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Roann Storage opens for business
Kraig and Shirley Musselman are excited to announce the opening of Roann Storage, LLC at 7108 West State Road 16 in Roann. This project has been on their “todo” list for a few years, but they weren’t able to see it through until recently. It seems like a natural addition to the community with the nearest units available being several miles away.
For more information, see www.roannstorage.com or you can call or text Kraig at 260-330-5322.
THE ROANN LIONS Club held its first meeting of the New Year on Wednesday Jan. 4, at the Roann Christian Church. The meeting began with a delicious carry-in meal. The regular business meeting was opened with club president Phil Dale leading those attending to recite the pledge to the American flag. The treasurer’s report was given by Keith Ford. Donna
Ann Meyer 765-833-2614 centurylink.net
Harman read the minutes from the December meeting.
In old business, Pam Ford shared that Rick Morris had applied for a grant in 2022 to finish the restoration of the inside of the caboose. The caboose was given to the Lions Club by Dick Siders. Pam proceeded forward to get the grant from the Community Foundation. She said the foundation was very supportive of the project. We are happy that the Roann Lions Club will be receiving a grant of $4,000 by March 14 to complete the work on the caboose. This will begin in the spring when the weather is warmer. Any area woodworkers who would like to help are welcome. This is another great attraction for those who visit our community. If you would like to help, contact Keith Ford or any Lions Club member.
In new business, the date for the annual Senior Citizens Banquet has been set for Saturday, Feb. 11 at 5:30 p.m., meal will be served at 6 p.m. The event will be held at the Roann Community Building. We ask that you please call Donna Harman, 765-833-5663 to make reservations. We will be doing carry-outs this year but due to limited drivers, we ask that names be turned in before the banquet day.
This was a special meeting for the installation of three new Lions Cub members by District Gov. Brian Thomas. These members were Lisa Dobrovodsky, and Joe and Jennifer Menna. Although they have all been very active in the club for several months, they were officially given their Lions Club pins by Governor Brian. Other pins were presented to Donna Harman and Ken McKillip as 15-year members of the Roann Lions Club. Mr. Thomas is a member of the Elkhart Lions Club.
He told the club that the District G, which includes the Roann Loins Club was started in 1956.
He also stated that the International Lions Club is the biggest organization in the world with over 2 million members. The Roann Club received a pin and an emblem for 2022 for their excellence in getting new members and the service they have done throughout the year. Only six out of the district received this award this year. Much of this was due to our devoted past President Rick Morris, which we as a club, hope to continue in his footsteps.
There were 18 people in attendance. The next meeting will be Thursday, Feb. 2, at
7 p.m. in the Roann Town Hall.
DALE NORMAN’S 90th birthday is coming up on Jan. 24. His family would love to surprise him with a shower of cards. They would like to cards mailed to the following address in Warsaw: Dale Norman, c/o Danette Till, 600 Biscayne Ave, Warsaw, IN 46580.
PASTOR BALMER of the Roann United Methodist Church sermon for Jan. 22, 2023 will be from Revelation 2:8-11 titled “The Crown of Life”. You are invited to worship in person or on Facebook at 9 a.m. The Church is located at the corner of Adams and Arnold Streets in Roann.
UPCOMING EVENTS: Jan. 26 –Happy Homemakers, Roann United Methodist Church, 9 a.m.; Feb. 2 –Roann Lions Club, 7 p.m.; Feb. 11 –Roann Lions Club Senior Banquet, Community Building, 5:30 p.m.; Feb. 13 – Roann