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Pace Chronicle The





Football Players React to New Off-Season Program CECILIA LEVINE


Pace’s football team is in the process of transitioning into the summer offseason program which constitutes one fourth of the series of changes that new head coach, Andrew Rondeau, has implemented into a 24-week agenda. In mid-March the athletes completed phase one of Rondeau’s new approach to the Pace football program, which had the players up-and-at-em at 7 a.m. for film reviews, coach’s meetings and workouts, followed by a team breakfast in Kessel’s cafeteria. Last winter’s seven-week long strength and conditioning plan, unofficially called “Fit Club,” encouraged players to take ownership of their bodies to achieve a lean body mass and, ultimately, a

greater sense of team unity. As the athletes have started to see physical changes in the gym, according to offensive lineman Terrell Price, Pace’s football team is ready to tackle new obstacles on the field. “After spring break we started learning different plays and going over them on the field,” said Price of football’s spring practices, of which the NCAA allows 15 practices for a 30 day period. “There’s a much higher intensity between the guys at practice this year, and they all are improving and adapting to it well.” Rondeau feels that the winter and spring phases both incorporated a “getting to know you” factor as the coaches are new to Pace’s players. These two phases also served as platforms for play-

Photos provided by Cecilia Levine (Top) Football players Joe Camilleri, Jimmy Myers and Addison Casey take their workouts to the field during phase three of Head Coach Andrew Rondeau’s new approach to the off-season. (Bottom) Junior defensive back Joe Roman spots junior quarterback Brian Beeker during a routine lift. ers to exhibit their dedication and potential to be recognized by the coaches. It is the responsibility of the coaches to encourage and motivate the players, many of whom often don’t recognize their own potential, according to defensive back coach Reggie Garrett, and Price feels that his coaches have been doing just that. “When last season ended a lot of guys were like ‘ugh, it’s going to be the same thing this year and we can’t do anything about it,’” said Price, who said that the team was keen on change even before Rondeau was hired. “[The

new coaches] push a lot of people to the limit because they see their potential to be great - to strive for greatness.” Price feels particularly encouraged by offensive line coach and former offensive lineman Darnell Stapleton, who appeared in 14 games [12 starts] for the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2008. “Even though [Stapleton] won the Super Bowl he’s willing to take the time to help this team in need,” said Price who is a sophomore communications major. “[Stapleton] said he didn’t get that good of grades in school so it’s that much

more inspiring to me.” Though there is new NCAA legislation for Division I teams that allows schools to track players and make summer conditioning mandatory, Pace is a Division II school and is not eligible to adhere to those Division I decrees. Rondeau, however, anticipates that his players will effectively manage the work that he expects them to put in despite being away from trainers and the collegiate atmosphere during the 10-week summer program. CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 “FOOTBALL”

Students Take Learning Outside the Classroom with “Women in the Media” TAYLOR LONGENBERGER NEWS EDITOR

Three students took a group project one step further by creating a campus-wide event to raise awareness about the oppression of women at the Women in the Media presentation on Thurs. May 1. As a part of Dr. Susan Maxam’s spring 2014 course, Women’s Activism For Peace and Justice, a group project prompted the students to create awareness for ways in which women are oppressed within society. Students Nihal Qawasmi, Mariah Jusino, Fleur Louisy, Maricela Cobos, and Maltha Romano




centered their group project on the media’s portrayal of women. Qawasami, Jusino, and Lousy brought the project beyond the required assignment and out into the Pace community. In an extension of the project, Maxam’s students created an event with the screening of Killing Us Softly (IV), a movie included in a series of documentaries created by Jean Kilbourne in an effort to raise awareness about the unrealistic and disrespectful ways in which women are represented through the media. “I am very proud of these young women for taking the project a step further in order to ex-

pose the issue to a larger group of their peers,” Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Education Maxam said. In response to viewing the documentary, much of the audience was angered and aggravated by the new view of the media’s messages regarding women. “I think it opens [society’s] eyes to a perspective that they have never seen,” freshman political science and communications major Qawasami said. “It’s powerful because it gets under your skin and challenges you to go out and do something.” CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 “WOMEN IN THE MEDIA”


Is adderall, a prescription drug, being abused on our campus? Is anything being done about this new addiction?

Photo provided by Taylor Longenberger Students show off their project during the campus-wide event.


Have you been staying up-to-date on the mysterious Philosopher KingZ? Find out who he/she is, and why they write what they do.


If you have heard about the “controversy” between athletics and the Pace Chronicle, this is a must-read.


The Pace Chronicle


The Pace Chronicle 861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Phone: (914) 773-3401 pacechronicle@pace.edu pacechronicle.com

Alleged Oil Changes Prompt No Further Investigation CECILIA LEVINE






















Pace officials have yet to conduct a proper investigation six weeks after it came to light that some of the school’s football players were undergoing a risky procedure referred to as an “oil change” which was performed by nursing students. Despite the initial astonishment and disbelief, minimal actions were taken to further investigate the issue, if any. Executive Director of Pace Security Vincent Beatty said that he has no knowledge of the incidents as nobody has reported them to him. Student nurses remain mum which leaves Dr. Harriet Feldman, Dean of the College of Health Professions and Dean and Professor of Lienhard, with insufficient evidence to conduct a proper investigation. “It’s hard to investigate something that nobody wants to talk about or come forward with specifics on; nobody seems to have any knowledge of it from our end,” said Feldman, who said that had the nursing depart-

ment known at the time it would have moved to dismiss the students. “I mean, there’s nothing to do. These folks have probably all graduated and there’s no way of knowing about any of it. If [the incident] comes to our attention we will do something. Without any hard info there’s nothing we

“To participate in the reclkess charade of ‘oil changing’ underscores the nursing discipline.” -Alice Hall, sophomore can do to investigate.” While Feldman stays committed to doing what she can do identify the perpetrators, Athletic Director Mark Brown only acknowledged preexisting programs. “The Pace Athletics Department takes the safety of its student-athletes seriously and as

such, safety is at the forefront of every decision and policy we have. We strongly encourage safe and healthy decision-making by our student-athletes. We have implemented a comprehensive drug education and testing program administered by The National Center for Drug Free Sport. As we move forward, our staff will work with our Student Athletic Advisory Committee and Captains Council to address any concerns,” Brown said. Many Pace students, such as sophomore nursing major Mary Alice Hall, felt that the decisions of their former peers are a poor and inaccurate reflection of themselves. “Nursing is a maturing force which promotes healing delivered by bearers of integrity. To participate in the reckless charade of ‘oil changing’ underscores the nursing discipline,” Hall said. “It also shows that these nursing students are not the swiftest of individuals nor are they the most competent. We nursing students should be defending our future license with a fierce ardor not imperil our efforts.”

SGA Update: Friday, May 2, 2014 OPERATIONAL STAFF








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Student Government Association (SGA) met in Lienhard Lecture Hall Fri. May 2. Francoise Crespo, Director of University Transportation presented a draft of a potential bus schedule for the 2014-2015 school year, which will have buses running to and from each campus and stopping in Memorial Plaza every fifteen minutes Monday through Friday and every half hour on the weekends. Students and faculty with questions or comments regarding the proposed schedule should contact Crespo.


Written and edited by the students of Pace University, The Pace Chronicle is published weekly during the academic year. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of administration, faculty and The Pace Chronicle staff. The Pace Chronicle encourages responses to the opinions expressed herein, and welcomes letters and comments. The Pace Chronicle cannot guarantee publication of letters to the editor or unsolicited manuscripts, and reserves the right to edit or comment editorially on them. Appearance of an advertisement in The Pace Chronicle does not imply endorsements by the members of the editorial board, the advisor, or Pace University of the products or services offered. All photos and copyrights reserved unless otherwise indicated. Subscription and advertising rates available upon request.

Students said that they tended not to realize how much of an impact the media has in today’s society. “Because we are so used to the media, many do not show how much it bothers them. They are adjusted to something that is everywhere,” one student said in the discussion that followed the documentary. Similarly, many students seemed to be enlightened to the horrors of the media’s effect on

Information Technology Services (ITS) addressed senate, reminding students, faculty, staff, and alumni that Pace email is in the process of switching over from Gmail to Microsoft Outlook. Those with a Pace email should have received an email notifying of the switch and showing step-by-step instructions to take follow order to complete the process. Questions or comments regarding the email switch should be directed to ITS. SGA Executive Board (EBoard) presented goals for the coming school year and suggested new ideas in order to improve student-faculty communication

and involvement on campus. Communication with SGA and SDCA over the summer is important to continue the flow of progress. SGA President John Wrench proposed a “Majors Week” with an academic showcase exhibiting progress that would aid underclassman and transfer students in planning for their future at Pace and beyond. The SGA E-board will review the By-Laws and Constitution over the summer and potential changes will be presented to senate upon return in the fall.

the female and male perspective of beauty. Women are sexualized for commercial gain and are morphed into an impossible female beauty created by retouching and cosmetic surgeries, according to Kilbourne. In an age of advertising that sacrifices the wealth in order to advance monetarily, where women become objects dehumanized for someone else’s pleasure, it is the portrayal of women within the media that results in many of today’s major psychological issues. The American Psychological Association states that the exposure to the negative representations of the human figure

and wealth within the media and advertisements, may lead to three of the top psychologically prevalent disorders in the United States: eating disorders, depression, and low self-esteem. “Watching the video made me excited. Educating the public in order to help build self-esteem and not cut it down is important. I am very passionate about the topic and would love to see more people representing themselves and being involved,” sophomore nursing major Jennifer Robertson said. “It is important for students in particular, especially here at Pace, to express their opinions and take a stand for their own beliefs.”


The Pace Chronicle


University’s SDCA Hosts Annual Pace Pride Awards TAYLOR LONGENBERGER NEWS EDITOR

The Pace Pride Awards were held in order to recognize leadership, community service, and general Pace pride in Willcox Gym on Fri., May 2.

rority Nu Zeta Phi. The Outstanding President Award was presented to Black Student Union President, Jamal McMillan.

The Academic Achievement Award was presented to the Peace and Justice Society, as the organization with the highest average cumulative Grade Point Average as of Fall 2013.

The Outstanding Student Leader Award was presented to Alisha Hayes of the Black Student Union and Edwin Rodriguez of the Gay Straight Alliance. Program of the Year was presented to Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Incorporated’s “How Brown Can You Be?”

The Outstanding Growth Award was presented to social so-

Five members of the pace community, Daniel Borakove,

Danielle Cirillo, Christina Vega, Dana Weingartner, and Helen Yu Holguin, demonstrating leadership and community service, were inducted into the Silver Gavel Society. Jefferson Awards Bronze Medals, which recognize community service, were presented to Daniel Barakove, Sara DiGiovanna, and Christina Rufo. The Project Pericles Leadership Certificate was presented to Dana Weingartner. The Residence Hall of the Year award will now be called the Debbie A. Levesque Award in honor of her dedication as Director of Residential Life for over 27 years. This award was presented to Hillside/Howard Johnson Hall. The Outstanding Advocacy to Others award was presented to Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity Incorporated. The Outstanding Unity Program was awarded to Townhouse Hall Council’s Meditation with Sister Susan Becker, which not only drew in campus wide attention but also set an example for a reoccurring event.

Photos provided by Stephanie Jacovino

Fraternity Chapter of the Year was presented to Alpha Phi Alpha

Fraternity Incorporated, making this the third consecutive year that the fraternity has accepted this award.

The Alumni Advisor of the Year was awarded to the advisor of Nu Zeta Phi, Kelly Ann Povero.

Sorority Chapter of the Year was presented to Delta Phi Epsilon.

Organization of the Year was awarded to Community Advisory Board.

The Outstanding Faculty/Staff Member of the Year was awarded to Dr. Paul Ziek of the Communications department.

Emerging Setter Award was presented to freshman history major and philosophy minor Lee Allen.

The Outstanding Advisor of the Year was awarded to Cornell Craig for his dedication to several organizations and the campus community itself.

Senator of the Year was presented to The Pace Chronicle’s Kaitlyn Szilagi.

Students Speak Out About Discrimination Against Muslims CECILIA LEVINE


The Pew Research Center found that 20 percent of MuslimAmericans have experienced discrimination, prejudice, and unfair treatment, according to a study conducted in 2011. The “Muslim Americans: No Sign of Growth in Alienation or Support for Extremism” study found that 48 percent of Muslim Americans fault their leaders for not speaking up against Islamic extremists and terrorists. The bigotries that the devout Muslims have faced have proven to be unfair, according to Professor Joan Katen of Pace University. “Some people do not seem to be able to distinguish between the majority of peaceful Muslims who wish nothing but to live in peace with their families and the very few who do not know how to direct their anger except by violent means,” said Katen, who received a full scholarship to Columbia University’s graduate school where she completed her master’s degree in Lebanese Political Parties and National Integration. Like many of the Muslims who are living in America, Katen’s relatives moved from the Middle East in hopes of escaping oppression. She now dwells in “The Land of the Free” and

reaps the benefits that come with liberty and justice for all. However, Katen, who has been teaching topics pertaining to Middle Eastern politics at Pace for over 25 years, said that many Muslim Americans are not as widely accepted by American citizens as she and her relatives have been. “I believe Muslims are being unfairly discriminated against since 9/11,” said Katen, who is a member of the United Nations Association and the Jewish Voice for Peace, both of which work to establish peace in the Middle East. “Many Christians, Jews, and Muslims in the Middle East have come out against violent behavior, be it from individuals or states and their leaders.” One Pace student, whose family moved to America from Jordan when she was three years old, is of the 48 percent of Muslim Americans who blame their leaders failing to defend their people. “Islam is literally a way of life that revolves around peace and revolves around helping others,” said freshman Nihal Qawasmi, who said that the original framework of her religion has been lost to Islamic extremists. “[Extremists] are always in the public eye, so they think that violence is what Islam preaches.” The freshman communications and political science major attributed such misinformation to

those who committed the crimes in the name of Islam and those Americans who “blindly” follow the media. Qawasmi also said that Muslim women are struggling with the everyday discrimination that comes with wearing a hijab (headscarf). The “Muslim Americans: No Sign of Growth in Alienation or Support for Extremism” study found that 69 percent of devout Muslim American women reported that they always wear a hijab, according to the Pew Research study. Qawasmi, who is 18 years old, made the choice to cover her hair when she was 11 years old, though she feels that a hijab is but another misconception made by Americans. In the months that followed the 2001 attacks Qawasmi’s family friend traded in her hijab for a hat as American citizens were allegedly spitting at her. She has since, however, switched back to the hijab. Though Qawasmi claims never to have been a victim of outward discrimination, she attributed this to her attendance at a private, Islamic school for the majority of her educational career. “[School] was kind of like a safe-haven to me,” Qawasmi said. “[The hijab] has become a very big part of me and it’s something I would never give up or can imagine myself without. I’ve

Photo provided by Cecilia Levine Professor Joan Katen and freshman Nihal Qawasmi posed with the map of the Middle East following Katen’s class, Middle Eastern Politics Through Film. taught myself to never let anyone make me feel inferior, and to stay true to my beliefs, because I know what’s right for me.” Qawasmi did say that the Pace community has demonstrated genuine interest in her culture, as she claimed that many students often question why she wears her hijab. “I can tell when something is pure curiosity as opposed to dis-

crimination,” Qawasmi said. “Everyone has been welcoming since I got here. Pace is really diverse in that.” Pace supports Muslim Americans through its on-campus organizations such as the Muslim Student Association (MSA) and the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which Qawasmi is helping to bring to campus next fall.

FEATURE Carpe Diem Travel Abroad An inside look at studying abroad; from education overseas to off-campus and anything in between

Students Prepare to Meet the “Guardians of the Peace” SIMONE JOHNSON COLUMNIST

Pace students will travel to Galway, Ireland in late May to learn about the country’s criminal justice system. The Comparative Criminal Justice Systems travel course is another example of place-based learning, where this year’s cohort will learn about the history of Ireland’s judicial practices, compare the criminal justice systems between Ireland and the United States (U.S.), and analyze and discuss what the U.S. can learn from Ireland. Dr. Joseph Ryan and Dr. Margaret Fitzgerald, both of the Criminal Justice and Security Department, will lead the course. Ryan was a New York City police officer in the South Bronx for 25 years before working in Internal Affairs, and then overseeing research after receiving his doctorate. Once in Dublin, the group will take a train to the coastal city of Galway to visit An Garda Headquarters, Ireland’s national police service. “Ireland is the only country in the world that does not use the term ‘police,’” Ryan said. “Instead they use ‘Garda Síochána’ or ‘Guardians of the Peace,’ which can be seen on the back of their jackets. They don’t use guns either, and, unlike a centralized system in the U.S. where there are many police stations, Ireland has a decentralized system where there is one main station.” Garda Síochána is a community organization, which, according to its website, “has a long established tradition of working closely with communities all across Ireland.” Ryan wants his students to be exposed to Ireland’s customs and government, which play a part in how criminal offenses like robbery and murder are handled. He also wants students to understand the differences between the U.S. and Ireland regarding the relationships between and per-

ceptions of those in positions of protecting against crime and the public, so that students can be informed and make their own opinions about whether a centralized or decentralized model is better. Students will have the chance to sit in on a courtroom trial and visit a probation office and prison. Later on, the group will take a ferry to the Galway Aran Islands to speak with one officer who is assigned to an island of 800 residents. The trip will end in Dublin where students will have the opportunity to explore Trinity College, recognized internationally as Ireland’s premiere university. Dr. Ryan strongly believes taking the Introduction to Criminal Justice course should be a requirement for all Pace students. “It’s important to know our rights,” Ryan said. “We have a democracy and a constitution and students need to have a better idea of the rules so that they do not get confused on what, for example, the Constitution means.” Ryan wants his Criminal Justice students to graduate with knowledge and skills that may also be useful for non-criminal justice majors. “Most people outside the U.S. know who President Obama is, but I don’t think many people know who the President of Ireland is. In this country, we need to know more about the world other than ourselves,” Ryan said. “Also, in many countries people speak two or three languages. That’s not really the case in the United States. Students should have language skills, knowledge in computer science, cyber security, forensic psychology, and sociology.” Ryan continued to explain how students are the next generation, and should become educated about other countries and gain skills to be prepared to answer the tough questions surrounding criminal justice and international relations. Next year, Comparative Criminal Justice Systems will take place in either Italy or Turkey.


The Pace Chronicle


Freshman Lee Allen’s Year in Wales CATHARINE CONWAY HEALTH AND BEAUTY EDITOR Storming castles and causing countless shenanigans is just a part of Lee Allen’s plan to travel across the Atlantic Ocean to the mysteriously beautiful land that is the United Kingdom. Specifically, he will go to its counterpart, Wales, to study history and philosophy during his sophomore year at Pace. “I’ve always wanted to live in the United Kingdom to better comprehend the culture,” Allen said, “Having the opportunity through the study abroad program is a dream come true.” As Bangor is not a part of England, but mostly inhabited by British people, Allen looks to make his time there a truly British experience. “I will be living and interacting with locals only,” Allen said, “The other programs were

located in London. London is a wonderful city, but it is like New York in that it is very diverse and has many foreigners living in the city. I wanted to know what the British lifestyle was like outside of the city.” Having lived in the Hudson

“Preserved in every castle is a story, and I look forward to uncovering those stories both inside and outside the classroom” River Valley all of his life, Allen looks to challenge himself by staying in a foreign country for an entire year. “I certainly need the experi-

ence of not having loved ones accessible to me at all times,” Allen said, “It will be the first time away from my family for an extended period of time.” Despite the pound being more valuable than the dollar, Bangor University’s tuition is similar to that of Pace’s. “Studying abroad is not as expensive as one would think,” Allen said, “The most important thing, financially, is to spend wisely.” Studying history and philosophy during his first semester, Allen will take a class on the history of Welsh royalty. “To study a history that is present to me is a dream come true,” Allen said, “Preserved in every castle is a story, and I look forward to uncovering these stories both inside and outside the classroom.”

New Courses Being Offered for Fall 2015 ANDREAS CRISTOU COPY EDITOR As the semester draws to a close, students are looking toward finalizing their schedules for the fall semester. Each semester at Pace, all five schools within the university work to develop new courses, and highlight various courses within their departments that are open to all majors. The Lubin School of Business, School of Education, and Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information System are pleased to share their new fall course offerings on the Pleasantville campus with the student body. The Lubin School will be offering four new courses in the fall, which are: • BUS 255-Professional Planning and Practice for Internships and Careers • FIN 330-Personal Financial Planning • LAW 317-Sports and Entertainment Law • MAR 363-Special Events Marketing for Arts, Entertainment and Sports The School of Business has also shared that they will be offering four additional new courses in the spring, within the disciplines of marketing and management, with some of these classes focusing on business in the field of sports. The School of Education will be offering one new course in the fall, TCH 455, titled Middle

Childhood/Early Adolescence: Community Culture and Identity. This course explores who the early adolescent is and what school and classroom communities work best for this age group. This course is required for middle school certification but can be useful for those interested in working with this age group in afterschool, camp, and alternative educational environments. The Seidenberg School, although they will not be offering any new courses on the Pleasantville campus for the fall semester, would like to highlight their civic engagement courses, which are open to students of all majors. The three courses being offered in the fall are: • CIS 102Q-Problem Solving Using LEGO Robotics

CIS 102T-Intergenerational Computing • CIS 102W- Web Design for Non-Profit Organizations The Seidenberg is also offering online 2-credit courses designed to enhance computing skills, focusing on fields such as Word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, social media, and database applications. The Dyson College of Arts and Sciences and College of Health Professions will also be featuring courses for the upcoming fall semester, but were not able to respond to The Pace Chronicle with their exact offerings. Students are encouraged to contact their academic advisors for more information on new courses within these two schools.

Photo provided by Stephanie Jacovino You can build a robot like this in CIS 102-Q: Problem Solving with LEGO Robotics. Or, try one of the other new courses offered.


The Pace Chronicle



Just over a year ago, Huffington Post writer, Philip Goldberg, published an article regarding a lawsuit filed in San Diego, California, which “…was filed by parents, backed by a conservative Christian organization, who claim that yoga instruction in public schools violates California law because it is a form of religious indoctrination.” This is not the first article, nor the first lawsuit, to address the question: is yoga a religion, or is it religious in nature? Goldberg’s article works to represent those who believe yoga is religious in nature, and those who disagree. “The classic texts that define the principles of yoga—the Bhaghavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Yoga Sutras—are typically considered Hindu scriptures, and for millions of Hindus, yogic ideals and practices are central to their religious lives,” Goldberg explained. However, Goldberg also stresses the point that, in contemporary society, yoga and meditation are utilized as an alternative medicine without any association with religion. Perhaps yoga began as a religious practice, but it is not necessarily religious in nature anymore. “So, if yoga is interpreted as religious, it must be the most nonsecretarial, nondenominational, trans-traditional, inter-spiritual, universal expression of religion imaginable. It would also be the least religious of religions, since it demands neither allegiance to a specific tradition, nor faith, nor the acceptance of any doctrine.” Furthermore, the argument can be made that yoga is an action, not a belief. Yoga Journal writer, Andrea Feretti, examines the specific question as to whether or not yoga is a religion in her article “Beyond Belief.” She acknowledges almost right away, “As practitioners, we aren’t required to adhere to a particular faith or obliged to observe religious rituals such as baptisms or bar mitzvahs.” According to junior philosophy and religious studies major, John Wrench, yoga is not religious. “[It is] incredibly spiritual,” Wrench said. “It’s meditative so I think it’s helpful in that way.” While it is true that yoga’s history is rooted in religion, specifically in Buddhist tradition, there is no stipulation that it still is today. These days, physicians, therapists, and psychologists encourage yoga in an effort to promote healthy living, improved coordination, improved emotional and physical stability, and increased focus and concentration. Yoga is beneficial for everyone, regardless of whether or not you choose to connect to the activity spiritually. Pace University offers yoga classes in Goldstein Fitness Center’s aerobics room every semester. I encourage you to take advantage of them, whether to relax, to get healthy, or to focus on connecting with a higher being, whichever suits your needs best.

A Letter to the Pace University Community: the Philosopher KingZ Comes Forward Let me start off by saying I owe you a sincere apology. It seems as if many of you misunderstood my intentions of using a pseudonym, and for this reason many of you have misinterpreted my message. There have been rumors floating around that I chose to use a false name in order to make provocative statements and avoid the consequences of said remarks. Those of you that know me understand that I have no problem standing behind my words; and frankly, if you could not tell that it was me writing those articles, you should seriously question your ability to read between the lines. “Until philosophers are kings, or the kings and princes of this world have the spirit a n d power of philosophy, and political greatness and wisdom meet in one, and those commoner natures who pursue either to the exclusion of the other are compelled to stand aside, cities will never have rest from their evils — no, nor the human race, as I believe — and then only will this our State have a possibility of life and behold the light of day” ~ Plato The Republic Book V: 473c And thus, I chose to use the name PHIlosopher KingZ. Being well versed in the history of philosophy is not an essential component of being a true

philosopher; but instead, being a philosopher requires having the courage and authenticity to ask critical questions – even when those questions cause us to be uneasy with our own established assumptions. So I chose to employ the technique of indirect communication to show you a specific and direct, sometimes even exaggerated view point that often gets overlooked. It is my belief that all view points, even ones that appear to be narrow minded and extravagant offer a unique perspective that must at least be considered if we are truly to be critical thinkers. Those of you that understood this took the time to reach out to me and get clarification and for this I am truly grateful. Those of you that read the articles, knew it was me and conveniently ignored it, I pray that whenever you seek to retreat to your own unquestioned suppositions, the words of the PHIlosopher KingZ eminently haunt your thoughts like the looming threat of a thief in the night. For this issue that I plan to address, I will use no pennames, I will not remain symbolically silent, and I will give my honest feedback on the issue. And you guessed it; the issue that I will be addressing in my final edition is the racial tensions on our beloved campus. In order to do this, I find

no need to provide hypothetical or even specific examples of how racial tensions manifest itself at Pace University. I will cite general examples that in my opinion are self-evident and imbedded deep within the Pace Culture. One of the greatest examples of the racial divide occurs within Greek Life, with the so-called rift between “Cultural” and “Social” organizations. For the Greeks if you think I am lying, ask yourself honestly whose programs do you, your chapter, and your council consistently support? Another example is in the social setting at Pace; which has the potential of being one of the most unifying elements of the school, in reality has served as one of the greatest deterrents of unification. For those of us that are frequent attendees at social gatherings, ask yourselves – how drastically different the crowds look at an average night at Paulie’s in comparison to a Wilcox or Victor’s Party? I can go on and on and the results will still be the same. It becomes clear that there is a distinctive and well established racial divide at the core of this university’s culture. As VP of Unity & Social Justice I attempted to address this issue as best as I could and I was often meant with interruptions by various members in the staff and faculty. I do not hold

anything against these people because I understand now that they were simply adhering to the Pace culture. Very few people here want to have that conversation because it requires admitting that there is a major racial problem on this campus. Until this issue is taken seriously and strategically addressed at all levels, from the President, Provost, and Board of Trustees – to the orientation leaders for the new incoming classes, we will continue to promote, perpetuate, and endorse a university that is divided and segregated. If this is the Pace culture that we want to uphold for future generations, continue to ignore my voice and the voices of other PHIlosopher KingZ and critical thinkers in the making. If you truly wish to leave this university a better place than you found it for all people, start taking us seriously and ask yourself, what can you do to confront this issue? I have given you my input, what you choose to do with it is completely out of my hands. I will now retreat back to the high place of my throne and watch as these events unfold with an optimistic hope for the future of my beloved (soon to be) alma mater. Yours Truly, Qadry Harris Class of 2014

Dear guys, Try Not to be “That Guy” At Parties KAYLA GRANIERO FEATURED WRITER

A theme in my life, and a lot of other girls’ lives, that I have come into contact with lately is that of the “creepy guy.” It has become an epidemic in today’s society. Now, guys might read this and come back defensively with the “We’re just trying to be nice” argument. However, this is not one hundred percent accurate. Some guys go past a very sweet and courteous demeanor and delve into more aggressive tactics. This is when being a “nice guy” goes too far. And, just to be clear, this applies to females as well. Pace University is neither a tiny nor big school; we fall somewhere in the middle. However, after you’ve been here for some amount of time, it can begin to feel small enough that you always run into those people that you don’t want to talk to or see. We all eat at Kessel during the day; commuters, Briarcliff residents, everyone. We all need to use the library for one purpose or another. A lot of students use the gym, go to events, and even attend the townhouse festivities on the weekends. You will run into people you don’t necessarily wish to see. This makes the issue of the

creepy guy that much more prevalent. I believe that a big part of the problem when guys or girls don’t realize they’re being creepy is that they don’t recognize the signs. Here’s a tip, guys and girls: If the other person is trying to put in both of their headphones, or they keep reaching to put their Beats up while you are talking, they are done with having anything to do with you. Whether that means they don’t like you, or they just don’t want to talk right now, leave it be. Another tip: don’t force it if it’s not there. While sometimes it can seem like you’ve hit it off with a complete stranger, keep in mind that they could just be talking to you because they’re being friendly. It could also mean they know you’ll just keep blabbing and invading their personal space if they don’t remain responsive. News flash: Awkward does not mean creepy. Awkward probably means you’re nervous and that can be cute. It’s cool when you come up to us with the first move and overcome your insecurities. However, don’t get obnoxious and don’t be weirdly forceful. More helpful hints: the millisecond someone stops agreeing and laughing with you is not the time to be more pressing about

Photo courtsey of tickld.com Use these tips to avoid being seen as the creepy guy. wanting to hang out or see each other again. There’s a key word here that lets you know you’re in the red. Look out for it. Ready? It’s “no.” “No” can mean pleading to end physical contact, and definitely obey that rule. In addition, “no” can fall under the meaning of “Dude, stop. You are freaking me out.” “Just because,” is a wonderful rule of thumb here. Just because

someone does the double take at you in Miller, doesn’t mean they want you. They could have thought you were their friend. Just because someone has the same food order as you, doesn’t mean they’re your soul mate. You do not live in a Jennifer Lopez romantic-comedy. A lot of people like underground rap, Michael Cera, and indie movies. Don’t mistake coincidence for fate and you should be in the clear. You will avoid the “creepy” stigma.


The Pace Chronicle


Photo courtsey of bizlibrary.com

Photo courtsey of glogster.com

Real World Learning Versus Classroom Learning: Which Works? The alumni and adults I’ve spoken to from Pace and other colleges have usually said the same thing—college is good, but nothing compared to working. They learned more about the “real world” in the “real world.” Sure, college prepared them for life, but internships and actually working outside of the classroom taught them more than they could have imagined learning in a college classroom. The beauty of Pace is that plenty of real-world learning experiences are available. These classes, extracurriculars, and internships provide a break from sitting in classrooms and staring at textbooks and offer the opportunity to make a difference and to learn real-world skills besides just researching, reading comprehension, and essay writing.

The Pace Academy’s mock trial program provides a way for students to work together and compete against each other in a mock hearing dealing with environmental issues. This year, they worked around the issue of concentrated animal feeding operations in New York. Students learned about the issue and about how to handle it in a court of law. But, you don’t need to take on an outside internship or extracurricular to get a real-world learning experience. This spring semester, I was a member of the Pace Environmental Policy and Practice Clinic, which was a learning community (technically two courses.) Members of the class worked to raise awareness of certain environmental issues, namely circus elephant abuse,

energy efficient microgrids, invasive plants, and concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs.) We did write an essay or two and read a textbook, but the main focus of the class was working together to develop the best methods to raise awareness and work to find solutions for the issues we were working with. We were able to get a resolution passed by the Village of Ossining, with the Village agreeing to use our research to see if microgrid technology can be something they should consider in the future. Other students in the class created a palm card that lists invasive and native plant species, something that can act as a consumer guide for gardeners in Westchester and that can ultimately lead to a healthier environment. Finally, perhaps you’ve seen

students tabling in Kessel and conducting surveys about healthy food options at Pace- that would be students working with CAFOs studying the source of our cafeteria food. I could never have imagined making such an impact, and such an impact would not have happened in any other class. The Clinic, to me, felt like the equivalent of some internships. Let me reiterate, I’m not trying to advertise a certain class. I’m only trying to make the point that real-world learning is a beneficial educational experience to enhance the college experience. Take on an internship, join the model U.N., compete in the Pace Academy’s Mock Trial Team, go out of your comfort zone and try to get the most out of your college experience.

which landed me at the New York City campus for a semester. Being a native of New Jersey, I spent many nights in high school gawking with curiosity across the Hudson at those bright city lights and I figured now was the time to act on my ambitions. Switching to the city campus changed my life, it gave me the cold hard slap of reality that I desperately needed. I opened my eyes for the first time in my college experience and it had nothing to do with the classes I was taking or the students at the campus, it was being around millions of other regular people everyday that put my life into perspective. But alas, my time spent there was short lived because the Media Communications department is exclusive to Pleasantville campus, so I trekked back up to Westchester to finish out the year. I came back to Pleasantville to find that the majority of my friends had either joined a fraternity, were about to join a fraternity or were moments away from graduating. I was not a happy camper. I spent most of my time in my single in Martin bingewatching Netflix and doing some soul searching at Rockwood Park. At the end of the year my good friend Steve Druan had crossed into Alpha Chi Epsilon and had asked me to live in their townhouse for senior year. I agreed to it, but at the same time, I was concerned being a non-brother in a fraternity house. My worries were short lived

and we started the year off on a good note, having some of the biggest parties I’ve seen at Pace outside of Townhouse Day. Like I mentioned, the core of my friends had graduated, so I basically had to start from scratch. I really opened myself up for the first time in four years and I felt like I finally started to belong. The people that I pigeon-holed and stereotyped really proved me wrong and made me feel foolish for being so closed-minded for so long. The conclusion to my story leaves me with a bittersweet kind of feeling. I learned a lot in my last year here, things I should have learned a lot earlier. So the moral is that you should allow yourself to meet new people regardless if you “think you have them figured out.” As cliché as it sounds, you should appreciate the time you have left here, it goes a lot quicker than you think. Our future is uncertain, but friends will always be certain. So stop trying to figure it all out at once, because you’ll miss out on some of the best memories. Enjoy yourself and the people you’ve connected with. To quote the John Hughes classic Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Photo provided by Derek Kademian

My freshman year, I wore black t-shirts with the names of obscure punk bands on them that no one at Pleasantville would ever know. Needless to say, I thought I was the coolest, most original person at Pace—turns out I was pretty far from the truth. I went all of my classes, getting accustomed to my peers and trying to assimilate into college culture. My roommate, James Ward (aka the illest) joined the brothers of Phi Kappa Tau, but I was resistant (putting it lightly) to joining Greek Life because it really wasn’t my style. Some of my other friends also took interest in it and I slowly started to watch them fall out into their own groups. Sophomore year was somewhat uneventful in regards to milestones, I went through the motions of the previous year but I continued to connect with a wide variety of people, some of which I consider some of the best people I’ve ever met. This was my definitely my self-destructive phase; it got to the point that I ended up becoming good friends with the nurses at Phelps Hospital. I think it was my way of coping with inner demons, trying to fit in with people I didn’t belong with and fighting the weekend boredom struggle at Pace. At this point I was done with Pleasantville, I hated it and every thing associated with it. After I hit my low, I had to make a major lifestyle change,


Sitting in a classroom, dozing off at the monotonous sound of a lecture or a documentary, dreading the thought of taking a final on information that you were supposed to spend the semester learning but haven’t. This is a scene that may be far too familiar to some people, but surely isn’t always the case. Many professors make the class and information intriguing and encourage participation. Sometimes, a textbook is even enjoyable to read. Documentaries and lectures are often interesting to listen to and to analyze. But, traditional classroom learning has an unavoidable setback. It is not and cannot be realworld experience.

Senior Reflection of Derek Kademian, Entertainment Editor

Peace bitches, XOXO Derek Kademian (aka Dereliqua)


The Pace Chronicle


A Senior Goodbye by Ceci Levine, Managing Editor I was told that it’s Pace Chronicle tradition for seniors to write an editorial about their experience at Pace, and that’s weird to me, considering I’ve spent all of this time writing about others. I’m not quite sure where to start, or how to make this a creative or an interesting read. So I’ll just throw some words for you to catch. My name’s been printed across the top of every article I’ve written this year as CECILIA LEVINE, Managing Editor, but my friends call me Ceci, or CeCe, or CC. I came to Pace midway through the Jersey Shore saga in 2010, which was an incredible culture shock to me as I had previously been attending a prim and proper Jewish day school with a graduating class of 14 students. Most people on campus seemed like cookie cutters of MTV’s most famous cast members as they clogged the halls of Miller with cologne and used phrases like “OD” and “I’m dead,” which really made no logical sense at all and broke every grammatical and scientific rule of life. Through the characters I’ve met and situations I’ve encountered at Pace, I’ve learned many things that shouldn’t have taken four years to gather. I present to you, the unofficial Pace University student handbook: 1. Don’t wear your swipes around your neck unless you want to be labeled a freshman literally forever. 2. Townhouse Day is a holy day and anything or anyone that threatens its existence is dead to the Pace community. 3. Wait for your professor to tell you when to buy the textbook, otherwise, don’t bother. 4. The traffic light outside of entrance three should be treated

as a stop sign between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. 5. Do make friends with the cashiers in Kessel, even Belkis. 6. OSA = Office of Severe Annoyance – avoid this building at all costs, pun-intended. 7. AOKs are the most stressful classes that you will ever take, electives a close second. Ceramics and art history, points in case – check mate! 8. Commuters don’t typically hang out in the commuter lounge, and they always look better than dormers, especially during finals. 9. Paulie’s is for Thursday nights and Michael’s is for Saturday nights. If you don’t have a fake ID, good luck, Chuck. 10. You will run out of meal card money, and if you don’t, you’ll be everyone’s best friend come December and May. 11. On-campus parties get shut down at 1 a.m., although my sophomore year they made a rule that if the football team won a game the parties that night wouldn’t be shut down. We had one good party that year. 12. Briarcliff students are their own people, I think they come in peace but I’m really not sure. The same goes for NYC students. Who are they? 13. The goats are the greatest form of therapy ever. Talk to them and pet them, they will not fail you. 14. If there is a snow day, Pace will call, text and email you and your parents. Maybe next year they’ll nail FaceTime, too. 15. Class registration times will never be convenient. 16. Dr. Hundersmarck is more knowledgeable than the en-

Photo provided by Cecilia Levine cyclopedia and his classes are mandatory addendums to that of Pace’s curriculum. 17. If you want to be a nursing major you’re going to have to make some serious sacrifices which most people aren’t willing to make. Also, nursing students are allowed to wear Crocs, free of judgment. They can do whatever they want; they’re going to save your lives one day. 18. The wifi sucks, get over it. 19. So does the parking situation. 20. You will be the first person to defend Pace University, no matter how embarrassing the mascot is. NO EXCEPTIONS.

I quickly learned that not everything that the Pace has to offer is that of a traditional university, it’s better. Okay, yeah maybe it sucks that we do the same thing every damn weekend and there is literally never anything to eat, but all of these little things that we claim to hate so much are what we will remember. Students that go to schools with spacious gyms won’t make friends in line for the bench press or get on a nickname basis with professors. Some things that happen at Pace don’t happen at other schools, like that time someone on the swim team pulled the fire alarm at 6 a.m. and everyone got a free pass to skip class so

they could sleep in. Our school is absolutely ridiculous and I have learned to love everything about it, maybe with the exception of the small community of stink bugs that live on the third floor of North Hall (can someone call an exterminator?). Shout-out to Pace Security for keeping me super safe and never failing to alert my parents of changing weather patterns that they too are experiencing. Now can you PLEASE appeal my parking citations? Much love, Cecilia “Ceci, CeCe, CC” Levine Former Managing Editor

Senior Reflection of Andrew Linthwaite, Web Editor I find it difficult to recapture the thrilling essence of my college career without succumbing to a meaningless discharge of empty rhetoric or clichés. The value of each and every experience here is not something that transitions well into a narrative much alike the one you’re reading. From what I’ve seen, any serious attempt aimed towards this objective tends to suffer from a tremendous depth of self-indulgence. Let’s be honest, I know you don’t give a sh*t about my freshman year on Briarcliff and I don’t blame you for it. I will therefore try not to bore my audience with a brief autobiography of the last four years. Instead, I would like to focus my reflections on a number of concerns I have with Pace since arriving here back in 2010. Whether you perceive it to be a bitching fit or bold cathartic declaration, all that matters to me is for my voice to be heard. Maybe some-

one will care. First, the institution itself as a functioning promotion of academia should not be taken for granted. My departmental field of history and political science features some of the most sophisticated and inspiring intellects employed by this school. By some extent, this rings true throughout all the other colleges as well. I do not hold any qualms in how my tuition is used to support them. Pace is, after all, a business, and the business of this business is partially education. I say “partially” because the other, more important business of Pace’s business is extortion. Since my freshman year, tuition has already increased drastically from a modest $49,800 to a major $59,200. If arbitrarily raising tuition $10,000 in only four years were actually reflected upon the campus as a whole, I may have felt differently. Yet, all of the dorms (specifically the

townhouses) are falling apart, parking is limited, and payroll fails to accomplish anything. At what point does the university recognize that a $50 ticket for heinously parking in Briarcliff burdens their customer to incomprehensible frustration? Not yet clearly. Otherwise I’d have something better to look at than a promise ensuring me things will get better. I’m sure they will, just not for me here. Oh well, I guess I can take solace in all the memories I’ve obtained throughout my trip. In spite of the incompetency of Res Life, The Pace Chronicle, Greek Life, SDCA, Payroll, OSA, and many others, I think I liked it here. I grew quite fond for many of you who represented these platforms, as well those of you who did not. Well, I guess except for OSA. F*ck OSA. Photo provided by Andrew Linthwaite


The Pace Chronicle


Adderall: The Late-Night Study Drug and Its Abuse on Campus EMILY WOLFRUM LAYOUT EDITOR

From pulling all-nighters to consuming copious amounts of coffee, Pace students will do whatever it takes to buckle down for finals week. But one student remedy for speedy productivity may prove more of a hindrance than a help.

Photo courtsey of statepress.com

Amphetamine, more commonly known by its brand name Adderall or “Addys,” is a stimulant prescribed for the treatment of narcolepsy and attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The drug works by chemically stimulating the parts of the brain that make an individual happy (serotonin, dopamine, and adrenaline), often leaving the consumer feeling more alert and capable of focusing, according to Business Insider. Currently, Adderall can only legally be obtained with a doctor’s prescription. However, many individuals without medical need have been using the drug to assist in staying up late and focusing on work. Urban Dictionary defines

the drug as “the only way to finish homework.” “I actually don’t take it anymore, though I did in my more desperate, younger days,” admitted one Pace senior. “There are all kinds of ‘study drugs’ that I’m not very knowledgeable about.” Students who used Adderall as a study enhancer “It’s hard to describe because it’s not an overwhelming feeling,” said another Pace senior. “You know the voice inside your head that tells you to slack off and go on Facebook? It gets rid of that and keeps you focused and legitimately interested in what you’re doing.” The same student admitted that when taken too late in the day, the

drug had the potential to prevent an individual from being able to fall asleep, but this was not the only drawback that students acknowledged. “I took [Adderall] so that I could study intensely all night for an exam,” said an anonymous Pace senior. “It is addictive and you can easily get hooked. I only took it twice because I was scared of getting addicted.” The side effects of this nervous system stimulant include anxiety, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, and dependency, the risks of which are heightened without medical supervision. “If it’s not prescribed to you, it causes you to not focus as well and have heart palpitations,” said

junior applied psychology major Holly Berlandy. “It’s also highly addictive, which is why you shouldn’t take it if you don’t have a doctor’s permission.” Students are strongly cautioned not to ingest any prescription medication without the consent of a physician, and advised to use healthier methods of accomplishing work. Breaking up large amounts of work into smaller portions over time can ease the stress of larger assignments at the end of the semester. Eating healthy, keeping active, and getting adequate sleep are all recommended for finishing finals in good health.

Try Staying Health This Summer With A Bit Of Fresh Air SIMONE JOHNSON FEATURED WRITER

Exercising, healthy eating, sufficient hydration and wearing sunscreen are all important factors to remember during the summer. More specifically, being physically active and spending time in nature does not have to be a chore or boring and this summer season, there are a multitude of ways to explore outdoor activities and nature. Physical activity has been proven to reap many health benefits. Regular physical activity helps to improve mental health, mood, strengthen bones and muscles, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and some cancers, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Exercise can even increase chances of a longer life.

For the next three months, individuals can go hiking, biking, whitewater rafting, take lessons in rock climbing, horseback riding, kayaking or sailing and participate in a variety of other outdoor activities and recreational sports. “I hate being inside anytime of the year when I run, especially when it’s nice out” said sophomore sports marketing major and cross country team member Sara DiGiovanna, who also talked about local spots near campus, for running and other exercise. “Along 9A is a bike path that goes on for marathon plus distances, across the street from the Pleasantville campus are walking and jogging trails,” said DiGiovanna, “not even five minutes away is the Rockefeller state park which is actually famous for marathoners and various running groups to do their long runs at. It is so much better than any treadmill run, and

it’s awesome if you even wanted to pack a lunch and homework and sit out for the day.” On the other side of adventure, students can spend time in nature by themselves or with their families. Natural environments have been shown to improve muscle tension, depression and stress among other health issues. Students can garden, visit a national park, plan a camping trip with family or friends, or spend time in a local park playing outside games. Pace Professor Laurice Nemetz, who teaches Yoga and Pilates, has led yoga and kayaking trips in Costa Rica, Canada and the Hudson Valley. This summer she’s leading a couple of four hour Yoga/Kayak Tours with the Hudson River Expedition. “Bodies are a lot like kayaks interacting with the water, in that they work to maintain a sense of

equilibrium” said Nemetz in “A Place of Balance: Yoga Practice for the Kayaker” an article she wrote in 2010 in Sea Kayaker magazine. “When we are out of alignment, our body responds with pain and chronic patterns that often predispose us to injury. When alignment is good and balance is neutral, the muscular and connective tissue of the body do not have to work so hard and can function pain free.” Richard Ryan, a professor at the University of Rochester and his team found that being outside 20 minutes a day was enough to boost vitality. Simply showing study subjects photos of nature or asking them to imagine themselves in nature produced positive effects. “Often, when we feel depleted, we reach for a cup of coffee,” said Ryan, “but this [study] suggests a

better way to get energized is to connect with nature.” Shinrin-Yoku or forest bathing, is a Japanese practice where people walk throughout a forest to decrease stress and relax. Whether or not you will be near a forest this summer, bathing in nature in general could allow time to reconnect with your body, self-reflection, meditation, getting away from technology and, depending on the natural setting, recharge the senses. During the summer, if students happen to find themselves in a stressful situation, a great remedy could be some fresh air. Students, faculty and staff who are interested in participating in a Yoga/Kayak trip, contact Professor Lauri Nemetz at lauricedn@ yahoo.com.

From Lipgloss to Lotion to Bookshelves and More: DIY SIMONE JOHNSON FEATURED WRITER

Beauty is no stranger to the “make-your-own” movement, an extension of “Do It Yourself” (DIY) culture. The Maker Faire is a “family-friendly festival of invention, creativity and resourcefulness that is hosted annually in cities across the world. People throughout the tri-state area made their way to the New York Hall of Science in Queens, New York in 2013 to see and participate in the DIY festivities, according to The Verge, an online news source covering technology, science, art, and culture. The Verge reported that maker culture is about empowerment; makers value skill over money, building over buying, and creation over consumption. DIY ideas range from creating a desk out of two small bookshelves and a table top,

using Washi tape to colorfully decorate a dorm room, setting up a backyard movie theater using a large cardboard box, duct tape and a Fresnel lens, to something as simple as designing your own T-Shirt. DIY is mostly a hands on experience that extends into many facets life including beauty. There are a ton of DIY beauty blogs online that allow people to show off their handmade soap and body scrubs, sea salt sprays, lotions, facial masks and creams, hair shampoo, deodorant, and lip balms, among many other beauty products. “My entire do-it-yourself obsession started with lip balm,” said Megan Reardon, a Seattle, Washington based blogger who gives readers a tutorial on how to make their own on her blog “Not Martha.” Reardon used a lip balm recipe from Majestic Mountain Sage, a cosmetic and soap sup-

ply store which provides other recipes. “There are so many kinds of lip balm out there, but it can be hard to find just the right one,” said Kristen Appenbrink, a contributor for Brit+Co, the leading digital community for creative living and doing. “What’s the solution? Make your own, of course! It’s surprisingly simple to whip up a batch of lip balm or tinted gloss that’s perfectly customized to your…taste.” Appenbrink presented different varieties of the lip moisturizer in “13 Deliciously Simple DIY Lip Balms.” Some include coconut rose, coconut and tea tree oil, peppermint, hemp and honey, and mint chocolate. People use lip pots, empty Altoid containers, and even bottle caps to use as containers. Many individuals create their own beauty products for a variety of reasons; to be creative, to know what kind of ingredients

Photo courtsey of beautylish.com You can create your own flavored lip gloss with a few easy steps. are going into the cosmetics they are using or experience making their own products. Creating DIY beauty lip balm

or lotion could be a fun project or a business start-up opportunity for students during the summer.


The Pace Chronicle


Artist Spotlight: Zanali Razvi, the Show Must Go On! JOSEPH TUCCI


Theater at Pace’s Pleasantville campus has never been relevant, until last week when freshman applied psychology major Zanali Razvi insisted on changing that. Pace Drama Alliance (PDA) debuted its rendition of Frank Wedekind’s Spring Awakening which was directed by Razvi. The play covered controversial topics significant to today’s world such as maturity, sexuality, rape, and abortion. Razvi, a freshman applied psychology major, has been one of the major driving forces behind Pace’s new artistic turn as he insured that the show went on by any means necessary. Razvi has long loved film and theater. His original inspiration came from James Cameron’s Titanic which he watched as a kid. “I watched Titanic for the first time, and I absolutely fell in love with any and everything that had to do with the film Titanic, even the history behind it,” Razvi said. “Then I just started watching all these movies as a kid, and I was like, I want to do that.”

Since childhood Razvi has gone on to try his hand at theater as he has starred in two of Floral Park Memorial High School’s plays, Six Characters in Search of an Author and Thirteen Past Midnight. He also has had experience filming a one-scene, independent film when he was 12 and directing a play for seventh graders during his senior year of high school. Although he originally planned to attend the city campus because of the theater minor they offered in the past, PDA has given Razvi new opportunities to express his artistic vision. Pace has also given him the opportunity to work with like-minded individuals who share the same love of theater that he does. “The cast over here, I have to say, are amazing. My friends in high school could act, but they didn’t take it as serious as people over here and it’s great to see because we don’t have a drama major or anything dramatic on this campus,” said Razvi, who admitted that some cast members were inexperienced. “It was really exciting to work with them, because

they had the same passion as me.” The play experienced many difficulties, including financial trouble, but Razvi invested some of his own money, with no financial return. Because of issue of some of cast members dropping out, he also had to join his follow cast members on stage as not one, but four different characters. “We were already starting to rehearse, so I stepped in because it needed to be done,” said Razvi, who only had four weeks to produce the play. “I’ve never played four characters before, so it was quite the challenge to have the variations between each character. Hopefully, it sold the illusion of four different characters.” Even with the threat of organic chemistry and calculus taking up most of his time next semester, Razvi wants to continue to work with PDA. He has aspirations of the club eventually becoming just as prominent the city campus’ drama department. “I found a nice place in Pleasantville, so it’s good. Hopefully [PDA] will rival with the city campus; I will try my best to make that happen,” Razvi said.


Photo courtsey of the Pace Drama Alliance Pictured above is the flyer for Pace’s first full-length drama production, Spring Awakening, which Zanali Razvi directed

A Letter From the Managing Editor: Placing The Blame Where It Truly Belongs CECILIA LEVINE


It wasn’t easy for me to walk through Kessel when the lacrosse team jeered and booed at me, or to look into the News 12 cameras and tell them that I had no more information to provide despite the misinformation that Pace Athletics presented to the community, which I chose not to further explore. When recent articles of failed drug tests, oil changes and fights were published I expected some hostility from students, but I never anticipated the backlash that I received from their adult administrators. Out of respect for the athletes I withheld names and jersey numbers from the articles that I wrote while listening to my neighbors – some student-athletes whom I had otherwise been friendly with - call me spiteful names and shout threats in my direction. While I could choose to play the victim like many of you have been doing - claiming that I ruined your lives, though you not once chose to defend yourselves on record despite

being contacted on multiple occasions - I will continue to do what I’ve been doing all along and that is, present the facts. And so, I will provide you with pertinent information that may help to answer some questions. Athletics has been nothing short of uncooperative when it came to working with The Pace Chronicle. Officials and employees took weeks to respond and often failed to return phone calls or emails leaving them defenseless, only to protest that I was out to get them. One employee approached me and had the audacity to question my intentions shortly after the article about oil changes was published, though in the same breath acknowledged that he read my Letter to the Editor where I stated that I was merely presenting factual information – as I am doing now. Not once did the athletic department deny any incident or make any effort to establish the innocence of the athletes in question. If you’ll notice in all of the articles written about the drug related incidents, Athletic Director Mark Brown was either unavailable for comment -which meant that phone calls

were never returned - or attested to further investigation -which have yet to be carried out. More specifically, in the case of the aforementioned oil changes, the nursing department was eager to investigate the situation and to speak to me to attain the information that I possess while, in my opinion, athletics merely dismissed the incident sweeping it further under the rug. Another instance of discrepancy is in the article that mentions the fights between the baseball team and residents of North Hall. “’Due to an active investigation into this matter, we have no comment at this time until that process is completed by Pace Security,’ said Director of Athletics Mark Brown, although Executive Director of Pace Security Vincent Beatty said that the Mount Pleasant Police Department is conducting the investigation as the incident was reported by one of the involved students,” the article stated. When Brown was contacted by The Pace Chronicle through a variety of mediums (two emails, a phone call and an in-person visit to athletic offices) for further comment in which he was

encouraged to consider correcting his mistake, Brown never so much as declined to comment and returned no emails or phone calls. Failure to communicate is not only rude but it is unprofessional, though he once chided me for my own unprofessionalism when I wore leggings to an interview. A mere speculation may be that Brown’s mistake might have been a deliberate attempt to undermine the situation by failing to acknowledge police involvement. However, as it is my job to report factual information, Brown may have been intentionally hindering me in doing so. Allow me to reiterate - this is not an attack on athletics, rather an affirmation of my personal attempts to equally represent the department in The Pace Chronicle when opportunities presented themselves. The newspaper isn’t my only job. I also work for the Goldstein Fitness Center in an office right below the athletics department and under the supervision of some of the coaches who have since accused me of ruining their reputations. I am one of the two undergraduate student-

supervisors, and in prior months I have been applauded by those very coaches for handling situations with maturity beyond that of their own. Like those employees of the athletic department, it is my responsibility also to protect one of the most developed buildings on campus, though I speculate that it may be falling apart at the seams from within. The question begs as to how these individuals are expected to run an entire department, but I’ll leave you, Pace University, to answer that question. It has been weeks since those events unfolded in the newspaper yet I am still receiving negative feedback from administrators and students that, I would venture to say, are still learning to take accountability for their own actions. I can understand the vexing frustration of the athletes whose teams’ reputations have been tarnished, but then again, they’re the ones writing the stories as I merely transcribe them. It’s not my job to create the news - it’s yours - nor is my responsibility to apologize to those who do. That too, is yours.


The Pace Chronicle


Meet the Coaches: Pace Football’s New Coaching Staff CECILIA LEVINE



Last January Pace welcomed in its new football coaching staff that has since implemented a series of changes to the program, coordinated by head coach Andrew Rondeau. The team of nine removed their sunglasses and put down their clip boards, though just briefly, to give The Pace Chronicle an introspective look at the men who have been working towards instilling greatness in some of Pace’s finest athletes. Andrew Rondeau (Head Football Coach): Rondeau’s loyalty to Boston hasn’t hindered him from moving to New York to serve as Pace’s seventh head football coach. The father of four, who is in his 24th season of coaching, served as the defensive coordinator and linebackers coach to Old Dominion (20072011) where he revived the football program leading the team to its first-ever bid to the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Football Championship Subdivision Playoffs in his final season there. In addition to Old Dominion, Rondeau has prior experience in some Division I and II schools such as Holy Cross, University of Maine, University of Buffalo, University of TennesseeMartin, North Dakota State University, University of Pittsburgh and Northeastern University. Rondeau said that he is motivated by greater potential that he sees in his athletes and feels that coaching is what keeps him young. Additionally he said that coaching football subsides his self-diagnosed Attention Defecit Disorder as his duties and goals are constantly changing with the seasons. Robert “Bobby” Maffei (Wide Receiver Coach; Recruiting Coordinator): Maffei joins Pace after three years with Central Connecticut State University, where he served as the Head of Football Operations. Often referred to as the “little guy” of the group, Maffei is a Colts fan

Photo from Michael Bohlander Bohlander is Pace’s new Strength and Conditioning Coordinator

with a lot of energy, as he says he “runs like a nut, and yells like a nut”. Maffei brings a diverse background to the staff, as some of his prior duties include recruiting, coordinating team travel, and creating weekly scouting reports. While he is the shortest of the bunch, Maffei does admit he was the tallest student in his first grade class, and the other coaches say that it was the only time he was tall. Eric “Usher” McCarthy (Running Back Coach): McCarthy met head coach Rondeau last summer when the two worked at a day camp together. He joined Pace in March following employment at Plymouth State University, where he was part of the coaching staff since 2010. McCarthy has been around football his whole life, having served as a quarterback for his high school team. Although he has a more laid-back personality, he tries to be as energetic as possible while holding his players to high standards. Corey Hetherman (Assistant Coach; Defensive Coordinator, Linebacker Coach): Hetherman was personally recruited to Pace by Rondeau as the two worked together at Old Dominion where he served as defensive coach for four years (2010-2014). The Oxford, Massachusetts native has been coaching football for eight years at all levels and played as the quarterback throughout his college career at UMass Lowell and Fitchburg State University. Arguably the most worldly of the staff, Hetherman served overseas as the starting quarterback for Austrian and German leagues, only to move up the rankings to become the offensive coordinator for the Wuerzburg Panthers of Germany. Despite his great success with football, Hetherman is insistent that his basketball skills are far superior to those of his athletes, according to offensive lineman Terrell Price, who plans on challenging his coach on Pace’s courts. Hetherman said that football provides an opportunity for students to expand their college career and give them a chance at success in the long run. Chad Walker (Offensive Coordinator; Quarterback Coach): Following a four-year career as a college Varsity Letter winner at Lafayette and a two-year career as head coach to Bridgton Academy (where he posted a winning record), Walker joins Pace’s staff, eager to get back in the game. The father of three considers himself to be a laid back coach, but admits that he can get “quite animated” as things are his way, or the highway. Aside from coaching and parenthood, the Giants fan considers himself to be a teacher, first and foremost.

Photo provided by Cecilia Levine From left: Andrew Rondeau, Robert Maffei, Eric McCarthey, Corey Hetherman, Chad Walker, Darnell Stapleton, Reggie Garrett, Conor Gilmartin-Donahue and Stephen Gruber. Bottom: Michael “Bo” Bohlander. “It’s my job to make sure that I his way to New England where he with a degree in physical educaunderstand everything that is go- served as the cornerback coach at tion in 2012, where he played ing on because if I don’t then how University of Rhode Island. on the defense line (2008-2012). will our players understand?” “I am happy to build the Pleas- Gruber might also be an asset to said Walker. antville campus and I think that Hetherman on the court, as he When he is not instilling his the change will boost the school,” played basketball in high school, values in his athletes and chil- Garret said. and baseball as well, though it dren, Walker enjoys going to “I like New York- having seems as though football proved country bars and doing a little bit NYC in the backyard is a good to be his calling. of square-dancing. asset and I am happy to be here.” “I am enjoying my experiDarnell Stapleton (Offensive Conor Gilmartin-Donohue ence at Pace and I look forward Line Coach): Hailing from Rut- (Tight Ends Coach): Gilmartin- to changing [the University] and gers University where he was a Donohue is a triple-threat athlete, making it better,” Gruber said. graduate assistant coach, Staple- as he played football, basketMichael “Bo” Bohlander ton comes equipped with NFL ex- ball, and lacrosse during his high (Strength and Conditioning perience, as he was a member of school days at White Plains High Coordinator): Described by the 2008 Pittsburg Steelers, start- School. Gilmartin-Donohue went Rondeau as a scientist of his field, ing in 12 of 14 games, and win- on to play Division I football at Bohlander has been at Pace for ning Super Bowl XLIII with the Northeastern University, fol- eight years, not including the four team, when the Steelers beat the lowed by North Texas his senior in which he attended as a student Arizona Cardinals. year. as a four year starter for Pace’s DiStapleton considers himself to After serving as an assistant vision I baseball team. Bohlander, be the class clown as he realizes coach for the White Plains High who ranks second in the Univerthat sports are games that require School football team, Gilmartin- sity’s history for Runs Batted In the ability to have fun. Stapleton Donohue looks at his new posi- (RBI) and home runs, rewrote said that 90 percent of the time he tion at Pace as a challenge, but Pace’s homerun records in which is joking around, but he switches one that he is certainly looking he hit 17 in his junior year (2001). over to “serious mode” when he towards. The certified strength and condineeds to and can be very demandThough he is self-described tioning specialist was drafted to ing and expects a lot from his as sarcastic, Walker added that the Chicago White Sox in the 27th players. Gilmartin-Donohue considers round of the 2002 MLB draft, as Stapleton enjoys watching a himself to be a “reserved coach well as other regional and nationvariety of cartoons, from adult who has no problems raising his al teams including NCAA Divifavorites like Family Guy to Sun- voice when needed”. His favorite sion I Independent All-Star Team day classics such as the Looney meal is Chinese food, specifically in 2002. Bohlander worked with Tunes. Stapleton has volunteered General Tso’s Chicken, which subdivisions of the football team himself to be the official food his co-workers joked he couldn’t twice a week for weight training. critic for The Pace Chronicle and even pronounce correctly, to “Being a part of the team is a he is currently being seriously which Gilmartin-Donohue re- unique situation that I’m a small considered by the Chronicle staff. plied “as long as it’s in my mouth, part of,” said Bohlander, who Reggie Garrett (Defensive I’m happy.” returned to Pace following his Backs Coach): After playing Stephen Gruber (Defen- professional career when he used for Norfolk State University in sive Line Coach): Gruber is two the new facilities to work out in. Virginia (2009-2012), where he months into his career as a colle- “I like to think that I’m there for switched from quarterback to giate level coach. Prior to Pace, the athletes – I went on the same wide receiver in his sophomore the Thornwood local served at the journey that they did and faced season, Garrett followed in his fa- defensive line and off line coach the same struggles that they do, ther’s footsteps which led him to for the Westlake High School Ju- so I can sympathize for them. I a career of football coaching. The nior Varsity team (2013) and as love sports and enjoy the day to 24-year-old graduated from Nor- defensive Junior Varsity coach for day interactions that I have with folk State University in the fall of linebackers and wide receivers at the athletes. It’s great to be a part 2012 with a degree in construc- John Jay High School (2012). He of something that I certainly ention management, and then made graduated from Cortland State joy.”


The Pace Chronicle


Owner Donald Sterling Banned for Life: Pace Reacts JAMES MIRANDA FEATURED WRITER

NBA Commissioner Adam Silver held a press conference in downtown Manhattan on Tues. April 29, resulting in a lifetime ban and $2.5 million fine of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling for his racist rant within an audiotape released by TMZ Sat. April 26. Sterling’s girlfriend V. Stiviano was allegedly the individual who released the recording, after she secretly taped the conversation with him. The recorded argument between the two was in reference to Stiviano’s posts on Instagram. She posted pictures with NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson, as well as with Dodgers outfielder Matt Kemp. “People feel certain things. Hispanics feel certain things towards blacks. Blacks feel certain things towards other groups,” said Sterling, in the recording when asked about his problem with minorities. “It’s like talking to an enemy.” Sterling made many stereotypical comments in regard to the different cultures among different races. The keynote line came in the form of “don’t bring black people to my games.” “He disgusted me,” freshman nursing major Brittany Scott said. “I don’t understand how he felt that’s ok to speak to [Stiviano] like that for the simple fact that she is half black and Mexican.” However, some people were not surprised. “I wasn’t really that sur-

prised. He’s had a long history of thoughts and actions like that since he became owner of the Clippers,” freshman communications major Gabe Rivera said. “It’s good to see that it finally came out in the open so now the NBA and the public at large can really know this and do something about it.” Sterling has run into the law before. In 2009, he was sued, taken to court, and settled for $2.725 million over a dispute of him not renting apartments to minorities, including African Americans and Hispanics. The merry-go-round thrills of the NBA playoffs were put to an abrupt halt with the news. The Clippers’ players decided to wear their warm-up apparel inside out before their game four loss in the Western Conference first round on April 26. Other teams supported this movement by following in the Clippers’ footsteps. Throughout last week, multiple sponsors either voided or suspended their partnerships with the Clippers franchise. “It is [the players’] first amendment right to free speech and to express their displeasure in his actions,” Dr. Richard Mace of Pace’s English department said. “The difficulty is that Sterling has a right himself to say what he thinks and feels, but, just like any free speech, there are always repercussions.” That is indeed the problem. Sterling didn’t do anything legally wrong in this instance. He expressed free speech and his

Pace Softball Falls in NE-10 Championship NATALIA ALVAREZ PAGAN SPORTS EDITOR

The Pace Softball Team proved to be the best for the 2013-2014 Pace sporting season, as they advanced to Round 2 of the NE-10 Championship Weekend, only to fall two games short of winning it all, after losing to Saint Anselm 2-1 on Friday afternoon, May 2. The Setters beat out the Le Moyne Dolphins in Round 1

Photo courtsey of Stockton Inc.

earlier in the week, winning by a score of 7-5. Round 2 saw both sides scrambling for runs, as Caitlin McCann and Hawks starter Tayla Trask held the opposition scoreless for most of the game. An error and wild pitch from the Hawks allowed senior outfielder Samantha Garcia to reach third and then score thanks to a single by senior third baseman Rachael McMahon. But a homerun and an error from the Setters paved the way for the Hawks win, eliminating Pace with a 2-1 victory. Southern New Hampshire University took home the trophy as they defeated New Haven 4-0 on Sunday morning, May 4, becoming the 2014 NE-10 Softball Champions. The Setters end their season on a high note however, knowing that they were the only Pace team to reach the playoffs in the 2013-2014 season. Despite the loss, they can now look to build upon this season, in hopes of going all the way next year.

Photo courtsey of nj.com Stiviano (left) and Sterling (right) at a Los Angeles Clippers game earlier this season own opinion. Perhaps his rank as a public figure makes it more notorious, but there is a discrepancy between free speech and consequence-free speech which Sterling did not consider. “I feel a lifetime ban is a bit severe considering what was said and actual crimes that are committed by NBA players and officials that don’t receive such an


Sophomore defensive end Tyler Owens said that his coach’s values and guidance have already taught him to hold himself accountable for his actions and responsibilities, which may translate to an independent fulfillment of his coach’s expectations. “I’ve grown under Rondeau,” said Owens, “he doesn’t baby us, he treats us like men, and he doesn’t allow us to become complacent.” Rondau has teamed up with his staff to ensure that his players are growing, mentally and physically. Strength and Conditioning Coordinator Michael Bohlander said that he has been working with the athletes to take their bodies places that many of them don’t want them to go as Rondeau has set new limits for Bohlander and the football team. “This is my first offseason working with Coach Rondeau,” said Bohlander, who was a fouryear starter for Pace’s Division I baseball team (1999-2002). “He is more demanding of both the athletes and myself, which is a good thing – he’s making the team

action,” Mace said. “But, only if there’s something written in the bylaws of the agreement between the owners and the commissioner; if his actions are in violation of that, which we don’t know, that would then mitigate the punishment he received.” Commissioner Silver has urged that the Clippers be sold upon a three-quarter vote among

the owners, not inclusive of Sterling. That is approximately 22 or 23 votes. On Thurs. May 1, Sterling and his lawyers announced they are suing the NBA and Silver for both the suspension and the fine. One thing is known, this one’s going to overtime.

better and I’ve definitely seen improvement in our athletes. We made a lot of good strides. Rondeau and Bohlander both feel that it is necessary for all players to continue their training over the summer, which will serve as a second opportunity for further strength and conditioning progression. If Owens’ teammates are as devoted as he claims to be, then their summers will be jam-packed with drills, core work and flexibility, among other particulars. These next few months will tie up loose ends before the athletes begin to prepare for fall competition. The final phase which will complete Rondeau’s series of modifications is the annual training camp, in which athletes will report to their coaches three weeks prior to Pace football’s first contest. By then the players will all be rooted to Rondeau’s structured foundation and - if all goes according to plan – will have attained the physiques that will better equip them for their positions. “This is a big summer, a lot of guys need to keep going as there is still a lot of development that needs to happen,” said Bohlander, who is in his eighth year at Pace. “It’s definitely exciting to see where we’ll be at training camp, I think we will show improvement.”

While ultimately Rondeau has been working to physically fortify his team, the byproduct of his program has resulted in a better dynamic between players as his point based system provided an opportunity for individual growth and brought out healthy competition between players, according to junior offensive lineman Matt Digby. Though early on in the semester some of Rondeau’s athletes experienced a culture shock that came with the adjustment to an entirely new coaching staff, there has been an overall positive change in the players’ attitudes, and the ones that have stayed with the team have proved their devotion, which according to Bohlander, sets the Pace’s football program up for future successes. “American culture says ‘win’, but we really just want to get better,” said Rondeau in an interview with The Pace Chronicle last February. “We’ll be good when we’re good, but we have to keep on this path.” Assuming that the athletes will continue to gain momentum since reaching the halfway point on Rondeau’s path, Pace will be able to see the fruits of the athletes’ labors come Sept., 6, when the football team will face Alderson Broaddus on Pace’s turf.

The Pace Chronicle







Women’s Lacrosse Team Coming Along for 2015 NATALIA ALVAREZ PAGAN SPORTS EDITOR

Since the last pitch of the sporting season for Pace was thrown on Saturday afternoon, May 3, the offseason is now underway, with numerous changes beginning to take place for Pace Athletics. One of those changes is being overseen by women’s lacrosse coach Michael Spinner, as he en-

ters the final stages of creating the first ever women’s lacrosse team at Pace, and prepares for the spring 2015 season. Currently, Spinner finds himself with about twenty recruits, as he hopes to form a team of about thirty players, which he describes as a healthy and competitive roster. “I’m hoping for about eight or ten more right now,” Spinner said. “But I have to say that we

Photo provided by Pace Lacrosse

have such a great athletic team and admissions team here at Pace, they have been so helpful and have been so instrumental in making this happen.” Spinner has been recruiting from nearby-areas such as Long Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Baltimore, the “hotbed” for lacrosse. Although some potential players made the decision to go to schools that were further away from home, many of them have been drawn by Pace’s academic excellence, as well as the lure of being a part of a new program. Knowing that it will be the team’s first season ever, Spinner understands the challenges that might arise when forming a team. He hopes that by the second year every starter will have played lacrosse in high school. Spinner knows that the first year will mainly be the team adjusting to the NE-10 conference, which Spinner believes is the best conference in terms of women’s lacrosse. But with the right effort and attitude, Spinner trusts that the team can have success. “Of course we want to win games, but we need to be realistic,” Spinner said. “I think you need to take a methodical ap-

proach and you need to build a solid foundation to work off of. I think you know going into year one you’ll only win two or three games, but you need to be smart about it.” It’s all about the mindset that one acquires, as Spinner states that in order to have a successful season, the team needs to just go out and find their comfort level. The first year is not so much about winning games, but instead about finding the right pace that works for the team. “We can’t focus on how to beat the opposing team just yet, because you set yourself up for failure if you think about how to win,” Spinner said. But before there can be a team, certain steps need to be taken. Once the entire roster is set and all the spaces are filled, it’s important for Spinner to make sure that his players are comfortable with one another. In order to build up the team, Spinner will allocate four to six weeks minimum in order to dabble in some “team building” exercises. That doesn’t necessarily mean learning how to play with another, as Spinner wants to ensure that his team has fun as they being

their journey as Pace’s first ever women’s lacrosse team. “We need to make sure that we are an actual team,” said Spinner, who has experience with starting programs from his days as an Assistant Coach at Manhattanville College. “Whether it be going out to lunch or going to the soccer game to support the other Pace athletes, I really want to make sure that we all feel like we are unified, that we are a team before we start practices.” Once that stage is complete, the team will begin its practices later in the fall, before beginning the season in March. Despite having a team mainly composed of freshman, Spinner does have five recruits who are current students at Pace, giving the team a much needed veteran presence. Having internal players “will add to what we are doing” according to Spinner. The veteran players will be able to teach the freshman “the ropes” of Pace, bringing much needed experience and leadership to the team. With the final spots being filled up, Spinner looks to the future with excitement and gratitude, as he prepares to make Pace University history.

Senior Setter Spotlight: Softball Player Rachael McMahon NATALIA ALVAREZ PAGAN SPORTS EDITOR

Lights, camera, action! Those are words that senior Rachael McMahon might find herself uttering in the future, as the third baseman for the Pace softball team aspires towards a career in the film industry. McMahon hopes to go to film school in the near future, where she hopes to continue to gain the necessary skills that will help her achieve her goal. She already has a couple of screenplays in the works, describing them as mainly suspense/ thrillers. “Horror and suspense movies are probably my favorite,” said McMahon, who is majoring in communications and minoring in journalism. “My favorite movie is the 1986 film Aliens, and I just think it’s the perfect sci-fi horror flick. It has suspense, it has drama, it has comedy, and it’s just great. I pretty much grew up on that.” While movies have been something McMahon has always loved, she doesn’t want to limit her career to film, as she express-

es desires in perhaps writing TV scripts. She knows it will be a hard career to pursue, but she has the determination and drive needed to succeed. If film doesn’t work out, her Plan B is to get involved with the media side of sports, which happens to be another aspect of McMahon’s life. It all started when McMahon received a bat and a glove from her father one Christmas morning, and from there it just escalated. “My dad played baseball and my younger brother played as well, so it’s pretty much been in the family my whole life,” said McMahon, who also played a little bit of T-ball and baseball. “I love the intensity of the game, the atmosphere is great. There is nothing like the feel of the dirt and the smell of the grass.” But for McMahon, it hasn’t all been happy days on the field, as she has had plenty of instances where she found herself on the verge of leaving it all behind, yearning for a more normal life, one which wouldn’t restrict her from going out with friends because of practices. McMahon’s love for softball

kept her going though, as she now states she couldn’t imagine a life without it. “It was definitely hard sometimes, but I know if I had quit I would regret it,” said McMahon, a native of Corona, California. “By the time I was in high school it got to the point where I was just so far into it that I couldn’t just quit.” With the softball season now officially over for Pace, as the Setters fell to the Saint Anselm Hawks in the second round of the NE-10 Championship, McMahon acknowledges a bitter-sweet ending, but is looking forward to the next chapter of her life, and a much needed break from softball. “I definitely need a break now so that I can really focus on getting my career going,” McMahon said. “But I might coach or something in like ten years, but not anytime soon.” McMahon plans on moving back home to California, where she will begin to work towards her film career. So a few years from now, when you go to the movies, keep an eye out, you just might see McMahon’s name pop up in the credits.

Photo provided by Pace Athletics Senior communications major Rachael McMahon is third baseman for the Pace softball team.

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