1 minute read

PDMES elects new SPG officers

FOR THE SCHOOL Year 20222023, Placido Del Mundo E.S. has picked up excellent students to be their S.P.G. president. These people were already known in the Placido community for being the smartest or most strategic. They will blow your mind.

Their President Being: Ysabella Marie P. Forcado Grade 6 Jose


P. Rizal Adviser Ma’am Rubelyn R. Soto. Their Vice President:

Orlando V. Chaves Grade 5 Argon Adviser Ma’am Coliann Orpeo. Their secretary: Marita Taer De

Veda, Grade 5 Sodium Adviser Sir Jonathan Bantoc. Their Treasurer:

Fiona McKenzie S. Acebedo Grade 4 Section Einstein Adviser Ma’am

Nona Ebalde. Their Auditor:

Nathalie Jane G. Leios Grade 4

Descartes Adviser Sir Christopher Abaigar. Their P.I.O.: Elle Janine

Olores Grade 5 Helium Adviser

Ma’am Maribeth Mananquil. Their

Campus health

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