AWAKE Photography Vol. 4

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Phot ographi c Excel l ence November2019 Vol .4

Chri st i ne Turner

Aj ay GoelBurj

Carol i ne Jul i a Moore

I ngri d Pomeroy

Dean Hohn

Cl aude Trew

Mari e Ot ero

Col l i n Ki l l i ck

Di ana Haroni s

I an McGregor

Chri s Brunt on

Mi chel l e Mondragon

Jenni ferKi l l by

Dov Fuchs

At hal i e Tayl or

Don Neufel d

Cl aude Trew

Di ana Haroni s

Gi t ama Day

I an McGregor

Susan Jones

Vi v Buckl ey

Mari e Ot ero

Jul i e Cowdy

Mari et j i e duToi t

Di ana Haroni s

Dee Adams

Dean Hohn

Ti m At ki nson

Berni ce Fargus

Si egertVon Schl i cht i ng

Dov Fuchs

Jul i e Powel l

Ci ndy Vondran

Jean Hut t er

Berni ce Fargus

Peggy Col l i ns

At hal i e Tayl or

I an McGregor

Lorna Smi t h

Lorna Smi t h

Di ana Haroni s

Cori nne Davi s

Ken Goodwi n

Jean Hutter

Jul i e Powel l

Karen Wal wyk

JeffVal dez


Ron Pearl


Rebecah Thompson

Sue Canti n

Si egertVon Schl i cht i ng

Vi vi en Buckl ey

Jul i e Cowdy

Li nda Knox

Dean Hohn

Mari et j i e du Toi t

Bob Egan

Susan Jones

Mi chel l e Mondragon

Deni se McDermot t

Si egertVon Schl i cht i ng

Vi vi en Buckl ey

Mari et j i e duToi t

John Kel l y

Marj ori e Lord

Maureen Maxwel l

Mari e Ot ero Maureen Maxwel l

Don Fuchs

Paol o Crus

Dean Hohn

Maureen Maxwel l

CJ Shank

Berni ce Fargus

Dov Fuchs

Berni ce Fargus

At hal i e Tayl or

El sa D El l i s

I an McGregor

Maureen Maxwel l

Jean Rosenbaum

I an McGregor

Deni se McDermot t

Jul i e Powel l

Dov Fuchs

Ken Goodwi n

Ni na I rvi n

Karen Waal wyk

Li nda Knox

Li sa Demal i ne

Vi vi en Buckl ey

Berni ce Fargus

Rochel l e Marshal l

Ti m At ki nson

Ti m At ki nson

Rochel l e Marshal l

LoriNafi e

Ti m At ki nson

Jul i e Powel l Dal e Looft

Dal e Looft

Di ana Haroni s

Ni na I rvi n

Vi vi en Buckl ey

Li sa Demal i ne

Mari e Otero

Ri c Mat owski

Ni na I rvi n

Vi vi en Buckl ey

Paul o Crus

Rochel l e Marshal l


Dee Adams

Chri s Wucherer

Jeanne Hoadl ey

Jean Rosenbaum

I an McGregor

JeffVal dez

Ann Wehner

A JewelI n A Crown

Dance ForLove

I fThe Crown Fi t s

Maggi e Pease

Hummi ngbi rds

Ar oundt hehousepr oj ect Ol dBot t l esandBackyar dScr aps Mi che l l eMondr a gon

Iam acol l ect orofobj ect s.Sowhenwewer echal l engedt ocomeupwi t h apr oj ectwi t hsubj ectmat t erf oundar oundt hehouseIwasonboar d! Ear l yoni nmyquestf ori nt er est i ngt hi ngs,Icameacr ossacol l ect i onof bot t l es.Somear edecadesol d,atl eastonei swel lover100.I ’ mf asci nat ed byt heper manenceofgl ass.Somet hi ngmadef r om si mpl esandcanbe mel t eddownandf or medi nt oavesselt hatcanhol di nnumer abl et hi ngs andsubst ances.It hi nkaboutt hehi st or ybehi ndt hem,how t heywer e made,whyandwher e,al ongwi t hwhopur chasedt hepr oductt hatt hey hel d.Whent heydi scar dedt hebot t l eaf t erusi ngt hecont ent sdi dt heygi ve anyt houghtt owher ei tmi ghtendup?Ofcour set heydi dn’ tbackt hen,but i sn’ ti tgr eatt hatwhatwasconsi der edgar bagedecadesagocannow be usedi nar t . Thet wi gs,l eaves,andseedswer ecol l ect edatt heendoft hesummer seasonf r om i nandar oundmybackyar d.Todi spl ayt hem wi t ht hebot t l es wasmyexpl or at i onofcompar i ngt heet er nalqual i t yofgl asst ot heephemer alnat ur eofbot ani cal s.Eachoft hedr i edupspeci menswer ebor nf r om t heseedsl ef tbehi ndf r om pr evi ousseasons.Shor tl i vedyetr egener at i nga di f f er entsor tofet er nalqual i t y. Mi chel l eMondr agon Col or ado,USA Ol dBot t l esandBackyar dScr aps ht t ps: //mondr agonphot oanddesi gn. com/ Al lshotwi t haCanon6D andLensbabyVel vet85mm usi ngaf l ashl i ght .

Bob Egan Paperwei ghtMacro Photography

Jul i e Powel l

Dov Fuchs

EnfantsNoi r

A Phot oPr oj ectofChi l dr enDoneI nA Fi l m Noi rSt yl e Di anaHar oni s Ihave al ways l oved books and movi es about creepy ki ds!Perhaps t hati s whati nspi red me t o creat et hi s seri es.Ial so t horoughl y enj oy phot ographi ng chi l dren and i nt eract i ng wi t ht hem i n general .If i nd t hei rspont anei t y,t he raw emot i on and honest y oft hei rmoods and expressi ons enchant i ng!They are nat uralmodel s, i nnocentand open,burst i ng wi t h creat i vi t y and f anci f ult hought s!I n many cases my l i t t l e model s wi l lcome up wi t h more creat i ve i deas t han even I had i n mi nd! I nt hi s proj ectmy goalwas t o capt ure some of t he deeper,darkermoods rat hert han t he t ypi cal smi l i ng,happy phot os.It houghti twoul d be i nt erest i ng t o creat e a seri es ofi mages port rayi ng t hei rmore seri ous,somberoreven spooky moods. Af t eral lchi l dren’ sf eel i ngs are as i nt ense and mul t i f acet ed as adul t s.Ibel i eve we shoul d remembert han when i nt eract i ng wi t h chi l dren and t reatt hem wi t ht he same reverence and respectas we woul d anot heradul t . Not e:None oft he chi l dren i nt hese i mages were act ual l y mi serabl e ori n any danger.

Di ana Haroni s Cal i f orni a,USA www. di anasphot oart . com Al lshotwi t h a Canon 50D and nat urall i ght

Di ana Haroni s

Jul i e Powel l



Count ry

Websi t e



Count ry

Websi t e

Awake Phot ography Magazi ne -Curat ed by Myri am Kri el :Edi t i ng and LayoutMari e Ot ero

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