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Holiday Happy Tails

Doug was found in a rural area of Madras, OR. We don't know anything about his past, but it was clear he had been on his own for a while. His hair was matted and dirty, but it was after he was cleaned up his finders noticed that he needed more extensive care than anticipated. Someone must have put a plastic collar-like band on him when he was a puppy. As he grew, the band was never removed, so it embedded into his skin for years. Surgery had to be performed to remove the foreign object from around Doug's neck. He was then transported to SafeHaven in July. Even through all the mishaps he has conquered along the way, Doug is such a sweet, sometimes shy boy. We're happy to report that Doug found his special someone in November and will be spending the holidays with his new family!

We have had two wonderful cats for 12 years. Both were rescue cats with Peppy being 3 months and Lucy was 6 months at time of adoption. We lost Lucy on November 12 after a prolonged illness in addition to her diabetes. Sadly, we decided to let her cross the rainbow bridge when we reached the point we felt that was in her best interest. It was very difficult to watch Peppy wander the house and look for "sissy". He was off his food, sleep and play - clearly this was as traumatic for him as for us.
While we knew we would have another cat join our household at some point, we never dreamed we would adopt less than a week later. We decided to go to SafeHaven to look at kittens and cats just to get a feel for how it would be in the future. Well, as with so many people, we found the facility to be clean and caring and fell hard for a little six month old girl named Tess. We brought Tess home that very day! Renamed her Bella and began the gradual process of introducing her to Peppy. Within three days these two cats were napping together, chasing each other around the house and just having lots of fun. My husband commented it seems to have given Peppy a new spark and will probably add years to his life because of the exercise! We will never, ever forget our dear girl Lucy - she was so special and gentle. She wrapped herself around our hearts and added so much to our lives and was best buddies to Peppy. While we miss her and always will, we also know there is an abundance of love to share with this new member of our family.
Debbie Mode
That's a wrap on our third virtual RESCUE ROUNDUP FROM THE HOMESTEAD! Relying on this event as our largest fundraiser each year, we chose to move forward with yet another online auction and, of course, we knew we would miss seeing all of you in person. But similiar to last year, you SHOWED UP! Many people also took a moment to 'Paws for the Cause' to make a donation and we're happy to report that you truly came to our rescue. This year, you helped us raise $318,775 (which includes a $150,000 match from a generous donor) to support the care of our homeless pets and the continuation of many needed programs!
While we missed seeing everyone, we hope you enjoyed bidding in the comfort of your home. So...y'all come back now, ya hear? We hope to see YOU at the 2023 Rescue Roundup!