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QuoteSessionExtensionRequest – Request for an extension of an existing Session

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UML Notation

QuoteSessionExtensionRequest – Request for an extension of an existing Session

Figure 36 - QuoteSessionExtensionRequest class diagram

A QuoteSessionExtensionRequest class, see Figure 36, (which is versioned identifiable) references a specific, active Session in the request. This version of a request is a shortened version of the QuoteRightRequest used for a new transaction. For a QuoteSessionExtensionRequest on an existing Session, the following attributes are required:

- SessionId - quoteEnd – this is the new end time of the requested RightSpecification - requestTime – the time in UTC that the request was sent by requester. - supplied Credential – the current Credential in use for the current Session. A credential can be a ticket number, permit number, license plate, or other credential associated to the current AssignedRight. The Eligibility criteria is assumed to be the same as supplied when the Session was established. If the criteria or the status of the user has changed, this is not considered an as extension of the existing Session.

The SessionId will provide reference to AssignedRight and other necessary information on the RightSpecification.

Copyright Alliance for Parking Data Standards: APDS Information Model 4.0 Version Release June 7, 2022

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