Senior Life - Allen County - September 2024

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Mayor’s executive assistant is passionate about MYAC

For the past 30 years, Deb Anne Smith has served with three New Haven mayors as their executive assistant.

It all started in 1994 under the term of Mayor Lynn Shaw, followed by five terms with Mayor Terry McDonald and now with Mayor Steve McMichael, who is in his second term.

Smith is passionate about a program she founded in 2002 called Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council. It’s designed to teach leadership skills and help prepare young people for their future leadership opportunities.

“This teen program,” said Smith, “offers leadership development and life skills training that teens can use toward their own futures.”

The program, she says, also opens doors to opportunities with local government where teens serve as advisors to the mayor and city council on issues that affect young people. Teens can also gain specific skills, such as public speaking, preparing presentations, media training and getting involved in community projects.

“MYAC builds confidence in young people to become successful adults and become future leaders,” Smith said.

Members learn how to run their own meetings, make motions, prepare agendas, minutes and reports, host guest speakers and give presenta-

tions during meetings. They also participate on city council as non-voting student members as well as various other boards and commissions. MYAC bridges the gap between adults and young adults in local government, opens doors for opportunities with local government, and makes potential internships with city departments available.

“Joining the MYAC program is an application process,” said Smith. “Applicants must be a high school student and must either attend East Allen County Schools or live in New Haven. Members are able to serve as freshmen through the end of their senior year in high school.”

Applicants must submit to an interview with Smith and McMichael before being invited to participate.

Every year, MYAC partners with local corporations in supporting the St. James Lutheran Church Food Pantry. Last year, they collected more than 2,700 pounds of canned and packaged goods. In addition, they work closely with the New Haven Adams Township Parks and Recreation Department on its five-year plan by offering a youth voice toward the future of the parks.

In January, the MYAC president presents the State of the Youth Address prior to the mayor’s annual State of the City Address, which gives teens an opportunity to enhance their public speaking

skills and give them a youth voice.

This year, the group accepted the mayor’s challenge to embark on the largest project they have undertaken. They will be seeking funding from the Fort Wayne Community Foundation for the construc-

include playground equipment and pickleball courts. They’ll be discussing the project at the initial meeting and will roll up their sleeves immediately and get to work on planning the new park.

McMichael said, “It’s my honor to work with this new generation of teens as they are

mal thinking.

However, an analysis of a two-decade study of some 16,000 adults revealed that those who reported having hot peppers in their diet reduced their risk of dying by more than 10%.

This means a bit of spice on your life can add years to your life

the future of our community. They have a lot to contribute, and I am proud to help lead the way. It’s amazing to watch them grow through this leadership program.”

Smith added, “It gives me great pleasure to know that we had a part in their leadership development.”

Apparently, when you bite into a hot pepper, your brain produces endorphins to reduce the heat you’re taking in. At the same time, those endorphins coursing through your body also reduce any pain and inflammation from other sources.

Deb Anne Smith, who has served as executive assistant to New Haven mayors for the past 30 years, is passionate about teaching teen leadership qualities, which will serve them in the future through the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Council, which she founded in 2002. Photo provided.



Senior Information Fair, an area non-profit, is celebrating 25 years of bringing seniors and area professionals specializing in senior related business together to obtain age related information in one central location. SIF’s mission is to help seniors enrich their lives by providing an event for them to gather information and resources which enables and empowers them to live healthy and safe lives as they age. Senior Information Fair originally formed in 1999 as committee under the city of Fort Wayne during Mayor Paul Helmke’s administration; it then moved to operate under The League’s umbrella for many years. In 2015, Senior Information Fair became an individual nonprofit organization in order to function as its own entity.

This year the 2024 Senior Information Fair will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday, September 19 at the Turnstone Plassman Athletic Center locat-

ed at 3320 N. Clinton in Fort Wayne.

A variety of health screenings will be offered. These will include a diabetic shoe screening, mammograms, diabetes/ glucose and a complete hearing exam along with blood pressure checks, a dexa scan and stroke risk assessment. A local pharmacy will also offer flu, shingles and pneumonia vaccines to seniors or anyone over 18 years of age. Be sure to bring your insurance card with you.

Four individual speakers will be doing presentations on popular topics of interest. Each speaker will help inform and educate seniors about current changes or updates. Nick Smith will talk about VA enrollment, compensation, pension and aid/attendance; Jessica Thorson, an elder law attorney will speak about powers of attorney and Medicaid changes. Todd Hunnicutt will educate seniors about Medicare fraud and attendees will have the

opportunity to get answers on medication interaction during the Ask-the Pharmacist presentation.

Senior Information Fair is specifically organized each year to meet the informational needs of seniors, their families, caregivers and individuals in mind who are looking for services to assist with in-home care, legal services, relocation, residential communities, leisure activities or anyone looking forward to retirement years. Over 90 vendors will be displaying with their information and to answer your questions.

Free parking on site at any one of three lots at Turnstone, or overflow parking available at Glenbrook Mall near Coldwater Road where a CTN shuttle can transport you to and from Turnstone. Anyone riding the Citilink bus to the bus stop near Glenbrook’s food court can also be transported to and from Turnstone by a shuttle.

Visitors can enjoy a free



lunch while enjoying the day’s entertainment provided by Joe Justice, a well known local musician who specializes in classic hits from the 60s, 70s, 80s and into the 90s. The lunch will be served starting at 11:30 a.m. while the supply lasts.

Plan now to attend Senior Information Fair on Thursday, Sept. 19 at Turnstone Plassman Athletic Center

located at 3320 N. Clinton St. in Fort Wayne!

Be sure to fill out a visitor survey, turn it in at the welcome table before you leave SIF. You will then be entered to win one of four Kroger gift cards. Some vendors may also offer door prizes, so be sure to check at each vendor booth! Advertorial





Couple revels in the middle ages

History buffs, Tamara and David Bradtmueller, have taken their love of the middle ages to the next level. They dress as 15th century German nobles and participate in sword fighting and archery competitions at renaissance festivals in Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. In fact, their titles are “Duke and Duchess.” They chose to portray medie-

val Germans because her father came to this country from Germany in the early 1800s and was granted farmland in Paulding County, Ohio, where they reside today along with several other members of her family.

“We love archery,” said Tamara, “and we have a range set up on the farm where we practice regularly. I shoot a 3-foot-tall recurve bow, and David uses a 6-foot longbow. We teach archery, and I really get excited when a


student hits the target for the first time.”

David, who has given up heavy sword fighting, still participates in rapier competitions involving a long sword called a Schlager for attacking and a short one for blocking opponents jabs. The rapier is much lighter than the heavy-fighting sword.

“We got active in re-enacting 16 years ago because we thought it would be a lot of fun,” said Tamara. “We got wrapped up in all the activities and heavily involved. As part of the Adrian Empire, we’ve found ourselves at big events in North Carolina, several places in Ohio, Indianapolis, New Jersey, West Virginia and Pennsylvania. In fact, I was crowned ‘Empress of the Empire’ in 2008, and I held court at many of the events. Now, I’m just a princess.”

Tamara particularly enjoys food preparation as it was done in medieval times. She’s cooked large banquets over an open fire for as many as 35 to 70 people, which included 22 different dishes.

“Nobody goes away from my table hungry,” she added. “Teaching others my recipes and methods are especially enjoyable.”

They spread their knowledge of the middle ages to school groups and civic organizations in their area. During a demonstration at a middle school, David asked if any of the boys would like to try on his chain mail fighting gear.

combatants’ minor cuts.

The Papers Incorporated, 206 S. Main St., P.O. Box 188, Milford, IN 46542, 574-658-4111 STAFF

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tions, give us a call and we’ll

“One volunteer confidently strode to the front of the room. I helped him get it on, and he immediately slumped to the floor. It’s really heavy. Sometimes, when we’re fighting you can see sparks flying when the opponent’s sword strikes your armor. It makes for a realistic encounter.”

As a registered nurse, Tamara has had to patch up many of the

“Now we have the satisfaction of opening the windows of history to others,” said Tamara. “We particularly enjoy teaching through visual demonstrations. People learn best when doing. That’s why we encourage them to shoot our bows.”

Re-enacting garb is not something that is found on clothing racks at local stores. Linen was the fabric of the time, and to get it Tamara forages Salvation

Army thrift stores and repurposes draperies to make their costumes.

The Bradtmuellers live off the land and are pretty much self-sufficient. They butcher their own meat, operate a cider mill, and have a huge garden she and her sister maintain. They can the vegetables.

“One of the most fun things about attending the festivals,” said David, “is meeting lots of people with like interests.”

Bumpy road to comfortable retirement

If you try to rationalize when you’ll have enough money to retire, you’ll never do it.

While finances — the right amount of money or fear of not enough money — are a massive factor in making your decision, instinct and intuition also play a major role.

Several retirees have explained their decision simply. It was time, they say.

Many people work as long as they can, until their mind and muscle can no longer take the strain and stress. If they’ve planned it that way, it can work for them. If they haven’t, they’ll have trouble adjusting to the new life thrust upon them.

Among the happiest retirees are those who compiled a wish list of things they wanted to do during their lifetime — learn to play bridge, visit every corner of their native land, raise orchids or whatever. In between, they visit the grandchildren

and have coffee with old cronies. Some volunteer their time for local nonprofit service organizations.

Their new position, described by much of the world as one’s golden years, can be tarnished by the ugly fact that they didn’t save, save and save some more during their earning years.

Some seniors are able to snag a job as a supermarket bagger or gofer to ease their fiscal strain, but the increasing political pressure to raise minimum wages is pricing such prospects out the proverbial window.

Financial preparation helps make retirement more enjoyable. Living on a lower budget before retiring can accomplish a couple of things. By cutting down on the number of nights you eat out, the periodic shopping sprees for new clothes, and not trading in the family car annually for a new model will get you used to getting along with things you don’t need but were accustomed to. And the money you save can be

added to your retirement fund so you can enjoy those years more comfortably.

Overlooked in one’s view of retirement is how the maintenance or loss of control over your life affects your life. Planning and making your own decisions is a powerful portion of your happiness. Sickness, disability and death are among the unexpected that can undermine whatever you plan, but such events and how they can affect you emotionally and economically should be considered when you review your view of retirement.

The coronavirus pandemic pandemonium that sent the stock market tumbling is a graphic example of unexpected events that can affect in your financial future. Whether or not you dabble directly in the stock market, it’s possible your pension fund is heavily invested in it, meaning your financial future might be tied to Wall Street more than you realized. Mature Life Features Copyright 2023

MIDDLE AGES RE-ENACTORS —Tamara and David Bradtmueller have been portraying German Duke and Duchess for the past 16 years. They travel to renaissance festivals throughout Ohio, Michigan and Indiana where they participate in sword fighting and archery competitions. Photo provided.

Golfing fits this senior to a tee

Ron Blevins has a sport he loves so much that he shapes his schedule around it, as long as weather permits. At age 81, he spends hours on the course every week in structured activities with avid golfers like himself.

“I still really love it and have no issues with it,” he said. “I golf two to three times a week right now. We quit going to Florida because it got to be too much for us, but I golfed all year back then. I do miss that.”

Blevins plays in two leagues. One is at the Green Valley Golf Club, which is a nine-hole golf course where he meets up with about 25 other players on Tuesdays.

Another group meets on Wednesdays. Fifty-five men participate, and they rotate among four different golf courses that are 18 holes.

Although both leagues enjoy a healthy competition among members, the typical trophies and other awards aren’t given. But they definitely want to win and enjoy bragging rights when they do. The Tuesday

league hands out door prizes, like golf balls and smaller items.

“Everybody enjoys it,” Blevins said. “It’s a little something to look forward to.”

The Wednesday group has a different take. To keep it interesting, each golfer contributes $2 weekly and afterward the pot of money is split among those with the best numbers on their scorecards. The winner receives most of the money and the winnings dwindle for those coming in beneath him.

Blevins gives the impression he would enjoy having more golf in his life, but he doesn’t want his wife to be a full-on golf widow. Married for 59 years, the couple tied the knot in 1965.

“My wife Carol thinks I go too often sometimes,” he said. He doesn’t agree. And although his twin brother, Tom, shares his love of the game, he doesn’t live in the area.

Blevins appreciates that his health allows him to play the game and participate so much. Although he currently rides in a golf cart when he plays, he was walking a nine-hole course until about two years ago. He

Fall in love

Continued from page 1 They are prepared for multiple generations to immerse themselves in nature together as well. Those with mobility issues are welcome.

“We try to accommodate as much as we can, with some activities that allow people to sit, and we’ve earmarked $1.2 million and are working on an accessibility trail,” Haley said.

The entry fees are $3 per person with ages 6 and under getting in for free. A family pass for a full year includes fishing options with a fishing license.

“You can come on a day pass and look, and if you really, really like it, get an annual pass in exchange for the daily pass and save,” Haley said. “I highly recommend the pass. I love this place.”

Haley studied wildlife research at Purdue University and it shows. She is a wealth of knowledge for visitors, and also has an environmental educator on board, Eva Webb. Their goal,

considers himself a B flight level player with a handicap of 11 or 12.

“The thing is when you get to be my age, you get to hit from the forward tees,” he said with a chuckle.

While he doesn’t do any other formal exercise, he’s very hands-on with his yard work. In August, he had a load of gravel he was waiting to work with, as just one outdoor project on his plate. He also does planting, mows, and takes care of flowers for a sizeable yard.

“I enjoy working up a sweat,” he said.

Blevins has practical domestic skills to offer when not grasping a golf club. He took over the meal preparation for the household some years back, when he retired three years ahead of his wife. He’ll get out a cookbook and can follow any recipe, he said. He’s even mastered a crock pot and air fryer combo. Making a pork roast and seeing how many variations of recipes he can make with chicken breasts are among his specialities.

“I love to cook. My wife is not allowed into the kitchen,” he said.

at the time of the interview in August, was to have one activity per day in September. Program listings are on allencountyparks. org/about/program-listing.

After having the park closed for so long, the coordinators are not operating for one theme in the programming, so much as aiming to attract a wide swath of visitors.

“We are trying to get people (back) in and have programs at the lake,” Haley said.

A Junior Ranger program for kids, a Bark Ranger program

with dogs, visits with a box turtle, and birding for seniors are a smattering of the multiple opportunities to enjoy the fall weather.

Bob Dispenza, CIG, CLT, is a park education manager, and shared that special events are added sometimes.

“We had a total eclipse program on April 8 where we travelled to Summit Lake State Park in New Castle,” he said.

So come to the Allen County parks, where fall adventures await.

• Private apartment with full, private bathroom

FRIENDLY FOURSOME Ron Blevins golfs at Maple Grove Golf Course in Huntington with a “friendly Monday foursome” last month. Photo provided.

70s Flashback —

‘The Love Boat’ created cruise control

Can you imagine a TV series changing the fortunes of a major business?

on a 1976 TV movie of the same name, which itself had been built around a 1974 book by former cruise director Jeraldine Saunders. She breathlessly claimed to witness numerous lovey-dovey stories while asea.

From 1977 to 1987, millions of television viewers set aside Saturday nights to enjoy Aaron Spelling’s ratings behemoth “The Love Boat” on ABC-TV.

As goes an old saying, nobody loved the show except the public. Critics detested it, citing corny jokes and absurd storylines. Some early cynics even predicted that Spelling’s offering would sink faster than the Titanic.


“The Love Boat” was based

Each of Aaron’s more than 250 hour-long episodes usually presented three separate story arcs, with numerous celebrity actors having their issues resolved just before the credits rolled.

Hundreds of famous folks made guest appearances, and the show’s success also allowed Spelling a personal side benefit: “I was able to fulfill my own dreams by hiring some of the great old Hollywood legends as guest stars. The studios weren’t banging their doors down with offers, but these actors still had lots of talent, and I was happy to

provide an outlet.” Such VIPs from Tinseltown’s golden years included Lana Turner, Olivia de Havilland, Shelley Winters and Ginger Rogers. Each episode brought together the ensemble cast of Captain Stubing (Gavin MacLeod), the onboard doctor Adam Bricker (Bernie Kopell), cruise director Julie McCoy (Lauren Tewes), bartender Isaac Washington (Ted Lange), and purser “Gopher” Smith (Fred Grandy). Together the crew steered the high-seas celebrities toward romance-drenched situations by igniting PG-rated new romances or salvaging faltering alliances.

Some of the show’s scenes were filmed during actual voyages on Pacific Cruises’s Pacific Princess, as well as two sister ships, the Island Princess and the Sun Prin-

cess. Real-life passengers were often used as extras rather than professional actors.

Then there was that iconic theme song, recorded by crooner Jack Jones — best known for “Wives and Lovers” — with his “The Love Boat”

becoming a Top 40 single. In 1970, about half a million people took cruises. Within three decades, that number had zoomed to 5 million, thanks in large part to the exuberant interest brought about after “The Love Boat” showcased the glamorous world of ocean cruising.

One of the show’s scriptwriters, Michael L. Grace, said, “’The Love Boat’ really created the industry. You had 50 million people watching, and they all wanted to go on a cruise.” To cater to the sudden rush of interest, a boom in cruise-ship building exploded in full force by the early 1980s and continued well into the next decade.

Gavin MacLeod once explained, “People always ask us why ‘The Love Boat’ was so popular. I always say it gave people something to dream about. They would dream about being out on the open seas on a cruise and discovering the world’s greatest destinations, dreaming about love and, of course, happy endings, since the shows always ended on a high note.”


Senior Relocation

Q. Is there a service to help me with my downsizing move?

A. Wanting to downsize from your home to a retirement community can be an overwhelming experience. Many times people want to move, but end up not doing so because of the many things that must be done.

A few comments that I have heard over the years include:

1) I have to spend money to fix up my home before I sell it.

2) My attic and basement are full of stuff; I will have to have a garage sale.

3) I have to pack and move all of my belongings.

Looking at this list of concerns would cause anyone to just say “Forget It!”

This is where we can help!

Our services include selling your home

as-is in 30 days for your price, selling your unwanted items for fair market value, selling your antiques & collectible items, knowledgeable antique & real estate appraisal services, professional packing & moving services, climate controlled storage & more.

Our firm is highly recommended by many of the leading retirement communities in the Allen County area due to client satisfaction.

If you are thinking about making the transition to retirement living, call me at (260) 441-8636. My free analysis will give you the information you will need to make a better decision for yourself!

A. Yes, if you are eligible for Medicaid waiver, your benefits encompass at home or assisted living care. The current confusion with benefits stems from amendments to Indiana’s Medicaid Waiver program that went into effect July 1, 2024. Prior to these changes, applicants received services through the Aged and Disabled Waiver. Applicants are now divided into two separate waivers based on their age. Those 60+ receive services through the Indiana PathWays for Aging Waiver while those 59 or younger receive services through the Health and Wellness Waiver. The waiver process has been further complicated by a wait list that began last April, thereby extending the timeline of waiver eligibility. If you are experiencing difficulties obtaining waiver services, there may be alternatives available. Programs such as PACE (Program


Q. My mom has multiple chronic conditions and managing her appointments is overwhelming. What should I do?

A. Aging & In-Home Services of Northeast Indiana, Inc. has partnered with Parkview Health to offer PACE (Programs of AllInclusive Care for the Elderly) to residents of Allen County. This Medicare and Medicaid program provides both clinical and social care in one setting to help older adults remain safe and independent at home.

PACE of Northeast Indiana benefits are allinclusive and are provided to Participants as determined necessary by the Interdisciplinary Team (IDTeam). Services can include but are not limited to: primary medical care, social work, prescription drugs, day center services, transportation and much more.

PACE is equipped to provide care for individuals with chronic conditions. The average Participant has more than five chronic conditions and six prescriptions (National PACE Association).

Emily Baumgartner PACE Enrollment Director 260-469-4148

The PACE benefit is typically funded by both Medicare and Medicaid and may be available to you at no cost. Private pay options are available for those who are not eligible for these funding sources.

PACE serves individuals who are 55 years of age or older, live in Allen County, meet nursing home level of care and can live safely in the community with help from PACE. If you are interested in learning more about PACE or want to check your eligibility, call 260-469-4148.

Professional Forum . . .

Your exclusive opportunity to present common questions or concerns “Adults 50 Years And Better” may have relating to your product(s) or service.

Isn’t your paper

A. According to audit statistics, 80% of our readers are under the age of 75. 65% of our readers have a household income of over $50,000 per year. Nearly 40% of these readers earn more than $75,000 per year. Are households with an income larger than $50,000 your target market? If so, consider advertising in Senior Life! Call or send me an e-mail today!

Tim McCulloch, Owner


Editor’s Note: Send listings of events, for nonprofit organizations only, to Senior Life, P.O. Box 188, Milford, IN 46542 or email Editor Phoebe Muthart by the 20th of each month to With the listing, include the contact person, area code and phone number.


The 20th Season of the Salomon Farmers Market is from 4-7 p.m. each Wednesday until Sept. 4, at Salomon Farm Park, 817 W. Dupont Road, Fort Wayne. Find fresh produce, baked goods, honey and artisan crafts at this mid-week market. Stop by and say hello to the herd members, Mickie and Frankie, the Highland Coos, as well as the goats, miniature horse and sheep.


Noble County Council on Aging will host a trivia night fundraiser on Saturday, Sept. 14, at The Center, 561 S. Main St., Kendallville. Doors open at 5 p.m. and trivia starts at 6 p.m. There will also be prizes for the winning team and losing team; door prizes throughout

the night.

Team registration form and $100 entry fee are due by Sept. 6. Funds raised will be used to support the Senior Center and Noble Transit System. For a registration form and more information, call (260) 347-4226.


Huge four-church rummage sale, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 3705 S. Anthony Blvd., Fort Wayne. It will be from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 26; 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27; and a bag day sale is from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday, Sept. 28. Bake sale included; hot dogs available. All proceeds to benefit Lutheran South Unity School.


The Fort Wayne Museum of Art will host a lecture with Mark Ruschman, senior curator of Art and Culture and emeritus at the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites, at 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27. Reserve tickets at fwmoa. org/rsvp.

“From Their Indiana Home: Artists of the Hoosier Salon from the Permanent Collec-

Churubusco & Columbia City

tion,” an exhibition of Hoosier Salon artists, is on view through Oct. 6, in honor of the Salon’s Centennial.

General admission is free for FWMoA members, $10 adults, $8 students and seniors 65-plus, and $25 for families. General admission is free for everyone from 5-8 p.m. Thursdays. Veterans, active military personnel, and their families receive free general admission. Gallery hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday; 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday; and noon to 5 p.m. Sunday.


The Raise a Glass exhibit runs until Nov. 1, at Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St.

The conservatory is celebrating 40 years. This unique botanical venue has served as a cultural anchor in Fort Wayne, having welcomed nearly three million visitors. During its 40th anniversary, the conservatory is capturing vivid streams of light and reflecting into glimmers of a vibrant future. Raise a Glass

$1 nights are from 5-8 p.m. every Thursday, until Nov. 14.


“Concept to Celebration” runs until Nov. 16, at Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory, 1100 S. Calhoun St.

This visual timeline displays the history of the Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory from an original idea to its current day 40th anniversary. Images, news articles and short stories provide historical context during the celebratory “Raise a Glass” garden exhibit. Enjoy this unique display as a collaboration of archives from both Foellinger Foundation and Foellinger-Freimann Botanical Conservatory.


Woodlands Senior Activity Center

The center is located at 710 N. Opportunity Drive, Columbia City. For more information, call (260) 248-8944 or visit whitleycountycouncilonaging. org/woodlands-activity-center.

9 a.m. Wednesday, pixie bingo 9-10 a.m. Monday, Wednes-

day and Friday, line dancing

9 a.m. Tuesday and Friday, euchre

9 a.m. every Tuesday, Bible study with Cheryl 10-11 a.m. Wednesday, chair exercise

Noon, Tuesday, dominoes 12:30 p.m. Wednesday, hand and foot card game


McMillen Park

Community Center For information, visit or call (260) 427-6000. The center is located at 3901 Abbott St., Fort Wayne.

Pickleball, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday to Friday

Adult yoga, 6-7 p.m. Tuesday and noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday

CardioFit, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Monday and Thursday

Adult/open gym/volleyball, 6-8 p.m. Monday through Wednesday

Essential steps, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Monday and 6-8 p.m.


Yoga for seniors, noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday

Yoga for Adults, 6-7 p.m. Tuesday

Blue River Apartments

Blue River Apartments

Blue River Apartments

Blue River Apartments


Apartment LIVING

Fort Wayne Southwest



Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum —

Diesel, steam, and twilight train excursions for family fun

The Hoosier Valley Rail-

road Museum, located in North Judson, runs regular diesel and/or steam train excursions every Saturday, and some select Sundays, May to September, and

for special holiday events. Passengers have their choice of riding in open-air sightseeing cars, a vintage coach and/or caboose, while rolling down the tracks through the

Falling isn’t funny

Falling isn’t funny.

Older adults in the know understand that broken bones can result from tripping on a rug or slipping on a wet spot on the kitchen floor, triggering a series of life-changing events as well as a slew of serious medical conditions.

Many things can cause a person to fall.

Balance can be affected by failing or poor eyesight, hearing loss, reflexes and such medical conditions as diabetes, heart disease, and problems with thyroid, nerves or blood vessels.

Some medicines can cause dizziness. Another culprit is osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones weak and more likely to break easily. Weak bones can mean that even a minor fall might be dangerous.

But medical experts say individuals should not let a fear of falling keep them from being active.

Doing things like getting together with friends, gardening, walking, or going to the local senior center are also important for staying healthy. The good news is that there are simple ways you can prevent most falls.

If you take care of your overall health, you may be able to lower your chances of falling. Most of the time, falls and accidents don’t “just happen.” Here are a few

hints that will help you avoid falls and broken bones.

• Learn how strong your bones are.

Ask your doctor about a special test called a bone mineral density test. If this test shows your bones are weak, your doctor can tell you how to make them stronger and less likely to break.

• Stay physically active.

Plan an exercise program that is right for you. Regular exercise makes you stronger and improves muscles. It also helps keep your joints, tendons, and ligaments flexible. Mild weight-bearing activities, such as walking or climbing stairs, may slow bone loss from osteoporosis.

• Have your eyes and hearing tested often.

Even small changes in sight and hearing can put you at risk for falling. When you get new eyeglasses, take time to get used to them. Always wear your glasses when you need them. If you have a hearing aid, be sure it fits well and wear it.

• Find out about the side effects of any medicine you take. If a drug makes you sleepy or dizzy, tell your doctor or pharmacist.

• Get enough sleep. If you are sleepy, you are more likely to fall.

• Limit the amount of alcohol you drink.

Even a small amount can affect your balance and reflexes.

• Stand up slowly after eating,

Northwest Indiana countryside.

Regular train excursions are round-trip from the depot and travel about five miles to the Kankakee River at English Lake, before returning to North Judson. The total length of each trip is approximately 45 minutes. Ticket prices begin at $10. Purchasing tickets at is recommended, as seating is limited.

Be sure to visit the museum and grounds where admission is always free.

The Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum has one of the largest museum collections of working railroad signals and a restored World War II Pullman Troop Car. Stroll around the grounds to see all types of rolling stock, engines, and memorabilia of a by-gone era.

The Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum has an exciting schedule of events

planned for this season. The fall brings Pumpkin, Twilight, and Halloween Trains while Santa Trains run in late November & December. Times, prices and excursion length for these special events may vary from regular train excursions. Remember that seating is limited, and it is recommended to purchase tickets, in advance, before excursions sell out.

HVRM is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and education of railroading history. Special group events (including school groups) can be arranged by contacting the depot.

Visit the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum website for a complete schedule of events. Order tickets at or call the depot (574) 896-3950 on Saturdays or days when train excursions are scheduled.

lying down, or sitting.

Getting up too quickly can cause your blood pressure to drop. That can make you feel faint.

• Use a cane, walking stick, or walker to help you feel steadier when you walk.

This is very important when you’re walking in areas you don’t know well or in places where the walkways are uneven. Be extra careful when walking on wet or icy surfaces. Spread sand or salt on icy areas in your yard, especially by your front and back door.

• Wear rubber-soled, lowheeled shoes that fully support your feet.

Wearing only socks or shoes and slippers with smooth soles on stairs or floors without carpet can be unsafe.

• Look into a home-monitoring service.

Usually, you wear a button on a chain around your neck. If you fall or need emergency help, you just push the button to alert the service.

Most medical-insurance companies and Medicare do not cover items like home monitoring systems. You will probably have to pay for it yourself so be sure to ask about cost.

Always tell your doctor if you have fallen since your last checkup even if you aren’t hurt when you fall.

Allen County Public Library’s Library at Home provides free delivery of library materials to homebound patrons, and pop-up libraries at facilities throughout Allen County, where residents can sign up for a library card, check out materials, and more!

It’s easy! Simply find the apple on another page in this edition. Go online to and enter your information, the edition, date and page number you found it on. This will enter you for a chance to win a gift of $25. (Online Entries Only) Entries Must Be In By Monday, September 16, 2024.

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STEAMING AHEAD The Bock Lumber No. 1 Steam Engine is shown departing the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum Depot with passengers. Photo provided by the Hoosier Valley Railroad Museum.

Woman’s faith guides her in Comfort Dog Ministry team

Some might say that dogs are everyone’s best friend, and Sandy Shavlik is part of a ministry which delivers a furry friend whenever needed.

The program, Jared Comfort Dog Ministry, is a local ministry affiliate of the Lutheran Church Charities K-9 Comfort Dog Ministry, which is based out of Northbrook, Ill. Jared is a certified comfort dog.

“My title is ‘Top Dog,’ but I must stress it’s the whole team that serves and supports our mission,” Shavlik said. “I’m just a small part of it. My primary role is to talk with the facilities that may want a visit and then to schedule our team to go on those visits. I also am responsible for the financial aspect of our ministry, and to report to LCC with the required paperwork and certifications.”

Shavlik went to “Top Dog” training in October of 2017.

and circumstances who are suffering and in need,” Shavlik said. “He especially loves working with children. Jared also participates in scheduled and special events, deployments and, of course, church services.”

The Lutheran Church Charities have a mission: “To share the mercy, compassion, presence and proclamation of Jesus Christ.” The LCC K-9 Ministry Dogs are comfort dogs, which are a bridge for compassionate ministry, opening doors for the K-9 handlers to listen, have conversations about faith, and pray with individuals if desired.

Shavlik’s own faith align with the program’s objectives.

“I believe that offering comfort to another person is one of the most intimate callings Christ gave us,” she said. “Sometimes we find it hard to just walk up to someone to begin conversations. But with Jared, he begins them for us. People love to pet dogs. Once we break the ice, conversations

own business cards and primarily serves locally, including attending seven Honor Flights leaving out of Fort Wayne. He’s also been deployed out of town and has been called out to mass shootings at the Indianapolis Fed Ex and to Ohio and Maine, among others.

In 2023, Jared made more than 300 visits.

“Each time someone touches Jared, we call that a touchpoint,” Shavlik said. “Jared had over 11,000 touchpoints last year.”

To contact the ministry, visit or Jared’s Facebook page, JaredComfortDog.


Sandy Shavlik is part of a ministry which delivers a furry friend,

Worship Anew welcomes a new pastor for new production season

back from the program to focus on his home congregation. Eggold’s last program will be on Easter, April 20, 2025.

“Worship Anew is blessed by our team of pastors who share with our viewers week in and week out, and we are very appreciative for the work of Pastor Eggold for the past six years and thank him for his ministry on Worship Anew and his continued ministry in the church,” said Matthew Leighty, executive director at Worship Anew. “Pastor Zeckzer is a wonderful addition to our lineup of pastors, and we believe that our viewers will enjoy his preaching style and his warm personality as he shares the Gospel.”

Pastors, Rev. Dr. Thomas Ahlersmeyer, Rev. Shayne Jonker, Rev. Dr. Walter Maier III, Rev. William Mueller, and Rev. Paul Shoemaker will once again return to the weekly program and will continue to be joined by the Worship Anew choir and other visiting choirs, as well as host Eric Kaschinske.

Eggold has served with the program since 2018. He is the senior pastor at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne and will continue to serve in that role after his time at Worship Anew is completed.

“(Worship Anew) gives you a bigger appreciation for the church, not just your congregation, but for the Christian church and how we’re all connected,” Eggold said. Zeckzer joins the program in the footsteps of Rev.

Shoemaker, who previously served as the senior pastor at his church in New Haven. He has grown in ministry with Shoemaker for years and now will continue to do the same through Worship Anew.

“I’m looking forward to sharing with the audience the good news of God’s salvation, finding Christ Jesus, and just being part of a great history and tradition with Worship Anew,” Zeckzer said.

Zeckzer is a graduate of Concordia University-Ann Arbor and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne. He has more than 25 years in ministry and has served at Emanuel since 1996.

He and his wife Deb have four children: Bethany, Caleb, Nathan, and Micah.

The start of the 2025 production season will be Dec. 1, with the first Sunday in Advent.

NEW PASTOR Rev. Scott Zeckzer, senior pastor at Emanuel Lutheran Church, New Haven, will be joining the Worship Anew program with his first program beginning April 27, 2025. Photo provided by Worship Anew.

50 Years Ago Blast From The Past — Writers of ‘The Night Chicago Died’ didn’t have facts straight

Paper Lace

A Boomer Blast To The Past By

If you’re part of a lucrative songwriting team, you’ll want to take pains to be accurate if you’re describing a historic event, especially one that occurred in another country. Otherwise, you just might end up with egg on your face, as happened with the Number One hit “The Night Chicago Died.”

In England, Mitch Murray and Peter Callendar were pop-music creators responsible for such best-selling 45s as Georgie Fame’s “The Ballad of Bonnie and Clyde,” Vanity Fare’s “Hitchin’ a Ride” and Bo Donaldson and the Heywoods’ “Billy, Don’t Be a Hero.”

But these partners didn’t have their facts straight with “The Night Chicago Died,” which breathlessly — and erroneously — told of a Chicago gun battle with Al Capone’s

Welcome Home

To a senior community in a quiet northeast residential setting

gang, and a heroic cop who miraculously survived an ordeal that killed 100 officers. (Gangs sometimes had shootouts with each other but not usually with police officers.)

“The Night Chicago Died” was unlike any other successful disc. Rather than being offered an instrumental lead-in followed by a vocal, we were instead snapped to attention by a throbbing drumbeat, a shrieking synthesizer that simulated wailing police sirens, and a passionate spoken introduction by Paper Lace lead singer Phil Wright:

“Daddy was a cop/On the east side of Chicago

“Back in the USA/Back in the bad old days”

Throughout the song, the ear-candy chorus — repeated over and over and over — had many of us singing along after just one listen:

“I heard my mama cry/I heard her pray the night Chicago died

“Brother, what a night it really was/Brother, what a fight it really was “Glory be”

Paper Lace, an English quartet first called Music Box, was formed in 1967 in Nottingham, home of the Robin Hood legend

and at one time the cloth and paper lace-making capital of the world (hence the band’s name). The group was organized by drummer and primary vocalist Wright and three musical pals.

Paper Lace’s hit was originally conceived to be a UK-only release before Mercury Records honchos in America decided that it had hit potential here — which it did, reaching the peak of the Billboard charts (and making Number Three in the UK) before the band became another “one-hit wonder.” is a website dedicated to behind-the-scenes information about popular recordings. It was there that Mitch Murray, one-half of the team behind “The Night Chicago Died,” emailed a note that read, “As co-writer of this song, I feel qualified to settle some of the questions involving ‘The Night Chicago Died.’ My writing partner, Peter Callander, and I are both British, and we had never been to Chicago at the time we wrote the song. Having been brought up on a tasty diet of American gangster movies, the term ‘east side’ usually meant the seamy side of a city. Of course, looking back, it was used about New York, not

research.” Obviously, Mitch.

Worship Anew

Continued from page 10

Worship Anew is available to watch on local broadcasts throughout the United States and the American Forces Network worldwide. Worship Anew is also available online through and YouTube. The program is also streaming on AppleTV, Google, and ROKU.

Since 1980, Worship Anew, headquartered in Fort Wayne, has been broadcasting weekly

worship services for aging adults, who seek to help them live an abundant life in Christ. Today, Worship Anew reaches thousands of people each week across the nation and around the world, on television and streamed online. To learn more about Worship Anew and other ministries, including the care ministry and Hope-Full Living daily devotions, visit

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Assisted Living, Skilled Licensed Nursing, Semi-Skilled Nursing Or Intermediate Care, Therapies: Speech-Occupational-RespiratoryPhysical, Long Term Care, Temporary Care, Private/Semi-Private Rooms, Pet Visitation Allowed, Hospice Care, Medicare and/or Medicaid

Assisted Living, Rehab Unit, Alzheimer’s Unit, Skilled Licensed Nursing, Intermediate Care, Therapies: Speech, Occupational, Respiratory, Physical, Long Term Care, Temporary Care, Private/Semi-Private Rooms, Pet Visitation Allowed, Hospice Care, Medicare and/or Medicaid, Outpatient Therapy of Fort Wayne

Chicago. We were obviously a little careless with our
When Murray signed off, he pointed out that he hailed from the (hip) west side of London.

Lions Club collecting used eyeglasses

The Heritage Lions in Hoagland delivered over 5,000 pairs of eyeglasses, collected from over 60 locations in Allen County, to Kevin McDermit, president of the Arcola Lions Club.

The Arcola Lions Club will hold an eyeglass sort Tuesday, Sept. 17, at the Arcola Fire House, 11329 Railroad St., Fort Wayne. All Lions and friends are welcome to come and help. They will start at 7 p.m.

The used eyeglasses are

sorted into bins for male/ female, children, sunglasses, and reading glasses.

The following is the journey of recycled eyeglasses in Lions Clubs all over the world:

1. Lions Clubs collect used eyeglasses at various community locations. They are brought to a local Lions Club for sorting.

2. The glasses are shipped to the nearest Lions’ Eyeglass Recycling Center where trained volunteers sort, clean and determine the prescrip-

tion strengths of the glasses.

3. Volunteers at the recycling center carefully package the prepared glasses and store them until they are required for eyeglass-dispensing mission trips. Glasses which are not suitable for reuse are recycled for scrap, with the earnings benefiting local Lions projects.

4. At the mission site, eye care professionals and trained Lions volunteers perform vision screenings and dispense the appropriate recy-

The frightened toad

The boy was only 4 years old. Exploring the back side of his yard.

He imagined it a wild place. For him it wasn’t very hard. And then he saw a toad, that was hopping on the lawn. He followed it for a while, and tried to hop along.

Now he has a sudden thought, to capture it if he can.

The third try is the charm, as he grabs it with his hand.

That boy is soon to learn, as he holds that toad so tight, that often as a defense, a toad will urinate in fright. That boy will become a man, and respect all living things. Shaped in part by a frightened toad.

The mystery never ends. I somehow lost the original of this poem, but I liked it enough to try to rewrite it. It’s pretty close. When I was about 10, I tried to impress a neighbor girl by putting a toad in my mouth. Same results.

cled glasses, free of charge, to children and adults in need. People in third world countries have very limited access to eyeglasses. The World Health Organization estimates the eyesight of onefourth of the world’s population can be improved through the use of corrective lenses. In developing countries, an eye exam costs as much as one month’s wages, and a single doctor may serve a community of hundreds of thousands of people. When they receive these glasses from the Lions, their lives are changed forever.

Consider placing your unneeded eyeglasses, sun-

glasses, reading glasses and hearing aids/batteries in any of the hundreds of collection boxes, located throughout northern Indiana, in libraries, funeral homes, nursing homes and optometrist offices. Help the Lions help the less fortunate to see clearly, perhaps for the first time in their lives.

The Heritage Lions’ motto is “We Serve” and welcomes and encourages everyone who wishes to help their local community and the world to contact a Heritage Lion or the Lions Club in your area.

Find contact information for all Lions Clubs at

Be picky about economy class seats

Legroom — the distance from the point of one seat to the same point on the seat in front of it — has become a common currency among flyers seeking the most comfort in the crowded cabin in the sky. Known as seat pitch, it ranges from 28 to 34 inches on U.S. carriers.

Seat width, which rang-

es from 17 to 18 inches, is also a comfort consideration. Wide-bodied aircraft that are squeezing in more rows of seats are most likely to have the narrowest economy class seating.

While window seats offer a bit more privacy than an aisle seat and more comfort than a middle seat, it may not have a window at all because not all seating rows line up with the aircraft’s windows.

Mature Life Features Copyright 2023


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Round-the-clock food and fun

I looked tentatively at the load of shrimp, blue crabs, gar, sea trout and other nameless denizens of the deep as they poured into the boat. I even volunteered to hold one even more tentatively. And then I was making eye contact with a very cute sting ray and I’m pretty sure we had a moment.

My trip upon the Lady Jane Shrimp Boat in Jekyll Island, Ga., was but one of the adventures on the American Cruise Line Historic South and Golden Isles Intra-Coastal Waterway Cruise from Amelia Island, Fla., to Charleston, S.C.

Overheard from a colleague on the way back to the ship: “If they wouldn’t serve us all that shrimp at meals, we wouldn’t have to go out and catch more.”

So we might as well first discuss mealtimes aboard the American Eagle. There was an Early Riser breakfast before the dining room breakfast and a pretty-much-all-day café in the Sky Lounge bracketing the more formal lunches and dinners. Cookie time at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. provided the obviously very-necessary sustenance in between meals.

One would think the cocktail hour and hors d’oeuvre before dinner might interfere with the more-than-generous dinner options but of course that didn’t happen — and an hour later, no one skimped on the open bar, ice cream treats and popcorn that accompanied the evening entertainment.

Rest assured there was a Fitness Room to counter all those calories but seriously, no one went there. The saving grace? All meals came in half-portions, which themselves were more than sufficient in this Michelin-wannabe restaurant.

The staff — who were not allowed to accept gratuities — were still remarkably agreeable. How often do you request a drink at an establishment that they don’t carry — and by the next night, it’s there? So it was with my Fireball. Need I remind you that we were on a ship at the time? Just as an aside, this ship — accommodating only about 100 passengers — is part of the only line in the world offering small U.S. ships that operate like river cruisers along the nation’s coasts.

If you can find time in between all the food, there are multiple daily excursions

offered to St. Simon and Jekyll Islands, Savannah, Hilton Head, Beaufort and Charleston.

On the trolley tour of Savannah, a city I’d never been to before, I wasn’t expecting much, just another nice southern town. I was skeptical when the trolley driver started the tour by claiming that Savannah is the most fascinating town in America — but by the time the tour ended 90 minutes later, I was in total agreement.

The constant patter from Miss Pearl brought this historic wonderland to life. The picturesque streets were just begging to be strolled upon with singular homes and stores, houses dating back to the 1700s and 1800s with architectural flourishes of graceful, lace-like iron work adorning balconies, columns and brackets.

Wraparound porches adorned with decorative balustrades and whimsically designed gingerbreading give each structure its personal charm and distinction. Even chain stores like Starbucks, Five Guys and CVS blend into the historic ambience.

Beaufort, S.C., is another historic small town but with movie settings that are fun to visit. You’ll pass by houses rented by

the cast and crew of Glory that featured Denzel Washington, settings from Forces of Nature with Ben Affleck and Sandra Bullock, and the chocolate shop whose candies filled Forrest Gump’s bag of goodies on his bench.

Back on board, there were loads of activities. For example, there was an Outrageous Laws game — you probably didn’t know that in Alabama, it is illegal to drive while wearing a blindfold — and the ever-popular Boozy Bingo.



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A New England islands cruise without leaving the country

Been considering a cruise but aren’t sure you want to go on one of those mega-ships with 6,000 other people? Or perhaps you don’t want the hassle of overseas travel to cruise the Greek islands or the far east.


Text and Photos

Check this out.

Take a week-long cruise without leaving the U.S. by traveling on the American Cruise Lines voyage through the New England islands. You’ll be one of just 100 passengers.

The food is outstanding (you can have seafood for breakfast, lunch and dinner), the rooms are comfortable, you get a complimentary cocktail hour before dinner each night, informative speakers and entertainment. It doesn’t get any better than that.

But actually it does.

The ship departs from Providence, R.I., and goes to New Bedford, Mass., known as the “City that Lit the World,” to learn about whales, whaling ships and whale oil. At the New Bedford Whaling Museum, you’ll see skeletons of huge whales and go on board an 89-foot-long, onehalf scale model of a whaling ship inside the museum to learn about life on board a whaling vessel.

From there you sail off to the peaceful island of Nan-

tucket to view elegant homes of sea captains and merchants, reflecting the prosperity of its seafaring heritage.

Martha’s Vineyard is the next stop. This little island, which was once the center of the east coast whaling industry, is now one of New England’s most chic vacation spots and summer home to some of the country’s wealthiest individuals.

Most Midwesterners have never heard of Block Island, the next stop on the cruise. It was formed 10,000 years ago by glaciers, which left behind 200-foot-high bluffs overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Today, it’s a thriving, laid back summer vacation destination.

Newport, R.I., which boasts one of the world’s finest harbors, is best known for its preponderance of elegant mansions, which were constructed by extremely wealthy families in the 1800s.

This stop includes a bus tour past many of the mansions and a visit to the Breakers, the lavish 70-room “summer cottage” of the Vanderbilt’s overlooking Narragansett Bay. It gives you insight into how the rich and famous lived in the days before income taxes. You’ll also have the opportunity to tour Fort Adams, which protected the harbor back in the 1800s.

Bristol, R.I., is the last stop before returning to Providence. You can sign up to tour another mansion and the America’s Cup Hall of Fame to learn about “The Golden Age of Yachting.”

Perhaps the best part of the trip is the grand finale lobster bake. By the time the

AMERICAN STAR Cruising without leaving the country is available through American Cruise Lines. It takes just 100 passengers to the New England islands.

A New England

Continued from page 14

arrives in port, lobsters, mussels, clams, corn on the cob and chicken have been baking all morning on coals under a tarp on the beach.

At noon, the tarp is lifted to an

applause from the passengers, a big cloud of steam escapes into the atmosphere and the feast is revealed. It’s served buffet- style under a big tent and members of the ship’s dining staff assist in removing the juicy lobster meat

from the claws and shell. What a finish to an American cruise.

To learn more about the New England Islands cruises, visit or call (800) 460-4518.

Do it before 2025 fills up.

one-half scale

whaling ship Lagota, which sailed the world in the 1800s and early 1900s in search of whales.

room “summer cottage” of the Vanderbilt family overlooking Narragansett Bay. Delve into the life of the rich and famous before income taxes.

Celebrating 45 yrs 1404 E. Lake Bluff Drive 888-262-4423 Kendallville, IN 46755

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Required, Lodging in Sault Ste Marie MI, Soo Lock Boat Ride, Shipwreck Museum, Upper/Lower Tahquamenon Falls Full Day Canada Train Ride OCT 22-26 DOOR COUNTY & GREEN BAY


Celebrating 45 yrs 1404 E. Lake Bluff Drive 888-262-4423 Kendallville, IN 46755

Required, Lodging in Sault Ste Marie MI, Soo Lock Boat Ride, Shipwreck Museum, Upper/Lower Tahquamenon Falls. Full Day Canada Train Ride


Wisconsin: National RR Museum, Lambeau Field Tour & Hall of Fame, Washington Island, Harbor Beach, Stavkirke & Bjorkunden Chapels, Eagle Bluff Lighthouse, Famous Fish Boil , Goats on the Roof

OCT 2-5 AGAWA CANYON TRAIN – Passport Required, Lodging in Sault Ste Marie MI, Soo Lock Boat Ride, Shipwreck Museum, Upper/Lower Tahquamenon Falls Full Day Canada Train Ride OCT 22-26 DOOR COUNTY & GREEN BAY Wisconsin: National RR Museum, Lambeau Field Tour & Hall of Fame, Washington Island, Harbor Beach, Stavkirke & Bjorkunden Chapels, Eagle Bluff Lighthouse, Famous Fish Boil , Goats on the Roof


Wisconsin: National RR Museum, Lambeau Field Tour & Hall of Fame, Washington Island, Harbor Beach, Stavkirke & Bjorkunden Chapels, Eagle Bluff

Lighthouse, Famous Fish Boil, Goats on the Roof



Required, Lodging in Sault Ste Marie MI, Soo Lock Boat Ride, Shipwreck Museum, Upper/Lower Tahquamenon Falls Full Day Canada Train Ride





Shows: Dutton Family, Hughes Brothers, Christmas Wonderland, Presley’s County Jubilee, Clay Cooper’s Ozark Christmas, Sight & Sound’s “The Miracle of Christmas & Fantastic Caverns.

Opryland Hotel Lodging, Ray Stevens Dinner Show, Grand Ole Opry Show, Hotel Holiday Show, The Hermitage, Country Music Hall of Fame & More

NOV 18-22 BRANSON CHRISTMAS 6 Great Shows: Dutton Family, Hughes Brothers, Christmas Wonderland, Presley’s County Jubilee, Clay Cooper ’s Ozark Christmas, Sight & Sound’s The Miracle of Christmas & Fantastic Caverns. An S & S Tradition Dec 4-7 OPRYLAND COUNTRY CHRISTMAS Opryland Hotel Lodging, Ray Stevens Dinner show, Grand Ole Opry Show, Hotel Holiday Show, The Hermitage, Country Music Hall of Fame & More

Wisconsin: National RR Museum, Lambeau Field Tour & Hall of Fame, Washington Island, Harbor Beach, Stavkirke & Bjorkunden Chapels, Eagle Bluff Lighthouse, Famous Fish Boil , Goats on the Roof

NOV 18-22 BRANSON CHRISTMAS 6 Great Shows: Dutton Family, Hughes Brothers, Christmas Wonderland, Presley’s County Jubilee, Clay Cooper ’s Ozark Christmas, Sight & Sound s The Miracle of Christmas & Fantastic Caverns. An S & S Tradition Dec 4-7 OPRYLAND COUNTRY CHRISTMAS Opryland Hotel Lodging, Ray Stevens Dinner show, Grand Ole Opry Show, Hotel Holiday Show, The Hermitage, Country Music Hall of Fame & More Tours Depart Goshen/Kendallville/Auburn/Ft.

NOV 18-22 BRANSON CHRISTMAS 6 Great Shows: Dutton Family, Hughes Brothers, Christmas Wonderland, Presley’s County Jubilee, Clay Cooper ’s Ozark Christmas, Sight & Sound’s “The Miracle of Christmas & Fantastic Caverns. An S & S Tradition

Tours Depart Goshen/Kendallville/Auburn/Ft. Wayn e S & S TRAVEL

DEC 7 YULETIDE CELEBRATION w/Sandi Patti, Indianapolis Hilbert Circle Theatre 2025 TOUR



6 Nights, Western Caribbean - Register by Oct. 25

Call Today! 888-262-4423 Quality Tours ~ Great Value

Opryland Hotel Lodging, Ray Stevens Dinner show, Grand Ole Opry Show, Hotel Holiday Show, The Hermitage, Country Music Hall of Fame & More

Tours Depart Goshen/Kendallville/Auburn/Ft. Wayn e

LOBSTER BAKE Waiting for cruise passengers on the beach at Bristol, R.I., was a fabulous lobster bake with clams, mussels and corn on the cob.
OFF TO THE SEA — This statue of a fisherman about to head to sea is in the harbor at New Bedford, Mass.
OPULENT NEWPORT MANSION —Tour the Breakers, the 70-
WHALING SHIP MODEL Inside the Bedford Whaling Museum is this 89-foot-long,
model of the

Understanding the need for a representative payee

You may know someone who gets a monthly Social Security benefit or Supplemental Security Income payment and who also needs help managing their money. We can appoint a person or an organization to act as a “representative payee” responsible for receiving and managing a person’s Social Security benefits or SSI payments.

When we assign a representative payee, we select someone who knows the beneficiary’s needs and can make decisions about how to best use their benefits for their care and well-being. An application is required, and an in-person

interview may be needed. You can call us at (800) 772-1213 to schedule an appointment. Most representative payees are responsible for completing an annual form to account for the benefit payments they receive and manage. They must complete this form and return it to Social Security by mail or, if they have a personal my Social Security account, they can file it online using the Representative Payee portal. Account holders can also get a benefit verification letter and manage direct deposit and wage reporting for their beneficiaries. Learn more about the portal at rep-payee.

You also have the option to identify up to three people to serve as your future represen-

Our Services Include

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• Determining what to Sell, Keep or Donate

• Pack for the Move

• Inventory Appraising

• Move Management

• Overseeing Repairs, Painting, Cleaning and Staging Home for Sale

• Selling Personal Property & Real Estate

• Assisting Executors, Attorneys, Trustees Huntington 260.356.3911 | Fort Wayne 260.459.3911

tative payee and help manage your benefits, if the need arises. We call this Advance Designation. We offer Advance Designation to capable adults and emancipated minors who are applying for or already receiving Social Security benefits, SSI, or Special Veterans Benefits. With Advance Designation, you and your family can enjoy peace of mind knowing someone you trust may be appointed to manage your benefits. Find more information about:

• Advance Designation at

• Representative Payees at

• Publications about representative payees at payee/newpubs.

If you know someone who

HELP AVAILABLE Persons who need help managing their monthly Social Security benefit can have a representative payee appointed who will be responsible for receiving and managing Social Security benefits. Photo provided by Social Security.

needs help managing their monthly benefits, please consider becoming a representa-

tive payee. You can also help by sharing this information with friends and family.

Tips for staying positive as you right size

Take time with your treasures. As you declutter, allow enough time to thoughtfully go through your belongings and enjoy the memories associated with these items.

Do a trial run. If you’re looking at an assisted living facility or 55-plus community, many will let you stay for a few days to try it out. Knowing where the amenities and common areas are will help you acclimate faster.

Focus on what you’re gaining, not losing. Change is always

hard, and there will be tough days. Try to think about how your life will improve with these changes. Think of all the extra time you’ll have to enjoy your days and family instead of cleaning, working, or trying to find things.

Make plans to see people. If you’re moving, set some concrete dates to meet or chat with friends. Familiar faces and staying busy can help speed up the acclimation process.

Enlist help. Even if you hire a professional moving manager, there’s a lot of detail in downsizing. You might need help with tasks, like reviewing contracts, negotiating rates, site visits, or

vetting storage facilities, all of which Ness Bros. would be happy to assist with. Even processing your belongings with friends and family can bring a lot of laughter and new memories. Contact our Senior Relocation team to get help and answers to your questions on right sizing; we’re here to help you stay positive throughout this process. Reach out to our relocation specialists at (260) 459-3911 in Fort Wayne or (260) 356-3911 in Huntington. You can also contact us through our website,, or stop in one of our offices, located at 3344 Mallard Cove Lane, Fort Wayne, or 519 N. Jefferson St., Huntington.

My ‘pillow talk’ and hiccapop

About this time last year, Mary Ellen and I spent our anniversary downtown at a charming little bed and breakfast. It was our way of celebrating 43 years since we fell in love. To commemorate this, I fell out of bed.

I did not expect it to happen again, but it has occurred several times in the last year or so — once with me almost ending up in the ER after hitting my noggin. This confirmed Mary Ellen’s longtime assertion that I should have my head examined. After my most recent crash landing, we knew something had to be done. Mary Ellen purchased an inflatable bed bumper rail from a company called hiccapop. When the box arrived, I thought hiccapop was one of those fancy energy drinks my wife buys. By the way, I know the “h” in hiccapop should be upper case, but no words in their instructions are capitalized. not one. They think that is clever. i don’t. i think it’s pretentious.

The hiccapop bed rail is a 5-foot-long cylindrical pillow. When you blow it up, it looks like a long white log. You stick it under your fitted sheet on the side of the bed to prevent your potential plummet to the floor.

The accompanying instructions make it clear that this is really intended for toddlers who have made the transition from a crib to a real bed, a transition I made during the Truman administration.

One woman writes on Amazon: The hiccapop keeps my son safe. I no longer have to worry about the little guy falling out of bed. It’s a relief to know my 6-year-old is protected.

Note to readers: Reread that review and substitute the word husband for son, then substitute old man for little guy. Then, replace the number six with the number 77. See how humiliating this whole predicament is for me?

Nettie, our housekeeper, came this week. She told Mary Ellen she wasn’t going to clean in the bedroom because it looked like I was napping.

“Oh, that’s not my husband. That’s his hiccapop.”

“Well, whoever he is, I can’t vacuum until he gets out of bed.”

The hiccapop business is very consumer-oriented.

“If you ever need parts, we will

send them to you free of charge,” the company declares in its instructions. Question: Have you ever needed to replace parts in a pillow?

They provide a warranty for the pillow “...even if your dog chews it accidentally.” I have no clue what that means. Barney, our old beagle, once chewed up Mary Ellen’s brand new shoes.

“Why don’t you scold him?” Mary Ellen asked me.

“Because it wasn’t his fault. He ate them accidentally.”

Finally, concerned about having their other baby hiccapop product ideas ripped off, the company issued this warning in their accompanying brochure: “To you beef-witted design pirates, do NOT copy our stuff, or we will sue you.”

I have never heard that expression, but there’s nothing more threatening than a wellplaced meat metaphor. By the way, the product really works. I have not rolled off the side of the bed since we installed the bumper, but I may have to return it and get a new one. I’m still a restless sleeper with a lot of nervous energy. Because of that, I chewed into my hiccapop one night while sleeping and it deflated.

Mary Ellen forgave me. I told her it was an accident.

Senior Relocation Program

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