March 27, 2001

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Talk Does having a gun in your home encourage violence?

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March 27,2001

An Inside Look: • Forgotten Veterans? • Calendar • Bronc Baseball • UTPA tennis earns wins The S t u d e n t N e w s p a p e r of The

By Miguel Liscano Jr.


• Despite being the smallest market in the NBA, the Vancouver Grizzlies are competing with the Charlotte Hornets for the right to head to Memphis, Tenn. The next big decision concerns how Memphis will pay for a new arena, which should cost between $200 and $250 million, Until a new arena is built, the Grizzlies will play at The Pyramid, which seats about 19,000 for basketball events.

2 5 11 12

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University of Texas-Pan American

Texas senator proposes guest worker bill The Pan American Austin Bureau

• With the U.S. Air Force already searching for two missing F-15C fighters near the Scottish Highlands, the U.S. military suffered another loss when an Army RC12 aircraft crashed in an unpopulated area of Germany Monday. A statement released by the Army stated that the pilots of the RC-12 were conducting a training mission when the aircraft crashed into a forested area near Nuremberg around 4 p.m. local time.


Austin-A proposed guest worker program meant to reduce illegal immi­ gration and improve the Mexican economy is stimulating uneasiness among Americans who fear the , exploitation of Mexican workers. The proposal, written by U.S. Sen. Phil Gramm, R-Texas, is still in the development stage, but opponents have said the plan will stop hard work­ ing people from gaining the opportuni­ ty to contribute to society. The program is designed to be a small answer to the problem of illegal

immigration said Lany Neal, press secretary for Gramm. The workers would labor in the United States for one year with their visas as their identifications. When the visa expires, workers would return to Mexico with the money and skills they obtained in the hopes of stimulating the Mexican economy, * Neal said. "As long as the American economy is so much richer in jobs, growth and opportunity, people are going to come across the border looking for work," Neal said. "We hope a guest worker program will help [Mexican] President Vicente Fox build a strong economy in

Mexico so people will not be forced to leave their country and come to America to work." The basis of Gramm's proposal is to include protection under the law for guest workers in the United States, Neal said. Workers would have no restriction regarding the type of employment gained, and they would be paid at least minimum wage, a fact sheet provided by Gramm explained. PayroE taxes paid by employers would be replaced with an emergency health care program. Guest workers would receive an account from which they would finance the health care, and the remaining funds would be avail­

able directly to the worker upon expi­ ration of his visa. The number of guest workers grant­ ed a visa would fluctuate from year to year in response to U.S. unemploy­ ment rates. Undocumented workers already in the United States, Gramm said, would be encouraged to partici­ pate but would be required to return to Mexico after a year. A new guest worker program is a contradiction charged Maria Gomez, organizer for the United Farm Workers Union. She questions why guest workers should be brought into this country when many citizens currently


Officer: Inner city violence differs from suburb shootings By Eladio Jaimez

The Pan American

Although recent school shoot­ ings have made headlines, inner city problems go on year-round and most of the time unnoticed. Jerry Garza, Dallas County Juvenile Probation Officer, said gun-related violence problems are prevalent in the inner city, while problems in the suburbs are more drag related. Garza said violence in the inner city is a day to day problem and usually doesn't happen in schools. Garza said inner city kids may take guns or other weapons to school, but are smarter about using them. They use them as a scare tactic or as intimidation. "These kids don't take crime to school," Garza said. "They're

smarter than that. They do their killings or commit murders outside the school, in the streets." Garza said in his five years as a probation officer he hasn't seen a student get caught with a gun on campus. "They'll likely get caught with pot," Garza said. "The inner city kids are more street smart and usu­ ally do not take guns to school. They'd rather sell drags because they can make money." Garza said the alleged shooters at Columbine or other schools usu­ ally don't have a criminal record. "The ones I deal with already have a rap sheet," Garza said. Garza said he has dealt with kids making terrorist or bomb threats to schools.

See VIOLENCE page 9

Irene Trevino/77ie Pan American

The UTPA police department displays a number of weapons confiscated during UTPA-releated incidents.

Reported pseudo-cop burglaries on rise in Valley By Andrew McDiarmid

The Pan American

The Valley is currently experienc­ ing a rise in 'pseudo-cop' burglaries, a type of robbery that involves perpe­ trators posing as law enforcement while illegaUy entering houses. Wearing police clothing and

badges, the criminal forcibly enters a household and commandeers valu­ able items such as electronics, money, jewelry and other posses­ sions. According to Valley law enforce­ ment, the numbers of reported pseu­ do-cop cases is on an upward trend, with Hidalgo County reporting 11

cases in the last year and Cameron County registering one as weU. Officials have not agreed on a work­ ing profile, but certain trends seem to illustrate patterns in this type of crime. Lieutenant Arnold Flores of the Cameron County Sheriff's Department said that criminals who

commit pseudo-cop burglaries are often "thieves trying to get a quick buck." However, he added that this crime can involve gang members in Mexico who hire these criminals to coUect debts by using pseudo-cop thefts. Usually, the guns used in pseudo-cop

See PSEUDO-COP page 9

Campus News


March 27 2 0 Q.;1 •»—m


1201 West University, CAS 170 Edinburg, Texas 78539 (956)381-2541 Fax: (956) 316-7,122 349th Year - No. 42

Editor .Matt Lynch panca0.editor@

Senior Reporter Ll'adio Jaimez eja i'mez @

Senior Reporter Daniel Garcia Ordaz dgarcia


Reporters Melissa Soto

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Austin Bureau Chief >; Miguel Liscano Jr.

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Circulation Jesus Gonzalez •,

W.PMIPicSN is the official student newspaper of The University of Texas-Pan i American/Views presented |ye those of the writers:afia do not necessarily reflect those of (h9 university.'

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<2 &


UTPA police chief: 'We have to protect the safety of faculty and students' By Melissa Soto

law enforcement agencies when neces­ sary. The UTPA police department has cooperated with the Department of Public Safety and state troopers on a UTPA Police Chief Howard Miller series of major investigations. was brought aboard eight years ago to "We have to protect the safety of transform the university's "traffic and faculty and students," Miller said. "We security operation" into a full-fledged had an incident last week, a young police department. man was having mental disturbances Formerly composed of security and a teacher notified the police. guards unauthorized to carry weapons, We've seen individuals in the last two the department now staffs 18 licensed years with suicidal tendancies, and we police officers as well as a dozen work with the counselors and the security guards. Student Health Services on campus." As stated in Section 17 of the UTPA UT police officers must be 21 years Student Guide, "under the authority of of age and a high school graduate. Article 51.023, Texas Education Code, They must have earned at least 60 col­ UTPA police are commissioned Texas lege hours or 30 college hours with at peace officers with primary jurisdic­ tion over all counties wherein property least two years of military service. In addition, every police officer is owned, leased, rented or otherwise employed by each of the 15 UT under the control of the University of ' System police departments must be a Texas-Pan American." graduate from the UT System Police UTPA police jurisdiction includes Academy in Austin. Developed in the campus, the UTPA Coastal Lab on December 8, 1967 by the UT System South Padre Island, the Academic Board of Regents, the UT System Support Annex on Closner St., Shary Police Academy's basic police officer Mansion, the Hidalgo English Language Institute and Labs as well as training curriculum surpasses the any property the university acquires as Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and it expands. Education (TCLEOSE) requirements. "The university has grown and we TCLEOSE training curriculum con­ accomodate our department to work sists of 560 instructional hours, while with Hidalgo police at the ELI and the the UT System Police Academy Edinburg city police at the Annex," requires 756 instructional hours. Miller said. "We have a standing In comparison, Texas A & M agreement with the City of Edinburg University's "Basic Police Officer" to assist each other." requirements, as published on According to Miller, UTPA police TAMU's police department website, must protect school property and mandates officers to have 45 college assets, especially the "physical hours and two years of military ser­ assets." Campus police take student, vice. TAMU police are licensed faculty and staff safety seriously, TCLEOSE peace officers, and must working with local, state and federal The Pan American

"continually receive training to main­ tain their license." Although all UT System police offi­ cers must receive training at the UT System Police Academy, officers of other universities aid law enforcement agencies, such as Sn Edwards, Southern Methodist, Southwest Texas State, Texas Tech, the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission, Capital Police and the Texas Department of Treasury, have received their police training at the academy. Joining the UTPA police department takes about a year. Candidates must pass a three-phase screening process which consists of two interviews, a background investigation, a polygraph test and physical and psychological examinations. Upon completion of a five month training program at the UT System Police Academy, officers must participate in a field training program. "Officers must go through a field training program with a senior officer, and when they complete the field training they are watched on their own for six months and evaluated," JayCarey, UTPA assistance police chief said. Because they undergo uniform train­ ing, Miller says each UT police department is prepared to mobilize quickly and move in as a uniform unit. Miller says department security plan­ ning is an ongoing preparation for worst case scenarios. Officers can be quartered in the department, which was remodeled to house, feed and sleep officers for months if they can­ not leave the area. "Currently, we have an officer in See CAMPUS POLICE page 3

VA office overlooked during building move By Eladio Jaimez

The Pan American

US Veterans at UTPA may find themselves without support services from the Veterans Affairs Office unless the university allocates space for them somewhere on campus. Currently, the VA office is located on the sixth floor of the Student Services Building and shares space with the Learning Assistance Center (LAC). "UTPA just provides office space," said Frank Meza, a work-study in the VA Office. "We don't have an office designated for us. If they don't give us an office, the yeterans on campus will be without these services." Campus Facilities Coordinating Board chairpenson Ted von Ende said the VA office will not be left out in the

cold and something is being done to accommodate them. "It will take them close to a year to redo the math building," von Ende said. "That gives us time to figure out what we have to do." UTPA architect Donna Johnson said final plans to relocate different depart­ ments haven't been finalized, but nobody will be left out. "They [VA] probably won't move with the LAC," Johnson said. "The university wants to keep it in the Student Services Building." She said UTPA should make a deci­ sion on the VA in the next two to six months. She added that the situation with the VA hasn't been discussed at the admin­ istration level because it hasn't come up as a big issue. "It hasn't surfaced as a major issue,

most likely because people are confi­ dent it won't be a major issue," Johnson said. von Ende said the VA office may have been overlooked because UTPA thought they were part of the LAC and would move with them. "We now have to go back and see what procedures we have to take," von Ende said. Jacob Olmeda, VA office workstudy, said over 400 students benefit from G. I. Bills on campus. Olmeda said the administration thought they were moving with the LAC. "We're our own entity," Olmeda said. "There was never any talk about where the VA would end up." "We're being kept in the back. The VA in Houston said they're willing to See VETERANS

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March 27, 2001

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Does having a gun in your home encourage violence? -Irene Trevino

Jacqueline Ayala Communications Freshman

Yes. Once a person has a gun, it makes it easier for them to just pull it out when they get mad. Everyone has a hidden secret, and you don't always know a person as well as you think.

Bias Castillo Kinesiology Freshman

Yes, it would encourage violence. Sometimes people argue, lose con­ trol, and don't think twice. They end up shooting others or them­ selves, usually because of stress or anger.

Claudia Gonzalez Communication Disorders Senior

No! I think if a person is taught to respect what a gun is and what it could do, then we would­ n't have as many of the problems that we do today.

Page 3

CAMPUS POLICE training with the Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) team," Miller said. UTPA police officers pro­ vide students and staff with a number of services, ranging from car, bike and foot patrols to night escorts avail­ able through the blue-light emergency phones located throughout campus. The UTPA police force also works to keep students and staff safe from threats com­ ing from both on and off campus. To that end, all phones on campus can be traced in the event of a phone


continued from page Z

threat. In the past eight years, Miller says the university has received between 40 and 50 bomb threats. "We are set up with the Telecommunications center which traces and monitors calls made on campus," Miller said. "We can notify local authorities where and when it came from. We do take it seriously, and we've apprehended the individuals." The UT police department Crime Prevention Unit pro­ vides crime prevention pro­ grams to familiarize students with their safety options on

continued from page 2

relocate the work-studies somewhere else, but the thing is we won't have an office on campus. My concern is not my job. My concern is the office and the services we provide." VA supervisor Marie Martin also works at admissions and records as a certification clerk and Meza said her supervisor, director of admissions David Zuniga, could provide the

needed space. Meza said the downside to that solution would be a cut in hours the work-studies work weekly. "Right now we are getting paid for 25 hours a week," Meza said. "Mr. Zuniga wants to cut our hours dramatically. The money we get paid w'th does­ n't come from UTPA tunds and they still want to cut our

Pre-Med. Senior

Yes, because kids see them on t.v., and see how they're por­ trayed on t.v. It definitely pro­ vides a tool to use in moments of anger.

hours." "The money we get paid with comes from our VA office in Houston," he added. Meza said UTPA wants to compensate the hours taken away from them by sending work-studies to the VA office. "The VA requires that any­ body working at the VA office has to be a veteran," Meza said. "These are students who apply to work on campus."

Protecting Yourself While Walking at Night Tip #1:

extra time and you lose sight of what is around

If someone follows you and is persistent or


becomes obscene, write down the license plate number and report it to the appropriate police department as soon as possible.

Stephen Beckman

campus. Services include security surveys, presenta­ tions, and updates on alarms and security systems. Students, staff and faculty can contact the police depart­ ment on-line or through crime stoppers. "We depend heavily on communication with the pub­ lic," Miller said. "We have crime stoppers and we follow up on those tips. If someone is suspected of being a threat on campus, we notify the public through computers, fliers and the media and radio stations."

Tip #6: As you approach your vehicle, look underneath to make sure no one is hiding there. And before

Tip #2:

you enter your vehicle look to see if all of the

If you are trapped in your car, honk your horn in

doors are how you left them or if there might be

quick short bursts. This will attract people's

any uninvited passengers in the back seat or


floor. If the door locks are not the way you remember leaving them, or you see someone

Tip #3: Make sure that all the doors are locked when­

inside, leave the area as quickly as possible and notify the University Police Department.

ever you leave your vehicle.

Tip #7:

Lupita Garza Education Sophomore

Yes, because a person doesn't have something without intending to use it sooner or later. People today are blinded with problems, emotions and fear. Often, they use guns for attention.

Tip #4: Do not pick up hitch-hikers.

Park in the best-lit parking lot nearest to where you are going.

Tip #5: When returning to your car, have your keys

For more information on how you can reduce

ready so you can enter your vehicle quickly. Be

your risk of becoming a victim of crime contact the

aware of your surroundings. If you have to look

University Police Department Crime Prevention Unit

into a purse or pocket to find them, it takes

at 316-7151.


March 27, 2001


Page 4



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March 27, 2001

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TUesday, March 27 Career Placement Services presents a "Career Success Workshop" in the Student Services Building, room 153 from noon to 1 p.m.

information, call Ed Davila, spe­ cial events coordinator or Francisco Gonzalez, Mexican Business Information Center coordinator at 318-3361.

Wednesday, March 28 and Thursday, March 29 Student Health Services offers sexually transmitted diseases (STD) screenings for all students, staff and faculty in Emilia Hall, room 1.113. Screenings take place from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Monday, April 2 As pqrt of the NaSonal Library Week, the v University Library presents "Check-it-out Yourself Day," an opportunity for students and fac­ ulty to become more self-suffi­ cient in the librai^ by checking out their own materials with the 3M SelfCheck System. The event will also help the UTPA Library become eligible for random draw­ ings of $1,000 cash prizes. The library will be open from 7:30 a.m. to 11:45 p.m.

Through Friday, March 30 UTPA along with various Rio Grande Valley organizjUjpns will host the "Tamaulipas etmexas" cultural festival. The festival will bring culture and economy of the Mexican State of Tamaulipas to the Valley. The free festival fea­ tures art and photography exhibits and lectures on music, anthropol­ ogy, history and business. There will also be folkloric dancers and plays. The festival begins with a 6 p.m. banquet Monday in the Student Union Theatre. For more

Through April 2 "New Faces," a group exhibition by James Dutremaine, Dindy Reich, Rolando Reyna and Charles Wissinger is open in the University Gallery in the Communication Arts and Sciences Building. The gallery is open Mondays through Fridays

Page 5

and admission is free for 'everyone. i

Monday, April 23 s |udent H&alth Services offers a Women's Wellness Clinic from; 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. Pap smears, pelvic exams and breast exams are at a reduced rate. For apppintments, call 381-2511.

Friday, April 6 Student Health Services offers a Men's Wellness Clinic from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. SHS will conduct prostate, testic­ ular and rectal screenings for g male students, faculty and Staff.I' For appointments, call 381-251L. Wednesday,April 11 Student T Health Services presents a Skin Care Clinic from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. with reduced pricing for all students, faculty and staff. The clinic will perform removal oft' warts and skin tags, evaluation of sun exposure and moles as well as treatment for acne and other skin problems. For appointments, call Student Health Services at 381-2511. .

Every Wednesday Ffee and con­ fidential HIV testing jind counsel­ ing from 9 a.m. to noon at Student Health Servjcjes. Ask for : • Ruben."

, ! .. Now Open The LAQWriting

"J-abhas moved to the; new -University Writing Canter located in Suite 101 of the University Library. The center provides the , same services that were offered at the Student Services Building location, including paper reviews, help with English assignments, etc. The Writing Cent|r is open Thursday, April 12 The Disney Mondays fron) 8 a.m',to 5 p.m., Recruiters are back. Career Placement Services presents a Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8 aim. tb Thursdays from 8 Walt Disney World Information Session. For more information^ ftlm. tb noon and 1 to-7 p.m. and Fridays from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. call 381-2781 or 381-2267.

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March 27, 2001


Page 6


After a recent rash of school shootings in California and threats posted on the Intern have been done while the media tries toLfind a balance between writing yesterday's n By Daniel Garcia Ordaz

The Pan American

• WARNING SIGNS As a friend, peer, teacher or boss, what might be the warning signs to look for in a person who is about to commit an act of violence? "There may be warning signs such as changes in behavior, hygiene, and demeanor" said UTPA Chief of Police Howard Miller. "There may be verbal threats or comments to friends or colleagues." The U.S. Office of Personnel Management's report, "Dealing with Workplace Violence," said certain behaviors and personality traits aid in predicting future vio­ lent actions. "No one can predict human behavior, however, indicators of increased risk of violent behavior are available," the OPM report reads. The warning signs in the report were provided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, Profiling and Behavioral Assessment Unit, which

analyzed past incidents of violence. Some of the prevelant warning i signs to violence are use of direct, or veiled threats of harmjintimidating, belligerent, harassing, or other aggressive behavior, multiple con­ flicts with peers, carrying a weapon or showing it off, making inappro­ priate references to guns, or fasci­ nation with weapons. "It has been consistent in each of the school shootings that friends had been told but did not take the threats seriously," Miller said. People should similarly beware of persons using "statements showing fascination" with violence, state­ ments assuming approval of "the use of violence to resolve a prob­ lem," or statements indicating identification with perpetra­ tors of violence. Drug and alcohol abuse is also a warning sign, the OPM report reads. "Each of these behaviors is a clear sign that some­ thing is wrong," the OPM report reads. "None should be ignored." The OPM report advises against reliance on "profiles" or "early

ning or contemplating an warning signs" to predict violent lence on campus, one sho behavior."Profiles often suggest that people with certain characteris­ tact the UTPA police depi tics, such as 'loners' are potentially "immediately," said Mille "We will follow up and violent," the OPM report reads, appropriate assessment pt since this type of categorization of threat," Miller said. does not help predict violence but can lead to "unfair and destructive MEDIA INFLU stereotyping." "The same can be said of reliance With the number of sch on 'early warning signs' that include descriptions of problem sit­ ings on the rise, many pe< asking if media coverage uations such as 'in therapy,' 'has more violence by encoun had a death in the family,' or 'suf­ copycat crimes. fers from mental ill­ "Research is mixed con ness,"' the OPM the impacts of media cov report reads. age—and I'll stretch this Many acts of include the impacts of vie violence or sui­ TV, film, music, and vide cide are often a direct response to may be significant that a ago there were virtually r "dramatic personal that linked behvavior to t experiences" exacer­ forms of media whereas t bated by depression, Miller are such studies," said Di said. "Everyone experiences stress, Polinard, political scienti: loss, or illness at some point in UTPA. "The media plays a tnaj life," the OPM report reads. "All • -• but a very few people weather these copycat crimes," said UT Chief Miller. "It focuses: storms without resorting to vio­ on the suspect, which is r lence." one of the primary object If one suspects another of plan­

March 27, 2001

Page 7

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t, parents and students are wondering what could \ws and foreshadowing tomorrow's headlines.

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perpetrator." Miller said incorrect news reports during a school shooting last week were submitted even before the school could be evacuated. "The media was reporting erro­ neous information about the shooter and the number of people shot," % Miller said. "They created a panic among parents. Miller said news agencies com­ monly "provide such detail" that the next "perpetrator" often follows the same patterns or "refines" them to get more attention or violent results. "As a civil libertarian, I oppose censorship of the media," Polinard said. "Therefore, I am comfortable with whatever 'ethical standards' a publication wants to set for itself, but do not believe that there should be laws preventing coverage." Miller said the media ought to adhere to higher ethical standards and be more sensitive. "I understand constitutional rights, freedom of speech, etc., but there is no doubt that our Founding Fathers did not intend that we pro­

vide to children methods on how to murder each other with­ out remorse," Miller said. "A civilized society must implement mea­ sures to maintain it's civili­ ty." "I think it's most important that we not view this issue in the con­ text of what 'single' factor can explain, cause, or resolve violence in the schools," Polinard said. "There are many factors, ranging from the role of the family, the impact of peers, the impact of the media, to the accessibility of weapons." "If we are going to seriously address the problem [of violence], we have to attack it on several fronts," Polinard said. "I think to resolve this problem it will take society as a whole to make it a goal and work together, especially with our youth," Miller said. "We need to get back to the basics, not go backwards: listening to our children, family values, spiri­ tuality, societal intergration and intervention."

Understanding Violent Behavior in Children and Adolescents From (The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Rangeof Violent.Behavior;

Violent behavior in children and adolescents can include a wide range of behaviors: explosive temper tantrums, physical aggression, fighting, threats or attempts to hurt others (including homicidal thoughts), use of weapons, cruel­ ty toward animals, fire setting, intentional destruction of property and vandal­ ism. Numerous research studies have concluded that a complex interaction or combination of factors leads to an increased risk of violent behavior in chil­ dren and adolescents. These factors include: • Previous aggressive or violent behavior • Being the victim of physical abuse and/or sexuai abuse 1 • Exposure to violence in the home and/or community • Genetic (family heredity) factors • Exposure to violence in media (TV, movies, etc.) • Use of drugs and/or alcohol Presence of firearms in home »Combination of stressful family socioeconomic factors (poverty, severe deprivation, marital breakup, single parenting, unemployment, loss of support from extended family) • Brain damage from head injury

Children who have several risk factors and show the following behaviors should be carefully evaluated: • • • • •

Intense anger Frequent loss of temper or blow-ups Extreme irritability Extreme impulsiveness Becoming easily frustrated


Parents and teachers should be careful not to minimize these behaviors in children.

What can be done if a child shows violent behavior?

Whenever a parent or other adult is concerned, they should immediately arrange for a comprehensive evaluation by a qualified mental health profes­ sional. Early treatment by a professional can often help. The goals of treat­ ment typically focus on helping the child to: learn how to control his/her anger; express anger and frustrations in appropriate ways; be responsible for his/her actions; and accept consequences. In addition, family conflicts, school prob­ lems, and community issues must be addressed.




s * a


March 27, 2001

CAMPUS POLICE cannot find work. She said people should look at the condition the workers would come to work under, and question whether or not the situation is fair for them. The workers should be given a chance to improve their sit­ uation, she said. Eziquiel "Ike" Tapia crossed the MexicoArizona border from Mexico City more than 30 years ago wearing a coat and tie with his tourist's visa in hand. In the early '80s, Tapia was an illegal alien beginning his own dairy farm in New Mexico. He paid his dues working for others and illustrated an excellent work ethic when he took one day to do a job that should have taken him three. Tapia said this was how he earned the respect of his employer. At one point, he worked four years straight with no vacation on his first farm. He would wake up at 4:30 a.m. to milk the cows, only taking take breaks on Sunday to attend mass services. Tapia, now the biggest independent farmer in the state, gained his cit­ izenship and now operates out of Miles and Veribest, Texas. "I came to the United States with a lot of ambition," he said with in a strong tone, "If you don't have ambition, you don't go any­ where. I started from the bottom." Tapia says the only thing illegal immigrants in this country are asking for is a chance. He says undocumented workers in the United States have already earned this opportunity by working hard at rough jobs. Gramm brought up his proposal during a

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continued trom page 1

meeting with Fox in January, Neal said, and Fox seemed interested. Neal said Fox needs workers who bring skills and capital to Mexico in order to build a new economy. \He said Fox was interested in a program that would ensure his countrymen were well treated and that they received the pay they deserved while working as guests in the United States. It is common sense that a better Mexican economy would curb illegal immigration, said Maria Alcaraz, migration authority at the Mexican Embassy to the United States. She would not comment on Gramm's forthcoming proposal, but says if enough jobs are created in Mexico the economic need for people to leave and find a job somewhere else decreas­ es or disappears. "As long as there are jobs in Mexico, and more are created, then there is less pressure for people to leave, therefore it releases the pressure on the migration phenomenon," Alcaraz said. Although Gramm's plan offers medical insurance and protection for immigrants under U.S. wage and hour laws, some say it is not enough for hard working guest workers. U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Dlinois, has intro­ duced a bill into Congress that calls for amnesty for undocumented workers already in the United States. "It looks like Gramm is going to have a program which fails to allow individuals who have been in the country, making a contribu­ tion to this country, helping build this country,

the chance to fully integrate themselves in the U.S. economy and into U.S. society," said Billy Weinberg, press secretary for Gutierrez. Weinberg said Gramm's proposal recog­ nizes that the United States depends on labor from immigrants, but implies that even though this country needs their labor, once workers are done they should leave. He does not think this is fair. If the migrant workers are contributing to the growth of this country, then they have earned the right to make it their home, Weinberg said. He points out that not every guest worker would like to stay in this country on a perma­ nent basis but should have the choice. Gramm's proposal, Weinberg said, fails to allow the Mexican worker that option. He says he is suspicious of Gramm's intent. The agricultural industry, Weinberg said, is looking at Gramm unfavorably since he blocked a bill last year, which would have lift­ ed the current limit on importing workers under the current H-2A agricultural visa pro­ gram. The reason Gramm blocked the proposal, Weinberg says, was that it would have adjust­ ed the status of thousands of currently undoc­ umented workers. Weinberg theorizes that Gramm's intent has nothing to do with the Mexican economy and much to due with politics in the agricultural industry. "I think during the months of December and January he (Gramm) went home and got an ear-full from people in the agricultural

community who said, 'This would have been a good deal for us,"' Weinberg said. There is no labor shortage in Texas' agricul­ tural industry said Wes Sims, president of the Texas Farmers Union, so a guest worker pro­ gram is not necessary. He is also suspicious of the motive behind a new guest worker program, and compared it to the Bracero Program of the '40s and '50s, which was terminated after working condi­ tions were found to be intolerable. He said people must be careful that the Mexican workers are not exploited. Sims, who has employed illegal aliens and workers under the Bracero Program, says he is a much stronger advocate of an amnesty program. "Why not give them permanent visas, if they (undocumented workers) are needed, and let them come over here and contribute to society," Sims asked. He said he understands that the minimum wage might look appealing to the Mexican worker, but it is insufficient to five on. Sims said he has seen many cases like Tapia's in which an illegal alien crosses the border, works hard, and becomes an active member in society. Sims says he believes illegal immigrants should be given the chance to create a better fife for themselves in this country. "No telling how many millions across the United States came into this country and worked and saved their money," Sims said, "They got a chance. All they ever wanted was a chance, an opportunity."

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March 27, 2001

PSEUDO-COP continued from page 1

The official contracted agency for


burglaries have been obtained during previous robberies, or u Between the FBI and local bought illegally in what is known Valley agencies, we are as a "straw purchase." Straw purchases involve an eli- certainly addressing the prob­ gible gun buyer with a clean record who purchases a gun lem, and we will prosecute to secretly for someone else. This the full extent of the law. illegally bypasses the security checks, ensuring that those who will use the gun will never be involved in the background check. -Gorge Cisneros Criminals can easily obtain uni­ forms or badges from numerous outlets in South Texas and since the victim is a drug dealer. Mexico that serve the public as well as law The Federal Bureau of Investigation is working with Valley law enforcement bod­ enforcement officers. Flores said that own­ ies to combat pseudo-cop burglaries. ing law enforcement clothing and acces­ Special Agent Gorge Cisneros of the FBI's sories is not illegal, but it is against the law McAllen office oversees the Violent to use them to portray law enforcement Crimes Task Force in South Texas, a mix­ officers. ture of sheriff departments, police depart­ Flores said that pseudo-cop burglaries ments and other bodies. are usually carried out by drug dealers, with their targets "nine out of ten times" The task force is working to reverse the being other drug dealers. upward trend in crimes like pseudo-cop "In Cameron County, we are dealing burglaries. Cisneros said that pseudo-cop with an ongoing investigation concerning crimes are conducted by "a combination of locals, resident aliens and Mexican nation­ [drug dealers] that stole 1,700 pounds of drugs from another [drug dealer], who was als." Cisneros maintains that the Violent shot during the burglary," Flores said about Crimes Task Force and Valley law enforce­ Cameron County's lone pseudo-cop case. ment agents have "zero tolerance" toward Two people have been taken into custody pseudo-cop crime. "Between the FBI and in that investigation. local Valley agencies, we are certainly Flores added that when drug dealers tar­ addressing the problem, and we will prose­ get other drug dealers, officers believe that those incidents usually are not reported, cute to the full extent of the law," he said.

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continued from page 1

"They're usually [white] kids," Garza said. "We stick them in jail for 30 days and they get set straight. They probably won't do it again." Garza said these kids almost always come from two parent homes and do this as a cry for attention. Garza said the majority of kids he deals with come from single parent homes. "At least 80 percent of the time it is going to be a single parent household," Garza said. "I would venture to say 90 percent. The parent always works at least 40 hours and the single parent is usually a mom." He said fathers or male figures are sel­ dom involved and if there is an older brother in the family, he is already in the crimi­ nal system. "These kids are usually angry about the separation of their father from the family," Garza said. "They end up look­ ing for guidance and acceptance in

gangs. Most of the time parents rely on the schools to play a parental role, Garza said, but many schools in Dallas — and nationwide — are overcrowded and can't take on that role. "The majority of the kids I deal with are truant," Garza said. "They don't even go to school." Garza said parents respond differently according to ethnic background. "In my experience, Hispanic parents usually respond well and want to fix the problem," Garza said. "African Americans seem to be resentful towards the probation officer and whites tend to be more distant towards us [probation officers.] They don't want their neigh­ bors or friends to find out their child is on probation." He said nearly 70 to 80 percent of inner city kids are associated with gangs and 100 percent of the kids in juvenile detention know about gangs or a gang member.

If you see news happening or want to get your event in the Campus Calendar, contact The Pan American business office and let us know!

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' March 27, 200 i

Ty Terrell Relay

Page 10

UTPA has strong individual results

Game Notes Date March 31, 2001 Time TBA Site Beaumont, Texas Ty Terrell host Lamar Lamar senior Alicia Mcintosh defended her 100 meter dash title Saturday at the 200i Louisiana Classics

UTPA' s l a s t meet Robert Lopez threw the hammer 171 "7", 52 inch­ es longer than the previ­ ous record at the Angela Proctor Invitational. Galina Ojeda broke her own record in the 400meter hurdles.

By Isaac Chavarria

The Par American

The Broncs returned from Texas A&M-Kingsville without a team title, but had another meet with individual performances. The Javelinas' men's team took their division with 172 points and IJTPA's men's team took fourth. The womens' team came closer, finishing behind title winner TAMUK. The Javelinas had 128 points and the Lady Broncs had 116 points. UTPA had some personal best and continues improving. "This is part of the program: Getting faster every weekend. They took bigger chunks (in time) than we thought they would," said track and field assistant Gabriel Rodriguez. One of the surprises was the amount of time runners were able to take off of their personal records. Perla Handy cut 11 seconds off of her personal best of 4:57 and timed 4:46 in the 1600 meter.

Best Finishes Women's

Men's Members of the shot put

In the 800-meter run, the

team finished 3rd. 4th,and

Lady Broncs had athletes

5th and were led by J.C

in 3rd. 4th and 5th place.


led by April Hipolito.

After throwing a school record 171'7" in UTPA's last meet, Bronc Robert Lopez had 168" 8.50" in the hammer throw to lead the the team in the event. Isaac Ybarra finished third, with a throw of 122' 9.25". J.C Crosby was the leader for the Broncs in the shot put, with a third place finish and a throw of 48'. Ybarra and Lopez followed up with the next two spots, with a 47' 10" and 47' 7", respective­ lyIn distance, Israel Arroyo had the best placing for the Broncs. Arroyo ran 16:07.83 in the 5000meter run, for fourth place. The womens' distance team had a better day, matching or improv­

ing on last weeks results. In the 800-meter April Hipolito was third with a time of 2:24.77. Islander Laura Dewel finished first with 2:24.12. Patty Villarreal and Millie Martinez finished in fourth and fifth. Like in their last meet, Valerie Summa tied the school record for the high jump with a 5' 6". The mark was good enough for sec­ ond, behind TAMUK's Sherri Cain's 5' 8" jump. Shari Galvin shaved off some time in the 400-meter dash, earn­ ing second place by running a time of 58.90. In her last meet, the Angela Proctor Invitational, Galvin won the event with a 59.10.

Shari Galvin and Handy had first place finishes in the 200meter dash and 1600-meter run, respectively. In the long jump, Lovie Mathis placed second with a 17' 6.50". Although many of the Broncs are showing better times, the next two meets will not be as impor­ tant as the Texas A&M Invitational on April 14. "The whole team will be train­ ing for the meet after the Texas Relays," said Rodriguez. The next two meets for UTPA will be relays and only a few ath­ letes will be competing at the Texas Relays because of entry standards. The UTPA track and field team travels to Beaumont for their next competition, the Ty Terrell Relays, on March 31. Rodriguez stated that there would not be individual accom­ plishments aside from the field events. "They're just looking to put a good meet together," said Rodriguez.

Sports Calendar

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March 31

Ty Terrell Relays

Beaumont, Texas

field team had artoter good >Wtig at the Texas Notes: ! A&M-Kingsvi ie fefovs.

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March 27, 2001

Broncs go 1-2 against SWTS

incarnate Word Last year The Broncs swept the threegame series and outscored the Crusaders 28-13. The won came after a loss to the University of Texas and an exhibition loss to the Reynosa Broncos. UTPA followed the wins with two losses.

This season

Page 11

By Jerry Perez

The Pan American0

Senior Jason Garcia pitched six solid innings and two Bronc relievers pitched 2 1/3 innings of scoreless relief to help the Broncs salvage the final game of a three game series with a 54 victory over the Southwest Texas State Bobcats. Garcia, a southpaw from Amarillo masterfully kept the high octane Bobcats offense confused with a deadly assort­ ment of change-ups and well placed faslballs. "I was throwing the fast ball in and out of the spots I needed and I was able to get my change-up over. My change was working real well today and I think that's what helped me the most," Garcia said. The Bobcats rank in a number of top ten college offensive sta­ tistics, but against Garcia the 'Cats seemed befuddled throughout the contest. The Broncs now 4-21 on the season ended a four game los­ ing streak. "We have the talent to win, we just have to stay focused together mentally for all nine innings," added Garcia. Garcia allowed three earned runs in 6 2/3 innings and only walked two SWT batters during the game. The 'Cats powered their way


First pitch Tuesday is at 2 p.m. These games are the only meetings of the season for the two teams. UTPAis plays as an independent| member of the NCAA < J Division I. Incarnate Word has had three other games this year against a Division I opponent-the Crusaders beat Texas A&M / Corpus Christi three times. UIW is 14-9 heading into Tuesday's games. After the southern trip on Tuesday, the Crusaders return home for three games against Tarleton State of the Lone Star Conference. Friday will see the teams playing a doubleheader at Sullivan Field beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday they will play a single nine-inning game with first pitch at noon.


with two runs in the second when catcher Josh Newland smacked a two-run homer over the right field fence. But UTPA quickly responded with one run in the bottom half of the inning on Sean Flynn's sacrifice fly that brought Clark Bagget in from third. Bagget led off the inning with a double down the left field line. Bagget led the Broncs offensive charge, as he went 3-for-3 with t w o doubles, a n d a n R B I . The Broncs then erupted for three runs in the third, as Darren Heinrichs doubled in a run and Bagget and Matt Sisk followed with consecutive RBI singles for UTPA. "Our hitting is coming around. We had a couple of situations today where we got some base hits in key situations and that will definitely give our guys some confidence in future situa­ tions," said head coach Reggie Treadaway. "We made 12 errors in three games and you don't win that many games that way. I thought today our pitchers pitched pretty well. Jason gave us a good strong six innings and that really helped. But we got to get better defensively, no question about it," added Treadaway. UTPA added its final and game-winning run in the fourth when senior Caleb Schmidt lashed an RBI single to left field

Darren Heinrichs smacked two home runs against SWT. that scored Matt Kutac. SWT made a late charge in the top of the seventh on Eric Tomlinson's two run single, but Jacob Pierce came in for Garcia and retired the Bobcats Louie Carmona on a pop-up with run-

ners on second and third to end the 'Cats final threat. Pierce followed with a perfect eighth inning and Scott Fowler overpowered the Bobcats in the ninth for his second save of the year. wmm

Game 2

UTPA 5 UTPA's Frank James (0-5) took the tough

By Jerry Perez

luck loss for the Broncs.

Trie Pan American

-Sports Information


By Jerry Perez

Position: Outfielder Classification : Jr.

The Pan American

SWT never trailed in game one, as they In baseball? the team that generates the

struck for runs in the first and third innings to

The Bobcats' Evan Tierce wrapped out three hits

build a 3-0. The Bobcats added two more in the fifth

including a tie breaking two ran RBI double in the

But don't tell that to the Broncs.

against James and cruised to victory against

Bobcats over the error prone UTPA Broncs 6-3.

In a season that would like to be all but

the hapless Broncs.

most hits more times than not, usually wins the game.

forgotten, the straggling Texas Pan American

Mike Gultz saved the game for the

fifth inning to spark the Southwest Texas State

the Bobcats and allowed two earned runs. The

Broncs committed five errors, added three

Bobcats, as he held the Broncs hitless in the

Broncs Ed Marko took the loss, but allowed only

wild pitches, to 'give' the Southwest Texas

eighth and ninth innings.

three earned runs in five innings of work.

State Bobcats a 6-2 victory, despite out hit­

"We just can't give any opponents four to

ting the 'Cats 7-5. SWT's Manuel Olivera (4-2) pitched seven

five outs an inning and that's what we did.

strong innings for his fourth victory, while

Head Coach Reggie Treadaway.

We need to get a lot better defensively," said

Position: Pitcher Classification: Jr. Junior pitcher Frank James suffered his fifth loss of the season as the Bobcats edged the Broncs 7-5. The Broncs gave the 'Cats the game by committing five errors.

Bodle was one of the tying runs left on base in the ninth inning.

Jacob Casanova (3-3) pitched five innings for

UTPA continued their sloppy play from the night before, as they committed four errors. The Broncs now 3-21 are 1-16 against

sixth when the 'Cats leadoff hitter Coy Lowden scored without getting a hit. Lowden reached sec­

Southland Conference opponents. With the score

ond base after shortstop Marvin Manns dropped a

tied at two in the fifth, Dominique Lewis and

routine pop-up.

Lance Williams led off with consecutive singles

Two pitches later he attempted to steal third, but

and Louie Carmona followed with a sacrifice bunt

the throw from back-up catcher Bobby Killins

to move them an additional 90 feet.

sailed over Matt Sisk's head into left field, letting

Tierce, a true freshman from Keller, then spanked a double into the left center field gap to

Lowden to walk home for another unearned ran. The Broncs put the tying ran up in the bottom of

easily score Lewis and Williams for the eventual

the seventh with singles from Macon Bodle and

game winning runs.

Manns but Caleb Schmidt popped up to end the

The Broncs series could be described in the


Page 12


March 27, 2001

Broncs stop losing streak with three weekend victories By Matt Lynch

The Pan American

After dropping their last five matches, the UTPA men's tennis team ended the losing skid by winning three straight matches to close out the weekend. "The men played well," said men's tennis coach Scott Howard. "We thought we matched up well against most of the teams." The Broncs got off to a slow start Friday, dropping their first two matches 6-1 to Memphis University and 5-2 to Marquette University. Senior Juan Saiz picked up the lone win for the Broncs against Memphis University, beating Jack Hu 6-4, 4-6, (11-9) at number five singles. Senior Enrique Bastante earned a win for UTPA against Marquette by beating Raj Gill 64, 1-6, (10-6) at number three singles. Freshman Tom Mangelschots got the other win for the Broncs against Marquette, beating Kent Davis 6-4, 6-3. Mangelschots continued to play well through­ out the remainder of the weekend, winning four out of five matches, losing the fifth in a super tiebreaker 7-6, 6-3, (10-5). "Everyone agrees that he [Mangelschots] has a lot of talent," Howard said. "He's going to get better and better the more he plays." "Both of those teams [Memphis University and Marquette University] are very strong," Howard said. "Conference USA is one of the toughest in the country once you get past the top four or five conferences." The Broncs picked up two wins Saturday, pounding University of Tennessee-Martin and Austin Peay State University 5-1. UTPA earned another win on Sunday by beating Western

Kentucky 5-2. "We played well against the last three teams," Howard said. "We were able to win pretty con­ vincingly." The Lady Broncs started their weekend strong by beating Independent-rival Belmont University 6-1 Friday. Freshman Celine Merlini continued to play well for the Lady Broncs, beating Alba Garcia 3-6, 6-1, 6-2 at number one singles. "It's always good to beat the other indepen­ dent schools," Howard said. The Lady Broncs straggled in competition Saturday and Sunday, losing to UT-Martin and Austin Peay State 5-1 and Western Kentucky 61. Merlini picked up the single UTPA points in those losses by beating Martha Montano of UTMartin 6-4, 6-1, Judy Unanpo of Austin Peay State 6-1, 6-4 and Therese Johansson of Western Kentucky 6-1, 6-3. "We didn't play all that bad," Howard said. "Those schools are just a little further along than we are with our young group." Looking ahead to this weekend's matches, the Broncs face their next Southland Conference opponent, Lamar, Friday at noon. The Broncs beat Lamar 6-1 earlier this season in non-con­ ference action, but Howard believes things will be harder for UTPA this time around. "Lamar will give us a tougher time than they did the first time around," Howard said. "We're confident and we should be able to win both our matches [Friday]." The Broncs also face Alcorn State at 5:30 p.m. Friday, while the Lady Broncs battle Alcorn State at 10 a.m. and Texas A&MCorpus Christi at 5 p.m. Friday. "Corpus is pretty deep, but we match up pret­ ty well against Alcorn State," Howard said.

Southland Conference Special to The Pan American

With league play somewhat slowed last week by spring breaks and out-of-conference matches, Texas-Arlington and Southeastern Louisiana registered victo­ ries to improve their Southland Conference records. UTA (12-6, 4-1) stayed in second place behind Texas-San Antonio (7-9, 5-0), which was idle last week, by shutting out SLU 7-0. The Mavericks took eight of nine matches, including all six singles and two of three doubles. UTA's Ola

Bentzen and Mark Illgner lost to SLU's Milos Vasovic and Eric Subirats 8-4 at No. 3. The win capped off three matches in three days for the Mavs, who blanked Louisiana-Lafayette 7-0, then were domi­ nated by No. 26 Louisiana State 7-0. It was the Tigers' 15th consecutive non-con­ ference home victory and their sixth shutout. Four of the six singles matches went to three sets. SLU (6-8, 3-2) picked up its Southland win two days later on Saturday with a 5-2 decision over Lamar (3-12, 1-4).

For the Lions, freshman Vasovic split his singles matches, losing a three-setter to UTA's Alon Goldshuv 6-3, 4-6, 3-6 at the No. 6 spot and winning in straight sets over LU's Thatcher Cribbs. The duo of Vasovic and Subirats went 2-0 with the win over UTA and the 8-4 win over the Cardinals. UTPA (7-14, 1-2) straggled through a five-match road swing, ending the week 1-4 with a 5-2 win at Western Kentucky that halted a seven-match losing streak. Freshman Tom Mangelschots, playing at No. 6 singles, had a better week than

(Above) Sophomore Matt Gower hits a back­ hand. Gower picked up two wins over the weekend, beat­ ing Justin Keller of Austin Peay 7-5, 6-1 and Tom Wride of UT-Martin 63, 6-4. (Left) Freshman Alana Breen hits a serve. Breen earned one win over the weekend, beating Carrie Osborne of Belmont University 6-3, 5-7,10-5.

•Sports Information


most of his teammates. At 4-1, Mangelschots posted wins against WKU, Austin Peay, Tennessee-Martin and Marquette. His only loss came against Michael Lahaie of Memphis in a close tiebreaker 6-7, 6-3, 7-6. Louisiana-Monroe (3-11, 1-2) lost two non-league matches to No. 17 Ole Miss and New Orleans. Centenary (2-13, 0-4) had its one match against Jackson State rescheduled for April 7. UTSA will stay undefeated in the SLC with four non-conference matches scheduled this week.

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