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On November 14th, you filled the van! Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Lebanon Gift and Thrift and dropped off cans and bottles. Our van and hearts were full. As always, we are happy to give you blue bottle drop bags and can accept them at the shelter. If you run out, just stop by for more. This program is a succesful fundraiser for the animals year-round!
During our virtual auction, Rescue Roundup from the Homestead, two lucky people won the chance to name a litter of puppies at SafeHaven and also a litter of kittens. What a fun opportunity to put your thinking cap on! A lot of people don't realize that most animals that come to SafeHaven already have names, but sometimes we get the chance to name puppies and kittens born in foster care. Our "Name a Litter of Puppies" winner gave us a beautiful explanation of how she chose the names for her litter:
"I finally decided on a theme of authors that I have enjoyed reading. I'll loosely compare choosing a puppy to choosing a book to read; the choice you make may impact you in more ways than you imagine. You truly cannot judge a puppy from its appearance, just like you cannot judge a book by its cover. Only by investing your time and opening your heart do you truly get to experience the joy of a good story unfolding or watching a puppy grow into its potential. Both books and puppies can bring so much into our lives. They both can cause us to experience a new reality and push us to be patient, more open of mind and willing to explore who we are at our best and at our worst."
Jess, the winner of naming the puppies, is also considering adopting one! We will keep you updated as the puppies grow big and strong enough for adoption and finding their forever homes.
As much as most of us wanted our quarantine days to be over as soon as they started, it looks like social distancing and staying home are here to stay for a little longer. We've been wondering to ourselves, "How can we help make this easier on everyone in our community?" The first answer we all think of is, of course, that everyone needs a furry friend to keep them company and a lot of you must think the same because adoption numbers have only slightly slowed down in 2020. We're happy to see many new pet owners!
Our list also includes visiting SafeHaven Gift & Thrift stores where we take every precaution to keep you safe. For more suggestions to beat the quarantine blues and help homeless pets find the families they've been dreaming of, see below:
In this time of distancing from loved ones, what better way to show you care than to send them a hand-made gift or something fun just to let them know you care? Both stores have a wide selection of craft and office supplies and this is a great way to get the whole family involved! With Christmas coming up, starting at SafeHaven Gift & Thrift is a fun and environmentally sound option for gift giving.
Want to get in shape safely from home? Check out some of the sporting equipment available at our Gift & Thrift stores for those New Year’s resolutions! Working out from home is not only cost effective, but you’ll save time driving to and from the gym, and also can make being active a fun family affair!
Plus, shopping counts as CARDIO! Get those steps in, even on a rainy day. We would love to see you!