CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020

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Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)

CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020

CPA Small Branches Chairperson

Foreword: Hon. Angelo Farrugia, MP, Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches and Speaker of the Parliament of Malta As the first Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches, I am delighted to present the inaugural Strategic Plan for the CPA Small Branches for the period 2018-2020 to the CPA membership and the international community. The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has a long and respected history of supporting small Parliaments and Legislatures in the Commonwealth. The CPA is the only parliamentary strengthening body in the world which includes devolved, territorial, state and provincial Parliaments and Legislatures, which are often also Small Branches. Currently, 43 out of over 180 CPA Branches globally are classified as Small Branches. Since 1981, the CPA Small

Branches have met during the annual Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. In addition, the CPA has delivered a range of programmes for Small Branches, focused on various thematic areas. These programmes were, however, not part of an overarching strategy. The Small Branches Strategic Plan is therefore the first step towards a broader process aimed at strengthening the CPA Small Branches and movement towards the creation of a ‘network’. The Small Branches Network will be governed by the Strategic Plan which provides a planned road map towards a common objective. The idea of strengthening the CPA Small Branches

began in 2013 when the CPA Small Branches initiated a consultation with a view to establishing the role of a Chairperson for the Network. This became a reality in 2016 with the election of the first CPA Small Branches Chairperson. I am proud to be the first Parliamentarian to hold this office. As Chairperson, I had the honour of working with my colleagues from other Small Branches to develop the first CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan prioritises the needs of Small Branches within the CPA framework to reach their full potential, not only as fully functioning democratic legislatures, but also as high performing, inclusive, transparent and gender-sensitized legislatures that reach deep into communities and effectively engage people in the democratic process. Members representing CPA Regions with Small Branches convened in Valetta, Malta in 2017 to discuss the Strategic Plan

CPA Small Branches Chairperson to make it as inclusive and effective as possible. The Malta meeting produced a Strategic Plan which was shared with Members attending the 36th Small Branches Conference and was subsequently endorsed by the CPA Executive Committee in Flic en Flac, Mauritius in March 2018. The Strategic Plan supports the overall direction for a stronger, more visible and impactful CPA where progress made is measurable according to a clear strategic framework with tangible outcomes. As a Speaker of a small legislature, the Parliament of Malta, I know only too well that small legislatures have a different set-up from larger jurisdictions; their ways of operating and the challenges they face can be very distinct from their larger counterparts. In addition, smaller legislatures deal differently with the specific challenges, such as external shocks as a result of geographic positioning, inherent structural challenges, and the need to display more effort than larger economies to integrate

into the global economy. I would like to encourage all CPA Small Branches to implement this Strategic Plan on multiple levels: internationally, locally, but also individually. It is vital that the international community keeps hearing the voice of smaller states, so that their challenges are heard and tackled, but it is also vital that this Strategic Plan is implemented on the ground by ourselves; key to the success of the Strategy is ownership by us, coming together as a collective. As Parliamentarians of Small Branches, we must all play our part in seeking the best possible collaboration between ourselves, but also across the wider CPA membership; the willingness to move forward together is key to our success and to meeting our future aspirations. The Strategic Plan will be implemented with the support and collaboration with key partners including international organisations such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNEP), an extremely valuable partner for the CPA

Hon. Angelo Farrugia, MP Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches and Speaker of the Parliament of Malta

Small Branches Network as it seeks to assist small Parliaments in strengthening their resilience against climate change. By actively seeking new partnerships for the CPA Small Branches, we will create greater impact and a multiplier effect in strengthening the capacity of small legislatures in the Commonwealth. I look forward to rolling out this Strategic Plan with the support and input of each and every Member of the CPA Small Branches Network as well as the wider CPA membership and the international community. Together, I am confident we will achieve immense progress as we embrace the challenges that small Parliaments and Legislatures face across the Commonwealth.

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New CPA Small Branches Strategy to focus on unique challenges facing the smallest Parliaments and Legislatures in the Commonwealth For the first time in its 106-year history, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is seeking to meet the unique developmental needs of its smallest legislatures through a newly devised ‘CPA Small Branches Strategy’. The smallest of the CPA’s legislatures seek to meet the same expectations of service delivery as larger legislatures and in doing so, they recognise the importance of constantly innovating in the face of fiscal and human resource constraints; they recognise the central role of parliament in meeting the challenges of combatting corruption; and the threats in the face of climate change to some of the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable. The new strategy will focus on key thematic areas and development activities with measurable outcomes; this will build parliamentary capacity for CPA Small Branches and

create greater opportunities for the sharing of knowledge, parliamentary strengthening and cooperation across the network. Of the over 180 Branches of the CPA, 43 Branches are classified as ‘Small Branches’ which are defined as jurisdictions having a population below 500,000 people. The new strategic plan is being led by the first elected CPA Small Branches Chairperson, Hon. Angelo Farrugia, MP, Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Parliament of Malta who hosted a strategy consultation meeting in Malta in October 2017 with representatives of each CPA Region where there are Small Branches (seven of the nine CPA Regions) to facilitate discussion and develop the plan. The CPA Small Branches Chairperson said: “We have a pressing need for the small parliaments and legislatures within the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association to come together, within their smallness, to address the common difficulties and strengths and the shared experiences of their assemblies to enhance good governance and parliamentary democracy for our citizens. All CPA Small Branches need to learn to appreciate their strengths as

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CPA Small Branches News

a small legislature; being flexible enough to be able to work with other parliaments, yet being influential within their regions. The new CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan will focus on the key areas of work to achieve these objectives and will strengthen and promote the CPA Small Branches network for the benefit of its Members.� The strategic planning meeting, which took place at the Parliament of Malta, was attended by: Africa Region: Hon. Ahmed Afif, MP and Hon. Churchill Gill, MP (Seychelles); Australia Region: Mrs Joy Burch, MLA, Speaker of the Australian Capital Territory Legislative Assembly; British Islands and Mediterranean (BIM) Region: Hon. Samantha Sacramento, MP, Minister for Housing and Equality (Gibraltar); Caribbean, Americas and Atlantic (CAA) Region: Hon.

Michael Carrington, MP, Speaker of the Barbados House of Assembly; South-East Asia Region: Hon. Hamdan Bahari, MP, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of The State of Perlis, Malaysia; Pacific Region: Hon. Simon Pentanu, Speaker of the House of Representatives of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. The new CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan was presented to the 36th CPA Small Branches Conference by the CPA Small Branches Chairperson in November 2017, ahead of the wider 63 rd Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference (CPC) in Dhaka, Bangladesh before being approved by the CPA Executive Committee at the Mid-Year meeting in March 2018.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 Introduction Sustainable development is vital for any country to ensure the wellbeing of its citizens. This can only be achieved if their internal governance systems are founded on strong democratic cultures. Small Legislatures, because of their unique circumstances, face specific challenges in this regard which are different from larger jurisdictions, such as resource constraints and geographical remoteness. However, they also have their own specific strengths, such as being flexible enough to be able to work with other Parliaments, yet big enough to be influential. Given the unique characteristics of Small Branches, they have been given specific focus within the CPA and the wider Commonwealth. The CPA acknowledges that Small Branches contribute to the diversity of the organization and its global reach. In the CPA context, Small Branches have the same rights as larger jurisdictions. History of the CPA’s support of Small Branches Since 1981, the CPA has held an annual Small Branches Conference for Members from more than 30 jurisdictions with populations of 500,000 and less. This Conference provides a platform for Members to discuss political problems and the operation of democratic systems in some of the world’s smallest jurisdictions. The annual Small Branches Conference is always held in the margins of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference. The timing of this Conference also enables these small jurisdictions to discuss matters of relevance to them with larger Branches. It is the only global forum which provides this opportunity. In addition, the CPA has delivered a number of programmes for Small Branches over the years. Examples of these include the Small Branches Committee Workshop (2014) which took place in Douglas, Isle of Man as well as the recently developed CPA Fundamentals Programme on Parliamentary Practice and Procedure for Small Branches offered in partnership with McGill University. The CPA Executive Committee in 2014 recommended the establishment of the post of Small Branches Chairperson. It was agreed that the Small Branches Chairperson would be an Officer of the Association, would sit on the CPA Executive Committee and would represent the needs of Small Branches on the CPA Executive Committee. In 2016, Hon. Angelo Farrugia, MP, Speaker 4 | Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020

CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 of the Malta Parliament was elected as the first Small Branches Chairperson (2016 – 2019). In this capacity as CPA Small Branches Chairperson, Hon. Farrugia gives a voice to Small Branches within the wider Association and is responsible for developing strategies to build the capacity of these jurisdictions. For the first time in its 106-year history, the CPA now seeks to meet the unique developmental needs of its smallest legislatures through a newly devised ‘CPA Small Branches Strategy’. The new strategy will focus on key thematic areas and development activities with measurable outcomes; this will build parliamentary capacity for the CPA Small Branches and create greater opportunities for the sharing of knowledge, parliamentary strengthening and cooperation across the network. The Strategic Plan builds on the discussions which began during the CPA Small Branches Strategy Meeting which took place in Valetta, Malta in October 2017. Subsequently, the Chairperson of the CPA Small Branches, Hon. Angelo Farrugia, MP, Speaker of the Parliament of Malta, presented the Strategic outline of the Strategy to the 36th CPA Small Branches Conference and the 63rd General Assembly in November 2017, which was endorsed by the General Assembly. The approved Strategy is based on these discussions. The smallest of the CPA’s legislatures seek to meet the same expectations of service delivery as larger legislatures and in doing so, they recognise the importance of constantly innovating in the face of fiscal and human resource constraints; they also recognise the central role of Parliament in meeting the challenges of combatting corruption; and the threats in the face of climate change to some of the Commonwealth’s most vulnerable. The CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan The five strategic outcomes of the CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan are: • Strengthening the skills of CPA Small Branches’ Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff in thematic areas • Strengthening of CPA Small Branches institutions through training and inter-parliamentary exchanges • Providing Technical Assistance to CPA Small Branches • Engagement of Young People in CPA Small Branches • Strengthening of CPA Small Branches jurisdictions through knowledge transfer Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 | 5

CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 The CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan: Statement of Purpose The CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 strives to serve as both a strategic communication tool and a planning mechanism. It will help CPA Small Branches to identify their achievements, strategically assess the challenges they encounter, build alliances and undertake actions across the CPA and beyond. It will also communicate the mission and work of the network to its own Members and to the wider Association. The CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan will complement the overall CPA Strategic Plan and run in parallel. Objectives of the CPA Small Branches Network • To highlight CPA Small Branches issues and challenges in Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s activities • To strengthen the current network for the CPA Small Branches to share knowledge and to create greater opportunities for parliamentary strengthening and cooperation across the network through the Strategic Plan in line with the proposed budget.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 Strategic Results Framework Underpinning the six strategic priorities are Strategic Outcomes, Implementation Strategy & Activities and Indicators of Success. Each of these make up the Strategic Results Framework. Strategic Outcomes reflect the long-term change that the CPA Small Branches Network aims to achieve over the next two years. At the end of this period, the Small Branches’ contributions to the strategic outcomes will be assessed through a review/evaluation based on data and evidence, and feedback from stakeholders and the Small Branches membership. Implementation Strategy & Activities represent a summary of the activities and outputs to guide the Small Branches’ journey over the next two years towards the achievement of the strategic outcomes. The CPA Small Branches Network will align its resources with these activities and track progress against the Indicators of Success during the life of the Strategic Plan. The implementation strategy and activities expected to be realised over the next two years will be monitored annually and result from an organisational effort and by contributions from the Small Branches Chairperson, the Small Branches Steering Committee Members (once the Committee is established), and CPA Headquarters Secretariat staff. Indicators of Success will be subjected to quality assurance mechanisms to ensure compliance and relevance with the Strategic Results Framework.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020: MISSION STATEMENT: To ensure that CPA Small Branches towards the internal development and strengthening of these STRATEGIC PURPOSE: To highlight CPA Small Branches issues and challenges in the CPA Small Branches to share knowledge and to create greater opportunities for

Strategic Pillars

Building capacity of CPA Small Branches (thematic)

Capacity Building (general): Practice and Procedure

Strategic Outcome

Strengthening the skills of CPA Small Branches Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff in thematic areas

Strengthening of CPA Small Branches’ institutions through training and inter-parliamentary exchanges

Intermediate Outcomes

• Increased knowledge of how to deal with challenges for CPA Small Branches linked to thematic issue areas, such as Climate Change, sustainable economic growth, access to resources etc.

Work Strands and Strategy

• Organisation of tailor-made • 50 Parliamentarians from CPA programmes to address specific Small Branches to attend the CPA needs through the means of training Fundamentals Course for Small courses, subject-based conferences, Branches with McGill University. seminars and workshops (all Pan• A third of the places on the CPA Commonwealth). course for parliamentary staff with • Development and implementation McGill University is taken up by CPA of a workshop targeted at CPA Small Branches’ staff. Small Branches once a year.

• Increased knowledge of parliamentary practice and procedure by CPA Small Branches Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff.



Human resources: Support from the CPA Small Branches Network, Small Branches Steering Committee, Small Branches Members, CPA Regions and Branches, CPA Staff.

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Strategic Results Framework remain an integral and equal part of the CPA, and work Legislatures recognising our unique needs. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association’s activities and to provide a network for parliamentary strengthening and cooperation across the network. OUTCOMES Technical Assistance

Youth Engagement

Information Sharing and Learning amongst CPA Small Branches

Providing Technical Assistance to CPA Small Branches

Engagement of Young People in CPA Small Branches

Strengthening of CPA Small Branches jurisdictions through knowledge transfer

• Increased knowledge of CPA Small Branches Parliamentarians on benchmarking, Committees and Public Accounts.

• Increased information sharing on the role of CPA Small Branches’ Legislatures with the youth of CPA Small Branches and on the different make-up of CPA Small Branches and the challenges arising from it.

• Knowledge and active usage of digital platforms to stay connected, used by CPA Regions and Branches. Increased interconnectedness amongst the CPA Small Branches owned by all stakeholders.

• Develop CPA Benchmarks for Small Branches. • Deliver a Workshop for CPA Small Branches’ Committees; deliver a Workshop for CPA Small Branches on Public Accounts Committees (PACs).

• Integrate a CPA Small Branches focus in all youth activities that CPA Headquarters Secretariat currently delivers. • Increase the number of CPA Roadshows and Youth Parliaments delivered by CPA Small Branches.

• Develop and implement a knowledge sharing/ Communications strategy for CPA Small Branches.

1) Inclusivity 2) Monitoring and Evaluation 3) Enhanced Communications 4) Research


Quality and results: Effective planning, monitoring and evaluation facilitates the delivery and reporting of the Strategic Objectives.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 1) Capacity Building of CPA Small Branches (thematic) Strategic Outcome 1.1 Strengthening the skills of CPA Small Branches’ Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff in thematic areas

Implementation Strategy and Activities • To plan a thematic workshop once a year based on the areas of interest to CPA Small Branches. • Topic 2018: CPA Small Branches Network to explore the CPA’s new strategic partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNEP) to deliver a Workshop on Climate Change Legislation/Policies and/or ongoing parliamentary strengthening programme for CPA Small Branches (dependent on funding from international donors).

Indicators of Success • Educational toolkits providing guidance on broad strategies for legislation/policies in CPA Small Branches. • Its usage by CPA Small Branches to shape legislation and strategy can be demonstrated.

• Topic 2019: TBC. To be decided by the CPA Small Branches Chairperson and/or Steering Committee. • To engage partners and collaborate on joint initiatives. • Establish twinning opportunities for parliamentary staff and MPs through the CPA Clearing House Platform. This can include work opportunities in various departments as well as mentoring opportunities. Provision of scholarships for these exchanges for CPA Small Branches where available.

• One example of a joint initiative with an international partner over the life of this strategy • Project and mentor matches generated through the CPA Clearing House Platform.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 2) Capacity Building of CPA Small Branches (general) Strategic Outcome

Implementation Strategy and Activities

2.1 Strengthening of • Increase knowledge of CPA Small Branches parliamentary practice and institutions through procedures by CPA Small training and interBranches’ Parliamentarians and parliamentary Parliamentary staff through exchanges current CPA programmes.

Indicators of Success • A third of the places of the CPA course for parliamentary staff with McGill University is taken up by CPA Small Branches staff. • Adapt recommendations of CPA events to the needs of CPA Small Branches.

• Investigate the development of CPA Benchmarks for Small Branches.

• Benchmarks drafted.

• Deliver a Workshop for CPA Small Branches on Committees.

• Recommendations/ lessons learned as outcome; number of citations in parliamentary Hansard debates and implementation initiatives.

• Establish twinning opportunities for parliamentary staff and MPs through the CPA Clearing House Platform. This can include work opportunities in various departments as well as mentoring opportunities. Provision of scholarships for these exchanges for Small Branches.

• Matches made and projects delivered in the area of general capacity building of CPA Small Branches.

• To explore the possibility of regions adopting thematic issues of importance of CPA Small Branches; use Regional Hot Topics to deliver.

• Number of initiatives of cross-regional cooperation/ collaboration.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 3) Technical Assistance Strategic Outcome 3.1 Increased knowledge of CPA Small Branches’ Parliamentarians on benchmarking, Committees and Public Accounts

Implementation Strategy and Activities

Indicators of Success

• Deliver technical assistance for CPA Small Branches Committees, especially Public Accounts Committees (PACs).

• Technical Assistance delivered and recommendations circulated/implemented.

4) Youth Engagement Strategic Outcome

Implementation Strategy and Activities

4.1 Commonwealth • Develop a CPA Roadshow for Youth actively Young People specifically targeted engaged in the at CPA Small Branches. democratic process, especially if home country is a CPA Small Branch and is • Increase the number of CPA Roadshows for Young People aware of challenges taking place in CPA Small CPA Small Branches Branches. face

Indicators of Success • Increased hosting of CPA Roadshows for Young People by CPA Small Branches. • Increased numbers of CPA Roadshows for Young People delivered in CPA Small Branches.

• Increase the number of CPA • Increased numbers Small Branches hosting the of CPA Small Commonwealth Youth Parliament. Branches hosting the Commonwealth Youth Parliament. • Increase the numbers of • Target of 5% more youth youth participants from CPA participants from CPA Small Branches attending the Small Branches attending Commonwealth Youth Parliament. Commonwealth Youth Parliaments.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 5) Information Sharing and Learning Strategic Outcome

Implementation Strategy and Activities

Indicators of Success

5.1 To share good • Develop a Communications practice and advice Strategy for the CPA Small on challenges for Branches network across all media CPA Small Branches channels. across the CPA membership to enable CPA Small Branches to be • Enhancing the presence of more effective. CPA Small Branches in the CPA’s flagship publication, The Parliamentarian through a biennial issue of The Parliamentarian devoted to CPA Small Branches, the introduction of the CPA Small Branches Chairperson’s regular column in each issue, and sending targeted invitations to Members of CPA Small Branches to contribute articles and features.

• Awareness of and reference to the new Knowledge Sharing and Communications Strategy by CPA Small Branches’ Members.

• Develop the existing website section for the CPA Small Branches cpahq/smallbranches, including a separate Resource Library, a section for the CPA Small Branches Chairperson and the CPA Small Branches Steering Committee.

• Increased circulation and usage of documents measured by citations in parliamentary debates; requests for training documents by CPA Small Branches; and visits to the Small Branches section on the CPA website.

• To increase of the number of articles by Members of the CPA Small Branches network in The Parliamentarian and other CPA publications by 20%.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 6) Inclusivity (cross-cutting issue) Strategic Outcome

Implementation Strategy and Activities

Indicators of Success

5.1 For CPA Small • Encourage that CPA Small Branches to be Branches Meetings have a position actively and closely and space at Regional Conferences linked with the CPA or Meetings. in each Region and Branch • Ensure participation in CPA activities: CPA Small Branches and Regions to nominate participants for CPA activities, especially for the CPA Annual Conference.

• Number of CPA Regions allocating space for CPA Small Branches at meetings.

5.2 Continued financial support

• Members should ask for the continuous support of the CPA Executive Committee for CPA Small Branch activities.

• Requests made (especially for CPA Technical Assistance Programmes).

• Encourage CPA Regions to make separate budget allocations for CPA Small Branches.

• Specific budget allocations established.

• Involve experts from international organisations in CPA programme activities.

• Number of experts engaged.

• Facilitate the attendance of the CPA Small Branches Chairperson or their representative to represent the CPA at international meetings where possible and provide a platform for intervention.

• Providing feedback from attendance at international meetings through the CPA’s publications such as The Parliamentarian.

5.3 Facilitate networking between CPA Small Branches and Branches of International Organisations

• Number of nominations and consequently representation.

• To proactively encourage other • The development of a organisations to participate in CPA ‘tracker’ as a means to Small Branches’ events nationally, demonstrate CPA Small regionally and internationally. Branches’ international partnerships. • The development of a database of ‘like-minded’ strategic partners from which to draw on. • To actively raise the CPA Small Branches’ profile at CHOGM and other Commonwealth events.

• Number of media mentions; mentions in the CHOGM communique, etc.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 7) Monitoring and Evaluation: Measuring the CPA Small Branches’ Successes (cross-cutting issues) Strategic Outcome 7.1 Monitor Progress Towards Capacity Building

Implementation Strategy and Activities

Indicators of Success

• Set yearly objective of the CPA Small Branches Conference in line with the Strategic Plan of the CPA Small Branches Network.

• Recommendations produced and mentioned in parliamentary debates/ implementation of recommendations in Parliaments.

• Report on success and shortcomings of CPA Small Branches Work Programme at CPA Executive Committee Meetings.

• Number of objectives achieved and recommendations implemented.

8) Research (cross-cutting issues) Strategic Outcome 8.1 Strengthening the skills of CPA Small Branches’ Parliamentarians and parliamentary staff in thematic areas

Implementation Strategy and Activities

Indicators of Success

• Conduct research about requirements of CPA Small Branches to feed into programme workshops, seminars etc.

• More targeted programmes for CPA Small Branches and substantive document library available.

• Research funding opportunities.

• Funding obtained for activities from external donors.

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CPA Small Branches Strategic Plan 2018-2020 9) Enhanced Communications (cross-cutting issue) Strategic Outcome

Implementation Strategy and Activities

9.1 Improving the interconnectedness of the CPA Small Branches

• Strengthen the flow of information and the CPA Small Branches profile-raising through the CPA Small Branches Communications Strategy across CPA Branches and CPA Regions.

Indicators of Success • Increased awareness of CPA Small Branches activities amongst all of the CPA’s membership • Develop a CPA toolkit for Small Branches for ‘good governance’ that can be used by all CPA Branches. • Production and uploading of a CPA Small Branches introductory video to the CPA Headquarters Secretariat YouTube channel.

• Produce an educational video about the CPA Small Branches with an introduction by the CPA Small Branches Chairperson, interviews with Steering Committee Members and coverage from programmatic CPA Small Branches activities, such as the CPA Small Branches Conference.

• Views of the video on the CPA Headquarters Secretariat YouTube channel and the CPA website and its use at CPA Small Branches Conferences and events.

• Launch a social media presence for the CPA Small Branches Network by establishing the Network’s own Facebook page and a WhatsApp group for the Steering Committee, administered by CPA Headquarters Secretariat.

• Facebook: Number of likes, post views, shares and comments.

• Encourage Branches to use social media to stay connected in-between meetings.

• WhatsApp Group: Active usage, discussions and generation of ideas and feedback on current activities.

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The CPA Small Branches Network The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) has since 1981 held CPA Small Branches Conferences for Members from more than 30 jurisdictions with populations of up to a current ceiling of 500,000 people. Members discuss political issues and the operation of democratic systems in some of the world’s smallest jurisdictions.

Map of the Commonwealth across all 9 CPA Regions. CPA Small Branches are currently in 7 out of 9 CPA Regions.

AUSTRALIA • Australian Capital Territory • Northern Territory • Tasmania

CANADA • Northwest Territories • Nunavut • Prince Edward Island • Yukon

• Nevis Island • St Lucia • St Vincent & the Grenadines • Turks & Caicos Islands

AFRICA • Seychelles

CARIBBEAN, AMERICAS AND THE ATLANTIC • Anguilla • Antigua & Barbuda • The Bahamas • Barbados • Belize • Bermuda • British Virgin Islands • Cayman Islands • Dominica • Grenada • Montserrat • St Christopher & Nevis

PACIFIC • Bougainville • Cook Islands • Kiribati • Nauru • Niue • Samoa • Solomon Islands • Tonga • Tuvalu • Vanuatu

BRITISH ISLES AND THE MEDITERRANEAN • Alderney • Falkland Islands • Gibraltar • Guernsey • Isle of Man • Jersey • Malta • St Helena

SOUTH EAST ASIA • Perlis CPA Small Branches listed as at July 2018.

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Designed by the CPA Headquarters Secretariat. Published August 2018. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) CPA Headquarters Secretariat Richmond House, Houses of Parliament London SW1A 0AA, United Kingdom. Telephone: +44 (0)20 7799 1460 | Email: Website: | Twitter @CPA_Secretariat |

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