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Meet Cooper! This sweet, gentle boy came to SafeHaven after his owner passed away. He was dropped off at a vet’s office in California. To avoid the overpopulated shelters in California, START Animal Rescue was able to bring Cooper to Oregon for a second chance. Cooper had been through a lot by the time he got to Oregon and was missing the comfort of having a person or family of his own. He was also recovering from a flea and food allergy at this time and working on growing back his beautiful coat. Cooper was depressed while at the shelter and caused us all to campaign for him a little extra. Cooper was finally adopted at the end of April by Phyllis Lefevers. We're happy to report, he is doing wonderfully with his new family!
Bear and Beauty came to SafeHaven on a transport from Oklahoma at the beginning of April. While they weren’t stated as a bonded pair, they were friends, so when they arrived, we let them live in a large viewing room together.

Both Bear and Beauty are FIV positive cats. One day, someone came in looking for two cats and chose to adopt them together, even though they weren't listed as a bonded pair! Their new family, the Greenwalds, told us, “Our two older kitties
passed away recently and our house feels so empty. We were looking for a pair of cats to adopt together and we saw Bear and Beauty on the website. We fell in love instantly and are so excited to bring them home and give them a loving and safe forever home!”

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is one of the most common infectious diseases of cats around the world. FIV attacks the immune system, leaving the cat vulnerable to many other infections. Though there is no cure for FIV, recent studies suggest that cats with FIV commonly live average life spans, as long as they are not also infected with feline leukemia virus. This means that as long as FIV cats are cared for in a home and certain precautions are taken, they can live happy, long lives with their families!

To all of our wonderful sponsors, donors, and bidders (and to those of you who were all three), THANK YOU! Fixer Upper: A Virtual Auction for Kittens & Puppers was a HUGE success and raised a grand total of $31,765 for the animals at SafeHaven and to those who will be able to enter our doors in the future.

Osalyn Houser
Rebecca Swanson Doug Healy
Save the Date!
Al & Dixie Sullivan

Bernice Franklin

Chutes open October 13th at 12pm and close October 15th AT 8PM
Gather ‘round at www.safehavenhumane.org/events
AUCTION ITEMS NEEDED! We need YOU to make this our most successful fundraiser yet. If you are interested in donating an auction item to help raise funds for Rescue Roundup, we are now accepting items. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE! Interested in being a part of SafeHaven’s largest fundraiser of the year?