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Kennedy Appointed to Board of National Task Force

Kennedy Appointed to Board of National Task Force

DR. KATHY KENNEDY, Peck’s Lower School science & design teacher, was selected to serve on the board for the national Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation Patient Advisory Task Force. Kennedy volunteers as a caregiver advocate for Patient Education, providing feedback on educational materials being developed for the Foundation. A three-year term appointment, Kennedy will serve on the surgery and ostomy workgroups. The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is a non-profit organization “dedicated to finding cures for Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and improving the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases.”

Kennedy also completed training and works as an Assessment Item Reviewer to adjudicate and classify items for Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) for a national curriculum development company. The NGSS are K-12 science content standards that set expectations for what students should be able to know and do, and are in place for science students across the country. Twenty states have adopted these standards, and 24 have implemented their own standards based upon the framework.

Additionally, Kennedy served on a National Science Foundation (NSF) Review Panel in spring 2021, which is a peer review process that provides helpful advice and constructive comments for NSF program officers and NSF projects.

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