The Pace Chronicle Volume III, Issue II

Page 1

First Place award winners

From the

new York Press association & american scholastic Press association


Pace Chronicle Volume III, Issue II

Pace unIVersIty, PleasantVIlle/BrIarclIff manor, NY

Wednesday, sePtemBer 18, 2013


was diagnosed I was relieved that I wasn’t going crazy.” Those who know Brenna

Managing Editor CECilia.r.lEvinE@paCE.Edu

cancer look easy, as she keeps her bite you’ve ever had. It kept you edy that Google had to offer just to soothe the nagging itch. Salt, ice, “I try to stay positive and live thing, it is that you never know


Brenna surrounds herself with by engaging in activities that will It was cancer.

itchiness. Brenna was diagnosed -

for instance, going to Justin Bieber concerts. A fellow Bieber fan, Alicia ter account through her series of Bieber related hashtags and tweets

blood levels, soreness, constant faly lead specialists to believe that

in which Alicia had Brenna’s seats

spreading cancer of the blood

Photo Provided by brenna Crowe


Pace student Brenna Crowe battles Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and online classes.

Continued on Page 3

“senIor fIghts cancer”

Tragic Fire Destroys Seaside Heights: Pace Reacts taylor longenberger nEws Editor taylor.B.longEnBErgEr@paCE.Edu

Fire destroyed parts of the newly rebuilt Seaside Park and Seaside Heights Boardwalk last Thursday afternoon in Seaside Heights, New Jersey. Many watched as the popular vacation spot of the Jersey shore was crushed by the brutality of Hurricane Sandy last October. The citizens of New Jersey went right to work rebuilding the tourist attraction and trying to get back on




their feet. Newly rebuilt and up and running, the Boardwalk was back to its once found glory, and then ,just as quickly as it had all been washed away last year, it was that brought the horror back.

and despite all their efforts to rebuild and start over, they have been crushed once again. tioning at the Jersey Shore all of I know that Jersey is strong and

New Jersey would not rebuild, but

Heights has always been. that happened with Hurricane Sandy last year and then again with

sey residents as well as concerned The quick rebuilding actions put into effect last year show that the

custard shop, one of the businesses right on the boardwalk, and con-


is a tragedy that such natural disasters occurred one after the other in the last year.” New Jersey Governor Chris rebuild portions of Seaside Park and the Seaside Heights Board-

50 YEARS, 50,000 STORIES Exclusive Page 10 Happy bicentennial, Pace Pleas-

to Seaside Heights to vacation, even if just for the day. “It is devastating to see a place stroyed once again,” said senior

can do it again. Many Pace Students will be watching to see the verdict of what

Whelan. I doubt that a place that

plans of action will be after all is settled at Seaside.



Opinion Page 6

Feature Page 4 The Chronicle gives you the scoop on why your or less convenient.


The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 2

From Pizza to Meatballs

slices are still available for your a twist. Arellano reverted back to the original recipe he created and produced, prior to leaving the restaurant a few years ago. This recipe gives pizza-goers a crisp, savory crunch, while leaving your isfaction. But did you know that ArellaBut that’s not all that’s in store.

“We want students to be coning on and they shouldn’t have to they go to class,” Arellano said. It doesn’t. Arellano knows Pace is his audience and doesn’t

Photo by tamara bonet Pizza and Meatballs is preparing for a busy night of football by baking fresh pies and keeping the vicinity friendly.

tamara bonet fEaturE Editor taMara.d.BonEt@paCE.Edu

As students, there is a love for a quick and easy slice of pizza on the go. But what happens when you take a bite of that crispy brick-oven slice and taste a dif-

One local pizzeria, Jerry’s owner Jerry Villani, have decided the desire for expansion, both of the pizzeria and of a future restaurant. Owner Fernando Arellano has plans to rebrand the beloved Pace

favorite, but with a little spin. After working with Jerry for two years, leaving and his recent return, Arellano is ready. “There is a plan in the works to expand to a full service restaurant,” Fernando Arellano said. thing to look forward to as Arel-

Department Feature: The Counseling Center tamara bonet fEaturE Editor taMara.d.BonEt@paCE.Edu

ers, we really try to get everyone’s input.”

synopsis of what the center does and where it is located. But that’s

undergraduate, graduate, and Pace

that students should be aware of. -

to keep the university involved. opportunity to dine with their keep the pizzeria portion as is. that everyone has an enjoyable experience while they’re here,” Arellano said. Now, if you step into the for-

university’s Flex Dollars plan, students will be able to continue ordering throughout the day without having to worry about the cafWho doesn’t want a slice of stop by and have a slice of what

The Pace Chronicle PACE UNIVERSITY 861 Bedford Road, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570 Phone: (914) 773-3401

edItorIal staff Jonathan alvarez Editor-in-CHiEf JonatHan.alvarEz@paCE.Edu

CeCilia levine Managing Editor CECilia.r.lEvinE@paCE.Edu

andreas Christou Copy Editor andrEas.E.CHristou@paCE.Edu

Carlos villamayor Copy Editor Carlos.d.villaMayor@paCE.Edu

taylor longenberger nEws Editor taylor.B.longEnBErgEr@paCE.Edu

tamara bonet fEaturE Editor taMara.d.BonEt@paCE.Edu

sara moriarty opinion & wEB Editor sara.Moriarty@paCE.Edu

katie szilagyi HEaltH Editor Kaitlyn.M.szilagyi@paCE.Edu

within Student Affairs seek to

Tillery said. “Students have the knowing that anything that is said

designed to aid in your developtance, does just that. Coordinator of Consultation and Outreach, Mariesa S. Cruz-Tillery, Ph.D., knows what it is like to be a colis ready to help students get the dents,” staff psychologist Ph.D. Mariesa S. Cruz-Tiller said. -

wants to partner with student organizations. -

say otherwise.” Now, that’s not all. In addition to one-on-one sessions, there fered. There are groups that focus on social skills, drug and alcohol addiction (both for self and for

to throw an event, whether it be on stress, violence, drugs and alcohol,” Criz-Tillery said. don’t know where Counseling Services is located. After devel-

is even in the process of creating an additional service to what they offer.

the Pace University YouTube channel, students can get a brief

derek kademian EntErtainMEnt Editor dErEK.H.KadEMian@paCE.Edu natalia alvarez Pagan sports Editor natalia.M.alvarEzpagan@paCE.Edu

imerlyn ventura Business Manager

emily wolfrum layout Editor EMily.r.wolfruM@paCE.Edu

henry de la rosa distriBution HEnry.a.dElarosa@paCE.Edu

The Pace Chronicle is published by Trumbull Printing: (203) 261-2548

Follow The Pace Chronicle on Twitter: @PaceChronicle

oPeratIonal staff

Prof. KeVIn czerwInsKI Faculty adVisor KCzErwinsKi@paCE.Edu

Written and edited by the students of Pace University, The Pace Chronicle is published weekly during the academic year. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of administration, faculty and The Pace Chronicle staff. The Pace Chronicle encourages responses to the opinions expressed herein, and welcomes letters and comments. The Pace Chronicle cannot guarantee publication of letters to the editor or unsolicited manuscripts, and reserves the right to edit or comment editorially on them. Appearance of an advertisement in The Pace Chronicle does not imply endorsements by the members of the editorial board, the advisor, or Pace University of the products or services offered. All photos and copyrights reserved unless otherwise indicated. Subscription and advertising rates available upon request.

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 3

Cancer ...Continued from Page 1

ple need to know that cancer isn’t

upgraded to the front row and provided her with a VIP, backstage are intravenously pushed through the teen heartthrob ten or twelve was a different experience. “It’s crazy that a stranger would go out of their way to do Crowe. Although Brenna is unsure of whether or not Bieber knows who In fact, one of the staff is dating the founder of the organization where Brenna now interns.

worried, particularly in reference ever, she is one of the very few pastill apprehensive in regards to the destiny of her hair, but Brenna has er aspects of life since being faced with the prospect of death. “It’s annoying that I still have to go greatest thing.”

said yes.” The internet has undoubtedly portunities for networking and support. Brenna has been docuagnosis on her YouTube channel,

na’s days were spent crying, sleeping and worrying. She is now enrolled in online classes through Pace and is working and interning. It takes a special person to be able to turn an encounter with a serious illness into a learning and growing

Photo Provided by brenna Crowe Brenna maintains a positive attitude despite her struggles.

has been able to recognize her own Cancer Diaries. literally thought I would be dead,” said Brenna. “I would stay up all night crying and watching other people’s YouTube videos. Now it

her successful recovery to her sup-


with cancer or anyone experiencing a hardship is to stay positive and keep friends and loved ones around.

to do.” Brenna’s advice to anyone

When We Travel: Pace Style

tamara bonet fEaturE Editor

Pace allows students the opportunity to travel practically anywhere.


Traveling to different counjust an opportunity to further their knowledge. At Pace, students have the luxury of being able to go anywhere their heart desires. But what hapsociate Director of Study Abroad, Colleen O’Hara, knows just what students look for when looking for that perfect ‘nitch.’ being Faculty led. This is when about particular cultures or counbreak, travel to their destination with their professor,” Associate Director, Colleen O’Hara said.

Photo by tamara bonet While studying abroad, students can visit unique sites like the Lennon Wall in Prague, Czech Republic and make their mark by painting, drawing, or writing amongst the many who have visited.

Student Exchange, which is when students attend schools that Pace has partnered with. Another option portunities that students opt for.” dents often wonder where they can

students. This is when students travel via cruise ship to various locations throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, the seas, but also dock and experience the culture of cities across the globe. But the fun doesn’t end here. There is also a post-return prodors, where students assist and share their experiences with future dents will provide insight to scenarios based on their travels and assist in the Study Abroad Fair and If you’re interested in learnwill be a Study Abroad Fair on in the Kessel Student Center. All Abroad, contact Colleen O’Hara edu.

fEaturE tamara bonet fEaturE Editor taMara.d.BonEt@paCE.Edu

It’s no surprise that the students depend on the Pace University crazy weather patterns, jobs and internships, social outings, or even

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 4

weekends. But even though the -

New Year, New Us, New Bus

and planning went into the weekday schedule. spo said. “The route begins earlier, and we have a bus on each end that

a need for transportation. Over the over the bus schedule. Since then, Director of General Transporta-

for the weekend,” Director of Transportation, Francoise Crespo issue was clear. The busses only changed that.” By changing the weekend schedule, students can travel betown of Pleasantville, and Briarcliff a tad quicker. Doing so has accessible, as well as lessened the stress of those who work on the

takes getting used to, the Departtrain schedules into consideration. Drivers have been instructed to wait for students during the A.M. es. Above all, this new schedule is allowing drivers and students to be “By doing this, I feel like I increased transportation for those going to Pleasantville and Briarcliff. There is a slight difference in

Photo from A Pace bus, decorated for the 50th anniversary arrives to pick up students.

dents. Without questioning, Franwill be taking place on the Pleas-



is not set in stone,” Crespo said. “If

delays so dispatch can relay the

route, or would like to learn how

when the next bus is available.

please contact Francoise Crespo at

Green.” With the weekday schedThings are looking up for those who depend on the university also sees this as an effort to prepare

there is an understanding that the tion is always looking to assist stu-

edu. all,” Crespo said. “The change

nEws Graduate Student Housing in New Dorm

of that resident population being graduate students. This availability

life of an undergraduate and the life of a graduate. ing as a graduate, just as it does as an undergraduate, allows for the convenience of the things around you,” said one of the Graduate -

New Dorm now features graduate student sections.

taylor longenberger nEws Editor taylor.B.longEnBErgEr@paCE.Edu

Graduate students had the option of applying for housing in

This year, graduate housing is available in one tower of New -

Martine Avenue Graduate Center have the option of housing at Dannat Hall at the Pace Law School This has caused a split in New dergraduate residents. Currently


students that applied for housing “We have dedicated one tower of the building for our graduate ing description. trance of the building but now need to swipe into the separate hallways. The left tower of the ate Housing and the hallways are locked so that only Graduate Students can enter the section. This

Photo from

facilities such as the dining hall and the Pace shuttle to the Pleas-

suite with your friends. I don’t regraduates, truth is we’re not.” Graduate students, like undergraduate students on the Briarcliff

Briarcliff and I think I didn’t live degree B.A./M.S.Ed childhood/ special education graduate Lisa

stop there if I need to.” vides graduate students the opportunity to be together with their friends as well as to have an air-conditioned place to retreat. There are two types of singles that


garding housing can always be tial Life.


The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 5

Muslim Student Association Petitions Chartwells for Halal, Kosher, and Vegetarian Foods taylor longenberger nEws Editor taylor.B.longEnBErgEr@paCE.Edu

tion (MSA) is petitioning Chartwells for halal, kosher, and vegetarian foods in the dining halls at Pace. MSA has created a petition dents, kosher foods for Jewish students and a larger variety of vegetarian foods for a large portion of students that are vegetarvegetarian students are denied the Photo from mightysweet.Com

will struggle to use throughout the year. dents resort to buying groceries elsewhere, which is a great incon-

MSA hopes to make Pace among the universities that have provided halal options in their cafeteria for students

byproducts, blood and blood bywere dead prior to slaughtering, prey.

else, and not have fair access to niences if alternative options are too expensive or too far away,”

be treated with respect. Through -

MSA. “It is unfortunate that a big portion of Pace University stufor these services, so should we not all receive equal and fair priviHalal foods are those that fol-

jugular vein is cut and the blood is of the blood. Kosher foods are those that follow Kashrut, or the Jewish dietary according to Hebrew. Foods that are not allowed under these guidelines, treif foods, are non-kosher tered in a non-ritualistic way, blood or blood byproducts, certain

“I understand that there are var-

In both kosher and halal foods, cause for a strict diet and strict preparation of food. The lack of providing products that follow the religious guidelines of halal and kosher foods prevents students riety to eat. “For the people who spend all a hazard in health,” Parwez said. “Although the salad bar does serve as a healthier option, students need variety. How long will students eat Many of the foods that follow the guidelines of halal and kosher foods are fast foods such as pizza, candy, or chips. This causes a lack of nutrition as well as poor dietary conditions. The dietary needs en-

“being a resident, I personally

MSA wants help to create a better dining and living experience for Pace students. The addition of kosher and halal foods and the increase in better vegetarian foods will allow students to have better diets as well as be able to continue with following the guidelines of their religions. that includes halal food for Musish students, and vegetarian options for Hindus and vegetarians,” said Parwez. “The dietary needs students at Pace University and we are really hoping this brings in new and better vendors that can

provides the need for a change to

kosher foods to the Chartwells dinbetter for all. “Additionally, we understand quite well that the costs to obtain the halal or kosher food will be very expensive, but I was talking friends that attend the University of Pittsburgh have halal and kosher options at least three days a week,” said Vohrabut. “After hearing this ical option to introduce halal or tions would be a wonderful start.” Student opinions and diversity are on of the things that Pace Prides itself on. Through the use of the petition, MSA is doing just that, voicing their opinions for the good of the whole. If you are interested in signing MSA’s petition to introduce halal, kosher, and better vegetarian foods into the dining halls at pace please contact MSA

change and addition of halal and





opinion sara moriarty

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 6

then- BAM- out of nowhere the

opinion Editor sara.Moriarty@paCE.Edu

Friends in the Morning?

Or just different colors, Men. Always on the

texts you everyday and suddenly stops after hooking up with you.

I could get any guy I want, I atfailed. And failed again. Was after taking you on dates and goThe guys I was going least not in a “relationship” kind of way. At any rate, I still felt bad-

you he loves you and then breaks up with you. He tells you he loves you again, after breaking up with you. How should you feel about

No one deserves to be prefer). “We’ll still be friends in

lead to no relationship or alteration of the current relationship he was in. They weren’t friends in

the world. However, will the world ever understand the girls and guys who treat a person like gold one A safe answer is no, not all people will be understood. The

their way to treat a girl the way she wants to be treated- the way she deserves to be treated. The like willingly cannon-balled off a cliff) for those attractive, fan-

would also fall under the category of sex.) Maybe true feelings do hearts of the guys who only text you when they’re bored. But the -

Photo by sara moriarty Be careful when venturing into any form of relationship, and be sure to appreciate the beauty of it. (Lake in the Catskill Mountains)

interest just to talk to you about it!

ing steps further with refreshing

sight of yourself and whatever will let you be yourself, wait for

that there’s still the chance for than a cuddle-buddy-ship. Girls, ity that will talk to you for hours.

You can see your feet at the botDon’t cannonball off a low. Step in a lake and wade in as you test the waters. Wait to

is breathtaking. Make sure you can always keep sight of yourself. You

ing. Girls (and guys) deserve noth-

to text you and read things of your

Greek Life: A Realist’s Perspective andrew linthwaite

as their brother.

fEaturEd writEr andrEw.d.lintHwaitE@paCE.Edu

cisive student about Greek life to

Greek life at Pace University is an area frequently challenged and discussed for all of its

What you will typically rority should not be taken lightly in your decision process, but -

Generally speaking, this institution puts a great deal of ef-

tance of individual initiative and as a result should seek to absorb selves. -

pro-Greek enthusiasts tend to run concurrently throughout every orthe opportunity to network, con-

Photo by CeCilia levine Although Greek Life at Pace can sometimes monopolize the social constructs of the student body, one’s decision to join should be considered based on personal beliefs.

After years of hardened junior when I decided join the brothers of Alpha Chi Epsilon confess that the decision to in-

getting involved. The astounding expansion of potential networks and relationships I could gain felt

that I have previously relied on like a life-crutch. Thankfully, the brothers of Alpha Chi Epsilon -



I saw an opportunity to -

do not expect or encourage any other prospective Greek-individual to follow the rationalization of anybody else. Above all, what

inherently stand out than I have

The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 7

College Uncertainties sara moriarty opinion Editor sara.Moriarty@paCE.Edu

College. ics. While in college, however, I may or may not change my major. I may or may not be intoxicated right now. His name may or may not have been Lou. I may or may not have passed anatomy. I may or may not be depressed. I may or may not want to go out with him/her. He may or may not have an STD. This gets pretty serious. People are often uncertain Even if they are sure of their ac-

And if they aren’t for sure, then they should be.

intoxicated” friends go off into handed. Better yet, bring your own stuff. For instance, “that jungle syrup in it.” Bad news. is a good idea. closet.” DON’T GO IN THE CLOSET- you’re not going to closet.

(unless you want to, then do it). they will be sketchy alone. Don’t feel obligated to entertain people

Photo by sara moriarty Cheers to a good semester. Cheers to knowing what’s in your drink. Cheers to discovering more about yourself as the semester unfolds.

ful, or worth telling - so they keep

than it actually is.) studying is a good idea.

Pace Confessions.

the person. show interest in return, then that person sucks so get over it. (Ok that

know what to do. don’t know. what to do.

lationships to partying to life in general.

you feel pressured to do anything, leave the situation or call for help. If a person truly cares about you, then that person would not pressure you to do/try anything.

VIDUAL and if the other person

That should just about cover it for now. Be as decisive and sure of yourselves as possible, because it

it’s what college is for and it’s one person isn’t worth hanging around

HEaltH The Bigger Picture

der if there will be a career waiting

katie szilagyi HEaltH Editor Kaitylyn.M.szilagyi@paCE.Edu

While there is no doubt that the pressures to succeed are stressful leges and universities, the source

This fear of being without a job after graduation is certainly present here at Pace as well. -

ter reach out to help students cope Mrs. Cruz Tillery. The Counseling Center offers

calculations being done by statis-


the lowest level since an annual cord Level of Stress Found in ColLewin suggests the reason for

students have to recognize the neghave pursued a business degree in lieu of education degrees due to the lack of education jobs. Here at Pace, psychologist Mariesa Cruz-Tillery agrees that the stress experienced by Pace stu-

isting concerns. Director of Counseling at Western Kentucky University and Counseling Association, Brian Van Brunt said, “More students are Photo from PaCe university Counseling Center Pace’s Counseling Center acts as a safe-zone for those who are struggling with the stress of school.

social experiences and pressures, as well as preexisting depression or anxiety. All of these variables tuate depending on the university,

needing support, and today’s ecostandards are reasonable or exextra stress on college students, as they look at their loans and won-

How does the Counseling Cen-

and be proactive about visiting the to the Counseling Center if he or she is concerned for the students’ well-being. All in all, it would be inaccua direct cause or source of student stress, for, in each individual case, isting and current, which contribute to the growing rates of concern and anxiety in college students.


The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 8

A Healthy Climate katie szilagyi


HEaltH Editor Kaitylyn.M.szilagyi@paCE.Edu

11, can agree that the heat was ex-

Upon students’ return to Pace rential rain, and chilly evenings all any longer. Also, one can’t help changes, as well as those which and precipitation affect agricultural production, allowing pathotional trade. Pace students and staff suffered

about their clothes sticking to their tatives left early, unable to bear standing in the sun any longer. Most people know that extended to heat stroke and or dehydration. However, heat waves often occur in conjunction with stagnant air patterns which increase air pollution. This, of course, can lead to worsen of respiratory illnesses like

other bacteria-related food poisonthe EPA said. Therefore, heat waves can also lead to an increased frequency of food-borne illnesses. Floods, which could be caused by such torrential rains as Westchester County experienced lastThurs.,

it appears highly probable that sentially crops) with pathogens spring pollen season is already occurring earlier in the United States

There are, of course, additional cal highways such as the Saw Mill

ragweed show that increasing carbon dioxide concentrations and


pollen production.” Any and all students who at-

ing water. These parasites can



cause gastrointestinal distress and in severe cases, death,” the EPA said. paranoid in one’s everyday life about everything which could go and staff, as well as the surroundties around the world undergoing

ability to change the weather, at ever, it is peoples’ instantaneous decisions which create long lastbe the creation of cars, a quick and spontaneous technological -

all these years since their creation. This effect cannot be quickly reversed, because it did not occur

oneself not only how can agriculbut will the consequences of these


EntErtainMEnt The Electric Lady

derek kademian EntErtainMEnt Editor dErEK.H.KadEMian@paCE.Edu

Janelle Monáe is back with her beautifully crafted sophoThe Electric Lady. Produced by Big Boi, Diddy, and Deep Cotton, The Electric Lady has set a new standard for the

jazz, hip-hop, blues, and classic-

The track dips and dives between

for success with guest vocals and guitar solos by the Purple god -

reincarnation of Ella Fitzgerald. She takes on Ella’s style and

The other collaborations on

The only other artist that is -

ing Erykah Badu, isn’t your typi-

The concept behind The Electric Lady ArchAndroid

ally pleasant, but Monáe pulls it off with style. nine roles, sexuality, and the state of the world. into her genre, blending aggresPhoto



Pictured above, Janelle Monáe sports one of her trademark black and white suits.

of Monáe’s sexuality, which is lines the song suggests her bisexuality, but who knows what the intent is for sure. regards to the fact that she won’t pay for it, especially seeing that soul singers. Another stand out track on the

her The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, groundbreaking. But Monáe’s style is far differwith her ability to transcend into a rap verse is not only incredibly unique but it has certainly never been done before. Monáe also tends to use a terstyles to the table, which is a rarto the greats like Fitzgerald and the next Mary J. Blige. She’s not trying to be the next trying to be Janelle Monáe and


The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 9

¡Viva La Tortuga! Enters NYC Film Fest prestigious events in the country,

derek kademian EntErtainMEnt Editor dErEK.H.KadEMian@paCE.Edu

“I think they are getting recogLast spring students of Dr. Luskay’s “Producing the Docudalena Bay in Baja California Sur,

that the work that our students do is excellent and is on par with pro-

¡Viva La Tortuga! has been entered in the NYC Inde-


¡Viva La Tortuga! explores the efforts of conservationists and their struggle with preserving the sea turtle population while dealPhoto -


“We had one person in Mexico tell us that people wrote about how you could cross the bay on the backs of sea turtles,” Gaurneri said. “We were there for a week


¡Viva La Tortuga! has received wide acclamation.

hunted. Now the biggest issue is that the turtles are getting caught washing ashore. Magdalena Bay of sea turtles and its citizens have vowed to protect its beauty and habitat. Breaking Bad because of how bar-

said graduate student Lou Guarneri. “But when we got to the bay it was absolutely beautiful.” years, Dr. Luskay along with Anprofessionals behind the Pace

feels that there are still places where she is still learning. perience (laughs),” Luskay said, “and I have to say I enjoyed it.” Luskay has been the director ries in which they were awarded The Battle Be-

hind the Bottle: A Film on the Cork Question cations Association International. other awards in the past as well. Now she and the Pace students are being entered in several festivals for their latest work. The New York Independent

is no doubt that the turtles face extinction.” According to ¡Viva La Tortuga! interviewee Jesse Senko, the video region of Baja California Sur. her students are headed to Brazil for the World Cup in the spring.

Justice For derek kademian EntErtainMEnt Editor dErEK.H.KadEMian@paCE.Edu

Dr. Joseph Pastore of the Lubin School of Business took screening of Woody Allen’s latBlue Jasmine at the Jaued into this year’s class as well. He wanted to explore the use of justice in regards to dealing with a societal class structure, which is

two sisters who were adopted lead very different lives as adults. One, played by Cate Blanchett ity, and the other, played by Sally life but is truly happier than Jas-

unaware that her husband (played by Alec Baldwin) runs a very illegal real estate business.

usually associated with people see her pick up the pieces of her life, you can tell that she is start“It is possible to eleveate enzie Boyce.

extravagant lifestyle, she is able past. She doesn’t necessarily elGinger on the other hand leads cares about her. She’s already tried elevating her class through -




Blue Jasmine juxtaposes the lives of adopted sisters Jasmine and Ginger living within very different social classes. This is the root of her probbecause she is of “higher class”.

After being poisoned by Jasit because she knows how to deal for the best” attitude, she begins to question her relationship, the only thing she has going for her. Thus she decides to cheat on her

with her for a while, Ginger starts in, causing her to second guess everything

sive she is raising her class. Whether or not Ginger is -

good thing, which is exactly what

of power, she always expects

all because Ginger is the one who tionship. When dealing with social classes you basically have two classes, the rich and the poor.

Dr. Pastore believes that, “the rich assert this ‘power’ over the poor, but in reality they are only poor are being used because they lack power.” But should the only thing we crave be raising our standpoint in -


The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 10

From the Editor, Celebrating 50 years of greatness, it is my pleasure to present to you the Pace Chronicle for the 2012-2014 academic years. Here at the Pace Chronicle, it is our job and duty to deliver news about what matters to the Pace Pleasantville campus. However, we are not only just a campus paper, but are a network of students of different backgrounds who come together to deliver stories that matter. As the year progresses, we hope you enjoy and are informed through our published work, whether it be through print or online media. I envision the Pace Chronicle as having a larger campus presence, so mark my words, by the end of this academic year, students and faculty will be anticipating each issue and papers will disappear from the stands as excited hands rush to grab an issue. By providing weekly papers, we will be chronicling the entire year capturing the Pace college experience within twelve sheets. The issues will serve as memoirs of the past, whether it is complaints about food from the café or heart-touching stories of students coming together to work towards a greater purpose. They will also serve as a glimpse into the future, with an insider’s look into upcoming events and projects at the Pace campus. These papers tell stories, not stories of our own, but stories of you-- of the Pace community. That is why we will strive to deliver the best news we can, because this isn’t just a paper, it is our story, it is Pace’s story. So expect great things this year. With 50 years to celebrate, there will be much to cover, so be sure to pick up an issue of the Pace Chronicle when it comes out every Wednesday. -Jonathan Alvaraz

Professor Robert Klaeger, Sept. 6, 1985 (Chronicle archives, photographer unknown)

Chronicle archives)

Chronicle archives)


The Pace Chronicle

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013 page 11

Keith Collazo: Running from Influence cial for Collazo, since it ended up going to do after high school. “I didn’t know what to do with

ational DJing as well, an art that he spite everything going on in this jack-of-all-trade’s life, he feels

was approached by the Pace coach said Collazo, who was an Aller at his high school in Arlington, New York. “We talked and she have the opportunity to be on the

not. federal agent,” said Collazo, who would like to work for the federal Photo Provided by keith Collazo justice was a good place to start.” As if being a student-athlete -

Senior cross country runner Keith Collazo runs to his own beat.

natalia alvarez Pagan

his passion of running. “My dad would work out a lot

sports Editor natalia.M. alvarEzpagan@paCE.Edu

it,” Collazo said. “It’s a great way

to snowboard and one day they in-

that I was out of shape, so I started People around us tend to greatCollazo, who started running durschool. -


plus it’s good for you, so it has its

and I love it,” said Collazo, who has been snowboarding for about

Finding peace and tranquility -

very recreational.” Collazo has picked up recre-

froM tHE arCHivEs

other pretty well,” said Collazo,

Setters website. “Half of the guys are in Greek life so it has a very brotherhood aspect to it.” Cross-country can be a very

another. “We all want each other to do the best that he can possibly do,” said Collazo, who last year acally expect to win the conference that, but we all want to do our best, Collazo plans on either continuing his education and going to law school, or getting his Master’s degree. Invitational in New Britain, Connecticut.

The Pace Chronicle

page 12

Wednesday, septeMBer 18, 2013

SPORTS VOLLEYBALL SPLIT IN GAME ONE resulted in two loses for the Setters against Dowling College, ack, which is their second highest total of the season so far.




while Marchino and DiFulvio

second with 11 kills in the first

Setters. Dowling got off to a good start as they won the first two -

against the Caldwell Cougars, as they won by another close

the victory.

The Setters got off to a good start as they won the first set right back and won the second

Photo from PaCesettersathletiCs.Com

for the Cougars to win the last

Women’s volleyball splits day one of the tournament.


Finally, the Setters lost the

natalia alvarez Pagan sports Editor natalia.M. alvarEzpagan@paCE.Edu

The Pace Setters classic two -

natalia alvarez Pagan sports Editor natalia.M. alvarEzpagan@paCE.Edu

crushed by the New Haven Char-

College and Caldwell College. The Setters were able to beat has been their only win so far this season.

Antwan Washigton was sacked

the Warriors of Nyack, but the

Beach, California, lead the Set-

kills, while the Setters only had 19 kills.

off. Pace was able to take the ack then won the second set by

three total blocks, of which two were solo blocks. DiFulvio


back to win the last two sets, by


Setters Crushed by New Haven

scoring. score another touchdown for the Chargers, who had the ball for a Washington had a rough day,

Conference. ter, when senior Mike Decaro Chargers. The Setters then possessed to score, as they started off with

While for the Chargers, Nelson

yards, as Decaro took the pass to the end zone to score yet another touchdown for the Chargers, ending the scoring for the second quarter with the Chargers now For the beginning of the third quarter, the Setters were able to

yards. The Chargers got the ball

Pace got the ball for the beginning of the second quarter but was

ball, having held the ball for a in seven yards. But the Chargers kept on scoring as they scored another touchdown in their next possession, yard pass to Michael Flacco. -

Photo from newhavenregister.Com Pace’s football team loses their second game of the season.

The Chargers kept at it in the ris, scoring another touchdown, to end the scoring for the Chargers. Overall, New Haven ended

percent. The Charger’s offense

straight year that Pace starts off

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