The Pace Chronicle Volume III, Issue XVI

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Pace Chronicle The








On Feb. 16 at the Pace NYC campus, Pace students and viewers across America were invited to tune into Bravo TV’s Inside the Actor’s Studio in a tell-all interview of the How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) cast. The sit-com’s narrator and protagonist, Ted Mosby, recalls the series of events that led him to meeting the mother of his children and includes the challenges that he and his group of friends are faced with while living in Manhattan. Since its airing in 2005, HIMYM has been nominated 28 times for an Emmy (winning 9) and twice for a Golden Globe. Competition for a ticket PHOTO FROM PACE.EDU Haaaaave you met Ted? How I Met Youir Mother capped the series with James Lipton and Inside The Actor’s Studio.


RAAP Weekend and the True Confessions of an RA TAYLOR LONGENBERGER NEWS EDITOR

Resident Assistants applied for positions for next year and underwent Resident Assistant Application Process (RAAP) weekend; some of them reveal the true stories of what it is like to be an RA. For this year’s RAAP weekend there were 50 new female applicants and 15 new male applicants. This is a very low number for the amount of male students that applied as opposed to previous years. Also, more than half of the existing 37 Resident Assistants (RA’s) re-applied for positions in the 2014-2015 year. This is almost 10 percent of the overall population that applied to become an RA. The lower new male applicant numbers also creates a greater need for males




from the returning pool. An RA, as the job description says, is required to maintain a safe and happy residential environment. Each RA is required to sit on duty a certain number of times per semester, depending on the staff, and create seven programs that are geared toward their residents. As part of the job requirement and part of the necessary requirement to re-apply, all current RA’s help facilitate RAAP weekend. They participate in group process as well as interviews of the new RA’s. “[President’s Day Weekend] is a long weekend and after having so much to do we want [the applicants] to have that Monday to relax and so they don’t worry about class,” Resident Director of North Hall Jen Crespo said. RAPP weekend is always held

on President’s Day Weekend. This year the weekend began on Fri. Feb. 14 with a basic introduction day. A welcome speech and Icebreaker events were conducted. The first day was a brief meeting that only lasted a few hours but the applicants were put into groups and were able to meet the current RA’s, Resident Directors (RD’s), and Area Directors (AD’s). Upon the conclusion of Friday’s event, applicants were given a homework assignment to bring to the next day’s events. This year, the assignment was to create an “inside- out bag” (A bag that on the outside shows the qualities of the person on the outside or that everyone sees and on the inside show the qualities that the person truly has on the inside), and to create a program that is designed for a certain

group of residents. On Saturday, the applicants and current RA’s started their day at 8:30 a.m. They were all placed in groups of roughly 10 to 15 people. The groups went through different scenarios, as well as evaluations of the applicants. On Sunday, the final day of RAAP weekend, there were scheduled interviews with an applicant and a current RA or RD, lasting roughly 45 minutes. “I look for people that work well with others and would work well with the staff type that I choose,” Area Director of the Pleasantville Campus, Matt Landau said. “A good staff is one that is able to work together and not have conflict. I also look for people that are hardworking and want to add to the group.” For some RD’s, the passion

that is involved with Pace is a strong quality that is of great importance to them. “I think that college is what you make it and so many of the people that go to Pace have such a negative attitude toward the university as a whole,” Crespo said. “I look for someone that has Pace pride and really loves going to Pace. I also want someone that is very energetic, has good time management skills, is flexible, and has a positive outlook on most things.” One of the topics discussed during the interview of a RA that is re-applying for the job is whether they are “burned-out”. It is understood that those being hired as a first year RA are less CONTINUED ON PAGE 10




Health Page 7


From drug usage to rumored deportation, Bieber seems to be on a downward spiral. Will he fall with the rest of Hollywood’s stars of scandal? Does it even matter? Pace students dish.

You’ve come to know it as a kind, forgiving friend on sleepless mornings--but is coffee the kind of friend you should ditch? Our Health Editor weighs the benefits and drawbacks of this caffeinated crutch.

The Pace Chronicle proudly introduces “A Universal University,” a column dedicated to exploring the beliefs, and lack thereof, of students on campus, and how they affect the Pace community.

Entertainment Page 8

Opinion Page 5


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The Pace Chronicle 861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Phone: (914) 773-3401

RAAP Weekend and the True Confessions of an RA CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE



















likely to be “burned-out.” They are a new and fresh mind to the job. Those that are a second, third, or fourth year RA have the potential to care-less about the job and more easily let things slide. “Returners are rehired based on their performance as an RA the previous year. If we see drive and motivation in the first year, we hope to continue to see that each year. Most RA’s apply for the job because of the compensation, but you really have to do it because you love it,” Crespo said. “Everyone gets burned outit matters most that an RA is still hardworking when applying for a second or third time.” Some of the RA’s that are second, third or fourth year RA’s disagree, thinking that experience may be a better thing to have. “I think that ResLife is so backwards in thinking when it comes to hiring RA’s. People that have been around the block and know how things work should have a greater chance of being hired,” a RA that would like to remain anonymous said. “They’re the ones that’ll know what to look for, know how to do a write-up, know how to handle situations, and know how to help the people that are new at the job. It is screwed up to me that experience is seen as a threat.” Following RAAP weekend there is still much of the process that still occurs in choosing the new RA’s to fill the 37 RA positions and the roughly 7-15 alternate positions. All of residential life meets in order to choose the RA’s for the next year. The RD’s have the most influence in who will be chosen for each building, with the necessary qualities of the RA being heavily determined by the type of residents. For example,

residents that live in Hillside House or Valley are typically freshman and would require a different type of RA than one that would be chosen to live in the Townhouses that typically house upperclassman. In the end though the Director and Associate Directors have the final say. RA’s provide a medium between the student resident and the larger authority figures of Resident Director (RD) or Area Director (AD), but this job may come at a cost that those applying may not be aware of. Manyof the RA’s interviewed chose to remain anonymous due to the fear of backlash that may be caused by speaking the truth. “The [RA] position is a great leadership position however, what you do not learn in the application process is that there is no consistency between RDs, so if your RD hates you …or just sucks …or plays favoritism, be prepared to have the worse year of your life,” one of the RA’s said. “There have been so many RA’s that have fallen victims to this oppression, but this is also the side of ResLife that no one else sees. So good luck to next year’s RA’s, they are going to need it.” However, other RA’s contend that the job comes with many positive aspects as well. “The RA position is a great position to hold for an individual who is motivated to do the job for non-financial reasons. The job provides a great deal of personal and professional growth,” a different RA that would like to remain anonymous said. “In all actuality, the position prepares you for the real world.” The anonymous RA brings up the reasons why RA’s take the position in the first place. Some become an RA due financial reasons and look forward to the compensation to help pay for housing expenses. This brings

up the matter of whether the compensation is enough for what the RA is putting out. Some RA’s would say that it is not. “The financial compensation is definitely no longer worth it, in my opinion. Residential life has consistently decreased the amount of Tuition Remission RA’s get. This coming academic year they may not give any tuition remission and only give RA’s a housing waiver and a meal plan waiver.” a third anonymous RA said. “Personally, I’m not sure why the perks continue to decrease when the job responsibilities remain relatively the same. With the master plan and all of the changes going on oncampus, I think RA’s should be granted more TR and additional perks.” Some people, yet fewer by far, take the RA position looking for new opportunities, ways to improve themselves, and a sense of making a difference. There are also students that apply for the position with hopes of gaining both, the compensation and an experience that will benefit themselves, but not all look at both sides of thinking. “We will all have to work in teams at some point, work with difficult people at some point, be put in difficult situations that we will have to handle, and many of us will put a lot of work into our jobs in the real world have little appreciation for it, similar to how many residents don’t appreciate the things that RA’s do in the residence halls for them; that being said, not all residents are like this,” a fourth anonymous RA said. In terms of what the position entails, many see that there is stress associated with the RA job, but if one takes the time to ask an RA what it is really like, one may find an entirely different story.

The Pace Chronicle is published by Trumbull Printing: (203) 261-2548

Written and edited by the students of Pace University, The Pace Chronicle is published weekly during the academic year. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of administration, faculty and The Pace Chronicle staff. The Pace Chronicle encourages responses to the opinions expressed herein, and welcomes letters and comments. The Pace Chronicle cannot guarantee publication of letters to the editor or unsolicited manuscripts, and reserves the right to edit or comment editorially on them. Appearance of an advertisement in The Pace Chronicle does not imply endorsements by the members of the editorial board, the advisor, or Pace University of the products or services offered. All photos and copyrights reserved unless otherwise indicated. Subscription and advertising rates available upon request.

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Carpe Diem Travel Abroad An inside look at studying abroad; from education overseas to off-campus and anything in between


Thousands of students around the world have participated in international education and exploration through Study Abroad. This program enables students to travel to countries like Colombia, Ireland, Thailand, Morocco, Greece, Ghana, Australia, India, Uganda, Brazil and Bangladesh. Study Abroad encompasses both the academic year and semester long stays, domestic, offcampus study, overseas student exchange, service learning and teaching programs. Additional opportunities offered include eLearning, internships, independent-study, intensive language and faculty-led programs as well. Students from all three Pace campuses will be participating in ten faculty-led travel courses this spring and summer. Education majors will gain teaching experience in elementary and middle school classrooms in Trinidad and Tobago, while other students will compare Ireland’s criminal justice system to other international criminal justice systems. Travel Courses archived as far back as Fall 2010 have taken place in India, London and Brussels. Faculty members are obligated to submit a course proposal to the Faculty-Led Travel Course Department where it is reviewed and approved. Courses can last anywhere between one to three weeks and vary in price. Currently there are no scholarships available for this type of study-abroad experience. Pace tuition goes towards the pro-

gram while students pay for the international education component. Honors College students, who are incoming freshman, are eligible for a thousand dollars toward a travel course or semester abroad. For those interested in studying abroad, there are several courses of action available. One begins the search by completing thorough research of one’s program of interest, break down of all the costs while determining whether the course fulfills any academic requirements. Research the college or university involved with the program and courses that are offered there, as well as the country itself. One can make the Study Abroad process fun by listening to music from the respected country, research a popular sport or food blogs, search for a documentary that highlights a political, social or economic issue or create an Art Journal to fill while away. The Financial Aid Office is open for discussion in regards to payment methods and possible scholarships. “You want to be able to get an overall experience which includes going abroad,” International Programs and Services Coordinator Rosaceli Ortega said. “We are in a global economy. In order to compete we have to know about other cultures, how the market works in other cultures and just be a part of the world. Plus it’s an amazing experience; it truly is a life changing experience. I hear that from students all the time.” Ortega is located in Room 213 of the Kessel Student Center.

PHOTOS FROM PACE.EDU These before and after pictures show the intended plans for Kessel.

Master Plan Renovation Affects Kessel Student Center TAYLOR LONGENBERGER NEWS EDITOR

The Kessel Student Center will be under renovation in the coming year due to the Master Plan. Due to the renovation of the Master Plan, parts of Kessel will be closed in the 2014-2015 school year. The plans at this point have not yet been released as to what the exact situation will be.

The sustainability design does point out that the construction team has plans to improve the environmental impact of Kessel. According to the sustainability design, “The Kessel Student Center, while not a new building, will incorporate sustainable strategies where appropriate in the spirit of the entire Phase 1A project. This phase of the work in Kessel will not be submitted to the USGBC (US Green Building Council), rather, this will be explored in a future design and

construction phase when a more comprehensive look at the building occurs.” It is possible through the renovations that event space in Kessel will be limited and programs and events will be urged to be relocated. The construction team will release more information regarding the details of the Kessel Student Center in the coming weeks. The conditions for students in the coming year are still yet to be determined.

Relay For Life Kicks Off With Awareness Dinner OLIVIA ZUCKER


A celebration of life and an effort to spread cancer awareness took place this Saturday night at Pace University’s Relay for Life kickoff. The event was held to raise money for Relay for Life, an organization that supports and fundraises for the American Cancer Society. Christian Ruiz, a Pace University junior, was the driving force behind organizing the event. Ruiz had a close, personal

experience with cancer when his stepfather passed away in February 2012. In honor of his stepfather’s passing, Ruiz organized a Relay for Life event to pay homage to him and to others who have been affected by cancer. This year’s event was the second annual Relay for Life event that Ruiz helped organize, along with help from his family, friends, and volunteers. “This is really about raising awareness about cancer and how to detect it early, and letting people know the best ways they can treat themselves,” Ruiz said.

The event started off with a catered dinner served by Ruiz’s family and friends, followed by a presentation focusing on cancer awareness and how to detect early signs of cancer. There were also informational materials and pamphlets available focusing on how to detect cancer in its early stages, and what to do if someone you know has been affected by cancer. The presentation was followed by a night of dancing and socializing, celebrating life and honoring those who have passed. Approximately 50 Pace University students attended the

event, opening both their hearts and their wallets to show their support. GaryAnn Leslie, Ruiz’s girlfriend, believes that every act of support, no matter how small, can help make a positive change. “People usually donate around five dollars each, but any amount you give can help,” said Leslie. Ruiz estimated that the first Relay for Life event he held in 2013 helped raise between two and five thousand dollars for the American Cancer Society, putting his team in second place among the University’s Relay for Life

teams. “We raised a few thousand dollars just from small donations and an event just like this one, so who knows how much we’ll raise this year,” said Ruiz. Relay for Life funds cancer research along with programs to improve the quality of life of people who are currently going through cancer treatment as well as cancer survivors. Approximately 4 million people raise both money and awareness every year through Relay for Life programs.

For event coverage, e-mail Editor in Chief Jonathan Alvarez or go to

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AXE & ΔΦE present

MS Benefit Dinner Saturday February 22 7:00 pm Gottesman

For more information: Andrew Linthwaite

$5 cover charge All proceeds benefit MS

Entertainment, food, and refreshments provided

Steve Druan sd22189p


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A Universal University

Upcoming Events

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MS Benefit Dinner


Saturday, February 22

Ice Skating Trip

Saturday February, 22

Washington, D.C. Trip Friday, February 28Sunday, March 2

Bounce on It!

Saturday, March 1

Omega Phi Beta Gala Saturday, March 1

Toms Shoes: Style Your Sole

CLASSIFIEDS: Feature Editor The Pace Chronicle is currently looking for a new Feature Editor. If interested, please contact Jonathan Alvarez. Writing sample and resume recommended.

Peer Leader Applicants Monday, March 31 Due to inclement weather, the Peer Leader application deadline has been extended until Friday, February 21 at 5 PM. Eligible students should fill out the application comFor more information, go to: pletely including the essay, presentation date preference, and presentation topic. Contact Brendan Halligan with any questions:

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Religion is a universal concept, even for those of us who consider ourselves nonbelievers. I say this because even nonbelievers are surrounded by the influence of religious structures, literature, and history. Beyond this, nonbelievers cooperate with people of faith on a daily basis. Religion, and the lack thereof, has the ability to shape peoples’ thoughts, lifestyles, and ways of interacting with others. To make the claim that it is unimportant, irrelevant, or pointless is to ignore its place in culture, in contemporary society, and its influence over people. On college campuses, it is not uncommon to find students who feel like religion is irrelevant, like it does not pertain to their everyday or to the culture of their campus. However, I would say this is wholly inaccurate, particularly here at Pace. The mission of Pace University, according to its website, includes, “Our objective is to create thinking professionals who are highly sought after as innovators and successful leaders, and who will positively impact twenty-first century society.” One cannot hope to positively impact twenty-first century society without understanding the inherent importance of religion and spirituality within. It amazes and disturbs me when I hear peers employ religious slander in passing conversation, when students mock the religious convictions of others, and when people claim they are completely different because of the religions they do, or do not, believe in. On our secluded campus, we have a diverse array of beliefs and traditions. Student organizations such as the Muslim Student Association as well as CRU are just a small example of organizations with religious affiliation on our campus. In addition to existing student organizations, Pace has a small, yet strong, department for Philosophy and Religious Studies, whose webpage states, “In the uncertain world in which we live, it is more important than ever to understand the beliefs of others. By finding out how others think and reason, the world in which we live can become more meaningful and the distance between cultures and belief systems could be narrowed.” This is what I hope to accomplish with this column, for the distance between cultures and belief systems on our campus to be narrowed. Through my learning and investigating of religious and spiritual traditions amongst us here at Pace, I hope to share the insight of peers and faculty with additional peers and faculty. Hopefully, you’ll join me next week to read what I have discovered and to help bridge the gap between cultures on our global, multicultural campus.


The Pace Chronicle


Among Other Things Post-Valentine’s Day Thoughts

College is about finding ourselves, and learning from any and all experiences. Here, I’ll examine the implications behind anything and everything- from classes to relationships, from Twitter selfies to self-realizations… among other things.


I never really thought about Valentine’s Day before. It was always just another day, and I became accustomed to simply forgetting about it. Not even heartshaped chocolates on the 14th of February would make me think about Valentine’s Day, although this may just be because my dad likes to stash chocolates around the kitchen year-round. But, like many female young adults, I grew to have problems with the idea of Valentine’s Day, no matter what my relationship status is like (it has usually been ‘single.’) Valentine’s Day is a day of immense pressure and a day of decisions. Some girls who usually don’t appreciate super cheesy heart balloons or bouquets of flowers might try their very hardest to go against the frivolities and commercialist tendencies of the fourteenth. However, despite their pleas to significant others to ignore the ‘I love you’ teddy bears in CVS and the idea of rose-petal laden beds, some of these very same anticommercialism girls might find themselves disappointed that their lovers actually listened to them and came home with nothing, not even a card. Many girls might, in the back of their mind, hope that their boyfriend or “guy they’re seeing” will succumb to their love for them and/or to the pressures of society. These girls secretly hope for a teddy bear or a balloon, or even just a card- any small gesture to show that the day is not completely forgotten and that they are special to their boyfriends/significant others/guy they are kind of -sort of unofficially dating. It is difficult to ignore a day when men are societally expected to show their love with extra-romantic drug-store candy gestures, even when one argues that love and appreciation for one another should be shown every day. I thought I would be one of those girls who would grow up to shun commercialist tendencies of Valentine’s Day and wait for the chocolate to go on sale the day after. Being very independent, and very much in an all-girls Catholic High school where there weren’t many cute boys to gawk at, I was usually single on Valentines Day.

There have been times when I had the option to have a valentine, but in the past I did not take them, choosing instead to continually forget that Valentine’s Day even existed. But this year was just a little bit different. I had a valentine. I had a valentine who took me to different places in New York City, bought me an eight dollar Belgian waffle, and gave me a bunch of frozen snickers bars at the end of the night instead of a heart-shaped box of chocolate. The whole ordeal was a little bit sappy and a little bit cheesy and I enjoyed it very much. Even so, I somehow still had trouble acknowledging that it was Valentine’s Day. This trouble was unintentional. I still couldn’t escape my former tendencies of forgetting what day it was. At one point in the night, I looked up at the Empire State Building and asked why it was lit up pink. “Is it for breast cancer awareness? But wait, that’s not this month….” A few moments later I realized that it was indeed Valentine’s Day, I was in the city with a boy who had just a few hours prior asked me to be his valentine, and here I was still wondering why the Empire State Building was pink. It was just a Friday in my mind; I had apparently trained myself far too well in high school to ignore all signs of Valentine’s Day. I never was and never will be one of those people who watches sappy movies, cries, and eat take-out alone in an apartment just because it is a day of heartfilled commercialism. That being said, I have a new appreciation for the day as a day that has the potential to be filled with frozen snickers bars, really good waffles, and really good friends—no matter what state my love life is in. If I’m lucky, the day will also be filled with someone who will take me out, acknowledge the existence of February 14 with me, and remind me why it persists as a holiday, even among the skeptical and those who dislike the commercialism and pressure of the day---in other words, if I’m lucky, I’ll have a valentine. But if I’m not so lucky, I still have learned that it is ok to acknowledge the existence of Valentine’s Day and make the most of it, taking it as an excuse to eat chocolate with good friends.


Some students may argue that buying textbooks or splurging on a concert feels like burning money.

Students Struggle to Save Money SARA MORIARTY OPINION EDITOR

Money. College students often find it difficult to come by and difficult to save; they are notoriously broke. Jobs on campus often pay minimum wage, which is better than nothing, but still may leave some students low on funds to go out or take an impromptu trip anywhere off campus. Often, students are stressed about money because they have to take out student loans, and some may already be anticipating debt when they graduate. Christmas and birthday money frequently goes toward textbooks instead of shopping with friends. Some students forego purchasing required textbooks because of the prices. “Well, most of my money goes toward concerts,” sophomore nursing student Jennifer Robertson said. “But I feel as if I’m constantly spending my whole paycheck, even though that’s not true. It’s easier to save meal card money.” Robertson indeed has a lot of roll over on her meal plan, and she is not the only student who feels like she’s spending too much money on a few nights out. The meal plan system at Pace should be easier and more customizable to each students needs to avoid massive amounts of rollover for certain students and to allow for other students to have funds that will last them all semester. Some students waste money this way, while others run out and are forced to spend from their personal savings account or go hungry. Robertson’s on-campus work study job pays 25 cents over minimum wage. “When I’m here (in residence halls on campus), I save money due to staying on campus more. I don’t really feel guilty about

splurging on concerts themselves,” Robertson said. “The guilt comes from paying transportation in addition to the ticket. A concert ticket for $30 automatically becomes over $50 because I need to get into Manhattan from the Pleasantville station to Grand Central. Not a ‘treat yo self’ moment.” Just one trip to New York City from Pleasantville by Metro North costs nearly $20. By the time you get to the city, a slice of pizza and soda ranges from two dollars to about seven dollars, and then there’s the concert ticket or the nightclub charge. One night out with friends can easily add up to over $100, a sum that many students may not readily have. Textbooks pose another issue entirely. Those who are lucky might spend less than $100 on books and supplies, but then there are the students who have no choice but to spend upwards of $500 every semester. “What really bothers me is that the bookstore shouldn’t be so expensive,” senior communications major Raven Rafiq said about the Pace University Bookstore. “I’m not just talking about textbooks, either. Planners, notebooks, packs of highlighters, index cards, it’s way overpriced.” Every time a new semester rolls around, social media newsfeeds are filled with complaints and jokes about how expensive textbooks are; one example is the caption of “this is what buying textbooks feels like” under a picture of burning money. “We pay enough for Pace, and every year tuition is going to keep going up,” Rafiq continued. “But if you notice, Chegg books also have gotten more expensive, probably because more people know about it now. It won’t be long before students start looking for another, cheaper website to rent books.”

Scrolling through tweets about textbooks or talking to anyone on campus will go to show that textbooks aren’t used enough to make the price worthwhile. This does not go for everyone, but many students feel that buying required books aren’t worth their money. Some students buy the textbook just to be able to write a research paper at the end of the semester, while others decide to save their money and try their luck at going through the semester without any book. Either way, money remains a main issue. Undoubtedly, more students would purchase, and therefore use, textbooks if they were cheaper. Likewise, students would utilize access to New York City more often if trains were cheaper. “It really doesn’t make sense to have a bookstore in Pace if everything is going to be over priced. People could get their books instantly before class started if it wasn’t for the bookstore’s high prices,” Rafiq said. There is the option for free Pace bus transportation to New York City, and there are options to rent textbooks instead of buy them. However, it would be beneficial if students did not need to spend any money on books at all. This is probably a stretch, but a solution for students to save several hundred or even thousands of dollars every semester is to allow for free book access online with any university password. It would be wonderful to be able to spend the money put aside for textbooks on traveling or saving money in order to be able to maintain a non-paid internship. But, no matter what changes or stays the same, college students will probably always remain notoriously broke.


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t s W W

- a modernized compensation for the world in which we are forced to live in. time to stop ignoring racial issues within our youth with our 40 acres and a Macbook sel and see all the same kids sitting comfortably on opposite sides of the cafeteria, it’s Whether it’s the questionable news headlines on Fox News or when we walk into KesWhat is 40 Acres and a MacBook?


The Pace Chronicle


Young, Broke, and Fabulous The Juice Obsession CATHARINE CONWAY


Freshman environmental studies major Haylei Peart, lives a very healthy lifestyle. Doing yoga and pilates twice a week, it was no surprise when she expressed her experience with her past two juice cleanses. According to travelingyogi. com, juicing is the process of extracting liquid from natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, for the purpose of supplying the body with vitamins and minerals. “Juicing is a really cool way to get all of your nutrients really fast,” Peart said. “You can really juice anything, but you need fruits and vegetables that have high water content.” The juicing process is simple. Chopping up the ingredients and putting them in a juicer is all that needs to be done. Leaving the skin on the product is not a problem for certain kinds of juicers; otherwise, peeling the skin before chopping is recommended. “A juice cleanse is drinking nothing but fruits and vegetable juices. It jumpstarts your diet and is a good way to start if you are changing your lifestyle,” Peart said. Peart suggests that easing the body into a juice cleanse is better than going cold turkey. By giving up processed foods and going vegetarian leading up to the cleanse gives the body time to process the change instead of being shocked. “By drinking different kinds of juices multiple times a day, you don’t feel the difference between the juices and regular food,” Peart said. However, a juice cleanse should not last more than five days because then the body is denied certain nutrients and benefits. “To end a juice cleanse, you set your limits on what to eat next, and go gradually into heavier foods. Start with salad and whole fruits and ease your way into meats and carbs, and so on,” Peart said. Interested in a juice cleanse? Go to juicerecipes,com for recipes to kick-start a healthier lifestyle.


The Benefits of Coffee CATHARINE CONWAY


Over the years, researchers have implemented studies to show that coffee does more than just keep you awake with the common caffeine high. The benefits of coffee come twofold: nutritional and physical. On the nutritional front, there are two sides to coffee. Firstly, the calorie count in one cup of coffee varies with its additives. According to, one cup of black coffee contains about two calories. However, when milk and sugar are added, the calorie count can skyrocket into the hundreds margin, turning the simple morning cup of Joe into a calorie counting, fat ridden beverage. The other perk of coffee is the level of antioxidants that it contains. Joe Vinson, Ph.D., leader of a study from the University of Scranton, shed some light on the subject. “Americans get more of their antioxidants from coffee than any other dietary source.” On the physical health front, coffee can help various parts of the body. “Research over the past few years suggests that coffee consumption may protect against type two diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, liver cancer, and liver cirrhosis,” Dr. Rob van Dam, Assistant Professor in the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, said. “Coffee is one of the good,

PHOTO FROM LISTDOSE.COM Coffee has become a part of our everyday wakeup routine, but its benefits go beyond keeping us from falling asleep during our 9 a.m. classes.

healthy beverage choices.” Too much coffee, however, can leave an unsatisfied outcome. “If you’re drinking too much coffee that you get tremors, have sleeping problems, or feel stressed and uncomfortable, then obviously you’re drinking too much coffee,” Dr. van Dam said. According to researchers at the University of Oklahoma, “caffeine can cause anxiety symptoms…especially those with pre-existing anxiety disorders. Caffeine use is also associated with symptoms of depression.”

A new United States study provides evidence that coffee could help short-term memory. “Volunteers took part in a double-blind trial in which they were either given a 200 milligram caffeine pill or dummy placebo tablet five minutes after studying a series of images,” Chloe Glover said. “Tests a day later prove that the memory of those who took caffeine had been significantly enhanced.” “The amount of caffeine used was roughly equivalent to a double shot of strong espresso coffee,” Glover said. In conclusion, coffee has

Smoothie of the week:

many different qualities based on consumption. Too much coffee can provide one with unnecessary anxiety and stress that can affect sleep and mood. Also, the calories count on a cup of coffee packed with milk and sugar can spike unwanted results. On the other hand, coffee can aid in antioxidant levels, organ function, and memory loss. Still suffering from caffeine high? Drink at least 32 ounces of water to begin flushing it out of the system. Then eating foods that are high in vitamin C will help fight against the lingering effects of caffeine.



Strawberry Banana

Ingredients: -1 ¼ cup fresh strawberries; diced (frozen strawberries may be used) -2 ripe bananas, sliced (for extra thickness use frozen bananas) -¾ cup milk or substitute soy, rice, almond or coconut milk -½ cup ice cubes -Sprigs of mint

Directions: 1. Prepare strawberries wash thoroughly and dice into pieces 2. Cut bananas (fresh or frozen) into 1 inch slices 3. Place strawberries and bananas into a blender. Note: Reserve a few strawberries for garnish 4. Add ice cubes and choice of milk 5. Mix ingredients on low until well blended. If needed, stop the blender and stir mixture away from the sides and near the blade 6. Serve immediately. Garnish with a sprig of mint and a slice of strawberry. Goes well with cookies, a muffin or a favorite sandwich PHOTO FROM DANTHEMANS.SQUIDOO.COM


The Pace Chronicle


Justin Bieber

This Week at the


A reflection of what’s hot in entertainment from the perspective of Pace student’s versus that of one eccentric writer

405 Manville Road, Pleasantville

The Jacob Burns Film Center is a nonprofit cultural arts center dedicated to presenting the best of independent, documentary, and world cinema, promoting 21st century literacy, and making film a vibrant part of the community.

A Great Beauty Journalist Jep Gambardella (Toni Servillo, Il divo and Gomorrah) has charmed his way through the lavish nightlife of Rome. Since the legendary success of his one and only novel, he has been a permanent fixture in the city’s literary and social circles, but when his sixty-fifth birthday coincides with a shock from the past, Jep turns his cutting wit on himself and his contemporaries, and looks past the extravagant parties and cafés to find Rome in all its glory: a timeless landscape of absurd, exquisite beauty. Paolo Sorrentino. 2013. 144 m. NR. France/Italy, Italian/Various languages with subtitles. Janus Films.



We are two months into 2014 and Justin Bieber is already one of the most controversial hot topics of the year. From drugs to eggs, his antics have been making headlines left and right. It started on Jan. 10 when authorities were called to Bieber’s neighbor’s house, who accused him of egging his house. Some students feel that incidences like this shouldn’t matter and they should focus more on positive stories. “It’s not national news when he goes to Guatemala to help build schools and raise over a million dollars for them but he throws an egg and you would think he stabbed someone,” junior media and communications major Brenna Crowe said. This certainly wasn’t the last time we heard about Bieber this year. Less than two weeks after the egg-throwing incident, he was arrested for a DUI in Miami Florida. “I think it’s kind of ridiculous that 19 year old got arrested for a DUI, but these things happen everyday, so I wouldn’t say I’m entirely surprised it happened,” senior marketing major Stephen Druan said. Most people would have called it a day at this point, but Bieber continued with his “debauchery”. Once again, less than two weeks after his DUI, he got into some trouble by allegedly smoking marijuana on an air-

plane after being told multiple times to stop. Fortunately for Bieber there wasn’t any evidence to convict him. These were just the major headliners, which had additional minor controversies in background. His bad boy reputation has been spiraling out of control over the past year or so but this isn’t deterring fans from Beliebing in him. “I’m not saying he wasn’t wrong because he definitely messed up and needs to slow down…I think he’s going to make a lot more mistakes in his life, but he’s surrounded by good people who will try to keep him on track” Crowe added. My Two Cents: First and foremost I’m not a fan of Justin Bieber’s music, it just isn’t my thing. Do I respect him as an artist? Sure. I think anyone who pursues a career of self-expression through the arts deserves just as much respect as everyone else, regardless of an individual’s taste. I’m sort of torn on the whole Bieber debate. When I was Bieber’s age I was doing just as many questionable things as he was only I didn’t have a convoy of people from the media following me, I had a convoy of friends on skateboards. He knows how famous he is and he knows what is going to bring him positive/ negative press, so I definitely feel like if he cares, he’d be at least a little more discreet. Some news outlets are blaming his parents for his acting out, which reveals that those same


Justin Bieber’s latest scandals have caught the attention of many. Pace students dish on the latest teen heart throb to join the ranks of fallen stars.

people were 19 at some point in their lives too, which may come as a shocker, I’m proud them for figuring that mystery out. Every teenager has angst in one form or another; only Bieber’s angst is being put on the cover of every celebrity gossip column. Whenever I would get into a huge argument with my mom I would go for a walk and get some air, come back and

hash out the issue. I get it, he’s a teen celebrity, and unless he goes off to a live at monastery he’s going to be in the media no matter what. I’m a part of the media myself and I don’t agree with the way they treat the kid, have we not learned anything from Madonna, Lindsay Lohan or Britney Spears? Give him some space so he can go for a walk, people.


Paris Belongs to Us Helping to kick off the French New Wave, Cahiers du Cinéma critic-turned-filmmaker Jacques Rivette provided a blueprint that inspired colleagues such as Jean-Luc Godard and François Truffaut (Breathless, The 400 Blows, Band of Outsiders): a charming, artistically free, and invigorating street view of Paris and its lovers, artists, intellectuals, dreamers, and revolutionaries. It’s a film that was made entirely outside of the prevailing consensus of how art (and life) should be approached. Jacques Rivette. 1960. 137 m. NR. France, In French with subtitles. MK2 Films.

was stiff as loyal viewers “suited up” to face the frigid, February weather in hopes of attaining a seat in the heated auditorium. Lines wrapped around the building’s exterior and Pace’s lobby was packed with devoted fans. “We’ve been camping out here since this afternoon,” freshman theater major Maggie Kolmer said. “I don’t care, I will do absolutely anything to be in the same room as Neil Patrick Harris.” Not one seat remained vacant in the audience as Inside the Actor’s Studio host, James Lipton, engaged the cast of primetime television’s HIMYM in a candid

discussion of its history. “It’s amazing where sniffing coke off a stripper’s ass has gotten me,” said Neil Patrick Harris, who plays Ted’s womanizing, best friend. It was at this point that Marshall, Lilly, and the troublesome triangle of Robin, Ted and Barney came to life before the eyes of the Inside the Actor’s Studio audience; the HIMYM gang presented itself one more time. “[James Lipton] asks very interesting and relatable questions,” sophomore communications major Iryna Shirvinski said. “This is my second time coming to one of these. Lipton really gets great conversation going with the actors. It’s fun

because you feel so close to [the panel] by the end of the taping.” Lipton tailored the interview from that of one between actors and a host to a panel of in-character cast members interacting with their viewers. Additionally, Allyson Hannigan and Cobie Smulders, Ted’s best female friend and former girlfriend, fervently shared a kiss to prove the legitimacy of their on and off screen love for each other. The crowd went absolutely… wait for it…wild. The two girls were not the only ones who expressed genuine on and off screen affection. Jason Segal, who plays Marshall Erickson and Lily’s husband, articulated his true feelings about his on-

screen romance. “After nine years of filming, you know, you have to imagine that the chemistry is what kept us going,” Segal said. The emotion of the cast was reflected in the audience throughout the duration of the show. Cast members revealed real-life sentiment as the audience unanimously responded in accordance. The Inside The Actor’s Studio served to cap off the ninth and final season of HIMYM. A spinoff of HIMYM, How I Met Your Dad is in the works and will star actress Greta Gerwig as Ted’s female counterpart.




The Pace Chronicle


Review: Small Works Invitational DEREK KADEMIAN


The Pace Chronicle Senior Goodbyes


The Small Works Invitational opened last Monday at the Choate House Art Gallery. The annual event features high school artists from all over Westchester County. Pieces in the show vary in mediums; some are stories told through photojournalism, collages, paintings and several others. There are many that certainly standout amongst the 187 pieces featured. Some of the best work comes from Edgemont High School located just south of Tarrytown. Olivia Mowrer’s (piece number 178) digital photography piece titled “Living the Super Life” features a girl with black paint over her eyes. There’s a lot of raw emotion in this piece and suggests that even average people can be ‘super’. The use of light really adds a dramatic touch to it as well. Another digital photography shot comes from Lilianna Christie titled “Struggle” (piece 174), also from Edgemont High School. It depicts an old woman attempting to get up the stairs. The beauty behind this photo lies in its mystery and color; between the shrouded woman and the setting that the photo takes place makes the viewer curious as to what the story was behind it. Even though it is a digital photo, the shot could very be easily a printed photo because of the way the color pops. Photographs by Alan Muina titled “Chipped Skin” (piece 88)

and “Self Portrait” (piece 89) by Santiago Rainmondi from Ossining High School reflect similar themes and were beautifully matched together by Professor Kathryn Marohn. The two images display vivid imagery of abuse or neglect. Their darker undertones are unlike any of the other pieces in the show. Stepping away from photography, “Perspective City, Mondrian Style” (piece 49) by Juliana Iral from Lakeland High School pays homage to the great Piet Mondrian who played a vital role in the De Stijil movement, which is one of the pillars of modern art. Similar to Mondrian’s style, Iral uses straight lines and prime colors to develop an aerial view of a city. It’s an awesome piece because it’s a more modern development of Mondrian’s style, that even novice art connoisseur’s can grasp. Adding a touch of surrealism to the show, Temma Pelletier (Walter Panas High School) piece 112)), untitled digital piece displays an eye looking at dozens of suited men in bowler hats. It’s unlike most of the pieces because of its randomness. The piece looked like it could be an updated version of one of Salvador Dahli, seeing that I’m a big fan of his it resonated with me well. A bleak collage by Victoria Navarro titled “Beautiful Regrets” could be described as a personal piece or a commentary on life. At times it looks like she could be talking about the 1950’s because some of the images date back to then. But then again it could also be about her personal


A glimpse of Choate House Art Gallery’s latest exhibit

regrets. I thought some of the placement she decided to go with was clever and humorous. One of my favorite parts of the show was seeing how some of the most iconic modern artists

influenced these teens. Overall the Small Works Invitational was successful in bringing in some of Westchester’s best artistic talent. Reviewing their work reassured me that there is still plenty of un-

discovered talent out there. The Small Works Invitational will run until March 26th in the Choate House Gallery.




The Pace Chronicle


Saturday Recap: Swimming And Diving At Met Championships; Basketball Loses Doubleheader


The men and women’s basketball teams began their three game road trip on Sat., Feb. 15 as they faced off against the Chargers of New Haven. The men’s team saw their three game win-streak end, as they lost to the Chargers by a score of 75-52, dropping their

record to 6-17. After trailing early on, down 28-11 with about seven minutes remaining in the first half, Pace went on a 7-0 run to cut down the Charger’s lead to 28-18. Pace kept it close throughout the remainder of the last half, but New Haven finished ahead 37-27. New Haven got ahead in the second half, leading 50-38, but Pace was able to cut their

deficit to single digits with Jamaal James scoring six of the next eight points. The Chargers however went off on a 16-0 run shortly after, pulling away for the win. Coming off a win after defeating St. Rose 62-54 on Wed., Feb. 12, the women’s team (518) lost to New Haven by a score of 56-42. Down 6-0 early on in the

game, a triple from junior Jeane Drury topped off a Setters rally to give Pace a 9-8 lead. Both teams took turns holding the lead, but Pace was able to go into half time leading New Haven 25-23. The Setters continued to separate themselves in the second half, with freshman Shanice Allen getting a lay-up to give Pace its biggest lead, 36-29, at the 11:48 mark.

New Haven however rallied in the final few minutes to take the game. The men and women’s swimming and diving teams competed in their final meet of the season at the Metropolitan Championships on Sat., Feb. 15, and Sun., Feb. 16. On Sat., senior Dogus Akay set a men’s swimming school record in the 400-yeard IM, posting a time of 4:09.68, and placing second in the preliminary rounds. Akay finished seventh in the 100-yard backstroke finals, posting a time of 52.48. Junior Hannah Oleksak and sophomore Kaitlyn Siriano had a strong showing for the women’s team in the 200-yard freestyle. Oleksak finished with a time of 2:00.93, while Siriano finished one second behind her with a time of 2:01.93. Both teams completed the Metropolitan Finals on Sunday, with the women’s team ending with three placements in the evening finals. Freshman Kaitlyn Fitzgerald placed 18 in the 200-yard backstroke, while posting a time of 2:14.37. Fitzgerald ended up taking off five seconds from her best time during her performance. Siriano and Oleksak also placed in the Top 25, with Siriano placing 20 in the 200-yard breaststroke with her time of 2:16.35, while Oleksak placed 24 in the 100 freestyle with a time of 56.94.

Pace To Benefit From New Sports Facilities NATALIA ALVAREZ PAGAN SPORTS EDITOR

The new sports facilities for Pace are scheduled to begin construction this summer. The plan is to upgrade the multi-purpose field, mainly used by the football and lacrosse teams, with new lighting, seating, and artificial turf, while also improving Finnerty Field (baseball field) with new lighting and turf. The softball field will be entirely redone, giving the team a new and fresh setting. In addition, a new field house will be created, which will be located in the south end of the multipurpose field. It will include weight-rooms, locker rooms, a sports medicine facility, meeting spaces, as well as offices. According to the Pace website, the new facilities are meant to provide student-athletes with the tools “to train and compete at an even higher level.” Not only will the new facilities help current student-athletes, they will also be an incentive for future athletes to come to Pace. “I think it will definitely help

recruiting in the future,” said tight end Luiz Ribeiro, a sophomore majoring in finance. “I think it could convince students to come here and play for our teams. Our facilities are not really at the same level as some of the other school’s, so I think that new and improved facilities will definitely give Pace an advantage.” Senior marketing major ToniAnn Derby believes that the new facilities “will attract new players because they will show that Pace is invested in its athletes. “ “Especially with two new teams [women’s field hockey and lacrosse] being formed at Pace for 2015, the new facilities coming at around the same time definitely show Pace’s commitment to its athletes and sports teams,” Derby said. Enhancing the recruiting efforts will certainly help improve the sports teams at Pace, which in turn could very well help increase school spirit at Pace. Currently there are two campuses, one in Pleasantville and one in Briarcliff, essentially dividing the students into two communities, thus isolating some from the various sporting events that

go on throughout the year, given that various modes of transportation need to be taken in order to get from one campus to another. Unfortunately, a lot of times students do not want to make the trip on the weekends to the Pleasantville campus in order to catch a game, so consolidating two campuses into one is sure to make it easier for students. Having everyone in one area, according to Mark Brown, Director of Athletics at Pace, should

“enhance the campus life, thus promoting a new sense of school spirit.” Derby is one that hopes that the new facilities and consolidation will help increase school spirit at Pace, believing strongly in the idea of students supporting their teams. “Pace students should get out of their dorms and support all the teams,” Derby said. “It’s a lot of fun to go to games with your friends and you also get to meet

new people. Plus, college athletes are doing what they love, and as a community, we should support each other. Win or lose, we are one team.” Sports have become a form of entertainment, and that is something that the new head coach for the Pace Football team understands. “I think that students are very receptive to the idea that it’s not just a game, it’s an event,” head coach Andrew Rondeau said.

PHOTO FROM PACESETTERSATHLETICS.COM A crowd cheers for Pace’s football team at its current sports field, soon to be renovated.


The Pace Chronicle


Setters Sweep Evening Doubleheader, Down St. Rose JAMES MIRANDA FEATURED WRITER

Both the men and women’s basketball teams beat the St. Rose Golden Knights 59-54 and 62-54, respectively, in two close contests on Wed. night at the Goldstein Fitness Center. The men’s team (6-16, 4-12 NE-10) came out of the gate with great offense against the Golden Knights (9-13, 6-9 NE10). However, it was their defense that helped them prevail in the end. In fact, the game ended up being a thriller due to such a

close contest. “This win just helped show us we can play with the better teams in this league, therefore if we continue to play to our potential we should be able to make a push for the playoffs,” senior forward Jamaal James said. James led the charge offensively putting up 16 points, seven rebounds, and had a field goal percentage of 66.7 percent. The Setters led most of the game with the help of seniors Kai Smith and Jaylen Mann collectively shooting 50 percent from downtown. “[We] just started figuring out that our team is a very strong

man-to-man defensive team, which showed over the past couple of wins,” James said. “However, we had some pretty good practices the past couple days and our coaches were able to put together a great scouting report which put us in a great position to win the game tonight.” In the second half, defense was the key to victory, such as when senior guard, Denzel Primus-Devonish had a steal that led to a dunk by James. Another key defensive play was when, with seven seconds left in the game, Smith made a good recovery on a loose-ball that gave pos-

session back to the Setters. “When we were losing we were trying to figure out different defenses that make us the strongest and allow us to compete,” graduate assistant coach Kevin Clark said. “Kennedy (the head coach) does a great job at putting our guys in a position to both be in games and win games. The guys grinded it out with man-toman defense and I think they are starting to take pride in it.” The Setters held a slim 50-49 lead for nearly six minutes. They collected 16 rebounds and three key blocks. The Golden Knights (9-13, 6-9 NE-10) then took a

PHOTO FROM PACESETTERSATHLETICS.COM Jamaal James, who had a double-double with 13 points and 14 rebounds on Sat.’s game against New Haven.

54-50 lead. Primus-Devonish would take control nailing a three-pointer and making four straight free throws to solidify the win. The women’s team (5-17, 4-12 NE-10) had a nice comefrom-behind victory in their game where they took the game against the Golden Knights (914, 4-13 NE-10) in the second half. The Setters came out of the gate stumbling quickly while the Golden Knights went on a 13-4 run to begin the game. Turnovers were a big reason for the Setters first half deficit as they had six and found themselves down 3428 at halftime. Freshman guard Shanice Allen led scoring with 13 points. Junior guards Shanice Maynard and Jeane Drury had 10 and 12 points respectively with Maynard collecting 11 rebounds. Freshman and center, Kirsten Dodge had the highest field goal percentage with 44.4 percent. Entering the second half, the Setters had a back-and-forth contest, as they would eventually take the lead on a three-pointer by junior guard, Margo Hackett. A good foul by Dodge prevented the Golden Knights from getting back into the game. The Setters did not look back as they held on to win. The Setters headed on a three game road trip beginning on Sat., Feb. 15 with a match-up against New Haven, which will be followed by a double header at Southern Connecticut State on Wed., February 19. Both teams finish up the regular season at home on Feb. 25 against Le Moyne Dolphins.

Women’s Basketball #

33 13 21 5 31

# 11 22 24 15 4






























0-2 0-0 3-Jan 0-0 0-0

0-0 0-0 3-Jan 0-0 0-0

0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0

0 1 0 0 0

1 0 3 0 0

1 1 3 0 0

0 0 0 1 0


16 4 17 10 0













Yuni Sher Kirsten Dodge Shanice Allen Shanice Maynard Margo Hackett

Forward Center Guard Guard Guard

Rachel Dortch Loren Kaiser Jeane Drury Alexa Dietrich Lovisa Hagberg

33 25 32 25 38


0-8 13-Apr 14-Mar 11-Jan 12-Jun

0-0 0-0 6-Mar 0-2 7-Apr

2-Feb 0-1 0-0 0-2 4-Feb

4 3 1 1 1

5 8 2 6 1

9 11 3 7 2

3 2 2 1 2

0 0 1 3 0

0 0 1 2 0

0 2 1 0 0

1 0 0 0 0

2 1 0 2 1

1 0 2 1 0

1 4 5 4 1

3 1 1 0 0

2 8 9 2 18 0 0 3 0 0

Men’s Basketball #

10 21 22 1 2 # 12 24 32 4 3


Jonathan Merceus Jamaal James Jaylen Mann Denzel Primus-Devonish Kai Smith

RESERVES Marcus Solomon Nick Jackson Evan Orzolek Chris Frank Ahmad George

















35 36 37 33 32















Guard Guard

8 4 1 4 10

0-2 2-Jan 0-0 0-0 1-Jan

0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0

0-0 1-Jan 0-0 0-0 0-0

0 1 0 0 0

2 0 0 1 1

2 1 0 1 1

1 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

0 1 0 1 1

1 1 0 0 0

0 3 0 0 2













Forward Forward Forward

Center Guard

10-Mar 7-Mar 11-Mar 8-Feb 15-Mar

0-0 0-0 4-Jan 0-3 6-Jan

4-Mar 10-Jul 2-Feb 5-May 0-0

2 5 0 0 2

3 9 2 2 2

5 14 2 2 4

2 0 1 0 1

0 0 0 0 0

2 1 0 0 0

1 0 1 1 0

3 2 1 3 3

9 13 9 9 7

The Pace Chronicle




PHOTO FROM PACESETTERSATHLETICS.COM Pictured above, Kaitlyn Lynch was named the women’s division II swimming athlete of the week.

Setters Finish Fifth At Conference Championships NATALIA ALVAREZ PAGAN SPORTS EDITOR

Last weekend the Setters competed in the NE-10 Conference Championships, coming in fifth place after four days of competition (beginning Thur., Feb. 6 till Sun., Feb. 9). The NE-10 swimming and diving coaches seemed to make the right prediction, picking Pace to finish fifth, with the Setters doing just that, while competing against eight other schools. “The thing about that is that it was by a very narrow margin,” head coach Sean Raffile said. The women’s team finished with 545 points, while fourth place St. Rose finished with 546 points. Bentley finished with 549 points, taking third place. “I wanted for us to finish in third place, but I thought that we swam our best,” Raffile said. “We had some chances to move up in the race, but it was very difficult to take advantage of at times, though I thought the team responded very well.” First place went to Assumption College with 818 points, followed by Southern Connecticut State with 684. The men’s team also finished in fifth place with 364 points, with

Southern Connecticut taking first place with 912. Though swimming and diving are two sports in which athletes can fall into an individual mindset, the Setters were able to go into the competition with a very team-oriented atmosphere, thanks in large part to Raffile. “Our coach did a great job getting us motivated as a team going into NE-10’s,” said Kaitlyn Lynch, who was named the women’s division II swimming athlete of the week, after winning three gold medals at the NE-10 Championships. “He was able to pull up stats and show us exactly where we ranked against other teams and let us know how well we could perform with the right attitude and perseverance. I have never seen us, myself included, so team-oriented going into a meet than this year’s conference meet. It was the best experience for me.” Lynch had a record setting performance, as she broke a six-year record in the 50-yard freestyle with a time of 24.17, earning her one of her three gold medals. That team-mindset Lynch mentioned could be seen in senior swimmer Derek Slayton. Although Slayton is “purely individual” at the beginning of the meet, he always enjoys hearing about

how his teammates performed. “I want to hear ‘I dropped x seconds!’ or ‘I’m this much faster than last year right now!’” Slayton said. “I love it, keeps everyone’s morale up. If someone is going for their best time, you can bet I’ll be there, rooting for them although sometimes I may not show it.” Although fifth place might not have been the finish that Raffile wanted, the performance given by the Setters was one of their best yet, according to Lynch. “I think our team has had its best performance in my four years here,” Lynch said. “We’ve never had that many members place in the A & B finals or had the excitement and motivation to compete. Compared to our previous years, this is a big accomplishment for us. I can only see greater things happening in the future for Pace Swimming and Diving.” Raffile made sure he got the team energized by giving them some motivational talks before the meets. “Since a lot of times we were meeting in the mornings, I really felt like we needed some more energy in order to really be able to place well in the finals, which were at night,” Raffile said. “We really got behind one another and it was really great to see a very team-oriented atmosphere. All the

swimmers and divers were very encouraging, cheering and waving on their teammates throughout the meet.” Slayton saw this year’s performance as “nothing short of inspiring, the true rise of underdogs.” “We had many freshmen who did amazing jobs when stepping up to the plate under pressure,” said Slayton, who placed second in the 100-yard breaststroke on Day three of the Championships, breaking a school record with a time of 56.44. “I could not be more proud of my teammates. Every person in the A relay wants to end their career with records broken and my team gave me that.” Trying to break others’ records can take over some people’s mindset, becoming all some people think about doing. But for Slayton, records don’t mean much; instead he chooses to focus on his own individual development. “It was almost annoying to read sometimes because I didn’t break someone else’s hard earned record,” Slayton said. “I just kept progressing. I wish there were a tremendously fast time posted for the 100 and 200 breast record so that it would have motivated me more. But I think the times that I have posted won’t be broken for at least a few years or so. Throughout the year of course my

main focus was the winner of the 100 and 200 Breast at NE10’s but I wasn’t going to let him get the best of me. Last year, which was my first at Pace, was embarrassing at Championships. The first place winner destroyed the competition with such ease. At least this year I made him work for it.” The NE-10 Conference Championships, according to Raffile, “are the bench mark of the season”. “It’s one meet, one week. It’s the big show where you truly test yourself to see where you are at the end of the season,” Raffile said. The final meet of the season was held this past weekend, Sat., Feb. 15 till Sun., Feb. 16, with the Setters competing in the Metropolitan Championships. A more individualistic type of competition, as opposed to the Conference Championships, which saw a lot of teamwork with the relay competitions, the Metropolitan Championships features a small group of eight to ten swimmers representing Pace. “This is kind of our last chance meet,” Raffile said. “There are really no relays so it’s more about each individual trying to post their best times, so it’s kind of the individual championships.”

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