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EMBRYOS FOR SALE 2#1 MENACE (SEXED) X SIEMERS DOC HANKER 29154 Sire: Menace Dam: Siemers Doc Hanker 29154 2nd Dam: Cookiecutter MOG Hanker EX-94 EX-96 MAM (pic) 3rd Dam: Cookiecutter MOM Halo VG88-2yrs Next Dams: VG88 x EX-90 x EX-90 x EX-90 x VG88 x EX-95 Price: $450 US ($400 US)

5#1 MACLEOD (SEXED) X SIEMERS DOC HANIKA 29155 Sire: Macleod Dam: Siemers Doc Hanika 29155 2nd Dam: Siemers Monterey Hanika VG86-2yrs (pic) 3rd Dam: Cookiecutter MOG Hanker EX-94 EX-96 MAM Dam is a sister to popular bull Haniko Price: $450 US ($400 US)



Sire: Mr Salvatore *RC Dam: Blondin TJR Supersire Aroma *RC VG85-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: KHW Alchemy Adeline *Red VG86 3rd Dam: Kamps-Hollow Altitude EX-95-2E Dam of one of the most influential *RC bulls recently – Endco Apprentice! Price: $450 US ($175 US + export)

5#1 HOTSPOT X BUTZ-HILL MAGICSTAR VG88-2YRS Sire: Hotspot Dam: Butz-Hill Magicstar VG88-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: Morsan Man D Missy VG85-2yrs 3rd Dam: Valleyville Dolman Missy VG89 4th Dam: Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95 Dam is sister to popular sire Megasire! Price: $450 US ($150 US + export)

15#1 MR SALVATORE *RC X DE-SU UNO 3081 VG85-2YRS Sire: Mr Salvatore *RC Dam: De-Su Uno 3081 VG85-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: Clear-Echo MOM 2150 VG87-2yrs 3rd Dam: Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 EX-94-3E Will be maternal siblings to ENDCO SUPERHERO, 3081 sold for a staggering $295,000 US and is the previous #1 GTPI female of the breed! Price: $450 US ($150 US + export)

10#1 MAGNUS X DE-SU UNO 3081 VG85-2YRS Sire: Magnus Dam: De-Su Uno 3081 VG85-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: Clear-Echo MOM 2150 VG87-2yrs 3rd Dam: Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 EX-94-3E Will be maternal siblings to ENDCO SUPERHERO, 3081 sold for a staggering $295,000 US and is the previous #1 GTPI female of the breed! Price: $450 US ($150 US + export)

4#1 ALTASUPERSTAR X DE-SU UNO 3081 VG85-2YRS Sire: Altasuperstar Dam: De-Su Uno 3081 VG85-2yrs 2nd Dam: Clear-Echo MOM 2150 VG87-2yrs (pic) 3rd Dam: Clear-Echo 822 Ramo 1200 EX-94-3E Will be maternal siblings to ENDCO SUPERHERO, 3081 sold for a staggering $295,000 US and is the previous #1 GTPI female of the breed! Price: $450 US ($150 US + export)

8#1 DUKE X DOUBLE-EAGLE TANGO HULA VG85-2YRS Sire: Duke Dam: Double-Eagle Tango Hula VG85-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: Cookiecutter MOG Hanker EX-94 EX-96 MAM 3rd Dam: Cookiecutter MOM Halo VG88-2yrs Sold for $200,000 US and has over 8 sons in AI Price: $450 US ($175 US + export)

6#1 DOORMAN X MS ARIANNA MCCUT 57350 EX-90 Sire: Doorman Dam: Ms Arianna McCut 57350 EX-90 2nd Dam: BVK Atwood Arianna EX-94 (pic) 3rd Dam: MS Kingstead Chief Adeen EX-94 4th Dam: C Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada EX-94 Doorman embryos from four EXCELLENT DAMS!! Price: $450 US ($175 US + export)

4#1 HOTSHOT X MS MOVIESTAR MAUI VG86-2YRS Sire: Hotshot Dam: Ms Moviestar Maui VG86-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: Brookview E Moviestar VG86-2yrs 3rd Dam: Carters-Corner Shot Melody EX-90 Dam is a sister to popular bull Mardi Gras @ Jetstream Price: $450 US ($175 US + export)

3#1 SUPERSHOT X MS MOVIESTAR MAUI VG86-2YRS Sire: Supershot Dam: Ms Moviestar Maui VG86-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: Brookview E Moviestar VG86-2yrs 3rd Dam: Carters-Corner Shot Melody EX-90 Dam is a sister to popular bull Mardi Gras @ Jetstream Price: $450 US ($175 US + export)

2#1 CHEVALIER X MS MOVIESTAR MAUI VG86-2YRS Sire: Chevalier Dam: Ms Moviestar Maui VG86-2yrs 2nd Dam: Brookview E Moviestar VG86-2yrs (pic) 3rd Dam: Carters-Corner Shot Melody EX-90 Dam is a sister to popular bull Mardi Gras @ Jetstream Price: $450 US ($175 US + export)

3#1 LEGENDARY (SEXED) X PEAK CHARISMA VG86-2YRS Sire: Legendary Dam: Peak Charisma VG86-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: Larcrest MS Chanda VG85-2yrs 3rd Dam: Larcrest Chenoa VG87-2yrs 4th Dam: Larcrest Crimson EX-94 EX-96-MAM From one of the greatest modern-day cow families in the world! Price: $450 US ($175 US + export)

3#1 MODESTY X PEAK CHARISMA VG86-2YRS Sire: Modesty Dam: Peak Charisma VG86-2yrs 2nd Dam: Larcrest MS Chanda VG85-2yrs (pic) 3rd Dam: Larcrest Chenoa VG87-2yrs 4th Dam: Larcrest Crimson EX-94 EX-96-MAM From one of the greatest modern-day cow families in the world! Price: $450 US ($150 US + export)

8#1 JEDI X PEAK CHARM VG85-2YRS Sire: Jedi Dam: Peak Charm VG85-2yrs (pic) 2nd Dam: Larcrest MS Chanda VG85-2yrs 3rd Dam: Larcrest Chenoa VG87-2yrs 4th Dam: Larcrest Crimson EX-94 EX-96-MAM Dam sold for $180,000 US and has 8 sons in AI Price: $450 US ($175 US + export)

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