Jan. 9, 2013

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of wabash county inc. Janaury 9, 2013


Proudly Serving Wabash County Since 1977

Vol. 35, No. 43

PO Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992 (260) 563-8326

Linda Gabel retires from Post Office after 33 years By Ashley Flynn features@thepaperofwabash.com For the past 33-½ years, Linda Gabel has worked diligently behind the scenes in the Wabash Post Office sorting the community’s mail. On Jan. 31, Linda will retire from the job she’s come to love and start a new phase of life – retirement. Over the years, Linda has watched the mailroom change. When she first started, there were five regular clerks, who worked five days a week, and four subs. Now, there are two regulars and two part-time flexible workers. “Now, everything is automated, and it doesn’t require all the personnel,” Linda told The Paper of Wabash. The mail used to come in sacks and it was laid on flats to be sorted. Linda and her coworker would race to beat the letter carriers. Linda arrives at work at 6 a.m. and starts sorting letters and flats, which are newspapers, magazines, or any mail 8 ½ by 11 inches or bigger. Linda sorts the mail for routes, then moves on to P.O. box mail and forwarding mail. Linda also orders supplies, and if needed, works at the window. “(I enjoy) sorting the mail. It goes fast. I’ve just always liked to do it,” Linda said about her favorite part of the job. “You have to know a scheme, and I’ve known a scheme forever,” she said. Linda enjoys sorting the mail

because it keeps her busy, unlike working at the counter. “I like the customers, but as far as standing up there, it’s better when it’s busy, but when there’s nothing going on I have to bring my stool over there,” said Linda. “Working in the back, there is always something to do, and at the window it can get boring.” Linda believes she is ready to retire and is following the advice of her father who once said, “Don’t retire until you have plans or chores or something to do for nine months. If you’re busy for that first nine months then you’re home free, and you can enjoy being retired without any problems.” Linda, who likes to stay busy, isn’t worried about getting bored with retirement. “I think I have enough chores to survive a whole year,” she said. “There’s always something to do, and if all else fails you can volunteer.” Linda is ready to begin chores at home, but it is her age, number of years working and the incentive pay to retire that ultimately helped her make the decision to leave at the end on January instead of in the spring. Linda, who has lived in Wabash all but three years of her life, and her husband Bill, who is also retired, plan to move from Hill Street to Pike Street in the spring, and Linda wants to get the new house ready. She is (continued on page 21)

LINDA GABEL WILL RETIRE FROM THE WABASH POST OFFICE after 33 ½ years. Linda loves her job as a mail sorter, but she is ready to get chores done at home and vacation with her husband Bill who is also retired. (photo by Ashley Flynn)

EDG ends another banner year

Bill Konyha The Wabash economy got another energy boost from the makers of the 5-Hour Energy Drink. Living Essentials, maker of the world’s best-selling energy drink, announced plans

earlier this year to increase its presence in Wabash by building a 520,000-square foot facility in the new Wabash Northeast Business Complex (WNBC). The capital investment of $25.5 million for the new manufacturing plant brought the total capital investment for 2012 in Wabash County to $32,215,217, according to Bill Konyha, president and CEO of the Economic Development Group of Wabash County. That’s an increase of almost $3 million over 2011. Add to that nearly $25 million of construction projects completed or nearly completed in 2012, Konyha noted, and you have more than $57 million in economic development. Those projects include Mainstreet’s residential rehabilitation and long-term care facility at the southeast corner of U.S. 24 and Alber Street, scheduled to open

in 2013; a new water storage tank constructed by Indiana American Water Co. at the WNBC; the first two buildings in the Advanced Ag Resources Inc. campus at the WNBC; and work on the infrastructure at the WNBC. Other projects in 2012 include an expansion at Harvey Industries, $3,114,917; an expansion at Hipsher Tool & Die, $196,700; an expansion at Shepherd’s Chevrolet in North Manchester, $800,000; a new business in Wabash, NuStart LLC, a family medical facility at 797 S. Wabash St., $148,600; an Economic Development Administration (U.S. Department of Commerce) Grant of $1.8 million for the new business park; a $100,000 OCRA grant for public arts; a $375,000 Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC) grant for Living

Essentials, and $80,000 for a new 4G communication tower. The 10 projects handled this past year will result in a net gain of 228 jobs (compared to 167 in 2011) and $221,449 ($166,686) in local income taxes, Konyha reported. The average wage for those 228 jobs is $32,985 ($34,417) or $16.49 ($17.21) per hour. “The average wage in Wabash County in 2011 was $30,731, or $15.36 per hour based on a 40-hour week, 50 weeks per year, so the net new jobs created this year pays wages well above the 2011 average,” Konyha, now in his seventh year as head of the county’s economic development efforts, said. The new businesses/expansions will raise the county’s annual payroll by $7,520,550, compared to $5,747,800 in 2011. “In the past three years, EDG has assisted more than $132

million of projects that resulted in the private sector creating 867 jobs,” Konyha said. “This new payroll of more than $26 million generates more than $757,000 in new local income taxes, benefitting every person in Wabash County.” When the first phase of the Living Essentials expansion is completed in July of 2013, the company will have 1,350,000 square feet under roof in Wabash. The Michigan company, which began its operations here in 2007 at the old Markhon building on Bond Street, now employs more than 400 workers and could increase that by 200 with the completion of the second phase of the WNBC project, another 500,000-square-foot addition. The 4G tower for Verizon customers is a critical piece of the county’s 21st Century informa(continued on page 21)

2 Indiana Farm Bureau president 4-H Rabbit club to meet Feb. 4 issues statement regarding the fiscal package and farm bill extension www.thepaperofwabash.com

“Indiana Farm Bureau appreciates the recent efforts of the U.S. Congress whose last-minute deliberations yielded a legislative package that seems to have averted the so-called fiscal cliff. A number of tax provisions were handled in the agreement, but the spending side of the equation will need more attention in the coming months. The automatic budget cuts that were set to begin yesterday will now take place at the end of February,” IFB President Don Villwock said. “Part of the legislative package signed into law by President Obama is a ninemonth extension of portions of the 2008 farm bill. During the past year the House and Senate ag com-

mittees, with input from farmers, crafted their versions of a five-year farm bill, both of which contained significant policy reforms and billions of dollars in savings over the next 10 years. Indiana Farm Bureau is disappointed that neither of these versions became law. Hoosier farmers are now left with what is at best a stop-gap measure. “While we are grateful that lawmakers compromised on the onerous estate tax issue by keeping the $5 million exemption level and only raising the rate by 5 percent (from 35 to 40), we encourage members of the 113th Congress to seriously address the spending side of the fiscal equation. We also call on them to begin work imme-

January 9, 2013

diately on a five-year farm bill that gives some degree of fiscal

and policy certainty to Indiana’s agricultural community.”

The Wabash County 4-H Rabbit Club met Monday, Jan. 7 at 7 p.m. at J&K Mega Pets. This was the club’s first meeting, and informational materials were distributed. The club will also meet Feb. 4 and March 4, 2013. 4-H is open to everyone in grades three through twelve regardless of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or disability. If you have any questions please call Bill Hunter, the Rabbit Club Leader at 563-7306 or the Extension Office at 563-0661, ext. 1246.

Purdue Extension to bring expertise to Fort Wayne Farm Show Purdue Extension specialists and educators will offer expertise and a series of presentations and discussions at the 2013 Fort Wayne Farm Show. The show, which includes educational seminars and the latest in farm technology and machinery, will be Jan. 15-17 at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum. Seminars are co-sponsored by Purdue Extension and the Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Northeast Indiana. Purdue Extension seminars, dates and times: * “Grain and Livestock Market

Outlook” by Chris Hurt, agricultural economist, Jan. 16, 1 p.m. * “Indiana New Fertilizer Rule” by Matt Pearson, Office of the Indiana State Chemist at Purdue, Jan. 16, 3:30 p.m. * “Land Rent and Value Market Outlook” by Brent Gloy, agricultural economist, Jan. 17, 10 a.m. * “Beekeeping” by Roy Ballard, educator, Jan. 17, 11 a.m. Hurt also will join a representative from Farm Bureau to present “Federal Policy Effects on Agriculture” during an 11:30 a.m. luncheon program on Jan.

16. On Jan. 17 at 1 p.m., Ballard will moderate a farmer panel discussion about agritourism. Other seminars will cover crop insurance and marketing, cover crops, nutrient and pesticide stewardship, on-farm networks, farming and road safety, farm-tofork, and estate planning. Expert presenters come from a vari-

ety of public- and private-sector organizations. Purdue Extension will have a booth where show attendees can interact with specialists and county educators. Ag Answers, a production agriculture news publication partnership of Purdue Extension and Ohio State University Extension, also will have a display as part

of the Purdue Extension booth. Show hours are Jan. 15 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Jan. 16 from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; and Jan. 17 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Allen County War Memorial Coliseum is at 4000 Parnell Ave. A full seminar schedule and additional show information is available at http://www.tradexpos.com/ftwayne

4-H Judges and Leaders Clinic to be held Feb. 16 The 2013 4-H Bi-State Judges and Leaders Clinic will be held on Sat., Feb. 16th at the Knoy Center, 205 E. Market St., Cloverdale. Exciting, educational sessions will be held throughout the day beginning at 8:30 a.m. The registration fee includes lunch and conference packet. For additional registration information, contact Teresa Witkoske, Purdue Extension, at 260-563-0661, Ext. 1243 or twitkoske@purdue.edu.

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DivorceCare Support Group meets every Tuesday DivorceCare, a 13week DVD series that features some of the nation’s foremost Christian experts on topics concerning divorce and recovery, is now meeting in Room 112 of the Wabash Friends Church, 3563 S. State



Rd. 13, Wabash, every Tuesday from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. DivorceCare is a special weekly seminar and support group for people who are separated or divorced. The DivorceCare group is a place where mem-



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bers can be around people who understood the pain of divorce and receive valuable information about ways to heal from the hurt of divorce. The DivorceCare group leaders and some members of the group meet for dinner at 5:30 p.m. at Ugalde’s Restaurant, 1950 State Highway 15 S, Wabash. For more information, call or e-mail Scott Makin, Director of Counseling Center, at 260-563-8453, 8773 5 0 - 1 6 5 8 , scott@wabashfriends.org, or call Janet at 260-563-5235. The website for DivorceCare is www.divorcecare.org .


January 9, 2013

Indiana Landmarks announces award nomination deadline Indiana Landmarks seeks nominations for the annual Cook Cup for Outstanding Restoration, a prize that recognizes an owner who has transformed a significant historic structure. In selecting the winner, the Cook Cup judges consider the

importance of the landmark and its prerestoration condition, the quality of the restoration, and the impact of the restored building on its community. The restored structure may retain its original use or be adapted to a new purpose.

The winner may be an individual, corporation or partnership, nonprofit organization, or government entity. In 2012, the Cook Cup went to the City of Elkhart for its restoration of The Lerner, a historic downtown theater. Indiana Landmarks

inaugurated The Cook Cup for O u t s t a n d i n g Restoration in 2007 when the prize went to the award’s namesake family in honor of their transformation of the West Baden and French Lick Springs hotels in southern Indiana.

State posts record-breaking economic development year

INDIANAPOLIS The Indiana E c o n o m i c D e v e l o p m e n t Corporation (IEDC) announced today that in 2012 it secured job commitments from 256 companies from across the country and around the world that project to create more than 27,600 new jobs, an increase from 19,080 in 2011 and more than any other year on record. “A better state economy starts with a positive business climate, and Indiana’s is now near the top of every list,” said Governor Mitch Daniels. “But great credit goes to the job-hunters of the IEDC, and to our progrowth partners in the General Assembly who helped us build that environment and build America’s best economic development agency.” Driven by companies like Amazon, Toyota, Magnetation, Angie’s List, Sugar Creek Packing, Supreme Industries and Sweetwater Sound, Indiana welcomed commitments for 27,620 new jobs and $6.41 billion in capital investment in 2012. The new positions, which companies anticipate to hire over the next five years, pay an expected average hourly wage of $21.77, above the state’s current hourly wage of $19.74. The average amount of state conditional tax incentives offered to companies on a per job basis was $8,689, down from around $37,000 in previous administrations. Under the IEDC, state incentives are activated only when new jobs actually occur. Automotive-related manufacturing represented the largest sector for new job commitments in 2012 with 7,180 new jobs projected. With 5,606 job commitments, the business services industry represented the second largest sector of new growth followed by the non-automotive manufacturing sector with 5,602 projected

new jobs. Job commitments for other sectors include: logistics (2,388), food production (2,022), life sciences (1,606) and information technology (1,589). “From its falling corporate tax rate and recently enacted right-to-work legislation to its overall fiscal stability, these results are proof that companies find Indiana one of the most attractive places to create jobs,” said Dan Hasler, Secretary of Commerce and chief executive officer of the IEDC. Since Daniels established the IEDC in early 2005, the agency has worked with 1,474 companies to locate or expand their operations in the state. The agency secured job commitments totaling 19,080 in 2011, 23,152 in 2010, 19,955 in 2009,18,627 in 2008, 22,627 in 2007, 21,995 in 2006 and 15,523 in 2005. Collectively, these companies have committed to create more than 168,500 projected new jobs and invest more than $34.23 billion in their Indiana operations. The IEDC continues to conduct and publish an annual performance review of

all companies, in cooperation with international auditing firm, Crowe Horwath, LLC. These companies indicated that, by the end of 2011, they had planned to add 63,063 new jobs. During the review, the companies collectively reported adding 48,120 new jobs through 2011, which equates to 76 percent of their scheduled projections. The IEDC will formally present these results again at its next public quarterly board meeting. For historical performance data, continue to visit the IEDC’s website. Indiana continues to garner national

accolades for its competitive business climate. In 2012, both Chief Executive magazine and Pollina Corporate rated the Hoosier State best in the Midwest for business and fifth best in the country. Indiana ranks fifth best nationally for business friendliness and seventh for cost of living by CNBC. Area Development magazine also ranked the state eighth in the nation for its business climate and Indiana is one of only nine states to have triple-A credit ratings from all three reporting agencies: Standard & Poor’s, Fitch and Moody’s.


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The Cook Cup will be presented on April 27 at Indiana Landmarks’ annual Rescue Party, a festive affair held at Indiana Landmarks Center in Indianapolis. Deadline for nominations is Jan. 31, 2013. The downloadable nomination form for the Cook Cup for O u t s t a n d i n g Restoration can be found on Indiana Landmarks’ website a t http://bit.ly/CookCu p13.





260-563-8326 www.thepaperofwabash.com


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260-563-8326 www.thepaperofwabash.com

January 9, 2013

Public hearing set for proposed voting changes A public hearing has now been set for Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the C o u n t y Commissioner’s room on the second floor of the Wabash County Courthouse. The purpose of the hearing is to present to the public a proposal that has been put together by

the Vote Center Study Committee, and answer any questions. A study committee was formed in the Spring of 2011 and have been meeting regularly since then to discuss this important issue. Vote Centers would replace the traditional precinct based voting



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within the county, wherein a voter would have the option of voting at whichever center was the most convenient on Election Day. In addition to Election Day voting, and early voting in the County Clerk’s office during the month prior to election, the Committee is proposing satellite voting locations in North Manchester

and Lafontaine on the two Saturdays just prior to Election Day. For thirty days after the public hearing the Plan will be available in the County Clerk’s office for review, questions and comments. After the thirty days the County Election Board will schedule a meeting, at which time the Study Committee will make a recommendation to

the Board, and the County Election Board will vote on this issue. Pursuant to Indiana statute the vote by the Wabash County Election Board must be unanimous by all three members, in order for Wabash County to switch to vote center based elections, rather than precinct-based elections.

Wabash Middle School recognizes perfect attendance 25% OFF 50% OFF FURNITURE


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A total of 29 Wabash Middle School students were recognized on Dec. 19, for their perfect participation in the Count Me In attendance program. The students who qualified had no absences, no tardiness and no referrals for first semester. Four tickets to Kings Island with an overnight stay in an area hotel, $50 gas card, and a $50 Outback card were given away as the grand prize to 8th

grader Zoe Payne. Each student was then given gift cards from local restaurants and stores. The funds/prizes for this semesters Middle School Count Me In program were donated by the Middle School PTO and staff members. The students that were included in this semester’s Count Me In were: Rachel Adams, Chelsea Archer, Leigha Boggs, Josiah Castle, Shyanna Cavins, Ashley Crist, Jose

Delgado, Zoe Denney, Kaitlyn Dowdal, Courtney Eshelman, Katie Ford, Isabel France, Austin Gahl, Jaci Gahl, Trace Goodwin, Blake Gribben, Hannah Halverson, McKenzie Hayslett, Claire Hipskind, Isaiah Hipskind, Natali Honeycutt, Samantha Irgang, Joshua Mitchem, Kendyl Mullett, Katherine Newman, Morgan Owens, Morgan Sprague, and Kiley Stone.

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January 9, 2013

Ethel Eib 765-981-4054 etheleib @yahoo.com

C O N G R AT U L A TIONS Paul Karst (LaFontaine Town Marshal) who was named FOP 2012 Member of the year. “(I was) very humbled,” Karst said. “There are a lot of members (who) would qualify for that.” He has been a FOP member for more than 20 years. Thank you Paul for your service to the LaFontaine area. WABASH CHAPTER OF THE IZAAK WALTON LEAGUE NEWS: On Dec. 8, we had our annual Christmas Party; it was a carry-in with the Chapter furnishing the meat. Approximately 65 members and spouses attended the party. Bob Brown’s band provided the entertainment for the evening. Door prizes were also given away. Josha Ward was presented with the “Outstanding Ike of the Year” award for 2012. On Dec. 9, we ended our fall cross shoots. We would like to thank everyone who helped work the cross shoots and those who came and participated in the shoots. The last event of the day was the drawing for our yearly raffle. First prize was a R e m i n g t o n Wingmaster Shotgun, which was won by Tim and Alan Smith. Second place was an afghan, which was won by Gary Buckler. Our next meeting is Jan. 21, 7:30 p.m., at the Izaak Walton League Clubhouse, the public is always welcome. We are located at 10439 S. Old State Rd. 13, LaFontaine, (close to Somerset). 4-H ENROLLMENT DEADLINE is Feb. 1, for Wabash County students. Those interested in enrolling may do so online at www.fourh.purde.edu and click on “Get involved,”

then “Join 4-H.” If you don’t have a computer, visit the Wabash county Extension office between 2 - 6 p.m. Jan. 15 for assistance. The 4-H program is open to anyone in third through 12th grade. Mini 4-H is open to anyone in first of second grades by calling the extension office at 260=563-0661 Ext. 1246 and requesting an enrollment form. LIFE CENTER’S ANNUAL RALLY FOR LIFE will be on Sunday, Jan. 20. Program begins at 2 p.m. at the Wabash High School auditorium with the walk to follow, then refreshments. There is a memorial service at the Falls Cemetery Chapel at 1:15 p.m. C O N G R AT U L A TIONS Jane Ridgway on her retirement from serving eight years as Wabash County Auditor. Thank you for your service to this community. We wish you the very best in your retirement. L A F O N TA I N E C H R I S T I A N CHURCH YOUTH

NEWS: Jan. 18 Jr. High All Nighter 6, 7, 8 graders are welcome. The time is 7 p.m. – 7 a.m. next day, cost $15. The event will be taking place at the church and the Wabash Co. YMCA. Winter Jam is Sunday Jan. 20 at Ft. Wayne Memorial Coliseum with cost $10. Superstart for students in grades 4 – 6. It will be at Anderson

University cost is $75 if registered by Jan. 18 or $80 registered by Feb. 1. For more information contact Youth Minister Jared Kidwell at 765-6180883. REMINDER: if you would like to help with the festival, please attend the meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. in the Lions room at the Community Building.

M I S S I S S I N E WA LAKE’S SUNRISE EAGLE WATCH Jan. 12. This event is highlighted by the opportunity for participants to observe the largest documented eagle roost in Indiana. Participants should meet at the Miami State Recreation Area boat launch to caravan to the roost site. Participants also should dress for the

weather and bring binoculars, cameras, spotting scopes and any personal drinks or snacks. For the safety of the Eagle Watch participants, Frances Slocum Road between State Road 124 and County Road 550 E. in Miami County will be closed for this event. Time: 6:30-9:30 a.m. Registration: Required, call 260-4682127



SALAMONIE RESERVOIR EAGLE WATCH EVENING FIELD TRIPS- Feb. 23. A short program on eagles kicks off this event, followed by a drive to some wellknown eagle spots which end up at the roost site to watch the bald eagles fly in for the night. First come, first served limited van transportation available through pre(continued on page 6)

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TIM AND ALAN SMITH were winners of the Remington Wingmaster Shotgun that was raffled off at the Izaak Walton League’s Cross Shoot held Dec. 9, 2012. Gary Buckler won second place at the raffle. (photo provided)

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January 9, 2013

continued from page 5 registration only. A small amount of walking is involved: handicapped parking available (please note this during registration). Participants should meet at the Salamonie interpretive Center. Salamonie Lost Bride West, 3691 S New Holland Road, Andrews. Time: 3-8 p.m. Registration: Required, 260-468-2127 THE 4&B4 GROUP will meet at Troyer memorial Library Jan. 18 at 9:30 a.m. It is a program designed for 4 year olds or children that will go to kinder-

garten next year. It consists of a craft, story and snack. Adults are encouraged to stay with the child for the 40-45 minute session. Come to the children’s room in the library. WE GIVE OUR CONDELENCES TO the families of Ruth Martin who passed away this past week. She was 104 years young. She graduated from LaFontaine High School in 1926. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY Ariel Benner Jan. 3, Lisha Smith Jan. 4, Luke Perlich Jan. 5, Jean Garrison Jan. 6, Gene

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Floyd Jan. 7, Corey Roser, Drew Roser, Phil Speicher Jan. 9 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jean Gilbert Jan. 10, Jim Ulshafer Jan. 11, Dorothy Henderson Jan. 15 HAPPY BELATED ANNIVERSARY Jim and Diane Ketchem Jan. 2, Phil and Marilyn Speicher Jan. 6 WORDS OF WISDOM: “Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, care deeply, speak kindly, and trust in our creator, who loves us.” Unknown I WOULD like for you to send your news and pictures to me by Thursday before the Tuesday, when The Paper comes out to etheleib@yahoo.com or 2258 E 1050 S LaFontaine, IN, 46940. These can be any club news, family, birthdays, anniversaries, births or parties. I am looking forward to receiving your news items.

Available For Adoption At The Wabash County Animal Shelter:

I n d i a n a Conservation Officer Mark Johnston investigated a near fatal ice incident occurring near Roush Lake in Huntington County. On Jan. 3, at 11:07 a.m., Conservation Officer Mark Johnston was dispatched along with the Huntington County Sheriff ’s Department, Indiana State Police and local F i r e / R e s c u e Departments to a small pond located

south of Roush Lake where a fisherman had fallen through the ice. Officer Johnston arrived and found Michael H. Gosnell in the nearly frozen water clinging to the ice he had recently broken through. Minutes later, Officer Johnston coordinated with Markle Fire fighter Michael Grant to effect a successful rescue operation. Grant donned an insulated dry suit,

crossed the frozen pond, and with help from rescue personnel was able to pull Mr. Gosnell from the water. Gosnell was treated at the scene by EMS and then transported to Parkview Huntington Hospital in Huntington. He was treated for cold related injuries as well as bruises and cuts. Gosnell was not wearing a life jacket at the time of the accident. His com-


LaFontaine News... Man rescued from fall through ice

p.m. The meal will include beef and noodles, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner rolls, and a non-alcoholic drink, and tax. Pie is available for an additional charge. All tips given go to support the Senior Center. JESUS JAM HONORS FREEMAN Saturday, Jan. 12, from 4 - 8 p.m. at the Congregational Christian Church. Join JP Freeman as he celebrates 60 with his friends and family at an informal gathering featuring a dinner of ham and beans, hot dogs and chips, and

cake. Former band mates are invited to bring their instruments and join in the celebration. In lieu of gifts, a freewill offering will be received and donated to the Heavenly Hillbilly’s Relay for Life Team in honor of family and friends who have battled cancer. For more information or to make a donation, contact 260578-1398. A M E R I C A N L E G I O N BREAFAST: The Legion will resume breakfast from 7 - 10 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 19. Breakfast is open to the public.

Sebrena Cline 260-982-8800 nmanchestertalks @gmail.com

GARBER-SIMMONS FUNDRAISER: The GarberSimmons Senior (a United Fund Agency) will be hosting a Beef and Noodle fundraiser at the Main View on Sunday, Jan. 13, from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30

810 Manchester Ave. • 260-563-3511 Monday - Friday 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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panion, James Koon witnessed the incident and called 911. Mr. Koon was also able to toss Gosnell equipment to help him stay above water until emergency personnel were able to make rescue. I n d i a n a Conservation Officers urge all ice fishermen to carry a life jacket or other flotation device, to check ice regularly, and to never go out on ice alone.

YOUNG MUSICIANS WANTED: Local organizers will be hosting The Firehouse Gathering for Young Musicians on Saturday, Feb. 9 beginning at 5 p.m. Area bands and musicians are invited to attend the event to gain stage experience and develop skills in guitar, drum, keyboard and sound. Those musicians, vocalists and bands interested in participating in The Firehouse Gathering should contact J.P. Freeman at 260-5780356. The event opens with a sound check and jam session where experienced musicians will offer instruction to participants. Open mic stage performances will begin at 7 p.m. and end at 9 p.m. The Firehouse Gathering house band, 4th & Walnut, will play as backup. The Firehouse is located at 108 W. Main Street, North Manchester. I N D O O R TRIATHLON: The Strauss Peabody Aquatic and Fitness Center will be hosting the 2nd annual “Splash-A-Thon” Indoor Triathlon on Saturday, March 9 beginning at 7 a.m. All proceeds will support the facility e n d o w m e n t . Participants will register for a one-hour time slot, which will include swimming, bicycling, and running. Teams of two or three can also compete. This event is a great way to prepare for spring fitness events or simply enjoy a different type (continued on page 7)


Joy Harber 765-833-5231 roannhappenings @yahoo.com

DEB PITMAN, from the Deedsville post office reports that the Deedsville Post Office Customer Appreciation Day was held Dec. 22. Refreshments were served and the holiday contest winners were announced. Winning books of stamps were Sharon Dillman and Jeanette Yentes. The jar of candy was won by Wes Leedy. Thank you to all who visited the Deedsville Post Office. ROANN PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWS: Thanks to all who donated children’s coats during the Coats for Kids drive held at the library. The coats will be donated to local agencies for distribution. The next

book club meeting will be held on Feb. 2, at noon on the main floor of the library. The book to be read is Vicious Cycle, by Terri Blackstock. This is a free event offered to all adults. Registration is available at the library. For more information, call the library at 765833-5231. R O A N N B U S I N E S S DIRECTORIES are available free of charge at the Library as well as at the post office and other public locations in town. Sponsored by the Roann Public Library, Roann’s Community Heritage, and Todd’s Corner; these directories are a compilation of area businesses and services, with the hope that people will shop locally. THE ROANN FOOD PANTRY is located in the Town Hall. The Roann Food Pantry is operated by a board of representatives from the area churches. Supplies are donated from the churches, community members and area businesses. Those in need within seven

miles of Roann may visit the Pantry once a month. Visitors must show current proof of residency. Donations are always appreciated. HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week to: Lisa Spencer, Kathy Hammock, Monte Chamberlain, Theresa Doud, Lorraine Lyons, Peggy Cordes, Grant Robert Dale, Keegan James, Randy Stoffer, Andrew See, Ashley Vigar, Maxine Dyson, Chad McWhirt, Jewel Marie Flitcraft, Alexi Randel, and Danielle Miller. H A P P Y ANNIVERSARY this week to: Mr. and Mrs. Tony Krom, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galley. ROANN NEWS ITEMS may be sent to my email address at roannhappenings@ya hoo.com, or you may call me at the phone number listed. The deadline for news to appear in the next week’s issue of the paper is Tuesday at noon. It would be best to submit timely news items two weeks in advance.



January 9, 2013

Amanda Lyons 260-782-0471 lagronewscolumn @gmail.com


CHURCH: Pastor Rick Borgman will give the sermon during the 9 a.m. worship service on Sunday, Jan. 13. Lisa Bever will be the greeter. Vicki Borgman will read the scripture. Lavonne Sparling will be the nursery attendant. Sunday School for all ages will begin at 10 a.m. D O R A C H R I S T I A N CHURCH: Pastor Mark Wisniewski will

Nicole Taylor named to University of Evansville Dean’s List Nicole Taylor, Wabash, has achieved a place on the University of Evansville Dean’s List for academic achievements during the Fall Semester 2012. Taylor is majoring in Accounting. To make the Dean’s List, a student at UE must earn at least a 3.5 grade point average on a 4.0 scale. “At the University of Evansville, motivated students such as Nicole Taylor experience a challenging and collaborative learning environment and thrive under the guidance of talented faculty,” said UE President Thomas A. Kazee. “Earning a place on the Dean’s List shows a strong commitment to academic success, and students and their families should be very proud of this accomplishment.”

give the sermon, “Is There Glory in Your God?” based on 1 Corinthians 6 during the worship service on Sunday, Jan. 13. Greeters will be Holli and Lisa. Bill will assist with communion, and Gerald will assist with offering. Angie and Randy will lead Children’s Church. There will be an Elders meeting at 6 p.m. and a Board meeting at 6:30 p.m. PICTURES: If you have any pictures, old or new, of happenings around Lagro that could be used in this column please contact


me. You can email them to me as a jpeg file or I will scan your original pictures and return them to you. If sending a picture you would like to have returned, please include your name and return address. DEADLINE FOR NEWS is each Wednesday by noon. You can email news and pictures to lagronewscolumn@g mail.com, mail news to me at 425 S State Road 524 Lagro, IN 46941, or contact me by phone at 260-7820471 between 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.

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North Manchester News... continued from page 6

of workout; all levels of fitness welcome. Registrations received before March 1st will include an event t-shirt. Snacks will be provided for all participants. Registration forms can be accessed at https://sites.google.c om/site/northmanchesterparks/ or picked up at the front desk of the facility. Event time slots will be secured by calling the facility at 260-9824919 after registering for the event. The Strauss Peabody Aquatic Fitness Center is located at 902 N. Market Street in North Manchester. PARTING SHOTS: “Problems are not stop signs, they are guidelines.” Robert H. Schuller NORTH MANCHESTER NEWS ITEMS may be sent to my email address at nmanchestertalks@g

mail.com or you may call me at 260-982-8800. The deadline for news

to appear in the next week’s issue of the paper is Wednesday at

noon. Please submit timely news as early as possible.

and Art Woods Framing ! $ " $ ! "!

" " %




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ECHO ELECTRIC CAR RACE CAR DRIVERS NEEDED: The Urbana Lions Club needs 36 boys or girls 9 - 16 years of age who go to school at Sharp Creek, Metro North or Northfield

school to sign up for races twice a month on Saturdays during January, February, and March at the Urbana Community Building. Electric cars will be provided to race on tracks that are set up to resemble racetracks around the world. There is no cost. Free refreshments will be served. Parents are welcome to observe. If you would like to sign up or like more details, please call Lion Michael Snell at 260774-3665 or email him

Inside Wabash True Value Authorized shipping for UPS & FedEx WABASH TRUE VALUE / JUST ASK RENTAL 1351 N. Cass Street, Wabash, IN Wabash Village Shopping Center • 260-563-8797 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 8:00 a.m.-9:00 p.m.; Sun. 12 Noon - 5:00 p.m. visit us on the web at www.wabashtruevalue.com

January 9, 2013

a pinkynova71@hotmail.com LADIES NITE OUT CLUB: The December meeting was hosted by the officers and was held at the Main View Restaurant in North Manchester. Before the meal VicePresident Carolyn Everest gave devotions by reading an article entitled “Jesus’ Hands.” His hands were from the tiny hands of a newborn baby to the hands that were nailed to a cross. She closed with a humorous poem entitled “The Month After Christmas” and presented each person a word scramble puzzle (Red and Green Cuisine by Sherry Timberman). In honor of the Christmas holiday they were going to eat foods that were red and green and unscramble the menu before dinner. Club President Helen Dawes welcomed everyone and read the thought of the month “Let us stop, look, and listen this Christmas and hear the singing of the angels so long ago. A song of hope, peace, and good will.” After lunch Anna Lee Biehl led in singing three Christmas carol and updated the group on her son, Jay’s medical condition. It was decided to continue the Secret



THE 1983-1984 NORTHFIELD GIRLS’ VARSITY BASKETBALL TEAM finished the season with a 10 win-10 loss record. Of their ten losses, six came against teams ranked in the top 40 statewide. Front row: Leslie Hawkins, Tricia Hug, Lynn Baber, Jody Mettler. Back row: Coach Steve Brubaker, Jill Rate, Amy Squires, Evelyn Strong, Jeannine Draper, Shelly Thompson, Coach Shonkwiler, and manager Stephanie Haupert. (photo provided) Sister gift exchange for 2013 and acknowledge those with birthdays and anniversaries with cards. Helen Dawes’ December birthday was remembered. Secret Sister gifts for 2012 were exchanged and names drawn for 2013. Helen Dawes will host the January meeting with a salad luncheon in her home. JAY BIEHL RECEIVES PANCREAS/LIVER: On Dec. 27, Jay received both a new liver and a pancreas. Since 1980 when Jay was just finishing his freshman


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year in college, he was hospitalized for two weeks with ulcerative colitis. After being put on medication, Jay had no more serious bouts with colitis, but his liver function values were pretty elevated. After ruling out possible liver diseases such as hepatitis and cancer, Jay’s doctor strongly suspected PSC (Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis), a slowlyprogressing disease of the bile ducts. PSC is an autoimmune disease in which the liver’s bile ducts become scarred and constricted, interfering with the liver’s ability to drain its bile. And when the bile can’t drain out of the liver, its toxicity eventually kills off liver cells. Unfortunately, when it builds up, it begins seeping into surrounding blood and tissue causing a constant itching that can’t be alleviated with any kind of medication. More worrisome, though, is the elevated risk of bile duct or liver cancer due to the constant presence of the bile. Jay came through the surgery very well. His wife says he keeps commenting that “just touching his skin (without it itching, without all the scratching) was amazing. It’s as if he is rediscovering his own skin...as his “friend” not as the “enemy,”

as something comforting not something irritating. It was pretty amazing to watch and hear him.” Jay will have good days and bad days during his recovery and still needs your prayers. Cards can be sent to him at 1719 Falling Brook Drive, Fishers, IN, 46038. You can also follow his recovery by visiting his Caring Bridge site at www.caringbridge.org/visit/jaybieh. URBANA YOKE PARISH: Those serving during the 9:30 a.m. worship service on Jan. 13, are: Worship Leader – Brian Chamberlain; Liturgist – Carol Krom; Head Usher –Steve Runkel; Acolyte – Torina Runkel; Greeters – John and Judy Eltzroth; Nursery – Helen Dawes; Organ – Nancy Miller; Piano – Janene Dawes. The Christian Education Board will meet on Jan. 7 at 6:30 p.m. The Urbana Yoke Parish Board will meet on Jan. 9 at 6:30 p.m. Mark your calendars for the Yoke Parish Benevolence Committee has set Feb. 2, as the date for the Whole Hog Sausage and Pancake Day in the Urbana Community Building. Bulk sausage will be available. Watch for more details as to serving times. PRAYER CON-

CERNS: Please continue to remember the family and friends of L. D. Cunningham who died on Dec. 23, Judy Stein, Jim Wilson, Frank Sluss, Naomi Cunningham, Ardis and Herb Witkoske, Bob Frieden, Jay Biehl, and Mary Lou and Gene Cartwright. BIRTHDAYS: Jan. 10 – Linda Townsend, Beth Ann DeVore. Jan. 11 – Isaac Howard. Jan. 12 – Steve Haupert, Jeff Whitmer, Lowell Stout. Jan. 13 – Nick Maurer, Valerie (Haupert) Sperry. Jan. 14 – Max Chamberlain, Carla Krom. Jan. 15 – Britain Webb. Jan. 16 – Troy Baer. BRUNCH BUNCH met at Pam’s Café at 8 a.m. on Jan. 2 with the following people present: Mitch Meyer, Max and Ruth Reed, Larry and Nancy Meyer, Helen Dawes, Peggy and Chad Dilling, Eileen Weck, Phil Weck, Marvin and Mary Ann Mast, and Jim and Anne Bell. Peggy and Chad gave everyone Mounds and Almond Joy candy bars in celebration of their wedding anniversary. NEWS ITEMS AND/OR PICTURES may be mailed to me at 1906 N 100 W, Wabash, or emailed to me at mamast1906@comcast.net.


January 9, 2013

Funeral Homes

Wabash "







Wabash County Sheriff ’s Department Accidents Dec. 26 At approximately 11:05 a.m., a vehicle driven by Jennifer Miller, 43, Wabash, slid on ice while southbound on SR 15. At approximately 3:43 p.m., a vehicle driven by Jennifer Bentley, 17, Wabash, lost traction and hit a stop sign. At approximately 5:40 a.m., a vehicle driven by Cameron Cooper, 23, Peru, was southbound on SR 15 when it lost traction and hit a tree. Dec. 28 At approximately 7:38 a.m., a vehicle driven by Peggy Beverly, 60, Wabash, was eastbound on US 24 when it struck a deer. At approximately 6:56 p.m., a vehicle driven by Stacy Howard, 37, Osceola, was eastbound on Old Francis Slocum Trail when it struck a deer. Dec. 29 At approximately 5:35 a.m., a vehicle driven by Henry Monegro, 18, Logansport, was eastbound on US 24 and traveling too fast for

road conditions causing the vehicle to exit the roadway and strike a tree. At approximately 5:23 p.m., a vehicle driven by Angela Rapp, 43, Wabash, was westbound on US 24 when it moved for a deputy vehicle with flashing lights on and was rear-ended by a vehicle driven by Curtis Studebaker, 23, Des Plaines, Ill. At approximately 8:08 p.m., a vehicle driven by Tyler Amburgey, 16, North Manchester, entered a curve on Singer Road to fast causing the vehicle to leave the roadway and roll over a fence. At approximately 9:15 p.m., a vehicle driven by Ethan Stouffer, 19, Roann, was southbound on CR 300 W and slid on ice and left the roadway. At approximately 9:29 p.m., a vehicle driven by Russell Gamsby, 73, Silver Lake, slid on ice while turning on SR 15. Dec. 31 At approximately 3:19 p.m., the vehicles driven by Jerald Dilsaver, 59, Urbana, and Michael Burcroff, 41, Urbana, were involved in a collision due to ice.

Jan. 2 At approximately 7:40 a.m., a vehicle driven by David Ellis, 48, Huntington was northbound on SR 15 when Ellis fell asleep and the vehicle left the roadway. At approximately 7:40 a.m., a vehicle driven by Corey Krueger, 43, Knox, was eastbound on US 24 when a deer struck the side of the vehicle. Jan. 3 At approximately 5:32 a.m., a vehicle driven by Ronald Hensley, 51. Wabash, was northbound on SR 15 when a deer struck the side of the vehicle. Jan. 4 At approximately 5:39 a.m., a vehicle driven by Marcia Eudy, 59, Roann, was eastbound on CR 550 N and struck a deer. At approximately 6:47 a.m., a vehicle driven by Douglas Farmer, 49, Roanoke, was westbound on US 24 and struck a deer. Bookings Dec. 30 Adam Fiers, 24, 26 W. Maple St., Wabash, public intoxication. Jan. 1 Matthew Eakins, 21, 414 E. Douglas St., Jonesboro, revocation

James Gidley, 64



of probation, illegal possession of alcohol. Jan. 2 Joshua Reed, 24, 1011 Mill St., Wabash, Parole hold. Dec. 3 James Martin, 45, 1240 Main St., Lagro,





" public intoxication. Todd Hyden, 30, 3336 N 200 W, Wabash, hold for Allen County. Andrew Harmon, 27, 4753 E 150 S, Lagro, drug court violation. David Moon, 63, 335 N. Washington St.,

L.D. Cunningham, 84 U.S. Army Veteran Feb. 16, 1928 – Dec. 23, 2012 L.D. Cunningham, 84, Avon Park, Fla., formerly of rural Urbana, died Dec. 23, at Royal Care Nursing Center in Avon Park. He was born Feb. 16, 1928 in Kokomo, to P.P. “Dick” and Pearl (Frybarger) Cunningham. L.D. was a Clay Township, Howard County High School graduate, and a U.S. Army veteran. He married Naomi Lovelace on Sept. 22, 1948, in Kokomo. He was a retired farmer, and also worked for the U.S. Department of Agriculture, in Florida. He also sold seed corn for Funks and Callahan Seed Corn Companies. L.D. was a charter member of the Urbana Lions Club. He lived in Florida the past 30 years, coming from Wabash County. He is survived by his wife, Naomi Cunningham , Avon Park; three children, Karen (Brad) Eads, rural Urbana, Rhonda (Ron) Baer, rural Wabash, and Rex (Karen) Cunningham, Avon Park; eight grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his brother, Richard Cunningham, and his sister, Mary Swope. Private memorial services will be held at a later date. Arrangements were by Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service, 1241 Manchester Avenue, Wabash. Preferred memorial is Urbana Lions Club or the charity of the donor’s choice. The memorial guest book for L.D. may be signed at www.grandstaff-hentgen.com.

Marjorie Dillard, 82 Member of University Christian Church July 4, 1930 – Dec. 31, 2012

Marjorie J. Dillard, 82, Muncie, died at 7:35 a.m. Dec. 31, at Morrison Woods Health Campus in Muncie. She was born July 4, 1930 in Wabash County to Harold and Edna Laonora (Yentes) Richardson She married William E. Dillard in Roann, on Nov. 23, 1946. He died Aug. 28, 2000. She was a member of the University Christian Church in Muncie and was a longtime member of the Bachelor Creek Church of Christ in Wabash. She worked at Dicks Trading Post in Wabash, and was an Avon representative, in the Roann area, several years. Marjorie attended Roann Schools. She lived in the Roann area until 1992 when she and her husband Bill moved to Muncie. She is survived by daughter-in-law, Nancy Dillard, Muncie; two grandchildren, Cassandra (Jeremiah) Kinney, Evansville, and Greggory (Rachel) Dillard, Pennsburg, Penn.; five great granddaughters Audrey, Emma, and Colleen Kinney and Autumn and Amber Dillard; brother, Donald (Beverly) Richardson, North Manchester; sister, Eleanor Mattern, Huntington, and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, and her son Gary Dillard who died in 2004. Funeral services were held at GrandstaffHentgen Funeral Service on Jan. 8, with Pastor Steve Huddleston officiating. Burial will be in Roann Community Cemetery. Preferred memorial is University Christian Church, 2400 N. Nebo Rd., Muncie, IN 47304. The family would like to thank all the staff at Morrison Woods Health Campus, who provided excellent care. The memorial guest book for Marjorie may be signed at www.grandstaff-hentgen.com.

Edward Cochley, 84

Retired Wabash City Police Officer

U.S. Army veteran

Jan. 10, 1948 – Dec. 29, 2012

Aug. 27, 1928 – Jan. 6, 2013

James Stephen Gidley, 64, Wabash, died at 9:35 a.m. Dec. 29, 2012 at his home in Wabash. He was born Jan. 10, 1948 in Wabash, to James E. and Marjorie L. (Beam) Gidley. Jim was a 1966 graduate of Northfield High School, attended Manchester College, and a 1969 graduate of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. He married Patty (Dangerfield) Harrell on Feb. 24, 1990 in Wabash. He was a Wabash City Police Officer 20 years retiring in 1989, and also worked 17 years at McClure Oil in Marion, retiring in 2011. Jim was a member of the Wabash F.O.P. Lodge #83, and enjoyed motorcycle riding and mushroom hunting. He is survived by his wife, Patty Gidley; three children, Kevin Gidley, Shelley (Sam) Hipskind, and Joshua (Kylee) Gidley, all of Wabash; nine grandchildren, Kaleb Gidley, Sammy Hipskind, Mallory Hipskind, Abbi Hipskind, Matthew Hipskind, and Nicholas Hipskind, all of Wabash, Terrance Gidley and Sydnie Gidley, both of North Manchester, and Olivia Rose, Wabash; adopted grandchildren, Katelyn and Jayce Floyd, both of North Manchester; two sisters, Carla Kizer, Warsaw, Sherry (Brian) Ridgeway, Lagro; and brother, Thom (Tammi) Gidley, Denver, Ind. Funeral services were held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Roann Chapel on Jan. 2, with Pastor Jon A. Gidley officiating. Private burial service will be in Falls Cemetery, Wabash. Preferred memorial is American Cancer Society. The memorial guest book for Jim may be signed at www.grandstaffhentgen.com.

Edward Dawson Cochley, 84, Wabash, died at 7:10 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 6, at Autumn Ridge Healthcare Center, Wabash. He was born August 27, 1928 in Indianapolis, Indiana to Paul and Blanche (McAllister) Cochley. He married Genevieve Casida in Redford, Mich., on July 4, 1953; she died July 17, 2012. Ed was a 1946 graduate of Logansport High School, and attended Logansport Business College from 1948-1950. He was in the US Army serving in Germany from 1946-1948 and in Korea from 1950-1951. He moved to Wabash in 1950. He worked for American Rock Wool, Diehl Machines, and Midwest Insulations, then 22 years for Art Metal, Datavue Products, and Swingline Co., retiring in 1991. He also worked at Snavely Machines in Wabash. Ed was a member of the First United Methodist Church, the Wabash American Legion, Wabash County Historical Society, Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana, and Past President of the Wabash Chapter of the AARP. He was the Coordinator for Meals on Wheels of Wabash from 1993-2011, and continued as treasurer and driver until his death. He for several years was an advisor for the local Junior Achievement organization. In 2009, Ed was named the Wabash County Hospital Healthcare Hero, and in 2010, he was named the Wabash County Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Citizen. He enjoyed bowling, photography, traveling, and reading. He is survived by his daughter, Judy (Peter) Birkel, Noblesville; two grandchildren, Timothy (Alissa) Birkel, Pendleton, and Emily Birkel, Cincinnati, Ohio; two great-grandchildren, Sam and Henry Birkel, both of Pendleton; and several nieces and nephews in the Logansport and Indianapolis areas. He was also preceded in death by his parents, and two sisters, Martha Jamison, and Betty Szewczyk. Funeral services will be held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service, 1241 Manchester Ave. Wabash on Fri., Jan. 11, 10:30 a.m. with Rev. Kurt Freeman officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Lawns Cemetery, Wabash. Friends may call 3-7 p.m. Thursday at the funeral home. Preferred memorial is Meals on Wheels. The memorial guest book for Mr. Cochley may be signed at www.grandstaff-hentgen.com.



Urbana, violation of home electronic home device. Jan. 4 Roger Taylor, 35, 3218 S 800 E, Akron, failure to appear, invasion of privacy, intimidation, resisting law enforcement. Carson Brown, 33, 703 E Second St., North Manchester, failure to appear, possession of paraphernalia. James Munsey, 28, 813 E. Marion St., Converse, failure to

appear. Christopher Sebree, 33. 438 W. Market St., Wabash, dealing marijuana, possession of controlled substance. Wabash City Police Department Accidents Jan. 2 A vehicle driven by Todd Hyden, 30, 1234 Pike St., Wabash, hit a large rock after losing control of his vehicle near 312 Chestnut St., Wabash. Hyden was

Gerald Lybarger, 79 U.S. Army veteran Aug. 20, 1933 – Nov. 25, 2012

Gerald “Jack” Lybarger, 79, North Manchester, died at 2:26 p.m. Nov. 25, at Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne. He was born Aug. 20, 1933 in Geneva, Ind. to Clarence and Marjorie A. (Smith) Lybarger. Jack was a 1951 graduate of Hoagland, Indiana High School. He first married Mary Anne Owens on July 3, 1954; she died June 24, 1993. He then married Margene Abbott in Rochester on July 26, 1997; she died January 13, 2011. He retired from The Hardware Store in North Manchester, and also worked at Gaunt & Son Asphalt in Wabash, and McMahanO’Connor in Rochester. Jack was a member of the Manchester United Methodist Church and sang in the church choir. He was also a member of the Rochester Masonic Lodge, the South Bend Scottish Rite, the Fort Wayne Mizpah Shrine, and Shrine Chanters. Jack was a U.S, Army veteran serving in the Korean Conflict. He could fix anything and loved history, animals, music, and his country. He is survived by his two daughters, Laurel Lybarger, Silver Lake, and Shaunn (Jeffrey) Munn, Plymouth; brother, Gary (Diane) Lybarger, Hoagland, Ind.; sister, Dee Ann Blackburn, Columbia City; five sisters-in-law, Jane Ann (Tom) Airgood, and Mary Beth (Jon) Perkins, both of North Manchester, Carolyn Baumgartner, Donna Owens, and Linda Drake, all of Monmouth, Ind.; brother-in-law, Ted Abbott, Weeki Wachee, Fla. He was preceded in death by his sister Nancy Springer. Jack’s memorial service was Jan. 5, at the United Methodist Church with Pastor Kevin DeKoninck and Pastor Larry Ray officiating. Private family burial will be in Rochester I.O.O.F. Cemetery, at a later date. Arrangements were made by Grandstaff-Hentgen, Bender Chapel, North Manchester. Preferred memorials are Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children or Epworth Forest Methodist Youth Camp. The memorial guestbook for Jack may be signed on-line at grandstaff-hentgen .com.

January 9, 2013

Steven Vrooman, 74

Kerry Allen Slater, 60

U.S. Army veteran

U.S. Army veteran

Oct. 17, 1938 – Dec. 28, 2012

June 17, 1952 – Jan. 1, 2012

Steven K. Vrooman, 74, Frankfort, died at 10:29 p.m. Dec. 28, at St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis. He was born Oct. 17, 1938 in Wabash, to Roger and Katherine (Stouffer) Vrooman. Steve attended Wabash High School until his sophomore year, then graduated from Laketon High School in 1956. He was a 1960 graduate of Purdue University. He married Clare Scheerer in Wabash on Aug. 31, 1958. Steve was the general manager at AgMax in Frankfort, retiring after 35 years, and also worked at Wabash County Farm Bureau Co-Op, Allen County Co-Op, and was a private grain-marketing consultant. He was a U.S. Army veteran and a member of the Friends Church. He was also a member and past president of the Frankfort Rotary Club, served as the district governor, and was a Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Foundation. He was past president of the Frankfort Chamber of Commerce, member of the United Way and the Jaycees. He lived in Frankfort since 1968. He is survived by his wife, Clare Vrooman. Frankfort; three children, Scott (Muriel) Vrooman, Indianapolis, Stan (Jen) Vrooman. Westfield, and Julie (Craig) Beauregard, Indianapolis; four grandchildren, Ann Vrooman and Jack Vrooman, both of Westfield, and Jaggerd Beauregard and Isabella Beauregard, both of Indianapolis; four sisters, Marilyn (Bill) Moore, Mendon, Mich., Jane Burch, Warsaw, Karen (Dennis) Grumpp, New Palastine, Ind., and Rosemary (Gary) Purdy, North Manchester. Funeral services were held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service on Jan. 3, with David Phillips officiating. Burial will be in Friends Cemetery, Wabash. Preferred memorial is Y.M.C.A. of Wabash County or Frankfort Boys and Girls Club. The memorial guest book for Steve may be signed at www.grandstaffhentgen.com.

Mary Powell, 85 Homemaker May 18, 1/27 – Dec. 30, 2012 Mary K. Powell, 85, Wabash, passed away at 10:50 p.m. on Dec. 30, at Parkview Regional Medical Center in Fort Wayne. She was born to the late Howard and Hazel (Bates) Templeton Sr. on May 18, 1927 in LaFontaine. She graduated in 1945 from LaFontaine High School. She married Fred R. Powell on Feb. 4, 1950, he passed away May 28, 1995. She was a homemaker to her husband and family. She enjoyed gardening and baking. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Don (Rebecca) Slone, Wabash, and Mrs. Bob (Roxanne) Gray, Andrews; three grandchildren, Brandy Conner (Scott), Wabash, Wendy Conliff (Dennis Jr.), Wabash, and Kinnie Sollars (Melissa), LaFontaine; seven great grandchildren, Tyler Conner, Alicia Conliff, Roman Conner, Jordan Conner, Trisha Conliff, Caprial Conner all of Wabash, and Kolton Sollars, LaFontaine; great-great granddaughter, Andi Renee Conliff, Wabash. She was preceded in death by parents, husband, brother, Howard Templeton Jr., and two sisters, Ruthanna Downs and Betty Faust. Services were Jan. 3, at McDonald Funeral Home with Pastor Tom Cochran officiating. Entombment followed at Gardens of Memory in Huntington County, Indiana. Preferred memorials are to Wabash County Cancer Society, P.O. Box 144, North Manchester, Indiana 46962. Online condolences may be sent to the family at www.mcdonaldfunerals.com

Mary Campbell, 79

Former Columbia City resident Oct. 3, 1933 – Jan. 5, 2013

Mary Lee Campbell, 79, formerly of Columbia City, died Jan. 5, 1:58 a.m., at Parkview Regional Medical Center, Fort Wayne. She was born Oct. 3, 1933 in Kent City, Mich., to Harry B. and Leona May (Riddle) Kelly. She graduated from Kent City High School. Surviving relatives include two sons and three daughters, Dan (Cheryl) Campbell, Michigan, Doug (Alice) Campbell, North Manchester, Deb (Steve) Schmitt, Columbia City, Dawn (Craig) Kelley of Grand Haven, Mich., and DeDe (Rick) Buerkel, Mount Pleasant Mich.; 16 grandchildren; 10 great grandchildren; and a sister, Barb Moffat, Baldwin, Mich. She was preceded in death by a son, Dave Campbell; a brother, Bud Kelly; and two sisters, Dorothy Ringold and Bonnie Labrie. A memorial service will be held Jan. 12, noon, at Peabody Retirement Community Chapel, 400 West 7th Street, North Manchester. The family will receive friends from 10 a.m. to noon. Burial will take place at a later date at Idlewild Cemetery in Kent City, Mich. Preferred memorials are to Peabody Retirement Community. Local arrangements are being made by Smith and Sons Funeral Home, Columbia City. Condolences may be sent to www.smithandsonsfuneralhome.com.

Kerry Allen Slater, 60, of rural Sidney, died at 5:45 a.m. Jan. 1, at his home. He was born June 17, 1952 in Wabash, to Harold and Barbara (DeLaughter) Slater. Kerry was a 1970 graduate of South Whitley High School and was a Vietnam veteran in the U.S. Army. He married Cindy McConnell in Collamer, Ind. on Sept. 18, 1976. He was the manager at Silver Lake Ag Center for the past two years, and also worked at Whitley Feeds, and with his family at Slater Fruit Market, in Sidney. He loved hunting, fishing, and spending time with his granddaughter. Kerry is survived by his wife, Cindy Slater of rural Sidney; two daughters, Trisha (Chris) Bills, Jonesville, Mich., and Kimberly Slater, Bloomington; granddaughter, Sidney Bills, Jonesville; parents, Harold and Barbara Slater of rural Sidney; three brothers, Kim (Kathy) Slater, South Whitley, Kris (Jill) Slater, Claypool, Kent Slater, South Whitley; and sister-in-law Pam Slater, Elkhart. He was preceded in death by his brother Kevin, who died in 2006. Funeral services were Jan. 5, 2013, at Grandstaff-Hentgen Bender Chapel. Burial will be in Ulrey Cemetery, rural Silver Lake. Preferred memorial is Riley Hospital for Children. The memorial guestbook for Kerry may be signed on-line at grandstaff-hentgen .com.

Ruby Muir Member of Eel River Community Church of the Brethren Sept. 8, 1918 – Jan. 3, 2012 Ruby Marie Muir, 94, North Manchester, formerly of Bippus, died at 6:30 a.m. Jan. 3, in Peabody Healthcare Center, North Manchester. She was born Sept. 8, 1918 in Pleasant Township, Wabash County, to Lawrence and Mary (Frantz) Hoover. She graduated from Laketon High School in 1936. She retired from Heckman Bindery, North Manchester, after 41 years of service. She was a member of Eel River Community Church of the Brethren, Silver Lake, and was a longtime member of the former West Manchester Church of the Brethren, North Manchester. where she taught children’s Sunday School for many years. Ruby was a 50-year member of Epsilon Sigma #1609 and was named Woman of the Year for Indiana of that sorority in 2001. On April 29, 1955 she married Robert H. Muir. He died Dec. 10, 1978. She is survived by one step-daughter, Mrs. Al (Alice) Pillsbury, Huntington; two brothers, Russell (Joann) Hoover and Homer (Julia) Hoover, both of North Manchester; two sisters, Grace Metzger and Verna (Roger) Shively, both of North Manchester; one sister-in-law, LeeAnna Hoover, North Manchester; three step-grandchildren and two step-great grandchildren. One step son, Homer Muir, and two brothers, Ray Hoover and Ernest Hoover, are deceased. Services were Jan. 6, at Timbercrest Chapel. Pastor Andrew Sampson and Reverend Joan Deeter officiated. Burial will be in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, North Manchester. Arrangements entrusted to McKee Mortuary, 1401 State Road 114 W, North Manchester. For those who wish to honor the memory of Ruby M. Muir, memorial contributions may be made to Timbercrest Senior Living Community, PO Box 501, North Manchester, IN 46962.


January 9, 2013

reported to have been under the influence of drugs and alcohol pending the results of a blood draw. A vehicle driven by Silas Guy, 18, 2514N 700W, Wabash, slid into the guardrail on Vermont St. near Stitt St. Jan. 3 A vehicle driven by Gary Halverson, 49, 353 State St., Wabash, rear-ended a vehicle driven by David

Vada Coplen, 93

Attended Akron United Methodist Church Sept. 17, 1939 – Jan. 5, 2013

Vada Irene King Coplen, 93, Akron, passed away on Sat., Jan. 5, at Miller’s Merry Manor, Warsaw. Born December 5, 1919 in Perry Township, Miami County, she was the daughter of Martin Luther and Rosella Barnhisel King. On Sept. 17, 1939 in Crown Point, she was married to Wayne Devon Coplen; he preceded her in death on Dec. 22, 2000. She attended the Akron United Methodist Church and was a member of the former Gilead United Methodist Church. Vada was the mother of three children, Judy Kay Harvey, Warsaw; Larry K. Coplen, Warsaw; and Ronald L. Coplen, Akron. She is also survived by two grandchildren, Douglas Neil Harvey and Pamela Sue Harvey; one niece, Roberta Sue Shanks; and one nephew, Richard Carl Lamb. Three sisters, Beulah Lamb, Freida Fawley, and Helen Bernice King preceded Vada in death. Funeral services were held Jan. 8 at Hartzler Funeral Home, Akron. Burial was in Gilead Cemetery. Memorial contributions may be made to the Gilead Cemetery Association. Arrangements are being handled by Vada’s cousin, Hal W. McClain of McClain Funeral Home, Denver, Indiana. The online guestbook can be signed at www.mcclainfh.com.

Benzinger, 41, Wabash, on SR 13S near Harrison Ave.

Jan. 5 At 9:12 p.m., a vehicle driven by Mack

R. Joe Shaffer, 66 Served in U.S. Army Dec. 27, 2012

R. Joe Shaffer, 66, Fort Wayne died on Dec. 27. He was the son of the late L. Arden and Esther E. (Blickenstaff) Shaffer, Silver Lake. Member of the last graduating class at Sidney High School in 1964, and Purdue graduate, he served his country in the army during the Vietnam Era. For 43 years, he was the owner of Advanced Electric, though he was at home farming the fields. He is survived by his wife; Donna M. Shaffer, daughter; Marla K. Shaffer, both of Fort Wayne, siblings; John R. Shaffer, Silver Lake, Betty S. (John) Hill, Walling, Tenn., Susan R. (James) Orr, Janesville, Wis., and Judy E. (Sam) Lambert, Sparta, Tenn., along with several nieces and nephews. Funeral Service were held Jan. 4, at Klaehn, Fahl & Melton Funeral Homes with graveside burial services at New Hope Cemetery, Phlox, Ind. Memorial donations may be given to the Wounded Warriors Project. For online condolences please visit www.klaehnfahlmelton.com

Williams, 71, 456 W. Canal St., Wabash, struck a pole in the

alley between Main and Market Streets. Jan. 6

At 10:03 p.m. a vehicle driven by Cristi Collins, 28, 495 Stitt


St., Wabash, struck a parked vehicle owned by Isaac Adeyemo,

Marjorie Williams-Miller, 90 Member of Wabash Friends Church March 15, 1922 – Jan. 6, 2013

Marjorie J. Williams-Miller, 90, Wabash, passed away Sunday, Jan. 6, 1:28 a.m., at Bickford Cottages Assisted Living, Wabash. She was born on March 15, 1922 to the late Mack Edward and Cecil Faye (Alexander) Johnson in Kokomo, Indiana. She married Loren L. Williams on March 6, 1943 in Wabash, Indiana. Following the death of Loren on May 6, 1967, she married Kenneth H. Miller, in Wabash, Indiana on November 24, 1971. He passed away August 2, 1992. She married John J. Rasor on March 23, 2001. She graduated from Somerset High School in 1940 and from the Accounting program at International Business College in 1941. Marjorie was a member of Wabash Friends Church. She worked as a bookkeeper for Leath Furniture and Wabash Magnetics in Wabash during the 1960’s and 1970’s. She owned and operated Pershing’s Garden and Pet Store in Marion, Indiana during the 1980’s before retiring to spend her winters in Tampa and Maderia Beach, Florida, for 20 plus years. She enjoyed gardening, watching baseball and basketball games, playing cards, fishing, and collecting shells and birdhouses. She is survived by a son, Steven (Carol) Williams, Peru; a daughter, Linda Williams-Kirby, Fort Wayne; three grandchildren, Angela Kirby-Faught, St. Louis, Mo., Kristina Williams, LaFontaine, Brian Williams, Tuscon, Ariz.; two great grandchildren, Dylan and Ryan Faught, St. Louis, Mo.; and two sisters, Betty Sims, Kokomo, and Frances Jackson, Peru. Along with her parents and husbands, she is preceded in death by a sister, Genevieve Britton. Funeral Services will be held on Friday, Jan. 11, 2 p.m., at McDonald Funeral Home, 231 Falls Ave., Wabash, with Pastor David Phillips officiating. Calling hours will be from 1 p.m. until the time of service. Burial will follow at Memorial Lawns Cemetery, Wabash. Online condolences may be directed to the family at www.mcdonaldfunerals.com.




Citations Jan. 2 Joshua Reed, 24, 1011 Mill St., Wabash, parole violation. Todd Hyden, 30, 1234 Pike St., Wabash, failure to appear/contempt driving while suspended. Jan. 3 James Martin, 45, 1240 Main St., Lagro, public intoxication. Jan. 5 Bobby Wise, 37, 1170

Middle St., Wabash, conversion. December Building Permits Westchester Services, 375 Wedcor Ave. for a tower Jim Reynolds, 41 W. Canal St. for a remodel Habitat for Humanity, 595 W. Market St., remodel WellBrooke, 20 John Kissinger Dr., for a sign

Nellie Smith, 78 Member of Cathedral of Praise Sept. 13, 1934 – Jan. 2, 2013 Nellie Mae Smith, 78, of rural Wabash, died at 10:50 p.m. Jan. 2, at her home. She was born Sept. 13, 1934 in Blackberry, Ky. to John and Cordelia (Bridgeman) Ward. Nellie married Russell Smith in Paintsville, Ky. on April 12, 1950. She worked at General Tire in Wabash retiring in 1974. She was a member of the Cathedral of Praise in Wabash. Nellie enjoyed crocheting, making quilts, and going to garage sales, but most of all, she loved her children and grandchildren. She and her family moved to Wabash in 1966, coming from the state of Washington. She is survived by her husband, Russell Smith, Wabash; eight children, Eugene Smith, Laketon, IJoyce (Terry) Bland and Violet Smith, both of Wabash, Loretta (Matt) Brodrick, Lagro, Ronnie (Mary) Smith, Peru, Norman (Angie) Smith, Laketon, Gertrude Smith, Wabash, and Robin (Diane) Smith, Wolcottville; 28 grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren, one great-great grandson; brother, Manuel Ward, Wabash; and her sister, Daisy Daniels, Washington state. She was preceded in death by four brothers and three sisters. Funeral services were held at GrandstaffHentgen Funeral Service on Jan. 5, with Pastor Bernice Pickering officiating. Burial will be in Memorial Lawns Cemetery, Wabash. Preferred memorial is Cathedral of Praise. The memorial guest book for Nellie may be signed at www.grandstaff-hentgen.com.

January 9, 2013

Living Essentials, 20 Ringle Dr., for a foundation Living Essentials, 20 Ringle Dr., for a new building John Unger, 472 N. Allen St., for a remodel Land Transfers Joseph Justice and Ada Justice to Amanda Jo Shepherd

Adolph Kubon Estate and Patricia Wake Personal Representative to Patricia Wake Howard Long and Lois Long Deceased to Kenny Purvis and Judy Purvis Kristina Lawson to Howard Lawson Thomas Christman to DRP Investments LLC Ken Yarnelle

Terril Stafford, 70 U.S. Army veteran Jan. 15, 1942 – Jan. 1, 2013 Terril Eugene Stafford, 70, Kokomo died on Jan. 1, at V.A. Northern Indiana Health Care System in Marion. He was born in Warsaw on Jan. 15, 1942 Roger Stafford and Martha (Whitaker) Stafford. He first married Roswitha Schmidt on Aug. 18, 1963. She preceded him in death in May 1996. He then married Diana Baker on Feb. 13, 1999 in North Manchester and she survives in Gas City. Terril graduated from Laketon High School near Wabash in 1960. He then went on to honorably serve his country in the U.S. Army from 1960 to 1964. Terril worked at the North Manchester Foundry for 32 years. He held several jobs at the foundry including supervisor. He was a member of the Brookhaven Wesleyan Church in Marion and the Van Buren American Legion Post 368. He is survived by his wife; Diana Stafford, Gas City; two sons; Jeffery and Barbara Stafford, Faribault, Minn, and Terril W.R. Stafford, Fort Wayne; one daughter; Michelle and John Martin, Wabash; four step daughters; Anita Bradley, Marion, Theresa and Jerry Williams, Marion, Kimberly and Jeff Buis, Columbia City, Marian and Tracy Garton, Bluffton, nine grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren; nine step-grandchildren and 10 step-great grandchildren; three half-brothers; John Templeton, Indianapolis, James Templeton, Indianapolis, and Jerry Templeton, Indianapolis. He was preceded in death by his parents Funeral services were Jan. 4, at 1 p.m. at Brookhaven Wesleyan Church in Marion. Officiating the funeral service will be Rev. Robert Van Cise. Burial will be at Laketon Cemetery near Wabash. Arrangements have been entrusted to Northern Indiana Funeral Care of Fort Wayne.

Donald Bailey, 95 Wabash resident Feb. 10, 1917 Jan. 5, 2013 Donald H. Bailey, 95, Wabash, passed away Jan. 5, 2:45 a.m., at Miller’s Merry Manor East, Wabash. He was born in Lagro Township on Feb. 10, 1917 to the late John A. and Jennie (Lewis) Bailey. He married Loretta Harmon on Sept. 20, 1941. She passed away on Nov. 16, 1996. He was a graduate of LaFontaine High School and received an Engineering Technology degree from Purdue University in 1973. He worked as an engineer for General Tire, Honeywell, Markhon, and Anaconda. Donald was an AMA Motorcycle Referee for 50+ years, and also a longtime member of the Cannonball Motorcycle Club. He designed and built electronic timers, which he used to time various events. He is survived by a son, Robert (Judie) Bailey, Wabash; two daughters, Kathryn (Lynn) Downey, Linwood, Mich., Lacinda Schneider, Wabash; seven grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren. Along with his parents and wife, he is preceded in death by two brothers, Ralph and Lester and two sisters, Geneva and an infant sister. Graveside Services will be held on Tues., Jan. 8, 2 p.m., at Memorial Lawns Cemetery with Pastor Robert Rensberger officiating. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be directed to the Dallas Winchester Senior Center Food Pantry. Online Condolences may be sent to the family at www.mcdonaldfunerals.com. McDonald Funeral Home, 231 Falls Ave., Wabash, was in charge of the arrangements.

Trustee, Nan Yarnelle Trustee, Jennifer Yarnelle Trustee, Joseph Yarnelle Rev Trust and Peggy Yarnelle Rev Trust to

Ken Yarnelle, Nan Yarnelle and Jennifer Yarnelle JB Ladd to Matthew Whitesel and Elizabeth Whitesel

Crossroads Bank to On Plane 1 LLC Linda McCarthy Power of Attorney, Amy Turner and (continued on page 17)

Donald Strauss, 87 Member of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church May 18. 1925 – Dec. 28, 2012

Donald Mills Strauss, 87, North Manchester, died at 2:52 p.m. Dec. 28, at Lutheran Hospital in Fort Wayne. He was born May 18, 1925 in North Manchester, to Daniel Arden and Eileen (Mills) Strauss. Don left high school to enlist in the U.S. Navy during WWII. He attended Indiana University, graduated from Dartmouth College, and attended the Harvard School of Business. He married Billie Jane Grubb in Wabash, on June 19, 1949; she died March 21, 2004. As a fourth generation member of the Strauss family in North Manchester, Don continued the family business, which began in 1875, and was the founder of Strauss Veal Feeds and Midwest Poultry Services. Don was a member of the Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity at Indiana University, the North Manchester American Legion, and a past member of the North Manchester Rotary Club. He was a recipient of the North Manchester Distinguished Citizen of the Year award. Don was an avid Indianapolis 500 fan, loved his family business, his North Manchester community, and his family. He and his wife Billie supported their community through many philanthropic organizations, including the Peabody Retirement Community, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, and the Strauss Peabody Aquatic and Fitness Center. Donald is survived by his two daughters, Sarah (Robert) Krouse and Patricia (David) Grant, both of North Manchester; five grandchildren, Daniel M. (Paige) Krouse, Bloomington, Samuel R. Krouse, Ann Arbor, Mich., Sarah M. Grant, Chicago, Ill., Leah S. Grant, New York, New York, and Emily E. Grant, North Manchester; and his sister, Joanne Strauss Crown, Wilmette, Ill. Funeral services were Jan. 3, 2013, at Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church with Pastor Daniel L. Hamlin and Pastor Ladona Webb officiating. Burial will be in Oaklawn Cemetery, North Manchester. Preferred memorials are to Peabody Retirement Community, Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church Building Fund, or the Community Foundation of Wabash County for the benefit of the Donald M. and Billie Jane Strauss Aquatic Center Endowment. The memorial guestbook for Don may be signed on-line at grandstaffhentgen .com.

Seany Siders, 91 LaFontaine High School graduate Aug. 22, 1921 – Jan. 3, 2013

Seany Ellen Siders, 91, LaFontaine, died at 12:25 a.m. Jan. 3, at Rolling Meadows Healthcare Center. She was born to the late William and Ida May (Hurley) Siders in Wabash County on Aug. 22, 1921. Seany was a graduate of LaFontaine High School 1939. She attended Marion Business College. She worked for the Eagle and Colonial Theatres in Wabash. She was employed by Browns Trucking Company in 1944. In 1947 she started working at Wabash Filling Supplies, which eventually lead to her position of traveling sales person. The company changed its name from Wabash Filling Supplies to Art Metal to Data Vue. When Data Vue closed in 1972, she was hired by Acme Visible Records and moved to Charlottesville, Va. Some years later, she was transferred to Hattiesburg, Miss. where she worked for Murray Envelope Company until her retirement in 1989 and then she moved back to Wabash. She traveled to every state in the United States plus Cuba and England. After retirement, Seany became active in the local AARP group planning tours for the group all over the United States. When her health started to decline, she moved to Bickford Cottage in Wabash, where she stayed five years before going to Rolling Meadows in LaFontaine. She is survived by nieces, Sandra (James) Weaver, Linda (Don) Jervis, and nephew, William (Susan) Siders, all of LaFontaine, and a nephew, Michael (Linda) Arwood, Denver, Ind Along with her parents she is preceded in death by her brothers, Everett and Cecil, and sisters, Ethel and Kate. Graveside services were held Jan. 5, at I.O.O.F Cemetery in LaFontaine with Pastor Guy Provance officiating. Preferred memorials are Donor’s Choice. Online Condolences may be sent to the family at www.mcdonaldfunerals.com


January 9, 2013

Wabash County Chamber of Commerce announces Jan. 30 Outlook Forum First Merchants Bank and the Wabash County Chamber of Commerce are proud to invite all local business owners and employees to the 1st Annual First Merchants Bank Economic Outlook Forum to be held Jan. 30th, 7:30-9:30 a.m., at the REMC Building Community Room, 350 Wedcor Drive, Wabash. The agenda includes a panel discussion covering local economic issues with Steve Edris,

Saw Dust Gang ended 2012 well

Wabash Valley Saw Dust Gang’s Dec. 9 meeting ended the year with a positive note. The group had 30 members in attendance, with one new member, from Marion, Amos Randle. That gave the group 75 members. It was motioned and approved to have annual dues for paying for meeting places and charges by expert woodworkers brought into present their produces and equipment. The group lost a good member in Merle Ellis with his passing. The December meeting was held at the Wabash Valley 4-H building. The subject was Finishing and several members brought examples of their finishing techniques or products they use. A large number of members brought in samples of their finished product and explained how they use them to get the results they were after. Valspar representatives Jay Williams and Scott Taylor presented Cabot finishing products. Program Ideas - if any one has any suggestion on meeting topics/prog rams, please contact Dick Johnson ar richjeanjohnson@sbcglobal.n et. If you have a woodworking questioncontact Terry Hann 260-563-4551 or Larry Meyer 260-562-5319. Next meeting will be Jan. 12, at 2 p.m. Subject will be how to prepare rough lumber at Terry Hann’s Shop, 851 West Hill St., Wabash.


Dreaming Up the Ideal Retirement Is Your Job. Helping You Get There Is Ours. It’s simple, really. How well you retire depends on how well you plan today. Whether retirement is down the road or just around the corner, the more you work toward your goals now, the better prepared you can be. Preparing for retirement means taking a long-term perspective. We recommend buying quality investments and holding them because we believe that’s the soundest way we can help you work toward your goals. At Edward Jones, we spend time getting to know your retirement goals so we can help you reach them.

Thermafiber Inc.; Jason Callahan, Wabash City School District; Rob Pearson, Wabash County REMC; Howard H a l d e r m a n , Halderman Farm M a n a g e m e n t ; Marilyn CusterMitchell, Wabash County Hospital; and Bill Konyha, EDGWC. Janice Bailey, Ivy Tech Corporate College, will be the moderator. Poole’s Meat Market is providing a breakfast buffet and the cost to attend is $10 for Chamber members, $15 for nonmembers. Register online at www.wabashchamber.org for the Economic Forum.

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ROD BIRK is the newest member of the Shepherd’s Chevrolet team. Rod is the new Used Car Manager at Shepherd’s. He is a Wabash County resident and has been in the automotive business for 17 years. Call Rod for all your new and used car needs. (photo by Marcia Cole)

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? /-;752-9 #02;-7),5 " %

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$5>59) ":44-7 Sport, 4x4, Leather, Charcoal. One Owner

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Touring, Leather, Rear Video, Dark Gray. Several in Stock to Choose From. Certified Pre-Owned

Regular Cab, 4x4, 5.3L, V-8, Great Truck! One Owner. ONLY 20,000 miles




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/-;752-9 5257),5 4x4, Topper, Super Clean, Crew Cab

--6 533)4,-7 Limited, 4x4, HTD, Leather, Roof, LOADED! One Owner

--6 0*-79>

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4x4, Extended Cab, Heated Leather, Black & Silver, Super Nice!


4x4, Sport, 1-Owner, Black. &- #52,



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Diesel, One Owner, Sharp

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? /-;752-9 #02;-7),5

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4x4, Manual Trans, Hard-Top, Air. One Owner

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January 9, 2013

Wood suggests therapy with art Dear editor, Most all therapists, along with others in the medical field, recognize the fact that many people deal with depression during the holidays and the winter days with loneliness. It’s difficult for everyone to admit they may have depression and not just a few blue days in

our lives. There are several reasons to be overcome with sadness that brings on periods of mild depression. For some of our elderly, holidays may be a time of sadness because of not having family to share the season’s joy. Perhaps it’s the recent loss of a loved one, or an

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accident that caused serious injury. Just the letdown of the busy holidays can bring on feelings of sadness. Even the darker days of winter make us sad. Most therapists believe that not all people need medical treatment to overcome periods of depression. They suggest getting out and being with people, begin a hobby, take a class and learn something new, as a way of overcoming those periods of depression. Therapists often use art to help their clients. Children are most often helped by using art to help tell their story of sadness. Adults fail to understand how this might help themselves to relieve anxiety and loneliness. Art classes are high on the list of many therapists for self-

28 E. Hill St., Wabash


help activities. You lose all track of time, become so absorbed in creating that you fail to realize you are in a group with others. The group; however, gives each other support and helps each other. It isn’t about how well you create something, it’s the time involved learning and achieving that gives a feeling of satisfaction that you created something with your hands. A child can play with crayons,

clay and other supplies and enjoy themselves for hours, not caring how well they do, but just having fun. While adults should be able to do this, many find it hard to overcome those initial feelings of not having the ability to do it successfully in the beginning. Adults can also work on a project for hours and wonder ‘where did time go.’ You forget everything as you become so absorbed in creating.

While a therapist may help you, you might find an art class to be far less expensive. If you are dealing with feelings that may lead to depression, find a store offering art classes. Learn to create and you will be amazed at the hours of enjoyment you’ll have. The feelings of creating something only you can do are amazement beyond belief. Don’t allow the feeling of being afraid of trying keep you

from learning how art can help. Locally Woods Framing and Art is offering several painting classes in January with free sessions and some supplies included. If you feel classes may help you and you cannot afford them, Woods will work with you. Call Jo Wood at 5631915 for a private consultation as classes are limited as to how many will be accepted. Jo Wood


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2729 EAST 500 NORTH


1051 N. Wabash St.


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MLS #77075605 • $69,900

590 N. Cass St. COMMERCIAL :

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MLS #77075800 • $149,900

www.lundquistrealestate.com Principal Broker - Bob Lundquist #260-571-4653 Kristi Lundquist #260-571-4652 Lynn Yohe #260-571-4722 Lesley Downing #260-906-6303

Lori Siders, Owner / Broker 5546 W. Old 24 • Wabash Cell 260.571.5568 Office 260.225.0432

2729 East 500 NEW LISTING!!! North, Urbana Country home in Northfield schools, could be 4 or 5 bedroom, wall was removed upstairs for a larger landing could be 3 bedrooms & landing upstairs. One bedroom and den downstairs. 2.5 car detached garage built in 1992. Appliances included, washer & dryer are newer. Wrap around enclosed porch. Vinyl windows & Metal roof only 1 year old. All on 1.68 acres just east of Urbana, Priced at $65,900 MLS #77075984

MLS #77075052 • $84,900

MLS #77075880 • $94,900


MLS #77075937 • $42,570

MLS #77075938 • $69,900

: /54)7//% $)//,3 : &%2: "2(& &4 "2"(& #"2.

BRENDA STORY took this picture of a Bald Eagle at the Salamonie Reservoir on Dec. 27, 2012 in the afternoon at the bottom of the dam. (photo provided)

Jody Lundquist #260-563-2811 Sharon Yohe #260-571-4723 Cory Smith #260-591-9595

Great neighborhood with a corner lot. Home has new roof and vinyl siding only a couple years old. Sunroom w/ patio doors to the back. 3 bedrooms 1.5 bath. Check out the hardwood floors in all 3 bedrooms & hallway, new tile and vanity in full bath. MLS #77073401 $99,500



This ranch PRICE REDUCED!!! home is only 6 years old, features a large living room open to dining & kitchen with Cathedral ceilings. All freshly painted just for you. 3 bedrooms & 2 full baths including a large master bath that is handicap accessible. All appliances including washer & dryer included. Oversized 2 car garage has wheel chair ramp & a half bath. Move in ready. MLS #77075202 $124,900

Was totally redone just few years ago, with updated bath, kitchen w/full appliance package including washer & dryer. Newer laminate floors & original hardwood. Bedroom 3 on main level has no closet but could easily have one put in or use as living room, with 2 large bedrooms upstairs. Roof, furnace & C/A only 6 or 7 years old. Updated electrical and plumbing. Detached garage and large lot complete this home. MLS #77074732 $62,900 Seller Says Bring an Offer!

1035 CAMBRIDGE DR., WABASH 2559 S. OLD ST RD. 15, WABASH R a n c h MOTIVATED SELLER!!! home with hardwood floors in desirable neighborhood. You will love the big private yard in back, with all trees/wooded area to the one side & part of back, large patio to relax on & even a garden. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Fireplace w/insert in living room w/bay window looking out back. Appliances included. We have just finished all new paint in the kitchen, dining & living rooms just for you! MLS #77074226 $117,500

Newer construction ranch home is open concept with cathedral ceilings. All freshly painted for you. Walk into the spacious entry to living room, large kitchen & dining room, family room w/patio doors to covered deck. Master suite also has patio doors out. Two large spare bedrooms. A lot of closets & storage in this home. 4.09 acres with scenic hill sides for privacy. Just a couple minutes to downtown but country living. MLS #77069680 $169,900

Do you have a story worth sharing?

The Paper is always looking for story ideas from our readers. Do you know someone who has a unique hobby or an interesting story that should be shared with the entire county? If so, call Brent Swan at 260-563-8326, or email news@thepaperofwabash.com.


January 9, 2013


LIFE Center to host annual Rally for LIFE Jan. 20 The LIFE Center will host its annual Rally for LIFE Jan. 20, 2 p.m., at the Wabash High School Auditorium. The walk will follow the program, before con-




‘the paper’ CLASSIFIEDS


cluding after refreshments. There will also be a memorial service at the Fall Cemetery Chapel at 1:15 p.m. For more information, contact the

Get a one time 10% DISCOUNT Sign up to have your Invoices and Statements Emailed to You THE PAPER

LIFE Center at 260563-7275 or read the registration form on page 15 of this week’s The Paper of Wabash County.

Thank you to all those involved in a recent benefit for my medical expenses. I was overwhelmed with the kindness and concern of so many people and businesses. Even though it came during the holiday season when expenses run high for everyone, many chose to share their resources with me. This represents the true meaning of the season to me and will never be forgotten. Thank you to special members of the VFW Post 286 for planning, hosting and contributing to this benefit. Thank you for the donations from Miller Furniture, Honeywell Center, God’s Country, JBT’s Karaoke, Dairy Queen, HiGrade Eggs, Betty Watkins, A to Z, Bob Hollenback, Una Bella Pizza, Dye’s Bar & Grill and Denny Motor Sales in Wabash; also to Hair Razor’s in Peru, Auto Zone, NAPA, Aaron’s, Tamasak and Around Again in Huntington. Thank you to the VFW for the meal provided, to all those providing baked goods and items for the auction and to JBT’s Karaoke for making it a fun day. I especially thank all who came to my benefit to show their support and to those that have shown their support silently. You’ve all made my world a little brighter.


of Wabash County Inc.

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The Paper of Wabash County, Inc. P.O. Box 603 • Wabash, IN 46992-0603 Phone 260-563-8326

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Sees Law Group John Thomas Sees Forget snail mail... Receive Invoices Faster and on a Weekly Basis


563-3931 67 S. Wabash Street FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION


We are a debt relief agency and help people file for relief under the bankruptcy code.

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of Wabash County Inc.

Rita Penn & Family




MLS #77073940 • $59,900

January 20, 2013 1:15 pm @ Fall’s Cemetery Chapel LIFE Center will have a short memorial service and time of remembrance for the children who have lost their lives due to abortion, miscarriage, still birth or infancy death. If you have had a child that you would like to be remembered during this special time you may fill out the information below. There will be a candle at the memorial service for you to light. One special candle will be placed and lit for those who have lost their lives due to abortion. All other candles will be for individuals who have lost a child due to miscarriage, still birth or infancy death. Each child’s name will be listed in the memorial program unless otherwise noted. We invite you to then attend the Rally at Wabash Middle School. Yes, I would like to have a Candle to remember the loss of a child. Name:_________________________________________________ OPTIONAL INFORMATION (PLEASE PRINT any of the information below that you would like printed in the program. Name of Child: ___________________________________________________________

• Check out this great house at a price you can’t pass up. • 2 bed – 1 bath – new a/c – new roof • Great starter home or retirement home.

Text MRF4 To 96362

• Private Paradise WABASH 704 WATERWORKS, • 17.53 Acres • Completely Remodeled Farm Home • Close To City Limits MLS #77072651 $235,000

136 E. SINCLAIR ST., WABASH This beautiful home with a 4 car detached garage, 3 bedrooms and large kitchen affords lots of room for a growing family. MLS #77073547 $109,900

Text MRF2 To 96362

433 EUCLID, WABASH • Beautiful 3 Bedroom 1 ½ Bath Home • Quiet Street, Close To Shopping •Double Lot With Low Utilities • Great Family Home! MLS #77073781 $72,500

710 LINLAWN, WABASH • 2 Bed • 1 Bath • Recently Remodeled Home • Large Yard MLS #77074720 $53,900

1102 COLUMBUS ST., WABASH • Great Home • 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath • New Roof In 2012 • MOVE IN READY!!! MLS #77074239 $63,900

446 DELAWARE ST., WABASH • 1 Car Attached Garage • Vinyl Fenced In Back • Three Bedrooms, 1 Bath • Car Siding In Living Room • Located On Quiet Street MLS #77073473 $56,000

Text MRF3 To 96362

Date of birth: _____________________________________________________________ Date of death:_____________________________________________________________ Parent(s) Name: ___________________________________________________________ For our records: Address _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Phone Number : __________________________________________________________ Please return to: LIFE Center, 78 W. Hill St., Wabash IN 46992 All information must be received no later than January 16, 2013

4471 N. 300 E., URBANA • New Master Suite • Finished Basement Family Room • New Siding, Roof, 24 X 30 Pole Barn • Country Living At Its Best! MLS #77073922 $145,000

651 W. MAPLE ST., WABASH · 768 Sq Ft · Newer Roof · Newer Siding · 1 Car Detached Garage · Deck · Asphalt Drive MLS #77055026 $51,900

Text MRF10 To 96362

1535 GLENN AVE., WABASH • Many Updates • 2 Bedroom, 1 Bath • Large Family Room • 1 Car Attached Garage • 2 Car Carport MLS #77069392 $59,900

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January 9, 2013

Grab the milk… it’s Girl Scout Cookie time

Girl Scouts of Northern IndianaMichiana are ready to provide the community with its favorite treat as they learn valuable life lessons. This year, as they celebrate their Year of the Girl – 100th Anniversary, Girl Scout cookies will be on sale beginning Friday, Jan. 11, continuing through March 12.

Customers can help girls build business skills and gain financial knowledge as they sell these Girl Scout Cookie varieties: Thin Mints, Shortbread, Peanut Butter Patties®, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Caramel deLites®, Thanks-ALot™, Lemonades™ and our new Mango Cremes! Mango Cremes combine a

crispy cookie with the taste of mango. No trans fats, hydrogenated oils, or preservatives—just pure island delight. The Girl Scout Cookie Program is the largest girl-led business in the country and helps girls build important life and leadership skills. Through cookie program activities, girls learn how to plan,

build teams, speak up, make decisions, solve problems and manage resources. These skills help girls learn to be leaders – ultimately in their own lives and in our communities. Girls are the main beneficiaries of all Girl Scout cookie activities, directly and indirectly. While learning valuable life skills and earning money for their troops, the girls decide how to spend that money to achieve their troop projects and goals.


PG-13 Showtimes: Starting Friday 7:00 pm Saturday & Sunday 2:00 pm & 7:00 pm


“We don’t know of any other youth-oriented activity where the girls themselves decide what to do with the money they earn,” says Connie Frederick, Product Program Manager. The American Red Cross will be partnering with GSNI-M in Give Blood Get a Cookie. Blood drives will be running from January 11th-31st. Detailed information and locations can be found at gsnim.org or schedule your appointment at redcrossblood.org. V i s i t www.gsnim.org to find a Cookie Booth near you, or to participate in our Cookie Share program; which provides cookies to military troops and personnel. If you don’t know a Girl Scout in your area or would like additional information, please call the Girl Scouts of Northern IndianaMichiana at 800.283.4812. 15727


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Tailgate Giveaway Set for Jan. 11 The next tailgate giveaway for those in need of food who live in Wabash County is scheduled for Friday, Jan. 11, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Dallas L. Winchester Senior Center, 239 Bond Street in Wabash. Patrons should approach the Dallas L. Winchester Senior Center by entering Wabash City Park through the main entrance on Hill Street. Volunteers will be there to guide you through the park and then load items into your vehicle when you arrive at the Center. Should patrons enter a different way, they will be redirected to the proper entrance. Second Harvest tailgates occur the second Friday of every month at the Dallas L Winchester Senior Center. In 2012, volunteers distributed more than 396,000 pounds of food to Wabash County residents in need! Resolve to be Involved – if you

would like to volunteer, come to the senior center by 10:30, the morning of the event and ask for Hannah Daugherty. For more information, please call Hannah at the Dallas L. Winchester Senior Center at 260563-4475. For more than three decades, Living Well in Wabash County CoA, Inc. has implemented three pillars of service: transportation, Community Cupboard, and programs and services for seniors. Each pillar supports the overall mission of assisting residents of Wabash County, with an emphasis on persons of age 60 and over, by meeting their social, physical, economic, and mobility needs. Living Well in Wabash County CoA, Inc. empowers one in four Wabash County residents to live well! The Dallas L. Winchester Senior Center is a United Fund program.

Edwin Ford and the Ford Meter Box Program Edwin Ford and the Ford Meter Box Company will be the subject of the meeting of the Wabash County Historical Society on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. at the Wabash County Historical Museum. Charles Chapman, Ford Meter Box Advertising Manager, will be the presenter. Edwin Ford was the youngest child of Dr. James Ford and inherited his father’s gift for invention. While serving as water

superintendent in Hartford City, he invented the first meter box to keep the meters from freezing in the winter so they could be located outside the home. His workshop was the basement of his home. Fortunate for Wabash, Ford moved the company here in 1911. The program is free and open to the public. Please note that this meeting is on Jan. 15, the third Tuesday of the month.

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Fri. & Sat.: $995 4 to 10 Sun.: 12 to 5 2

POOL TOURNAMENTS Friday & Saturday starting at 7 PM Sunday at 3 PM


January 9, 2013

Continued from page 12

Linda Turner Power of Attorney to Jo Ann Barrows Janet Lewis to Jeffrey Biehl and Gladys Biehl Mabel Cobel to Diane Airgood and Danny Cobel Lynne Schafer and

Charles Schafer to Kim Custer and Jay Custer P&M Realty LLC to Bunn Inc Habitat for Humanity of Whitley County Inc to Christopher Mattern and Malinda Mattern

Troy Bone and Kristie Bone to Robin Davis and Connie Davis Julia Guenin Personal Representative and Catherine Marks Estate and Jack Marks Deceased to Megon Marks

Virginia Balsbaugh, 94 Member of Church of the Brethren April 7, 1918 – Jan. 5, 2013 Virginia M. (Gilbert) Balsbaugh, 94, Denver, passed away, Jan. 5, at Peabody Healthcare Center, North Manchester. She was born April 7, 1918 near Servia to Rev. Elmer H. and Ina Arminda (McFarland) Gilbert. Virginia was a member of the Church of the Brethren at Clear Creek and later the First Brethren Church, Mexico, where she served as deaconess for many years. She married Charles W. Balsbaugh on Dec. 28, 1941 at the Clear Creek Church of the Brethren, Huntington County, Indiana by her father, Rev. Elmer H. Gilbert. Charles preceded her in death Nov. 27, 2009. Virginia graduated from Chester High School, North Manchester, Indiana in 1936 and received her teaching degree from Manchester College. She received her Master’s Degree in Library Science from Ball State University, in 1961. She taught school at Mexico, Metea, Deedsville and Macy and was the first librarian at North Miami High School, retiring in 1973. She was a member of Pink Ladies, Indiana State Teachers Association, Delta Kappa Gamma, Literary Club and the Women’s Missionary Society. Virginia loved to read, play the piano, crochet, sew and play cards. She is survived by three daughters: Jean A. Musselman and husband Donald G., Linda M. Koenig and husband Jack C., and Peggy J. Wellsand and husband William D., all of Denver; five grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren; her sister, B. Josephine (Gilbert) Hibbs and husband Orlo, Columbia City, her sister-in-law, Marguerite A. Buckingham, Warsaw; several cousins; and many nieces and nephews. Virginia was preceded in death by her husband, four sisters and two brothers; Ethel M. (Gilbert) and husband Myron E. Hyde, E. Madeline (Gilbert) and husband William M. Walls, M. Louise Gilbert, Arthur R. Gilbert and wife Marsha R. (Pearson), Dorotha P. (Gilbert) and husband J. Eldon Zinsmeister, J. Edward Gilbert and wife Mildred L. (Morris) and her brothers-in-law, Herman L. Buckingham and Jack Hively. Friends may call on Wednesday, Jan. 9, 2013 from noon until and 2 p.m. at the McClain Funeral Home, Denver, with services at 2 p.m. with Pastor Matthew Haynes officiating. Burial will follow at Greenlawn Cemetery at Mexico. Memorial contributions may be made to the First Brethren Church in Mexico, or the North Miami High School Library. The online guestbook can be signed at www.mcclainfh.com.

Wells Fargo Bank Trustee to Natasha Niccum and Scott Niccum Linda Dolby to Lance Dolby Bryon Cooper and Anthony Cooper to Candice Cooper Jerry Dunn to David Wamsley Trustee and David Wamsley Living Trust Crossroads Bank to Brad Eberly and April Eberly Mary Jane Garrison to Vada Farm Inc David Hobbs, John Hobbs deceased, Angela Hobbs deceased, Rober Lundquist Power of Attorney, Cynthia Stephens and Cathy Hodson to Shaylan King Lorraine Pitts, Robert Pitts and Max Pitts to James Mulkey

Jeremy Monroe and Birdie Monroe to Michael Monroe and Lisa Monroe Norma Jean Bechtold and Max Bechtold deceased to Norma Jean Life Estate and Denise Siepker Margreta Miller to Kyle Schuler and Christina Schuler Michael Loschiavo to Angela Loschiavo Kae Gifford to Kae Gifford Trust Agreement Kae Gifford to Amanda Gifford Lalon Allen and Tamara Allen to Brett Williams and Morgan Williams Calvin Blocher Trustee and Robert Blocher Family Trust to Gannon Shelton and Anne Shelton Robert Burt to

Pleasant Home Farm Inc Anthony Cooper and Bryon Cooper to David Kratzer and Pamela Kratzer Glenn Grumbling Trustee, Nancy Grumbling Trustee and Grumbling Living Trust to Jeffery Lawson and Lori Lawson Kenton Dale, Lois hart, Lisa King, Kenton Martin and Thomas Martindale to James Rosen James Rosen to Jon Rosen Karen Askins Trustee, Mylin Carr Rev Trust, Katherine Carr Rev Trust and Judy Hettmansperger to Jerry Renbarger Rev Trust, Randy Renbarger and Cindy Renbarger Katherine Carr


Trust and William Hetzler Trustee to Jerry Renbarger, Joan Renbarger, Randy Renbarger and Cindy Renbarger Kenneth Combs to Erron Nealis and Leigh Ann Nealis Robert Keiffer and Janice Keiffer to Robert Keiffer Trustee, Janice Keiffer Trustee, Robert Keiffer Living Trust, and Janice Keiffer Living Trust Donald Watkins and Loranie Watkins to Sheila Bishir, Sam Watkins, Donald Watkins and Donald Watkins Life Estate and Loraine Watkins Life Estate Linda Landes to Charles Miller and Linda Miller

Ernest Powell, 62 Former Lincolnville Fire Department chief Aug. 27, 1950 – Jan. 5, 2013

Ernest E. “Smoke” Powell, 62, of rural Lincolnville, Indiana, died at 2:40 p.m. Saturday, January 5, 2013 at Visiting Nurse and Hospice Home in Fort Wayne. He was born August 27, 1950 in Wabash, Indiana to William Kenneth “Kenny” and Christine (Edmonds) Powell. Smoke married Lori (Fryer) Kieninger in Wabash on March 27, 1981. He worked at Exel in Bunker Hill, Indiana the past 3 years, at Zimmer Medical in Warsaw 17 years, and Brown from Wabash 21 years. He was a lifelong Lincolnville resident. Smoke was a member and the former chief of the Lincolnville Volunteer Fire Department. He enjoyed tinkering on tractors and machinery, and he designed and built his own log splitter. He enjoyed fishing, skeet shooting, and being outdoors, and especially loved his grandchildren. He is survived by his wife, Lori Powell, rural Lincolnville; five children, Steven K. Kieninger, Wabash, Michael E. (Trisha) Powell, Bronson, Iowa, Casa (Donny) Goff, Edgerton, Ohio, Dereka (Shaun) Samuel, Wabash, and Cindy Stellar, Huntington; 10 grandchildren, one great grandchild; two brothers, William Kenneth (Susie) Powell, Wabash, and Steven (Carolyn Myers) Powell, Roann; and his sister, Linda (Terry) Sloan, LaFontaine. Funeral services will be held at Grandstaff-Hentgen Funeral Service, 1241 Manchester Ave. Wabash, Wed., Jan. 9, 10 a.m. with Pastor Doug Barton officiating. Burial will be in Center Grove Cemetery, Lincolnville. Friends may call 2-8 p.m. Tuesday at the funeral home. Preferred memorial is Visiting Nurse and Hospice Home, 5910 Homestead Rd., Fort Wayne, Indiana 46814. The memorial guest book for Smoke may be signed at www.grandstaff-hentgen.com.


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Southwood routs Apaches in TRC action Squires pick up first TRC win, Northfield falls to Tippecanoe Valley

Despite a Herculean effort from Apache senior Breyton Nealis, Southwood moved to 2-0 on the Three Rivers Conference with a 70-49 home win over Wabash Friday. Meanwhile, Manchester’s boys basketball team moved to 2-7 on the season and 1-1 in TRC play after besting North Miami Friday, 56-42. Also Friday, Northfield’s boys basketball team fell to 1-1 in the TRC and 6-5 overall after falling at Tippecanoe Valley Friday, 63-43. Here’s what happened: Southwood 70, Wabash 49 Southwood juniors Jackson Blair and Corey Phillipy scored 19 and 18 points, respectively, to lead the Knights to their fifth-straight win, a 70-49 win Friday over Wabash. Wabash played Southwood close after the first quarter, trailing just 16-14. The Knights, however, forced Wabash into seven secondquarter turnovers, outscoring the Apaches 22-8 in that span. Blair added five rebounds and three steals to his 19 points, while Phillipy had six rebounds. Levi Sutton had 12 points, two steals and three assists. Nealis added nine points, an assist and a steal to his game-high 30 points. Tyler Brewer scored six and Cody King added five points. Manchester 56, North Miami 42 Freshman guard Chase Fierstos erupted for 27 points Friday night in a hostile environment, nailing five triples at North Miami during a 56-42 Squire victory. He scored 11 points in the first as Manchester outscored the Warriors 19-1 in the quarter. North Miami could not dig out of the 18point hole. Clayton Petrie followed Fierstos with 19 points and Claudel Dickantone added eight. Tippecanoe Valley 63, Northfield 43 The Vikings outscored Northfield 44-25 through the first three quarters en route to a 63-43 home victory over the Norse Friday evening. Ryan Keaffaber led Northfield with 12 points, four rebounds, three assists and three steals. Tanner Wilcox added 11 points, eight boards and a steal. Jon Richardson had eight points, two rebounds and two steals in the loss for the 65 Norse.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Knight girls grab top spot in TRC Flack leads Manchester to win, Northfield routes Valley The league portion of the schedule continued Thursday and Saturday for the Three Rivers Conference girls teams. After besting Wabash 43-34 in Coolman Gymnasium Saturday, Southwood sits atop the TRC standings with a 4-0 league record, dropping the Apaches to 3-1. Northfield picked up a convincing 54-32 home win over Tippecanoe Valley Thursday, improving to 2-2 in the TRC. Manchester’s conference record also moved to 2-2 after the Squires won 62-56 at home over North Miami. Here’s what happened: Southwood 43, Wabash 34 In a battle of ranked TRC opponents, 2A’s No. 17 Southwood (9-3) upset No. 15 Wabash (8-6) 43-34 Saturday in Coolman Gymnasium. Southwood took a 16-14 lead into halftime and the Apaches didn’t take a lead until shortly into the third quarter. Claire Cromer’s triple put Wabash up 17-16 and a back-and-forth battle ensued, but Southwood escaped the quarter up 29-26 and never surrendered the lead. Southwood senior Sarah White led all scorers with 15 points to go with three rebounds, four assists and a steal. Anna Marie Farlow added nine points, 10 rebounds, two steals and a block. Kaley Harness chipped in six points, four rebounds, five assists and two steals. Claire Cromer paced the

Apaches with 10 points, four rebounds, an assist and three steals. Charlie Pardo scored six points with three boards and an assist. Lyndsie Thomas had six points and six rebounds. Northfield 54, Tippecanoe Valley 32 Katie Stephan’s career high 16 points led a balanced Norse scoring attack during a 54-32 route over Tippecanoe Valley Thursday evening. Stephan shot 6-of-10 from the floor, including 2-for-2 from beyond the 3-point arc. She also gathered in five rebounds, three assists and two steals. The point guard also turned the ball over just once. Senior Sydney Eltzroth followed with 14 points, seven rebounds, an assist and six steals. Sidney Reed added 11 points, five rebounds, four assists, a steal and two blocked shots. Kylie Echard had nine points, eight rebounds, an assist, two steals and four blocks. The Norse moved to 10-3 on the season and are currently tied with Wabash in the Indiana Coaches of Girls Sports Association 2A poll at No. 15. Two of Northfield’s losses came in TRC play, to Wabash and Southwood, but the Norse avenged those by defeating the Knights and Apaches in back-to-back days in the Wabash County Tournament. Manchester 62, North Miami 56 Manchester senior Kayla Flack exploded for a season-high 31 points Saturday as the Squires edged North Miami 62-56. Flack’s 31 points came on an efficient shooting night. She shot

60 percent (15-for-25) from the field, including 5-for-9 from 3point range. She also had eight rebounds, six assists and three steals. Following Flack were Bekah Brunn, Autumn Brewer and Tabby DeWitt, who each scored nine points. Brunn added six rebounds and a steal, Brewer had 13 rebounds, an assist, a block and a pair of steals, and DeWitt added six rebounds and an assist.

NORTHFIELD JUNIOR KYLIE ECHARD scores from down under during No. 15 Northfield’s 54-32 win against Tippecanoe Valley at home Thursday. The 6-foot Echard gathered nine points, eight rebounds and four blocks. (photo by J.D. Sparks) Manchester moved to 5-8 (2-2 TRC) with the win.

Wabash County grapplers fair well ponents. Meanwhile, Jared Kirtlan and Kyle Houlihan finished second at the 145 and 182 pound weight classes, respectively. Freshman Drew Clark ended the day in third place third in the 106-pound weight class. Dustin Lee at 220, Spencer Miller at 170 and Cody Smalley at 138 all finished in fourth place.

Northfield High School to host fundraiser Jan. 12 The Northfield High School Junior Class will hold a Nelson’s Port-A-Pit chicken fundraiser Jan. 12 prior to the Lady Norse basketball game against North Miami. Dine-in and carry out will be available from 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the high school. Tickets are $6 for a half chicken.

SOUTHWOOD SENIOR SARAH WHITE goes for two of her game-high 15 points during the Knights’43-34 win over Wabash in Coolman Gymnasium Saturday evening. (photo by Gary Andrews)

SOUTHWOOD 172 POUNDER ALEX HUILTS pins an opponent Saturday at the New Haven Duals. (photo provided) Norse finish fifth The Northfield and Southwood Senior 195 pounder Joseph wrestling team both saw action on Saturday. The Norse traveled Ross claimed the lone individual to the New Haven Tournament, title for the Norse Saturday at the while Southwood competed at New Haven Tournament, leading Northfield to a fifth-place finish the Adam Central Duals. out of eight teams. Here’s what happened: Ross pinned all three of his op-

Proud Sponsors of Wabash County Athletics!

Knights finish 2-3 The Southwood Knights wrestling team returned to action Saturday at the Adams Central Duals. The Knights were 2-3 as a team, defeating Norwell 5724 and Bluffton 57-22. Southwood fell to Brownsburg 24-36, Dwenger 27-36, and Snider 58-18. Colton Dawes (115) went 5-0 to pace Southwood. Chance Enyeart (134), Zack Gunter (120) and Nick McCown (182) each went 4-1. “(Dawes) showed excellent

skills on his feet, coupled with smart down wrestling,” said Southwood Head Coach Cary Hammel. “(It was) Colton’s best wrestling this season. (Enyeart) put together five great matches, but lost one very tight match to a missed call. Chances’ efforts shown through the adversity as he turned several solid moves from the bottom. I am expecting a strong finish to his season.” “(Gunter) is continuing a great freshman season. He only lost to his ranked Snider opponent Erique Easly, a state place winner in 2012. (McCown) also went 4-1, losing to Ben Evans, a state ranked opponent from Bishop Dwenger, by a score of 4-0.” Wrestlers posting 3-2 records were Brandon Simpson (108), Jonathon Friedersdorf (140), Kale Weiss (154), Brenden Schleining (162), and Jake Smith (287).


January 9, 2013


CHURCH DIRECTORY 1100 N. Cass St. Wabash, IN

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ASSEMBLY OF GOD Gospel Light Assembly of God, 347 Southwood Dr.; Neil Jeffrey, pastor. Sunday School 9:45 a.m. (all ages); Morning 10:30; Evening Service 6:00 p.m., Kids’ Korral Wednesday Midweek Service 7:00 p.m., Youth Meeting 7:00 p.m. Calvary Chapel Worship Center, north of corner of U.S. 24 & S.R. 13 (619 N. S.R. 13) in Wabash; phone 563-7849; Don Cogar, Senior Pastor. Sunday Bible Classes at 9:00 a.m.; Morning Worship, 10:00 a.m.; Evening Praise & Worship, 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer, 7:00 p.m.; Shockwave Youth Meeting Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. Handicapped Accessible. Sweetwater Assembly of God, 2551 State Road 114 East, North Manchester, IN; phone 260-982-6179; Pastor Chad McAtee. Prayer Service at 9a.m.; Worship Service at 10a.m..; Wednesday Evening Discipleship at 6:30 p.m. Adult Bible Study/Elevate Youth Discipleship/KidzZone “LIVE”. BAPTIST Emmanuel Free Will Baptist, 129 Southwood Dr., Wabash; Rev. Scott Real pastor. Phone 563-3009. Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Sunday Service 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening Service 6 p.m.; Wednesday Morning Prayer Service 11 a.m.; Wednesday Prayer Meeting & Bible Study 7 p.m.; Bus transportation available, call 563-3009. Erie Street Free Will Baptist Church, 1056 Erie Street, Wabash; phone 563-8616; Hobert Meek, pastor, 563-8616. Sunday School, 10:00 a.m.; Worship Service, 11:00 a.m.; Youth Service, 5:00 p.m.; Sunday Evening Service, 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Prayer Service, 6:00 p.m. Transportation and nursery available. Sunday morning radio broadcast from 8:30 to 9:00 a.m. Sundays mornings on Oldies 106. Grand Street Baptist Church, 1655 Grand Street, Wabash; John Denniston, pastor, phone 765-981-2868; church phone: 563-8409. Sunday School 10:00 a.m.; Morning Service 11:00 a.m.; Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening 6:00 p.m. BRETHREN CHURCH Liberty Mills Church of the Brethren, 103 North Third St., Liberty Mills, IN; Church Phone: (260) 982-6169. Pastor: Kelly Beutler; Associate Pastor: Erin Huiras. Sunday Schedule: Traditional Worship: 8:30 a.m.; Sunday School All Ages: 9:45 a.m.; Fellowship Time: 10:30 a.m.; Contemporary Worship: 11:00 a.m. Wabash Church of the Brethren, 645 Bond Street ( off Falls Avenue) 260-563-5291. Kay Gaier, Pastor. Wherever you are on life’s journey, come join us as we continue the work of Jesus - Peacefully, Simply, Together. WINTER HOURS: Worship at 10:30 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Children’s church available during worship. Handicap accessible. CATHOLIC St. Bernard Catholic, Corner of Cass & Sinclair Sts.; Fr. Sextus Don, Pastor. Parish Office and Rectory: 207 N. Cass St., phone 563-4750. Saturday Evening Mass 5:30 p.m.; Sunday Masses: 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. (Sept. thru May); 8:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. (June thru August); CCD 9:30 a.m. each Sunday during school year. Weekday Masses: Mon., Wed., Fri., 5:30 p.m.; Tues. & Thurs. 8 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation 4:15 -5:15 p.m. Saturday or anytime by appointment. St. Patrick Catholic, Lagro, Mass at 12:30 p.m. first Sunday of each month. CHRISTIAN Dora Christian Church, located 1 1/2 miles South of Salamonie Dam, Lagro; phone 260-782-2006. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Early Service 8:15 a.m.; Church Service 10:30 a.m. Minister: Mark Wisniewski. LaFontaine Christian Church, 202 Bruner Pike, LaFontaine; Phone 765-981-2101; Pastor Rick Smalling; Youth Pastor Jared Kidwell. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Worship 10:00 am. Nursery Available. Wabash Christian Church, 110 W. Hill St., Wabash; phone 260-563-4179; Rev. Melinda Kammerer, Pastor; Worship Service 9:30 a.m.; Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Nursery provided.

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CHRISTIAN HERITAGE CHURCH Christian Heritage Church, 2776 River Rd.; Tim Prater, pastor. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship Service 10:30 a.m.; Sunday Evening 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Bible Study, 9:00 a.m. & 6:00 p.m.; Radio Ministry 8:30 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Sunday WKUZ 95.9 FM. CHRISTIAN & MISSIONARY ALLIANCE Wabash Alliance Church, 1200 N. Cass St., 563-8503; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:45 a.m. (Kidz Worship, ages 4 through Grade 3); Sunday Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening Family Night: activities include AWANA (6:30 p.m.); Alliance Allies (Teens) 7:00 p.m.; Adult Bible Study & Prayer 7:00 p.m. Nursery provided. Handicap Accessible. CHURCH OF CHRIST Bachelor Creek Church of Christ, 4 miles north of Wabash on St. Rd. 15; phone 563-4109; website: http://www.bachelorcreek.com; Solomon David, Senior Minister; Michael Eaton, Worship Minister; Aaron McClary, Students Minister; David Lloyd, Children’s Ministeries; Linda Mirante, Associate Ministries; Curt Turanchik, Minister of Connections; Kathy Henderson, Director of “Happy Days” Preschool; Ken Goble, Senior Adult Minister. Dual Bible School & Worship, 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. Church of Christ at Treaty, 5 Miles South of Wabash on St. Rd. 15 to 50 E, (N about 1000 feet); Doug Oakes, minister; Artie Weisenbarger, youth minister. Church phone (765) 981-4345. Bible School 9:00 a.m.; Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.; Sunday Evening Services 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Wednesday evening meal at 5:45 p.m. Adult study & youth activity for all ages begins at 6:30 p.m. Church of Christ at Wabash, 1904 N. Wabash St., Wabash (corner of N. Wabash St. & State Route 24); Evangelist Guy G. Provance Jr.; office phone 563-8234. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Worship Hour 10:00 a.m.; Evening Worship Hour 6:30 p.m.; Mid-Week Bible Study & Youth J.A.M. Program on Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. Classes & activities for all ages. DVS CHURCH OF GOD (ANDERSON) First Church of God, 525 N. Miami St., Wabash; church 563-5346; Robert Rensberger, pastor. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. for all ages; Continental Breakfast at 10:00 a.m., Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 a.m. Nursery care is available during worship service. Stair lift available. COMMUNITY CHURCH Grace Fellowship Church - Where Christ is our Passion and People are our Purpose, 4652 S. 100 W., Wabash; phone 260-563-8263; Pastor Rick Harrison. Sunday Morning: Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Service: Faith In Action 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday Evening: Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 6:00 p.m . FRIENDS CHURCH Wabash Friends Church, 3563 S. St. Rd. 13, Wabash; phone 563-8452; www.wabashfriends.org; email: info@wabashfriends.org; Alex Falder, Lead Pastor; Scott Makin, Director of Counseling; Pat Byers, Worship Pastor; Brandon Eaton, Youth Pastor; Kathy Jaderholm, Children’s Pastor. Dave Phillips, Pastoral Care, Dan Burnham, Discipleship and Outreach Pastor.; First Service 8:00 a.m.; Second Service 10:25 a.m.; Third Service 10:35 a.m.; Sunday School 9:15 a.m.; Youth Group 6:30 p.m. Handicap Accessible. LUTHERAN Living Faith Church, worship service this Sunday at Falls Chapel, 725 Falls Avenue begins at 10:00 am. Please join us for an uplifting worship service filled with contemporary and traditional music, prayer, and a Bible-based message. Bible study classes for all ages begin at 9:00 am with fellowship time after worship. Everyone is welcome to join us for worship, inspiration and fellowship. Our facility is handicap accessible. www.livingfaithwabash.org


Christy Kisner Broker/Owner

Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-5pm, Sat By Appointment Only (Any other day or time by appointment) 503 N. Cass St., Wabash, IN

Zion Lutheran Church, (Missouri Synod), 173 Hale Drive, Wabash – (260) 563-1886; Sunday School 9:15a.m.; Morning worship 10:30a.m.; Wednesday Service - December 19th, Advent Service, Rev. Jeremy Yeadon will conduct the service. Soup Supper at 6:00 p.m. and Service at 7:00 p.m.; Sunday Service – December 23rd, 4th Sunday in Advent, Rev. Jeremy Yeadon will conduct the Adult Sunday School Class and Worship Service, Organist is Susan Garrett, Elder is Gary Masterson, Usher is Tom Panning, Reader is Hallie Zolman, and Acolyte is Emma Winkelman. Sunday School at 9:15 a.m. and Worshp Service at 10:30 a.m.; Christmas Eve Service December 24th, Monday, 7:00 p.m., Rev. Jeremy Yeadon will conduct the Holy Communion Service, Elder is Gary Masterson, Communion Assistant Kevin Teulker, Usher is Tom Panning, and Acolyte is Tyler Robison.; Christmas Day Service - December 25th, Tuesday, 9:00 a.m., Rev. Jeremy Yeadon will conduct the Worship Service, Organist is Susan Garrett, Elder is Gary Masterson, Usher is Tom Panning and Acolyte is Mason Zolman. Trinity Lutheran Church, (ELCA)1500 S. Wabash St., Wabash, IN 46992, 260.563.6626, tlcwabash@gmail.com. We worship our Lord each Sunday at 9 a.m. with a Gospel-based message and Holy Communion. There is a time of fellowship and refreshments immediately following the service. We are handicap accessible and everyone is welcome at Trinity! CONGREGATIONAL CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Congregational Christian Church, 310 N. Walnut Street, North Manchester; Phone: 260-982-2882; www.brightlightccc.org; Sunday Praise & Worship Services - 8:30 & 11:00 AM. Sunday School for all ages: 10:00 AM. Celebrate Recovery to help overcome life’s hurts, habits & hangups Thursday - Worship at 7-7:40 PM; Gender-based small groups at 7:45-8:30 PM. Celebration Station for children 12 and under during the same time. Pastors JP Freeman and Sebrena Cline. WESLEYAN CHURCH Washington Street Wesleyan Church, 480 Washington Street, Wabash. Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Morning worship 10:30 a.m.; Evening service 6:00 p.m.. Wednesday Service 7:00 p.m. Prayer and Praise. Pastor Rev. Pastor Joe & Cindy Ruder. Phone 260-274-0119 NON-DENOMINATIONAL Christian Fellowship Church, 1002 State Road 114 East N. Manchester, IN 46962; Service times: Sundays -- Sunday School, 9 AM; Worship and Kids Church, 10 AM; Evening Service, 7 PM; Birthday Dinner the first Sunday night of the month: 6 PM. Wednesday night: Adult Bible Study: 7 PM; Missionettes and Royal Rangers: 7 PM. Youth Group: Sunday Nights at 6 PM. Children's Choir: Wednesdays at 6 PM. Second Sunday of each month, 7 PM, Possibilities Support Group for parents of children with special needs. We specialize in ministering to people with special needs and welcome families of children with autism and developmental delays. Come as you are. We don't follow rules, we follow Jesus. Everyone is welcome no matter what walk of life you are from. Pastors Eddie and Karla Akins 260-578-0190. On the web: http://cfcpeople.org. Email:eddieakins@gmail.com Dinner Table Ministries, 31 E. Market St. Wabash,In 260-571-7686 0r 260-274-2145. www.dinnertableministries.com; Pastor: Roxane Mann; Sunday Worship 10:30am; Kids Church 10:30am; Wednesday 6pm, Ladies Only Wed. 7:30pm; Friday Recovery meeting 6pm. Our focus is on the Word of God Verse by Verse to better know Christ And be transformed in the light of His truth. Come as you are all are welcome! Encouraging Truth Ministries, Nixon Room in the Honeywell Center; Pastor Jackie Weaver; phone 765833-4793. Sunday School 9:00 a.m.; Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Faith Harvest Fellowship Church, meets in the Bowen Center gymnasium at 255 N Miami St. Wabash, IN. Pastor Bruce Hostetler can be reached at 260-571-0548 or 260-563-4282. The church office is located at 2609 S. 100 W. Wabash, IN. We focus on knowing Christ and making Christ known through personal and community transformation. Join us on Sunday at 10 a.m. for food and fellowship followed by our worship celebration and Children’s worship at 10:15 a.m. YOU are also invited to our Wednesday evening Going Deeper class from 6:30-8 p.m.



New Foundations Ministries Freedom Center, 111 Falls Ave., Wabash; phone 260-569-0630; Pastor Rick Tolley. Sunday Adult Bible Study & Fellowship 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.; Tuesday 7pm Bible Study. Center for biblical council by appointment. St. Paul’s County Line Church, 3995N 1000W, Phone 786-3365. Non-Denominational. Pastor Conrad Thompson. Sunday School at 9:00 a.m. Worship at 10:00 a.m. Youth program 6-8 p.m. on Sunday. Wednesday night Bible Study at 7 p.m. Walk by Faith Community Church, corner of Chippewa & Beamer Sts. in Roann; phone (765) 833-9931; fax (765) 8336561 Sunday School: 9:00 a.m.; Worship: 10:00 a.m.; Children’s Worship: 10:00 a.m.; Pastor - Brad Eckerley; Youth Pastor - Jody Tyner; Pastoral Care Minister - Donna Stiver; Sunday, January 13, 2012; Our worship leader for this Sunday is Bryan Eckerley. Our greeters for this Sunday will be John and Sharon West and Aaron and Kristi Turner. Pastor Brad Eckerley will be sharing the message with us. We invite all to come and worship.; Jan. 14 - Leadership meeting 7 p.m.; Jan. 15 - TEA at TWO on TUESDAY’s; Men’s Bible Study meets Wednesday mornings at 6:30 a.m.; “The Source” Youth Ministry meets every Sunday at 6 p.m. All are welcome; Small groups meet at 6 p.m. Sunday evenings. PRESBYTERIAN Presbyterian Church, 123 W. Hill St., Wabash; phone 260-563-8881; fax 260-563-8882; Minister Rev. Jonathan Cornell; Sunday Morning Schedule, Sunday School: 9:30am, Worship 10:30am; nursery available; handicap accessible sanctuary; email: office@wabashpresbyterian.com; website: WabashPresbyterian.com; There are no perfect people allowed. We invite you to come experience a relationship with the living God through: relationships, worship, and service. UNITED METHODIST Christ United Methodist Church, intersections of Wabash, Stitt & Manchester Ave.; phone 563-3308. Phil Lake, pastor. Facilities & provisions for the physically handicapped, hearing & sight impaired. Air conditioned. Worship 8:00am & 10:00am. with kids message and wee-worship at 10am service, MultiMedia Worship W/Praise Team; Sunday School 9:00 a.m. First United Methodist Church, 110 N. Cass St. Wabash, IN; Senior Pastor Rev. Kurt Freeman, Minister of Family Life and Outreach Rev. Heather Olson-Bunnell; Sunday Schedule 8:00 & 10:00 a.m. Worship Service, 9:00 a.m. Teen & Adult Sunday School; Children’s Breakfast Club & Activities, 10:15 a.m. Sunday School for Pre-School thru 5th Grade following Children’s Message (except for 1st Sunday each month.), Kids First Child Care, Monday through Friday 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Missie Edwards, Director LaFontaine United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 57 (Kendall & Main St.), LaFontaine; Phone: 765.981.4021; Email: lafontaineumc@embarqmail.com Pastor Brad Garrett. Sunday School Adult & Teens: 9:00 a.m.; Children’s Breakfast Club & Activities: 9:00 a.m.; Worship & Children’s Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.; Nursery is provided; Men’s Fellowship is the 1st Sunday of each month 8:00 a.m.; Prayer and Share every Wednesday 5:45 p.m.; Bible Study every Thursday morning 10:00 a.m. North Manchester United Methodist Church, 306 East Second St., North Manchester; (260) 982-7537; Pastor Kevin G. Dekoninck. (260) 578-2160; Worship 8:15 a.m.; Coffee Fellowship Time 9:00 a.m.; Sunday School 9:30 a.m.; Worship 10:30 a.m.



January 9, 2013


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Continued on page 23

Your perfect wedding starts with invitations. Come in and let us show you invitations, announcements napkins, bridal books & accessories

563-8326 ‘the paper’


January 9, 2013


‘the paper’ of Wabash County, Inc., P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.00 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ each word thereafter. Deadline 12:00 noon on Monday

EDG ends another banner year... Linda Gabel retires... continued from front page

continued from front page tion infrastructure, Konyha said. It is being built on a utility easement in the Wabash Industrial Park. “The land is unbuildable otherwise,” Konyha added. “The tower will benefit the entire county when completed.” Construction of the tower was approved by the Wabash Board of Zoning Appeals Dec. 20 and the building permit was granted the next day. EDG officials processed a total of 82 leads in 2012, 69 dealing with businesses contemplating expansion into new communities and the balance

Wabash Hoosier Salon hosts Indiana Landscapes Exhibit Wabash Hoosier Salon opens 2013 with a new Indiana Landscapes Exhibit featuring oils and watercolors by the local artists and members of Hoosier Salon: Joanne, Breen, Sarah Luginbill, Linda Shoults, and Jerry Smith. The exhibit will remain at the gallery until Feb. 10. The grand opening reception will take place on Friday, Jan. 4, from 5 - 8 p.m. Light refreshments catered by the Charley Creek Inn will be served through the evening. The event will be enriched by the selections from the American Songbook sing by an operatic soprano, Shelley Ploss. She is a native of Peru and an adjunct professor of voice at Manchester University. The event is free of charge and open to the public. All art pieces will be available for purchase at the event and throughout the month of January. For more information about the event, membership, volunteering and sponsorship opportunities contact Sana Szewczyk, Gallery Manager, at 260-5630454, or email at wabashgallery@hoosi ersalon.com. The gallery is located at 111 W. Market Street in Wabash.

either existing businesses or new startups. Twenty-seven of those leads dealt with Greenfield sites and the remaining 55 were looking for an existing building. Forty-one of those leads were tied to manufacturing, two to distribution, 15 to food or value- added agricultural processing and 24 classified as other. Konyha said 18 of the leads are still active, 53 have been eliminated and 10 were completed. Forty of the leads came from the Indiana Economic D e v e l o p m e n t Corporation, 20 came from EDG staff members and 17 came from Northeast Indiana Regional Partnership. “Of the leads, 67

percent were targeted at existing buildings,” Konyha said. “We have very few buildings in Wabash County that are not either functionally or economically obsolete. The ceiling heights are not nearly high enough, many have wood roof truss and do not meet the insurance requirements currently in effect. Therefore our Greenfield sites often have to compete with vacant buildings.” EDG assisted manufacturing, machinery, automotive, health care and communications industries to create economic and employment opportunities this past year. And it also attracted $2,375,000 in grants

an avid gardener and wants to move flowers from her current house to the new house. Linda also volunteers with the Presbyterian Church she attends. Linda and Bill are looking forward to their 50th wedding anniversary in July. Instead of a party, the couple plans to take a long road trip visiting their children and

grandchildren on the west coast. They will go up to Washington State to visit one of their sons and then down to California where their daughter lives. During the trip they will stop through the Redwood Forest, Yellowstone National Park and other sights. Once retired, Linda plans to stay busy and work on chores, starting with housework.

during 2012. “These grants directly support Wabash County people and businesses,” Konyha said, “and nearly $500,000 is tied directly to training activities that add value to Wabash County people. The Public Arts Grant was an initiative of Wabash Marketplace, Inc. and Manchester

Mainstreet and was supported by EDG.” In November, Dan Hasler, secretary of commerce and executive officer of the IEDC, reported the IEDC had already worked with 220 companies that had made decisions to expand or establish a new business in Indiana, one more than the 219 the office processed in all of 2011. “Indiana is on a hot streak and we have no plans to slow down,” Hasler said. Wabash County isn’t slowing down either.

Linda says she will probably get up at her usual time due to

habit, but is looking forward no longer setting the alarm.



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January 9, 2013

‘the paper’ of Wabash County, Inc., P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.00 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ each word thereafter. Deadline 12:00 noon on Monday

The Classifieds bring together buyers and sellers every day!


260-563-8326 www.thepaperofwabash.com



CADNET Ad Network

SATURDAY JANUARY 12, 2013 10:00 A.M. Location: Kosciusko Co. Fairgrounds, Warsaw, IN. Articles: Antiques, glassware, coins, appliances, household goods, Trailblazer, boat, tools. Auctioneer: Metzger Auctioneers & Appraisers.

READER ADVISORY: The national trade association we belong to has purchased the below classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer “employment” but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstances should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it’s illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. 800 numbers may or may not reach Canada.

SATURDAY JANUARY 12, 2013 10:00 A.M. Location: 1213 Manchester Ave., Wabash. Articles: TV sets, knives, furniture, entertainment center, washer & dryers, stove, drum set, antiques & more. Too many to mention. Auctioneer: Wabash Cannonball Auction.

(Accross from Dollar General on Southside)

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For Sale Or Rent 808 Manchester Ave. (Wabash) Across from Ford Meter Box

DIRECT TO Home Satellite TV $19.99/mo. Free Installation FREE HD/DVR Upgrade Credit/Debit Card Req. Call 1-800-795-3579

!!OLD GUITARS WANTE D ! ! Gibson,Martin,Fender,Gret sch. 1930-1980. Top Dollar paid!! Call Toll Free 1-866433-8277


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GOOD APPLIANCES: used washers, dryers, ranges & refrigerators. 30 day warranty! 35 E. Canal St., Wabash, 260-5630147. FIREWOOD FOR SALE: Large dumptruck load of sawmill firewood. $120 delivered within zone #1. Quality Hardwood Products, 260-839-3205 or 800-522-3234. DEER PROCESSING For Sale: All the equipment you would need. 20% off all merchandise in the bait shop. 20% off all artificial flowers. Wabash General Store, 260-563-3322. BARWARE FOR Sale: glasses, margarita glasses, wine glasses w/wooden caddy & much more!!! $2-$10, 260-563-1826. AB ROLLER, $20, 260563-1826. 55” BIG Screen TV, Sony. $100/obo, 260-224-2617. 150 SMALL bales alfalfa/grass hay, no rain & clean, $8.50/bale; 1983 Chevy 1/2 ton 305 cab, $1,200/obo, 765-4912060. $125 QUEEN PILLOWTOP Mattress Set. NEW in Plastic, Can Deliver (260)493-0805 A BRAND NEW KING PILLOWTOP Mattress Set, $225, Still in Factory Plastic (260)493-0805. $350 CHERRY Sleigh Bed, NEW, Solid Wood w/NEW PILLOWTOP Mattress Set, un-opened, (260)493-0805.

Employment LOCAL DRIVER wanted, 3 yrs. experience, good MVR, bonuses, holiday pay, $840/wk. average. Call Patti at 260-691-0153, 10a.m.-5p.m. LOCAL CLEANING Service has an opening for a general cleaning position. Applications may be obtained during the hours of 8a.m.-4p.m., daily at 732 Falls Ave., Wabash. No phone calls will be accepted.

Professional Office Commercial Property

For employment information and complete job listings, visit www.advantagehhc.com

Articles For Sale

Wanted WANTED: RAW Furs: Coon x, $10; fox, $15; musk rat, $6; mink, $13; beaver, $16; coyote, $7, 260-330-0112. WANTED: GOOD country home for spayed female dog, 260-563-5022. WANTED: DEPENDABLE vehicle, reasonable mileage, must be able to make payments, 260-3304144.


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January 9, 2013


‘the paper’ of Wabash County, Inc., P.O. Box 603, Wabash, IN 46992. Classified Ads: $9.00 for first 20 words in advance: 15¢ each word thereafter. Deadline 12:00 noon on Monday

WANTED TO BUY!!! Gold Jewelry: rings, bracelets, necklaces, watches, etc., tie tacks, service pins, gold coins & even gold teeth. Silver: Pre-1965 US coins, flatware, teapots, etc. Wabash Valley Prospectors LLC, Tim Ravenscroft, 260-5715858.

! &(" "# # $

Furniture, Pottery, Paintings, Quilts, Coins, Jewelry, Clocks, Watches, Signs, Light Fixtures, Guns, Knives, RR, Boy Scouts, & Military Items (Esp. WWII)

Call (260) 569-1865 Mobile Homes


New Homes Now on Display! Single & Sectional Homes New & Used 3 Miles South of Wabash


% &"




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WABASH: 14x70, 2bdrm, 2 bath, carpet thru, appliances, central air, storage shed, nice park Rhoades MHP 574-612-1814 or574612-2019, $450/mo.

N. MANCHESTER: 14x70 3bdrm, carpet thru, new paint, appliances. 574612-1814, $120/wk., small deposit req.

JUST REMODELED! Doublewide 3 bdrm, 2 full baths, new flooring, appliances, lap siding, shingle roof set up in park CONTRACT or rent, 574-6121814 or 574-612-2019.

“MOVE IN Special” 14x60 2 bdrm, 1 bath, new flooring, clean house, $89/wk., 574-612-1814 or 574-6122019.

For Rent

WABASH: COMPLETELY remodeled large 1 bdrm, all utilities furnished, w/d included, references required, non-smoking, no pets, call Abundant Life Property Management, 260-568-1576.

260-563-8326 www.thepaperofwabash.com

$11,995.00 5#%++%-2

Ext. Cab, 4x4, Z71 Loaded, With nice tires


County Road Auto 260.571.3840 260.571.2182

VERY NICE clean 3 bdrm, 2 bath, stove & refrigerator furnished, off-street parking, $500/mo., references & deposit required, 260568-3266 or 260-5691121.



All utilities & Cable Included 5340





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2005 GMC Sierra SLE

Downtown Apartments

NICE CLEAN 1 bdrm apartment for rent, stove & refrigerator provided. Rent paid by the month or week & deposit, references required. Call 260-5711892. NICE 2 bdrm house w/all major appliances, 4 mile SE of Manchester, call 260-982-2328 or 260-5782328.

FOR RENT: Salamonie Dam Area. 3 bdrm, 2 Bath home w/family room, large kitchen, appliances, dining room, pets on approval, $675/mo., $675 deposit. 260-466-2519 .

3 BDRM house w/basement & storage shed for rent or sale, 646 Warren Ave., Wabash, $450/mo. plus utilities, deposit & references, 260-563-6763. 3 BDRM Country Home, N. Manchester, NO SMOKING/NO PETS, $650/mo., deposit/references required. Call Tri Oak Realty 260-982-2336. 2 BDRM, private country home, back a long lane, Lincolnville area, $475/mo. plus utilities, $400 deposit, 260-452-7740. 2 BDRM House South of Wabash Near Somerset. $500/mo., Dep & References, 765-506-6248


2 BDRM Duplex, Southside, quiet neighborhood, off-street parking, $400/mo. plus utilities, 260-563-7743. 2 BAY Commercial Building, intersection SR 13 & 15S, $695/mo., 765271-4577. 1-2 BDRM house, 822 Cottage Ave., $400/mo., $400 deposit, no pets, 260563-2519. 1 BDRM Duplex, $325/wk., 260-563-2715.

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Executive Director for Non-Profit Needed! 1) +# '

73K, One Owner


County Road Auto 260.571.3840 260.571.2182

William Sopher, Owner

345 Birchwood Ct. Wabash, Indiana

Phone (260) 563-7763 Or (260) 563-1704 78K, Nice,

County Road Auto

Buying Junk

CARS TRUCKS VANS and will haul away junk farm machinery.

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2003 Honda Accord EX, 2 door coupe, loaded w/leather moon roof, $7250. 2008 Chevy Impala LT, 78K, nice, $9,495. 2003 Audi TT convertible roadster, $9,995. 2002 Dodge Ram 4x4 Sport, very nice, 106K, $7,995. 2005 Dodge Dakota club cab, one owner, 32K, $10,495. County Road Auto 260-571-3840 260-571-2182

(Wabash) %


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Attention: Human Resources P.O. Box 2 Wabash, IN 46992


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260.571.3840 260.571.2182

Auto 2005 GMC Sierra 1500 SLE, Cab & 1/2, 4x4, $11,500. 2003 Ford Super Duty 350, 11’ utility bed, one owner, 78K, $9,495. 2007 G6 hard top convertible, leather, one owner, $12,995.

!,0% !


N. MANCHESTER: 2 bdrm apartment, stove & refrigerator, ground level, 260982-4861. LAFONTAINE: TWO Nice Country Homes in Southwood Schools. 4 bdrm $650/mo, $650 dep.; 2 bdrm $550/mo, $550 dep. NO Pets. NO Smoking. 260-571-2543 leave message.

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January 9, 2013

©2012 Media Services S-9468 OF26074R-1 Advertisement

EdenPURE reopens Ohio factory creates 250 new jobs ®

New models shipped direct from warehouse at 49% savings Richard Karn, North Canton, Ohio

I was fortunate enough to attend the grand opening of the new EdenPURE® factory in North Canton, Ohio. The new plant brought hundreds of new jobs back to Ohio and reversed the common practice of sending Midwest manufacturing jobs to China. Now, EdenPURE® continues to ramp up production for the coming Winter with exciting new models and hundreds of new employees as this Made in America success story continues to grow. American Labor, American Quality With over 3 million portable heaters sold EdenPURE ® is the best selling portable infrared heating system in North America. However, like any classic, EdenPURE ® has dozens of would-be competitors who create Asian copies at low prices using cheap, foreign labor. Don’t be fooled by these imitations. Look for the EdenPURE® logo and the Made in North Canton, Ohio stamp. Save like millions of others on your heating bills and say “NO” to cheap foreign imitators. Save up to 49% on 2013 EdenPURE®s Now readers can save up to 49% ($229 the largest savings ever on new EdenPURE ® s). EdenPURE® is not just the best-selling portable heating system in North America. As an EdenPURE® owner I rank EdenPURE® #1 for quality, safety and efficiency. And now is the perfect time to save like never before on our expanded 2013 EdenPURE ® line made in our brand new North Canton, Ohio facility. With two models EdenPURE® can meet all of your heating requirements 365 days a year. Stay Comfortable 365 Days a Year “Never be cold again” is the EdenPURE® promise. EdenPURE® provides you insurance against the cold all year long. Stay comfortable on those unseasonably chilly evenings no matter the season. I live in California but believe me it gets cold at night. Keep your expensive furnace turned down until it’s absolutely necessary. And if we are fortunate enough to experience a mild winter as many of us did in the Midwest last year, you keep your furnace off all season

Never be cold again

How it works:


Heats floor to the same temperature as ceiling.

3. The soft heat “rides” the humidity in the room and provides even, moist, soft heat ceiling to floor and wall to wall without reducing oxygen and humidity.

1. Electricity ignites powerful SYLVANIA infrared lamp. 2. The quartz infrared lamp gently warms the patented copper heating chambers.

SYLVANIA is a registered trademark of OSRAM SYLVANIA Inc. used under license.

Richard Karn is a paid spokesperson for EdenPURE®.



As Al Borland on Home Improvement I was the man with all the answers. However, as Richard Karn I still look for money saving and efficient heating in my home. I have an EdenPURE® Infrared Portable Heater in my California home and like millions of others found it to be a super-safe, reliable source of portable heat all year long. and save even bigger. New, More Efficient Models The engineers at EdenPURE® listened to their millions of customers and somehow managed to improve the #1 portable heater in North America. Through old fashioned American ingenuity the new EdenPURE® line is more efficient to save you even more money. The EdenPURE ® Personal Heater now heats a larger area, an increase from 350 square feet to 500 square feet. That’s a 30% increase in efficiency! And EdenPURE® is proud to introduce the 2013 Model 750. The new Model 750 is perfect for larger areas and heats up to 750 square feet. But the best thing about the Model 750 is the price. We priced the Model 750 at only $50 above the Personal Heater. This means you receive a 33% increase in performance for only $50. That’s American engineering at its best! The EdenPURE® can cut your heating bills and pay for itself in a matter of weeks, and then start

putting a great deal of extra money in your pocket after that. Super Safe Infrared Heat Now remember, a major cause of residential fires in the United States is carelessness and faulty portable heaters. The choice of fire and safety professional, Captain Mike Hornby, the EdenPURE® has no exposed heating elements that can cause a fire. And a redundant home protection system that simply shuts the EdenPURE® down if it senses danger. That’s why grandparents and parents love the EdenPURE®. The outside of the EdenPURE® only gets warm to the touch so that it will not burn children or pets. And your pet may be just like my dog who has reserved a favorite spot near the EdenPURE ®. You see the EdenPURE® uses infrared heat. And just as pets enjoy basking in a beam of sunlight they try to stay close to EdenPURE ® ’s “bone-warming” infrared heat. The Health Secret is in the Copper

EdenFLOW™ technology uses copper heating chambers to take the energy provided by our special SYLVANIA infrared bulbs and distribute our famous soft heat evenly throughout the room. Now our copper isn’t ordinary. It’s 99.9% pure antimicrobial copper from an over 150 year old American owned company in Pennsylvania. So your EdenPURE ® heater is continuously pushing soft, healthy, infrared heat throughout your room. How to Order During our 2013 introduction you are eligible for a $202 DISCOUNT PLUS FREE SHIPPING AND HANDLING FOR A TOTAL SAVINGS OF $229 ON THE EDENPURE® MODEL 750 AND A $175 DISCOUNT PLUS FREE SHIPPING AND HANDLING FOR A TOTAL SAVINGS OF $192 ON THE EDENPURE ® PERSONAL HEATER. This special offer expires in 10 days. If you order after that we reserve the right to accept or reject order requests at the discounted price. See my attached savings Coupon to take advantage of this opportunity. The made in North Canton, Ohio EdenPURE ® carries a 60day, unconditional no-risk guarantee. If you are not totally satisfied, return it at our expense and your purchase price will be refunded. No questions asked. There is also a 3 year warranty on all parts and labor.

RICHARD KARN’S SAVINGS COUPON The price of the EdenPURE® Model 750 Heater is $449 plus $27 shipping and the price of the Personal Heater is $372 plus $17 shipping, but, with this savings coupon you will receive a $202 discount on the Model 750 and a $175 discount on the Personal Heater with free shipping and be able to get the Model 750 delivered for only $247 and the Personal Heater delivered for only $197. The Personal Heater has an optional remote control for only $12. The Model 750 remote is included in the price. Check below the number you want (limit 3 per customer) ■ Model 750 with remote, number ____ ■ Personal Heater, number ____ ■ Optional Personal Heater Remote $12, number _____ • To order by phone, call TOLL FREE 1-800-315-1257 Offer Code EHS7767. Place your order by using your credit card. Operators are on duty Monday - Friday 6am - 3am, Saturday 7am - 12 Midnight and Sunday 7am - 11pm, EST. • To order online, visit www.edenpure.com enter Offer Code EHS7767 • To order by mail, by check or credit card, fill out and mail in this coupon. This product carries a 60-day satisfaction guarantee. If you are not totally satisfied return at our expense, and your purchase price will be refunded – no questions asked. There is also a three year warranty. ______________________________________________________________ NAME

______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS

______________________________________________________________ CITY



Check below to get discount: ■ I am ordering within 10 days, therefore I get a $202 discount plus Free shipping and my price is only $247 for the Model 750 Heater. ■ I am ordering within 10 days, therefore I get a $175 discount plus Free shipping and my price is only $197 for the Personal Heater. ■ I am ordering past 10 days, therefore I pay full price for the Model 750 or Personal Heater plus shipping and handling. Enclosed is $______ in: ■ Check ■ Money Order (Make check payable to EdenPURE®) or charge my: ■ VISA ■ MasterCard ■ Am. Exp./Optima ■ Discover/Novus Account No. _______________________________ Exp. Date ____/____ MAIL TO: EdenPURE® Offer Code EHS7767 7800 Whipple Ave. N.W. Canton, OH 44767

All of the testimonials are by actual EdenPURE® customers who volunteered their stories, and were given another EdenPURE® heater as thanks for their participation. Average homeowners save 10% to 25%. 15725_1

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