Testing, P&H Cetus (MV) Dimitri Vandepoele NORTHSEAKAYAK
This review is based on long term testing and the latest renewal in constructions. I have paddled two different boats for this review. First, I have paddled my Cetus MV Expedition KevlarCarbon for precisely four years (and a bit more than 5,000 km under the hull). For the people who are following us on social media; this is the black and orange Cetus I paddled with. I recently switched to a Cetus MV in Expedition Kevlar-Carbon, but this time to the brand-new Infusion version, which I am eager to talk about! This one is the black and green one I currently paddle with.
I paddled the Cetus in conditions from flat calm up to Force 7, and corresponding sea state. I’m using it as a coaching platform, for day trips, offshore trips, surfing, downwinders and rescue training. The thing I’m most proud of is that the Cetus accompanied me during my second North Sea crossing in 2018. So that’s the ship we are going to talk about!
SOME HISTORY Most of us know that the Cetus is a design that has set the standard for expedition sea kayaks during the last decade. P&H developed this boat, and prototypes were shown to the public at Trade Shows in 2006. The first Cetus deliveries to customers started in February 2007. At the beginning there was just a Cetus MV (a rather big MV), the updates followed soon afterwards to the complete gamma as we now know it, having three sizes that will fit any individual (HV, MV & LV).