26 minute read
Culture Editor: Katelin Pompa – xzgw@iup.edu Lead Culture Writer: Haley Brown – tbfx@iup.edu
(Marty Weaver/The Penn)
The IUP marching band getting ready to perform Saturday at George P. Miller Stadium.
IUP marching band performs concert in Miller Stadium
“Hopefully, at the end of the 40 was more like a concert than a movement of “Symphony in C” by for the 95th celebration in 2016, MARTY WEAVER minutes, people just enjoy the fact traditional marching band show. Igor Stravinsky. Then came “Maraccording to Martynuik. Staff Writer that music can make them feel Martynuik spoke at a microphone ietta’s Lied” by Erich Korngold; After that notification, Martyzglz@iup.edu good,” Martynuik said. before every song to introduce afterwards, the drumline pernuik introduced “Land of Make @ThePennIUP The stream also featured two the new pieces. formed a solo piece. All members Believe” by Chuck Mangione, assisting officers from the band. “The music and drill are delibof drumline wore masks for the which he called “the perfect
IUP’s marching band, The Leg“...[In] a lot of our drill[s], we’re erately retro,” Martynuik said after duration of the show. selection for music that makes you end, performed a Homecoming spaced out a lot more than we’re the opening statements. The drumline marched to the feel good and brings a sense of 2020 show at 3 p.m. Saturday in used to, certain drill moves that The first piece was a traditional front of the field, and after the nostalgia.” George P. Miller Stadium. are kind of staples in the band march, “Orange Bowl” by Henry solo, some members took their And bringing up the rear was a
The show was live streamed on haven’t really been used this year Fillmore. While introducing the places behind a set of steel drums. song that “needs no introduction, I UP’s Facebook and YouTube pagbecause… [we’re] abiding by next two pieces, Martynuik made “As I mentioned earlier, part as it is the official IUP fight song,” es, the latter of which saw around CDC guidelines, but it’s obviousan interesting analogy. of today’s program is to provide Martynuik said. 400 viewers at the time. ly better than not being able to “The show for today was some comfortable, feel-good feelThe band performed a rousing
The stream began with a prehave band at all,” Isaiah Buzdygon planned much the way you might ings, and it’s tough not to be in a rendition of “Hail Indiana,” comrecorded video of the marching (music) said. plan the menu for a family reunion good mood when you’re listening plete with some of the marching band director, Dr. David Marty“The things I’m most looking picnic, where everybody brings to steel drums,” Martynuik said. band members singing to accomnuik, discussing how the band forward to for the performance is their favorite dish, and somehow, With that, he introduced Van pany the instrumental. adapted to COVID-19. definitely to play ‘Amazing Grace’ they all go together, probably Morrison’s “Brown Eyed Girl” feaAnd before introducing the
“Every play from my usual at the end,” Mikayla Vangelo because the various dishes are turing the Steel Band, which was final piece, “Amazing Grace,” book of band directing is shot, (music) said. comfort food,” he said. “Comfort directed by Dr. Michael King. Martynuik had some favors to ask so everything’s a challenge this “Obviously, to be able to be on food is just that: it provides comMartynuik introduced the next of the audience, including not to year,” Martynuik said. “However, the field and perform in general fort, a reminiscence or nostalgia piece with a look into the future of crowd the field after the show and given the challenges of this year, is exciting, but to play ‘Amazing for good times. the band. Since 2020 is the 99th to allow 30 minutes before meetit was fun to write drills with the Grace’ for pretty much our last Music has that same power, anniversary of The Legend, next ing up with students to reduce limitations that follow the social time” perhaps even a greater power to year will be its centennial. crowd sizes and limit contact. distancing guidelines.” After the video, the stream cut connect us, especially in ways that “In conjunction with the alumni When the band finished the
Normally, marching band shows back to the field, where the band make us nostalgic for friends and office, we will be hosting the 100th traditional hymn, Martynuik took are 8 minutes, but it seemed silly came marching into a simple past events. anniversary celebration of the IUP to the microphone one last time to livestream only 8 minutes, he drumbeat. Every member of the “So, sit back, relax and enjoy marching band,” he said. amid cheers from the stadium. said. So, he designed a show with band and color guard wore a mask our presentation today” Mor e than 650 former march“It is, was and ever shall be “marching elements” to be more onto the field. Next came “The Star-Spangled ing band members and guests The Legend.” of a “collage-style” program. The structure of the show Banner” followed by the first attended some or all of the events Play on, The Legend.

12 October 7, 2020 Culture STATIC presents “Family Feud” via Zoom

The IUP community getting their game on during Family Feud Thursday.
JULIA ROBINS Staff Writer spxbc@iup.edu @ThePennIUP
The Student Activity Committee (STATIC) hosted a Family Feud event for IUP students to compete against each other on Oct. 1.
The event was hosted by Zachary Clark, the directo r of Student Activities and Assessment for the Student Cooperative Association.
The “families” were groups of IUP friends. They competing include d DaBoys, Harvey, Jamie Gang, Locust, Proud, SAHE and Sith.
The prizes usually consist of money. IUP’s survey questions were created by STATIC in Fall 2019 after surveying 250 students. This year, the survey was repeated, and for every new answer submitted, an old response was deleted.
In the first round, DaBoy’s won against the SAHE family with 129 points. They excelled in the rounds “what is something a female student carries in their purse?” and “why do IUP students skip class?”
The most common answer as to why students skipped class involved students being hungover or intoxicated. Interesting and somewhat concerning is that DaBoy’s answer for “something you do to avoid writing a paper,” in which “dying”

was on the leaderboard. Clark awkthey have never had a day in their “what IUP students look for in a wardly suggested that those who life?” Instead, the common answers relationship.” Being funny, having answered “die” should get help. were car accidents, cigarettes and a good personality and honesty
Those who won the first round traffic tickets. where the top answers, which not only received scored signifievent tickets and cantly higher $5 Sheetz gift than hotness or cards, but they body shape. also moved forThe Locust ward to compete family did in the Fast Money good in their round. Fast Money
In the Fast round, winning Money round, with food and one student had cologne for to leave the room “dogs sniff to try to answer people, people new responses sniff,” and hand that their teamand phone for mates did not an“oh no, I just swer before. If the sat on that team earned 200 (Julia Robins/The Penn) person’s…” points, everyone The results from “what do you look for in a relationship?” “Popular in that team would cartoon shows win $50 Co-Op store gift cards. It was evident that IUP students from the 90s” and “what do you do What became an issue was that struggle with geography. For every night before bed” were also some answers were so unique that “a state that doesn’t get many questions they did well in. they were not on the leaderboard. tourists,” guesses where Ohio and The final round was the Harvey
For instance, the Proud family South Dakota despite their famous family versus the Proud family. Destruggled to come up with anattractions of Cleveland and Mount spite some connection issues, the swers that the student body would Rushmore. Harvey family won the first round have answered. For “something a Additionally, McDonald’s ended and the follow-up Fast Money woman might hide in her bra,” their up being on the leaderboard for round. submission was a taser. This was not “most popular place to eat on The Harvey family closed the on the leaderboard, and neither campus” despite there not being a night with 241 points, earning them was “coronavirus” or “jail time” for McDonalds on campus. the $50 gift cards. They did well the question, “what do people brag A more serious question was with “something you do at your car (Julia Robins/The Penn)
at a red light,” “something men think they know more about than women,” and “occupation where lots of people have tattoos.”
The evening carried a humorous vibe being that it was less about competition for the money as it was about working as a team and having a great time. Cheers and laughter could be heard many doors down in the residence halls, mostly due to the rather interesting questions.
Many of the answers contained responses of sexual subjects and actions, and quite a few were on the leaderboard. Some of the questions such as “things that are a foot long,” “something people give up but still secretly do,” and “things to do before bed.” Clark pointed out that like it or not, this is part of college culture.
“You have to remember that this was a massive survey that was conducted with IUP students by IUP students,” Clark said. “There is a real reason why we say viewer discretion is advised. [Sex] is part of the student experience.”
The first Family Feud was held in fall 2019 and again in that spring.
STATIC is planning for another Family Feud to happen in spring but they are still unsure if they should be planning for in-person or virtual events.
Follow STATIC’s twitter for more.
Culture October 7, 2020 13 Netflix released new show ‘Emily in Paris’
MEGAN DONNY Staff Writer M.Donny@iup.edu @ThePennIUP
“Emily in Paris,” a new Netflix show created by Darren Star featuring Lily Collins, is perfect for anyone interested in traveling abroad.
The show revolves around Emily, played by Lily Collins, who is from Chicago. She gets the opportunity to travel to Paris for a year for a new position at her marketing firm.
Emily leaves behind her boyfriend and her life in Chicago and travels to Paris without any knowledge of the French language.
She immediately faces many challenges as an American in France. Her co-workers come off as the typical French stereotype. They are rude to her and even try to get her to go back to America. She also can’t communicate with her landlord or any of the waiters when she goes to dinner.
As the show progresses, she becomes more immersed in French life and culture. She begins to learn the language, and by the sixth episode, her French speaking is already at the

level of a French 3 college student.
Darren Star used his own experiences from living in Paris for a small amount of time and spoke beginner French, and he used them to put himself into Emily’s shoes.
Personally, this show reminds me of “The Carrie Diaries,” which follows the life of a girl in a new job navigating a huge city. Star is the creator of “Sex and the City,” so it’s no wonder people have been noticing the similarities.
“It is a love story about Paris,” he said.
“Emily in Paris” has some really good humor, and the scenery is incredible. The show was actually shot all in France with an entirely French crew. The crew luckily all spoke English.
The show captures the most beautiful parts of Paris that not all tourists get to see. Though, some people have commented that the show only shows the cliché parts of Paris.
The fashion in the show does not disappoint. They dress Emily in chic, stylish clothes that are similar to Carrie Bradshaw’s style. They even noted Bradshaw’s well-known tutu in one of Emily’s outfits.
In the show, Emily is big into social media and showing her experiences through a camera lens. Through the episodes, you get to see her Instagram following grow until she is a full-blown Instagram influencer. She begins being courted by luxury brands as an influencer for their products. Sadly, since she is already doing social media for her marketing firm, she has to stick to only promoting the clients for her firm.
Even though the show hasn’t been renewed for a second season, the show makers and actors already have many plans for another season. They want to really dig into the characters and give them more in-depth histories and storylines.
In the second season, Emily would be more immersed into the city and be more of a resident rather than a newcomer.
Ashley Park, who plays Emily’s best friend Mindy in Paris, is excited for the second season and hopes that her character will get a love interest in the second season.

“Emily in Paris” aired on Netflix Oct. 2. (Nuno_lopes/Pixabay)
‘Avatar 3’ is nearing final days of production

“Avatar” was first released in 2009, gardnered 2.79 billion worldwide, a record during the time.
HALEY BROWN Lead Culture Writer tbfx@iup.edu @ThePennIUP
James Cameron, director of “Avatar,” has announced that both sequels are well on their way to movie theatres.
“Avatar” is a hit-film that released in 2009. It takes place in the alien world of Pandora where the Na’vi, a primitive yet highly evolved human-like beings, live. Human and Na’vi hybrids, called Avatars, link to human minds in attempt to free the planet’s environment of poison that resulted from the colonization of humans for mining purposes.
Main character Jake Sully, played by Sam Worthington, falls in love with a Na’vi woman, played by Zoe Saldana. He must choose between following orders that will result in the destruction of Pandora or battle for the survival of their world.
Cameron recently revealed that “Avatar 2” has now finished filming, and “Avatar 3” is nearly

(Derks24/Pixabay) Visiting the cinema is a great way to spend time.
finished with reportedly about 10 percent of the filming left. The two movies were being filmed simultaneously by Cameron and his crew in New Zealand.
In a video call interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger during the 2020 Austrian World Summit, Cameron admitted that they got extremely lucky with their chosen filming location.
“We’re very lucky in that we chose this as our production site years ago,” he said. “We made the first film here in New Zealand, and it turns out to be ranking first or second-best country in the world for its COVID-19 response.”
Despite the luck with New Zealand’s strict and effective policy response to the pandemic, filming was still affected, but Cameron remained positive. He mentioned that the coronavirus still hit the films’ progress hard, (moonsword/Pixabay)
and the director estimated that the production team lost about four and a half months of production.
Because of this critical hit on the filming process, Cameron expects to have to add yet another year to the release date of “Avatar 2.” Currently, its release date is set for Dec. 16, 2022 and “Avatar 3” is planned to be released Dec. 20, 2024.
Despite the rollback of the release date, Cameron said that he didn’t expect a break in the continuation of the filming for “Avatar 3” and does not think of it as a reason for himself and his team to slack off.
“Now that doesn’t mean I have an extra year to finish the film [Avatar 3] because the day we deliver “Avatar 2,” we’ll just start working on finishing Avatar 3,” Cameron said.
He also reported that there are possible plans for “Avatar 4” and even an “Avatar 5.”
In his interview with Schwarzenegger, Cameron refused to divulge any secrets, spoilers or even hints about his latest films, and he was not inclined to share any of the plot points. He blamed his lack of sharing on his belief in the “mystery” and the “great reveal.”
We do know that the second film will still take place in the mystical world of Pandora and have access to early concept art, which depicts some incredible water creatures.
According to film producer Jon Landau, water will play an extremely important role in the second Avatar film.
Jake and Neytiri, the main characters from the first Avatar film, are expected to take center stage again as they grow a family.
Regardless of the first Avatar film blowing viewers’ expectations out of the water in 2009, fans are unsure about whether or not the decision to continue the story is the correct one.
Many believe that Cameron is a fantastic director, but they are uncertain about whether or not the upcoming Avatar films will only be downhill from here.
Is Apple Cider better than Pumpkin Spice?

(JillWellington/Pixabay) Apple cider and pumpkin spice are perfect for fall. EMILY LOOSE Staff Writer e.d.loose@iup.edu @ThePennIUP functional overall and gave a better autumn feeling than pumpkin spice drinks. She believes apple cider is better, and pumpkin spice is only good with real pumpkin
As the months change, so do the “It’s good warm or cold, and releaves and the seasons. ally feels like fall and home to me,”
Autumn is back again, which she said. “Pumpkin spice is okay, but means one controversial question it tastes very artificial.” also arises yet again. Which is better, Christyn Beichner (junior, hosapple cider or pumpkin spice? pitality management) also had a
Coffee shops and cafes across problem with the artificial quality of the nation are bringing both beverpumpkin spice. For her, the taste ages back, and social media photos of real pumpkin was completely feature both. different.
Overall, however, Pumpkin Spice “Apple cider is better,” she said. Lattes have been more prominent“Pumpkin spice is only good with ly featured thanks to Starbucks real pumpkin, which the lattes are and their promotions of the drink. definitely not.” Although, some may argue that Yet again, Madison Weakland people buy the lattes due to the fad (sophomore, nursing) said it was an more than the flavor. easy choice.
To get a better understanding of “The hype given to pumpkin what people really think based on spice was too strong,” she said. taste, students at IUP provided their “I do not understand why it ever own answers. The results showed became a big deal.” apple cider may actually be more Weakland definitely prefers apple popular. cider.
Amber Uranker (sophomore, “It doesn’t get the attention it journalism) said she is annoyed by deserves,” she said. the trend of pumpkin spice. It is Even though a majority of stusomething she said she sees everydents seem to prefer apple cider, one order when going to a coffee the trends of pumpkin spice do not shop. appear to be ending any time soon.
“Apple cider is better,” she said. Finding as many places that sell “Pumpkin Spice has become such a apple cider or apple flavored bevhuge thing that I hate even ordererages is more difficult than that of ing one. Plus, they aren’t even that pumpkin spice, but those searching good.” for cider can always find it at a local
Alicia Smail (junior, biology) grocery store. agreed that apple cider was better, If one wants the benefits of but did not rule out pumpkin coffee and apple, some places do entirely. combine them. This includes Sheetz
“Pumpkin is good in pastries, but and their Caramel Apple Butter line the beverages are gross,” she said. that came out in September.
With a similar perspective, Whatever the preference, there is Brooke Ippolito (sophomore, a perfect fall beverage for everyone. English) said apple cider was more The choice is always yours.
October 7, 2020
Carole Baskin eliminated from dancing competition
HALEY BROWN Lead Culture Writer tbfx@iup.edu @ThePennIUP
Carole Baskin, as many know her from the Netflix series “Tiger King,” was on Dancing with the Stars (DWTS) but was recently eliminated during week three of the competition.
After her fame skyrocketed with “Tiger King’s” release, Baskin was invited onto the TV series DWTS for the show’s season 29.
During the first two weeks of the competition, she was already clearly having a hard time and even admitted that dancing was certainly not a strong suit of hers. She confessed that growing up, she was told dancing was a sin and recounted that she didn’t even have a first dance with her husband at their wedding.
“I think mostly what it says is, I have the furthest to go,” she said. “I have to try harder than anybody else. I went to a Christian school, so at home, I couldn’t dance, and at school, I couldn’t dance.
“[There] was no part of my life when I was allowed to dance. I was taught that it was a sin, so it was something I tried to resist in every

way, and I think it shows today. I really have a hard time embracing it.”
Despite her obvious discomfort with the dancing, Baskin mentioned that she was willing to put in as much effort as it took to keep herself in the competition for as long as possible, not for vanity reasons, but for the sake of her Big Cat Rescue. Baskin said that she would do whatever it took to keep the big cats in the spotlight.
Not only does she speak out about the need to save the big cats, she dresses for the occasion. In each of her dances during her short three weeks on the show, animal print, faux fur and even lion face paint was used for the overly flamboyant costumes for each of her routines.
She also made sure her music reflected her message and decided on “Eye of the Tiger” by Survivor for her first routine, a Paso Doble. In week two her music was Tom Jones’s song “What’s New Pussycat” for her Viennese waltz routine. In her third and final week, she made the obvious choice to dance her Samba to the song “Circle of Life” from Disney’s “The Lion King” for the Disney themed week of DWTS.
Baskin and her pro partner, Pasha Pashkov, wore full lion costumes

complete with lion face paint, and they began theirsamba with the iconic “Lion King” sunrise as their background.
The dance was slow and painful to watch, and Baskin clearly had trouble and was uncomfortable with the looser, more energetic movements that Samba requires.
The judges were unimpressed at the end of the routine and expressed their disappointment harshly, to the wild dismay of the audience.
Baskin finished her role on DWTS with acceptance and admitted that she did not regret participating in any way.
Her reasoning consisted of having the amazing opportunity and the perfect platform to talk aboutimportant issues like Big Cat Rescue.
“I think all ofthe awareness that is raised from this has been wonderful for the cats,” she said. “That’s been m y main reason for being here is to try and end the cub petting and the private possession of big cats.”
Despite her season on DWTS being cut so short, the 59-year-old ex ited gracefully and gratefully, and s he hopes to continue spreading awareness for the sake of the big cats she loves so much.
Bye, all you cool cats and kittens.

Morbid topics are always a must for Halloween. Gh ost ly g u e st s, p la yf u l p olt e rg e ist s, silly sp irit s t o ca t ch t h is Oct ob e r Heather Bair percent of Americans say they’ve personalities of everyone who has shows and books focusing on something with a reasonable exNews Editor seen a ghost. passed, like an animal or human’s fictional and non-fictional stories planation. The three best ways to zzzx@iup.edu @ThePennIUP Whether it’s an inanimate object moving on its own or a ghostly moan in the middle of the soul. Also, ghosts are usually tied to the location of their death and of ghosts. From the TV show “Ghost Adventures” to the movie franchise “Ghostbusters,” ghosts tell if you have a ghost are drastic temperature changes, objects moving on their own and spooky
“If there’s something strange in night, it’s hard to deny that there’s have an agenda, whether vicious have been prominent in culture for sights. your neighborhood, who ya gonna just something out there that’s or protective. Think of the movie decades. Temperature in buildings can call?” unexplainable. “Beetlejuice,” when Adam and Some of the most well-known be set nice and cozy, but if the
We all know the song and movBarbara try to leave their house ghost movies include: “Ghosttemperature of a room, or even an ies by heart, but ghosts aren’t such Ghosts, spirits, apparitions, after their death, they are met with busters,” which focuses on a area in the room, drops drastically, a new novelty anymore. The first oh my a sandy desert with no end in sight team of four men who work on there’s a good chance you’ve got ghostly sighting took place in the and a giant snake. They would be saving New York City from ghosts; a ghastly guest. Sometimes, just first century A.D. Since then, there The term “ghost” is not the considered ghosts, as they are tied “Poltergeist,” which follows a little a certain area in a room is colder have been over a million sightings only word that has been used to their house and are unable to girl and her family as ghosts use than the rest, meaning the ghost reported. to describe the appearance of leave. their TV as a channel for coming probably died in that spot or is a deceased person returning. Spirits, on the other hand, can into our world; and the “Paranortied to it.
The appearances of ghosts Ghosts can be referred to as come and go as they want. They mal Activity” franchise, which tells Inanimate objects moving on “apparitions,” “haunts,” “phanare considered the soul of a perthe story of a couple living in a their own is probably the creep
In the first century A.D., Pliny toms,” “poltergeists,” “shades,” son and they no longer have a host haunted house with just a little bit iest way to tell if you’ve got a the Younger recorded a ghost “specter,” “spirits,” “spooks” and (body) to reside in, so they can of demonic possession thrown in haunting going on. From dolls to sighting in his letters. He reported “wraiths.” The most commonly wander. Spirits seem to be more for good measure. jewelry, any inanimate object can seeing a specter of an old man term, however, is “ghost.” positively emotionally charged, In each of the fictional movies be moved by a ghost. This mainly with a long beard and the audiA ghost is the spirit of a dead whereas ghosts are more negativeor shows, ghosts are typically happens with poltergeists, who are ble hearing of rattling chains. He person or animal that can appear ly emotionally charged vengeance-filled beings that are child-like spirits and enjoy pulling witnessed the specter in his house to the living. They vary in size and A good example is the book hellbent on attacking those they pranks on their victims. If you put in Athens. shape, much like humans, whereas and movie, “The Lovely Bones” by are haunting. They are also usually something down and it’s suddenly
After Pliny the Younger’s letters, some are seen clear as day, almost Alice Sebold. In it, Susie Salmon, portrayed as having the ability to gone, then appears somewhere ghost sightings didn’t pick back as if you can touch them, and othafter her death, can move from difpossess anybody they choose, else, you’ve probably got a playful up again until 856 A.D. when a ers are a transparent, fuzzy, wispy ferent places, such as her house or using them as a medium for their spirit. poltergeist terrorized a family in shape. her school, in the real world. She is deeds. This is known as “spirit posSpooky sights are one of the Germany. Then, sightings died In the Egyptian “Book of the also able to move from the afterlife session” and is not as common as most terrifying yet interesting. A down for a while. Dead,” which tells of magic spells to the real world within seconds. the movies portray it. shadow in the corner of the room,
A ghost-sighting didn’t occur to assist a dead person’s journey Most of the time, the terminolIn the reality TV shows, like a burst of air that seems to resemagain until the 16th Century when through the underworld, it is said ogy depends on where you are “Ghost Adventures,” “Paranormal ble a person ever-so-slightly, and Anne Boleyn, second wife of King that those in the afterlife appear from. In the southern U.S., ghosts Lockdown,” “Destination Fear” even a faint change in the scenery Henry VIII, was executed at the much like they did in real life, are referred to as “haunts” (proand others, the team that run can mean you’ve got a visitor who Tower of London. There have been including how they were dressed nounced “haints”). In the norththe show are focused on finding wants to make their presence reported sightings of Boleyn in the or did dress. ern part of the states, it is either ghosts by visiting haunted locaknown. tower and other locations, includHans Holzer, a professor of “ghost” or “spirit.” In the U.K., tions all around the world. While ghosts have been around ing her childhood home in Kent. parapsychology and author of over they are considered “apparitions” for centuries, one thing is for ab
Since then, the sight YouGov 119 books on the subject, said or “ghosts.” How do you tell? solute certain; they aren’t going to reports that 45 percent of Amerthat ghosts “are similar to psygo away any time soon and not all icans believe that ghosts exist. chotic human beings, incapable of Ghosts in culture The appearance of a ghost of them are as friendly as Casper. According to the Pew Research reasoning for themselves.” Spirits, can be something that everybody Happy haunting during this Center’s FactTank, in 2009, 18 according to Holzer, are surviving There are multiple movies, TV experiences but just writes off as Halloween season.