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Pegasus nurtures each child and their unique gifts. We encourage students to develop their talents and explore their interests. It’s a school where distinctiveness is cultivated, supported, and celebrated. As well, we recognize students’ social, emotional, and physical health is central to their academic success. In this challenging environment, students must feel confident to follow their curiosity and creativity without suffering fear of failure or the pressure for perfection. We intend to maintain an environment that both prepares students for the world, and helps them find their unique place in it.
Goal 2.1
Graduate responsible young individuals of strong character.
• Review the social-emotional curriculum. Enhance programs such as middle school advisory, our campus speaker series, and the buddy program.
• Encourage student service and leadership. Develop additional comprehensive service learning programs that encourage a culture of compassion.
• Foster the non-cognitive skills represented in our shared community values (i.e., kindness, perseverance, courage, and integrity).
• Increase opportunities for student interaction between grade levels and divisions, both in academic and nonacademic domains.
Goal 2.2
Sustain a culture of balance and wellbeing for students.
• Deliver a comprehensive Wellness Curriculum that ncorporates social-emotional learning, mindfulness, movement, nutrition, stress management, responsible use of technology and social media, and other relevant topics.
• Evaluate current research on adolescent health and earning. Focus on student schedules, homework demands, and outside tutorial programs.
• Analyze ways to further utilize the Learning Support Team (including our school psychologist, reading specialist, math specialist, and dedicated learning support faculty) to cultivate academic, emotional, physical, and psychological success in our students.
Goal 2.3
Support our growing excellence in athletics and enhance the student-athlete experience.