This year, we asked students...
What was something
that happened to you over quarantine? Story by Katie Luo Design by Minjun Kim
y friends I got closer to m them and got to know we better because ery day. started to call ev
Something good that happened to me over quarantine was the growth of th e relationships I have with frien ds. With quaran tin e cutting us off from each ot her, it was comm on for us all to reach out to each other constantly everyday, and therefore make up the social inte ractions and connections we used to have da ily. These efforts even allowed us to spend more tim e, connecting with each other on different topi cs of life, rather than just school , which was very normal to talk about because w e would see each other every day at school. Th is, being able to make the effort to reach ou t more, connect, socialize, etc. allowed me to gr ow closer with fri ends for which I’m very grateful for.
Sean Seo, 12th
Leena Kang, 10th
I began playing a ga me called genshin impact and I am obsessed. Whatever free time I have I spend playin g that game. I really enjoy the range of abilities and explo ration the game has to offer.
I’ve discovered a sudden love for jazz musicians
Emerson Nathan, 10th
Jonathan Dolce, 10th Something goo d that happened to m e over quarantine is th at it gave me more ti me for personal stuff an d was very relaxing.
Carsen Yahata, 9t h