CPA Small Branches 2019 newsletter

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Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)

CPA Small Branches 2019 Newsletter

CPA Small Branches About the CPA Small Branches Since 1981, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has held an annual Small Branches Conference for Members from more than 30 jurisdictions with populations of 500,000 and less. This Conference provides a platform for Members to discuss political problems and the operation of democratic systems in some of the world’s smallest jurisdictions. The annual Small Branches Conference is always held in the margins of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. The timing of this Conference also enables these small jurisdictions to discuss matters of relevance to them with larger Branches. It is the only global forum which provides this opportunity. In addition, the CPA has delivered a number of programmes for Small Branches over the years. Examples of these include the Small Branches Committee Workshop which took place in Douglas, Isle of Man as well as the recently developed CPA Fundamentals Programme on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure for Small Branches offered in partnership with McGill University. The CPA Executive Committee recommended the establishment of the post of CPA Small Branches Chairperson. It was agreed that the CPA Small Branches Chairperson would be an Officer of the Association, would sit on the CPA Executive Committee and would represent the needs of Small Branches on the CPA Executive Committee. In 2016, the first CPA Small Branches Chairperson was elected. The CPA Small Branches Chairperson gives a voice to CPA Small Branches within the wider Association and is responsible for developing strategies to build the capacity of these jurisdictions. The smallest of the CPA’s legislatures seek to meet the same expectations of service delivery as larger legislatures and in doing so, they recognise the importance of constantly innovating in the face of fiscal and human resource constraints; they also recognise the central role of Parliament in meeting the challenges of combatting corruption; and the threats in the face of climate change to some of the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) CPA Headquarters Secretariat Richmond House, Houses of Parliament London SW1A 0AA United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)20 7799 1460 Email: Website:

CPA Small Branches Network The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has since 1981 held CPA Small Branches Conferences for Members from more than 30 jurisdictions with populations of up to a current ceiling of 500,000 people. Members discuss political issues and the operation of democratic systems in some of the world’s smallest jurisdictions.

Map of the Commonwealth across all 9 CPA Regions. CPA Small Branches are currently in 7 out of 9 CPA Regions.

AUSTRALIA • Australian Capital Territory • Northern Territory • Tasmania

CANADA • Northwest Territories • Nunavut • Prince Edward Island • Yukon

• Nevis Island • St Lucia • St Vincent & the Grenadines • Turks & Caicos Islands

AFRICA • Seychelles

CARIBBEAN, AMERICAS AND THE ATLANTIC • Anguilla • Antigua & Barbuda • The Bahamas • Barbados • Belize • Bermuda • British Virgin Islands • Cayman Islands • Dominica • Grenada • Montserrat • St Kitts & Nevis

PACIFIC • Bougainville • Cook Islands • Kiribati • Nauru • Niue • Samoa • Solomon Islands • Tonga • Tuvalu • Vanuatu

BRITISH ISLES AND THE MEDITERRANEAN • Alderney • Falkland Islands • Gibraltar • Guernsey • Isle of Man • Jersey • Malta • St Helena

SOUTH EAST ASIA • Perlis CPA Small Branches listed as at January 2019..

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The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has a long and respected history of supporting small Parliaments and Legislatures in the Commonwealth. The CPA is the only parliamentary strengthening body in the world which includes devolved, territorial, state and provincial Parliaments and Legislatures, which are often also CPA Small Branches. The CPA Small Branches network has gone from strength to strength with the delivery of a range of programmes for CPA Small Branches focused on various thematic areas as highlighted in the CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan. This plan will strengthen the network and support the overall direction for a stronger, more visible and impactful CPA where progress made is measurable according to a clear strategic framework with tangible outcomes. In 2018, we have seen CPA Small Branches engaging in a wide range of activities

to promote parliamentary development and cooperation. Two CPA Small Branches – St Helena and Nevis - held CPA PostElection Seminars with the CPA Headquarters Secretariat which provides Members with a better understanding of the parliamentary system and democratic processes in other Commonwealth jurisdictions. CPA Small Branches in the Cook Islands and the Cayman Islands hosted their respective annual Regional Conferences for the CPA Pacific and Australia Region and for the CPA Caribbean, Americas and the Atlantic Region. Youth engagement was also high on the agenda with the CPA Jersey Branch hosting the 9 th Commonwealth Youth Parliament and a number of CPA Small Branches held youth events for Commonwealth Day. 2018 was also a busy year for me as the Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches. Climate change is one of the biggest issues facing our CPA Small Branches.

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Hon. Angelo Farrugia, MP Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches and Speaker of the Parliament of Malta

I was delighted to host a workshop that examined the role of Parliamentarians and the global implications of climate change and its unique impact on the smallest nations and territories in the world at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Headquarters in Kenya. Through this partnership, the CPA Small Branches network and UNEP will continue to examine the role of legislators in combatting climate change and support Parliamentarians to further pursue these goals. I also highlighted the greater impact of climate change on small states as an important issue in relation to multilateral trading systems and the impact of trade processes

CPA Small Branches as the CPA’s representative at the 2018 Parliamentary Conference on the World Trade Organisation (WTO), where we also discussed the mobilisation of parliamentary action on trade with specific reference to the Commonwealth and the CPA Small Branches. I also had the opportunity to speak about the importance of the separation of powers between the Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary to ensure effective governance and democracy at a workshop session at 2018 Commonwealth People’s Forum, in the margins of

the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London. I look forward to further rolling out the CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan in 2019 with the support and input of every Member of

the CPA Small Branches network as well as the wider CPA membership and the international community to build on the successes highlighted in this newsletter.

CPA Small Branches Steering Committee The CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan launched in 2018 recommended the formation of a CPA Small Branches Steering Committee similar to the Steering Committee of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians. The Steering Committee would consist of seven members (representing the 7 Regions of the CPA with Small Branches) who will be responsible for assisting the CPA Small Branches Chairperson in the delivery of the CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan within their respective Regions. They will also act as champions of the Strategic Plan and its Work Programme both within their region and the wider Association. It is envisaged that the CPA Small Branches Steering Committee will come together twice a year, once virtually via webcast earlier in the year and once face-to-face in the margins of the CPA Small Branches Conference, usually held later in the year. Further details on the CPA Small Branches Steering Committee will be sent to all CPA Small Branches in due course.

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CPA Small Branches CPA Small Branches - Activities in 2018 Commonwealth Parliamentary Association embeds good governance and democracy in St Helena, one of the remotest legislatures in the Commonwealth The CPA has helped to understanding of the strengthen parliamentary parliamentary system and practice and procedure for democratic processes the St Helena Legislature in other Commonwealth following elections in July jurisdictions. The seminar 2017 through a CPA Post- was opened by Hon. Eric Election Seminar for newly Benjamin, MLC, Speaker elected Members held from of the Legislature of St 20 to 27 January 2018. One Helena and Her Excellency of the remotest and smallest Lisa Phillips, Governor of legislatures in the CPA’s St Helena. The five newly membership of over 180 elected and seven returning Commonwealth Parliaments Councillors heard from and Legislatures, the St experts from across the Helena Legislature is in the Commonwealth including: British Overseas Territory Hon. Barry House, Former located on a small island in President of the Legislative the Atlantic Ocean with a Council of Western Australia; was launched at Prince population of 4,500 people. and Mr Roger Phillips, Clerk Andrew School in St Helena The CPA is the only of Tynwald, Isle of Man. Commonwealth body that Hon. Eric Benjamin, as part of the CPA Roadshows works to strengthen territorial Speaker of the Legislature tour of Commonwealth assemblies and legislatures said in his closing remarks, schools and universities. 300 students such as the St Helena “The week-long Seminar has O v e r Legislative Council as well as been educational and greatly discussed the importance working with national, state beneficial as Councillors of the Commonwealth and and provincial legislatures. The have engaged in constructive parliamentary democracy with CPA provides a key platform exchanges with the visiting the visiting CPA delegation to develop good parliamentary CPA resource team who and local Councillors, Derek practice in St Helena and have shared with us how Thomas, Christine Scipioother self-governing UK different Legislatures across O’Dean and Cruyff Buckley. Overseas Territories and to the Commonwealth operate. The CPA Roadshows share good practice between I believe that Councillors provide an opportunity for similar legislatures across the will reflect on how some young people to learn about Commonwealth. of the ideas shared can be the political values of the The CPA Post-Election implemented here in this Commonwealth such as Seminar saw Members House to help improve the diversity, development and of St Helena Legislature way in which we function and parliamentary democracy; the provided with an excellent better represent the people of role of St Helena Councillors in representing the issues of opportunity to ask questions St Helena.” about parliamentary practice Following the CPA Post- concern to the people of St and procedure. It provided Election Seminar, the CPA Helena and the work of the Members with a better Roadshow for Young People CPA. 4 | Commonwealth Parliametary Association | CPA Small Branches

CPA Small Branches CPA Small Branch hosts Commonwealth Speakers as they meet in Seychelles for 24th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth Over 50 Speakers and Presiding Officers from across the Commonwealth met in Seychelles for the 24th Conference of Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Commonwealth (CSPOC) which took place from 8 to 13 January 2018 and was officially opened by the President of the Republic of Seychelles, His Excellency Mr Danny Faure. The CSPOC Conference brought together the Speakers and Presiding Officers of 22 bicameral Parliaments and 30 unicameral Parliaments – a total of 74 members from 52 nations including many CPA Small Branches. The Speakers from the Parliaments and Legislatures of the Commonwealth participated in working sessions and plenaries, focusing on different topics of discussions on matters of Parliament; providing a forum for the sharing of parliamentary best practices and fruitful collaborations across the Parliaments of the Commonwealth. Topics varied from discussions on the use of technology to support Members and house business, touching on subjects concerning methods to improve and benefit the Parliaments through the use of technology; the development of efficient social media channels and website portals to ensure that parliamentary information is accessible not only to the

parliamentary Members and staff but also to the public to promote democracy and transparency. Other topics debated included the role of the Speaker in parliamentary diplomacy for both regional and international co-operation, emerging security issues for Parliamentarians as well as strengthening parliamentary research for the effective functioning of legislatures. As per the tradition of the CSPOC opening ceremony, the assembled Speakers and Presiding Officers, led by the Speaker of the National Assembly of Seychelles, Hon. Patrick Pillay and the Sergeant at Arms, participated in the official Speaker’s Procession in their ceremonial robes. The Conference, being held in Seychelles for the first time, brought together the Speakers and Presiding Officers of the Parliaments and Legislatures of the Commonwealth. CSPOC

operates on a two-year cycle, holding a conference of the full membership every two years. It focuses on the sharing of experiences, collaboration, and partnership across the Parliaments of the Commonwealth. CSPOC was created in 1969 and is a separate independent org anisat ion, alt houg h many of its participants are also Members of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. The Chairperson of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Executive Committee, Hon. Emilia Monjowa Lifaka, MP, who is also the Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Cameroon also attended the Conference and observed the working sessions. The 25th CSPOC Conference will be held in Canada in 2020. For more information about CSPOC please visit

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CPA Small Branches CPA Small Branch Jersey hosts the 9th Commonwealth Youth Parliament and inspires future young leaders from across the Commonwealth Commonwealth youth delegates aged 18 to 29 met for the 9th Commonwealth Youth Parliament (9th CYP) from 25 February to 1 March 2018, hosted by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the Jersey States Assembly in St Helier, Jersey. The 49 delegates at the 9th CYP came from fifteen countries, ranging from the largest (India) to the smallest (Niue), and from 35 CPA Branches across eight CPA Regions. The five days of the Commonwealth Youth Parliament provided a key development opportunity for young people from the Commonwealth with ambitions of public office and introduced these potential young Parliamentarians to the fundamentals behind the processes of Parliament. Youth delegate, Elsie Harry (St Kitts and Nevis) said: “From taking part in this Commonwealth Youth

Parliament, I’ve learnt that the challenges that different regions face are specifically related to their geographical situation and historical context and within the Commonwealth we always have to bear this in mind when making decisions.” Pierre de Garis (Guernsey) said: “You can’t ignore the fact that this Commonwealth Youth Parliament which brings together such a diverse group of people with different cultures and histories had challenges. However, it is testament to the Commonwealth that the demonstrable values we all share have allowed us to come together and find consensus and common ground.” In addressing the 9th CYP delegates at the start of their programme, the CPA SecretaryGeneral, Mr Akbar Khan, said: “Together, this week we are a fantastically diverse group serving as a microcosm of Commonwealth youth. Please

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learn from each other, network and seize the opportunity to forge lasting friendships. I encourage you to pursue your ambitions, political or otherwise.” At the end of the 9th CYP, he observed, “Mission accomplished.” The CYP gave participants a Pan-Commonwealth experience and a hugely valuable networking opportunity including with current young Members of Parliament from the Commonwealth - Hon. Temard Butterfield, MHA (Turks and Caicos); Deputy Sam Mezec (Jersey); Hon. Jermaine Figueria, MP (Guyana); Hon. John Paul Mwirigi, MP (Kenya) - who acted as mentors throughout the week. The 9th CYP was originally to have been hosted by the House of Assembly of the British Virgin Islands in October 2017, but that was made impossible by the devastating effects of hurricanes Irma and Maria.

CPA Small Branches CPA Small Branches Chairperson highlights the importance of the separation of powers to ensure effective governance at Commonwealth People’s Forum The Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches, Hon. Angelo Farrugia, Speaker of the Parliament of Malta spoke about the importance of the separation of powers between the legislature, the executive and the judiciary to ensure effective governance and democracy at a workshop session at 2018 Commonwealth People’s Forum. The CPA Small Branches Chairperson also highlighted the CPA’s role in the establishment of the Commonwealth Latimer House Principles on the separation of powers and the CPA’s Recommended Benchmarks for Democratic Legislatures. The Commonwealth People’s Forum (CPF) 2018 was held ahead of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2018 and brought together civic voices from around the world to debate key issues facing Commonwealth

people. The CPF is the single largest opportunity for civil society to engage with Commonwealth leaders on global development issues. The CPA Small Branches Chairperson spoke at the panel session on the separation of powers alongside Lady Brenda Hale, President of the UK Supreme Court; Cheryl Dorall of the Commonwealth Journalists Association; and former judge, Keith Hollis of the Commonwealth Magistrates and Judges Association

(CMJA). Panellists examined the role of the separation of powers in the Commonwealth, its effectiveness in providing democratic governance and the role of civil society. The CPA was a partner in the establishment of the Commonwealth Latimer House Principles together with partners: the Commonwealth Secretariat, the CMJA, the Commonwealth Lawyers Association and the Commonwealth Legal Education Association.

Cayman Islands Speaker at Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters The Speaker of the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly, Hon. W. McKeeva Bush visited the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat in London, United Kingdom to discuss the CPA’s parliamentary strengthening work in the Commonwealth, parliamentary staff training opportunities and youth engagement in democracy. The Speaker met with CPA Director of Operations, Mr Jarvis Matiya and CPA Secretariat staff. The CPA provides programmes for legislatures of the UK Overseas Territories like the Cayman Islands as well as national, state and provincial Commonwealth Parliaments and legislatures, to network and share good practice and innovative work to strengthen the role of Parliament as an institution. Commonwealth Parliametary Association | CPA Small Branches | 7

CPA Small Branches CPA Small Branches celebrate Commonwealth Day 2018 A number of CPA Small the National Branches across the network Assembly of of the Commonwealth C a m e r o o n , Parliamentary Association and the CPA celebrated Commonwealth S e c r e t a r y Day 2018 both in London at the General, Mr CPA Headquarters Secretariat Akbar Khan. and across the CPA’s Regions. In addition, Commonwealth Day has C P A Small been celebrated around the B r a n c h e s Commonwealth on the second a c r o s s the Monday in March every year network of the since the 1970s. Commonwealth Young people from the Parliamentary Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, A s s o c i a t i o n marked the Isle of Man, Malta, Jersey, Commonwealth Day 2018 in Cayman Islands, Bermuda, many different ways. and Montserrat attended the In the Australian Capital CPA Commonwealth Day Territory, the President of Youth Programme on the the CPA ACT Branch, Hon. theme of ‘Towards a Common Joy Burch, MLA, Speaker Future’ in London. The young of the Legislative Assembly participants also attended held a reception with twelve the Commonwealth Day High Commissioners of service in Westminster Abbey the Commonwealth based attended by Her Majesty in Australia’s capital city of Queen Elizabeth II, Head Canberra, as well as school of the Commonwealth and captains and principals from Patron of the Commonwealth various secondary schools in Parliamentary Association and the ACT and Members of the they met the Chairperson of ACT Legislative Assembly. the CPA Executive Committee, The CPA Cayman Islands Hon. Emilia Monjowa Lifaka, Branch continued their MP, Deputy Speaker of tradition of holding its annual

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Youth Parliament to celebrate Commonwealth Day and in 2018, the 11th Cayman Islands Youth Parliament was held. Nineteen students from Cayman Brac and Grand Cayman high schools as well as the University College of the Cayman Islands helped the Branch to celebrate Commonwealth Day by enthusiastically participating in the annual Youth Parliament, which gives the participants a true insight into how the democratic field operates in the Cayman Islands. The CPA Malta Branch held a debate in the chamber of the House of Representatives to mark Commonwealth Day 2018 based on a motion submitted jointly by both sides of the House. The resolution, adopted unanimously by the House, recalled the central role of the Commonwealth in bringing people together from

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around the world, and despite all their diversity, embrace values that can provide a solid base on which to build a common future. Moreover, the resolution drew attention to the role that MPs elected by the citizens that make up the Commonwealth’s future can play and to encourage them to be active in various forums of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association. Over the course of a week around Commonwealth Day 2018, the Parliamentary Education Service of the Northern Territory in Australia welcomed some 470 participants from nine different schools from the Darwin, Palmerston and rural areas to engage them in a programme aiming to promote awareness of the Commonwealth and the CPA amongst

young people in the Northern Territory. Full sized flags of all Commonwealth nations were displayed overhead in the Main Hall of the Northern Territory’s Parliament House, forming an impressive visual spectacle. The key program objectives for the CPA Northern Territory Branch were for students to gain knowledge of the countries that comprise the Commonwealth, their region in the world and the diversity, as well as the similarities of the people of these countries as we journey together ‘Towards a Common Future’. Commonwealth Day 2018 was celebrated by the CPA St Helena Branch with the raising of the Commonwealth Flag at an event held at the Jamestown Community Centre in the presence of the Acting Governor, Members of the Legislative Council, government officials and students of Prince Andrew School. The Commonwealth Flag was raised as part of the ‘Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth’ campaign, during which it

was planned for over one thousand Commonwealth Flags to be flown across the Commonwealth. A competition was also held at Prince Andrew School where students were asked to produce a written piece based on the theme for Commonwealth Day 2018 - ‘Towards a Common Future’. Student Ella-Rose Stevens, shared her entry called ‘My Common Future Commonwealth Cake’ in which she read a recipe that included ingredients for a happy, healthy and unified Commonwealth, including health, education, love, aspiration, respect, integrity and unity. This was followed by the ‘Budget Challenge’ where groups of students from the Prince Andrew School Student Council presented a budget for the island, which replicated the annual challenges faced by the Elected Members to allocate funding for different projects on St Helena and the students debated the budget with inputs from Elected Members of the St Helena Legislative Council.

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CPA Small Branches Commonwealth Parliamentary Association helps to embed good governance in Nevis The CPA helped to strengthen Hon. Mark Brantley, the Branches and to the mutuality parliamentary practice and Premier of Nevis said: “The of learning among CPA procedure with the delivery of Commonwealth is diverse and Members. We must always a CPA Post-Election Seminar democracy among its member seek opportunities to strengthen for the recently elected Nevis states takes different shapes Parliament, nurture public trust Island Assembly from 15 and forms. It is therefore critical in the institution and build the to 16 May 2018. The CPA that we become inclusive and capacity of its Parliamentarians Post-Election Seminar, held in embrace different cultures, through programmes like the Charlestown, Nevis, was held traditions and values as we CPA Post-Election Seminars.” to enable current and recently endeavour to strengthen and The newly elected and elected Parliamentarians to promote democracy globally. current Members heard gain a broader understanding of As we become more inclusive, from experts from across the the principles of parliamentary we must however continue to Commonwealth including: democracy and to strengthen commit ourselves to the values Senator Wade Mark (Trinidad their skillsets. and tenets that define us – free and Tobago); Hon. Gail Teixeira, The eight Member Nevis and fair elections, rule of law, MP, Opposition Chief Whip Island Assembly is one of separation of powers, respect, (Guyana); Mr Nigel Jones, the smallest legislatures in understanding, tolerance, Deputy Clerk of Parliament the CPA’s membership of freedom of expression, gender of Barbados; as well as local over 180 Commonwealth equality, good governance and Members and officials from St Parliaments and Legislatures. human rights.” Kitts and Nevis. It is located on a small island At the opening of the During the visit to Nevis with a population of 13,000 seminar, the CPA Secretary- Island, the CPA Secretarypeople that is an autonomous General, Mr Akbar Khan said: General also delivered a CPA region within the Federation of “The CPA is pleased to partner Roadshow for 25 students Saint Christopher and Nevis. with the Nevis Island Assembly from two local schools, On 18 December 2017, Nevis to support the strengthening Charlestown Secondary School Island held transparent, free and of democratic governance in and Gingerland Secondary fair elections with a 59% voter one of the smallest legislatures School. The Secretary-General turnout which demonstrated in our Commonwealth was accompanied to the CPA the island’s commitment to the western hemisphere. The Roadshow by local Members democratic ideals enshrined in CPA Post-Election Seminar including Hon. Farrel Smithen, the Commonwealth Charter. has demonstrated the CPA’s President of the Nevis Island commitment to our Small Assembly; Hon. Alexis Jeffers, Deputy Premier of Nevis; and Senator Wade Mark from Trinidad and Tobago who spoke to students about their role as Parliamentarians. The students also heard from Nevis Islander, Michelle Slack who attended the 9th Commonwealth Youth Parliament in Jersey earlier in 2018.

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CPA Small Branches Commonwealth Parliamentarians discuss the building of small developing states as CPA Small Branch, the Cayman Islands host the 43rd Regional Conference of the CPA Caribbean, Americas and the Atlantic Region The CPA Cayman Islands Branch successfully hosted the 43rd CPA Regional Conference of the Caribbean, Americas and the Atlantic (CAA) Region between 15 and 23 June 2018 in Georgetown, Grand Cayman, which saw over 60 delegates from across the CAA Region – and the wider Commonwealth – attend and participate in the week-long conference. The theme of the regional conference was ‘Building th Small Developing States’ and it observers from Canada, Cuba, the 11 Regional Conference the United Kingdom and the Isle of the Commonwealth Women focused on the pressing issues Parliamentarians (CWP) and facing the region such as of Man. In a presentation that typified the 14th Caribbean Regional de-globalization, climate change the strength of the CPA’s Youth Parliament. and population growth. Hon. networks of mutual learning, The 14 th Caribbean Dr W. McKeeva Bush, Speaker Hon. Juan Watterson, SHK, Regional Youth Parliament, of the Legislative Assembly Speaker of the House of Keys hosted by the CPA Cayman of the Cayman Islands hosted the regional conference and of the Isle of Man, remarked Islands Branch for the first during their opening speeches, to his Caribbean colleagues: time, saw young people aged Caribbean leaders underscored “There is no ultimate nirvana, 18-29 years from across the the challenges being faced by and nor is success ever assured. region come together to debate small developing states in the We only need to look at our and experience parliamentary region and urged delegates constituency caseload to realise democracy in action. The to use the topics selected for that. But I hope that by outlining Speaker of the Cayman Islands discussion to take workable our story, and some of the issues Legislative Assembly, Hon. Dr solutions and best practice back that we have faced and will W. McKeeva Bush undertook be facing, that it can lead to an the role of Presiding Officer of to their jurisdictions. The regional conference was informed debate in your own the Regional Youth Parliament attended by Speakers, Members jurisdictions about how you take and nineteen participants from of Parliament and guest your own island nations forward nine Caribbean jurisdictions delegates from 18 Caribbean into the bright future we all want took part. The Youth Parliament and nations.” aims to foster an appreciation nations and territories, including for our constituents rd The 43 CPA Caribbean, and understanding of the rules Antigua and Barbuda, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, St Kitts Americas and the Atlantic and procedures of Parliament and Nevis, Dominica, Guyana, Regional Conference also among the youth of the region Jamaica, Montserrat, Trinidad saw several other important and this year’s Parliament and Tobago, St Lucia, and events take place alongside the debated the motion: ‘Affirmation Turks and Caicos. In addition, main conference including the of the United Kingdom’s the regional conference also Annual General Meeting for the Decision to Exit the European included guest speakers and Regional Executive Committee, Union.’ Commonwealth Parliametary Association | CPA Small Branches | 11

CPA Small Branches New CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan launches for the development of the network over next three years The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the CPA Small Branches Chairperson, Hon. Angelo Farrugia, MP, Speaker of the Parliament of Malta, launched the CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 to the wider CPA membership in 2018. The Plan identified five strategic outcomes for the CPA Small Branches Network and sets out a roadmap to achieving them. In the foreword to the Strategic Plan, the CPA Small Branches Chairperson wrote: “I would like to encourage all CPA Small Branches to implement this Strategic Plan on multiple levels: internationally, locally, but also individually. It is vital that the international community keeps hearing the voice of smaller states, so that their challenges are heard and tackled, but it is also vital that this Strategic Plan is implemented on the ground by ourselves; key to the success of the Strategy is ownership by us, coming together as a collective.” The smallest of the CPA’s legislatures seek to meet the same expectations of service delivery as larger legislatures and in doing so, they recognise the importance of constantly innovating in the face of fiscal and human resource constraints; they recognise the central role of parliament in meeting the challenges of combatting corruption; and the threats in the face of climate change to some of the

Commonwealth’s most vulnerable. The new strategy focuses on key thematic areas and development activities with measurable outcomes; this will build parliamentary capacity for CPA Small Branches and create greater opportunities for the sharing of knowledge, parliamentary strengthening and cooperation across the network. The new strategic plan was developed by the new CPA Small Branches Chairperson, who hosted a strategy consultation meeting in Malta in October 2017 with representatives of each CPA Region where there are Small Branches (seven of the nine CPA Regions) to facilitate discussion and develop the plan. The strategic planning meeting, which took place at the Parliament of Malta, was attended by: Africa Region: Hon. Ahmed Afif, MP and Hon. Churchill Gill, MP (Seychelles); Australia Region: Mrs Joy Burch, MLA, Speaker of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly; British Islands and Mediterranean (BIM) Region: Hon. Samantha Sacramento, MP, Minister for Housing and Equality (Gibraltar); Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic (CAA) Region: Hon. Michael Carrington, MP, Speaker of the

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Barbados House of Assembly; South-East Asia Region: Hon. Hamdan Bahari, MP, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of The State of Perlis, Malaysia; Pacific Region: Hon. Simon Pentanu, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. The new CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan was presented to the 36th CPA Small Branches Conference in November 2017, ahead of the wider 63rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in Dhaka, Bangladesh before being approved by the CPA Executive Committee at the Mid-Year meeting in March 2018.

CPA Small Branches CPA Grenada Branch sees the opening of a new Parliament Building The CPA Grenada Branch saw the opening of a new Parliament building in St George’s, Grenada at a ceremony attended by Commonwealth Parliamentarians, Speakers, Prime Ministers, regional leaders, representatives of funding governments and the general public. Grenada’s new Parliament building was officially opened on 21 June 2018 and it proceedings as well as offices mind. Representatives from the followed the destruction of York for staff, the Prime Minister financial donor countries of the House (the previous Parliament and the Presiding Officers. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and building) by Hurricane Ivan in parliamentary chamber is said Mexico attended the ceremony. September 2004. to be designed in the shape of The new Parliament of The new Parliament building a nutmeg pod in honour of the Grenada was officially opened in Grenada houses the twenty- island’s spice trade. The building with the unveiling of plaques eight Members of both Houses is the most recent and modern by the Governor-General of of Parliament (the Senate and public building in Grenada Grenada, Her Excellency Dame the House of Representatives) and it has been admired by Cecile La Grenade and the plus nearly 200 ‘stranger’ seats many locals and visitors alike. Prime Minister of Grenada, Rt for members of the public to view The development is part of a Hon. Dr Keith Mitchell, MP. This regeneration project for the was followed by a blessing of area which will include tourist the building and a joint sitting of attractions. both Houses of the Parliament The new building cost of Grenada which included the US$12.2 million and took Proclamation by the Acting twenty-five months to Clerk of Parliament and brief complete with the creation of remarks by the Governorover 200 jobs for individuals General. Hon. Michael Pierre, during the peak construction. Speaker of the House of The building was also been Representatives and Senator designed using the latest Hon. Chester Humphrey, climate control technology and President of the Senate also with environmental concerns in attended the ceremony. Speaker of Yukon Legislature visits CPA Headquarters The Speaker of the Yukon Legislative Assembly, Hon. Nils Clarke, MLA visited the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat with his wife, Mrs Janet Clarke to meet with the CPA’s Director of Operations, Mr Jarvis Matiya and Ms Meenakshi Dhar, Head of the Secretary-General’s Office to discuss the CPA’s parliamentary strengthening opportunities and the CPA’s work in the Canada Region, especially for CPA Small Branches like Yukon. Commonwealth Parliametary Association | CPA Small Branches | 13

CPA Small Branches Commonwealth Parliamentarians find that the world’s smallest nations can be global innovators in combatting the impacts of climate change Commonwealth Parliamentarians the specific representing the Small Branches c h a l l e n g e s Network of the Commonwealth o f smaller Parliamentary Association jurisdictions in (CPA) have examined the global overseeing the implications of climate change and implementation its impact on the smallest nations o f the and territories in the world. Climate 2015 Paris change is of great concern to the A g r e e m e n t 53 Commonwealth countries, and in the especially its 31 small and development developing states which are of appropriate evidence is overwhelming. Our often the least polluting but the national legislation dealing with focus now needs to be on the first casualties of climate change. the prevention and impact of how – finding the right solutions At the recent Commonwealth climate change. and making global issues relevant Heads of Government Meetings Through this partnership, the at the national and local level. We (CHOGM) in Malta and in the CPA Small Branches network need behavioural change, policy United Kingdom, Commonwealth and UNEP will continue to change and business change. leaders committed themselves examine the role of legislators in Everyone can take positive action to tackling climate change and combatting climate change and to combat this global problem,” addressing the unique challenges support Parliamentarians in the said Erik Solheim Head of UN of small states to ensure their full Parliaments and Legislatures of Environment. participation in and contribution to the Commonwealth to further At the closing of the a more prosperous future. pursue these goals. workshop, the CPA Small Parliamentarians from The CPA’s Small Branches, Branches Chairperson, Hon. eight CPA Small Branches which are jurisdictions with a Angelo Farrugia, MP said: “As representing five CPA Regions population of under 500,000 former UN Secretary-General met in Kenya from 10 to 13 people, are particularly well Ban-Ki Moon says, when it October 2018 for the CPA placed in trialling innovation comes to climate change, Small Branches Climate in combatting climate change there is no plan B, since we Change Workshop at the due to their smaller population do not have a planet B. Now United Nations Environment and landmass. For developing that we have come together Programme ( U N E P ) nations, there are resources as a network of CPA Small Headquarters. The workshop available to assist small Branches Parliamentarians to heard from experts in the jurisdictions in assuming a discuss these pressing matters, field and discussed ways to leadership role in this area. The to compare action plans and to introduce renewable energy, areas of engagement are vast engage with top experts in the waste reduction with a specific and range from implementing field, it is time for action. Climate focus on plastics, marine innovations in terrestrial change is not just a threat to protection, the best scientific ecosystems, technology, humanity - it is a tremendous, resources for action, electric transport, energy, emission unique opportunity in our transport, the involvement trading, climate finance, history to show what humans of non-state actors, fiscal legal response initiatives and have done best throughout the policy, regional integration, environmental law making. centuries: champion innovation and technological innovation. “The need for action on and growth.” Parliamentarians also examined climate change is a given. The 14 | Commonwealth Parliametary Association | CPA Small Branches

CPA Small Branches CPA Small Branches Chairperson at Parliamentary Conference on the World Trade Organisation in Geneva as it addresses major issues facing world trade The 2018 Parliamentary a n d the Conference on the World mobilisation of Trade Organisation (WTO), parliamentary jointly organized by the Inter- action on trade, Parliamentary Union and the with specific European Parliament, attracted reference to the more than 300 Members of Commonwealth Parliament representing more and the CPA than 100 countries to the Small Branches. two-day meeting held at the The CPA Small Parliamentary Union (IPU) WTO on 6-7 December 2018. Branches Chairperson also and the European Parliament, The participants discussed a highlighted the greater impact and its Steering Committee wide range of issues, such as of climate change on small met ahead of the 2018 annual the reform of the WTO and states as an important issue in session of the PCWTO. the impact of technology on relation to non-discriminatory, The Co-Chair of the Steering trade, and issued an outcome multilateral trading systems and Committee of the Parliamentary document at the end of the the impact of trade processes Conference on the World Trade meeting highlighting the on smaller jurisdictions. Organisation (WTO) is Hon. pivotal role of the WTO in The Small Branches Mensah-Williams, Chairperson strengthening multilateralism. Chairperson had also of the National Council of nd The Chairperson of the CPA participated in the 42 Namibia who also attended Small Branches, Hon. Angelo Session of the Steering the conference. According to Farrugia MP, Speaker of the Committee of the Parliamentary the rules of procedure for the Parliament of Malta participated Conference on the World Trade Parliamentary Conference on in the Parliamentary Organisation (WTO) on behalf the WTO, the Commonwealth Conference on the WTO on of the CPA, which took place Parliamentary Association behalf of the CPA. The CPA in Geneva, on 5 October 2018. (CPA) is one of the international Small Branches Chairperson The Parliamentary Conference organisations represented on presented to the conference on on the WTO (PCWTO) is the Steering Committee and at the parliamentary perspective organised jointly by the Interthe main conference. CPA Falkland Islands Members visit CPA Headquarters The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Headquarters Secretariat welcomed Hon. Stacy Bragger, MLA and Hon. Mark Pollard, MLA from the Falkland Islands Legislative Assembly to the CPA in London, United Kingdom. The Falkland Islands MLAs met with the CPA Secretary-General, Mr Akbar Khan together with CPA staff in London to hear about CPA’s programmes and new developments in parliamentary strengthening in the Commonwealth and in particular, the CPA Roadshows for young people which are being planned for delivery on the islands. Commonwealth Parliametary Association | CPA Small Branches | 15

CPA Small Branches CPA Cook Islands Branch hosts 37th CPA Pacific and Australia Regional Conference on sustainability and gender equality

Many CPA Small Branches from across the CPA Pacific Region attended the 37th CPA Pacific and Australia Regional Conference hosted by the CPA Cook Islands Branch in Rarotonga, Cook Islands from 22 to 24 October 2018. The three-day regional conference held a wide range of workshops including: Parliamentary engagement with the SDGs especially SDG 16 on good governance; climate change; resilient health systems to combat diseases; the separation of powers and the case for financial autonomy; sustainable Parliaments and succession planning for parliamentary staff; engaging young people through youth Parliaments; gender equality in Pacific Parliaments; Parliament’s scrutiny role and tackling corruption; as well as national security and cybersecurity. Hon. Niki Rattle, Speaker of the Parliament of the Cook Islands and CPA Cook Islands Branch President reiterated her desire to increase the number of women in the Cook Islands Parliament and said:

“I am elated once again for the third time as the Speaker to warmly welcome delegates to Rarotonga for the 37th CPA Pacific and Australia Regional Conference. The Parliament of the Cook Islands is delighted to host this regional conference to discuss issues of mutual interests for the welfare of our people in our Regions. The theme of ‘Towards a common future for growth and sustainability’ at this regional conference gives us the mandate to have robust and meaningful deliberations for a better future for those we hold close to our hearts.” “This week, I believe the topics for our regional conference are really relevant in talking about gender equality and my focus while I’m Speaker of Parliament is to increase the number of women in the Parliament. Out of 24 Members, we have four women and there are many women in the Cook Islands who could actually be sitting in the House and sharing the opportunity of making decisions on the welfare of the people of this country.” A

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meeting of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians (CWP) Pacific Region also took place during the regional conference. Speaker Rattle also paid tribute to the CPA Branches from the wider Australia and Pacific Regions for their assistance to their counterparts in the Pacific islands. The regional conference was co-chaired by Speaker Rattle and Hon. Peter Watson, MLA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Western Australia. Around 60 Members of Parliament and parliamentary staff attended the regional conference from 17 CPA Branches across the two regions. The CPA Branches attending the 37 th CPA Pacific and Australia Regional Conference included: Australia Federal; Australian Capital Territory; Bougainville; Cook Islands; Kiribati; Nauru; New Zealand; Niue; New South Wales; Papua New Guinea; Queensland; Samoa; Solomon Islands; South Australia; Tasmania; Tuvalu; and Western Australia.

CPA Small Branches Joint programme developed between Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and McGill University to strengthen skillset of Parliamentarians in CPA Small Branches wins industry award The CPA Fundamentals national, sub-national, territorial Programme in partnership with and provincial Legislatures in McGill University, Canada has this way.” been awarded the Best Custom Dr Carola Weil, Dean, Program Award at the 2018 School of Continuing Conference on Management Studies, McGill University practical knowledge based and Executive Development said: “The team at McGill’s on accepted theories and (CMED). The award recognises School of Continuing Studies international good practices; an unique and innovative high- is honoured and proud to accredited qualification from impact programmes for support Commonwealth an internationally recognised their exceptional design and Parliamentarians and the university that will benefit customisation. The programme CPA’s mission of advancing participants for life during and content was adapted to the parliamentary democracy. after Parliament. The programme is needs of participants by Thanks to the carefully McGill University’s School calibrated CPA Fundamentals interactive and comprehensive, of Continuing Studies, Programme leading to comprising online modules as which helped to develop the the McGill Professional well as face-to-face contact programme for Commonwealth Development Certificate in sessions on-site with partner Parliamentarians from the CPA Parliamentary Governance, universities. This programme Small Branches, a network of under the guidance of Professor aims to develop well-informed, CPA Branches of less than Frederick Stapenhurst and Inna skilled parliamentary leaders, 500,000 people. The award Popova, Director of Career who will go on to contribute was announced at the annual and Professional Development to creating strong democratic Conference on Management Non-Credit Programs, we legislatures that adhere to the and Executive Development are able not only to offer an principles of good governance. The CPA programme is (CMED) in Florida, United States. exciting model for professional The CPA Secretary- education, but also celebrate provided in partnership with two General, Mr Akbar Khan said: the value and impact of the prestigious Commonwealth “The recognition of the CPA CPA/McGill collaboration to universities – the specialised Fundamentals Programme foster good governance and CPA Fundamentals course on Parliamentary Practice and positive change with the CMED for CPA Small Branches in partnership with McGill Procedure with our programme Best Custom Program award.” partner, McGill University in The CPA Fundamentals University in Canada, in the Canada through this award Programme on Parliamentary form of the Professional shows the advances that Practice and Procedure was Development Certificate in this programme has made first launched in 2016 and Parliamentary Governance, in meeting the CPA’s aims is the first course of its kind. and the CPA Fundamentals of advancing parliamentary The programme aims to assist course (General) with the democracy by enhancing Commonwealth Parliaments University of Witwatersrand in knowledge and understanding in building the capacity of their South Africa. of democratic governance. This newly-elected and returning programme specifically supports Parliamentarians, by equipping For further information about the our CPA Small Branches them with: greater depth of CPA Parliamentary Fundamentals and the CPA is in a unique knowledge of parliamentary Programme for Commonwealth position in the Commonwealth practice and procedure; Parliamentarians please visit www. in supporting Members from increased in-depth and Commonwealth Parliametary Association | CPA Small Branches | 17

CPA Small Branches CPA Small Branch Nunavut hosts 40th CPA Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar focusing on representing indigenous peoples in Parliaments and strengthening the role of Parliamentarians Commonwealth Parliamentarians from across the CPA Canada Region have examined how Parliaments can reflect the indigenous peoples that they represent through their work and traditions. The workshop session was part of the 40th CPA Canadian Regional Seminar which was held in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada from 11 to 14 October 2018. The annual seminar, organised by the CPA Canada Region, saw the participation of 31 Parliamentarians from nine provinces and territories across Canada and from the Canadian Federal Parliament as well as seven parliamentary staff. Delegates were welcomed to the regional seminar by CPA Nunavut Branch President, Hon. Joe Enook, MLA, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of Nunavut. Speaker Joe Enook said: “It was an honour to host fellow Parliamentarians from across the nation, and I was proud that our deliberations were conducted in three languages: Inuktitut, which is one of Canada’s indigenous languages, as well as English and French. I am confident that my colleagues who were visiting

the Arctic for the first time left with a greater understanding of our culture and environment.” The seminar was attended by Hon. Yasmin Ratansi, MP (Canada Federal) who said: “As Chair of the CPA Canadian Region, I attended the 40th CPA Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar in Iqaluit. The venue was important as Iqaluit is close to the Arctic Circle and Parliamentarians from across Canada got an opportunity to see first-hand the challenges facing the Indigenous communities. The seminar allowed us to learn from each other, share best practices and enhance our understanding

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and respect for the indigenous way of life.” The 40th CPA Canadian Regional Parliamentary Seminar provided an opportunity to exchange ideas amongst CPA Members on key issues and the delegates held workshops on a number of topics including: Proportional Representation and the Prince Edward Island Referendum; life for a Parliamentarian after office; the impact of social media on the work of Parliamentarians; and mental health and its impact on Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff.

CPA Small Branches CPA Small Branches – Publications and Resources The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association has published a number of booklets, leaflets and guides relating to the CPA Small Branches which are available from the CPA Headquarters Secretariat direct. The CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 is available both in print and online versions. There are also downloads, information, links and research about the activities of the CPA Small Branches published on the CPA website with a specific section for the CPA Small Branches at The Parliamentarian, the Journal of Commonwealth Parliaments, published news and reports from the activities of the CPA Small Branches and the CPA Small Branches Chairperson writes a regular column in the publication specifically related to issues affecting CPA Small Branches. To view the latest issue and archived issues of The Parliamentarian please visit www.cpahq. org/cpahq/parliamentarian. Please contact the CPA Headquarters Secretariat for more information or to receive any copies of publications about the CPA Small Branches.

CPA Small Branches on social media The CPA Headquarters Secretariat regularly posts on social media channels about the activities of the CPA Small Branches network. Twitter @CPA_Secretariat CPA YouTube Flickr

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CPA Small Branches

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CPA Small Branches

CPA Small Branches This newsletter for the CPA Small Branches was produced by the CPA Headquarters Secretariat. To send news items for inclusion in future CPA newsletters please email Image credits: CPA Headquarters Secretariat and CPA Small Branches.

CPA website:

CPA Small Branches CPA website: Newsletter published January 2019.

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) CPA Headquarters Secretariat Richmond House, Houses of Parliament London SW1A 0AA United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)20 7799 1460 Email: Website:

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