2 minute read

Preparing For Your Submission


Provide full name, title, company/organization, address, phone, email for your presenters and/or moderator. It is imperative that the email address for all presenters is correct. If the email address is incorrect, your presenters will not be able to complete their requirements and the submission will not be reviewed. Each email address provided must match the presenter and be a unique email address.


Provide a concise biography (75 words maximum) and a professional headshot. Include a brief summary of education, work history, and experience relevant to your speaking topic. When you’re writing your bio, you want to focus on how the audience perceives you. What is it about you that would be most important or interesting to them?


Create a clever or compelling short title (less than 10 words) that piques interest and describes the educational value, while providing a clear, concise title that accurately reflects the session content. IPMI reserves the right to edit session information upon acceptance.


Provide a 300-word description of your presentation. Avoid jargon; clarity is paramount in describing what your audience will learn or be able to do at or after your session. Sales pitches and promotional material for companies, products, or services will not be considered for the education program.


This description will be used for printed materials, conference website and in the mobile app. Shorten your presentation abstract to a concise summary (75 word maximum).

Learning Objectives

Using measurable, outcome-based verbs, list three learning objectives based on Bloom’s Taxonomy for session participants— what they will be able to do as a result of participating in your session. A learning objective clearly expresses what the participant will learn or be able to do after attending the session.

Examples: Differentiate between potential and kinetic energy. Describe Newton’s three laws of motion. Outline various stages of design thinking. Recognize different types of number sequences.

Instructional Flow

How would you describe the instructional flow for this session? What techniques will you use to get your points across and have them be remembered by the audience? What interaction or interactive element are you incorporating for the audience? How will the time be used? Please be specific.

Evaluation Criteria

All submissions go through a blind review process where they are evaluated anonymously by Conference Program Task Force Reviewers. Submissions are evaluated based on established criteria to ensure a comprehensive, nonpromotional, commercially unbiased, objective, and diverse education program. Programs that were created specifically for #IPMI2024 and have never been presented previously will be favoured. Submissions that clearly describe innovative and creative work receive the highest priority.

Tips on Engagement

Consider how to make your presentation engaging and interactive. Ideas on how to engage your participants include, but are not limited to:

• Include a video (five minutes or less) to engage the audience.

• Illustrate scenarios, graphics, stories, or case studies.

• Ask questions, use exercises, or create a learning/educational takeaway.

• Create instant online polling, or get a pulse on your audience needs via slido or polleverywhere.com using your personal credentials.

• Provoke discussion, create a plan, offer resources and take-aways, such as templates.

Submissions are evaluated based on the following criteria:

• Overall quality and written description of content with a cohesive focus.

• Well-defined learning objectives that match the session description.

• Relevance and practical application of content to the parking, transportation, and mobility industry.

• Level of participant engagement and interactivity.

• Appeal to a significant sector of the industry.

AV Provided To Speakers

• WiFi in education session room.

• Podium with microphone.

• Laptop with sound.

• LCD projector and screen.

• Slide advancer with laser pointer.

• For panels, a table with chairs for panelists and a single table microphone.

Presenter Tip: Always use the microphone; individuals may have hearing aids that cannot pick up your words if you do not use the microphone.

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