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Salamonie plans 2 events

The Senior Monday Luncheon will be held at noon, March. 6, at the Salamonie Lake Interpretive Center. Anyone age 50 or older is welcome to attend.

Vince Burkle, Northeast Indiana Nursery Inspector & Compliance Officer, Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology, will present a program on the Spotted Lantern Fly, an invasive species making its way into Indiana.


Burkle is a Nursery Inspector and Compliance Officer with the Indiana Department of Natural Resources Division of Entomology and Plant Pathology. He serves 11 counties in northeast Indiana and manages the state’s federally funded surveys for pests of regulatory concern. Vince earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Purdue University in Entomology, is a Certified Arborist and previously worked 10 years in the nursery industry.

The program begins with a carry-in meal at noon. Guests should bring a side dish to share, a beverage, and their own table service.

The main dish of ham and beans is provided by Friends of the Upper Wabash Interpretive Services. A donation will be accepted to help defray costs.

Seating is limited. Reservations are requested.

Preschool-age children and their adults are invited to Salamonie Preschool’s “S is for Snake” on March 16. Learn about slithery, scaley, and not scary snakes.

Children ages 2 –5 and their adults are welcome to attend the class from 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. at Salamonie Interpretive Center located in Lost Bridge West SRA, Andrews.

Each program is designed to enhance the preschooler’s basic education, including music, crafts, social interaction, and time outdoors, always with a nature-related theme.

The program fee is $2 per child. Advance registration is requested.

Register for either event by calling Upper Wabash Interpretive Services at 260-4682127.

For more infor- mation on other UWIS programs, visit Facebook.com/Upp erWabash or https://on.IN.gov/s alamonielake. To view all DNR news releases, please see dnr.IN.gov. in distributing settlement funds through AACTION of Wabash County.

Upper Wabash Interpretive Services is at 3691 S. New Holland Road, Andrews, 46702.

AACTION is funded by alcohol and drug violation court fees and provides grants to local alcohol/drug programs that focus on prevention, treatment and justice. Typically, there is $40,000 available in their grant fund, Gray said.

“We are very limited,” Gray told the council.

There are already six requests for AACTION grants this year, Gray said.

An annual settlement fund allotment would allow AACTION to help more local organizations and may also ease the burden of the council to make distributions, Gray said.

“We would advertise to make others aware that these funds are available,” Gray said. Council member Barbara Pearson suggested the council wait to hear other requests in March before approving the requests.

“I think we need to mull it over and maybe make a decision next month,” Pearson said.


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