom, where you get to meet JCR Presidents from other Oxford colleges. It’s a useful forum to rant, get ideas for your college, or just make new friends.

What would be your top piece of advice for any aspiring JCR Presidents reading this?

Think about your reasons for deciding to run for the role. If it’s just for the CV, that’s not enough and you probably won’t survive the intensity of the role-you need to have deeper motivations for wanting to be JCR President!

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