The Painting Experience Social Media Review, November 2016
Why bother with social media? Update and inform people who already know us Make new connections Increase opportunities for conversation Drive traffic to social media accounts for more than 30% of all traffic to our website Increase search engine ranking for Grow our mailing list
How people located in October 2016
(using a URL) (using a search engine) (from other websites or MailChimp) (I have no idea what this is; it's 1.1%)
A closer look at Pinterest in October 2016 . . .
How are we reaching people ?
1,500+ Podcast
Facebook No ta re typi su ca lt! l
Pinte rest
Joined 2 014 150 follo wers up 3 per week
Patreon patrons
m Instagra
Joined 2008 wers 64,200 follo eek up 100 per w
Joined 2013 780 followers (+90% since May) up 25 per we ek
listeners per episode (300 subscribers)
207 Blog
51 Joined 2013 125 followers up 3 per week
YouTube subscribers
= untapped potential
Who uses what, and why . . . FACEBOOK 72% of American adults on the internet use Facebook (slightly more women than men, mostly between the ages of 1864) to get news to share personal updates/photos & connect with others to promote a business or brand for messaging (instead of text) to participate in groups to remember birthdays
PINTEREST 31% of adults on the internet use Pinterest (dominated by women between the ages of 1850; they tend to be affluent in other words, this is our most likely audience) to bookmark what interests them on the Internet to be inspired by other people's ideas/pins to promote a business or brand to connect with others who have similar interests to "relax"
Who uses what, and why (cont.) . . . INSTAGRAM 28% of adults on the internet use Instagram (slightly more women than men; mostly under 30 though there's a sizeable population of users between the ages of 3050; notably greater racial diversity than on other social media platforms) sharing and documenting personal moments through images (the visual nature of Instagram makes in a good space for us) creative outlet connecting with people who have similar interests to promote a business or brand
TWITTER 23% of adults on the internet use Facebook (slightly more men than women; they tend to be younger). The main reasons are news, conversation, brand promotion. It's a challenge to find our audience here.
Source for demographic info:
Basic practices for social media posts . . . Keep a regular posting schedule Consistent voice Don't just promote What are nonpromotional posts? Post things that are easy for other people to share Don't "like" or share anything with a focus on product Don't entertain negative comments Delete other folks' promotional posts Respond to comments about cost or genuine confusion about process v. product Use apps (Canva, Over) for images and memes
Playing well with others . . .
be responsive say thank you don't brag don't spam share other people's stuff always give credit be generous
Hashtags, anyone? #processpa inti
#cre ative
co m pass io
ylife p p a feh veli i t a #cre
#processnotp ro
pac #creatives
e roc p e rth
FACEBOOK: 0-2 PINTEREST: few +unique
rt #processa
#paintyouro wnpath
io #artstud
#[lo c
#creativ eproce ss atio n]
#trustyourprocess #min dfuln ess
Going forward . . . Continue to increase website traffic Add "How Did You Find Us?" to registration form Better numbers tracking (conversions) Build affiliate connections Keep it simple(r)
Blog Post Ideas How The Painting Experience helps: health care professionals, therapists, working artists, writers, people in recovery, teachers, meditators Painting at home: Caroline's video; overcoming resistance to painting at home Roundup/list posts: articles on how creativity supports health and wellbeing; videos we love; favorite poems Posts related to specific workshops (like the video we did with Annie for Ocean Resort): Shambhala More excerpts from Stewart's writings Julie's pieces More guest posts from participants