The Penn

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How excited are you for March Madness?

4 13 17

• • • •

Very! Sort of... Not excited at all. What’s March Madness?

Local author presents new book

IUP music department hosts Brass Day

IUP hockey team loses to Duquesne at CHMA tournament, 4-1


1565 The city of Rio de Janeiro is founded

Mostly Sunny

Basketball teams host PSAC quarterfinals

Precipitation: 20%

West Wars

Check out this image gallery of Star Wars action figures reimagined to be in the style of the wild west.

Cover design by Nick Fritz Photos by Dave Gershgorn and Tashina Johns

The Five Worst Laws in U.S. History

The Patriot Act The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

The Alien and Sedition Acts

Smoot Hawley Tariff

Federal Income Tax Page 2 • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 •

r News q

m o o r d e B 3 a r o f g S! U Lookin L L A C ? t n e m t r Apa

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S LAVERY , S TATES ’ R IGHTS , AND S UCCESSION A Conversation on the Sesquicentennial Anniversary of the US Civil War A panel of six members of the IUP faculty and two IUP graduates will portray different historical figures in the sectional debate between the North and South. They will assume roles of nineteenth-century panelists as if they had been resurrected and found themselves in contemporary Western Pennsylvania.

Monday, March 14 • 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. HUB Ohio Room Co-Sponsored by the Center for Civic Engagement. • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 • Page 3

r News q

Police blotter Alcohol Violations

• At 9:08 p.m. Sunday, borough police responded to the 200 block of S. Fourth Street for a report of an intoxicated person. Katelyn Richard and Brett Fisher, both of Indiana, were found be highly intoxicated. Both were cited for public drunkenness and later released to a sober adult. • Paige McFarland, Schnecksville, was cited for underage drinking after borough police found her intoxicated in the 500 block of Church Street at 9:05 a.m. Sunday. • At 3:50 p.m. Friday, borough police conducted a traffic stop on South Drive at Pratt Drive due to a passenger hanging on the outside of the vehicle. Driver Brian Heinrich, 18, was cited for unauthorized persons/devices hanging on a vehicle. Dylan Davis, 19, was cited for underage drinking, and Dylan Johnson, 19, was cited for underage drinking and unauthorized person/devices hanging on a vehicle. All three are University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown students. • Mathew A. Bailey, 19, Emporium, was cited for underage drinking and public drunkenness after university police found him stumbling and staggering on the sidewalk at Pratt Drive and Maple Street. Bailey was cited and released to a sober adult. • University police cited Jonathan Rezk, 31, Indiana, for public drunkenness after he was found in an intoxicated state at the intersection of Oakland Avenue and S. 10th Street at 2:20 a.m. Saturday. He was later released to a sober adult. • Zachary J. McConnell, 21, Edinboro, was cited by university police for public drunkenness after he was found walking highly intoxicated on School Street. McConnell was cited and released to a sober adult.


• At 10:26 a.m. Sunday, borough police responded to 1169 Nixon Ave. for a report of an assault. Officers found Douglas Vitale, 31, and Belinda Bartolovich, 30, both of Indiana, engaged in a physical altercation. Both were charged with simple assault and harassment and lodged in the Indiana County Jail.

Criminal Mischief

• Borough police reported that sometime between 5 p.m. Saturday and 1:50 p.m. Sunday, somebody damaged a vehicle in the rear parking lot of 726 South St. Anyone with information is asked to contact borough police at 724349-2121. • Sometime between 6 p.m. Friday and 8:30 p.m. Sunday, somebody damaged a vehicle parked in the rear of 730 South St., according to borough police. Anyone with information is asked to contact borough police. • University police reported that sometime between 3 p.m. Friday and 9:43 a.m. Saturday, someone damaged one of the soap dispensers in the firstfloor men’s restroom in McCarthy Hall. Anyone with information is asked to contact university police at 724-357-4121. • Someone set off a fire extinguisher in the first-floor hallway of McCarthy Hall sometime between 9:30 and 11:15 p.m. Friday. Anyone with information is asked to contact university police.


• University police are investigating the theft of a brown fake crocodile skin wallet stolen from a blue Hyundai Sonata between 12:20 and 1:30 p.m. Friday. The vehicle was parked in space 18 on Grant Street. Anyone with information is asked to contact university police. • Sometime between 8:45 and 11:40 a.m. Thursday, someone took a handicap place card out of a vehicle while it was parked at Birth Right at 271 Philadelphia St., according to borough police. Anyone with information is asked to contact borough police.

Correction Students who take part in reciprocal exchanges pay in-state tuition regardless of state residency. State residency only affects tuition in faculty-led study abroad experiences. Incorrect information ran Friday.

Page 4 • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 •

Local author presents work at Breakfast-and-a-Book By JOHN BODDINGTON Staff Writer

Harrison Wick presented “Luzerne County,” the most recent of his three books on local history Thursday in Stabley Library. Wick discussed the town, the history, and the personal connection he has to Luzerne. “I wanted to write about this county not only because I lived there for three years, but also because there is so little written about the area,” Wick said. The crowd of about a dozen individuals watched and listened as tales from the past were reborn in the present. Wick has worked as an employee of the IUP libraries since 2007; he still maintains his passion for this piece of Pennsylvania and continues to share its story. His three books are “Pennsylvania’s Back Mountain,” “Greater Wyoming County Trolleys,” and the book he focused on for this particular session, “Luzerne County.” Wick first showcased a large chunk of coal. He then displayed a copy of an official document claiming the county’s independence. Wick discussed the county’s connection to historical figures, including Mark Twain’s visit in 1871 and President Rutherford B. Hayes’ speech at the famous Wyoming monument. Wick went on to thank the historical society, which secured photographs for both his books and presentations. “The societies are to thank,” Wick said. “I have also worked for the Delaware historical society, and they are usually created and run by volunteers.” “This whole experience has been a lot of fun,” Wick said. “I have gotten to meet some terrific people.” Future sessions of Breakfast-

Becca Harman/The Penn Harrison Wick presented “Luzerne County,” his third book.

and-Book will involve a book on women’s studies and, on March 30, a

visit from the department of journalism.

For over 19 years;

r News q

The Student Co-op

This Week


From The Co-op

Tickets O n S a le At Th e H U B • Plain W hite T’s • Pittsburgh Sym phony O rchestra • Ben M un isteriDan ce Project • Starship • Com edian Robb Riggle • Cats • IU P Con cert Ban d an d Brass • Sprin g Break Buses • Thirty Secon ds To M ars • TrialBy Gran d Jury • Sprin g Break Buses

Sprin g Lin eu p O f Sprin g Even ts!

Co m ed ia n Ro b Riggle M arch 26;TorettiAuditorium in the KCAC Pla in W hite T’s April8;H U B O hio Room IU P S exFest w ith S u e Jo h a n so n April18;Fisher Auditorium Th irty S eco n d s to M a rs April20 at the Ed Fry Aren a in the KCAC

TEN GeneralM em bers Recruitm ent M eeting Thursday,M arch 3 • TEN O ffice HUB 216 at 5 PM

Ida Arici/The Penn The ceremony will take place in the 5,000-seat Ed Fry Arena.

M od els a n d Scen e D irectors W a n ted forThe Ebony & Ivory Fashion Show .Stop by the BEC O ffice,H U B room 218 this w eek for m ore in form ation .

KCAC to host ribbon cutting By vaughn johnson Editor-in-Chief

After a long fundraising and construction process, the Kovalchick Convention Athletic Complex will finally celebrate its grand opening 3 p.m. Friday. The event is free and open to the public. The grand opening ceremony will culminate with a ribbon-cutting at 4 p.m. in the 5,000-seat Ed Fry Arena.

After the ribbon cutting, people in attendance will be able to take a tour of the facility. They will also be able to sample food from the concession stands in the complex. Plans for the $79 million complex began in 2000. The project broke ground Nov. 13, 2008. The first scheduled event for the complex is scheduled less than week after the grand opening with the Harlem Globetrotters visiting Indiana March 10.

IU P In tra m u ra lB o w lin g N igh t Thursday,M arch 17 at M ohaw k Lan es from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m . In digo Bus Tran sportation is available. W in n ers for Best M ale an d Fem ale H igh Sin gle Gam es an d Three Gam e Series. Bow lin g balls an d free bow lin g shoe w ill be provided!

The Co-op Store St.Patrick’s an d IUP B asketball M erch an d ise Available N ow !

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Ch eck The Penn n ext Tu esd a y fo r m o re even ts a n d n ew s fro m Th e S tu d en t Co -o p. Ph :724 -35 7-25 90 • w w w .co o p.iu p.ed u • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 • Page 5

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Registration open for WestPACS job and internship fair By scott frechione Contributing Writer

Students are now able to register for the WestPACS job and internship fair in Monroeville. Students can sign up at the Career Development Center located inside Pratt Hall from now until March 16. The WestPACS jobs fair will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 23 at the Monroeville Convention Center. WestPACS is open to all college students and graduates in the Pittsburgh area, as well as western Pennsylvania. WestPACS is the largest job fair in the Pittsburgh region for college students and alumni, according to the WestPACS website. Students are given a chance to talk to potential employers about internship and job opportunities, often interviewing on the spot. Students from all majors are encouraged to attend, as there will be more than 100 potential employers in attendance, according to the IUP website.

The name of the companies that will be present, as well as the jobs and internships available, can be found at Kierra Williams (senior, hospitality management), who works at the Career Development Center, attended the fair last year and said that students should bring a résumé, cover letter, and any other supplies that they could tailor to the needs of the employers. Free transportation from IUP is provided, but space is limited and students are encouraged to sign up as soon as possible, Williams said. Students can also register online through the WestPACS website, available through the IUP Career Development Center website. Anyone interested should contact the Career Development Center for further details. “The fair was very helpful for me because I learned how to be professional and present myself in a certain way,” said Williams. “I also realized I could use my skills in a variety of different companies and jobs, not just things related to my major.”

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MCT Libyan boys celebrate in Benghazi, Libya.

U.S. dispatches aircraft carrier to waters near Libya

By nancy A. Youssef, Jonathan s. Landay and Warren p. strobel McClatchy Newspapers MCT

The United States is moving naval and air forces, including an aircraft carrier, into the Mediterranean Sea near Libya, U.S. officials said Monday, as the Obama administration and its allies consider how to respond to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi’s brutal efforts to suppress a widespread rebellion among civilians and army troops. The U.S. decision comes as Gadhafi appeared to be making a concerted effort to retake control of Zawiya, a town about 30 miles west of Tripoli that has been in rebel hands since last week. Two people reached separately by phone said heavy fighting had broken out in the early evening Monday as militias loyal to Gadhafi attacked from both the east and the west. U.S. officials said no decision had been made on how the U.S. forces would be used, but that one option under consideration is the imposition

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Page 6 • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 •

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of a no-fly zone designed to prevent Gadhafi from using aircraft as he fought the rebels. “We have planners working and various contingency plans, and I think it’s safe to say as part of that we’re repositioning forces to be able to provide for that flexibility once decisions are made,” Marine Col. David Lapan, a Pentagon spokesman, told reporters. Another official, who requested anonymity to discuss the issue, said the pre-positioning of military assets “doesn’t mean to suggest that there will be military intervention.” At the same time, he said, consideration of imposing a no-fly zone “has picked up a little speed.” Gadhafi opponents in Libya’s second-largest city, Benghazi, have said they oppose foreign military intervention, a message they reiterated in comments on Twitter after the Pentagon moves became public. A no-fly zone would seek to prevent Gadhafi from using aircraft to attack protesters, move equipment and personnel, or ferry in foreign mercenaries who have been killing Gadhafi’s opponents. The White House, which has called on Gadhafi to leave power, said Monday that “exile is certainly one option” for the Libyan dictator. It was not immediately clear which countries would be willing to take Gadhafi in or whether the United States had made efforts to arrange asylum. Gadhafi and his family have publicly declared they would not leave Libya. White House press secretary Jay Carney said implementing a no-fly zone over Libyan airspace is “an option we are actively considering.” Carney spoke as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton conferred with colleagues in Geneva, Switzerland. President Barack Obama and U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice were to meet Monday afternoon in Washington with U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The administration officials could not say which U.S. aircraft carrier will be dispatched as part of the international response, as there currently are none in the Mediterranean. “There is only (one) demand; Gadhafi has to leave,” said Abdullah Shamia, an adviser to the 13-member

r News q

Nominations accepted for Volunteer Service of the Year Award Learning site via the IUP website to submit an online nomination. Contributing Writer Those who would rather turn in a hard copy nomination can print out Have you or someone you know the correct nomination form from gone the extra mile when it came to the site and turn it in to 301 or 302 community service? Well, it’s time Pratt Hall. for them to be recognized for such an Each nominee that is submithonorable display of genuine care for ted will be reviewed based on seven the community. different criteria. The seven criteThe Office of Service Learning ria are need, achievement, action, is accepting nominees for the initiative, impact, time and chalVolunteer Service of the Year Award lenge. until Friday. The nominee has to have This award recognizes the indi- contributed to a needed service viduals who went above and beyond and accomplished their desired expectations for community service results. during the previous calendar year. They should be actively involved, It is awarded each spring thus showing their initiative to help semester. out the community and devote their “We are looking for volunteers personal time to the service. or students that did their commuNominees can be submitnity service in 2010,” said Vanessa ted into four different categories. Gregorakis, AmeriCorps representa- These four categories are individual, tive. organization, faculty/staff and Individuals who are students at IUP service learning. and have performed at least 60 hours “We usually have a winner for of unpaid community service are each category,” Gregorakis said. eligible for nomination. The individual category includes “If someone’s going above and nominees that have put forth their beyond their service, nominate them. individual effort towards community You can even nominate yourself,” service. Gregorakis said. The organization category is for You can also nominate an orga- the organizations that have gone nization or a member of the fac- above and beyond with their contriulty and staff for the award bution to the community. IUPgoing Penn to - x3_Layout 2 1/14/2011 Pagefaculty/staff 1 by the Office of Service3:30 PM Any that are

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nominated are put into the faculty/ staff category. Anyone that has performed a project for a class that integrated community service will be put into the service learning category. Nominees will be notified of their nomination by the end of March. At that time, invitations will be sent out to all of the nominees informing them of their nomination and inviting them to the Volunteer Chacivity Reception. All nominees and their nominators will be invited to the reception. If the nominee wishes to invite other family or friends, there will be a $5 charge. The Office of Service Learning works in conjunction with the Office of Student Life for this reception. While the Office of Service Learning puts together the Volunteer Service of the Year Award, the Office of Student Learning puts together the Chacivity Award. The nominees for both awards come together at the reception where the winners for both awards will be revealed. In addition to that, Alternative Spring Break leaders will receive recognition, as will one nonleadership individual from each of the seven different alternate spring break groups.

Police investigate exam breach in Japan The Yomiuri Shimbun MCT

Police have launched an investigation into an incident in which Kyoto University entrance examination questions were leaked onto the Internet as a possible criminal offense after the university submitted a complaint to the Kyoto prefectural police Monday. Rikkyo and Waseda universities were also set to submit similar complaints to the Metropolitan Police Department on the day, while Doshisha University plans to submit a criminal report to the prefectural police, the universities’ officials said. Meanwhile, the Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Ministry decided Monday to ask universities to ban applicants from bringing cell phones to entrance exam sites. “It’s necessary to make a decision on whether applicants can bring cell phones into the test sites,” education minister Yoshiaki Takaki said Monday morning. The ministry asked all universities around the nation to check whether there have been similar leaks during their recent entrance exams. The ministry will also ask the universities to implement the cell phone ban as early as the intermediate and final rounds of the second stage of the exams for national and public universities. The leaked questions discovered so far were all posted on Yahoo Japan’s Chiebukuro (pearls of wisdom) site,

a free question-and-answer bulletin board, during the time the entrance exams were going on. In most cases, the posts received quick responses during the exam hours. “This deed has greatly damaged the credibility of university entrance exams, which should be fair and just. It is truly regrettable,” Takaki said. He said the ministry would do its best to prevent future incidents, while studying how the university entrance examination system can catch up with advances in cell phones and other devices. The ministry has asked the four universities to submit reports on the matter as part of its own investigation into the online leak of exam questions. The questions that the posts concerned came from English exams at Doshisha, Rikkyo, Waseda and Kyoto universities, and questions from a Kyoto University mathematics exam. Waseda and Rikkyo universities are conducting their own investigations separately from those of the police, the officials said. If they identify the culprit behind the postings, they may refuse to admit the person if he or she has passed the exams. The Kyoto prefectural police will investigate a possible obstruction of business using fraudulent means, police sources said. The charge can be applied to the posting of entrance exam questions on the Internet, which would amount to interference with the university’s business through unlawful means.

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Movie money means more jobs Editorial Pittsbrugh Post-Gazette MCT

Ah, the movie business. Red carpets, glamorous gowns, exotic locales. So what is Dave Haddad, owner of a Pleasant Hills equipment rental company, doing in this picture? A film production requires more than actors and technicians to bring stories to life in front of the cameras. In Pittsburgh, Mr. Haddad is a business owner who benefits when movie-makers come to town. His firm supplies the trucks and trailers used for cast members and makeup artists here and elsewhere, and he chairs the Pennsylvania Film Industry Association. The group is apprehensive that Gov. Tom Corbett’s budget, to be issued March 8, may kill an incentive that, since 2007, has provided a 25 percent tax credit for film and television productions that spend at least 60 percent of their budgets in Pennsylvania. The cost to the state, $60 million in this year’s budget, has drawn dozens of projects to the

region, but the prospect for new ventures is teetering. Many states are eager to grab the business that would walk away if Pennsylvania’s tax credit evaporates. Mr. Haddad told Post-Gazette movie editor Barbara Vancheri that

44 states now offer tax incentives, and the most aggressive ones, like Florida, North Carolina and Georgia, are raising the stakes. Mr. Corbett faces significant challenges in balancing the budget, with

Dinosaur Comics

Page 8 • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 •

increasing needs and diminishing resources that will affect funding for education, human services, health coverage and economic development. In this context, it might be easy to write off a tax advantage for the movie industry as an unnecessary luxury. That would be a costly mistake. Dawn Keezer, director of the Pittsburgh Film Office, said the local economic impact of the industry was $100 million in each of the past two years and a total of $280 million since 2007. Statewide, the figure jumps to $768 million in direct spending by the industry. Five feature films are now considering southwestern Pennsylvania, including the next installment in the Batman series. Several projects need state approval by today if they are to stay on schedule, so the Corbett administration must make two decisions: It should approve the pending applications immediately and retain the tax incentive in next year’s budget. Movies are more than entertainment. They’re big business for many average workers. Let’s keep this one thriving in Pennsylvania.


In case you didn’t see, gas is expensive By Vicky Taylor Public Opinion, Chambersburg, Pa. MCT

Ask anyone about gas prices and it seems that you will get a heated reaction. Gas prices jumped 10 cents a gallon one day last week, then fluctuated up and down by about 5 cents a gallon the end of the week and over the weekend. By Sunday afternoon, prices seem to have stabilized at $3.29 a gallon for regular unleaded. As much as the high cost of gas, it’s the way gas stations appear to immediately match competitors’ prices that bothers many people. Many also feel consumers are being taken advantage of by Middle Eastern producers and corporate greed. Just the words “gas prices” gets many people upset. “Outrageous,” said Carrie Lynn Parris of Sunday’s price of a gallon of unleaded gasoline. Her husband Alan said he used to notice a lot of difference in gas prices at different locations, but those differences are gone. Carrie Lynn said she feels the most recent rise in prices can be blamed on both the unrest in the Middle East and on simple greed. “Middle East unrest is an easy excuse,” she said. Brad Dietrick of Chambersburg is a construction foreman for a Harrisburg firm and does a lot of traveling for his company – 500 to 1,000 miles per week. Although his employer pays for the gas for his truck with a corporate credit card when he uses it for business, he keeps careful track of mileage and his gas consumption. He said he is really adamant about such things as tire pressure and maintenance in order to get the best gas mileage possible. He has noticed he gets between 30 and 40 miles more to a tank of gas at lower speeds, and at the current $3.29 a gallon, that means an extra $10 or $15. “You just get better gas mileage at lower speeds,” he said. Dietrick used to work for Marathon Oil, so he knows how big oil companies manipulate oil supplies to keep prices at the pump from getting too low. Add that to external factors such as unrest in the Middle East, it isn’t surprising that prices keep rising, he said. “Once gas prices started to come back down in the 1980s after the shortages in the ‘70s, oil companies

like Marathon would stop pumping, but continue to explore,” he said. “They would cap their wells for future use, and I don’t think that practice has stopped.” While most of those interviewed Sunday afternoon said they felt there was nothing the average person could do to stop the rise in gas prices, many said they have changed their habits to some degree to try to save gas. Theresa Hindley, home for the weekend to visit her parents, attends college in Bedford and lives outside of town. While she used to go home after classes, then jump into her car and ran errands later, said she now plans ahead and stops at the store or runs her errands on her way home. “I have to drive to get to school and back, but I don’t go anywhere extra if I don’t have to,” she said. There is nothing a person can do about rising prices, Greg Shears said, but he added “you don’t have to like it.” “We’ve been lucky here in the U.S. for the last 20 years because drivers in Europe have always paid a lot more for a gallon of gas than we do,” he said. The only thing that would help drivers in an area that does not have public transportation would be a car that got 100 miles per gallon, he said. Along those lines, some people say that today’s high gas prices, coupled with the near certainty that prices will continue to rise, have made electric and hybrid cars look more attractive, even if they do cost more to buy. Jennifer Wishard of Waynesboro said that while she doesn’t think there is much an individual can do about rising gas prices but “grit your teeth and pay it,” rising prices have “certainly opened my mind to thinking about those alternatives,” such as electric cars or hybrids. Meanwhile, she watches gas prices online and uses her grocery loyalty card to get gas discounts, and grits her teeth when she fills up. So far, she hasn’t had to curtail her driving too much. Those who can, do just that, however. Jeff Boushell, who lives in Chambersburg and works in Frederick, Md., is now carpooling with a coworker who is in the same situation, effectively cutting his commuting cost in half. “It’s ridiculous,” he said of gas prices. “In the last 10 years gas prices have more than tripled.”



q Penn editorial

Basketball, KCAC, all on the path to enrichment Tonight is a big night at IUP. Both them men’s and women’s basketball teams will host the first round of the PSAC tournaments at Memorial Field House in what is sure to be a exciting atmosphere for both games. With the exception of last year’s Atlantic Regional final, special nights like this don’t happen often at IUP, especially with both programs involved. Saturday against Mercyhurst was close, with both teams playing in big games with PSAC tournament implications – but there will be much more at stake tonight. For the men’s team, it means beginning a second-consecutive journey of becoming PSAC and regional champions. If the men are successful tonight, they will host the PSAC tournament semifinals and finals. For the women’s team, it is adding another chapter in the rivalry between IUP and Cal U. A win for the women would put them one step close to a berth in the NCAA tournament. While there has been much success for the teams this year, the success should be around for a very long time. The ribbon cutting for the Kovalchick Convention and Athletic Complex is Friday, and it will be the home of both teams next fall. That new $79-million complex will open the door for new recruits and could make the programs even better, meaning that this could only be the beginning of a long period of success for both programs. Tonight is a big night for IUP basketball, and if all things work out there could be many more of these nights in the future. The only difference will be the venue. A better venue will mean more players are interested, which will mean better talent, which will turn into more wins, which will translate into money and notoriety for the school as a whole. Some people may not think sports are an important part of university life, but when one looks at the potential monetary growth of a school because of it, they may have second thoughts. Penn State is a prime example. There are people who donate to the school simply because Joe Paterno is the football coach. IUP athletics succeeding means the entire university succeeding. Tonight is the first step.

Editorial Policy

Parks be damned: give us shale editorial Pittsburgh Post-Gazette MCT

Accidents can happen. Some would say that when it comes to Marcellus Shale drilling activity they happen all too often. The latest reminder came Wednesday night when three workers in Washington County were injured by an explosion at a gas well near Avella. Two had to be flown by helicopter to the hospital; the third was taken by ambulance. The explosion and fire, which lit up the night sky for miles, was based in five storage tanks that held wet gases. The timing of the mishap was fortuitous. Just last week, Tom Corbett’s Department of Environmental Protection rescinded a policy that required an environmental impact

review prior to Marcellus Shale drilling in most state parks. Acting DEP Secretary Michael Krancer said the regulation was “unnecessary and redundant.” Really? Then why abolish it? John Quigley, former secretary of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, disputed the administration’s claim, saying the regulation had a purpose – to require scrutiny of habitats, waterways, recreation areas, wetlands, air quality and other potential impacts on the public’s parks before drilling could begin. Although the Corbett administration suggested this could occur apart from the rule, Mr. Quigley said, “Environmental review is not done and is not required when the commonwealth doesn’t own the mineral rights.” In the case of the state parks, 85 percent of the mineral rights are not owned by Pennsylvania.

By stripping state parks of this protection, what the Corbett DEP is saying is trust the drillers. Trust the drillers when the environmental integrity of parks that draw 34 million visitors a year whose trips generate $818 million in sales is at stake. Trust the drillers who felt compelled to shower Mr. Corbett’s gubernatorial campaign with $876,000 in political donations – money that so far has been well spent, thank you very much. Trust the drillers whose work every once in a while goes kaboom or kerflooey, because accidents, after all, will happen. This is not to say that deep drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale should not be done. This is to say it should be done with careful oversight, effective regulation and the kind of environmental review that the Corbett administration has just given away.

The Penn editorial opinion is determined by the Editorial Board, with the editor in chief having final responsibility. Opinions expressed in editorials, columns, letters or cartoons are not necessarily that of The Penn, the university, the Student Cooperative Association or the student body. The Penn is completely independent of the university.

Letter Policy The Penn encourages its readers to comment on issues and events affecting the IUP community through letters to the editor. Letters must be typed in a sans serif, 12-point font, double-spaced and no more than 350 words long. Letters may not be signed by more than five people, and letters credited to only an organization will not be printed. All writers must provide their signature, university affiliation, address and phone number for verification of the letter. The Penn will not honor requests to withhold names from letters. The Penn reserves the right to limit the number of letters

published from any one person, organization or about a particular issue. The Penn reserves the right to edit or reject any letters submitted. Submitted materials become the property of The Penn and cannot be returned. Deadlines for letters are Sunday and Wednesday at noon for publication in the next issue. Letters can be sent or personally delivered to: Editor in Chief, HUB Room 235 319 Pratt Drive, Indiana, Pa. 15701 Or e-mailed to: Letters not meeting the above requirements will not be published. • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 • Page 9

Page 10 • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 • • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 • Page 11

r Life & Style q

OnStage presents Broadway musical ‘Cats’ By IMANI DILLARD


Senior Staff Writer

One of the most popular and longest-running musicals in North America will scurry OnStage at Fisher Auditorium Thursday. “Cats,� composed by Andrew Lloyd Webber, is the winner of seven Tony awards, including best musical. Adapted from Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats, a collection of poems written by T.S. Elliot, “Cats� is a Broadway production that ran for 18 years, making it the second-longest running show in Broadway history. According to the production’s website, “Cats� follows the Jellicle Cats, who meet once a year at the Jellicle Ball to rejoice and to wait for their beloved leader Old Deuteronomy, who will choose which of the Jellicle Cats will journey to the Heaviside layer to be reborn into a new life. The musical goes on to showcase each cat one by one as they audition for the honor of traveling to the Heaviside. The musical focuses on the lives of several different cats, like Rum Tum Tugger, a mischievous cat who is found to be extremely attractive. He also enjoys being at the center

IUP alumna guest chef returns to IUP to prepare special dinner Senior Staff Writer

Courtesy of OnStage ‘Cats,’ the second longest-running Broadway musical in history, will perform Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Fisher Auditorium.

of whatever is going on. Grizabella is the Glamour Cat. She is shunned by the rest of the Jellicle Cats because she left the tribe years ago to see what the outside world had to offer, and now she wants to return to the tribe. At the Jellicle Ball, the cats have a great dance in which all the cats take part. Grizabella tries again to rejoin the tribe but again they shun her. There are many interruptions to the ball including one by Macavity, a villainous cat, who kidnaps Old Deuteronomy. Macavity returns to the ball disguised as Old Deuteronomy but is

quickly revealed to be an imposter. A battle takes place between Macavity and the male cats of the Jellicle Cats. There’s a good reason “Cats� is one of the most famed musicals ever to hit Broadway — and that reason will be revealed 8 p.m. Thursday in Fisher Auditorium. “Cats� is presented by OnStage. Tickets are available at the Hadley Union Building box office. Prices range from $25 to $40 and $12 with an I-Card. For more information contact the Office of Arts and Entertainment located in 411 Sutton Hall or by phone at 724-357-2315.



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A melting pot of culinary insight, IUP alumna, Kristin Butterworth, will return as a guest chef Wednesday. As part of Aramark’s Guest Chef Program, Butterworth will prepare and serve a special meal in Foster Dining Hall, where she will be available for a meet-and-greet from 4 to 6 p.m. The program, designed to honor the area’s finest chefs, is an opportunity for them to share their talents, experiences and tips with students, according to the IUP Dining Website. Butterworth, 28, of Northern Cambria, graduated with honors from the Academy of Culinary Arts in 2002. “I am totally one of those types of people who learn by being shown, doing it and learning from my mistakes,� said Butterworth. “IUP ACA provided that environment, hands on teachers, one on one instruction and an endless amount of passion for the culinary arts. It never felt like school, it was exciting and enjoyable.� After graduation, Butterworth interned with Boulders Resort in Carefree, Ariz., at its Latilla Restaurant, where she was exposed to Southwestern cuisine and fine dining for the first time, according to the dining website. When she returned to Pennsylvania after her internship, Butterworth worked for a small, privately owned Italian restaurant. While working there, she took the opportunity to travel to Italy, where she received her certification in Italian Cuisine and Pastry at the Italian Culinary

Institute for Foreigners. “Seeing traditional methods and techniques, using products that you only read about and experiencing a culture different from anything found in the US is life changing,� Butterworth said. “The most memorable experience would be learning how to make Grana Padano Cheese from the cheese makers themselves.� Upon her return, Butterworth accepted a position at Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, where she worked for two years. In 2005, she moved to Georgia to become a member of the culinary team that opened the Georgian Room Restaurant at the Sea Island Resort. At Sea Island, Butterworth worked her way from Cook I to Sous Chef, according to the dining website. She was offered a Sous Chef position at the Inn at Little Washington, where she learned the art of Refined American Cuisine under Chef Patrick O’Connell and his team. In 2010, Butterworth returned to Pennsylvania as Chef De Cuisine at Nemacolin Woodlands, where she received her start as a culinary professional. Lautrec, the Frenchthemed restaurant Butterworth directs, received the Forbes fiveStar and AAA five-Diamond awards. Butterworth is the youngest and only female five-star chef for 2011, according to the dining website. “The best advice I can give is to never give up,� said Butterworth. This business is tough; it demands long hours, hard work and sacrifices of family, friends, holidays and countless other things that are sometimes very difficult to deal with. Determination and a whole lot of commitment go a long way and the rewards are endless.�

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r Life & Style q


Submit it for consideration for this year’s issue of


The IUP Student Journal of Social Science Research •The Inkwell is a peer-reviewed journal of student research in the social sciences. •Anyone can submit a paper on any of the many arenas and issues on the social sciences. All papers are welcome as long as they concern a social science issue. •The Inkwell is published and distributed in early April. Dreamstime

•This year’s issue will be the fourth volume of this annual journal.


Brass instruments highlighted at Brass Day By kiersen hoffacker Contributing Writer

World-class euphonium soloist Demondrae Thurman will perform at the first IUP Brass Day. The music department will host Brass Day all day Saturday, featuring performances and master classes. According to the IUP website, Brass musicians of all ages and ability levels are invited to attend this all-day event. The day will consist of individual instrument ensembles, a clinic and recital by Euphonium soloist Thurman, Mass Brass choir, and an evening concert. The evening concert is free and open to the public. It will include the HoodleBug Brass, Participant Ensembles and Thurman. This is the first year for IUP Brass Day. According to Dr. Zach Collins, Assistant Professor of Tuba and Euphonium at IUP, the purpose of Brass Day is to be an outreach program and to get IUP and non-IUP musicians together to learn about brass performance techniques and make music together. “We have a very strong music program at IUP, and we want people to know about it,” Collins said. According to Collins, Thurman is one of the most respected soloists on the Euphonium, and is a member of Sotto Voce Quartet, the world’s foremost tuba-euphonium quartet. Thurman is an internationally recognized musician who has performed in France, Germany, England, Norway, Romania and throughout North America.

“I am thrilled that our brass students at IUP will have the opportunity to hear this world-class musician.” — Dr. Zach Collins, Assistant Professor of IUP Tuba and Euphonium “I am thrilled that our brass students at IUP will have the opportunity to hear this world-class musician,” Collins said. According to Thurman website, he has performed and taught at many colleges and universities throughout the country as well as being an invited guest artist/clinician at many of the world’s prestigious euphonium festivals. This is not the first time Thurman has come to IUP. After graduating with his graduate degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1998, Thurman attended the Colonial Euphonium Tuba Institute conference at IUP. After winning the Solo Euphonium award and the first prize award with his quartet at the conference, Thurman considers IUP to be the beginning of his professional career. Thurman wants to make it known that not only Brass players should attend Brass Day. “Really great music is going to be made,” Thurman said. “It should be a great time.” The registration fee for Brass Day is now $30, and the forms can be downloaded from the Brass Day website found through the IUP website. According to Collins, the outcome of this year’s Brass Day will determine whether or not this becomes a recurring event at IUP.

All paper submissions can be sent to Please include your name, year, major, and contact information. All Submissions are due by Friday, March 25.

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r Life & Style q

SunChips announces new quieter green packaging By michael d’estries Mother Nature Network MCT

Less than six months after pulling their compostable bags due to consumer complaints over the noisy packaging, SunChips today shouted from the rooftops that it has created a new version. And it promises to keep it down this time. The move last fall to withdraw the green plant-based packaging from all flavor of chips except original, drew

both praise and scorn. After all, it had only been 18 months since the company had championed its new eco-cred with the bags — the first of its kind that could be broken down in an active compost bin in as little as 14 weeks. The move bummed out environmentalists, with many upset that SunChips would so quickly abandon its sustainability goals over fragile ears. Even Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central’s “The Colbert Report” mocked the decision saying, “Luckily

we can save the planet from unpleasant sound by using new quiet coal technologies and breakthroughs in silent oil. And if we just do that much, eventually the ice caps will melt, the seas will rise, and our coastal cities will be underwater, where it’s nice and quiet.” Adding insult to injury, SunChips Canada decided to keep the noisy bags, asking people to consider the environment first and just deal with the extra noise. “The trade-off is pretty clear.

A little more noise, for a little less waste, and a little more green,” said Helmi Ansari, sustainability leader for Frito-Lay Canada. They even offered customers free earplugs. With all this drama, SunChips could have just simply taken its time coming up with a new solution, but to the company’s credit, it got to work even before announcing a recall. According to the AP, the company found that by changing the razor-thin adhesive used in separating the inside of the bag from the outside with all the logos and other information, it

Deal provides SolarCity with 10-state footprint


By dana hull

Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle

San Jose Mercury News MCT

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Lewis

Level: 1




Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit, 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit

The solution to this sudoko is SOLUTION TO in today’s TUESDAY’S PUZZLE issue of

The Penn


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Page 14 • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 •

ACROSS 1 Rollicking good time 6 “Pipe down!” 10 The man’s partner, in a Shaw title 14 Western neckwear 15 Leer at 16 “Très __!” 17 Screw-up 18 Fuzzy image 19 Jedi guru 20 Cop’s oftenunreliable lead 23 Apostropheless possessive 26 Start of a Latin I conjugation 27 Snack for a gecko 28 Retailer’s private label 32 Milne hopper 33 Caroline Kennedy, to Maria Shriver 34 Three-layer snacks 36 Clerical robes 37 “The Bachelor” network 38 Laundry 42 Martial artsinfluenced workout 45 Chewed like a beaver 47 RR stop 50 Facetious name for a school cafeteria staple 52 Checkers demand 54 Glutton 55 Lic.-issuing bureau 56 “The Gong Show” regular with a paper bag on his head, with “the” 60 March Madness org. 61 Passed with flying colors 62 Up front 66 Former U.N. leader Waldheim 67 Row of waiters 68 Dweebish 69 Evian et al. 70 WWII carriers


By Donna S. Levin

71 Swap DOWN 1 Air gun pellets 2 Chaney of horror 3 Chicken-king link 4 Davenport, e.g. 5 West Coast ocean concern 6 Mingle (with) 7 Like an extremely unpleasant situation 8 Inner city blight 9 Jane Eyre, e.g. 10 Deep fissure 11 Tear gas target 12 Sawbones 13 Shape up 21 Harbinger 22 Reverse 23 Machu Picchu architect 24 Home Depot buy 25 Cold shoulder 29 Right hand: Abbr. 30 Mechanical worker 31 Circumference part 35 Performed in an aquacade 37 “Washboard” muscles 39 Astounded

Monday’s Puzzle Solved

The solution to this crossword is in today’s issue of

The Penn (c)2011 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

40 Fabric joint 41 Rec room centerpiece 43 1-Down, e.g. 44 Cyclone’s most dangerous part 45 Harsh 46 NFLer who used to play in Yankee Stadium 47 Striped stinkers 48 Costner/Russo golf flick

created a kind of noise barrier. That new discovery led to the decibel levels of the packaging going from 80-85 decibels to just around 70 decibels — or the noise level of a standard chip bag. The new compostable bags are making their way into stores but will only be available in original flavor for now. Understandably, SunChips is waiting to hear whether any critical noise is generated before rolling out the new packaging to the rest of its product line.


49 Anatolian Peninsula capital 51 Some Horace poems 53 Pesky fliers 57 “JAG” spin-off 58 Penny 59 “Moonstruck” Oscar winner 63 Memorable time 64 Total 65 Color, in a way

SolarCity, a fast-growing solar company based in Foster City, Calif., recently announced that it is acquiring the residential division of groSolar, the largest residential solar installer on the East Coast. SolarCity provides solar power system design, financing and installation, and currently operates in six states — Arizona, California, Colorado, Oregon, Maryland and Texas. The groSolar deal expands SolarCity’s footprint to four additional states: Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. Both companies are privately held, and financial terms of the cash transaction were not disclosed. Since it began operations in July 2006, SolarCity has grown rapidly and made a name for itself in the industry by being the first company to provide homeowners a lease option — solar for no money down. The deal makes SolarCity, which has 1,100 employees nationwide, the largest residential installer of solar systems in the United States. groSolar will continue to operate its solar panel distribution business and commercial solar project development out of its offices in Vermont. Fifty-five of its employees will join SolarCity. “SolarCity will be able to offer solar to many homeowners and businesses in the Northeast at or below the cost they currently pay for electricity,” said SolarCity CEO Lyndon Rive. “We expect thousands of additional homeowners in the northeastern states to go solar this year while local incentives are strong.”

r Sports q

IUP women prepare for Cal U in tournament By Vaughn Johnson Editor In Chief

IUP versus Cal U is one of the biggest rivalries in Division II women’s college basketball. Every season, these two programs cross each other’s path with something at stake. Tonight at Memorial Field House will be no different. IUP will play Cal U in the PSAC tournament for the fifth consecutive season. The squads played each other in the conference title game three years in a row and in the first round the last two seasons. If the history with each other is any indicator, then tonight’s game should be another bright chapter in the story of this rivalry. “That’s the nature of the beast,” IUP Head Coach Jeff Dow said. “[IUP and Cal U are] two good programs, and quality programs tend to see each other in the postseason. That’s what’s going to happen.” Cal U defeated IUP five straight times in the regular season until the last meeting between the two teams Feb. 9, where IUP defeated Cal U, 60-57. IUP, however, has won three of the last four postseason matchups against the Vulcans. The sole Cal U win was in the first round of last year’s conference tournament defeating the Crimson Hawks, 72-49. “You want to get up for every team you play, whether you’re playing Washington Adventist, Mercyhurst or Cal, but there’s a little something special for Cal,” Dow said. Last year’s postseason matchup was between the No. 2 and 3 seeds and this year is no different, but IUP is No. 2 instead of Cal U, as it was last season. IUP earned the No. 2 seed in the PSAC West by virtue of its thrashing of Mercyhurst 77-47 Saturday night in Memorial Field House. With the win, IUP earned the right to host the Vulcans instead of traveling to Cal U. “Who wouldn’t want to play at home,” Dow said. “I mean you got

the crowd behind you, that’s probably worth eight or 10 points right there. I think the crowd came up big when we beat them a few weeks back.” Despite wanting to play in front of home fans, and thinking it is somewhat advantageous for the Crimson Hawks, Dow said when it comes to Cal U, the intensity is going be the same no matter where the game is played. “We could play in Zink A and Zink B it doesn’t matter where it is it’s going to be a tough, physical game,” Dow said. “It’s a big rivalry.” Against Mercyhurst, IUP used 29 Mercyhurst turnovers to help it post six players in double figures. IUP scored 34 points off those turnovers. “I couldn’t have scripted it any better,” Dow said about the team’s performance Saturday. Forward Sarah Pastorek led the Crimson Hawks with 15 points while going against Mercyhurst’s leading scorer, forward Amy Achesinski. While scoring 15 points, Pastorek held Achesinski to 13 points, below her average of 18 per game, and only three points in the second half. Pastorek will go from defending the PSAC’s second-leading scorer to the top scorer in the conference in Cal U’s forward Kayla Smith. Pastorek and the rest of the Hawks used Saturday against Achesinksi as preparation for Smith tonight. “It’s a great experience,” Pastorek said about playing against Achesinski. “She’s a really good player. I always look forward to playing against her. I feel she helps me become a better player.” Behind Pastorek in points was Eryn Withers (14), Katelyn Marshall (12) and Lacey Claar, Brianna Johnson and Vianca Tejada (11 each). The player IUP needed to get hot at this time was Withers, who has been in a bit of a slump as of late. Withers was averaging under double figures during the latter stages of the season, but looked like the potent scorer that she is against Mercyhurst, scoring all of her points in the second half. “It definitely helps my confidence a lot,” Withers said. “My coaches and my teammates just kept encouraging

Chelsea Yurisic/The Penn Katelyn Marshall averaged 10 points a game during the regular season.

me telling me that the ball will go through and my teammates just kept looking for me and luckily my shots were falling.” “She just needed to see the ball go in the hoop,” Dow said of Withers. IUP will undoubtedly need Withers to see the ball go in the hoop against Cal U. If IUP doesn’t, it could be a repeat of the first meeting between the two teams this season when Cal U handled IUP 93-59 Jan. 19. Despite enacting revenge against the Vulcans since then, IUP knows it’s only going to get Cal U’s very best, which will prove for a very tough game. “Both teams are going to be well scouted,” Dow said. “A lot of times it comes to how many free throws can you get up, how well do you take care of the ball and rebounding and Cal is one of the best rebounding teams in the country.” “To be the best, you got to beat the best and Cal is one of the best and we’re looking forward to it,” Withers said.

IUP men win PSAC West

Tashina Johns/The Penn Kevin Stewart shot 34 percent from the field during the regular season.

By anthony Scherer Staff Writer

The Crimson Hawks are the 20102011 PSAC West champions. The Hawks won the West division championship Saturday night with a 55-46 victory against Mercyhurst. The victory means the Hawks will host Cal U at 7:30 p.m. tonight in Memorial Field House. A win in that game means the Hawks will host the PSAC semifinals Friday. “I don’t feel like we’ve reached the mountaintop,” IUP Head Coach Joe Lombardi said. This is the second consecutive division title for the Hawks. The last time they accomplished that goal

was back in the 1993-94 and 94-95 seasons. Guard Ashton Smith led all players with 17 points and was 1 of 3 Hawks in double figures. The Hawks were up 33-30 after two free throws by Mercyhurst’s Shelton Jackson. The Hawks then went on a 20-8 run to go up 53-38 with 5:08 to play in the second half. “That was two good defensive teams,” Lombardi said. “And Mercyhurst is really well-coached, and I knew they’d try to make us play to our weaknesses and we’d make them try to play their weaknesses.” The Lakers had one player in double-figures, Luis Leo, who had 10 points. The Hawks played well against the PSAC’s leading scorer, Heiden Ratner. Ratner scored only nine points on 3 of 17 shooting. In the two games against the Hawks this year, Ratner was 5 of 27 from the floor. With the loss, Mercyhurst will host Slippery Rock in the first round of the conference tournament.While in the PSAC East, Cheyney will be at Mansfield and East Stroudsburg will travel to Kutztown. But the first thing the Hawks will have to worry about is playing host to Cal U. “I have a lot of respect for Cal,” said Lombardi. “We just caught them on their worst night of the year and we played really well. I’ve seen a lot of things turn 180 degrees in a short period of time, and you can’t compare scores. We have a certain amount of confidence playing at home, and I think Cal is hitting its stride and playing their best and peaking right now. I truly believe they’ll be a much different team when they come in here. I don’t think our guys will let up, but I think Cal will be much more committed and focused than maybe they were the last time they came up here.”

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S UNDAY 4:00 PM - 10:30 PM • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 • Page 15

r Sports q

Tashina Johns/The Penn Julian Sanders (right) scored 10 points during the 55-46 win over Mercyhurst.

IUP men will need much of the same against Cal U By anthony Pagano Staff Writer

The opening round of the PSAC tournament will start tonight for the Crimson Hawks when they play host to the Cal U Vulcans. The Crimson Hawks have bullied the Vulcans so far this season, winning both games including a game where they went to the Vulcan’s home court and came out with a 19-point victory. The second game was at Memorial Field House, and the Crimson Hawks again had no trouble with them, winning by 28 points. I think that you have to look past these two games though. Yes, the Crimson Hawks outscored the Vulcans by 47 in two games this year, but it is the opening round of the conference tournament, and everyone’s slate is wiped clean. The Hawks will still have to play good defense. The Vulcans have struggled so far this season when it comes to scoring on this IUP defense. They are averaging 55 points per game against the Hawks, and with players like forward Darryl Webb and guards Julian Sanders and Ashton Smith, the Hawks are fine with that. Rebounding on both ends will be a factor, and I think that the Crimson Hawks hold the big advantage when it

Page 16 • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 •

comes to rebounding. A big part of the Hawk’s rebounding game is senior center Willi Estrella. Estrella didn’t have his biggest game offensively Saturday night, but he pulled down 10 rebounds. If he can rebound like that tonight, it will make for an easier game for the Crimson Hawks. The Crimson Hawks held Mercyhurst’s Heiden Ratner to nine points Saturday night. Before Saturday, Ratner was the leading scorer in the PSAC. They forced Ratner to shoot the ball from deep and when he came inside, every shot was contested or forced. He finished the game 3 of 17 in shooting, and that is exactly the kind of game IUP’s defense needs to play against Cal U. I believe that the game tonight comes down to a bunch of “ifs.” If the Crimson Hawks play their type of defense, if Estrella rebounds like he usually does, if Webb, Smith and Sanders shoot like they usually do and if junior guard Scooter Renkin and senior guard Kevin Stewart play defense like they usually do, IUP should have an easy time putting down the Vulcans and moving on. If the Crimson Hawks are to win tonight they would be sitting in the driver’s seat, so to speak, because they will have the right to host the PSAC semifinals and finals.

r Sports q

IUP womens basketball prepare for rivalry game By anthony Pagano Staff Writer

The women’s PSAC tournament is shaping up to be quite a spectacle, with match-ups like IUP versus Cal U. These two teams are going to make for a great game at Memorial Field House. Not only do these two teams have the same divisional record, but they also split the two games they previously played against each other this year, with each team winning on its home court. It is undoubted in my mind that the Crimson Hawks have the advantage by being able to play in front of their home fans. They will have to play their “A” game, which means players like sophomore forward Sarah Pastorek and senior guard Lacey Claar will have to put up big points, while players like sophomore Katelyn Marshall will have to play good defense. I think that the strongest part of this Crimson Hawk team is definitely its defense. Many people think that offense is the most important part of the game, but this IUP team seems to get its offense off of playing its great defense. Saturday night against Mercyhurst marked the ninth time that the Crimson Hawks were able to hold their opponent to less than 50 points this season. Along with their great defense

comes great offense, and with both of those you’re sure to have the recipe for wins. That is exactly what the Hawks accomplished this season. They won 11 divisional games this season, tying a school record. Going into the first round of conference playoffs, the Crimson Hawks seem to be clicking on all cylinders, playing great defense and turning in a pretty good effort on offense as well. When the Vulcans come to Indiana tonight, they will already know what kind of team they will face. In their win over the Vulcans Feb. 9, the Crimson Hawks held them to just four points in the last 9:52 of the game, taking a three-point victory, 60-57. This Cal team may give IUP a little trouble, but I think that the Crimson Hawk defense will prevail. Playing against a team that you have already faced twice has its advantages and disadvantages. The Hawks and the Vulcans may know what to expect tonight, but I think that the advantage clearly goes to the team who plays the best defense. The Crimson Hawks gave up 93 points to Cal in their lost to them earlier in the year. I think that having a first round match up like this will only help the Crimson Hawks and strengthen the team as a whole. I think that IUP will have trouble holding the Vulcans to less than 50 points, but hold them to just enough to get that victory and advance.

Track and field team has successful weekend By Josh Carney Contributing Writer

Over the weekend, IUP’s track and field team competed at the PSAC indoor event in Edinboro. It was a successful weekend all around for both the women and men. The women’s team placed third overall, with 74 points. This set an IUP record for the team’s highest finish ever. “I’m very, very excited for the women’s team,” IUP Head Coach Michelle Burgher said. “These girls really stepped up big and competed with some of the powerhouse teams.” The men’s team placed sixth overall, with a total of 49 points. IUP men and women set personal and season bests in nearly every event. Notable performances this weekend included IUP senior Brianna Liebold, who won the Field MVP after taking first place in both the women’s triple jump and long jump. This was Liebold’s secondstraight Field MVP award at a PSAC event. “Bri is a tremendous athlete. She is a great leader and a great asset to our team here at IUP,” Burgher said. “Great student as a well as a great overall person off the track.”

Senior Leander Toney also came through in the clutch with a big performance in the high jump, setting the PSAC record with a jump of 6 feet, 11 inches, securing an automatic bid to the NCAA Indoor Track and Field Championship. “Leander is very talented athlete, and it is incredible that he set the PSAC record and beat his nearest opponent by four inches,” Burgher said. The main highlight of the event was the second place finish by sophomore Ayanna LeBlanc in the women’s shot put event. “Ayanna was huge for us,” said Burgher. “She stepped up to the plate for us and took on two top throwers.” “Taking second against those two was one of the biggest highlights for me in this event as a coach,” Burgher added. Other notable performances from the weekend include Brandon Ford taking third in the triple jump, Steve Wainwright taking third in the 800meter dash and Laurie Ajavon taking third in the triple jump. IUP will send five athletes to the NCAA championships March 11-12 in Albuquerque, N.M. Joining Liebold and Toney are Laurie Ajavon, Brandon Ford and Nafee Harris, who is looking to defend his title in long jump.

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Houses 5 bedroom, 2 bath $1400 p/p semester. Included free washer dryer, free off street parking and some utilities. 724-465-7602. 5 bedroom house. Newly remodeled. 2 baths, dishwasher, washer/dryer. Very neat, clean. All utilities included. 724-388-4033.

One bedroom house for 2 students. 1 mile from campus. PETS allowed. Spacious yards. Parking! Some utilities included. Lots of storage! $1300 per student per semester AND $300 security deposit. Fall 2011- Spring 2012. 724-388-3969. Three bedroom, Three person. Fall 2011 Spring 2012. Parking, some utilities. Good place price. 724541-0322. 5 bedroom 2 bathroom living room, kitchen, and free parking. Close to campus, some utilities paid. $2300 per semester 724-465-0709. Two bedroom furnished house for two students. Close to campus. Some utilities included. Off street parking. $2,500 per student per semester. 724-357-9223. Three or four person house fall 2011 spring 2012 utilities parking laundry included. Furnished clean and spacious 724-349-2018.

STUDENT RENTALS Filling Fast for 2011-12 9 or 12 month leases

1,2,3, & 5 Bedrooms Some utilities included


724-349-1924 ext. 399 STRONG’S STUDENT RENTALS RENTING FOR Fall 2011/Spring 2012 3 to 4 Students Parking and Laundry Furnished Houses and Apartments Excellent Locations

(724)463-7222 (724)349-2018

3, 4, 5, Bedroom housing for Fall 2011- Spring 2012. Furnished, partial utilities, no pets, free parking. www. 412-2898822 / 724-388-1277.

668 Water St 2 or 3 bdrm avail Summmer 11, 2300.00 all utilities inc. Call 724.465.0100. 3 bedroom house next to campus for 3 non-partying students Fall 11 and Spring 12. No pets. 1750/ person/semester plus utilities. References required. 724-349-6883, leave message. 5 very large private suites each with private bath. includes free laundry, free off street parking, and furnished. Only $1700 per semester. 724-465-7602.

Help Wanted Dance Instructor part time beginning Spring 2011. 724-349-2811. Exciting Summer Jobs- Outgoing men and women wanted to train for white water raft guides. No experience necessary. Retail positions available. 1-800-472-3846 or apply at www.

Parking Parking $200.00 per semester. Close to campus. Thomas Hall, 724-3492007.

Roommates Need Roommate for six bedroom house 2011/2012. $1675.00 per semester. Own bedroom, utilities included. Very nice. Rose 717-7996542 Rachel 412-977-2286.

Hawks lose early in CHMA tournament By Zach Graham Staff Writer

Having been knocked out of contention for the CHMA regular season championship and a bid to the ACHA National Tournament earlier this month, the IUP Crimson Hawks looked to the CHMA tournament to end their season on a high note. The sixth-seeded Duquesne Dukes, who just barely qualified for the tournament’s final spot, wanted to prove they belonged among the league’s top teams, doing just that as they beat the Hawks 4-1 at WesBanco Arena in Wheeling, W.Va. The Dukes got started quickly, with Rob Utz scoring on assists from Brock Heinauer and Renars Rukmanis 46 seconds into the game. Seven minutes later, Evan Gorse added another for the Dukes to give his team a 2-0 lead that they held the remainder of the first period. The Hawks cut the lead to one 2:52 into the second peri-

od when Chase Keibler scored with an assist from Lance Lewandowski, the only goal of the night for the team. After Casey Stern took a slashing penalty with 11:44 to play in the period, Heinauer scored on the power play for the Dukes, giving his team a 3-1 advantage. Gorse scored his second of the night 1:57 into the third period to close out the scoring and end the Hawks’ season. Christian Cianflone had a solid performance in net for Duquesne, stopping 36 of the 37 shots he faced for a .973 save percentage. Friday’s first-round loss ends an up and down season for the Hawks. They led the CHMA conference for much of the year and were ranked as high as No. 24 nationally. The struggles largely came against non-conference opponents, where the Hawks had a 5-11-2 record. However, the team did not shy away from competition, with seven of those loses at the hands of

ranked opponents. The Hawks also had a few quality non-conference wins, including those against No. 21 Robert Morris, No. 18 Kent State, and No. 22 MichiganDearborn. The team’s 10-5 record in conference play was good enough for third-place overall, after suffering losses to the top two teams, West Virginia and Slippery Rock on back-to-back weekends. Phil Trombetta finished the season as the team’s leader in points. In 35 games, he scored 19 goals and recorded 33 assists, for 52 total points. Joe Ford led the team with 22 goals and 151 penalty minutes. Freshman Ryan Lord saw the most time in net for the Hawks, finishing with a 12-8 record, a 3.77 goals against average and a .900 save percentage. Slippery Rock went on to win the tournament final against Pitt. The Rock will face twotime defending champions Lindenwood in the first round of the national tournament.

Four bedroom house. 1228 Oakland.Summer 703-307-7288. 2011 Summer housing. All utilities, parking, w/dryer included. Furnished, single or multi bedroom houses. Excellent locations. Reasonable Rent 724-539-8012. House one fourth block from campus. 2-3 students. Parking. 724388-0352 or 724-349-2149 .

For Student Housing Call K & K Property 412-795-8888 724-822-0348

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Page 20 • Tuesday, March 1, 2011 •

Let Us House You

AVAILABLE FOR 2011-12 Two Semester leases only

LARGE 5 BEDROOM HOUSE Next to campus, 2 baths, 2 porches

1.5 STORY 4 BEDROOM HOUSE Next to campus, 2 porches


Still available (includes heat, water, sewage, trash)

Call Tina


for details

r Man on the Street q

What are your plans for spring break?

“Going to see Daniel Tosh at the Benedum Center, and going to the St. Patrick’s Day Parade.” -Madison Smith (freshman, Asian studies)

“Just going home.” -Hillary Gil (junior, nuclear medicine)

“Just going home and going to the St. Patty’s Day Parade.” -Nicole Sozynski (senior, art education)

I’m going to Washington, D.C. I’ve never been there before.” -Jennifer Sheridan (senior, human resource management)

Friday & Saturday 11AM - 1AM Sunday - Thursday 11 AM - 12:30 AM

( 7 2 4 ) 3 4 9 -0 9 0 9 1 LARGE 1 TOPPING






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