July 23, 2014

Page 1

Celebrating the moon landing Faculty react to 45 years of history

Pages 8-9

July 17, 2014

Volume 70, No. 29 By Susan Gonzalez The Pan American



Mental Health

UTPA hosts “Speak Your Mind”

Net Neutrality

Price increase, data decrease

Coach Resigns

Men’s golf coach going to RSU

Blog Spot

TV binging


Hobby Lobby protest

A family of four rests in the corner, draped in donated blankets, on one of the approximately 20 plastic cots lining the sides of an off-white tent behind Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McAllen, where undocumented UTPA student Abraham Diaz has been volunteering for the past three weeks. The church is one of several places in the Rio Grande Valley that has been providing food, shelter and clothing for undocumented immigrants coming into the U.S. from Central and South America. According to The Los Angeles Times, approximately 57,000 unaccompanied youths have illegally crossed the border since October 2013. Diaz, a junior bilingual education major, has been volunteering between work and other activities to do what he can. He was 9 when he came to the U.S. as an unaccompanied minor from Monterrey, Mexico, and knows all too well what current undocumented immigrants may be experiencing. “I know what they are going through, these children,” said Diaz, the vice president of the Minority Affairs Council at UTPA. “At first you don’t fit in, you are the outsider. People knowing you are not from this country, they push you aside. It feels bad because you are unwanted. They bully you, you are mistreated because of your legal status...because of your language.” But the state of immigration has changed since Diaz came to this country. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the population of undocumented immigrants was about 8.7 million in 2000. Today, that number is approximately 20 million, as stated by Zach Taylor, chairman of the National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers. With the increase comes safety, economic and humanitarian concerns from politicians, local residents and UTPA students. PAST AND PRESENT In an article published earlier this month by The New York Times, the surge of immigrants can be attributed to the William

Fernando Gracia/ The Pan American

RGV at center of national immigration issue

Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act of 2008, passed by then President George W. Bush. “Originally pushed by a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers as well as by evangelical groups to combat sex trafficking, the bill gave substantial new protections to children entering the country alone who were not from Mexico or Canada by prohibiting them from being quickly sent back to their country of origin,” the article states. The piece of legislation stipulates that these unaccompanied minors be turned over to the Department of Health and Human Services and be given a date for a future court hearing regarding their legal status. They are also given short-term shelter while the department works to reunite these children with family. If the child has no family in the U.S. they are turned over to a sponsor. According to a July article by digital news source Mashable, the unaccompanied children

from Central and South American countries began coming to the U.S. as early as 2011, but as poverty and violence increase in these countries, the numbers continue to rise. The number of minors crossing the border from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador is expected to reach as many as 90,000 by the end of 2014, the article said. To address the growing crisis and provide additional resources to the border, U.S. President Barack Obama requested $3.7 billion from Congress in a spending bill July 7. However, as of July 16 the bill has not been passed. Republicans are opposing the bill for being too costly and not enacting tough enough immigration laws, as stated in a July article by USA Today. As part of the bill, Republicans want to enact legislation that would expedite the return of unaccompanied minors. BORDER SECURITY According to the U.S. Cus-

toms and Border Protection website, there was a large increase in illegal migration in the 1980s and 1990s. Numerous actions were taken to address the situation, including the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Put into law by President Ronald Reagan, IRCA is still often cited as one of the most effective immigration laws, according to the Migration Policy Institute. The primary goal of the act was to increase border security and establish penalties for employers who hired undocumented immigrants. But despite past efforts, Texas Gov. Rick Perry said the U.S.Mexico border still isn’t secure. “The rapid influx of illegal immigration has strained the Border Patrol, the resources that they have and the resources we have put on ourselves as a state, and frankly they are already insufficient for the task at hand,” Perry said at a field hearing held by the Committee on Homeland Security earlier this month. “Officials who should be guard-

ing the border are dealing with the overflow instead of fulfilling their primary tasks. As a result, the border between the U.S. and Mexico is less secure today than at any time in the recent past.” At the hearing, titled “Crisis on the Texas Border: Surge of Unaccompanied Minors,” Perry elaborated on safety concerns residents of the RGV face due to immigration, including drug cartels, gangs and terrorism. “We know that drug cartels and transnational gangs are already seeking to take advantage of the situation, attempting to circumvent security and spread pain and suffering on both sides of the border through their criminal activities,” Perry stated. “We’re also in danger at the hands of those who might be slipping through from countries with known terrorist ties. With a range of potential threats facing us from abroad, this is not the time to be distracted by something else.”




July 17, 2014

A new era with an old tradition


Will football ever return to UTPA?

Tweet at and follow us @ThePanAmerican

The water thing in front of the chapel looks like a #raspa #UTPA -@Ruben_Gonzales8 When it turns to UTRGV, UTPA should really seek to stay as student friendly as it is now. And certainly raise education standards! #UTPA -@MiggyGarza14 If I could offer a piece of advice to the incoming freshman, it would be: read your textbook. It’ll help you tons. #UTPA -@lauroazuniga #UTRGV. our name is bad enough please let us at least keep Bucky the Bronc as our mascot #smh #utpa -@teresiita123

Marco Torres

Sports Editor In 1927 when UTPA was known as Edinburg College, the school had a college football program. The first game of the season ended in a 6-6 tie against the Texas State team that was formerly known as San Marcos Teachers College. During that season the team went 4-2-3 and would only win five more games over the next two years. After the season closed, mainly due to the draft in WWII, the sport didn’t make a return until 1947 managing to stick around up to 1951 when the program was discontinued. For years students clamored for a football team to no avail, but the future could change that. With a new era on the horizon, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley President Guy

Bailey has some experience with the upbringing of a football program. He was once the executive vice president and provost at the University of Texas at San Antonio when that school decided to add the sport. Some of the best Valley high school football players go to places like Kingsville or a Division II school to continue their football career. If UTPA had a team we might have more than a few players stick around and continue playing here. This means good relations with one another and chemistry between players that would be grand. Some of these guys have played against or with each other since sixth grade. A team like that can be very dangerous. According to UTPA Athletic

Director Chris King, the time is not right for a football program and he is more concerned about funding the 14 sports programs UTPA already has. Understandably, funding the programs is necessary for UTPA athletics to

each of the eight Western Athletic Conference schools received $104,873 in television revenue alone. In a state that produces more college football prospects than any other, why not have a football team at UTPA?

Some of the best Valley high school football players go to places like Kingsville or a Division II school to continue their football career. If UTPA had a team we might have more than a few players stick around and continue playing here. be successful when it comes to the post-season. But the revenue for college football screams “just build a team.” In the 2012-2014 season,

In 2012 UTSA was able to get $2.2 million in sponsor deals, which is not bad for a new program. Not saying UTPA or UTRGV will get that type of

major sponsorship money, but cash for a football team won’t be hard to find. The revenue that a team would produce will have the school seeing more green than red in the long run. So the question is, should UTPA invest in making a college football team at what will soon be UTRGV? I say yes. Football is America’s most popular sport. The amount of young high school talent that would stay in the area and play for a university like UTRGV would be huge, the revenue that a college football team can bring to the University in the long run and just to resurrect a fallen sport from the grave would be history for a new era.


The Pan American

thepanamerican@gmail.com 1201 West University, ARHU 170 Edinburg, Texas 78539 Phone: (956) 665-2541 Fax: (956) 665-7122

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thepanamerican @gmail.com

Vol. 70, No. 29


FACEBOOK FEEDBACK UTPA students, you’ll have a chance to let people know what mascot you want for The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley in the Student Union Theater July 17! What do you vote for?

July 17, January 31, 2014 2013



According to The Washington companied minors. ed to 25 immigrant deaths. This manitarian crisis discussed at the not a national security crisis, this migrants who came to the U.S. Post, since Border Patrol agents “As a mayor of Hazleton for year they have already respond- hearing, and the initial reason it is a humanitarian crisis.” when they were young and are are occupied with controlling 11 years, I saw firsthand what ed to 14 immigrant deaths. was held, centered on undocuAccording to The New York now pushing for immigration the influx of immigrants, Mex- burden illegal immigration has “There are dozens of immi- mented children and the dangers Times, more than three-quar- reform. The name originates ican cartels have had an easier on local government,” Barletta grants that have lost their lives try- they face crossing the border. ters of unaccompanied minors from the Development, Relief time smuggling drugs across the said. “When I saw our popula- ing to fulfill their hope of finding “Here in Texas we are facing are from El Salvador, Guatema- and Education for Alien Minors border. When agents are pulled tion grow by 15 percent but our freedom and opportunity here,” an escalating refugee and nation- la and Honduras. According to Act, a stalled legislative proposal away from their patrol stations, tax revenue stay the same, real- Guerra said at the field hearing. al security crisis. Since October, Jackson Lee, these three central that would have helped undocgaps are created along the border izing we had an illegal immigra- “Bodies are found in the river or more than 50,000 unaccompa- American countries have among umented immigrants in college that the traffickers can exploit, tion problem, quality of servic- in the brush, many in deplorable nied minors have crossed our the highest per capita homicide become legal citizens. said Chris Cabrera, the vice es suffered. I helped sound the condition. Many of these immi- Southern border into the United rates in the world with HonduDiaz is one of approximatepresident of the National Bor- alarm to stop potential reloca- grants die from drowning or heat States– nearly two-thirds of those ras topping the list and the two ly 645 DREAMERS at UTPA der Patrol Council Local 3307. tion of unaccompanied minors exposure. The hardest to take, is crossed here in the Rio Grande other nations in the top five. and is also a participant in the During the field hearing held to a property in my hometown the death of children. Most re- Valley,” said Michael McCaul, UTPA alumna Kayleigh Gar- Deferred Action for Childhood at the South Texas College Tech- in downtown Hazleton, Penn- cently we responded to the death chairman of the Committee on cia agrees with Jackson Lee. Gar- Arrivals (DACA) program. Acnology Campus July 3 Perry sylvania, which had been iden- of an 11-year-old boy from Gua- Homeland Security, at the field cia, who earned her master’s in cording to the Department of asked federal lawmakers to send tified as a potential housing fa- temala. His decomposed body hearing. “These children are be- public administration in 2013, Homeland Security, those who the National Guard to the bor- cility.” was found in the brush just a ing exploited by the drug car- said she can’t imagine sending are part of DACA are not conder to assist q u a r t e r tels who are turning a profit by these immigrants back to the ferred legal citizenship, but are local law mile away smuggling these kids to the U.S. countries they are fleeing. allowed to stay in the country enforcefrom a res- at a cost of $5,000 to $8,000 per “They are coming here as ref- while they attend school. DAAt first you don’t fit in, you are ment with i d e n t i a l child...These children are often ugees, we can’t send them back CA recipients are also eligible the outsider. People knowing you this issue. neighbor- subjected to beatings, starvation, to their deaths like we did when for work authorization, which The former are not from this country, they push you hood where sexual assault and are at risk of the Jewish community came to allows them to be lawfully emlieutenhe could being trafficked.” us on a boat from the Nazi re- ployed in the U.S. aside. It feels bad because you are ant goverhave sought U.S. Representative McCaul, gime telling us they needed help While Diaz has been able to unwanted. nor of Texhelp.” R-Texas, highlighted humaniback in the ‘40s and we turned make the best of his situation, - Abraham Diaz as stated T h e tarian concerns due to the im- around and sent them back...we he acknowledges that not all the MAC vice president that there sheriff also migration influx, focusing on sent them back to their deaths,” minors entering the U.S. will is simply r e m a r k e d unaccompanied minors. Mc- said Garcia, president of the have the same path he has. He not enough that the Caul and Perry both favored re- Hidalgo County Texas Young hopes to do what he can to help, manpower and resources to seAccording to a February immigrants are often victims turning the children to their na- Democrats. “I refuse to be a part no matter what the outcome cure this sector of the border. 2013 article by The New York of crimes themselves but due to tive countries. of that.” may be for these children. “When you look at the Unit- Times, labor economists found their legal status, these crimes go “To break this cycle we need Diaz, who will continue “You have to think about ed States border from El Paso to that undocumented workers unreported. to add in some real deterrence – to volunteer at Sacred Heart what is the humane thing to California, there are 17 border lowered wages of U.S. adults “For the most part, the of- first, mandatory detention and Church during this immigration do,” he said. “If one of these patrol agents per mile dedicat- without high-school diplomas, fenders are not the undocument- then we should explore ways to crisis, agrees with Garcia. people were my family memed to that region of the United approximately 25 million peo- ed immigrants coming into the promptly return those who come “Some of the DREAMERS bers, what would I do for them? States,” he said. “From El Paso ple, between 0.4 and 7.4 per- United States, they are the vic- here illegally,” McCaul said. “Not have gone through these situa- Personally, I would give my life to Brownsville, it is seven border cent. However, that same article tims,” he said. “At times, hu- doing so puts more young lives at tions...and we know what it feels for my child, just like these fampatrol agents per mile.” states that undocumented im- man smugglers sexually assault risk of exploitation.” like, we’ve been in their shoes,” ilies are. So as a human, I want Joshua Rojas, the president migrants could be beneficial to the women, who are victims and However, U.S. Representa- he said. “When we didn’t get to give as much as I can.” of the College Republicans at skilled laborers. often feel they have no voice be- tive Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Tex- help, we know what it felt like UTPA, agrees that protecting “From 1990 to 2007, un- cause of their legal status so the as, disagreed with these pro- to be neglected and now that sovereignty should be the gov- documented workers increased crime goes unreported. There are posed actions. we have the opportunity to ernment’s primary concern. legal workers’ pay in comple- instances where criminals will “A massive deportation policy give help to them and change “We need to secure the bor- mentary jobs by up to 10 per- hold ransom undocumented per- for children and a mandatory de- the way they see things, we can ders,” said the junior finance cent,” the article said. “In states sons- once again, some of these taining for children is not a hu- make an impact in their lives.” major. “Until that happens we with more undocumented im- crimes will go unreported.” mane thing to do,” Jackson Lee “DREAMERS” is a term ofcan’t discuss any type of amnesty migrants...skilled workers made Another aspect to the hu- said at the field hearing. “This is ten used by undocumented imfor anyone here illegally.” more money and worked more hours; the economy’s productivECONOMY ity grew.” Another concern for Rojas In addition, chief actuary at is the impact immigration will the Social Security Administrahave on the local economy. In tion Stephen Goss states in the 2013, Brownsville and Harlin- article that undocumented imgen were named the poorest cit- migrants contribute about $15 ies in the country by the U.S. billion a year to social security Census Bureau and economic through payroll taxes, state and website 24/7 Wall St. federal taxes that employers are “We have so many poor peo- required to withhold and/or pay ple here that if we bring in more, on behalf of employees. The arit’s only going to hurt us even ticle goes on to explain that unmore, it’s going to be harder to documented workers have confind jobs,” he said. tributed up to $300 billion, or As the son of an undocu- nearly 10 percent, of the $2.7 mented immigrant, Rojas is fa- trillion Social Security Trust miliar with the struggles these Fund. migrants are facing but believes the economic burden should HUMANITARIAN CRISIS not fall on the shoulders of curHidalgo County Sheriff Edrent legal citizens. die Guerra brought to light one At the Congressional field aspect to the humanitarian crihearing, U.S. Representative sis at field hearing - immigrant Lou Barletta, R-Pa., echoed sim- deaths. According to Guerra, ilar concerns. His hometown of there were 19 immigrant deaths Hazleton, Pa. was being consid- the sheriff’s office responded to Donated clothes sit atop tables at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in McAllen, Texas July 11. The church is one of several ered as a location to house unac- in 2012. In 2013, they respond- organizations collecting items for undocumented immigrants entering the U.S.

Fernando Gracia/ The Pan American



July 17, 2014

Prisoners of healthcare

Veterans Affairs Department gets overhauled By Andrew Vera The Pan American Veterans Affairs Acting Secretary Sloan Gibson testified in front of the VA Senate Committee Wednesday to discuss the progress and future of the ailing VA system. Reports of falsified documents and malpractice have brought negative attention to a department that Gibson called “poorly positioned.” After former secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric Shinseki resigned May 30 amidst rumors of malpractice within the healthcare department, the VA has begun its reform process to help bring the department back to working standards. This was the first time since scandal arose within the department that Gibson met with the VA Senate Committee. During this meeting the committee discussed practices commonly found in the private sector of the medical field that could be helpful to follow when overhauling the VA department. Another topic discussed at the meeting was the potential power given to the secretary of the department to fire officials that are performing poorly. In addition to these powers, allowing veterans to receive medical care outside of the VA was another topic that was touched on. This rule could mean medical care for veterans if no service can be given by the VA within 30 days. These new rules for the VA are part of a bipartisan plan announced by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in early June, less than one week after the malpractice rumors surfaced. The Congressional Budget Office released a new analysis July 10 of the reform bill that will regulate the VA department in the 2015 fiscal year. The reformed budget, according to The Hill, reduced the cost of implementing the bill from $50 billion over three years to $30 billion, which the CBO saw as more reasonable, according to the Army Times. The VA department’s the healthcare division has been under fire throughout the year after a number of malpractice suits had been filed against it for charging long patient wait times and rumors of sexual harassment, racism and illegal drug use in facilities, accord-

ing to Politico. The malpractice suits were costing the U.S. $845 million due to a “delay in treatment.” A member of the ROTC program, who wished to remain anonymous, said his experience with the VA health department has not been a good one. “It takes forever to get an appointment. It takes forever to get a letter back that says that they’re working on your claim,” the senior criminal justice major said. “Then you get people that do get a rating but it’s very low

A report was also created by Senator Tom Coburn, ROkla., last month that highlighted the shortcomings of the VA Department. In his report he included the instances of abuse and racism as well as noting that 1,000 veteran deaths have occurred in the last 10 years under the VA’s watch. He said that the deaths were not only “largely preventable” but cost the department more than $200 million in settlements. Furthermore, Coburn noted

Our job as a Congress and as a nation is to make the necessary changes so that every veteran in the VA system gets the quality and timely health care they are entitled to. - Bernie Sanders U.S. senator, I-Vt.

and doesn’t make sense with (the illness) they have. (The system) doesn’t make any sense.” The long wait times for veterans to receive care are seen all over the country. A report by Patch, a community-specific news source, states that Maryland has the fourth longest wait time for veterans with an average of 81 days. The article also sheds light on an isolated incident at a Phoenix VA hospital where 40 veterans died while awaiting treatment. The Memphis VA Medical Center was also investigated and was found to have 50-day wait times for new patients. The ROTC member said problems can even be seen in the Rio Grande Valley at the Harlingen VA Medical Center. “You have nurses (in Harlingen) that aren’t even qualified to use the equipment they’re using,” the UTPA senior said. According to the Washington Post, an internal audit performed by the VA department revealed that 57,000 veterans had waited more than 90 days to receive medical attention earlier this year. In addition, the audit found that VA employees at 24 sites felt “threatened or coerced” to record false information that would make patient wait times seem lower than they really were.

that the problem of long patient wait times could be attributed to the amount of patients seen by doctors. According to Politico, Coburn’s report said private sector doctors see upward of 2,300 patients annually while VA doctors only see 1,200. The report states that this is due in part to the lack of staffing requirements and regulation on doctor/patient numbers. According to Sanders, one of the committee members in charge of drawing up a reform plan for the VA, said staffing is suffering because VA doctors get paid less than private practice doctors. One of Sanders’ ideas to help resolve this issue is to offer student loan forgiveness to young doctors who agree to work for the VA department. The ROTC member said he feels there is another reason why the VA health system is not running properly. “The problem is that you’ve got the VA who is supposed to take care of veterans but they hire a bunch of civilians that have no knowledge of the military,” the Army veteran said. “So of course they’re not going to know what they’re doing.” In addition to the issues highlighted in Coburn’s report, the VA had first gone under the microscope earlier in the year

when rumors of falsified wait times surfaced. According to Army Times, these tampered documents would in turn aid in larger performance bonuses for VA employees. Gibson has been the acting VA secretary since Shinseki’s resignation. As of June, former Procter & Gamble CEO Robert McDonald was nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama to be elected as the new VA secretary. The VA Senate Committee will come to a decision on the position July 22. There are a dozen individuals working within the House and Senate in a conference that not only created the reform bill but will review it before it passes. Among the people in this conference committee are Sen. Jeff Miller, R-Fla., and Sanders. Both men said they have faith that recent budget adjustments will help move the reform bill forward before the Congressional break in August. “Our job as a Congress and as a nation is to make the necessary changes so that every veteran in the VA system gets the quality and timely health care they are entitled to,” Sanders said. According to the VA website, the three main goals of the department over the next year are to improve veteran access to benefits, reduce the number of backlog patients and alleviate veteran homelessness. The White House has noted improvements within the VA in recent months. This year 182,000 appointments have been made and $400 million has been allotted for accelerated care. Also, the previously noted 57,000 veterans awaiting care has been reduced to 46,000 as of June 15. The ROTC member said he feels these advances in the system are merely patch work. He said the problems will continue until something more serious is done. “(The problem) is not going to get worked out. It would get fixed if people were actually held accountable with criminal charges,” the ROTC member said. “As far as fixing the system, I don’t see it.”



July31, 17,2013 2014 January

Nearing equality small city for working women and Edinburg was number four. Other cities on the list include Sandy Springs, Ga., in the second ranking, followed by Hesperia, Calif., in third. The cities were broken down into three categories: large, medium and small. There were 61 large cities with populations of more than 300,000, 241 medium cities with populations of from 100,000 to 300,000 and 220 small cities with populations under 100,000. NerdWallet included the median salaries for male and female full-time and year-round workers, “median gross rent,” population growth and other statistics from the Census Bureau American Community Survey. “Median gross rent” is the monthly rent agreed or contracted for in addition to the estimated monthly cost of utilities. All the cities analyzed for the study were based on census data. UTPA Economics Professor Marie Mora was not surprised that two Valley cities made the grade list, saying that she was excited to have the area on a list of

something positive for a change. “To me what it means is that (the Valley) is a friendly place for women to work and that the same type of barriers that women might be facing in other cities might not be present here,” Mora said. “The numbers also suggest that there may be a lot of opportunities for women.” According to the website, Pharr was placed at the top due to female employees earning 112 percent of a man’s average income. Rent was below the national average as a result of the 10 percent increase of population from 2009 to 2011. NerdWallet reported the average household median at $631 a month. “This area is definitely one of the fastest growing cities in the entire country,” Mora said. “It’s not just in the state, so that does bode well in terms of future job opportunities.” Pharr’s median income for full-time female employees came in at $29,189. Sandy Springs was next in the ranking with $46,432 and Hesperia with $36,880. The median in-

come for Edinburg came in at $50,051. Edinburg was ranked in the top five because of a 12 percent increase in population since 2012, low rental costs and strong income equality between men and women. NerdWallet reported $651 as the city’s median gross rent and women’s earnings as a percentage to men’s is about 94 percent. NerdWallet reported the numbers of working women in the U.S. has steadily increased in the past 50 years, growing from 29 percent to nearly 50 percent. In 1960, one in 10 mothers in the country were the sole or primary “breadwinner”. In 2011, that number went up to four in every 10. A “breadwinner” is a person who earns money to support a family. “It surprises me to see how different things were just a short 50 years ago,” said Marilynn Feria, a UTPA junior political science major. “It’s amazing to think that if I had been born at a different time my life would be completely different as a woman in the workforce. Of course, I’m proud and glad that many women having been pushing to see these changes and have been striving for the opportunities and gratification of being self-sufficient.” According to Feria, the ranking came as a surprise to her but she’s happy to see the number of women in the workforce increasing.

ployment, household income and home values among 510 U.S. cities. The study determined that the most improved city in the nation was McAllen. Edinburg came in ninth. The median household income from 2009 to 2012 in McAllen increased by 31.69 percent, the second highest rate of any city in the country. According to NerdWallet, McAllen tops the list because of that growth in income - in addition to a nearly 16 percent increase in median home value. James Boudreau, an assistant professor of economics at the University, said he thinks the ranking is a reflection of the positive things that are happening in the Valley and credits the rankings to its residents.

“People generate economic activity and the Valley has seen its population grow quite a bit over the last decade,” said Boudreau, who has been at UTPA for five years. “I’m not sure of the exact ranking, but the McAllen metro area ranks quite highly in terms of population growth as compared to other places in the U.S. It also helps that the Valley’s population is on average quite young and young people tend to do more spending than older folks.” McAllen had an unemployment rate of 4.35 percent along with a 31.69 percent increase in median household income. The national unemployment rate in April was 6.3 percent. There was also a 15.61 percent change in median home value. “Median house household income” refers to the income level earned by a given household. The national unemployment rate is 6.1 as of June, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Many places in the U.S. are ex-

periencing negative growth, so in comparison this is obviously very good news,” Boudreau said. “The Valley is young, vibrant and growing… People sometimes disparage the Valley unfairly, as if it’s a small town or somehow inconsequential. To the contrary, I believe it’s one of the more up-and-coming places in the U.S.” Eight of the top 10 cities on the list are in Texas, including Midland, San Angelo, Bryan, College Station, Odessa and Amarillo. Edinburg’s most important factor was median household income. With a nearly 20 percent increase in the three-year period, median home value also grew by 6.50 percent. Carlos Ramos, a business finance major, said that having Edinburg and McAllen beside larger cities like Washington, D.C. -which was the most improved largest city among the 50 analyzed - has the potential to spark interest in more individuals. “As you drive around you can see various business and plazas

RGV cities among nation’s best places for working women

By Melinda Garza The Pan American

When the U.S. first passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, women throughout the country were earning 59 cents for every dollar a male made. Today, that has increased to 77 cents for every dollar paid to men, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The “gender wage gap” has narrowed, but it has not vanished. A study released by personal finance information website NerdWallet in June suggests that wage equality might actually depend on the city. The “gender pay gap” refers to the difference in average income between men and women. According to the Department of Justice, one of the factors in women earning less than men is that there are a lack of accommodating work arrangements. This can apply to all employees, but affects more women who have dependent children. NerdWallet analyzed 522 U.S. cities and determined the best places for women to work. Of the 522 cities, Pharr was ranked number one as the best

By Melinda Garza The Pan American This June marked five years since the U.S. economy ended its longest recession since World War II and local people have taken note. According to an analysis by personal finance information website NerdWallet, two of the top 10 most improved cities in the country are in the Rio Grande Valley. The Great Recession officially began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research which determines the beginning and end of U.S. recessions. Using data from NBER, as well as figures from the labor and housing markets, NerdWallet compared changes in unem-


“It did surprise me, but in a good way,” Feria said. “These are the things that I like to see our home cities recognized for. It means that people are taking the initiative to provide equal opportunity to both sexes, especially in an area with very conservative views.” NerdWallet reported education, trade, transportation, health services, utilities and the government as being the industries with the biggest presence in Edinburg. The city’s largest employers are UTPA, Edinburg Regional Medical Center, Hidalgo County and Doctors Hospital at Renaissance, according to the Edinburg Economic Develop-

ment Corp. Mora stated that she has never sensed negative feelings against Valley women who work at different businesses and believes it is because Edinburg is a family-friendly city. “I’ve always believed that women are just as capable and responsible and have the same amount of vision and passion as men do for work,” Mora said. “So it never has made sense to me that women would earn less for equal work.”

opening up or being constructed and there is definitely growth,” the 20-year-old said. “I know it will take time but I’m sure Edinburg and McAllen will continue to grow to become big cities.” According to NerdWallet, since the end of the recession in 2009, Edinburg has seen improvements in its workforce and housing market. The Edinburg Economic Development Corporation reported that since 2008 most local jobs are in education and health services, with the city’s school district and regional medical center as the top employers. “It does bring a sense of pride seeing your city’s name on that list,” Ramos said. “It feels like the small town I grew up with is starting to become something bigger. According to the Texas Workforce Commission, Texas added more than 56,000 jobs in May. In addition, unemployment in Texas dropped to 5.1 percent. In a press release published June 20 Texas Gov. Rick Perry said that Texas continues to be the epicenter of job creation in the U.S. He also said

Texas is the best place in the country to find a job. Boudreau, who received his Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut in spring 2009 stated that continuing positive demographic trends, along with the boost the University of Texas-Rio Grande Valley will provide, should mean things will keep improving in the Valley. The new university will have a large impact to the region’s economic growth and job market and is expected to add thousands of jobs to the region, according to a Project South Texas report. “It may sound cliché, but the Valley has a young, dynamic population and that’s why it’s growing,” Boudreau said. “I would say it’s a very good thing both in terms of what it says about current population and what it means for the population’s future.”


arts & life

July 17, 2014

UTPA students discuss rise in Hispanic moviegoers By Jose S. De Leon III The Pan American Hannah Jones, an accounting major at UTPA, loves attending the movie theater. The Harlingen native religiously watches a new movie at least twice a week, a habit she picked up from her family which is Hispanic on her mother’s side. “My family always sees going to the movies as a family affair. My aunt takes my cousins there every weekend,” the 23-year-old explained. “It’s a great way for all of us to get together and have fun for a few hours and relax.” According to a July 7 report from pop culture magazine Entertainment Weekly, 2014 box office earnings are down 4 percent from this point last year. However, attendance from Hispanic moviegoers is on the rise. The Motion Picture Association of America, or the MPAA, released its annual Theatrical Market Statistics March 27. Among the numbers that were reported, it was revealed that Hispanic audiences are becom-

ing big consumers. Despite the fact that Caucasians account for 54 percent of total ticket sales in 2013, they only watch an average of three movies per year, the lowest attendance of any ethnicity. Hispanic audiences made up the highest attendance by watching an average of six while African Americans and other ethnicities marked as “other” watch four films a year.

Movies tend to cross other barriers and can speak to anyone. They are a universal form of entertainment that people can enjoy despite who they see onscreen. - Brian Warren TV/film/theater professor

Jones’ views on moviegoing and family entertainment for Hispanic audiences is reflected in a January 2013 report from Nielsen Holdings. Nielsen, a New York based group that mon-

Tickets sold in sales 2012 2012 ticket

hispanics: 25%

Hispanics: 26% caucasians: 54% Caucasians: 56% african americans: 11% African-Americans: 11% other: 7% Other: 7%

2013 sales Ticketsticket sold in 2013 hispanics: 25%

Hispanics 25% caucasians: 54% Caucasians: 54% african americans: 13% 13% African-American: Other: 8% other: 8%

Alicia Rangel/ The Pan American

itors what consumers buy and watch on a daily basis, found that Hispanic audiences were 86 percent more likely to attend movies with friends and family compared to any other demographic. Even though UTPA senior Arnold Fonseca hasn’t had a chance to go to the movies since the start of the spring semester due to schoolwork, he believes these numbers are important and reflect the rise of the His-

panic population, which is expected to nearly triple by 2060 according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Hispanics are already the largest minority group in the country with 52 million

people, or 17 percent of the American population. “This culture isn’t going anywhere and we’re seeing how it’s affecting everything, even the movies,” the 25-yearold physics major said. “Attending the theaters is a form of escapism that’s perfect for hanging out with friends and family members and now we know that other cultures enjoy it, especially since there’s a lot of deals going on to make going to the movies relatively cheaper than usual.” The average price of a movie ticket is currently $7.96, down from $8.35 in the previous quarter, according to The Hollywood Reporter. In addition, several Rio Grande Valley theaters are currently participating in “Discount Tuesday,” where tickets are on sale at $5.25 all day every Tuesday at selected Carmike and Cinemark theaters nationwide. STRENGTH IN NUMBERS Despite representing 17 percent of the total American population, Hispanics made a huge contribution in total ticket sales last year, according to the MPAA. Of the 1.34 billion tickets sold in 2013, a full quarter were bought by Hispanic moviegoers alone. A recent film that succeeded due to its Hispanic audience was the Spanish-language comedy Instructions Not Included, starring Mexican comedian Eugenio Derbez. The film was a “sleeper hit” when it opened last summer, as box office analysts failed to predict the film’s final gross of nearly $45 million domestically - even though it opened in less than 350 theaters nationwide, according to Box Office Mojo. The movie ended up becoming both the highestgrossing Spanish film and the fourth highest-grossing foreign film in the U.S. In an attempt to recapture the success of Instructions Not Included Pantelion, the studio that distributed the film, is releasing the Spanish-language drama Cantinflas during next month’s Labor Day weekend. This is the same weekend Instructions was released in theaters last year. Cantinflas centers around Mario “Cantinflas” Moreno, the popular comedian who is often referred to as the “Mexican Charlie Chaplin.” The film depicts Cantinflas’ personal life as he films his American debut, the 1956 Academy Award winning film Around the World in

80 Days. Seemingly, studios tried another method of luring Hispanic audiences to the theaters this past spring by releasing Spanish-dubbed versions of several movies. These included the religious dramas Son of God and Noah as well as the biopic Cesar Chavez. According to an October 2012 article from The Hollywood Reporter, Hispanic audiences flock to movies with religious themes as well as animated and horror movies. Jones, a Harlingen native, isn’t surprised when she heard such types of movies are most popular with this demographic, citing those are the genres she and her family watch. The same article mentions that studios promote their movies to Hispanic audiences on Mexican radio channels and television stations such as Univision and Telemundo as well as in heavily populated Hispanic areas such as California, South Texas and Miami. EXPECTATIONS After hearing about these findings, UTPA student John Garza said the results were “eye-opening” and that he hoped it would lead to an increase in Hispanic actors. Nonetheless, he worried about what kind of message this could send studios, especially if they would decide to make more Hispanic-themed films. “Even though I’m Hispanic, even I wouldn’t want to see a movie that is minority-oriented because it would feel like pandering,” the 21-year-old senior said. “In most of the movies I’ve seen, Hispanics get the stereotyped roles like a cleaning person or the one who knows all about demons in horror movies. When are we going to get a movie franchise of our own?” This past March, Mexican director Alfonso Cuaron became the first Latino to win an Academy Award for best director for blockbuster film Gravity which may have given the Latino population in entertainment more credit.

Despite the large attendance from Hispanics, Hispanic-themed films aren’t immediate successes. Cesar Chavez ultimately ended up grossing $5.5 million despite the legacy of the civil rights activist. The crime-horror film Deliver Us from Evil, which features a Spanish priest in a secondary role, was released July 3 and has so far accumulated $25 million. Last August saw the release of the Matt Damon sci-fi film Elysium, which was set in Los Angeles and featured a supporting cast of Hispanic actors. With a budget of $115 million, Elysium underwhelmed at the box office by grossing $93 million domestically. Brian Warren, a UTPA professor in TV/film/theater, speculated that those films disappointed at the box office not because of the emphasis on Hispanic themes, but because of their quality. “As a biopic, a horror film and a sci-fi film, all three of them don’t look anything different than what we usually get,” the University of Houston alumnus said. “Those films may have failed because of how oversaturated the marketplace is with films of the genres, and they didn’t look like they provided audiences with anything new. Despite the audiences it tries to reach, films need to be good, or at least look like they’re offering something different.” While the Iowa native thinks the findings of the survey are vital and reflect what audiences want in their movies, he believes people respond to good stories, regardless of the race depicted onscreen. “I still remember seeing the film Gandhi and being mesmerized by it, despite the fact that the movie featured a lead character who was Indian. Story supersedes race,” he explained, “Movies tend to cross other barriers and can speak to anyone. They are a universal form of entertainment that people can enjoy despite who they see onscreen.”

arts & life

July31,17, 2014 January 2013

N U R S I N G ABROAD Foreign exchange students discuss their time at UTPA By Elisa Garcia The Pan American Being 8,848 miles away from home while immersed in a foreign culture can be scary, but UTPA foreign exchange students Prattana Aroonrattanateawan and Kanyarat Pratrairach are doing it this summer and getting the chance to study nursing in a new light. The pair of 23-year-olds graduated in February with bachelor’s degrees in faculty of nursing from Naresuan University located in Muang, Thailand. Upon entering their senior year of college last fall they signed up for the school’s Cooperative Program Nursing Project linked with UTPA. The four-month project consists of 12 hours of UTPA nursing courses plus weekly trips to the McAllen Medical Hospital for clinical observations. Once Aroonrattanateawan and Pratrairach complete the program, which is equivalent to a graduate program at Naresuan, they will each write a research paper on how the American medical profession differs from the Thailand health system. According to Naresuan’s website, the university is a leading research institution collaborating with top international colleges around the globe in countries such as Australia, France and the U.S. UTPA and Naresuan have been partners since November 2011 and will renew the agreement in November 2016. One month after receiving their diplomas, the girls packed their bags and boarded a 22hour flight from Shanghai, China bound for McAllen. Throughout their stay, the women experienced life as American college students. They met new friends in class who helped them get accustomed to campus and were invited to shopping

sprees and trips to the movies. Aroonrattanateawan explained that their stay at UTPA’s Bronc Village apartments is coming to an end because they will be heading back to Thailand July 21. Once back home, the pair hopes to become more educated on health care in order to receive work as nurses. THE PROJECT Aroonrattanateawan is completing her nursing project on “transcultural nursing,” an anthropology-based science focused on how professional nurses treat a patient with a background different from their own. She explained how her project will be based on her belief that doctors in the Rio Grande Valley should be more educated about Mexican traditions and beliefs. According to Baylor University’s BearSpace webpage, a network file storage space for students and faculty, many from the Hispanic background believe problems that are primarily spiritual in nature can be treated with prayer and ritual. However, research suggests most Hispanics use medicine such as antibiotics to a far greater extent than traditional or folk methods. “It’s all about how you would take care of a patient who comes from a culture that’s not your own,” Aroonrattanateawan said. “I would say the Mexican culture is dominant here, so doctors have to be educated about the Mexican culture.” On the other hand, Pratrairach is writing her project on maternity nursing, also known as labor and delivery nursing. While at UTPA, she said she has seen how the Thai and American programs differ. “Here, I would say nursing is taught a little less strictly,” the Udonthani, Thailand, native said. “In Thailand, it’s re-

quired for nurses to have their hair pulled back in a hair net, no makeup, no nail polish and no jewelry, but here it’s only required to pull your hair back.” When first arriving at McAllen Medical Hospital in March, the women said they were amazed to see the amount of technology that is available to patients, such as a “medical vending machine.” These machines hold medicine, personal care products and even first aid supplies that can be bought like snacks from a vending machine. Hospitals can also use them for prescription medications. In Thailand, much of this equipment goes to leading hospitals instead of rural ones. “(Hospitals in the U.S.) have a lot of good technology,” Aroonrattanateawan said. “But

in Thailand, nurses need to provide the patient with their medicine…we don’t have much, but some hospitals do have it.” NEW TERRITORY Along with being amazed by American medical technology, the women were astonished by how much American culture differs from their own. “In the Thai culture, we don’t touch much or kiss, and here everyone does that,” Aroonrattanateawan said. “I like the fajitas and (Pratrairach) likes the tacos, which is different from Thai food like rice. We can have rice every day with every meal. And driving on the opposite side of the road was also a challenge.” When it came to their schoolwork, speaking and writing in a foreign language was the tough-

est challenge the pair faced. “I think talking is the hardest. Every Thai student has to take an English class starting in the first grade,” Aroonrattanateawan explained. “We don’t get to use it much. We only speak Thai, and even in English class we speak Thai. But we learn from watching movies and listening to music. Music helped a lot. My favorite is Taylor Swift.” Despite being overwhelmed by a new language, Aroonrattanateawan knows all the hard work will eventually help her to save lives. “I would say if we walk on the road and we see someone who is need of medical attention, we have the power to help them immediately,” she said. Pratrairach said after she completes the nursing project,


she would like to find work as a perioperative nurse, meaning she would assist doctors during surgeries as well as work with patients who are having invasive procedures. “When I think about nursing as a career, I think I can help a lot of people who will need my help in the future,” she said. The girls admit they have enjoyed the countless shopping trips, parties and trips to the movies with their new friends. They hope after turning in their research projects and boarding a 22-hour flight back home, they will be able to return one day to visit the place that became their temporary home.

Michelle Garcia/ The Pan American

Prattana Aroonrattanateawan (right) performs what is called “nail dancing” in northern Thailand and “Serng” in northwest Thailand, where Kanyarat Pratrairach is from. The pair were foreign exchange students at UTPA for four months as part of Naresuan University’s Cooperative Program Nursing Project.


July 17

July 18

July 19

July 22

July 26

July 27

Blues for Autism

¡Que Calor! Rio Grande Valley musicians, such as Sonoita, gather to take part in a night of digital live nucumbia. Free admission.

Hinovations Power Painting for Hope

SPI Sand Castle Days

Pokemon Festival

Guest speakers and information about Austism Spectrum Disorder with live blues performances. $5 donation at the door.

“All-in for Education” Poker Tournament sion’s high schools. $175

Create a canvas painting to take home with you while supporting Hope Family Health Center. $50 fee per person.

Dozens of sand castles sculpted by artists from around the country. Free admission.

Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. Place: Ol’ D’s Soda Shop, Harlingen

Time: 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. Time: 3 p.m. - Midnight Place: The Thirsty Monkey, Place: Desperado HarleyMcAllen Davidson, McAllen

Time: 6 p.m. - 9 p.m. Place: McAllen Chamber of Commerce

Time: All day Time: Noon - 6 p.m. Place: Seabreeze Beach Place: McAllen ConResort vention Center




ing seniors at each of Misfee per player.

A convention featuring cosplay, gaming, vending and pocket monsters. Free admission.

Page 8

By May Ortega The Pan American

As 38-year-old astronaut Neil Armstrong emerged from the Apollo 11 spacecraft on the moon and declared the mission a “giant leap for mankind,” 600 million people watched from Earth more than 238,000 miles away. One viewer of the July 20, 1969 event was retired UTPA speech communication professor George McLemore, who was in his mid-20s at the time. He said it was a “welcomed relief” in the midst of the Vietnam War. After more than 30 years at the University, 71-year-old McLemore who now lives in Austin, said the moon landing helped Americans temporarily forget about the thousands of overseas casualties printed in the newspapers every week. He painted a picture of what it was like to live in Houston at the time of the event. “I was so excited about the July landing on the moon that I made my girlfriend wake up in the middle of the night to watch those grainy black and white images of the (Lunar Excursion Module) touchdown,” McLemore explained. “Of course, because I lived in Houston at the time I was exposed daily to the heroic attentions paid to the astronauts in the press, on freeway billboards and on TV specials.”


While McLemore gazed at his screen in awe, a 2-year-old boy named Nicolas Pereyra bounced around his New Rochelle, N.Y. home, unaware of what all the fuss was about. That toddler grew up to be an astronomy and physics professor at UTPA. The 47-yearold said he doesn’t recall watching the event, but believes that having achieved such a feat in the late ‘60s is astounding. “Walking on the moon in 1969 has been one of humanity’s greatest achievements,” the Venezuela native said. “Having achieved this several decades ago, with less advanced technology than we have today, gives humanity even more merit.” Astronomy and physics Professor Hector Leal said he was always interested in the stars and sky as a child. Even though he was born nine years after the moon landing, not being alive for the event had not lessened his appreciation for it. “It means a great step was achieved towards technological advancement in many fields (such as) medicine, science, technology, communications and engineering,” the 36-year-old explained. “It opened the possibility of exploring other parts of our universe not only with probes, satellites and telescopes, but human travel to other places outside of our planet.”

BOCA CHICA BLAST OFF With the anniversary of man’s first steps on the moon a few days away, the nation’s first commercial rocket launch facility - possibly being built on Boca Chica Beach near Brownsville has become an increasingly frequent topic. According to The Brownsville Herald, the city is the leading contender for the site of private rocket company SpaceX’s new launch pad. After having the area approved by the Federal Aviation Administration earlier this month, SpaceX can move forward with its plan of applying for a license to begin construction in 2016. In fall of that same year, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley will open and students will begin leaving UTPA and the University of Texas at Brownsville in the past. The University of Texas System has not released any statements involving SpaceX, but there is some support from the UTPA community. Although the University offers astronomy as a minor, Leal said UTPA astronomy faculty members in the Department of Physics and Geology have looked into making astronomy

July 17, 2014

a major as well; he wants SpaceX to select Boca Chica Beach so it will have a domino effect on the Valley. “I hope that in the future, UTRGV will be able to offer the astronomy major, master’s and even a doctorate program,” the Mexico City native said. “If SpaceX does go forward with its new project in Brownsville, it will increase the demand for these courses through the creation of local jobs in the field of astronomy...and it will hopefully increase the interest of the Valley community in science and engineering in general.” Pereyra believes if SpaceX selects Boca Chica, an array of new major areas of study would become available at the new university. “UTRGV should support this effort by developing new programs through its science and engineering departments aimed towards astronomy, astrophysics, aerospace engineering and other space-related fields,” he said. “This would strongly benefit SpaceX, UTRGV and most importantly, the Rio Grande Valley community.” ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE In honor of Apollo 11’s voyage to the moon 45 years ago, one crew member has taken to Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites to promote the celebration of the landing by using #Apollo45. Buzz Aldrin, now 84, teamed up with several celebrities to expand his campaign’s reach. Academy Award winner Jared Leto, Grammy-winning Producer Pharrell Williams, science educator Bill Nye and Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson are some individuals who make an appearance in Aldrin’s YouTube video promoting the anniversary as well as showing appreciation for space exploration. According to Pew Research Center, interest in space travel has been declin-

July 17, 2014


ing for decades. Less than one year after the moon landing, a survey showed that 56 percent of Americans thought the mission was not worth the $20 billion spent, which would equal to $150 billion today, according to NASA. Further research conducted by Pew in 1999 asked Americans what they thought the greatest accomplishment of the 20th century was with 18 percent specifically citing the moon landing. A new survey

“Over recent years, so much popular culture, especially 3D video games and movies like Avatar, leave the impression that travel and exploration beyond Earth has now been done. Well, of course it has not.” Leal believes Aldrin’s campaign is playing a needed role in keeping space exploration alive, which he said would lead to progress in other fields. “Unfortunately after we reached the moon, interest in space exploration has decreased more and more every

Walking on the moon in 1969 has been one of humanity’s greatest achievements. Having achieved this several decades ago, with less advanced technology than we have today, gives humanity even more merit. - Nicolas Pereyra Astronomy professor

conducted a decade later asked what the largest accomplishment was in the last 50 years and 12 percent answered space exploration. Success in civil and equal rights garnered the most votes with 17 percent, leaving outer space in second place. In comparison, 10 percent said it was the election of a black president and breakthroughs in computers was last with 2 percent. In an attempt to raise these numbers, Aldrin’s #Apollo45 campaign has garnered thousands of responses from individuals of all ages around the world. As July 20 nears, memories of Apollo 11’s landing keep pouring in to the former astronaut. McLemore applauds Aldrin’s efforts and believes interest in space exploration has decreased because of today’s expectations for technology, brought on by movies and television. “Because the moon landing occurred nearly half a century ago, ‘space travel’ to most people alive today seems to be a rather mundane and ‘not to be taken very seriously’ activity, and this is a good way to change that view,” McLemore said.

year,” he said. “A lot of people don’t realize that thanks to humans trying to reach the moon, we have had so many advancements in technology, science, engineering and medicine since then through research that was done at the time.” Pereyra said space exploration remains a fundamental endeavor after decades of progress and he believes Aldrin’s efforts are “very well placed.” He also spoke of what he feels the future has in store for human involvement with outer space, including populating the universe beyond our world. “As new technology and new science discoveries are achieved, space exploration will become safer and less expensive. We will likely return to the moon within the next few decades, but this time with the intention of colonizing and keeping permanent or semi-permanent human populations there,” he said. “We would most likely eventually colonize Mars and other natural targets for exploration, after reaching Mars, are the large moons of the gas giants and beyond.” McLemore said colonization across the universe would prove difficult be-

cause reaching agreements on large decisions has become a huge obstacle. He then referred to a current social issue as an example. “The moon landing in 1969 does demonstrate what this nation can accomplish when it is committed both politically and socially - to an endeavor in which we are all invested,” he said. “I fear that we shall not see or experience such national commitments again. The American space program represented a collective willingness to pursue a worthy goal. Now, we cannot even agree whether we should provide food and shelter to young children crossing the Rio Grande to escape violence and oppression in Central America.” Lara also believes further space endeavors would be tough, citing that it takes more than technology, science and compliance. “There is so much more to be done and so much to learn about the universe around us. Our probes and satellites have not even left our solar system and humans have not travelled further than the moon,” he said. “The possibilities are only limited by our imagination, our curiosity and our willingness to put the time, effort and resources needed to set our goals and make them a reality. There are many risks and dangers, but if we don’t try we will never succeed.”

Page 9

For a deeper look into #Apollo45, scan here for our first-ever storified article.

Page 8

By May Ortega The Pan American

As 38-year-old astronaut Neil Armstrong emerged from the Apollo 11 spacecraft on the moon and declared the mission a “giant leap for mankind,” 600 million people watched from Earth more than 238,000 miles away. One viewer of the July 20, 1969 event was retired UTPA speech communication professor George McLemore, who was in his mid-20s at the time. He said it was a “welcomed relief” in the midst of the Vietnam War. After more than 30 years at the University, 71-year-old McLemore who now lives in Austin, said the moon landing helped Americans temporarily forget about the thousands of overseas casualties printed in the newspapers every week. He painted a picture of what it was like to live in Houston at the time of the event. “I was so excited about the July landing on the moon that I made my girlfriend wake up in the middle of the night to watch those grainy black and white images of the (Lunar Excursion Module) touchdown,” McLemore explained. “Of course, because I lived in Houston at the time I was exposed daily to the heroic attentions paid to the astronauts in the press, on freeway billboards and on TV specials.”


While McLemore gazed at his screen in awe, a 2-year-old boy named Nicolas Pereyra bounced around his New Rochelle, N.Y. home, unaware of what all the fuss was about. That toddler grew up to be an astronomy and physics professor at UTPA. The 47-yearold said he doesn’t recall watching the event, but believes that having achieved such a feat in the late ‘60s is astounding. “Walking on the moon in 1969 has been one of humanity’s greatest achievements,” the Venezuela native said. “Having achieved this several decades ago, with less advanced technology than we have today, gives humanity even more merit.” Astronomy and physics Professor Hector Leal said he was always interested in the stars and sky as a child. Even though he was born nine years after the moon landing, not being alive for the event had not lessened his appreciation for it. “It means a great step was achieved towards technological advancement in many fields (such as) medicine, science, technology, communications and engineering,” the 36-year-old explained. “It opened the possibility of exploring other parts of our universe not only with probes, satellites and telescopes, but human travel to other places outside of our planet.”

BOCA CHICA BLAST OFF With the anniversary of man’s first steps on the moon a few days away, the nation’s first commercial rocket launch facility - possibly being built on Boca Chica Beach near Brownsville has become an increasingly frequent topic. According to The Brownsville Herald, the city is the leading contender for the site of private rocket company SpaceX’s new launch pad. After having the area approved by the Federal Aviation Administration earlier this month, SpaceX can move forward with its plan of applying for a license to begin construction in 2016. In fall of that same year, the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley will open and students will begin leaving UTPA and the University of Texas at Brownsville in the past. The University of Texas System has not released any statements involving SpaceX, but there is some support from the UTPA community. Although the University offers astronomy as a minor, Leal said UTPA astronomy faculty members in the Department of Physics and Geology have looked into making astronomy

July 17, 2014

a major as well; he wants SpaceX to select Boca Chica Beach so it will have a domino effect on the Valley. “I hope that in the future, UTRGV will be able to offer the astronomy major, master’s and even a doctorate program,” the Mexico City native said. “If SpaceX does go forward with its new project in Brownsville, it will increase the demand for these courses through the creation of local jobs in the field of astronomy...and it will hopefully increase the interest of the Valley community in science and engineering in general.” Pereyra believes if SpaceX selects Boca Chica, an array of new major areas of study would become available at the new university. “UTRGV should support this effort by developing new programs through its science and engineering departments aimed towards astronomy, astrophysics, aerospace engineering and other space-related fields,” he said. “This would strongly benefit SpaceX, UTRGV and most importantly, the Rio Grande Valley community.” ANNIVERSARY TRIBUTE In honor of Apollo 11’s voyage to the moon 45 years ago, one crew member has taken to Twitter, YouTube and other social media sites to promote the celebration of the landing by using #Apollo45. Buzz Aldrin, now 84, teamed up with several celebrities to expand his campaign’s reach. Academy Award winner Jared Leto, Grammy-winning Producer Pharrell Williams, science educator Bill Nye and Virgin Group Founder Richard Branson are some individuals who make an appearance in Aldrin’s YouTube video promoting the anniversary as well as showing appreciation for space exploration. According to Pew Research Center, interest in space travel has been declin-

July 17, 2014


ing for decades. Less than one year after the moon landing, a survey showed that 56 percent of Americans thought the mission was not worth the $20 billion spent, which would equal to $150 billion today, according to NASA. Further research conducted by Pew in 1999 asked Americans what they thought the greatest accomplishment of the 20th century was with 18 percent specifically citing the moon landing. A new survey

“Over recent years, so much popular culture, especially 3D video games and movies like Avatar, leave the impression that travel and exploration beyond Earth has now been done. Well, of course it has not.” Leal believes Aldrin’s campaign is playing a needed role in keeping space exploration alive, which he said would lead to progress in other fields. “Unfortunately after we reached the moon, interest in space exploration has decreased more and more every

Walking on the moon in 1969 has been one of humanity’s greatest achievements. Having achieved this several decades ago, with less advanced technology than we have today, gives humanity even more merit. - Nicolas Pereyra Astronomy professor

conducted a decade later asked what the largest accomplishment was in the last 50 years and 12 percent answered space exploration. Success in civil and equal rights garnered the most votes with 17 percent, leaving outer space in second place. In comparison, 10 percent said it was the election of a black president and breakthroughs in computers was last with 2 percent. In an attempt to raise these numbers, Aldrin’s #Apollo45 campaign has garnered thousands of responses from individuals of all ages around the world. As July 20 nears, memories of Apollo 11’s landing keep pouring in to the former astronaut. McLemore applauds Aldrin’s efforts and believes interest in space exploration has decreased because of today’s expectations for technology, brought on by movies and television. “Because the moon landing occurred nearly half a century ago, ‘space travel’ to most people alive today seems to be a rather mundane and ‘not to be taken very seriously’ activity, and this is a good way to change that view,” McLemore said.

year,” he said. “A lot of people don’t realize that thanks to humans trying to reach the moon, we have had so many advancements in technology, science, engineering and medicine since then through research that was done at the time.” Pereyra said space exploration remains a fundamental endeavor after decades of progress and he believes Aldrin’s efforts are “very well placed.” He also spoke of what he feels the future has in store for human involvement with outer space, including populating the universe beyond our world. “As new technology and new science discoveries are achieved, space exploration will become safer and less expensive. We will likely return to the moon within the next few decades, but this time with the intention of colonizing and keeping permanent or semi-permanent human populations there,” he said. “We would most likely eventually colonize Mars and other natural targets for exploration, after reaching Mars, are the large moons of the gas giants and beyond.” McLemore said colonization across the universe would prove difficult be-

cause reaching agreements on large decisions has become a huge obstacle. He then referred to a current social issue as an example. “The moon landing in 1969 does demonstrate what this nation can accomplish when it is committed both politically and socially - to an endeavor in which we are all invested,” he said. “I fear that we shall not see or experience such national commitments again. The American space program represented a collective willingness to pursue a worthy goal. Now, we cannot even agree whether we should provide food and shelter to young children crossing the Rio Grande to escape violence and oppression in Central America.” Lara also believes further space endeavors would be tough, citing that it takes more than technology, science and compliance. “There is so much more to be done and so much to learn about the universe around us. Our probes and satellites have not even left our solar system and humans have not travelled further than the moon,” he said. “The possibilities are only limited by our imagination, our curiosity and our willingness to put the time, effort and resources needed to set our goals and make them a reality. There are many risks and dangers, but if we don’t try we will never succeed.”

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July 17, 2014

Job Fair!!! Wednesday July 23rd Cenizo Room (Student Union Ballroom) Session 1 9:00a.m.-11:00p.m. Session 2 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. Full Time & Part Time Opportunities Sodexo is seeking foodservice staff for the 2014-2015 school year: Cooks, Cashiers, Food Preps, Catering Servers, among others.




Story and photos by Kristela Garza The Pan American Following in the footsteps of his older brother, Alex Howe turned to baseball at the age of 6. Coming from Unanderra, Australia, Howe played the game throughout his childhood and high school years. He eventually got good enough to make it to Clarendon College in Texas and caught the eye of UTPA Head Baseball Coach Manny Mantrana. The rest is history. Howe has played for the Broncs since 2013 and finished his college career in May. Coming to a Division l school brought a lot of changes for him. Half way around the world and his first season he hit .378 with nine triples, 14 doubles and 16 strikeouts in 180 at bats. With the help of Mantrana and the rest of the coaching staff, he continued to grow as a baseball player and became one of the best players in recent Bronc history. “It has been a pleasure and privilege to coach (Howe),” Mantrana said. “He has brought a

July 17, 2014

lot of energy and passion to our baseball program along with great leadership and character.” For most of his time with the Broncs, Howe played right field position. However, he’d grown up as a catcher and was eventually allowed to play that position in his final 22 games. Previously, he played outfield for a total of 35 games. Now the 5-foot-7 catcher is through with his time at UTPA, leaving behind a legacy as one of the offensive leaders in the 2014 season as he led the Broncs in every major offensive category. Howe ranked second in the Western Athletic Conference with 18 doubles, was third in on-base percentage at .451, a slugging percentage of .544 and total bases at 112. He was also fourth in hitting at .345 and ninth in home runs at five. Although Howe has done much for the Broncs, he is looking forward to a break. “Life is good,” he said. “I am looking forward to graduating in August and heading home after a little holiday. It’s been an amazing

experience over the last four years. But I’m so anxious and it’s hard to stay focused on school. Probably the most I’m looking forward to is just being closer to my family.” As Howe thinks of home and his priorities for the future, he is also looking forward to playing for the American Baseball League, which is in Australia. There, he will be with the Sydney Blue Sox on their 35-man roster.He has also applied for the New South Wales Police Force back home. As he looks toward tomorrow, the Bronc veteran reminisces on his time at UTPA and all he has accomplished with his team. “It’s bittersweet,” Howe said. “I’m looking forward to going home more than anything, but that also means saying goodbye to my brothers here. I have made some lifelong friendships. I have been under the best guidance here at Pan Am with Mantrana and (Assistant Coach Norberto) Lopez.” The coaching staff at UTPA, according to Howe, has made him a better player and Mantrana has faith in his former star.

By Marco Torres The Pan American After a season in which recent graduate Martin Casse and Edinburg native Luis Serrano led the Broncs for most of the 2013 cross-country season, a new era is on the rise and preparation has begun. Xavier Richardson, coach for cross-country and track and field, knows that it won’t be easy to replace some of the recordbreaking performances made by Casse, but he is up to the challenge. “When you have someone who has contributed so much to your program over the years, it’s very difficult to simply replace him or her. We search for new talents to bring in and hope that they also develop into great ambassadors for our program and athletic department,” Richardson said. “We continue to recruit athletes with the talent and drive that guided Martin over the years. With that strong combination, they too will be successful.” The Broncs announced July 3 that they will be holding tryouts for any UTPA student who wants to be a part of the 2014 Luis Serrano participating in UTPA’s Green vs White Alumni Bronc cross-country and/or the event in December at the UTPA Track and Field Complex. 2015 track and field team. TryJon Nutt/ The Pan American outs will be held at the UTPA


“Alex has his priorities in order and played baseball for all the right reasons,” Mantrana said. “I’m very proud of him and very thankful for everything he has done for our baseball program. We will miss him.” Through the years, Howe has moved positions, won awards and has even been passed by on the Major League Draft, but the UTPA catcher is still moving forward. Because of all Howe has faced at the University, Mantrana has the utmost confidence that Howe will do well. For Mantrana, saying goodbye only means his former player is moving on. “It is always bittersweet when your seniors conclude their playing careers, knowing they will never wear the Bronc uniform again,” Mantrana said. “On the other hand you have seen their development from boys to men and know that they will soon become husbands and fathers. So it is definitely bittersweet.” Catcher Alex Howe warming up in one of his final games at the Edinburg Baseball Stadium against Sacramento State May 9.

Track and Field Complex, located on the southeast corner of campus Aug. 20-29. The tryouts will also be practices for current players and are made to give everyone an opportunity to get their legs under them before the Rio Grande Valley Relays.

incoming class of distance runners.” Those who feel ready for the challenge will have to complete National Collegiate Athletic Association registration, amateurism certification, submit high school transcripts and test scores as applicable. Students must

We’re always hoping to find a diamond in the rough that has the talent to be successful at this level and just needs the opportunity and the coaching to do so.

- Xavier Richardson Head coach, Cross-country/track

Richardson believes this is a chance for somebody to make a name for themselves and earn a spot on the team. “Each year we inevitably have students that are interested in joining the program. By announcing and holding tryouts, they have notice of the opportunity to train with the team and try out for a spot within our distance program,” Richardson said. “We’re always hoping to find a diamond in the rough that has the talent to be successful at this level and just needs the opportunity and the coaching to do so. If there turn out to be, that will help us add depth to our already established

also be enrolled full time for fall 2014 and provide the Athletic Training Room with insurance information and student-athlete physical forms. Tryouts will be for the 800-meter, 1,500-meter, 5,000-meter and 10,000-meter races along with the 30,000 meter steeplechase run during track and field season. The tryouts will conclude Aug. 29 with the RGV Relays Invite. The RGV Relays Invite is a friendly competition that the involved men and women run simultaneously as they each form two-person teams, running two miles each as part of a relay race.

With a young group, Richardson is excited for the team coming in and wants to see what they can do. “We have high expectations for several of our incoming transfers and freshmen alike,” he explained. “They will have the challenge and opportunity to be the group that gets this distance program back on the track it has strayed from. They are of the first steps and it’s not going to be easy, but we believe they are up to the task.” A new season brings new challenges for Richardson in the second chance in the Western Athletic Conference and he will have new talent. But with Serrano returning, Richardson is hoping for a better standing than last year, when the Broncs finished fifth out of eight in the WAC Championship back in November. “We are certainly bringing a stronger overall team to the Conference Championships this year for both genders. So our goal is immediately to improve our standings from last year’s team places,” Richardson said. “We have tapped leaders for both the men and the women, and we are looking to them to guide this young team through.”


12 July 17, 2014

Story and photos by Kristela Garza The Pan American Historically, all cultures have developed their own ways of self-defense. In the early 1900s a Japanese martial art known as judo hit the Brazilian shores, eventually becoming what is known today as Brazilian jiujitsu. Decades later the self-defense system has found itself at the doors of UTPA in the form of a free-to-join, student-run club whose members are dedicated to teaching and perfecting what they call BJJ. Student President Eric Martinez and the seven active members of the club are looking to grow in size and spread the word about this hands-on sport. The basic teachings center around ground fighting and taking down opponents through various tackling and submission techniques. NEW BEGINNING The club was formed in 2010 but without steady leadership. It has had a hard time solidifying its place at UTPA. Despite this, the club’s adviser Robert Schweller has always kept a watchful eye on its progress. Schweller is an associate professor in computer science and has a strong belief that BJJ should be taught to the public. The University currently has courses in the striking martial arts such as karate, but none that offer techniques like those used in BJJ. “To be frank, this is so much cooler than karate,” Schweller said. “So I thought there should be jiu-jitsu on campus. It is awesome to have a place for people to come in and get better in a very short amount of time.” With Schweller’s help, Martinez took over as president last year and the club began classes in the Health and Physical Science Building. Martinez teaches the Monday to Thursday classes as he currently holds a purple belt from the school of Paragon RGV Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has been training for more than seven years. Martinez’s purple belt is the intermediate adult ranking in BJJ, third in a list that holds five rankings separated by color. However, the club does not focus on belt colors. Martinez concentrates more on the basics of the sport, rather than student rankings. STARTING OUT Martinez understands BJJ can be intimidating at first, as

it was when he originally joined the Edinburg Boxing Gym seven years ago. At the time he was just looking to lose weight and follow in the footsteps of his favorite Ultimate Fighting Championship fighters. “I went to the Boxing Gym (just) like a lot of people gravitate towards the striking and the kickboxing,” Martinez said. “When they told me they had Brazilian jiu-jitsu upstairs, I went. I threw up in the first five minutes of the class and I was hooked ever since.” BJJ, according to the club members, tends to grab a hold of you. Student Selena Ramirez, a five-year veteran of the sport, is a testament to that. Ramirez is the only currently active female member of the club and hopes to encourage other women to join. She explains that some women might feel intimidated by the physical nature of the sport and having to “roll” around with large men, but hopes that more females will give the sport a try. “It really just bites you and everyone falls in love with it,” the biology major said. “All of a sudden you are just addicted and it is all you want to do. You just find yourself saying, ‘Aww man, all this schoolwork is getting in the way of my training.’” The club is structured like its own school. It is open to the public, not just UTPA students. Because of this participants are taught three basic skills each class day. One skill is grappling, or controlling an opponent using body leverage. Then there is submission protection, instructing the students how to avoid being taken into a position that would allow for their opponent to force a “tap out,” or using their hand to tap on the winning party, signifying the end of the match. Basic submissions are also taught, such as the arm bar, which will force a student to surrender after an opponent takes hold of the other opponent’s arm by the joint and hyperextending it, causing pain. All definitions aside, what Schweller wants people to focus on is that this club is an opportunity to learn a new skill. “He is teaching class like exactly what you would get at a jiu-jitsu school where you pay over $100 a month,” Schweller said of Martinez. “And you know, I’ve been to many gyms and his instruction is just as good as any of them, so his work is really what is making the club strong.”

WHO JOINS AND WHY According to Martinez, variety keeps the club active, as each student attends for their own reasons. Which range from learning self-defense to looking for a creative way to lose weight. “Sometimes people go the gym and think, ‘What am I doing this for…what is the end game?’” Martinez said. “Brazilian jiu-jitsu allows you to have a reason to do all that. Just so you can be better at something. It is just a fun way to get in shape.” The club also allows a fair share of competitiveness among members. Fridays are reserved for “spar days,” as more active and experienced members get together to practice what they learned that week. They take turns challenging each other in what they refer to as “rolls” or small matches. One of the unique attributes of this club, according to Ramirez, is that it is open to both males and females. The president, as well as other members, doesn’t differentiate by gender or weight classes. During spar days each member is fair game and each could challenge any other. For Ramirez, this is key in attracting people and she has high hopes for the future of her club. “I want it to grow and I always want to see more people here and more girls here too,” she said. “Anyone that is even thinking about coming out for whatever reason…should just come out...because everyone here is a good person and we are all here to have fun.”

Senior Selena Ramirez attempts to block a submission attempt by computer science instructor Luis Martinez July 11. A submission is when an opponent takes a position that would force a “tap out,” from the losing opponent. This means the losing opponent would raise their hand to tap on the winning party, signifying the end of the match.

Senior Selena Ramirez attemps to lock Teaching Assistant Michael Santos in an arm bar during club practice July 11. An arm bar will force a student to surrender after an opponent takes hold of the other opponent’s arm by the joint and hyperextends it, causing pain.

Computer science major Eric Martinez challenges senior Selena Ramirez to a match and attempts to disentangle himself from Ramirez’s leg lock July 11. A leg lock is when an opponent takes hold of the other opponent’s leg by the joint and hyperextends it, causing pain.


July 17, 2014


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14 July 17, 2014

The Western Athletic Conference (WAC) announced 38 UTPA student-athletes competing in spring 2014 sports have earned Academic All-WAC honors. Name Edgar Cordon Dillon Engelhart Andy Fortuna Alex Howe Bryan Ramirez Bryant Stites Sam Street Jesus Garcia Andrew Padron

Year Position R-Fr. 1B Sr. UT Sr. OF Sr. OF/C So. 2B R-Fr. OF Sr. SP Jr. SS Fr. RP

Name Martin Casse Dijan Johnson Edgar Moreno Antonio Gonzalez

Year Position Gr. Distance Sr. Hurdles Sr. Sprints So. Jumps

Name Ashley Garcia Melissa Bernal

Year Position Fr. F

Name Shawnte’ Goff Cherrell Price

Year Position Fr. G Jr. F

Year Fr. Jr. Fr.

Position MB DS/L OH

Year Jr. Jr.

Name Chris Felix Richard Hinchey Ben Maskus

Name Tania Fabian Chelsea Luna Melissa Rodriguez Kari Williams Alyssa Canual

Name Alex Majewski

Name Corynn Acuff Shanice Faison Alisha Watson

Year Position Sr. Distance Jr. Throws Sr. Sprints Jr. Sprints Fr. Throws

Name Joseph Bishop Ricardo Hopker Sebastien Job Juan Cruz Soria

Year So. Sr. Sr. Fr.

Name Wanda Beguelin Didi Fatchikova Christel Amsallem Mariana Ranzahuer Katia Stavroulaki

Year Sr. So. So. Fr. Fr.

Year Jr. Fr. Fr.

July 17, 2014


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July 17, 2014



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