23 minute read
from August 24, 2020
by The Penn

Culture Editor: Katelin Pompa – xzgw@iup.edu Lead Culture Writer: Haley Brown – tbfx@iup.edu
(Kate Pompa/ The Penn)
IUP enforcing new rules due to COVID-19
Staying safe and germ free at IUP during a pandemic
Haley Brown Lead Culture Writer tbfx@iup.edu @ThePennIUP
While IUP students are busy with getting their materials and instructions for the start of their new Fall 2020 courses, the campus staff has been keeping equally busy in order to properly prepare our campus for the students who have been allowed to come back to the university this fall.
Despite the hopeful push to allow all students to return, IUP is aiming to invite back only about a third of the pupils that usually grace the school grounds for the safety of all students and staff and to attempt to aid in the slowing of the spread of the unfortunately well-known COVID-19 pandemic.
To ensure that the campus is as safe as possible, the staff of the health services, maintenance, and custodial departments of IUP, as well as the IUP dining and housing services offices, have been working tirelessly to create the most sanitary conditions as possible and to provide the resources to allow for a healthy and safe experience for everyone

who plans to return to campus.
In order to help and encourage the students to protect themselves and their peers’ health, every student is to receive a student safety kit. These plastic-bag kits will include a thermometer, hand sanitizer, washable face masks, tissues, and pamphlets that will include plenty of health and safety information concerning COVID-19, how it is spread, and how to stay as healthy as possible during these strange and unprecedented times.
Masks are, of course, required on campus when you are in any of the buildings, and they are also going to be required outside when social distancing is not an option.
Many lecture classes are planned around a hybrid model. This means that small groups will be determined, and the groups will rotate between being present physically in the classroom and being connected to the professor and their classmates through a Zoom call, or another similar video chat platform, for the length of the normal class period.
In most classrooms, IUP has installed special cameras called Meeting Owl Pro Smart cameras. These cameras are capable of capturing video in 360 degrees and can choose to split your screen between being able to see whoever is speaking including the professor and the board or screen they are working on, or being able to see the entire 360 degree video of the classroom.
Signs have been placed everywhere across campus encouraging passersby to maintain social distancing from others whenever possible. One-way traffic flow signs have also been placed where it is maintainable, such as entrances and exits for certain buildings like the dining hall and the HSS buildings. There are even “stay-in-your-lane” markers with arrows to further enforce this type of movement.
Elevators are limited to three passengers per ride and priority is given to anyone with disabilities. The cleaning crews will be constantly sanitizing high-traffic touch areas such as door handles, stairway railings, elevator buttons and bathroom stalls.
All food services that are open will allow mobile ordering through the Grub-Hub app so students can order before they arrive and pick up their food when it is ready to further limit social contact. North Dining and the HUB Food Court are also allowing face-to-face ordering and limited seating will be available at North Dining. The POD stores will be open to students who need to shop for limited groceries and “grab and go” bags will be available at Folger Dining Hall.
Most students who live in residence halls will have private rooms and some will have private bathrooms. Gathering spaces in all buildings will be regularly sanitized so that students can work together at safe distances from one another. Seating in computer labs will be limited, but the IUP computers will still be available for use.
If you require health services, you must make an appointment since no walk-ins will be allowed. You can also request a skypestyled appointment with one of the nurse practitioners or a physician. Touch-free temperature-check kiosks are scattered around campus and are not mandatory but can be used for discretionary use.
The library will remain open, and study spaces will be limited and spaced for social distancing. In order to receive books you need, you will need to request them at the front desk.
The HUB fitness center will be open with limited hours and will include a wellness check when you arrive. Limited capacity in the gym ensures that appropriate social distancing guidelines are being followed. The Co-op store is to be open on Aug. 14 and 15 from noon to 4 p.m. to allow students to pick up books they have ordered online. Other shopping will be open at limited capacity as well. Crimson connect and IUP’s other social media platforms have more information about events, both in-person and virtual, that are still occurring in Indiana.
Despite these complicated and sometimes frightening times, IUP is always fully committed to providing all of their students with the highest-quality education possible. COVID-19 may have complicated our lives, but IUP has stepped up and continues to actively prioritize and ensure the health and safety of all campus-goers.
College Cookbook Chronicles for the cooking impaired
MARTY WEAVER Staff Writer zglz@iup.edu @ThePennIUP

A new year means a new dorm, apartment or, in the case of this hellish year, staying home. Either way, you gotta eat.
If you are understandably wary of eating at campus eateries, and dining out has burned a hefty hole in your wallet (I am chowing down on some Dunkin as I write this), then why not try your hand at cooking?
I am living in a shoebox “apartment” this year. I will have access to only a hot plate, microwave, coffee maker and a community kitchen that I’ll use sparingly. So, I’m going to be chronicling my cooking adventures, both the successes and failures, for y’all’s education and – if I do my job right – entertainment.
First thing’s first: you need some basic equipment in order to cook. Not all single efficiency units allow hot plates, so make sure you carefully read your lease before dropping cash on appliances you’re not able to use.
Next, get yourself a nonstick pan or two. If you’re an egg fiend such as myself, then consider getting one of those teeny-tiny egg pans you see in grocery stores. Don’t bother with cast iron or stainless-steel pans; not only can they be exorbitantly expensive, but there’s no need to get anything beyond nonstick pans for a college apartment. A frying pan’s best friend is a wooden spoon because the wood doesn’t conduct heat like metal does. If your spoon or spoons have a flat edge, then they’re perfect for squishing things like tomatoes.
A couple of big-ish mixing bowls will be very helpful. There might be more dishes to do down the line, but that is less frustrating than having to stop to do some dishes in the middle of cooking. On that note, get yourself a whisk. Listen, sometimes you want pancakes, and whisks are the best tool for the job. Also invest in some cheap measuring cups and spoons if you’re terrible at estimating measurements like yours truly.
A rubber spatula is another

A good way to start the day is with an English muffin and a poached egg.
indispensable gadget in the kitchen. They’re great for scraping down the sides of bowls, folding ingredients together and mixing things like bread dough if you don’t like using your hands. Some professional chefs get judgemental if you don’t use your hands, but not everyone likes the feeling of touching food, and everyone should respect that. (I really love mixing bread dough by hand; touching raw chicken, however, sends shivers up my spine. Be understanding of people with sensory issues!)
Last but certainly not least, get yourself a good chef’s knife. The difference between a $5 knife and a $20 one makes a world of difference in hospital bills alone. Dull knives are the most dangerous tools in the kitchen. The duller the knife, the more likely it is to slip and cut your fingers. My knife came with a sharpening sheath, so every time I put it away, it sharpens itself.
A chef’s knife should be the first kitchen knife you invest in because it can be used for most tasks. More specific knives, like paring, fish and butcher’s, have fewer uses, though they’re superior at those tasks. I’m not Sohla El-Waylly or Samin Nosrat, though; one fairly high-quality chef’s knife is good enough for me. And remember: cutting boards are your friends. Please don’t lose your security deposit because of me.

Now, onto food staples you should almost always have on hand. A good rule of thumb is to get the best ingredients that you can afford, but don’t feel bad for liking “cheap” stuff.
The most important ingredient in all of cooking is salt. Do yourself a favor and get Kosher salt. Sure, it’s about twice as much as regular table salt, but we’re talking $1 for table salt and $2 for Kosher. Kosher salt has bigger flakes than table salt, and those flakes provide a better taste and texture. As counter-intuitive as it seems, the bigger the salt flakes, the less “salty” it is per… capita? Unit? Whatever the right noun is.
The next most important ingredient is “good” olive oil. Again, get what you can afford; I’m a middle-class bougie white person, but I am well aware of others’ budgets. A bottle of olive oil should last you a while, so shelling out for a $10 bottle will make a difference in the long run. My preferred brand is California Olive Ranch, which isn’t that much more expensive than bargain brands. A key piece of info concerning olive oil is that older is actually (Marty Weaver/ The Penn)
worse. Olive oil has an expiration date, so the fresher, the better. That being said, a bottle should be good for at least a year.
You should always keep sandwich fixin’s in your kitchen. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are one of humanity’s greatest inventions, and I love me a turkey and cheese. A few condiments will also go a long way, especially hot sauce. Spice adds a lot to a meal, even if you don’t like spicy foods.
Finally, it’s a good idea to always have some eggs on hand. They’re cheap, last longer than you think, and there are a million ways to cook them – if you like eggs, of course.
You can add or subtract items from this laundry list as you see fit. This column is meant to be a suggestion, not the Gospel. There’s no need to go all Steve1989MREInfo this year and stock up on Lunchables. With the help of my Food Network upbringing (and heeding the warnings of my intense hubris), you should be able to learn how to cook at least one meal.
Culture August 24, 2020
Popular Shows to Binge during Quarantine

Be sure to stay safe and healthy by social distancing and sanitizing. MEGAN DONNY and graphic novels, which were Staff Writer written my Gerald Way, who is My bbcx@iup.edu Chemical Romances’ lead singer. @ThePennIUP The show has superpowers,
Unfortunately due to tons of drama and even a global COVID-19, most of the U.S. has apocalypse. The characters are all been stuck indoors. The nice very unique and easy to love. I’d thing is that many have been able recommend this show to fans of to binge watch new shows. Here dystopian dramas packed full of is the best shows to binge on adventure and witty characters. each streaming platform. The Legend of Korra: When
With the school year beginning Netflix released Nickelodeon’s and many of us stuck inside doing “Avatar: The Last Airbender” online school, most of us will be on their platform earlier this drawn to relieve our school stress year, fans went crazy. Many of us by binging shows. Netflix, Hulu college students grew up binging and Amazon all have hit shows the series, and Netflix gave us that will be sure to help you avoid all a chance to relieve our fond focusing on the stress of the new childhood memories. They recentschool year. Listed below are poply released the follow-up series ular shows right now on Netflix, “Legend of Korra,” also from Hulu and Amazon. Nickelodeon, on their platform. This show has 4 seasons and folNetflix: lows some of the characters from the original Avatar.
Umbrella Academy Season Teenage Bounty Hunters: 2: Many have been awaiting the Netflix recently released this new release of the second season of original series, which is already the Netflix Original show, “The high on their trending top 10 Umbrella Academy.” After season chart. The plot revolves around 1 was released in 2019, fans of two teenage fraternal sisters who the show have been dying to see align with a veteran bounty huntwhat comes next for the main er. They have to juggle their lives characters. The show is based as teenage bounty hunters and off of the collection of comics the stress of growing up and teen

(StocksSnap/Pixabay) Finding something to watch age life. The series is full of comic relief and funny scenarios. Forbes calls the show“one of Netflix’s Best Shows of 2020.” (JESHOOTS-com, Jade87/ Pixabay)

Normal People: This Emmy nominated Hulu original series revolves around a relationship between characters Marianna Sheridan and Connell Waldron as they navigate life as adults. The series is based off of the novel by Sally Rooney. The show has four Emmy nominees.
Little Fires Everywhere: Based off the novel by Celeste Ng, this Hulu miniseries follows the story of two families in the Cleveland suburbs known as Shaker Heights in the late 90s. I had to read this book for my English Literature class my Freshman year, and it certainly did not disappoint. The show stars Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington.
Mrs. America: While this isn’t a Hulu original show, they recently added it to their platform. This show is a historical drama that follows the events proceeding the passage of the Equal Rights Amendment. The show has a lineup of stars including Cate Blanchett, Elizabeth Banks and Margo Martindale. Like “Normal People,” this show has also received Emmy nominations. It has 10 Emmy Nominations at the 72 nd Primetime Emmy Awards.
Tales from the Loop: This American science fiction drama is set in the fictional town of Mercer, Ohio. It’s an Amazon Original series, and the town is home to the Mercer Center for Experimental Physics, also known as the Loop. The series contains eight episodes.
Hanna: Even though this series isn’t new to 2020, its second season was recently added to Amazon. The show follows the story of a girl, Hanna, who was raised in the forest. She has to constantly evade the capture by a CIA agent who wants to discover the truth behind her existence and who she actually is.
Upload: Released in May, this Prime original show is a science fiction comedy drama that was an instant hit and renewed for a second season only seven days after its premiere. In the year 2033, humans get the choice when they die to choose their afterlife. They get the choice to “upload” themselves into the virtual afterlife of their choosing.

August 24, 2020
Next-Generation Console Battle
(Brenkee/ Kropekk/Pixabay)
Working Remotely and staying focuse
How to learn with off campus classes
EMILY LOOSE Staff Writer gtkw@iup.edu @ThePennIUP
Due to IUP’s decision to transition most classes online for the Fall 2020 semester, many students are finding themselves working remotely. This could mean working from their apartment or even at home.
Though it might feel similar to the second half of the Spring 2020 semester, there are many differences, including the fact that these students know some of their friends may be at IUP while they are not. Having that thought may add to their stress that they have already from doing Zoom classes once more.
As someone who is working from home themself, I have found a few ways for students to deal with the current situation.
The first thing to remember is that you are not in this boat alone. Although it may feel like all of your friends have returned to campus, that is not true.
Even if they are on or near campus, they will still be working with online classes. You are just not paying for the same housing costs as they are. Also, IUP is not the only school where students are dealing with this change.
It is also important, whether at home or somewhere else, that you have a quiet space to work.
It can be hard to ask family and friends to be quiet or to stay away from a certain room for a time, but your education should be a priority that they understand. Keep your schedule posted somewhere they can see it so they know when you are busy.
I also recommend using a room that is not your bedroom, especially

for morning classes. It can be so easy to want to fall back to sleep, muting your microphone and turning off your video.
That is one of the quickest ways to failing the semester.
I have even sat outside for class, as it made me feel more open to learning and waking up. It also gives off some of the best lighting for Zoom classes. If you must use your room, sit at a desk and not on your bed to assure you will not sleep.
To stay out of a funk, get ready before class as you would if you were attending in person classes. Not only will this wake you better, but you will feel more productive in the morning. You may also feel less fretful over the current situation because you are treating the day as if there was no change.
During the spring semester, I had trouble wanting to attend my classes or get out of bed unless I got dressed and treated my room like my dorm. I saw a huge difference in myself.
Also try to get your family more involved in your learning. They themselves may have never gone to college, so you might be able to teach them some things by having them help you study. Both they and yourself will get something positive from it, including family bonding. This can work well with friends you have close by, too.
If you still find yourself struggling or feeling stressed, you should seek help from someone.
Whether it is someone close by or talking with a professor, you should talk about what is troubling you. Your mental health is just as important as your education, if not more so. Feeling overwhelmed is normal during times of changes, so you need time to focus on yourself.

(Samir Satam/essentiallysports, Andriod Central/Andriod Central) Next generation console controllers. KATE POMPA have a digital only version. It is original Xbox and some PC. That Culture Editor rumored that the Xbox Series X is a perk of Xbox, but visually, xzgw@iup.edu will have a digital version. anything new Xbox releases @ThePennIUP In terms of cogs and gears, within the next two years will not
This article contains opinion. both new consoles will put out 8K look as good as the PS5 resolutions and high frame rates exclusives. The PS5 will in
Team Xbox or PlayStation? The up to 120 frames per second. clude backwards compatibility debate has been sparked since Along with that, they are both to an extent. You may be able to 2006 about who offers a better equipped with powerful procesinclude almost all PS4 games on console. Do you like cross play or sors. the newer generation. a story driven game? The debate In terms of storage, if you need In terms of subscriptions, has sparked once again, and more space, the Xbox Series X Microsoft and Sony have not outhere’s a little information about might be the better bet. Xbox lined a game streaming service the new generation of Xbox and Series X comes with 1TB of SSD, on next-gen consoles. PlayStaPlayStation. while PS 5 has 825GB of SSD. tion Now is Sony’s game stream
Both prices for the Xbox Series Although that is what they come ing, but it is unknown if it will X and the PlayStation 5 are still to with, both consoles will be comsupport PS5 games. The Xbox be announced, although there has patible with expandable storage Game Pass will still be able to be been rumors of the consoles beoptions. enjoyed on the Xbox Series X. ing available for around the $400 Both consoles have an 8-core In terms of Virtual reality, the to $500 range with the Xbox series processor, while the PS5 will run PS5 will still be compatible with X on the more expensive side. The at a steady 3.5 GHz, and the Xbox the PS VR headset, although release date for the PS5 is set to Series X will have to capability to there is a possibility for a new bearound Holiday season of 2020, run up to 3.8 GHz. one to come out over time. The while the Xbox Series X is placed The key exclusive games for the Xbox Series X has no plans for a around November 2020. PS5 are Spider-Man: Miles MoVR headset, which might make
Visually, the Xbox Series X and rales, Horizon II: Forbidden West PS5 the better option depending the PlayStation 5 have very differand Gran Turismo 7. These games on how invested you are in Virtuent designs. The Xbox Series X is will only be available on the PS5. al Reality headsets. a lot chunkier due to its massive In contrast, the Xbox Series X the Overall, when choosing the cooling system, and it is only exclusive games include Halo best console for yourself, you available in a matte black. The PS5 Infinite, Senua’s Saga: Hellblade have to look into what each one is white and slimmer. The PS5 con2, Forza Motorsport 8 and State has to offer and how it appeals to sole will change colors depending of Decay 3. It’s important to note you and what you want your new what mode it is in (awake, sleep, that unlike the PS5, Xbox will console to do. This will not be active). It is taller than any console continue to support backwards the end of the console war, but previously made. The PS5 will also compatibility all the way to the we can always pick a side.
Keep others safe! Wear a mask
Making your own customizable face mask

Haley Brown Lead Culture Writer tbfx@iup.edu @ThePennIUP
It’s no secret that 2020’s most popular and necessary accessory is the quarantine face mask.
Whether you bought a pack of disposable paper masks at your local Walmart or secretly nicked a couple from your local health clinic before they became scarce, reusable masks are just not working anymore. They last a week at most before ripping apart and can’t be washed or reused.
Paper masks simply aren’t a convenient option. As quarantine weeks stretched into months, countless crafters began coming up with cute and creative methods to make mask wearing trendier, more affordable, more accessible and more bearable in general.
If you don’t have the sewing skills to craft a face mask from a scrap of fabric, don’t panic. There are hundreds of hacks and DIY options online to scroll through for possibly endless hours to find the easiest ones. So, we did it for you so that you don’t have to.
Here are some of the best mask hacks, mask DIY options, and reasons to endeavor to

make your very own reusable face mask.

(to become ear loops) and turn the bandana over again. Fold both ends into one another and pull the rubber bands out to the inside edges of the folds. The ends that you tucked into one another will sit against your face and can be secured together with a safety pin if you prefer. To wear, just slip the bands over your ears like a normal paper mask.
One of the easiest and probably most accessible DIY face mask options is to use a bandana and a few rubber bands.
Place the bandana stretched out on a table and fold both the top and bottom into the middle to make a smaller square. Turn the folded bandana over and fold the top half of the fabric to the middle of the new square and repeat with the bottom half so you have a rectangle. Place thin,long rubber bands over both ends of your rectangle

Another easy option involves a single ankle sock, scissors, and a square of gauze.
Cut the toe off the sock and keep the fabric with the heel and ankle parts. Cut this fabric loop at the top seam of the sock but keep it folded so the heel ends up in the middle.
Fold the fabric in half again so the top edge of the sock is along the bottom heel edge and there are four folded layers of fabric.
Cut a slit into the bottom of the folded fabric about one inch in to create a hole. Unfold the fabric so it is one long rectangular strip again.
There should be one hole in each side.
Lastly, place a square of gauze in the center of the fabric where the heel of the sock was and stretch the two holes over your ears.
Why is making your own mask the best option? Since paper masks can’t be washed, they become more ineffective the longer they are used. Making your own washable fabric mask is sustainable, not only for your wallet, but also for the environment because you can use it over and over without creating waste by tossing it in the trash since it won’t wear out or rip.
DIY masks are also awesome because they are totally customizable. You can choose what patterned fabric you use and can make any mask match an outfit if you so please.
Quarantine and all of the recent changes can be extremely stressful, and isolation can take a huge toll on someone’s men

tal health.
Choosing to focus on a craft with your own hands and treatingyourself to an extremely useful accessory can do wonders in reliving anxiety,depression, and even temporarily remedy loneliness, especially if you decide to phone a friend or two to do group crafting from a distance. Working with your hands, concentrating on creating something beautiful and making something from scratch as a little gift for yourself can help ease the burden of difficult mental health days and can even inspire others to hop on the DIY sustainable mask bandwagon. Show the world your new mask, while helping others too.
Do your part today and help keep your community safe and germ free during this time!