The Pines Review Winter, 2010
Henry Herbert, aka Frank Forester, father of modern outdoor writing
Vol. III No. 1
Inside this issue:
News For The Outdoor Media The Supreme Court
2009 Award Winners in Writing, Photography, Broadcasting and art
Who We Are: Tammy Sapp (New Feature)
The Zumbo Incident How it happened in the mind only world of the Internet.
Columns Video’s World Photography’s World
16 17
Short Fiction By Jon Wongrey The Old Guide Steady to Ving & Shoot
22 23
In Future Issues: The Most Important Man in the Outdoors? Sentence Wars; why writers can’t write. Social Media New Technology Travelling Outdoor Writers
The Winners of the 2009 National and Regional Outdoor Communicator Awards
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
The Pines Review Page 2 Staff Publisher/Editor Galen L. Geer Copy Editor Pam Potter Webmaster Christopher L. Geer Associate Editors Danny White, Alan Bunn, Rachel Bunn Photography Jeff Davis Social Media Rachel Bunn Video Andy Lightbody
The Pines Review is published three times per year: January (Winter), May (Spring/Summer), and September (Autumn). Free Subscriptions: Free PDF/ email subscription to members of outdoor media, outdoor industry. Free PDF/email subscriptions to all high school/middle school libraries, and colleges, university libraries as well as English/Creative Writing Departments, instructors. Paid Subscriptions: PDF email: $6.00 per year. Print: $36.00 per year. Single copy: $13.50+P&H: http:// Article/Story Reprints: For reprints of articles, essays, short fiction or poetry please contact the editor. Contributors: Contributions are welcome. Please email a synopsis of proposed contribution to editor. Payment on acceptance. Submission guidelines available. Advertisers: Please email editor and request current rates for display and classified advertising. © Copyright 2010 by Pen and Page, Ink. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, printed, or distributed by any means, electronic or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher. Published by Pen and Page, Ink, PO Box 31, Finley, ND 58230. Email: Phone: 701-789-0777 Cover Photo © 2010 By Galen L. Geer
The Pines Review
The Pines Review had to go on a Changes in layout will be taking hiatus after the third issue. I didn‘t place over the course of the year. Don‘t stop publishing The Review beexpect fast, radical changes, but The cause I wanted to, but because Review will evolve into a more reader there were other issues that had to friendly journal with improved graphics. be resolved. To one degree or I‘ve also added a new feature to Galen L. Geer, another they have been and serve the outdoor writer: ―Who We Publisher/Editor Drawing by Ron Vossler now I feel there is a clear road Are.‖ This is an opportunity for the to publishing The Pines Remen and women of the outdoor meview. Short of a natural disaster I believe The dia to showcase themselves to the industry. Review will be around for a long time to come Finally, I‘ve added two new columnists. Andy and that in a short time it will become an imLightbody will be stepping up the plate with a portant part of the information bank for the column covering the broadcast and video men and women who are the media voices of worlds. Rachel Bunn, the daughter of Alan the outdoor sports. Bunn, the USA editor of African Expedition In returning The Review to publication Magazine, will be bringing her knowledge of I‘ve made a substantial number of changes, all the new social media to The Review. Rachel of them I believe for the good of The Review will also be fact checking and reviewing any and ultimately our industry. The first of these manuscript on social media before it gets into is a publishing schedule. We‘ll be publishing print to insure accuracy. The Review three times a year. These issues I believe these changes will propel The will be Winter, which will be released in Janu- Pines Review to the status that I first enviary, Spring/Summer, which will be released in sioned for it five years ago. As always, I want May, and the Autumn edition that will be reto emphasize that if you have a complaint or a leased in September. After 2010 we‘ll take a compliment don‘t hesitate to send me an email look at how that publishing schedule worked About all those awards and make a decision to either maintain the There were times while I was reading the same schedule for 2011 or increase it to four award list compiled for this issue that I began issues per year. At the end of 2011, at the latto wonder if our industry hasn‘t gone overest, I want to increase the schedule to four isboard on awards that are given out each year. sues per year. I doubt that we‘ll ever go past In this issue we‘re listing over 700 different that number, for the big reason that I am lazy available awards and most of them were and I want my time to fish and hunt. handed out to recognize the quality of work Another change is that The Review is being produced by the men and women of the outmade available as a free PDF publication to door media. any member of the outdoor industry, that inWhy so many? cludes the writers, photographers, manufacturThe answer is simple—because there are a ers, PR and advertising executives. lot of state and regional organizations that proWhy? vide outdoor communicators a sense of comThere are a lot of people who need to be munity and within those communities they like reading The Pines Review because it is the to recognize the qualities of excellence in only publication that is about all of the memmembers‘ work. But there are awards that are bers of the outdoor media and it is covering all missing. We need national level awards to the writer organizations. This publication also recognize outdoor fiction, poetry and the best recognizes that the outdoor media‘s product, as (most responsible) use of outdoor themes in the a body of work, is a literary genre and not a motion picture industry. side show event. With so many awards given away annually There also will be slick printed copies it might seem strange to advocate more, but available that are full color throughout, saddle- awards recognize the work of others. We need stitched journals from MagCloud, the Print-On to recognize the men and women who are not -Demand (POD) group specializing in periodi- members of our media but, in their specialized cal PODs. So, if you are anti-geek and insist areas of the arts have a huge influence on the on a paid subscription for a printed copy we‘ll public perception of outdoor sports. We need accommodate you and send your copy in a to recognize their efforts. Glg clear plastic envelope.
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 3
News for Outdoor Media
Supreme Court Hears Critical 1st Amendment Case
WASHINGTON, D.C. (POMA) - Hunting communications were a central focus of the United States Supreme Court last fall as the Justices heard arguments in the case U.S. v. Stevens, 08-769. At issue in the case is a 1999 federal law that makes it a crime to create, sell or possess videos and other depictions of cruelty to animals. The case arose over the conviction of a Virginia man, Robert Stevens, who received a three-year prison sentence from a Western Pennsylvania court for selling videos that included scenes of hunting with dogs. The Third Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the conviction, stating it was in violation of Steven's First Amendment rights. In addition to working with the Washington, D.C., Jones Day Law Firm to file an amicus curiae brief on behalf of its members, the Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA), headquartered in Johnstown, Pa., coordinated a larger group of amici from a wide range of constituencies, including numerous large organizations and more than 600 individual journalists, outdoor industry professionals and sportsmen. POMA Executive Director Laurie Lee Dovey was in the courtroom to hear the arguments.
"The Justices were highly engaged," Dovey said. "Clearly, their queries were focused on testing the limits of the First Amendment. The questions were direct and at times extreme. "Patricia Millett, the plaintiff's attorney, represented Mr. Stevens, the hunting and fishing industry and traditional outdoor sports journalists at the highest level," Dovey added. "Patricia understands how the statue could criminalize the communication and promotion of legal hunting and fishing activities. She directly argued the overreach and chilling effects of the existing statute." Testing the wide net cast by the language of the law, huntingrelated questions were debated. Deputy Solicitor General Neal Katyal often stated hunting imagery did not fall within the parameters of the statute. Justice Antonin Scalia seemed to disagree. Scalia concentrated on the language in the statute that says, "... a visual or auditory depiction ... in which a living animal is intentionally maimed, mutilated, tortured, wounded, or killed." "Kill" has one meaning, which is kill," Scalia told Katyal, plainly indicating concerns about the legal actions of hunters. Katyal responded with a statement citing cruel killing versus (Continued on page 4)
The Pines Review Please Note: The following letters to the editor in this Pines Review are in response to the Spring, 2007 issue, the last issue before the unexpected hiatus. glg Editor, I read Boatman‘s article and when I was finished I had learned nothing about gun writers and gun writing. What I did learn from his article is that Hemingway, Ruark and Theodore Roosevelt were incompetents who shouldn‘t have been allowed into the African bush because they were lousy shots and probably even worse hunters! What, exactly, are Robert Boatman‘s credentials for his disparaging comments about three of the greatest writers in the history of outdoor writing? Perhaps next time, when you publish an article by Boatman, or someone of his ilk, you can provide your readers with a little more
The Pines Review The Pines Review accepts letters to the editor on any subject relating to the art and literature of the outdoors and letters commenting on previously published letters, articles, essays, poems or art. All letters submitted become the property of The Pines Review and will not be returned. Let-
Letters information about the author so we can make a more informed decision about whether the author is an idiot or knows what he is writing about. Sincerely, A.S. Boatman is a well published gunwriter whose commentaries are often controversial, which is why I wanted to publish his essay. Glg Editor, I enjoyed the article by Tony Dean and he had some great comments. Keep it up! Dan S. Unfortunately the outdoor community lost Tony Dean on October 19, 2008. He was a good personal friend and he cared deeply about the future of fishing and hunting. I miss him. glg
Have an opinion about something involving the outdoor sports, the outdoor media or the politics affecting the sports or media? Write an Op-Ed piece up to 1000 words and submit it!
Letters Policy ters must be submitted via email and the writer‟s full name, city and state must be included. The publisher will withhold the name if requested. Letters should be no more than 200 words in length and are subject to editing for length and clarity of content.
All letters to the editor of The Pines Review must be submitted by email.
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
Page 4
Court (Continued from page 3)
"The Chief Magistrate cannot enter the arena of the newspapers." -Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 1811. ME 13:64
hunting. Scalia countered with a question about an accidental low shot on an animal by a hunter, which he said was completely legal. Justice John Paul Stevens also asked about bow -and-arrow hunting or hunting with knives. Katyal backpedaled, saying, "So, there may be certain hunting examples that fall within it (the law). Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg looked at another aspect of the law, the separation of the filming of a criminal act and participation by a photographer in a criminal act. The abuse of the dog and the filming of the act are different, she said. The abuse would go on with or without the photographer. The comparison being made was to image-makers in child pornography cases - where the photographer is an actual participant in the criminal act. In response to questions by Justice Stephen Bryer about Congress simply writing a statute that actually aims at the "frightful things they were trying to prohibit," Millett agreed Congress must use a scalpel, not a buzz saw, when crafting statutes that restrict free speech. Justice Samuel Alito posed the most difficult hypothetical of the day to Millett. He asked if the First Amendment would cover "a human sacrifice channel." The discomfort in the court-
room was palpable. Taking a few moments to collect her thoughts, obviously taken aback by the extreme nature of the Justice's example, Millett responded. "I don't want to watch this channel, and people should fight with their wallets and their votes and not support these things," she said. "But, under the First Amendment, if the only rationale Congress is giving is we are here to shield your eyes for you, we will make this censorial decision, it has got to find some basis to think that was never freedom of speech under the First Amendment, in the way that obscenity was. You don't get to make it up as you go along. We are interpreting a constitution." The United States Humane Society, which pushed the original prosecution of Robert Stevens, claimed this case was and is about animal cruelty. POMA, National Rifle Association, Safari Club International, National Media Coalition, American Society of Media Photographers, National Press Photographer's Association and dozens of other groups, which filed amicus curiae briefs in the case, strongly disagreed. They defined U.S. v. Stevens as a First Amendment case that could have potentially devastating consequences on journalists. and Americans' right to information.
BSA and Boone and Crockett Club Team Up MISSOULA, Mont.—America‘s Boy Scouts have a new destination for outdoor adventure—the Boone and Crockett Club‘s Theodore Roosevelt Memorial Ranch near Choteau, Mont. The Club is partnering with the Montana Council of Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to create a ―Montana High Adventure Base‖ at the Club‘s 6,040-acre ranch. The property adjoins the rugged Bob Marshall Wilderness Area. The camp will meet national certification requirements of the BSA for high adventure camps and Scout-trained leaders will direct the program. More than 140 Scouts could visit this summer. Participation is expected to expand in coming years. In each one-week program Scouts will learn about backcountry safety and preparation, orientation, conservation and wildlife. They‘ll also have opportunities to experience supervised backpacking, fishing and more. Wilderness treks lasting 4-5 days are possible. ―There aren‘t too many Boy Scout councils
in the country with an organized high adventure program, especially at a place where you can hike right off a private ranch and into one of the premier wilderness areas in the country. It‘s a beautiful, special, interesting place. We anticipate that Scouts from all over the country will want to come here,‖ said Gordon Rubard of the Montana BSA, based in Great Falls, Mont. Adventures will be based at the ranch‘s Rasmuson Wildlife Conservation Center, which contains a classroom, great room/dining hall and sleeping quarters. Rifle and shotgun shooting facilities also are on the ranch. Participating Scouts will receive a one-year associate membership in the Boone and Crockett Club and a subscription to ―Fair Chase‖ magazine. Club Director of Conservation Education Lisa Flowers said, ―The Club is honored to help Boy Scouts develop a greater understanding of wildlife conservation in the 21st Century, the importance of the hunting tradition and the vision of the Club as established by our first president, Theodore Roosevelt.‖
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 5
More Than 700 Individual Awards for Excellence
2009 Award Winning Outdoor Writers, Photographers, Artists, Broadcasters Are: Each year, in the United States and Canada, state, regional, and national outdoor writer and photographer organizations present more than 700 awards. The following compilation of the 2009 award recipients includes the names of 255 individual winners who took home 675 different awards, primarily Excellence In Craft (EIC) Awards that are presented in recognition of the published work of writers, artists and photographers. A number of organizations also present service awards to recognize the work of outstanding individuals for their contributions to either the outdoor media or the outdoor sports. The awards are listed by organizations and are in alphabetical order and not by any other ranking. Also there is not a standardized format for organizations to list their recipients in press releases or on web sites so the information for recipients varies between the organizations. A few organizations failed to respond to requests for a list of winners and they are not included in the list of awards presented, thus the number of awards in this list vary. Finally, in a few cases, an award is listed without a recipient because there were not enough submissions received for that award. A final note of explanation, not every organization provides the names of organizations or individuals that sponsor the awards although most of the annual EIC awards include both a plaque or trophy and cash for each recipient and these are provided by a sponsor. Association of Great Lakes Outdoor Writers Excellence-In-Craft Award (Individual) Al Lindner was honored for his work over three decades of personal appearances, radio, television and videos in which he taught angling methods, and for his commitment to youth participation through Camp Fish. Golden Glow Individual Award Dr. W. Alan Wentz was honored for his work to promote conservation through partnerships and legislation, testimonies before Congress and his leadership that has brought Ducks Unlimited to international prominence. (Continued on page 12)
By The Numbers Curious to know who won how many awards? The average number of awards won by the members of outdoor writer/photographer organizations was 2.6 per winner and the highest number of awards received by one individual was 23.
2 14 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 1 1
Aaron Reed Al Perry Alan J. Voth Alan Liere Alex Gouthro Alex Webb Andy Lightbody & Kathy Mattoon Andy Lightbody Angelo Peluso Arnold Bull Art Morris
2 Art Weber 1 Barbara Baird 1 Beau Beasley 1 Ben E Kocian 3 Ben Moise 1 Ben Moyer 1 Berdette Zastrow 4 Beto Gutierrez 2 Bill Antonides 1 Bill Cochran 2 Bill E. Mills 1 Bill Hilts Sr.
3 2 10 2 4 1 1 2 2 2 1
Bill Linder Bill Olson Bill Sherck Bill Vanderford Bink Grimes Bob Bass Bob Frye Bob Izumi Bob Kornegay Bob Lusk Bob Lusk (Continued on page 40)
Every member of the outdoor media is an artist, whether their art is in words or pictures. Only when they stop being artists does the art of the media begin to fail and defeat its purpose.
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
Page 6
Who We Are . . .
Tammy Sapp
Editor: Women’s Outdoor Wire
Submit yourself! Submit five hundred to one thousand words and two or three photos about yourself. Who We Are is a new feature in The Pines Review intended to give outdoor writers, photographers & artists an opportunity to tell the other members of the outdoor sports community about themselves. Veteran and newcomers are encouraged to submit articles. Send submission to: with ―Who We Are Submission‖ in the subject line. Length: 500-1000 words Include 2-4 photos. Include both ―office‖ and ―outdoor‖ shots. Payment is on acceptance.
used to tell people I became an outdoor communicator because I was bad at math. Well, that and my prospects of becoming a ballerina or a rock star were pretty slim. Thus, as a sophomore in college with a decidedly undecided major, I was forced into getting real about my future. Fortunately, a college counselor helped me with a gut-wrenching decision, should I major in science or journalism? He suggested I do both through an agricultural journalism program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Ever since then I‘ve never been able to choose one thing over another when I could have both—which explains the abundance of firearms, game calls, decoys and other gear spilling from the shelves in my shed and garage. My junior and senior years were a dizzying dance between classes and jobs. I dutifully pursued every internship opportunity my advisor recommended, though I swear he was trying to kill me. I spent evenings locked in a studio editing a syndicated radio show featuring interviews with agricultural extension agents and professors—back when editing still consisted of manually splicing tape. Dragging myself out of bed before sunrise I edited newsletters either for professors overseas on sabbatical or the Wisconsin Geological Survey. And, between homework assignments, I banged out articles on a secondhand IBM Selectric typewriter for area newspapers. Despite my advisor‘s attempts to hasten my death I graduated on a Sunday in May 1986 and began my summer job on Monday as a writer/editor for the university‘s College of Engineering. That fall I got closer to what I really wanted to do when I took a limited-term
position (state agency code for ―no benefits‖) as a publications coordinator for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. It was a great opportunity to write about water resource issues, but it did mean my Wisconsin Badger sweatshirt and faded blue jeans weren‘t going to cut it as work attire any more. My first ―big girl‖ job came at the end of 1986 when an information and education specialist position opened at the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation (ODWC). It was a dream job for a woman who loved to write and grew up fishing, trapping, camping and hiking because it called for writing press releases and magazine articles, taking photos and producing brochures, newsletters and annual reports. While I was already a creature of the outdoors, my years at ODWC taught me even more about wildlife, habitat, hunting and fishing. I was eager to share what I had learned (and supplement my state agency income) by freelancing for a variety of hunting and fishing magazines. In addition, I honed my communications skills by completing the coursework for a master‘s degree in public relations at the University of Oklahoma. During my tenure at the agency, I began to hear rumblings of concern about the future of hunting. At that time hunters in this country numbered about five million more than now, yet experts were already seeing the effects of urbanization on hunting traditions. Through my association with other wildlife professionals at meetings and conferences, I was exposed to a plethora of issues such as access, antihunters, wildlife management challenges, (Continued on page 26)
Jack’s Cabin
A Mountain Retreat for Anglers, Hunters, Writers And Artists
Jack’s Cabin overlooks Southern Colorado’s Wet Mountain Valley
A-Frame Cabin with a Spectacular view of Colorado’s Wet Mountain Valley. Cabin has two bedrooms, kitchen, living room and dining room. An ideal retreat for the writer or artist who needs seclusion to work yet access to nearby cities. This is also a great retreat for a family, couple or group needing a vacation. Cabin sleeps 1-4 adults (plus kids) and pets are welcome. Fishing and hunting are both within a short drive. Hiking from cabin is available. Canon City, Florence and Pueblo are all within 1 hour drive and Colorado Springs is less than 90 minutes away. 2 night minimum, $70 night, 1-4 adults, 6 night stay only $360. Monthly rates are seasonal. For information or Reservation:, Phone: 719-784-3160.
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 7
The Zumbo Incident:
Virtual Society’s Conflicts and the Mythologies of Freedom of Speech By Galen L. Geer On February 16, 2007, the nationally known Outdoor writer Jim Zumbo posted a message on his blog, which was sponsored by Outdoor Life, one of the mainstays of the outdoor media. Zumbo‟s comments included his personal opinions on a particular type of firearm and its uses; it was an opinion drawn from his personal experience up to that time. Thousands of readers disagreed with Zumbo‟s comments, and within 96 hours Zumbo had lost his television program, his columnist contract with Outdoor Life was cancelled, and he was blacklisted by the National Rifle Association‟s NRA‟s publications. This essay is an attempt to understand the interrelations between Zumbo‟s statement, perceptions of Free Speech, the human mind, the Internet in a dualistic role and the theory of counterfactualism, and why “The Zumbo Incident” is a warning to writers using the Internet‟s social media. Since this incident Zumbo has recovered much of his professional position, albeit with other publications and a new network, proving his resilancy as a nationally known and respected outdoor writer. To understand what happened to Jim Zumbo we need to understand the interrelationalism of the Internet‟s social media and how writers often under estimate the impact of their online writing and the multiplier effect.
merica‘s outdoor writers enjoy a unique status among writers—they are a reader‘s primary source of outdoor knowledge. This has been true for the past 175-plus years of newspaper and magazine publishing history. Outdoor writers are also not different from any other writer; they enjoy the same freedom of speech protections as all other groups in America and they expect that freedom to protect their jobs and opinions, and this belief extends to the Internet. The principle of Freedom of Speech is that it is a right granted by nature and therefore it supersedes the restrictive intentions of government, or other individuals. The Founding Fathers codified this right in the Bill of Rights of the Constitution of The United States and these rights are fundamental to the everyday life of each person. Some political pundits, however, have posited that contemporary society is so far removed from the society envisioned by the founding fathers that the Bill of Rights should be subject to rethinking. While much of this ―rethinking‖ is focused on the Second Amendment, the First Amendment, as it applies to contemporary social media, has drawn increasing criticism for abuses of free speech. Perhaps nowhere in today‘s society does this thinking appear more consistently than in the Internet‘s virtual society, although the Internet remains a mystery that defies a single definition. Some legal and social scholars claim he Internet is a lawless society, a borderless society, a virtual society that should be ―selfregulating‖ (EPIC, 8). Physically the internet is a ―set of connected computer networks‖ ( Columbia University‘s Computer Science Department posted the following 1995 definition of the Internet on its web site: Federal Networking Council, Internet Monthly Reports, October 1995 The Federal Networking Council (FNC) agrees that the following language reflects our definition of the term "Internet". "Internet" refers to the global information system that -1. is logically linked together by a globally unique address space based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons; 2. is able to support communications using the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible protocols; and 3. provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or privately, high level services layered on the communications and related infrastructure described herein. (Columbia University) This FNC definition of the Internet does not provide researchers any better understanding of the Internet‘s existence as a ―place‖ in which events occur than most other definitions. The authors of offer additional insight into the internet: ―The Internet is not run by any one organization nor operated by any single agency. This makes a definition of the Internet that identifies a single organization who owns it or runs it impossible. In truth, the Internet is run by a vast patchwork of telecommunications organizations, research centers, universities, and private Photo: Author and Jim Zumbo at the 2008 POMA Conference. (G.Geer Photo)
(Continued on page 8)
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
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(Continued from page 7)
Jim Zumbo watched his career as an outdoor writer collapse within hours after a blog post.
individuals through their mutual cooperation to ensure the exchange of data amoung [sic] their networks in packets using a common TCP/IP protocol,‖ ( A slightly more ―human‖ explanation of the Internet, one which helps explain the Zumbo incident, is found on another page of the web site: ―The Internet isn't just about data; it is an international community of people who share information, interact, and communicate. From the point of view of its users, the Internet is a vast collection of resources—people, information, and multimedia,‖ (Ibid). A problem is that official Internet definitions tend to be computer science based and rarely on products of the human mind. To use the Internet a person must suspend control of some region of their mind and allow it to drift freely through a maze of text and imagery, sometimes participating in the text or imagery through the abilities of their consciousness—creating virtual worlds and universes. As Internet development has advanced users are being asked to suspend greater portions of their mind in the computer maze. Within that maze people do not ―use‖ the Internet as one would use a typewriter or garden rake, but participate in it by elements of the mind. Society, however, is still unsure what part of the mind has entered the Internet and what laws or boundaries, if any, exist within the Internet. Most people agree that the Internet‘s lawless society is a universe where each individual is free to create a new persona with a unique personal history and attributes that are disconnected from the individual. This disconnection between the physical person and the Internet persona erects a virtual filter that separates individual users—but not regions of their minds. The filters provide Internet users with a sense of security, a belief that regardless of what they write (say), whether in text or in a Role Playing Game (RPG) they remain autonomous. This sense of security, whether real or imagined, is the element of the Internet that may, in fact, be the most troublesome because it removes the natural cautions that would govern what a person voiced or wrote in person-to-person or person-to-group contact. The Problem Legal scholars, social scientists and philosophers cannot agree on which codified rights of the individual hold true in a virtual world. Those rights on the physical side of the computer are upheld as valid; but there are questions about the validity of their extension into the Internet. Some scholars want to argue that rights should extend within the Internet the same as those rights are natural to physical man. However, arguments on natural rights have raged throughout history. Thomas Hobbes maintained that humans naturally will love themselves and always seek for themselves what is good for them, and natural rights are a birthright of all people and are best described as individual liberty. He also argued that to live in a peaceful society a person must be willing to give up some aspects of personal liberty. Not everyone agrees with Hobbes, and counter arguments exist from John Locke, among others. In American society the debate over natural rights began before the Revolution and continued through it. Thomas Paine argued in Rights of Man, published in 1791, that rights cannot be granted by any charter because to do so would reduce them to privileges. The computer, which is the access door to the Internet, cannot define rights, privileges, right or wrong actions, or impose any controls on a person‘s actions as ―ought to do‖ or influence the individual‘s thinking. The computer, as a machine, waits until the individual gives it a command either by typing or by voice and then it produces a result. When the individual using the computer enters the Internet, however, there is an interaction between what the computer produces as a product of the Internet, the individual using the computer, and the mind‘s actions within it. This relationship is a basic level of interaction, using Instant Messaging (IM) which is between ―computer user, computer, computer user, computer,‖ as an example this relationship can be charted: (a1)Aa>(a1 b1)bB≠(b1)Bb> (b1 a2)aA>→∞ Where A=User and a=Computer and the same sequence for Bb. The alphabetical letters of Aa, Bb, begin as equal, separate sets. The initial IM post from Aa is received by B through the computer as the original set of a1. B formulates a response that is b1, which contains the original post, a1 which is sent back to A with B‘s reply so A receives a 1 contained within b1 as the reply. If A replies then a second set is constructed and as the exchange continues a third and fourth are
The Pines Review
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constructed and each new set contains all the previous sets, but in the alternation between A and B one of them always will have more sets than the other and both users, as they accumulate more complex sets become larger sets. The exchange between A and B is the phenomenon of constructing a nonphysical entity that exists between the individuals—on the Internet and in their computers. The entity can be given physical form as printed material if either A or B prints the exchange. Additionally, either person can ―save‖ the exchange in their computer. Once completed, a common assumption is the exchange is dormant unless either A or B later decides to resurrect and renew the exchange, send it to a third person‘s computer, or post it on a web site. A disturbing truth is that the exchange has not disappeared from the Internet but continues to ―exist‖ in a nonphysical state and can be resurrected by any skilled computer user, thus ―stolen‖ from both A and B and then used for any purpose the thief desires. This example of an IM exchange can be applied to any Internet interaction whether between two individuals or social populations, as with Blogs, such as Zumbo‘s. In the charted example each participant, as with the majority of people entering the Internet, expects the uninterrupted extension of the codified laws of civilization to ensure their specific rights or liberties ―within‖ the Internet in spite of social definitions of the Internet that characterize it as a lawless or self regulating society. To gain control of this virtual region governments are increasingly attempting to impose their laws on the Internet as a whole. One example of a government attempting to control the Internet took place in 2000 when French antidiscrimination laws collided in both French and U.S. courtrooms over U.S. free speech laws when Nazi artifacts were offered for sale on a U.S.-based Yahoo! Website. In the legal maneuvering the legal scholar Robert Corn-Revere wrote an amicus brief for Yahoo!, offering the opinion that the Yahoo! site is protected from the French anti-discrimination law, which France sought to impose on the U.S. company, violating American free speech laws. ―U.S. courts have held uniformly that the Internet should receive the highest degree of First Amendment protection. . . . U.S. courts should not permit the seeds of foreign censorship to be planted on U.S. soil by finding that such restrictions are enforceable here‖ (Corn-Revere, 1). In October, 2006 The First Amendment Center published a report that examined the growth of Internet-based libel cases and noted that in the previous two years more than fifty libel suits resulting from online postings had entered the court system. ―Libel lawsuits have been leveled against individuals, both known and anonymous; against bloggers who let others post comments on their blogs; and against employees by their employers over comments or items posted on a blog‖ (First Amendment Center, 2). Jim Zumbo, in making his blog post, was comfortable in the belief that his opinion was protected by free speech laws. He did not need to seek any other speech protection, such as anonymity, to protect himself from the consequence of any online statement, even if he thought the statement might be controversial. Yet, within hours of his posting he was the center of a storm of controversy. The Risk of Honesty Anonymity often is used by satirists and social critics to shield them from the wrath of their targets but it is not a foolproof defense. When the target feels wronged within the Internet, the Internet, though lawless, is not an outlaw‘s retreat but a box canyon trap. Courtroom maneuvering by lawyers has exposed the Internet to cyber-SLAPPs (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) to force Internet Service Providers (ISP such as America Online, Earthlink, etc.) to release the identity of the person who posted the offending material. A case which has established case law over the anonymity of internet postings is Doe v. which arose when disgruntled shareholders posted messages on Internet bulletin boards characterizing as ―‗lying, cheating, thieving, stealing lowlife criminals,‘ were posted by people using pseudonyms as ‗Truthseeker,‘ ‗Cuemaster‘ and ‗NoGuano.‘ responded by presenting a subpoena to InfoSpace in an attempt to obtain the identities of these people‖ (Ibid). Washington State courts made several significant rulings regarding the Internet‘s social media: 1) the court allowed NoGuano, as John Doe, to object to the subpoena sustaining the objection with the First Amendment protection of Internet speech. 2) When 2TheMart argued that the right to speak anonymously did not create any corresponding right to remain anonymous after the speech, the court disagreed, writing: ―‗if internet users could be stripped of [their] anonymity (Continued on page 10)
Jim Zumbo overcame the effects of a single bad blog post.
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Zumbo Incident (Continued from page 9)
by a civil subpoena . . . this would have a significant chilling effect on Internet communications and thus on basic First Amendment Rights‘‖ (Ibid, 4). NoGuano must have entered the Internet and made his (or her) postings expecting that the rights he lives under in the physical world would protect him from harm in a nonphysical world. In this case, they did. What may have come as a surprise to NoGuano was discovering that what had been posted by him was traceable back to his computer even if all references to the posting had been erased. To protect people who enter the Internet to use it as a soapbox for their opinions and beliefs the Washington state court devised a standard test to determine whether the identity of a person using the Internet should be released. 1. the subpoena seeking the information was issued in good faith and not for any improper purpose; 2. the information sought relegates to a core claim or defense; 3. the identifying information that is directly and materially relevant to that claim or defense, and 4. information sufficient to establish or to disprove that claim or defense is unavailable from any other sources. (Ibid) Legal theory dictates that every writer using the Internet‘s social media enjoys the same protection as a writer in the print media—which is the highest level of protection. Yet, there is a problem with any writer making Internet postings, whether, blogs, facebook, email or websites—The First Amendment Foundation lists a number of court cases illustrating the vulnerability of Internet postings including one of January, 2006 when a jury in Forsyth County, Georgia found blogger David Milum guilty of libel after Milum had posted in his blog that a lawyer, Rafe Banks, had delivered bribes to judges on behalf of drug dealers. Disgruntled individuals have, throughout history, exposed themselves to repercussions from the targets of their criticism when they spoke without having the force of empirical evidence to support their claim. Unlike previous venues for speaking out, the Internet, by being categorized as ―lawless‖ or ―selfregulating‖ is expected to offer both outlaw retreat and legal protection from libel but the premise quickly collapses because the two concepts, legal protection and lawless/self-regulating, cannot exist simultaneously in the same environment. The U.S. legal system, by extending First Amendment protections to the Internet, even though the ramifications of the Internet‘s global reach and the mind residue of those entering the Internet is not fully understood, has created misunderstandings and confusion among people entering (using) the Internet, and one of the most significant problems for Internet users is that even though they may have deleted or changed what they had written and posted, the
posting remains as an unintended trail of the mind‘s residue between participants throughout the Internet. Any other person, equipped with the proper computer program, has the ability to resurrect that posting. As many pundits have quipped, there is no anonymity on the Internet. There is, however, a feeling of anonymity created within individuals by the perception of blind distance. This perception heightens an individual‘s belief that what they write and post, email, IM, or correspond with another character in a role-playing game, is protected by Internet anonymity. This perception generates a susceptibility to online infidelity, a willingness to use language and expressions a person would not normally use in conversation, plus a quicker, less thought out response (online) to others with whom a person might or might not agree, and finally a greater willingness to express one‘s own thoughts, ideas or emotions without contemplating the ramifications of their posting, as in Zumbo‘s Blog. The Role of Descartes’ Dualism Why the perceptions of anonymity, lawlessness and legal protection all exist simultaneously is, I maintain, a product of the nature of dualism. Many of the Internet activities individuals engage in are opportunities to exercise fantasies, release mental and emotional tensions, and express themselves creatively. By reexamining the two person/computer model interaction we can see that the interaction is unbalanced because it is accumulative; each exchange of data sets results in a shift of balance between the participants, yet each is aware of what the other knows to be true (the data sets exchanged). (a1)Aa>(a1
b1)bB≠(b1)Bb> (b1
(a2 a3)Aa>(a3 b2)bB→∞ At each point of the model where the individual has entered the Internet by sending their IM (>) what is not shown in the model is the residue of the sets of data, including the personal information that remains in the Internet, stored on each computer server that transferred the data sets between points. This residue, nonphysical and lacking in all attributes of occupying space and time, nonetheless exists. It was created within the individuals‘ minds and then they transferred it into the Internet. Depending on the type of object (correspondence, fantasy character, emotion) as it traveled through the Internet‘s nonphysical universe it possesses its own form. A fantasy character of a medieval knight is perceived by its receiver as a medieval knight. A sexually explicit explanation of one sender‘s mental state is received by another person as exactly that. The blog, bulletin board, email, IM or similar social correspondence once posted, is seen exactly as written to represent the emotional, mental or physical state of the sender. (Continued on page 11)
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In my model, the string always is unbalanced because all the data from the first set is included in the second set, which the receiver has expanded by the addition of their data sets which is added to the data string but never completes it. Even if a third person, Cc, is introduced, the model will remain unbalanced because two individuals always will have all previous data sets plus their new data sets which have not been sent. Therefore, by examining the model and its inability to produce balance we understand that the Internet is in a constant state of unbalance, creating the assumption that it is lawless/self-regulating and protected by First Amendment law, even though the two legal concepts cannot co-exist. The contemporary example of the Aristotelian model is Stephen Hawking. If his mind had the properties of his body it would be unable to function. The Philosophies of Mind Some aspects of this nature of the Internet and its effect can be better grasped through the literature of the philosophy of the mind. This philosophy has separated into several distinct camps of argument and at the heart of the discussions rests the Cartesian Dualism model that suggests the mind and body are separate, yet connected. This model, named after its originator, René Descartes in his mid-seventeenth century Meditations on Philosophy, presents a view of the mind–body problem that has been an important feature of Western philosophical discussion, often around Aristotle‘s assertions that intellect cannot be restricted to a specific physical body because to do so would limit the intellect to the properties of that body. Dualism, specifically the Cartesian model, allows for the existence of the nonphysical and physical of the individual. Other ontologies of the dualism argument include idealist, property and substance. Idealist dualism posits that the mind is an active agent and that ideas exists only the in mind. Dale Jacquette, in his Philosophy of Mind, writes that George Berkeley (1685-1753), ―explicitly denies that there is anything more to physical objects than the mind-dependent ideas or sensations of their empirical properties. He rejects the concept of an unexperiencable ‗matter‘ or ‗substratum‘ underlying objects as they are experienced.‖ Bodies, which include the brain in the Berkeley model, are nothing more than congeries of various ideas which allows the brain to be acted on and act on the mind. Within property dualism there is an allowance for the mind to have both physical and nonphysical properties. The mind, in one understanding of this dualism, can emerge from the complex organic compounds of life as evolutionary emergence, as the life evolving enters increasingly complex states of living matter. Substance dualism has, at its core, the implication of Descartes‘ second proof of dualism in which he claims that the body is divisible into multiple parts of an indefinite number and the mind is not divisible because it does not exist in a specific place— proving the immortality of the mind or the soul. This second proof conflicts with my position on mind residue existing within
the Internet—if the mind residue is considered to have physical properties. Causal Interaction Problem in The Zumbo Incident An important consideration in any discussion of the mind and the Internet, in the dualism argument for the mind being separate from the body, is the problem of causal interaction. In its basic form causation is an action resulting from a previous action, resulting from a previous action and so forth. In Descartes‘‘ argument, as Jacquette points out, the mind is ―literally nowhere. It lacks any spatial location. Yet, in everyday experience, causation always occurs at a particular place‖ (Ibid, 13). Jacquette uses the example of billiard balls striking each other and each contact point, where one ball imparts some or all of its energy to the other is the point of causation. This cannot occur with the mind because the mind is immaterial and not residing on a spatial plane. If, however, causation can be ruled as one object imparting its energy to another then mind must be present to recognize the point of contact even though the mind is not an actual participant. Jacquette goes on to argue that: ―Nothing like this [object effecting mind] can possibly be true of causation between immaterial minds and material bodies such as the brain and nervous system‖ (Ibid). While this argument is not completely disproved there is significant research to indicate there are causal links between physical objects (events) and nonphysical events (objects). Alice McEleney, Northumbria University, UK and Ruth M. J. Byrne, Trinity College, Ireland conducted a series of experiments in the late 1990s that addressed the questions of comparing counterfactual thoughts on the outcome of an action and an individual‘s causal explanations about why the outcome occurred and in their paper they explained their motives: Our aim in this paper is to test the idea that counterfactual thoughts and causal explanations tend to serve different purposes: causal explanations provide general causal information that enables future understanding, prediction, and control in a wide range of situations, whereas counterfactual thoughts focus on how a specific unwanted outcome could have been prevented. (McEleney, Byrne, 237-8) Counterfactualism has as its basis David Hume‘s problem of causation. ―We may define a cause to be an object followed by another, and where all the objects, similar to the first, are followed by objects similar to the second. Or in other words, where, if the first object had not been, the second never had existed.” (32). Although Hume does not directly discuss counterfactualism the implication is present as a second event being the result of a previous event, being Hume‘s causation and counterfactualism being the notion that there is a substitute for the first event and that the second event occurs in an altered form. Philosophers who have (Continued on page 32)
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3rd Gary Howey, ―Dancing Time in the Grasslands‖ Best Page/Section, (Sponsored by Black Powder Prod., Inc.) 1st Steve Pollick, Toledo Blade Golden Glow Corporation Award The Wildlife Research Center was honored to recognize their 2nd Larry Myhre, Sioux City Journal innovation in scent elimination, dedication to hunter education, 3rd Paul Smith, Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel and excellence in promoting the sport to new hunters. Magazine Golden Glow Organization Award Best of Fishing, (Sponsored by Pradco) Delta Waterfowl was honored for their conservation efforts and 1st Bill Antonides, ―And the Beat Goes On‖ commitment to preserve and promote waterfowl habitat and hunt- 2nd Angelo Peluso, ―Silvers on Top‖ ing. 3rd Tom Watson, ―Kodiak Kaleidoscope‖ AGLOW’s Excellence In Craft Awards Best of Hunting, (Sponsored by Pheasants/Quail Forever) 1st Berdette Zastrow, ―Cool Pheasant Hunting‖ Radio 2nd PJ Perea, ―Gater Done‖ Best of Fishing, (Sponsored by Clam Corporation) st 1 Jim Zaleski, ―Summer Rattles‖ 3 Don Ingle, ―Romance Is In the Air‖ 2nd Jeff Kelm, ―Monster Muskie‖ Best of Boating and Boating Safety, (Sponsored by the Black 3rd Dan Small, ―Strawberry Creek Chinooks‖ Hills, Badlands and Lakes Assn.) 1st Darrell Taylor, ―How Safe Is Your Boating?‖ Best of Hunting, (No Sponsor) st 1 Dan Small, ―Hunting is Good for Kids‖ 2nd Thomas J. O'Toole, ―Paddling Your Way to Fun‖ 2nd Jeff Kelm, ―Martin's Super Slam‖ 3rd Michael D. Faw, ―Getting It Right‖ rd 3 Dan Small, ―Kim's First Deer‖ Best of Travel, RV & Camping, (Sponsored by Coleman) 1st Thomas J. O'Toole, ―Sault Ste. Marie‖ Best of Open, (Sponsored by Ducks Unlimited) st 1 Dan Dziedzina, ―DNR Dir. Interview‖ 2nd Don Ingle, ―Michigan State Parks‖ nd 2 Jeff Kelm, ―Hunt for Justice‖ 3rd Thomas J. O'Toole, ―Zippo Lighters‖ rd 3 Jim Zaleski, ―Safety‖ Best of Open, (Sponsored by Ducks Unlimited) 1st Bill Antonides, ―Becoming A Game Warden‖ TV/Video 2nd Angelo Peluso, ―Salmon of Knowledge‖ Best of Fishing, (Sponsored by Clam Corporation) st 1 Brian Smith and Josh Lantz, ―Late Ice 'Gills‖ 3rd Richard Creason, ―The Real Amazing Race‖ nd 2 Gary Howey, ―Jim Cats‖ Photography 3rd Gary Howey, ―Oh Lardy‖ Hunting, (Sponsored by Starved Rock Lodge and Con. CenBest of Hunting, (Sponsored by Whitetails Unlimited) ter) 1st Brian Smith/Josh Lantz, ―Prince Wm Sound. Black Bear‖ 1st Paul Smith, ―Big Hat and Burlap‖ nd 2 Brian Smith/Josh Lantz, ―Opener Gone Wild‖ 2nd PJ Perea, Second Place, ―TC‖ rd 3 Gary Howey, ―Take 'em‖ 3rd Tom Carney, ―Eyes Up‖ Best of Open, (Sponsored by Ducks Unlimited) Fishing, (Sponsored by Ice Team) 1st PJ Perea, ―Trapping & LED Lights‖ 1st Paul Smith ―Fly Fish‖ nd 2 Gary Howey, ―Boy and Bighead Carp‖ 2nd Dan Small, ―Steelhead‖ rd 3 Dan Small, ―Wisconsin Black Bear Project‖ 3rd Tom Berg, No Title Newspaper Outdoor Recreation, (Sponsored by Cable Area CoC) 1st Chris Young, ―Wildcat Falls‖ Best of Fishing, (Sponsored by Clam Corporation) st 1 Paul Smith, ―To Keep or Not to Keep ― 2nd Paul Smith, ―Beaver Dam Backpack‖ nd 2 Larry Myhre, ―Giant Northern on The Fly Rod‖ 3rd P J Perea, ―Pedal Pusher‖ rd 3 Dan Small, ―Sloppin' the Hawgs with Rats & Frawgs‖ Outdoor Scenic, (Sponsored by Cable Area CoC) 1st PJ Perea, ―Big River Coho Fly-In‖ Best of Hunting, (Sponsored by Rocky Mntn. Elk Founda2nd Larry Myhre, ―Gotcha Covered‖ tion) st 1 Dan Small, ―Winter Rabbits, Lessons for Kids‖ 3rd Michael Faw, ―Elk at Mountains‖ nd 2 Steve Pollick, ―Bowhunter Shares Lessons‖ Black and White, (Sponsored by Ice Team) 3rd Will Elliott, ―Daughter Joins Dad in Animal Searches‖ 1st Dan Small, ―Picking Up‖ Best of Boating & Boating Safety, (Sponsored by BOAT/US) 2nd Paul Smith,‖Coulee Region Gobbler‖ 1st Steven Griffin, ―Ready to Kayak?‖ 3rd Don Ingle, ―Making Scent‖ nd 2 Steven Griffin, ―Salmon Fishing, Kayak Style‖ "Pete Czura" Best of Show, (Sponsored by Jason Mitchell Best of Travel, RV & Camping, (Sponsored by Coleman) Outdoors) 1st Paul Smith, ―Diamond In the Rough‖ PJ Perea, Best of Show, ―Big River Coho Fly-In‖ 2nd Don Ingle, ―Snowshoe the North Country Trail‖ 3rd Steven Griffin, ―It's Different Up North‖ Florida Outdoor Writers Best of Open, (Sponsored by Ducks Unlimited) Magazine Feature 1st Steve Pollick, ―Porcupine Mts Wilderness Series‖ 1st David Brown, ―Maximum Mayan Mackerel‖ FLW Outdoors nd 2 Steven Griffin, ―Here's to You Dad‖ 2nd Rusty Chinnis, ―Eyeing Northern Waters‖ Fly Fishing in SaltWinners (Continued from page 5)
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Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 13
waters 3rd Doug Kelly, ―Taking Stock of Scotland‖ Traveling Sportsman Newspaper Feature 1st David Brown, ―Wait on Your Spot‖ St. Petersburg Times 2nd Mike Holliday, ―A Fishhead Looks at 48‖ Florida Fishing Weekly 3rd Mike Readling, ―Canalitis‖ Florida Fishing Weekly Article Series 1st David Brown, ―Quick Bites‖ FLW Outdoors 2nd Robert Fulton, ―Piedmont‘s Pee Dee River Overlooked‖ Monroe Enquirer Journal 3rd Kelly Shannon Kelly, ―Fantastic Getaways‖ Traveling Sportsman Photography 1st Rusty Chinnis, ―Taming the Beast‖ Fly Fishing in Saltwaters 2nd Kelly Shannon Kelly, Rangiroa Bone-a-Rama 3rd Mike Holliday, ―Tarpon Face‖ Florida Fishing Weekly Electronic Media 1st Peggy Goldberg, 2nd Joanne Williams, 3rd Sandra Friend, Outdoor Book 1st Mike Holliday, Secrets for Catching Sea Trout 2nd Lucy B. Tobias, 50 Great Walks in Florida 3rd Bob Bass, When Steamboats Reigned in Florida Travel/Destination Story 1st Doug Kelly, ―Taking Stock of Scotland‖ Traveling Sportsman 2nd Larry Larsen, ―Heart Pounding Gold‖ Destination Fish 3rd David Brown, ―Comedero Commandos‖ Destination Fish Conservation Story 1st David A. Brown, ―Examining the Red Tide Mystery‖ FLW Outdoors 2nd Warren Resen, ―It‘s a Small World…‖ Outdoor Florida 3. R.G. Schmidt, ―Storms and Ecological Modifications‖ Citrus County Chronicle Family Participation 1st R.G. Schmidt, ―Fishing is for Kids Too‖ Citrus County Chronicle 2nd Mike Holliday, ―In Appreciation of Mother‘s Day‖ Florida Fishing Weekly 3rd Warren Resen, ―Women in the Outdoors‖ Outdoor Florida Humor 1st Mike Holliday, ―Time Spent Fishing is Relative‖ Florida Fishing Weekly 2nd Thomas Johnson, ―You Might be a Harbor Fisherman If…‖ Waterline 3rd Doug Kelly, ―Nobody Knows the Trebles I‘ve Seen‖ Traveling Sportsman The Hoosier Outdoor Writers Excellence in Craft Awards Writing Hunting Less Than 1000 Words 1st Louie Stout, ―Greatest? Not at Hunting‖ 2nd John Martino ―Special Needs Kids Enjoy Annual Freedom Hunt‖
3rd Mark Crowley, ―A New Lease on Life for Minnehaha FWA?‖ More than 1000 Words 1st Brian Traylor, ―Trapping Pete‘s Farm‖ 2nd Don Mulligan, ―Oops! Baiting Blunders‖ 3rd Don Mulligan, ―Alaska – Ocean to Ocean‖ Fishing Less Than 1000 Words 1st John Martino, ―Streams Offer Good Fishing‖ 2nd Louie Stout, ―Fishing Decline a Concern‖ 3rd Tom Berg, ―Emerging Pads and Bass‖ Less than 1000 Words 1st Brandon Butler, ―Bluegills and Bobbers on Reelfoot Lake‖ 2nd Louie Stout, ―The Worm, His Story‖ 3rd P. J. Perea, ―Black Hills Gold‖ Conservation Less than 1000 Words 1st John Martino, ―It‘s Official – Our Majestic Bald Eagle is Back‖ 2nd Rich Creason, ―Where is the Ivory-Billed Woodpecker?‖ 3rd John Martino, ―One Time Poacher Turn into Conservationist‖ More than 1000 Words 1st Brandon Butler, ―Tobias Buck: A Responsibility to Give Back‖ 2nd Mark Crowley, ―Survival of the Weakest‖ 3rd P. J. Perea, ―Raising Green Without Spending Green‖ General Outdoors Less than 1000 Words 1st Ray McCune, ―how to Make an Easy Kabin Kamp Shower‖ 2nd John Martino ―Young Teen Steps into a Man‘s Job at Simpson‘s‖ 3rd Rich Creason, ―Dutch Oven Cooking Lends Flavor‖ More than 1000 Words 1st John Martino, ―More Than I Bargained For, Thank Goodnes!‖ 2nd Mark Crowley, ―Eating Wild in Indiana‖ 3rd Rich Creason, ―Three Decades with my Whites‖ Photography Hunting 1st P. J. Perea, ―GKo With Flo: Osceola Hunting‖ 2nd P. J. Perea, ―The Eyes Have It!‖ 3rd Tom Bert, ―Girl‘s First Pheasant‖ Fishing 1st P. J. Perea ―Pretty And Pink‖ 2nd Tom Berg, ―Great Lakes King Salmon!‖ 3rd P. J. Perea, ―Ted‘s Eye‖ Outdoor Scenic 1st P. J. Perea, ―Spirit Of The Forest‖ 2nd Don Mulligan, ―Arctic Circle Of Life‖ 3rd Mark Crowley, ―Downey Lake‖ Outdoor Recreation 1st P. J. Perea, ―Saluda Slide‖ 2nd Mark Crowley, ―Wabash River Canoeists‖ 3rd Mark Crowley, ―Wild Edibles‖ Broadcast Best TV Broadcast 1st P. J. Perea, ―Get in the Game TV, #245‖ 2nd P. J. Perea, ―Get in the Game TV, #238‖ (Continued on page 14)
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Winners 3rd None Best Book 1st Dave Hoffman, The Great Trophy Catch 2nd Louie Stout, Secrets of a Champion 3rd Dave Hoffman, The Great Buck Caper
2nd Dan Neuland ―Kids and King Salmon‖ Frederick News Post
Outdoor Writers of Canada National OWC Communication Awards (Sponsored by Shimano Canada) Newspaper/Internet Column 1ST Gus Karpes, ―Bush Talk,‖ Internet Column by: features and Tales 2ND Gus Karpes,‖Labor of the Season,‖ feaMason-Dixon Outdoor Writers Association The Wheeler Johnson Memorial Award for Best Newspaper tures and Tales 3RD Jeff Helsdon, ―As Conservationist, hunters need to speak up,‖ Column (Sponsored By Remington): 1st Dan Neuland, ―Squirrel Hunt Leads to a Nice Buck‖ Freder- Delhi: News Record ick News Post Magazine Column 2nd Jim Heim ―Try a Little Etiquette‖ Frederick News Post 1ST1st Duane Radford, ―Kakwa River Bull Trout Obituary,‖ Alberta Outdoorsmen The Herb Blackwell Memorial Award for Best Newspaper Feature (Sponsored By Coleman): 2ND Brad Fenson, ―The Hundred Mile Meal,‖ Alberta Outdoorsst 1 Harry Guyer ―The Old Man and His Simple Gifts‖ Bedford men Gazette; 3RD Gord Pyzer,: ―Be the Baitfish,‖ Outdoor Canada nd 2 Tom Tatum ―Son Guides Mom to Hunting Success‖ Daily Books Local News 1ST Ralph Shaw, The Pleasure of his Company, The Fishing Diaries of Jack Shaw. Best Magazine or Regional Newspaper Column (Sponsored 2nd Duane Radford/Don Meredith, Conservation Pride & Passion By American Sportfishing Association): st 1 Harvey Bauer ―The .35 Marlin‖ Ohio Valley Outdoors; ‐ The AlbertabFish and Game Association 1908‐2008 2nd Tim Flanigan ―State Courts Compicate Status of Wild Hogs‖ 3rd D.C. Reid, Vancouver Island Fishing Guide. Pennsylvania Outdoor Times Television/Video Best Magazine Feature Article (No Sponsor): 1st Bob Izumi, ―Shark fishing with Jimmy Flyn‖ st 1 Tom Tatum ―The Longest Season‖ Pennsylvania Game 2nd Alex Gouthro, ―Gouthro‘s Moose Madness ‗Quick‐Fix‘ for News the Hunter‖ 2nd Beau Beasley ―Angling Toward Recovery‖ Richmond 3rd Bob Izumi,‖ Winter Ling and Lakers‖ The Talbot Denmead Memorial Award for Best MagaNewspaper/Internet Feature zine or Newspaper Article on conservation or the envi1st Gord Pyzer, ―Get the Lead in,‖ Just Fishing ronment (Sponsored By Bass Pro Shops): 2nd John Kaplanis, ―Moose Hunt in Wolf Territory,‖ Chronicle st 1 Tom Tatum ―Trying to Deal with a Crabby Conundrum‖ Journal Newspaper Daily Local News; 3rd Brad Fenson, ―Inconnu Pattern,‖ Realtree nd 2 Dan Neuland ―Didymo or Rock Snot‖ Clean Angler Magazine Feature: Hunting The Pete Greer Memorial Award for Best Outdoor Photo 1st T. J. Schwanky, ―When Desire Overcomes Fear,‖ Alberta OutB & W (No Sponsor): doorsmen 1st Chris Dollar ―Non-Slip Handles‖ The Fisherman 2nd Alan J. Voth, ―Dropping the Hammer,‖ 2nd None 3rd T. J. Schwanky, ―Mental Health Days,‖ Alberta Outdoorsmen The Pete Greer Memorial Award for Best Outdoor Photo. Magazine Feature: Fishing Color (Sponsored By Remington): 1st Gord Pyzer, ―The Start of a Beautiful Relationship,‖ In‐ st 1 Tim Flanigan ―Grouse‖ Ruffed Grouse Society; Fisherman 2nd King Montgomery ―Blandfield Plantation‖ The Virginia 2nd T. J. Schwanky, ―The Truth about Pike,‖ Alberta Fishing Sportsman Guide Frank Smoot Memorial Three-Year Rotating Award. Art 3rd Gord Pyzer, ―Ultimate Fishing Guide Tacklebox,‖ Outdoor (Sponsored by Maryland Office ofTourism Development): Canada Dan Neuland ―Tying Your Own Flies‖ Magazine Feature: Other The Leroy Whitman Memorial Award for Excellence in 1st David Wei, ―Crabbing 101,‖ Pacific Yachting Craft (Sponsored by Ranger Boats): 2nd David Wei, ―Spot On: Prawning 101,‖ Pacific Yachting Dan Neuland 3rd Sherri Canjar, ―Cattails: The edible Plant that keeps on givThe Joe Penfold Memorial Award for Grass Roots Conserva- ing,‖ Outdoor Canada tion (No Sponsor): Photography The Patuxent River Chapter of the Coastal Conservation Asso1st James Markou, ―Mallard in Flight,‖ D.U Canada Conservator ciation, Maryland 2nd Neil Waugh, ―Hazy Oldman Afternoon,‖ Alberta OutdoorsBass Pro Pass It On Award (Bass Pro): men 1st Tim Flanigan ―Special Deer Hunters‖ Pennsylvania Outdoor 3rd Duane Radford, ―Beyond Point and Shoot,‖ Yellowhead IT! Times; The Ducks Unlimited Canada Wetlands Appreciation Award
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 15
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cold pack out," Sightron 2008 catalog. Backcountry Sportsman Contest sponsored by Sierra Club. Radio Category: Dan Small, Belgium, WI, "Kim's First Deer," Dan Small's Outdoor Radio Network. Big Game Hunting sponsored by the Outdoor Channel. Awards 2009 Honorary Awards Recipients The J. Hammond Brown Memorial Award Bill Hilts Sr., of Sanborn, N.Y., received the 2009 J. Hammond Brown Memorial Award. 2009 Jade of Chiefs Award Jim Low of Jefferson City, Mo., news services coordinator for the Missouri Department of Conservation, received OWAA's top conservation award. 2009 Excellence in Craft Award Jay Cassell, of Katonah, N.Y., received OWAA's Excellence in Craft Award. 2009 Jackie Pfeiffer Memorial Award Kay Richey of Buckley, Mich is the recipient of the 2009 Jackie Pfeiffer Memorial Award. Richey is a book designer and publisher specializing in layout of outdoor books and newsletters. Backcountry Sportsman Contest (Sponsored by Sierra Club) Art/Photo Category 1st Tim Christie, ―A cold pack out,‖ Sightron 2008 catalog 2nd Tom Stienstra, ―Your own private paradise,‖ San Fancisco Chronicle 3rd Tim Christie, ―Memories of hunting camp,‖ Sightron 2008 Outdoor Writers Association of America (OWAA) catalog 2009 Presidents' Choice Awards Magazine Category Magazine Category: Edward Nickens, Raleigh, N.C., "Cry from 1st Edward Nickens, ―Cry from the North,‖ Field and Stream, the North,‖ Field & Stream magazine. Backcountry Sportsman June 2008 Contest sponsored by Sierra Club. 2nd Michael Furtman, ―The deer woods,‖ MN Conservation VolTV/Video Category: Ron Schara, Minneapolis, Minn., "Black unteer, November/December 2008 Canyon," Minnesota Bound on KARE-TV. Camping/ 3rd Jack Ballard, ―Whitetails the wilderness way,‖ Montana Backpacking/Outdoor Recreation Travel/Biking/Climbing Con- Sporting Journal, November/December 2008 test sponsored by The Coleman Company. Newspaper Category Newspaper Category: Steve Pollick, Fremont, Ohio, "The flying 1st Christian Berg, ―Gorging on big trout,‖ The Morning Call dragon," The Blade (Toledo). Natural History contest sponsored (Allentown, Pa.), May 2008 by Outdoor Writers Association of America. 2nd Brett Prettyman, ―Road to recovery,‖ Salt Lake Tribune, AuArt/Photo Category: Tim Christie, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, "A (Continued on page 27) 1st Kevin Wilson, ―A Marsh I know,‖ Western Sportsman 2nd. Jeff Helsdon, ―If You Build It, They Will Come,‖ DU Conservator 3rd. T.J. Schwanky, ―Never on a Sunday,‖ Alberta Outdoorsmen The Brock Mcritchie Writing Award, Sponsored By Len Mcritchie 1st Michael Hungle, ―Introducing Kids to Waterfowling,‖ The Outdoor Edge 2nd James Smedley, ―Hard Water Harmony,‖ Ontario Out of Doors 3rd Brad Fenson, ―Randi‘s Rules,‖ Alberta Outdoorsmen The Ron Miller Storytelling Award, Sponsored By James Murray 1st Brad Fenson, ―Quebec Caribou Adventures,‖ Alberta Outdoorsmen 2nd Bob Scammell, ―Lamenting old Friends,‖ Red Deer Advocate 3rd Don Maclean, ―The Fishing Spy,‖ Cape Breton Post The National Fishing Week Writing Awards, Sponsored By The Canadian Sportfishing Industry Association 1st James Smedley, ―Successful Family Ice Fishing,‖ Ontario Out of Doors 2nd Peter Wood, ―Memories of a Bobber,‖ The Kawarthan 3rd Bob Scammell, ―Fishing with Pop,‖ Red Deer Advocate 2009 Peter McGillen Award, Sponsored by the OWC Receipent: Shirley Teasdale
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Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
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Video’s World With Andy Lightbody The date was February 16,
Andy Lightbody
When gunpowder was first invented by the Chinese, it was for fireworks and as a weapon.
Copyright By G.L. Geer Family Collection
2007, and for all of us in the outdoor, hunting and shooting industry as life-time journalists…. It was the ―blog shot‖ heard round the shooting world! In a blog-article written by veteran hunter/ sportsman and long-time hunting editor for Outdoor Life Magazine, Jim Zumbo penned an entry on the magazine‘s website disparaging and condemning so-called black guns/assault rifles. ―I see no place for these weapons among our hunting fraternity,‖ wrote Zumbo. I‘ll go so far as to call them ‗terrorist‘ rifles.‖ Within hours of the blog posting, virtually all of the hunting, shooting fraternity of pro-gun groups, firearms manufacturers and outdoor journalists were awestruck at Zumbo‘s comments and many were livid in response to his misdirected feelings. Thousands of blogs were written and fired back at Zumbo— many equating him to a turncoat and unpatriotic American. Many wanted this outdoor journalist of 45+ years to be banished from the hunting/ shooting community for his words, while others I think would have been happy to provide the tar and feathers! Thus is the two-edged sword in the world of black guns or so-called assault weapons, and the great misunderstanding and misconceptions that even noted outdoor journalists have about, what they really are and what their place is, in the shooting and hunting industry as today‘s modern sporting arms.
Fortunately for this misdirected journalist, as well as for the good of our hunting and shooting community as a whole, Zumbo was contacted by countless ―friends‖ who have known him all of his career and he was quickly shown that his beliefs were wrong, and for a lot of good reasons. I‘m not going to belabor all of what Zumbo said, but I am glad that he was professional enough to admit, he was wrong. I am however going to applaud him and our hunting/shooting community for taking the time to address his concerns, answer his challenges, and then educate him and give him the opportunity to see for himself, that the world of black guns have a legitimate place in the shooting sports, as everything from a personal defense weapon to being fun-shooting rifles and hunting guns. Truly, I believe that if others had the same opportunity to see, handle, learn and shoot these guns, chances are excellent that a lot of the wind in the sails of the anti-gun (OMG it‘s an assault weapon) would be strongly curtailed. Also, many might say in retrospect, that Zumbo‘s writings were a blessing in disguise in starting a great debate and in better educating illinformed hunters and sportsmen, non-shooters, and even some members of Congress. MILITARY WEAPONS TO THE WORLD OF SPORTING ARMS From a historical standpoint, virtually all firearms we
use today for home defense, shooting/plinking, and hunting have their roots as military weapons. Don‘t think so? Let me open your eyes to the fact that when gunpowder was first invented by the Chinese, it was for use in fireworks and as a military weapon. After all, it didn‘t take long for them to discover that not only were the fireworks pretty and impressive, but you could lather on tar or pitch and make a fire rocket to burn your enemy‘s wagons, villages, etc. And, if you stuffed rocks or metal objects into a canon loaded with gunpowder, it made a very deadly weapon. Soon was the advent of the matchlock, the wheel lock, the flint lock and the percussion (cap/ball) rifle, pistol and shotgun. Yes, they were designed for military operations, but they also were further redesigned, enhanced and modified for civilian use. Breach-loading single shot rifles, pistols and shotguns that fired a cartridge were next for the military and for many of our forefathers in the early days of western expansion for hunting and selfprotection. Lever action, bolt action, pump action and then auto-loading systems followed…. again for the military, and then for civilian use by the 1870s and 1880s. And as a point of clarification, auto-loading is not to be confused with auto-firing, such as a machine gun or true assault rifle. An auto-loading system is simply a gas operated or blow-back system in a firearm that ejects a fired or spent cartridge and loads another one. It has nothing to do with the firing system. And for all civilian semi-auto pistols, rifles and even shotguns, (Continued on page 19)
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
Photography’s World With Jeff Davis Technology is a wonderful thing. I can do much more now with a digital camera and a computer than I could ever dream of doing with film. But just because I can do something, doesn‘t mean I should do it. I recently received a submission of fantastic whitetail deer photos from a photographer who is very experienced, always produces outstanding work, and with whom we‘ve done business for many years. This time something was different. This photographer fought the digital conversion for some time, but a couple of years ago he purchased a professional-level digital camera, learned Photoshop, and embraced the new digital world. While his new material is now being produced digitally, his stock file of outstanding outdoor photography, produced over many decades, was locked in a format that editors are increasingly refusing to consider – 35mm color slides. So he added another piece of digital gear, a tabletop slide scanner, and started the tedious process of scanning and digitally archiving the best of his stock photography. This photographer is industrious, imaginative, and always working to get better images. This is normally a great combination. However, hard work and good intentions are sometimes the main ingredients in disaster. He sent me a half-dozen DVD disks, with 30-50 high resolution images on each
disk. In the past we had maintained three-ring binders of slide pages from photographers who we use regularly, which is convenient for our designer, but takes the photographer‘s images out of circulation. With digital stock images, the photographer can provide access to many more potential outlets. Some months before he asked that all his slides be returned to him, which scared me, thinking I had done something to irritate him and we would not be able to use his photos any more. He told me not to worry, he was going to digitize them and we would get a selection back as soon as he was done. He is a thorough professional, and a few months later I received the disks with the digital images, and he also supplied printed contact sheets with thumbnail images, about 1-1/2 x 2-1/2 inches of each photo file with the file name printed underneath each image, printed 12 to a page. The contact sheet is a nice touch. It is one more chore for the photographer, but it makes it more convenient for the editor or designer to browse the images. But in this case, just glancing at the contact sheets I knew we had a problem. Almost all the images had a look to them that indicated that the photographer had over-sharpened them in Photoshop. Sharpening is a digital enhancement that makes a photo look, well, sharper. It is not a substitute for sharp focusing at the time the photo is taken in the camera, and there
is much confusion among photographers as to when it should be used. When using digital photographs in publications the Sharpen function is used to ensure that the printing presses get the maximum quality possible from an image, and sharpening is normally done by the publication designer or prepress person. The objective is to have the image on paper look as good as possible, and sometimes to accomplish that the image on the computer screen ends up looking very nasty. Since these prepress manipulations can be highly variable from printer to printer, photographer should not overmanipulate their images. While over-sharpening is an annoyance, it is not a real problem – the photographer can go back to the original file and send the unmanipulated image (unless he didn‘t save the original file or scan). The bigger problem was on the second page, and the third, and the fourth. He had some dramatic images of huge bucks in the mountains, with an immense full moon rising behind the deer. It‘s incredibly difficult to properly align a full moon, a mountain peak, and a wild animal; it‘s even more difficult to align the mountain and moon with multiple animals. These images were not real – they were composites. Combining multiple images into a single image is a technique as old as photography, but digital imaging makes it much easier to do. Heck, I can do it. But that is a problem. The photographer did not identify any of these images as composites. In some situations it could be appropriate to use them, as different businesses and publications have different pub(Continued on page 18)
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Jeff Davis
Think Twice Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should do it.
Photo & Copyright By Jeff Davis
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Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
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Homer Circle Nominations Sought by POMA The Professional Outdoor Media Association is seeking nominations from all fishing industry professionals, corporate and media for the POMA Homer Circle Fishing Communicator Award. The award annually recognizes an exceptional fishing industry journnalist Nominees are not required to be affiliated with any fishing industry or communicator‘s organization. For more information contact: andy.hahn@ or lldovey@ professionaloutdoormedia .org
Shed Hunting Photo & Copyright By Jeff Davis
lishing criteria or ethical standards, but the publication needs to know what they are dealing with. A problem even more vexing than creating images that never existed, is creating images that cannot exist. He had several composite images where the moon was inserted, but the moon was upside down, or a mirror image of itself. If we had published any of those photos it would have been highly embarrassing for us. (The direction of the sunlight was also wrong on all the moon composite images.) He also had a couple of images where he replaced the daytime sky with a field of stars from the night sky. The photos were dramatic and unusual, because they looked like they were shot on the surface of the moon. They may have been nice in a poster or calendar, but not to illustrate a story on how to hunt whitetail deer. In this case the photographer was not trying to fool anyone and did not have any ill intent. He simply found he could do something creative with his existing photos, and that they looked cool. He just tried to make better photos. He never considered the potential negative
impact that printing a faked image could have to his clients. This is a learning process, no one went nuts, and everyone learned something. I‘m not a Luddite, curmudgeon, or always want to keep doing everything like it was done ‗back in the day.‘ Quite the opposite – it surprised me greatly how much better I like digital photography over film, and one of the reasons is that I can do so much more with digital images than I could ever do with film. Photographers need to understand that if they are doing photography for themselves, they can do anything they want. If they are doing photography for someone else, that person or organization needs to be informed of anything out of the ordinary that was done to an image. Simply communicate with the client, find out their requirements and limitations, both technical and aesthetic, and inform them if you are doing anything out of the ordinary. I don‘t want to stifle creativity, but I don‘t want to be embarrassed, either. Simply understand: just because you can do something, doesn‘t mean you should. JD
An Editor’s Tale By Jeff Davis It is very easy for editors to change the words that writers provide, but until recently a photograph was more difficult to change. Now, photo editors can change virtually anything in a photograph, but they often get themselves into trouble. The web site and the blog photoshopdisasters chronicle many of these, and while some are pretty subtle, some of these examples are so bad it boggles the mind how they ever saw print (like the photo of a couple that have five hands, women with no navels, and hands with six fingers). There are a lot of good editors out there,
but there are also more than a few clunkers. However, sometimes even good editors just can‘t help themselves. It reminds me of the old joke about a reporter, a photographer and an editor who were lost in the desert. They walked for miles across the trackless expanse, until they were at the point that they almost accepted their fate. Then, in the distance, they thought they saw something. They walked toward it, and they gradually accepted that it was not a mirage. They got closer and they could see the trees, and finally the water of the oasis. They arrived, and found a pond of fresh, clean water, surrounded by trees heavy with fruit, and a well-used trail on the other side. That meant that rescue would come. They screamed, laughed, and danced, knowing now they would survive. The reporter and photographer lay prone, and drank handful after handful of sweet, cool water. But then they noticed a shadow move over them, and heard a strange sound. They looked to their side, and saw the editor urinating in the pond. ―What are you doing,‖ they screamed. ―Just making it better,‖ said the editor.
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this means the gun fires one round, and only one round with each pull of the trigger. Not a gun that fires constantly as the trigger is held depressed, or until the ammo is exhausted. That‘s Hollywood and about as real as the world of Avatar movie, and professional wrestling! If you want a real auto-loading and auto-firing rifle, shotgun, pistol or machine gun, you better brush up on the 1934 National Firearms Act that severely restricts civilian ownership. To have one as a collector will cost you thousands and thousands of dollars, and piles of paperwork to secure. When U.S. military troops returned to civilian life after WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, and now Iraq and Afghanistan, the vast majority of these combat veterans knew there was NO use for an automatic or machine gun type rifle for hunting and sporting purposes. But as any hunter or shooter will tell you, there is often a need for follow-up shots when competitive shooting or hunting… be it big game, varmints, birds, etc. Hence the popularity of semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns. Learning from history, as a gun or firearm system is introduced to the military, it often again is enhanced, modified and then adopted for civilian use. It‘s as simple as that. My dad is a WWII Navy veteran and often carried a wooden-stocked, .30 caliber M2 carbine with a detachable magazine. And yes the M2 is the fully automatic version of the semi-automatic M1. My dad‘s favorite big game rifle today is a semi-automatic Remington rifle with a wood stock and a detachable magazine. My experience in the military and as a military reporter/journalist was with the M-16. Black synthetic stock, full auto firing or semi auto firing, with a detachable magazine. It fired the 5.56mm Ball cartridge M193. Today, one of my favorite small game and varmint rifles is an AR-15 style rifle. It has a black synthetic stock, fires only in semi auto mode, fires the same 5.56mm Ball cartridge M193… also known as a .223 caliber round, and has a detachable magazine. The point to all of this is, often times returning military men and women will seek out and enjoy shooting/ hunting with a firearm similar to what they were trained to use when serving their country‘s military forces. So is this an Assault Rifle? Not really, and not at all. In the government‘s infinite wisdom in which these types of rifles were banned from 1994 until 2004, as part of the infamous Assault Weapons Ban…. An Assault Weapon was any semi-automatic rifle, with a detachable magazine… that had two or more of the following cos-
metic features: A folding or telescoping stock A pistol grip A bayonet mount A flash suppressor, or threads to attach one A grenade launcher Interestingly enough, none of these features figure into the criminal misuse of firearms, regardless of their appearance. Here are some interesting facts to ponder, that ―shoots a lot of holes‖ in the Anti‘s arguments about these guns being Assault Weapons. Sporting rifles and hunting rifles, be they semi -auto or bolt action, have had detachable magazines for well over 100 years. Federal law requires a rifle or a shotgun to be at least 26 inches in length, regardless of its stock—be that wood, plastic, composite, etc. The AR or AK style rifles or carbines are designed to be fired from the shoulder, and a telescoping stock allows the shooter to adjust the gun‘s length of pull to his or her physique and clothing. An AR or other comparable rifle with a pistoltype grip that is separate from the gun stock really does so out of necessity. The stocks on these types of rifles are higher—relative to the barrel and bore of the gun when compared to other rifle designs. The pistol-type grip is there to hang onto when firing from the shoulder so that you have increased stability and accuracy. Bayonet mounts, while not common on most modern hunting rifles were actually commonplace on military surplus rifles after WWII and even the Korean War. German Mausers and even M1 Garands sported such mounts. A flash suppressor has nothing to do with any rifle being designed as a weapon for terrorists or criminals. What‘s remarkable is the fact that many non-shooters think that a flash suppressor is some sort of silencer. Its not! It simply is a way to disperse some of the fired cartridge gas as it exits the bore of the barrel. Leaving the barrel and being dispersed laterally, rather than horizontally as a long plume does two things for the rifle and shooter. It reduces straight back recoil, and it allows the shooter to more quickly get back on target for better accuracy. Similar gas dispersion systems are available for virtually any conventional rifle as an aftermarket accessory or add on. So while cosmetically these black guns may look similar to their military counterparts, a police officer, William R. McGrath in an article entitled ―An Open Letter to American Politicians,‖ for the Police Marksman Magazine may have said it best, way back in the May/June 1989 (Continued on page 20)
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The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
Page 20
John Nosler: Going Ballistic “
By Gary Lewis
Outdoor Writers who specialize in guns and shooting need this book in their library.
The story of John Nosler’s invention of the “Partition” bullet and his adventures as a sportsman are important parts of the history and lore of shooting sports.
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issue (page 19). ―These [assault rifles] are little different than the semi-automatic hunting rifles that have been on the market since before World War II. The main difference between an assault rifle and a semi-automatic hunting rifle is that the assault rifle looks more ‗military‘… The charge that the assault rifle holds more rounds than a ‗legitimate‘ hunting rifle shows either a lack of knowledge or a deliberate twisting of the facts, as 12, 20 and 30 round magazines for ‗legitimate‘ hunting rifles have been on the market for decades without the world coming to an end.‖ BLACK GUNS TODAY AND TOMORROW One of the questions that has to be asked in light of the overwhelming information about black guns being the future of firearms for a lot of hunters and shooters is…. What‘s next? Back in the early 1980s, I was the Editor for the Guns & Ammo Book Division of Petersen Publishing Company. In those days, we put out special 1-time editions of publications, and found that two of the best sellers were those related to what we (even we as firearm‘s editors) called Assault Rifles and Battle Rifles. However in those days, that terminology did not have the negative connotations that it seems to carry today. And while there were basically only 3 mainstream calibers available in the black gun marketplace (.223, 7.62x39 and .308), I often wondered when and if the firearms industry would finally embrace these rifles and add more to the lineup of calibers and accessories designed for everyone from competitive shooters to hunters. I should have invested in some of those companies. In those days, there were only a handful of black gun manufacturers/importers, accessory makers and only a few dozen accessories to customize these rifles. Today, the black gun ―aficionados‖ are limited only by their imagination in terms of customizing these ―modular sporting rifles,‖ or
black guns for their shooting or hunting needs and style. I recently was at a large regional gun show, and there was a small independent mom & pop stock maker, that was selling a variety of traditional ―black gun‖ rifle stocks…. BUT in almost every color of the rainbow! I asked what had possessed him to come up with red, yellow, baby blue and even hot pink gun stocks; he said simply, ―My wife didn‘t like the black synthetic stock on her rifle, so I made one as a joke. She loved it, so did the local sporting goods store, and now I‘m in business!‖ Accessories for these rifles today, include everything from slings, barrels, jeweled receivers, optical ramps, specialized scopes, high tech sights, recoil reducers, bipods, and even monogram engraved magazines. In the caliber department, you can literally tailor your rifle to whatever you plan on shooting or hunting. Here‘s a short list and usages that represent just some of the calibers and factoryloaded ammunition that‘s now available commercially, in addition to the old favorites: •.204 Ruger—super hot varmint/small game caliber •.6.8 x 43mm SPC II—competitive Special Purpose Cartridge •.243 Winchester—fast small to medium size game caliber •.260 Remington—hunting medium sized game—deer •6.5 Creedmoor— practical shooting competitions •.30-06 Springfield—long time hunting favorite—deer and elk •.338 Federal—hunting round—deer, elk, bear, moose, and African plains game •.375 Ruger—big and dangerous game— Grizzly, lion, water buffalo. 2010 and Beyond So what does the future hold for what many consider to be the new, high-tech, and growing interest for Black Guns? Many shooters and hunters will embrace the new technologies and see that these firearms, like many designs that have preceded them are an evolution of new materials, new designs, new
The Pines Review
and better calibers. A better way to enjoy the shooting sports, hunting, and make a choice for a personal defense firearm. Others will see Black Guns as an evil revolution, designed for war, designed as the weapon of choice for terrorists, criminals, gangs. Certainly something that American gun owners should not own or possess. After all, these are military style Assault Weapons, even if in cosmetics only. In the early 1840s, Colonel Samuel Colt designed, patented, manufactured and sold a gun called the Colt Revolver. Its design was new, radical and would revolutionize the handgun world as it was known then. It effectively replaced the power/reliability of the single shot pistol and gave the owner a great deal more firepower in which to defend himself, shoot
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
and even hunt. What if that technology had been banned to American citizens and gun owners? Would the America we all know, be here today? It‘s a bastardized saying, but Colonel Colt was often attributed to saying…. ―God made man and woman. Colonel Colt made them equal.‖ One hundred and seventy years ago, it‘s fair to say that the 6-shot Revolver was the then, modern time Black Gun. Evil, to some…and a Godsend to others. Blaming any gun for violence, is ignoring the fact that such a crime, always centers around an individual. It‘s like blaming stairs as the cause of falling down them, or the car for the cause of drunk driving. To rational people, it simply makes no sense to blame technology for the actions of irrational people… unless we‘re ready to ban everything.
Sportsman Channel Presents Annual Awards at SHOT Show Las Vegas, NV - Winners of the 2009 Sportsman Choice Awards were announced on January 20, during Sportsman Channel's annual awards ceremony at Lagasse's Stadium in the Venetian Hotel, Las Vegas, during the SHOT Show. The voice of the American Sportsman was heard as viewers logged nearly 25,000 votes during an eight-week period to determine the award winners. Fans narrowed the field from hundreds of eligible shows to just five finalists in nine categories. Winners received a custom-designed crystal award and joined the elite club of Sportsman Choice Award winners. "It was a wonderful evening spent with our program producers and guests during this annual celebration," said Sportsman Sr. Vice President, Todd D Hansen. "It is important for our shows, and their sponsors, to know Sportsman Channel fans voted for them and want to see more of their style of programming." The winners are: Best Hunt Show: Predator Quest - Hosted by Les Johnson, Produced by Master Track Productions Best Shoot Show: Guns and Ammo TV - Hosted by Craig Boddington, Produced by InterMedia Outdoors Best Fish Show: In-Fisherman TV - Hosted by Doug Stange, Produced by InterMedia Outdoors Best Combination Show: MidWest Outdoors Hosted by Gene Laulunen, Produced by MidWest Outdoors Best Show Host: Keith Warren with Best of
Keith Warren's Hunting Adventures - Produced by Outdoor Adventures Best Hunt Clip: Hunting with the Pros - Hosted by Kevin Gross, Produced by Demedia Best Shoot Clip: Hornady's Africa with Craig Boddington and Ivan Carter -Produced by Safari Classics Productions Best Fish Clip: HARDCORE Pursuit - Hosted by Mike Pellitier, Produced by MICON Media Inc. Best New Series: Country Boys Outdoors Hosted by Brad Miller and Jon Brunson, Produced by JBO Production, Inc. Launched in 2003, Sportsman Channel is the only television and digital media company fully devoted to the more than 82 million sportsmen in the United States, delivering the most educational and entertaining hunting, shooting and fishing programming. Acquired by InterMedia Outdoors Holdings in 2006, Sportsman Channel is a part of the nation's largest multimedia company targeted exclusively to serving the information and entertainKevin Gross (L) & Dan Ferris ment needs of outdoors enthusiasts.
Page 21
Kristi Hinton Appointment Aimpoint Inc., has appointed Kristi Elrod Hinton to the position of Marketing Director at Aimpoint Inc. Formerly an Account Supervisor for Aimpoint at JA Integrated Thinking in Nashville, Hinton has worked in support of NASCAR, KFC, International Hunter Education Association, National Bowhunter Education Foundation and most recently supported the Aimpoint brand as the principal at Hinton Consulting. "Kristi Hinton is an outstanding marketing professional" said Brian Lisankie, President of Aimpoint Inc. "She has already had a profound impact on how the market regards Aimpoint products as well as how we support our Dealers, and has shown that she's equally at home in a deer blind as she is in the Board Meetings.‖ Hinton has spearheaded the creative design for Aimpoint's Commercial, Law Enforcement, and Military markets, and managed the highly successful brand building and market education advertising campaigns that Aimpoint has been running during the past four years. A native Tennessean and graduate of the University of Tennessee, Kristi enjoys spending her spare time in the gym, outdoors and being with friends and family. Contact: Kristi Hinton, (703)263-9795 ext 226 or
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1
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Short Fiction
The Old Guide
Jon Wongrey For more than half a century Jon Wongrey has been working as a professional outdoor writer. He began his career as a freelance writer in his homestate of South Carolina in 1968 and that same year was hired by the State Newspaper as a full time outdoor writer. In 1980 Jon returned to fulltime freelancing and since then has sold and had published more than 600 articles and is the author of four books. The two stories, The Old Guide and Steady to Ving and Shoot are excellent examples of two different approaches to the use of dialogue in short outdoor fiction.
By Jon Wongrey
Old Guide. His ear to the phone. A half-smoked cigarette long in gray ash pasted to his winter-parched lips rises and falls as he talks. His face like dried cracked leather. His forehead plowed with deep-seated canals and ragged ridges. Worn hazel eyes set deep in antique sockets. Hair as white as the frosted chin of his Black lab curled wreath-like beside his right leg. Their sun on the western rim. ―Too bad yesterday‘s weather didn‘t hold, Mr. Simpson. Why I know a place where we could‘ve gotten the limit of greenheads afore mid-mornin.‘‖ ―Sir? No, sir. I ain‘t pushin‘ the truth. ―Call Bob Duffy and Jack Edmonds. They‘ll fer sure tell you the Old Guide fixed ‗em up right yesterday. ―Light barely rolled in from the east when they splashed their limit of greenheads. Not a single hen in the bunch. Big drakes layered with yellow fat. Never seen such fat.‖ ―Sir? The words frum my mouth are pure gospel. ―Right hand on the family Bible. ―Old Guide could lead a choir. That he could. ―Yes, sir, I believe Friday mornin‘ would be a fit time to shoot sum ducks. Clem Evans over at Cherokee Point said a big flight of pintails had come into his section of the marsh. ―I know you like those sassy mallards, but you wouldn‘t have a problem getting‘ a couple of handsome bull sprigs….now would you, Mr. Simpson? ―Didn‘t think so. The Old Guide loves the cut of a pintail‘s bowed wings. Sounds ‗most like a properly tuned violin. ―So Friday is a go? Sounds good. ―I‘ll meet you at the landing ‗bout an hour afore daylight. I‘ll put the decoys out the afternoon afore the hunt an‘ freshen up the blind nice an‘ tidy fer you. ―Old Guide will put their tails right over the decoys. All you got to do is stand an‘ shoot.‖ ―Sir? It‘ll be fine iffen you bring yore dog. Mine‘s, ‗most like me, has seen her day. Down bad with the joint misery. ―Don‘t mean she don‘t want to go. ―Tail starts a thumpin‘ an‘ her breathing gits labored when I start for the door gun in hand. Looks up at me with those mountainous brown eyes an‘ sumtimes I think I see a tear or two. ―Puts a terrible hurtin‘ in my chest when I leave her. ―You know, she sleeps with me. Curls right atop my pillowed head. ―Sum folks say you shouldn‘t sleep with a dog. Say it ain‘t natural. Maybe so. ―Do know I won‘t much care for Heaven iffen it ain‘t got dogs.
―Sorry fer getting a bit side-tracked, Mr. Simpson. Now ‗bout Friday. Did I say meet me ‗bout an hour afore daylight? Did, did I? ―You‘ll jest have to excuse the Old Guide. Won‘t be long afore he‘s droolin.‘ Gums are already settin‘ at low tide. ―I got a nice young buck last Tuesday. Think I‘ll bring along sum deer steaks. Seasoned ‗em jest right, flour them down, brown ‗em up an‘ cook ‗em slow in a nice gravy. Be mighty nourishin‘ if day comes raw an‘ cold. ―Yes, sir, Mr. Simpson, we gonna have ourselves a fine time.‖ ―What‘s that, Mr. Simpson? You ‗fraid they might leave afore you come. ―Don‘t go worryin‘ yore head, Mr. Simpson. Old Guide knows how to keep a duck. ―Yes, sir, it‘ll be legal. Ain‘t no need to fret none ‗bout the law. Old Guide is on the up an‘ up. ―See you Friday, Mr. Simpson. An‘ have a good day, sir. Yes, sir, I‘ll also have a good day.‖ Old Guide. His ear to the phone. A half-smoked cigarette long in gray ash pasted to his winter-parched lips falls and rises as he talks. ―Yes, sir, Mr. Rutherford. I got room fer you an‘ yore boy Tommy next weekend. (Continued on page 41)
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 23
Short Fiction
Steady To Ving And Shoot
By Jon Wongrey
His name was Horst Hoffmayer and he was born in Oberammergau, Germany, a town in an alpine valley in the Bavarian Alps, and he immigrated with his family in 1925 to settle in Sumter, South Carolina. Here, they operated a bakery on Main Street. Horst was then a boy of 12 years of age. But the making of bread, pies, cakes and an assortment of cookies was not his calling--he thoroughly detested the work and the confinement. Of course, I was not yet born, and it would be many years before I would meet Horst, whose once wavy black hair had turned gray. Horst became a bird dog trainer, for Sumter, a small town, that was then green grass for bird dogs, trainers and bird hunters. The bobwhite quail, a small, princely brown bird on stubby wings, reined supreme. Years of riding horses behind the dogs searching for the birds had left him quite bow-legged. It was also Horst who would help me train my first bird dog and who also gave me my first taste of schnapps, a repugnant drink he brewed. Horst often reminisced about his partial childhood in Germany, picking wild mushrooms in the mountains and fishing for trout in the cold alpine streams. He was also well known for his descriptive stories when he mellowed from alcohol, which kept his cheeks and nose a constant rosy red. And, he never quite rid himself of the thick, guttural, German accent that colored his speech that made his stories entertaining and memorable Horst was a genuinely nice man and always said he was this way because he never married. ―All I ever vanted vuz a goot dog and a goot schnapps. I haf both.‖ He stayed busy with work, but his ambitions never matched his talent. His dream in life was to work the high stake trials but this was never more than a will-o-the-whisp. As I said earlier, Horst‘s great talent was not in training bird dogs, but in telling a story. One afternoon I drove to his modest wood home with chipped white paint that was tucked into a grove of live oaks spangled with Spanish moss. It was autumn and the trees were scarlet and in the long shadows a dozen or so dogs, all English pointers, clamored as I drove up and parked in front of his house. Horst‘s green, somewhat rusted, pickup truck, was not in the yard, but the afternoon was getting late and I knew that he was out working a dog or dogs. I waited. After ten minutes of listening to the wind in the leaves I saw his pick-up coming down the road. A thin trail of blue smoke was rolling from the tail pipe. He waved as he got out of the truck and let the dogs jump from the travel kennels then he put them into their boarding kennels. The last golden light of late afternoon had vanished when we walked into his house. There, in the dim light, he offered me a glass of schnapps. I accepted the glass, but did so reluctantly and sipped at it even more so. Horst drained his glass quickly and poured himself another before settling himself in a worn easy chair. We talked about the dogs he had worked that day and he said that he had one female, a two-year-old lemon and white English pointer, named Annie, that was showing
promise. ―Yah, fer sure, Annie vill be a great dog.‖ Then he poured himself another drink and offered to fill my glass but I shook my head no. Suddenly, Horst stood, as was his manner when he was preparing himself to tell a story, moved his shoulders forward until his back cracked and then lacing his sun-browned fingers together, he snapped them, and returned to his chair. He asked me had he ever told me the story about his much beloved English pointer named Kaiser Wilhelm. I said, ―No.‖ ―Den, I vill tell you. Kaiser vuz de best dog ever. Yah, fer sure. A powerful pointer. But you haf to vatch ‗im very glose or else he vill schlipp avay from you, yah, fer sure.‖ Horst stopped, got up and poured another glass of his home brew. ―Yah, he vuz de best. Steady to ving and shoot before he vuz six months of age. Also, he vud never break point…not even if he died.‖ As he talked his accent was adding an emphasis to the story which caused me to listen more closely. ―I vuz hunting ‗im on strange property dat I haf never before been hunting. A big tract of land. By mid-morning I haf ten birds in my game sack. ―I vatched as he picked up fresh scent. Continued on next page
New Orion ED Orion, the national organization promoting hunter ethics, recently announced the appointment of Eric Nuse as executive director . Nuse a 33 year veteran with the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Dept. was the game warden for Lamoille County and State hunter Education
training coordinator. He is also the former executive vice president of the International Hunter Education Association. Nuse became Orion‘s president in 2009. Jim Posewitz, Orion‘s founder, notes that Nuse‘s experience and personal commitment to hunting places him in an excellent position to take Orion from start-up into strong national organization to help educate hunters and hunting find their course in the 21st century. The organization is also moving its business office to Vermont. Orion is best known for its strong stance on ethical hunting and promoting the value of North American's hunting heritage. Contact at: 802-730-8111, or visit http:// Eric Nuse, or Jim Posewitz
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“Den, I vill tell you. Kaiser vuz de best dog ever. Yah, fer sure. A powerful pointer. But you have to vatch ‘im very glose or else he vill schlipp away from you, yah, fer sure.”
His big black nostrils vuz flared like he vuz a vaccum cleaner ven he schlipped ever so carefully into a strawfield. I valked into dat field expecting to see ‗im on point. I could not fount ‘im.‖ Horst was up and waving his arms. ―I blew my vistle! I yelled! Maybe he fell into a vell! I vuz most crazy. I searched through the rest of the day and through the night with my flashlight. I searched everyday fer a month. Nein Kaiser. I put up posters and advertised in das newspaper. Vut else could I do. After six months I gif up. But my dreams never quit.‖ Then Horst sat down like the old man he had become. Tears began to slip from his once blue, now graying eyes. My eyes, too began to mist. He wiped away the tears with the back of his rough hands and asked, ―Vud you like to haf anudder glass of schnapps?‖ I felt sorry for him and said yes. He smiled and refilled my glass. ―Did you ever learn what happened to Kaiser?‖ I asked. ―Vell, I said dat I vud never haf an-
the land. She did not range far like Kaiser but still I kept glose eyes on her. ―She found three coveys in about an hour and den a covey flushed wild. I gif dem time to settle and so vee sat beneath some pine trees to gif dem time to put off strong scent. Yah, dat is vut vee did. ―It didn‘t take Goldie‘s nostrils long to tremble vit ordor. She vent through a soybean field dat met with a strawfield just like Kaiser did. I vent in after Goldie expecting to fount her on point. I could not fount her. Yah, I began to panic. Dis could not possible happen again. I yelled and blew de vistle. Vut haf I done so terrible? I hunt fer most three hours and den I see her white hind end sticking out of a briar patch along das edge of a swamp. I haf fount her! I haf fount my Goldie! ―I am running very fast now and my heart is pounding. All de time I am vatching her very glosely. She do not move. I take a deep breath and begin to make my vay past her to flush das birds. I valk maybe twenty yards and nein birds haf flushed. ―She is very young and maybe haf made a mistake. Yah, dis is vat I thought. But I valk forward maybe anudder fifteen yards and before me in the thicket is something I haf never before seen. Mein eyes must be fooling me. I haf never seen such a thing. Not in mein life.‖ Horst stopped and began rubbing his hands. ―Well, what did you see?‖ I asked. ―It vuz a skeleton.‖ ―A skeleton? Like a man?‖ ―Nein. It vuz a dog.‖ ―A dog!‖ other personal dog, but vud only train dogs for ―Ya, but not just a dog. It vuz Kaiser udder peoples. Den about six months later, I and he vuz still on point.‖ came across a young female English pointer ―Are you saying that Goldie was backpuppy dat stole my heart like Kaiser did ven he ing a skeleton and that skeleton was Kaiser and vuz a puppy. Yah, fer sure, she vuz smart but he was still standing?‖ I thought the warmth of not smart like Kaiser. But at age nine months the schnapps had muddled my mind. she vuz steady to ving and shoot. I named her ―Yah, dat is vut I‘m saying.‖ Goldie. ―Do you expect me to believe this?‖ ―One morning I decided dat I vud take ―Dat is not all. In front of Kaiser‘s her to vere I haf hunted Kaiser. The land was skeleton not ten yards away vuz twelve bobvite plentiful with quail and it vud be goot fer skeletons. Yah, I told you dat he vud never Goldie. Yah, I vuz nervous about taking her. break point. He vuz de best ever trained steady But I decided to take her to a different place on to ving and shoot. ―
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 25
Book Reviews
Setting a Course For The Future
Paint the Next Sunrise By Mark Strand First Edition 2009, Softback, B&W photos, 62 pages. Price: $12.95 Beaver‟s Pond Press, Inc., 7104 Ohms Lane, Suite 101 Edina, MN 55439-8818 Phone: 800-901-3480 After more than three decades as an outdoor writer and photographer Mark Strand has turned his attention to the future of the outdoor sports that gave him his vocation and avocation. Strand has written a small book in which he delves into the problem of declining participation in the outdoor sports and then offers what he believes is a solution to the problem. Strand‘s approach to the problem is to take his experiences as both a communicator and outdoorsman and try to understand what the problems are that are besetting the outdoor sports. He then presents that information to the reader in an easy to grasp style that he hopes will motivate the reader to do something about the future. He does this by presenting the factual information about the outdoor sports‘ problems without resorting to charts, graphs and pages of text sprinkled with massive doses of professional researcher jargon. That accomplished he explains how he believes the participation crisis can be resolved. The news that the number of participants in the outdoor sports is declining is not new, Strand admits that fact, but what he feels is missing is a grassroots directed campaign to reverse the trend
that has been crippling the outdoor sports since the mid-70s. Reversing the trend is the focus of most of the book and he offers the solution that what is needed is ―an elementary school for the outdoor sports.‖ He believes that if a greater emphasis was placed on providing newcomers and potential newcomers with a one-stop place where they can learn about the outdoor sports then it would be possible to turn many more non-participants into participants. Near the end of his book he writes, ―To save our sports, we have to create the help beginners—and mentors—need, to fuel their ongoing adventures, by demystifying the secrets to being successful. Success can become the norm, for most participants‖ (52). Strand‘s advocacy for the future frequently flies in the face of established norms. He also believes that rather than struggling against technology the solution is to embrace technology and use it to advantage and he‘s taken the first step by establishing an online program, School of Outdoor Sports at Mark Strand is doing more than talking about problems; Paint The Next Sunrise is about his dream for the future of the sports that defined his life. It‘s a worthwhile read in an age of naysayers. (Continued on page 26)
Jim Casada Books Award-winning author Jim Casada has completed his tribute to the finest wild trout fishing east of the Rockies—Fly Fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. All 448 pages are packed with the information that will inspire even the novice angler to fish the streams of America’s most popular park. A reader’s bonus however, is the incredible amount of history, human and natural, that is woven into the tapestry of the book, making it a pleasure to read and information filled. Softbound: #24.95 Hardbound: $37.95. $5.00 P& H Ea. Book Other Titles Available The Lost Classics of Robert Ruark $35.00 and Ruark Remembered $40.00 Contact: Jim Casada Books, 1250 Yorkdale Dr., Rock Hill, SC 29730-7638 Ph. 803-329-4354, Fax 803-329-2420.
“To save our sports, we have to create the help beginners—and mentors—need, to fuel their ongoing adventures. . . .”
Book Reviewers The Pines Review welcomes book review contributions. Reviews must be for books that have been released no more than six months previously or will be released within three months of The Review‘s issue date. Contact the editor before submitting a review. Book review assignments are not made to PR contributors. Critical studies of older books or the works of authors are considered for assignment and are not published as book reviews. Qualifications for critical work must be included in query. Self-published books, whether Print On Demand or bulk printing, are given same review consideration as all other books submitted for review. All books submitted for review become the property of Pen on Page, Ink or the reviewer and cannot be returned. Publishers should send books for review to: The Pines Review PO Box 31 Finley, ND 58230. For more information contact the editor by email: editorpinesreview
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Other Releases ALONG THE HUNTER'S PATH by Kai-Uwe Denker 1st English edition 2006 Namibia, 506 pages, color illustrations, Price $120.00 Postage US $13.00, Foreign $33.00 Trophy Room Books, Box 3041, Agoura, CA 91301, USA. "I'm a hunter," Denker opens his book, "Not a trophy collector...a hunter, possessed by an inscrutable instinctive passion for the chase and inspired by the striving for fair chase." Denker was born in Namibia in 1961 and has grown up hunting both for himself and professionally. Today he is one of Africa‘s most respected PHs, known for being tough enough to hunt hard for well above average trophies. His book was written in an attempt to "evoke an understanding for a passion which is nothing more than an ancient instinct from a time when man was still in accord with nature."
Hunting The American West By Richard C. Rattenbury 1st Edition 2008, 396 pages, indexed, color and black & white photographs. Price $49.95 (nonmembers) Boone and Crockett Club, 250 Station Drive, Missoula, Montana 59801. A richly illustrated, narrative history of big-game hunting in the nineteenth-century American West. The engaging narrative draws extensively on the writings of original participants and observers of the subject and, along with an abundance of pictorial material, affords unusual insight into the diverse methods and motives for hunting big game in the Old West. No other work on the subject as convincingly conveys the feeling and character of the hunt in its various eras and styles, or its profound consequences.
I‘m still banging out magazine and website articles, though my laptop makes the job much easier than the clunky old typewriter I declines in hunter participation and even divisions within our started out with. own ranks. It was clear these problems were complex and reI am also involved in a marketing communications project quired people working together on many levels. I wanted to do with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and my part and began helping my co-workers introduce women to partners such as Mile Creek Communications, Responsive Manhunting and fishing by promoting and hosting Becoming an Out- agement and Southwick Associates. We‘ve conducted focus doors-Woman events and teaching hunter education classes. groups plus a telephone survey to better understand why some In 1997, I became involved with hunting issues on a national hunters don‘t buy a license every year. We‘ll use this information level by accepting the opportunity to head up efforts to build the to develop communications messages aimed at bringing VirNational Wild Turkey Federation‘s communications department. ginia‘s lapsed hunters back into the fold. While there was more than enough to keep me occupied in helpI hope we‘ll work with other states to enhance their marketing ing launch magazines, TV shows, websites and PR campaigns, I communications because the days of expecting the customer to was thrilled to be involved in hunter recruitment and retention show up and buy a license are behind us. People have more recefforts such as Families Afield. This program, conducted by the reational choices than ever before so we must become more soNWTF, National Shooting Sports Foundation and the U.S. phisticated in motivating people to spend their free time afield. Sportsmen‘s Alliance, helped remove barriers that prevented My true passion as a freelance writer is telling other people‘s adult sportsmen and women from introducing young people and stories and my dream is to take that passion to the next level with novices to hunting. In addition, NWTF‘s Women in the Outdoors a powerful book filled with these stories. And, because I enjoy program allowed me to become part of a bigger movement to sharing my experiences and knowledge of hunting heritage isengage women in hunting, fishing, target shooting, camping, hik- sues, I want to add more speaking engagements to my schedule. ing, canoeing and more. Today I‘m able to work on many fronts to uphold our outdoor Contact Tammy at: traditions through my company, Tammy Sapp Communications. I love the variety of ways I can make a difference. By editing the Find me on the web at: Enewsletter, Women‟s Outdoor Wire (see web address under con- tact information), I reach out to more than 50,000 subscribers or Twitter each week, providing tips, event information and raising aware@TammyDianeSapp. My blog is available at ness of the many amazing women in this industry. In addition, Tammy Sapp (Continued from page 6)
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Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 27
Winners (Continued from page 15)
gust 2008 3rd. Tom Stienstra, ―Power of Place,‖ San Francisco Chronicle, July 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category None awarded; insufficient entries Big Game Hunting (Sponsored by The Outdoor Channel) Art/Photo Category 1st Joe Byers, ―Bucks of February,‖ Heartland USA, January/ February 2008 2nd Tim Christie, ―To catch my breath,‖ American Hunter, November 2008 3rd Tim Christie, ―A lunch for the memory books,‖ Montana Outdoors, March/April 2008 Magazine Category 1st Edward Nickens, ―My boy Jack,‖ Field & Stream, October 2008 2nd Chris Madson, ―Hunting with a camera,‖ Wyoming Wildlife magazine, February 2008 3rd Lawrence Pyne, ―Hunting season is harvest time in Vermont,‖ The Burlington Free Press, Sept. 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Brent Frazee, ―Ultimate antlers,‖ The Kansas City Star, October 2008 2nd Steve Pollick, ―Bowhunter shares lesson in ethics,‖ The Blade (Toledo), Sept. 2008 3rd P.J. Reilly, ―Keeping their heads together,‖ Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, Pa.), June 2008 Radio/Audio Category 1st Dan Small, ―Kim‘s first deer,‖ Dan Small‟s Outdoor Radio Network 2nd Ty Stockton, ―Finally got to hunt,‖ Coyboy State News Network 3rd Jim Ferguson, ―Monster Wyoming whitetail,‖ Outdoor Trails Network TV/Video Category 1st Donald ―Babe‖ ―Deer of different breeds,‖ KAAL, Versus 2nd Donald ―Babe‖ Winkelman, ―Iowa whitetail,‖ KAAL, Versus 3rd Dave Carlson, ―Bustin‘ brush and barriers,‖ Northland Adventures Boating/Paddlesports Art/Photo Category 1st Rich Landers, ―Go with the flow,‖ The Spokesman-Review (Spokane Wa.), May 2008 2nd Rich Landers, ―Killer deal,‖ The Spokesman-Review (Spokane Wa.), Sept. 2008 3rd W.H. ―Chip‖ Gross, ―Wet and wild!‖ Country Living magazine, May 2008 Magazine Category 1st Terry Sheely, ―Whitewater wild,‖ Alaska Airline magazine, May 2008 2nd Kirk Deeter, ―Float tube freedom,‖ Field & Stream, August 2008 3rd Ryck Lydecker, ―Sailing without sight,‖ BoatU.S. Magazine,
November 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Will Leschper, ―Don‘t forget to bring your kayak,‖ Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, August 2nd Terry Tomalin, ―Brimming with history,‖ St. Petersburg Times, June 2008 3rd Rich Landers, Spokane, Wa., ―Killer deal,‖ The SpokesmanReview (Spokane, Wa.), September 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category 1st Bill Sherck, ―Mad Island Kayaks,‖ Due North Outdoors – Fox Sports North 2nd Ron Schara, ―Big Fork Float,‖ Minnesota Bound on KARETV 3rd Ron Schara, ―Falls flyer,‖ Minnesota Bound on KARE-TV Camping/Backpacking/Outdoor Recreation Travel/Biking/ Climbing (Sponsored by Coleman) Art/Photo Category 1st Rich Landers, ―Out in the cold,‖ The Spokesman Review (Spokane, Wa.), February 2008 2nd Tom Stienstra, ―Mount Shasta, where heaven and earth meet,‖ San Francisco Chronicle, November 2008 3rd Bill Vanderford, Lawrenceville, Ga., ―The English Harbor and Nelson‘s Dockyard,‖ Forsyth Country News, March 2008 Magazine Category 1st Ellen Horowitz, ―When nature calls,‖ Women in the Outdoors, Summer 2008 2nd Lee Allen, ―Cast iron really works!‖ Desert Leaf magazine, June 2008 3rd Craig Springer, ―The sport of snowshoeing,‖ Enchantment magazine, December 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Mark Taylor, ―The smell of the trail,‖ The Roanoke Time, June 2008 2nd Steve Griffin, ―It‘s Different Up North,‖ Midland (Mich.) Daily News, September 2008 3rd Brett Prettyman, ―Upward shift,‖ Salt Lake Tribune, January 2008 Radio/Audio Category 1st Tom Stienstra, ―Bridging the family gap,‖ KCBS-740 AM/San Francisco 2nd Jim Ferguson, ―Hiking the Appalachian Trail,‖ Outdoor Trails Network 3rd Judy Nugent, ―Wilderness Adventure with the Wild Institute,‖ Outdoors With Dan Small & Judy Nugent TV/Video Category 1st Ron Schara, ―Black Canyon,‖ Minnesota Bound on KARETV 2nd Jack Abrams, ―Catalina walleye,‖ Milwaukee Public Television 3rd Bill Sherck, ―Mississippi River Water Dream,‖ Due North Outdoors-Fox Sports North Conservation/Environment (Sponsored by Trout Unlimited and the National Wildlife Federation) Art/Photo Category (Continued on page 28)
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Winners (Continued from page 27)
1st Tim Christie, ―Waiting out the storm,‖ Wyoming Wildlife magazine, February 2008 2nd Gary Kramer, ―American wigeon courtship flight,‖ American Wildlife Waterfowl Calendar, 2008 3rd Tim Christie, ―The big picture of conservation,‖ The Nature Conservancy of Idaho Annual Report, Fall 2008 Magazine Category 1st Edward Nickens, ―Cry from the North,‖ Field & Stream, June 2008 2nd Kirk Deeter, ―Salmon roulette,‖ Field & Stream, March 2008 3rd Edward Nickens, ―Savage Garden,‖ Audubon, March-April 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Mark Freeman, ―Unlocking a mystery,‖ Medford (Ore.) Mail Tribune, April 2008 2nd Shauna Stephenson, ―For a sportsman, it‘s a tough place to be,‖ Wyoming Tribune Eagle, September 2008 3rd Rich Landers, ―Relief from a checkered past,‖ The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Wa.) March 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category 1st Ron Schara, ―Saving Minnesota,‖ Minnesota Bound on KARE-TV 2nd Bill Sherck, ―Meyer Prairie,‖ Minnesota Bound/NBC 3rd Donald ―Babe‖ Winkelman, ―Goose chase for spring snows,‖ KAAL, Versus, KNLC-TV24 Family Participation/Youth Outdoor Education (Sponsored by Realtree) Art/Photo Category 1st Tim Christie, ―A lunch for the memory books,‖ Montana Outdoors, March/April 2008 2nd Gary Kramer, ―Lady duck hunters of Ward Lake,‖ Women in the Outdoors, Winter 2008 3rd Tim Christie, ―A walk for the ages,‖ NRA Insight Magazine, November 2008 Magazine Category 1st Terry Sheely, ―Whitewater wild,‖ Alaska Airline magazine, May 2008 2nd Edward Nickens, ―My boy Jack,‖ Field & Stream, October 2008 3rd Charles Willey, ―The boy and the bittern,‖ New Hampshire Fish & Game Department Wildlife Journal, May/June 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Lawrence Pyne, ―Youth hunts fun for adults, too,‖ Burlington Free Press, June 2009 2nd Mike Zlotnicki, ―Kids on the range,‖ The (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer, October 2008 3rd Rich Landers, ―Family game,‖ The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Wa.), November 2008 Radio/Audio Category 1st Chris Slemp, ―Hunter ed 101,‖ West Virginia Outdoors 2nd Chris Slemp, ―Savannah‘s bear adventure,‖ West Virginia Outdoors 3rd Peter St. James, ―Squirrel hunt,‖ WTPL-FM – 107.1/107.1
Conford, N.H. TV/Video Category 1st Donald ―Babe‖ ―Tribute to Dad Crappie,‖ Cable Sports Southeast 2nd Ron Schara, ―Fishing Daughters Club,‖ Minnesota Bound on KARE-TV 3rd Ron Schara, ―Turkey mentor,‖ Minnesota Bound on KARETV Fishing Art/Photo Category 1st Bill Lindner, ―Landlocked and stocked-striped bass release,‖ Arkansas Wildlife, March/April 2008 2nd Bill Lindner, ―Sunfish and popper,‖ Arkansas Wildlife, May/ June 2008 3rd Doug Stamm, ―Any second now!‖ Wisconsin Outdoor Journal, August 2008 Magazine Category 1st Edward Nickens, ―1,000 miles of panfish,‖ Field & Stream, March 2008 2nd Doug Olander, ―Short-Attention-Span Anglers,‖ Sport Fishing, August 2008 3rd Scott Stouder, ―Hope keeps us fishing,‖ Salmon and steelhead Journal, Winter 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Mike Zlotnicki, ―Ultimate catch-and-release,‖ The (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer, December 2008 2nd Bob Frye, ―Flatheads prey on whatever gets in their way,‖ Tribune-Review (Pittsburgh, Pa.), August 2008 3rd Steve Pollick, ―Antique tackle in vogue for Michigan man,‖ The Blade (Toledo), September 2008 Radio/Audio Category 1st Chris Slemp, ―Record perch,‖ West Virginia Outdoors 2nd Chris Slemp, ―Fishing wild & wonderful,‖ West Virginia Outdoors 3rd Judy Nugent, ―Sturgeon spearing with Ron Bruch,‖ Outdoors with Dan Small & Judy Nugent TV/Video Category 1st Donald ―Babe‖ Winkelman, ―Amazon peacocks,‖ Versus 2nd Bill Sherck, ―Billy Sandifer,‖ Legends of Rod & Reel – The Outdoor Channel 3rd Ron Schara, ―Taylor Streit,‖ The Outdoor Channel Humor Contest Art/Photo Category None awarded; insufficient entries Magazine Category 1st Bruce Cochran, ―Just one of the guys,‖ Wildfowl magazine, September 2008 2nd Ron St. Germain, ―Seasoned veteran fisherman can‘t teach his wife a thing,‖ Woods-N-Water News magazine, November 2008 3rd Bruce Cochran, ―Boil it with Bubba,‖ Pheasants Forever Journal, Fall preview 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Marc Folco, ―Time to roll back the clock this year,‖ The Standard Times, December 2008 2nd Tom Tatum, ―Agency creates a high-tech hybrid ‗Sqeer‘‖ Daily Local News (West Chester, Pa.), April 2008
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3rd Mark Taylor, ―Johnboat buoyant, but not writer,‖ The Roanoke Times, August 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category 1st Karen Loke, ―Eggsotic collection,‖ News 8 Austin 2nd Bill Sherck, ―The carpfather,‖ Legends of Rod N Reel, The Outdoor Channel 3rd Bill Sherck, ―The muskie lure maker,‖ Minnesota BoundNBC Natural History Art/Photo Category 1st Gary Kramer, ―Blizzard of snows,‖ American Wildlife Waterfowl Calendar, 2008 2nd Charles Willey, ―The elusive bittern,‖ N.H. Fish and Game Department Wildlife Journal May/June 2008 3rd Charles Willey, ―Casting a shadow,‖ N.H. Fish and Game Department Wildlife Journal May/June 2008 Magazine Category 1st Ellen Horowitz, ―Hunting the elusive orchidaceae,‖ Montana Outdoors, July/August 2008 2nd Edward Nickens, ―There goes the neighborhood,‖ Audubon, November-December 2008 3rd Edward Nickens, ―Savage Garden,‖ March/April 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Steve Pollick, ―The flying dragon,‖ The Blade (Toledo), August 2008 2nd Mark Freeman, ―Den diving,‖ 3rd Art Weber, ―Love songs,‖ The Mirror newspaper, April 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category 1st Carol Lynde, ―Fossil Creek renovation,‖ KAET-TV Tempe/ Phoenix, Ariz. 2nd Bill Sherck, ―Meyer Prairie,‖ Minnesota Bound-MBC 3rd Dave Carlson, ―Dancing with mayflies,‖ Northland Adventures Outdoor Ethics/Take Pride in America Art/Photo Category None awarded; insufficient entries Magazine Category 1st Kirk Deeter, ―The road not traveled,‖ Trout magazine, Fall 2008 2nd Jason Jenkins, ―River Relief: Removing citizens helps one group reconnect citizens with Missouri‘s rivers,‖ Rural Missouri, April 2008 3rd Jeff Williams, ―Blenders, sweaters and ties,‖ Arkansas Wildlife, November 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Kris Millgate, ―Refuge refugees,‖ (Idaho Falls) Post Register, April 2008 2nd Shauna Stephenson, ―‗Drill, baby, drill‘ is not just a popularity contest,‖ Wyoming Tribune Eagle, November 2008 3rd Mike Zlotnicki, ―Ultimate catch-and-release,‖ The (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer, December 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries
TV/Video Category 1st Ron Schara, ―Art Engelbrect,‖ Minnesota Bound 2nd Carol Lynde, ―National Trails Day,‖ Arizona Public Media‟s University of Ariz. Channel 3rd Bill Sherck, ―Woodcock banding,‖ Minnesota Bound-NBC Outdoor-Related Essays Art/Photo Category None awarded; insufficient entries Magazine Category 1st Terry Sheely, ―Downstreaming from Twickenham,‖ Gray‟s Sporting Journal, May/June 2008 2nd Ben Moyer, ―Woods down yonder,‖ Gray‟s Sporting Journal, January 2008 3rd Doug Stamm, ―$800 Fish Dinner,‖ Cabela‟s Outfitter Journal, April 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Tom Stienstra, ―A pal‘s ashes,‖ San Francisco Chronicle, June 2008 2nd Mike Zlotnicki, ―A doggone good fishing trip,‖ The (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer, November 2008 3rd Brett Prettyman, ―Yellowstone rebirth,‖ Salt Lake Tribune, 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category None awarded; insufficient entries Shooting Sports (Sponsored by Ducks Unlimited) Art/Photo Category 1st Gary Kramer, ―Goose hunting in Patagonia,‖ Gray‟s Sporting Journal, Nov./Dec. 2008 2nd Tim Christie, ―A day at the range,‖ Sightron catalog, 2008 3rd Tim Christie, ―A lunch for the memory books,‖ Montana Outdoors, March/April 2008 Magazine Category 1st Tom Davenport, ―Clean ride,‖ Idaho Magazine, November 2008 2nd Larry Stone, ―History of the shotgun,‖ Pheasants Forever, Fall Preview 2008 3rd Ty Stockton, ―Taking a couple of rookies to the field,‖ Wyoming Wildlife, December 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Will Elliott, ―Pistol instructor is a straight shooter,‖ Buffalo News, September 2008 2nd Mike Zlotnicki, ―Hotshot girls aim high,‖ The (Raleigh, N.C.) News & Observer, July 2008 3rd Alex Webb, ―A new dimension,‖ The News & Observer (Raleigh, N.C.), March 2008 Radio/Audio Category 1st Dan Small, ―Straight talk on tactical rifles,‖ Dan Small Outdoors Radio Network 2nd Judy Nugent, ―State champs,‖ Outdoors with Dan Small & Judy Nugent 3rd Ty Stockton, ―.22 shooting,‖ Cowboy State News Network TV/Video Category 1st Karen Loke, ―Shooting for success,‖ News 8 Austin 2nd Karen Loke, ―Archery in schools,‖ News 8 Austin (Continued on page 30)
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Winners (Continued from page 29)
3rd Gary Schafer, ―SCTP-Junior Olympic Camp,‖ KAET TV8 Small Game Hunting Art/Photo Category 1st P.J. Reilly, ―Hunters soon to be in fowl mood,‖ Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, Pa.), 2nd P.J. Reilly, ―Getting the jump on Hanna,‖ Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, Pa.), September 2008 3rd Gary Kramer, ―Tundra snows over the decoys at dawn,‖ Under Wild Skies, Summer 2008, August, 2008 Magazine Category 1st Kris Thoemke, ―Down by the seashore,‖ Turkey Call, July/ August 2008 2nd Edward Nickens, ―Deep in the Heart of Roosterland,‖ Field & Stream, August 2008 3rd Dave Books, ―Second Chances,‖ Ducks magazine, Nov./Dec. 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Megan Parker, ―Championship improves hunt,‖ The Country Today, May 2008 2nd Brent Frazee, ―A taste for turkey,‖ The Kansas City Star, October 2008 3rd Will Leschper, ―Dove season primer,‖ Lubbock AvalanceJournal, August 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category 1st Bill Sherck, ―Woodcock camp,‖ Minnesota Bound-NBC 2nd Ron Schara, ―Camp David,‖ Minnesota Bound 3rd Dave Carlson, ―Clinging to the edge,‖ Northland Adventures Sportsman’s Boating Safety Contest None awarded; insufficient entries Technical Contest Art/Photo Category None awarded; insufficient entries Magazine Category 1st Doug Olander, ―Masters of metal,‖ Sport Fishing, October 2008 2nd Mary Nickum, ―Finfish Aquaculture Biosecurity: Part 2, The farm level,‖ Aquaculture magazine, March/April 2008 3rd Joe Byers, ―Slug supreme,‖ Heartland USA, November/ December 2008 Newspaper Category 1st John Tertuliani, ―Cranking up smallmouths,‖ Fur-Fish-Game, May 2008 2nd John McCoy, ―Eyes in the sky,‖ Charleston Gazette-Mail, January 2008 3rd Mike Zlotnicki, ―His calling,‖ The (Raeigh, N.C.) News & Observer, February 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category 1st Dave Carlson, ―A season to burn,‖ Northland Adventures 2nd Bill Sherck, ―The father of ice fishing,‖ Legends of Rod N Reel – The Outdoor Channel 3rd Ron Schara, Minneapolis, Minn., ―Thinsulate-warm ways,‖
Minnesota Bound Value of Wilderness to the Outdoor Experience (Sponsored by the Wilderness Society) Art/Photo Category 1st Bill Vanderford, ―Poling a canoe through the Okefenokee Swamp,‖ Lakeside on Lanier, June 2008 2nd Tim Christie, ―Memories of hunting camp,‖ Sightron catalog, 2008 3rd Tom Stienstra, ―Mount Shasta, where heaven and earth meet,‖ San Francisco Chronicle, November 2008 Magazine Category 1st Jack Ballard, Billings, Mont., ―Into the wild,‖ Petersen‟s Hunting, May 2008 2nd Chris Madson, ―Elk season,‖ Wyoming Wildlife, September 2008 3rd Chris Madson, ―Seeing the elephant, hearing the owl,‖ Wyoming Wildlife, April 2008 Newspaper Category 1st Tom Stienstra, ―Power of place,‖ San Francisco Chronicle, July 2008 2nd Mark Taylor, ―Wilderness reward,‖ The Roanoke Times, December 2008 3rd Lawrence Pyne, ―Artic wilds also a refuge for man,‖ Burlington Free Press, September 2008 Radio/Audio Category None awarded; insufficient entries TV/Video Category None awarded; insufficient entries Book Contest 1st Tim Gallagher, Falcon Fever 2nd Alan Liere, Fish Tales 3rd William Web Parton, Bond of Passion: Living with and training your hunting dog Newspaper Outdoor Page/Section Page None awarded; insufficient entries Section 1st Terry Tomalin, St. Petersburg Times 2nd Mark Freeman, Medford (Ore.) Mail Tribune 3rd Mike Zlotnicki, The (Raleigh, N.C.) News and Observer – June 5, June 16, and October 9″ Photo Contest Color Division Scenic Category 1st Tom Ulrich, Swiftcurrent Gorge 2nd Lisa Densmore, Sierra moon 3rd Bill Linder, Ice Out / Gull Lake Flora Category 1st Lisa Densmore, Floating leaves 2nd Art Weber, Coast redwoods 3rd Lisa Densmore, Floxglove Action Category 1st William H. Mullins, Black lab retrieving mallard 2nd Glenn D. Chambers, Defending the turf, greater prairiechicken 3rd Doug Stamm, Great Lakes Dawn
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3rd Terry Guthrie, ―Rocky Mountain Stream‖ Honorable Mention Al Perry, ―Mountain Bluebird in Flight‖ Rick Lesquier, ―Glowing Elk‖ Maryann Gaug, ―Tom and Iris‖ Jim Baker, ―Ready for Flight‖ Scenics 1st Al Perry, ―Mt. McKinley‖ 2nd Terry Guthrie, ―Fall Reflections‖ 3rd Nic Showalter, ―World Premiers‖ Honorable Mention Jan Sundberg, ―Falls Trail Falls GSMNP‖ Linda Martin, ―Heron Pond First Light‖ Richard Holmes, ―Fremont River Overlook‖ Terry Guthrie, ―Tumbling Creek‖ Flora 1st Nic Showalter, ―Late Harvest‖ 2nd Frank Zurey, ―Alpine Sunflower‖ 3rd Lynda Cummings, ―Colorado Favorite‖ Honorable Mention Sherry Zurey, ―American Cow-parsnip‖ Ryan Weishalla, ―Crocus‖ Al Perry, ―Indian Paint Brush‖ Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) Linda Martin, ―Mossy Bluff‖ 2009 Pinnacle Awards Mossy Oak is the presenting partner of the Pinnacle Awards with Fauna POMA. 1st Al Perry, ―Scissortail‖ 2nd Al Perry, ―Diamond Backed Water Snake‖ Magazine Richard Bernier, Standish, Maine, "Do I Have What It Takes?", 3rd Beto Gutierrez, ―Bobcat Stalking‖ Whitetail News Honorable Mention Frank Zurey, ―Grizzly Bear‖ Newspaper/Web Tammy Sapp, Aiken, S.C., "Points to Ponder When You're Up a Jan Sundberg, ―Golden Great Blue Heron‖ Tree," The Women's Outdoor Wire Jan Sundberg, ―Dance of the Butterflies‖ Richard Holmes, ―Northern Flicker‖ Photograph/Illustration Timothy Flanigan, Bedford, PA., "Quick Bite - Quick Shutter, People in Nature Feeding Grouse," Ruffed Grouse Society magazine 1st Al Perry, ―Intimate Gathering‖ 2nd Terry Guthrie, ―Surf‘s Up‖ Broadcast Andy Lightbody and Kathy Mattoon, Gunnison, CO., An Ameri- 3rd Jack Olson, ―Trail Ridge Sunset‖ can Historian and Twilight of a Continent with Gary R. Swanson, Honorable Mention Rocky Mountain Television Al Perry, ―Close Encounter‖ Richard Holmes, ―Men at Work‖ Conservation Frank Miniter, Red Hook, N.Y., "The Natural Alliance Vegans Beto Gutierrez, ―Fly Fishing in Mist‖ Can't Stomach," American Hunter magazine Terry Guthrie, ―Waiting for a Bite‖ Historical 1st Terry Guthrie, ―Confederate Heroes‖ Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers 2nd Terry Guthrie, ―Abandoned Mill‖ Best of Show 3rd Tom Cummings, ―Past Time‖ Photography Al Perry, ―Red Tailed Hawk Attacking Brazilian Free Tailed Honorable Mention Bats‖ Jack Olson, ―Bent‘s Old Fort‖ Rick Lesquier, ―Abo Mission National Monument‖ Writing – Books/Videos Andy Lightbody, ―An American Historian & Twilight of a Conti- Richard Holmes, ―Pueblo Cemetery‖ nent starring Gary R. Swanson‖ Maryann Gaug, ―Sunken Tub‖ Writing – Articles/Columns/Editorials Cultural Mary Peachin, ―Great Bear Rainforest,‖ Destination Fish, Sum- 1st Jack Olson, ―4 Mile House 4th #1‖ mer 2008 2nd Lynda Cummings, ―In The Air‖ 3rd Jan Sundberg, ―Tasting from the Tap‖ Image from Last Conference st 1 Terry Guthrie, ―Morning in the Park‖ Honorable Mention 2nd Beto Gutierrez, ―Badger‖ (Continued on page 36) People Category 1st Jason Jenkins, Old tyme gigging 2nd Shauna Stephenson, Western Legend 3rd Lisa Densmore, Angler on rock Fauna Category 1st William H. Mullins, Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep Ram 2nd Eugene Hester, Coyote with snow on nose 3rd Tom Ulrich, Kermit Country Black & White Division Scenic Category None awarded; insufficient entries Flora Category None awarded; insufficient entries Action Category None awarded; insufficient entries People Category None awarded; insufficient entries Fauna Category 1st Ron St. Germain, Family moment 2nd Michael Furtman, Brothers on ice 3rd James T. Smith, Desert Bighorn Ram
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worked with the problem of counterfactualism include J. L. Mackie in his book The Cement of the Universe and David Lewis, whose theories have sparked continuous debate on his employing world semantics for counterfactuals, which state truth conditions that lead to sets of comparative similarity. The McEleney/Byrne experiment in counterfactualism produced results that show people generate as many spontaneous counterfactual thoughts about exceptional events as they do for normal events. Explaining the results they wrote: Past research shows that people ‘s [sic] directed counterfactual thoughts tend to focus more on exceptional antecedents, perhaps because exceptional events bring to mind their normal alternatives. But in spontaneous thought, the generation of counterfactuals may be guided by the goal of prevention, and exceptional events may be as preventable as normal ones. In contrast, spontaneous causal thoughts may be guided by the goal of future understanding, prediction, and intervention, and exceptional antecedents may be better predictors than normal ones. (247) In simplest terms this means that a person, faced with the results of their previous actions will look for alternatives or explanations of the results of their actions by substituting ―if I had‖ in the first action. David Lewis‘ chart of this is: ―If A were (or had been) the case, C would be (or have been) the case‖, symbolized as: A ○→ C ―(Menzies, 2). Since Lewis first published his theory of counterfactuals in 1973 it has undergone a series of refinements but the premise, of alternate actions and results, as counter to the causation of the actual events, remains valid. By explanation we can view this as offering the position that we can build for ourselves an alternate series of events and results based on knowing the outcome of our first action and the results of that action and then changing our actions to conform to known results. Again, the McEleney/Byrne experiment results provide additional understanding of the roles of counterfactual/causal roles. ―A counterfactual thought was defined as any change to a scenario event that would change the outcome, e.g., ―‗If only I had gone to that party, I would have made friends.‘‖ A causal explanation was defined as any statement that attempted to explain why the outcome occurred, e.g., ―‗I haven ‘t made friends because I didn‘t go to that party‘‖ (Ibid). In the Zumbo Incident, Zumbo employed a counterfactual statement in the form of an apology and explanation that he was wrong in his first statement. The structure of the Internet is such, however, that the original statement remains, and is linked to the revised statement. The result is that each statement continues to expand at an exponential rate throughout the Internet, creating even greater problems for Zumbo. Counterfactualism/Causation and Internet Freedom of Speech The power of government generally is considered a guiding element in any discussion of the notion of Free
Speech. Frederick Schauer noted this in his book Free Speech: A Philosophical Enquiry, by establishing the role of government in the issue of Free Speech but also presenting the idea that rights, themselves, may not be absolute. If we view a right as the power of the right-holder to require, for putative restrictions on the exercise of the right, a strength of justification greater than that embodied in the ‗general rule‘, then there is nothing anomalous about the notion of a weak right. A Free Speech Principle implies only that restrictions on speech require some greater justification. A Free Speech Principle therefore represents a distinct restraint on government power, independent of limitations provided by other principles. (9) Schauer is setting the stage for an argument that a right, such as Free Speech, though it is a powerful right, may be subject to restraints when other justifications that are greater than the first right are proven to be needed. A well known example of this is, of course, the 1919 opinion by Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in the Supreme Court decision of Schenck v. United States in which Holmes placed a limitation on free speech with his ―Fire In the Theater‖ opinion. The principle of public safety over a false claim of fire in a crowded theater (vs. a true claim of fire) are more powerful than the right of free speech although in the Holmes decision the principle of Free Speech as an individual right remains, for all practical purposes, intact. Whatever exists within the individual was being recognized by Holmes as the source of the right, other than the First Amendment. It is not clear in his fire analogy, but the concept of the need for Free Speech has been recognized since Aristotle and his Politics in which his second defense of the claim of the city-state is that humans are by nature political animals and nature, which does nothing in vain, equipped humans with speech enabling them to communicate moral concepts which form the city-state. Schauer supports Aristotle‘s defense and expands it specifically to a level of the Aristotelian sense of the individual‘s development by writing that, ―thinking, reasoning, rationality and complex interrelationships with others that distinguish humanity from other forms of animal life, then it is the faculties of reason and thinking that are at the core of self-development‖ (54). After establishing his argument‘s relationship with Aristotle‘s theories of politics Schauer expands the role of Free Speech (language) by writing, ―minds do not grow in a vacuum‖ (ibid). Schauer‘s Free Speech principle becomes a principle of the drive, within humans, for self-development and the ultimate goal, he maintains, is the individual‘s ―fullest use of the capacity to think, the greatest degree of mental exertion, the exploration of the limits of the mind (italics, mine). By introducing mind with the Aristotelian premise of the nature of humans the possibility is opened of there being an additional, expansive set of conditions in to which the mind is capable of entering. Schauer states that the individual‘s ―self-development comes from communication of our ideas to others. Our thoughts are refined when (Continued on page 33)
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we communicate them. . . . [we] see it develop or see its weaknesses for the first time when the idea must be specifically articulated in a form intelligible to some other person‖ (55). In common discourse, whether via newspaper letters to the editor, Opinion-Editorial pages, magazines, or the Internet the point remains that each individual can return to the original idea to maintain it or he or she may alter it to fit the received response or to alter a future response. This is the discourse of Freedom of Speech. But Freedom of Speech, many will argue, does not exist, whether on the Internet or any other media. Stanley Fish, author of There‟s No Such Thing as Free Speech, argues that Freedom of Speech is a dependent value that is controlled by others and he frequently cites a paragraph from John Milton‘s Areopagitica to support his position. Near the end of Milton‘s speech proposing and celebrating the virtues of Free Speech Milton includes this paragraph: Not that I can think well of every light separation, or that all in a Church is to be expected gold and silver and precious stones: it is not possible for man to sever the wheat from the tares, the good fish from the other fry; that must be the Angels' ministry at the end of mortal things. Yet if all cannot be of one mind--as who looks they should be?--this doubtless is more wholesome, more prudent, and more Christian, that many be tolerated, rather than all compelled. I mean not tolerated popery, and open superstition, which, as it extirpates all religions and civil supremacies, so itself should be extirpate, provided first that all charitable and compassionate means be used to win and regain the weak and the misled: that also which is impious or evil absolutely either against faith or manners no law can possibly permit, that intends not to unlaw itself: [Italics, mine] but those neighbouring differences, or rather indifferences, are what I speak of, whether in some point of doctrine or of discipline, which, though they may be many, yet need not interrupt the unity of Spirit, if we could but find among us the bond of peace. (Milton) The italicized portion is where Fish begins his argument against the existence of Free Speech. ―Milton,‖ Fish argues, ―is not stipulating a single exception to a rule generally in place; the kinds of utterance that might be regulated and even prohibited on pain of trial and punishment constitute an open set; popery is named only as a particularly perspicuous instance that cannot be tolerated‖ (103). The search for truth, the expansion of knowledge through a free press (speech), Milton seems to be arguing in Fish‘s interpretation, should be open to all except Catholics. Fish expands this to contemporary society by arguing that Milton‘s exception to the popery exists today as exceptions to Free Speech
as society or government wishes to impose restrictions as a deductive process of what is acceptable speech. In the case of the individual speaking out Fish notes that the venues of public discussion often are in the context of soap box speakers and call-in talk shows and their importance is, according to Fish, ―artificially bounded spaces designed to assure that talking is not taken seriously.‖ Neither Shock Radio or the Internet was fully developed at the time he wrote the original essay and contemporary media, which includes blogs, bulletin boards, chat rooms, and email are the contemporary version of his bounded spaces and must be included because they provide the mechanism, as public forms, for individuals to speak out in their effort to move public opinion, actions, or government in a direction that the individual believes to be true. The individual, Fish argued in the early 1960‘s, ―go to the trouble of asserting that X is Y only because you suspect that some people are wrongly asserting that X is Z or that X doesn‘t exist. You assert, in short, because you give a damn, not about assertion—as if it were a value in and of itself—but about what your assertion is about‖ (107). The conclusion of his argument is that free expression (speech) exists as the primary value in the above argument only so long as the value of the individual‘s argument is free speech and not the value of the assertion. When the assertion‘s value becomes greater than free speech then free speech is no longer protected. The validity of the Fish argument of No Free Speech has as its base the premise that any form of free speech will be subject to constraints from many sources and they are dependent upon their own value system. The Internet, some argue, has redefined Freedom of Speech in ways that could not be anticipated at the end of the Twentieth Century. David L. Hudson Jr., writing online for the First Amendment Center, quoted the U.S. District Court‘s Stewart Dalzell ACLU v. Reno decision that the Internet was ―‗the most participatory form of mass speech yet developed‘‖ and ―‗a far more speech-enhancing medium than print‘‖ (1). Blogs, in Hudson‘s article, fulfill the function outlined by Judge Dalzell because the Internet Blog provides every individual with the opportunity to become public online ―outlets of information covering subjects in detail‖ (ibid). Robert Cox, president of the Media Bloggers Association, also quoted by Hudson maintains that ―I believe (the Internet/Blog) is the most important development in the media over the past several years— the growth of what is often referred to as ‗citizen‘s [social] media‘ or grassroots journalism‘ . . . Blogging is writing. Period‘‖ (ibid). Extending First Amendment protection to Blogs and bloggers is a Twenty-First Century issue that is testing the nation‘s legal system from the lowest to the highest court. The Internet itself is still evolving and in many opinions is, at its core, nothing more than the system of interconnected computers with a binary code system that allows humans to communicate with each other (Continued on page 34)
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over great distances and in real time via the computer terminal. The definitional problem is virtual reality, which exists between the computers. The clarification of the modern concept of virtual reality has confounded today‘s scholars and philosophers. The 1989 edition of The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of English Usage present‘s ―virtual‖ as ―. . . a notional or virtual subject‖ in conjunction with the usage of ―let.‖ Virtual does not appear in Word and Phrase Origins” Third Edition, published by Checkmark Books, NY, 2004. The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language provides a detailed usage note on ―virtual‖ in the computer age beginning with an explanation of virtual memory as being: . . . memory that is not actually built into the processor. Over time, though, the adjective has been applied to things that really exist and are created or carried on by means of computers. Virtual conversations are conversations that take place over computer networks, and virtual communities are genuine social groups that assemble around the use of e-mail, WebPages, and other networked resources. The adjectives virtual and digital and the prefixes e- and cyber- are all used in various ways to denote things, activities and organizations that are realized or carried out chiefly in an electronic medium.‖ (Dictionary) This multiple definition of the Internet leaves an opening for the sense of lawlessness perceived by many on the Internet; if the Internet cannot be defined by the so-called experts then it must be an open society. Because all areas of the Internet are still open to definitional debate, which also leaves the mind on the Internet question unsettled, a full understanding of two key areas are unresolved—Blogs and the Blog community. As I noted earlier in my discussion of the IM for Blog between two people, the string is always unbalanced because the individual sending a reply is always in possession of more information than the other person, the information being what was received plus what they are sending. There is no solution to the equation because each person is capable of offering a new reply which will contain more information than the previous message. Also, as I noted, even though one or all of the participants in the IM exchange may delete the exchange from their computer, ―mind debris‖ of the exchange will exist on all servers or systems where the replies were routed between the two computers and will remain until it is wiped off the disk in cleaning or it is pushed off by the accumulation of other exchanges and the memory space can no longer maintain it. During this exchange if an individual is convinced by another that what they‘ve written is somehow wrong, that person can employ the theory of counterfactualism to revisit the content of their message, change it to correspond to the desired response and send it. The original message remains unchanged and is still in the chain as first sent so counterfactualism has produced nothing to change the original message, only create a new message that has been influenced by the result of the first message. This is exactly what happened to Zumbo. In the space that is the Internet both messages now exist, often on the same string of messages, so the recipient of the most recent message will always possess more information than the person who sent it; thus the
attempt to achieve any balance has failed and always will. Again, what happened to Zumbo—no matter what effort he made to correct the initial blog it and all following blogs remained out of balance. The Blog Problem Researchers identify Blogs as part of an expanding secondgeneration Web that also includes wikis and RSS feeds and on the near horizon are voice-based forums. In each of these technologies the foundational premise is that a group of people communicate with each other through the Internet using a relatively new computer language technology, XML, for extensible markup language. This technology provides a platform which separates the content of communications from the formatting and allows for additional processing of Internet documents. Bob GodwinJones elaborates on this development in his paper ―Emerging Technologies: Blogs and Wikis: Environments for On-line Collaboration.‖ Although Godwin-Jones is primarily discussing classroom learning environments the principles are the same for both the general public and the classroom. ―Discussion forums often are seen as an equalizing tool, which encourage universal participation in discussion compared to face-to-face dialogue‖ (Godwin-Jones, 1). These discussion forums differ from the one-on-one exchange of email or IM in that the IM is theoretically private (only insofar as it is allowed to remain private) but the Blog is public and is intended for an audience. When Jim Zumbo posted his Blog remarks he intended for them to be read by an audience. There were, however, two failures Zumbo may not have considered before his postings. First, each participant enjoys the ―equalizing effect‖ that influences their response. Godwin-Jones notes this in his paper when he realizes that forums, such as Zumbo‘s Blog, provided an atmosphere of equal authority between participants. Secondly, Zumbo was posting a personal opinion that existed at the moment in his mind, utilizing information or experiences that existed in Zumbo‘s past and were stored in his brain. He accessed this information as the probabilities for a true statement but he could not share these experiences from his brain (body) with others as he recognized them. Whether the information Zumbo had stored was complete, partial or actually faulty was unknown to Zumbo at the time because he could only access, in his mind, that information he had already encountered and nothing else. The Spanish researchers José C. Perales and Andrés Gatena (Universidad de Grananda, Spain) present a hypothesis that supports this argument in their paper, Human Casual Induction wherein they propose, supported by quoting Gigerenzer & Todd‘s 1999 work Simple heuristics that make us smart (Oxford Univ. Press, NY) that in causal reasoning ―. . . the approach of adults to causal reasoning tasks seems to be heuristic rather holistic‖ (282). The Perales and Gatena research supports my position that Zumbo made an Internet Blog statement, based on his belief system and evidence he believed was available to both himself and the receiver at the time of the posting. He lacked, however, previous receiver responses to similar post which could have guided him in his own posts. This fits the Perales and Gatena assertion that when we create a hypothesis from the evidence (Continued on page 35)
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available ―in the absence of previous knowledge‖ we will not be able to predict the type of response from others and ―must then be prepared to derive conclusions from probabilistic evidence (Cheng, 1993, ref. by Perales and Catena). They continue their argument: ―The fact that causality manifests itself in a probabilistic manner implies that accumulation of evidence is crucial for deriving strong conclusions from it, which means that confidence in our own causal statements will increase as the evidence confirming those statements grows‖ (283). They do not account, however, for the existence of the counterfactual statement that appears after the first statement because of accumulation of both response (as opposed to evidence) and evidence as response. By revisiting the model statement for the IM:
1. No two subsets of responses to the original posts will ever be equal. 2. The original statement never recurs in a response, as its own response to any individual, but always includes elements of the receiver‟s expectation of the statement and therefore will not balance the original statement or its intent. 3. Each statement made on the original blog or subsequent blogs, or in other areas of the Internet, remains part of the original statement although it is a subset of the original. 4. A counterfactual statement at any point in the statement does not alter the original statement but becomes a second statement containing elements of the first statement but does not erase the original nor stop the spread of the original subsets through the Internet. (a1)Aa>(a1 b1)bB≠(b1)Bb> (b1 a2)aA I maintain that these four principles are foundational to The statement can be revised to account for the two types of Internet communication and help to explain how Jim Zumbo‘s responses received on the Blog and show the effect of the counoriginal statement about the types and roles of firearms in hunting terfactual statement. A new statement is created by the nature of became an uncontrollable wildfire of dissention attacking the Blog, letting X = Blog: Zumbo‘s credibility and intent. An original post, which creates a statement, spreads exponentially and, in the role of Descartes‘ (a1 b1)bB dualism, becomes an object in another reality. The object cannot be denied because it maintains itself through the statement. The X= (a1)Aa> (a1 c1)cC ≠ ∆P = role of counterfactualism cannot alter the statement or diminish its presence within the Internet. What remains on the Internet is (a1 d1)dD the debris of the individual‘s mind, debris that will not disappear but continues to appear, ghost-like to some, as it falls into a spe(~a1,b1)Bb> (b1 a2)aA>( a2) b2B cific algorithm created by an individual looking for an unknown statement in the catacombs of the Internet. (~a1c1)Cc> (b1 a2)aA> (a2) c2C Xn→∞ Finally, in response to Number 4, there is a realization that despite the efforts of protection of anonymous speech on the (d1)Dd> (a2 d1 a2)aA>( a2) d2D Internet by the court system, Stanley Fish is essentially correct— on a basis of law the concepts of speech will be protected by the The statement a1 is made by A through the computer and courts—within the relationships between individuals, however, received by B, C and D in their computers and their response, because the Internet provides masks of perceived anonymity, a which is the statistical ―contingency‖ ∆P cannot be predicted by lawlessness exists that in the virtual world, both threatens and any analysis of the post of A regardless of how much is known enhances the workings of our minds. Every writer needs to unabout A by the receivers. Therefore, the outcome of ~a 1 in the derstand the conundrum of writing on the Internet; that whatever statements of B, C and a1 in first D cannot be predicted nor can they write is subject to causing them to be ―Zumboed.‖ The the outcome of the second D be predicted because d1 contains the effect of the Zumbo incident, as an example of what can happen unbalanced a2 d1 a2. This imbalance results from the struc- when a writer expresses an opinion on the Internet, cannot be ture of the Blog itself because there is a thread developed hierar- quantified, but the Zumbo effect cannot be ignored; it is a truth of chy of posts so that any one individual or the original A, is capa- writing on the Internet. Works Cited ble of returning to any point in the blog and posting a direct response at that juncture, or posting a general response that is reFree Speech. 8 Apr. 2002 Electronic Privacy Information Center. ceived by the known and unknown participants (I). Apr. 2007 <>. There also is a divergence of the responses, which can MBA Books. "Section VII: Of The Idea of Necessary Connexoccur at any point in the statement after the second set (a 1 b1) ion." David Hume's Books. CD-ROM. UK: MBA Books, which allows that B,C or D has the option of posting their re2000. sponse to A on the original Blog X, or they can also post to anByrne, Alice McEleey and Ruth M. M. "Spontaneous counterfacother point in the Internet, which is represented by arrows all of tual thoughts and causal explanations." Thinking & Reasonwhich culminate in Xn→∞ opening the statement to an infinite ing. 12.2 (2006): 235-255. number of possibilities and combinations of the original a1 post Catena, Jose C. Peralas and Andres. Human Causal induction: A and all subsequent replies. This, I maintain, provides the founglimpse at the whole picture. Feb. 2006 European Journal of dation for the key conditions of the Internet that explain the Cognitive Psychology. May 2007 < Zumbo Incident and these are: ecp>. (Continued on page 36)
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Page 36
Winners (Continued from page 31)
Sherry Zurey - Tlingit Dance, Sitka Georgette Sotos - Lighting the Way John Catsis - Crown Dancers Events 1st. Ryan Weishalla, ―Lightning Storm Over Illinois‖ 2nd Linda Martin, ―Storm Brewing‖ 3rd Linda Martin, ―Nature‘s Forces‖ Honorable Mention Jan Sundberg, ―Ice Wrapped Berries‖ Georgette Sotos, ―Washington‘s Birthday Celebration‖ Beto Gutierrez, ― Post Hurricane Dolly‖ Altered/Composite 1st Richard Holmes, ―Wind Turbines‖ 2nd Terry Guthrie, ―Surreal Walkway‖ 3rd Al Perry,‖ Alaska Range‖ Honorable Mention Frank Zurey, ―Power Napping‖ Richard Youngblood, ―Yellow Flower and Tree‖ Richard Holmes, ―Iron Horse‖ Kenita Gibbins, ―Trying to Salvage Overexposure” Black & White Prints 1st Tom Cummings, ―Iguanas 2‖ 2nd Tom Cummings, ―In Flight‖ 3rd Kent Owings, ―Arlington National Cemetery‖ Honorable Mention Frank Zurey, ―Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord Church built 190‖ Al Perry, ―Glacier in Alaska Range‖ Terry Guthrie, ―The Eyes Have It‖ Honorable Mention Novice 1st Rosemary Rizzolo, I stand alone 2nd Rosemary Rizzolo, ―Nuzzling Along 3rd Rosemary Rizzolo, ―Layers‖ Published Image 1st Al Perry, ―Red Tailed Hawk Attacking Brazilian Free Tailed Bats,‖ Birds and People, 2007 Zumbo Incident (Continued from page 35)
Corn-Revere, Robert. "Caught in the Seamless Web: Does the Internet's Global Reach Justify Less Freedom of Speech?" CATO Institute Briefing Papers No. 71 24 July 2002. Apr. 2007 <>. Definitions. Intro To Internetwwww. Apr. 2007 <>. Fish, Stanley. There's No Such Thing As Free Speech. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. Godwin-Jones, Bob. Emerging Technologies: Blogs and Widis: Environments for On-line Collaboration. May. 2003 Language, Learning & Technology. May 2007 <http://>. Hudson,, David L., Jr. Blogging. Nov. 2005 First Amendment Center. Apr. 2007 <
2nd Al Perry, ―Broad Tailed Hummingbird,‖ Birders World, April 2008 3rd Jack Olson, ―Wild For Flowers,‖ Midwest Traveler, March/ April 2008 TV/Movie/Video 1st Andy LIghtbody, An American Historian & Twilight of a Continent, starring Gary R. Swanson, Rocky Mountain Television, December 2008 2nd Andy Lightbody, Kids and Clays Foundation Support for Ronald McDonald House, Rocky Mountain Television, September 2008. 3rd Andy Lightbody, Iowa Turkey Hunt, Rocky Mountain Television, August 2008. Honorable Mention Al Perry, First Day of Summer for Bluebird Family, WNIN TV, December 2008. Books & Scripts for TV/Movie/Video 1st Robert Stone, Day Hikes Around Napa Valley,‖ March 2008 2nd Robert Stone, Day Hikes Around Missoula, Montana,‖ March 2008 Newspaper Articles/Columns/Editorials 1st Lee Allen, ―Wildlife Watching, Photography Turning into Big Business,‖ Inside Tucson Business, August 25, 2008 2nd Lee Allen, ―A Potpourri of Outdoor Arizona Pleasures,‖ Inside Tucson Business, May 19, 2008 3rd Lee Allen - ―Looking Back… and Ahead,‖ Inside Tucson Business, December 17, 2008 Magazine Articles/Columns/Editorials 1st Mary Peachin, ―Great Bear Rainforest,‖ Destination Fish, Summer 2008 2nd Mary Peachin, ―Panama‘s Provincial Promises,‖ Destination Fish, Fall 2008 3rd Jack Olson, ―Wild for Flowers,‖ Midwest Traveler, MarchApril 2008 Honorable Mention Lee Allen, ―Ready to Fish for Gila Trout?‖, Rocky Mountain Game and Fish, May 2008 Newsletter Writing of Any Kind 1st Jack Olson, ―Jack‘s Jaunts: Heritage and Surprises,‖ Rocky Speech/internet/topic.aspx?topic=blogging2>. Jacquette, Dale. Philosophy of Mind. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall , 1994. Menzies, Peter. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 10 Jan. 2001 Stanford University. Apr. 2007 <http://>. Milton, John. Areopagitica (1644). 1997 Renascence Editions. May 2007 < areopagitica.html>. Momigliano, Arnoldo. "Freedom of Speech In Antiquity." Dictionary Of The History of Ideas. 1973 ed. Schauer, Frederick. Free Speech: A Philosophical Enquiry. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1982. University, Columbia. Internet Definitions. 25 Mar. 2003 Columbia Univ. Apr. 2007 <http://>.
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 37
Mountain Outdoors, September-October 2008 2nd Richard Holmes, ―Lost Socks,‖ Rocky Mountain Outdoors, September-October 2008 3rd Jack Olson, ―Jack‘s Jaunts: Zion, Here we come,‖ Rocky Mountain Outdoors, Holiday 2008 Honorable Mention Jack Olson, ―Jack‘s Jaunts: Conference Add-ons,‖ Rocky Mountain Outdoors, January/February 2008 Web Writing 1st Al Perry, ―Are you sure You Want to Compete in a Month Long Photo Contest?‖, July 22, 2008 Members Choice Flora 1st Russell Dohrmann, ―Rhododendron and Redwood‖ 2nd Russell Dohrmann, ―Fallen Leaves and Trees‖ 3rd Gail Dohrmann, ―Playing Beneath the Oak‖ Fauna 1st John Thornton, ―Atlantic Puffins‖ 2nd Sherry Zurey, ―Spoonbills‖ 3rd Terry Guthrie, ―Bee on Zinnia‖ Scenic 1st Kent Owings, ―Peaceful Mountain Setting‖ 2nd Terry Guthrie, ―Misty Mountains‖ 3rd Rick Lesquier, ―Sunset at Blue Springs‖ Humorous 1st Tom Cummings, ―Open Range‖ 2nd Terry Guthrie, ―Up a Creek without a Paddle‖ 3rd Sherry Zurrey, ―People Watching‖ Southeastern Outdoor Press Association, Inc. Industry Public Relations Program (Sponsored by SEOPA) 1st Howard Communications, Go Online in 2009 2nd NWTF, 2008 NWTF Annual Report 3rd The Sportsman Channel, The Sportsman Magazine Outdoor Entrepreneur Project (Sponsor, Liberty Press) 1st Barbara Baird, Women‟s Outdoor News (The WON) 2nd Mike Giles, All-Purpose Greetings Cards 3rd J Pera, X-Treme Jakes Online Audio Program (Sponsored by a Generous Anonymous Benefactor) 1st Mike Walker, ―Fauna Security-Talking Trees,‖ Toyota Outdoors Radio, January 2009 2nd Glynn Harris, ―Turkey Hunting,‖ O‟Neal Outdoors, March 2009 3rd Glynn Harris, ―Snakes,‖ O‟Neal Outdoors, May 2009 Honorable Mention, Mike Walker, ―Pass it On – Take a Kid Fishing,‖ Toyota Outdoors Radio, January 2009 Video Program (Sponsored by Fish Harder Companies) 1st Dave Appleton, ―Northwest Territory,‖ Bass Pro Shops‟ 100 Percent Reel Hunting, December 2008 2nd Doug Gardner, ―ACE Basin,‖ Wild Photo Adventures TV Series, September 2008 3rd Doug Gardner, ―Manatees‖ on Wild Photo Adventures TV Series – September 2008 Electronic Publication (Sponsored by SEOPA) 1st Mike Giles, ―Fishing and Freedom on the 4th of July,‖, April 2009 2nd Keith Sutton, ―Best Christmas Ever: Return From the Amazon,‖, January 2009 3rd Gil Lackey, ―The Teacher,‖, December 2008 Honorable Mention, Jill Easton, ―Guest Editorial,‖, February 2009 Outdoor Book (Sponsored by a Generous Anonymous Benefactor) 1st Ben Moise, Ramblings of a Low Country Game Warden 2nd Steve Brigman, Somebody‟s Got To Do It 3rd Tommy Thompson, Saltwater Sportsman‟s Guide to Florida Weekly Newspaper Story (Sponsored by Johnson City CVB) 1st Bob Kornegay, ―As the Creek Dies a ‗Kid‘ Remembers,‖ The Miller County Liberal, June 2008 2nd Kenny Kieser, ―Morel Mushrooms Worth the Hunt,‖ The Examiner, April 2009 3rd Mike Marsh, ―Grandpa Lands Record Catfish,‖ The TaborLoris Tribune, August 2008 Daily Newspaper Story (Sponsored by SEOPA) 1st Keith Sutton, ―Last Dance,‖ the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, November 2008 2nd Bob Kornegay, ―Tribute to a Survivor,‖ in The Albany (Ga.) Herald, June 2008 3rd Mike Giles, ―Fishing and Freedom on the 4th of July,‖ The Meridian (Miss.) Star, July 2008 Photograph, (Sponsored by Realtree Camouflage) 1st Paul Brown, ―Little Blue Heron,‖ Wildlife Calendar, 2009 2nd Tim Flanigan, ―Three Amigos,‖ Pennsylvania Wildlife Calendar, 2009 3rd Paul Brown, ―Wood Duck,‖ Wildlife Calendar, 2009 Magazine Short Story (Sponsored by Realtree Camouflage) 1st Keith Sutton, ―A Fish for a Soldier,‖ Lightnin‟ Ridge Outdoor Journal, Spring 2009 2nd John Sloan, ―Obsession,‖ Bowhunt America, July 2008 3rd Mike Marsh, ―The Longest Retrieve,‖ North Carolina Game & Fish, April 2009 Magazine Story (Sponsored by Coleman Company) 1st Jim Spencer, ―Meditations of a Squirrel Hunter,‖ Lightnin‟ Ridge Outdoor Journal, Fall 2008 2nd Ron Jolly, ―A Promise Kept,‖Turkey Call Magazine, September/October 2008 3rd Monte Burke, ―I‘ve Learned,‖ Angling Trade, March 2009 Honorable Mention, Jeff Williams, ―It‘s All About the Bugs,‖ Arkansas Wildlife, January/February 2009 Honorable Mention, Gil Lackey, ―How Many Points,‖ Quality Whitetails Magazine, December 2008 SCOPE Excellence in Craft Awards Newspaper Feature 1st Ben Moise: Charleston Mercury - Woo Dog 2nd Jeff Dennis: Charleston Mercury - The Clinton House Contributes to Hunting … 3rd Terry Madewell: Clarendon Today - Awaken the Passion for a Perfect … Magazine Feature (Continued on page 38)
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Winners (Continued from page 37)
1st Jim Mize: Women in the Outdoors - How to Name Your Turkey 2nd Larry Chesney: South Carolina Sportsmen - Red Hot Winter 3rd Jim Mize: South Carolina Wildlife - Somebody‟ Been Catching My Fish Column 1st Wes Murphy: The Times and Democrat - Duck Hunting Heaven 2nd Wes Murphy: The Times and Democrat - Snipe Hunting 3rd Scott Keepfer: Greenville Inspirational Angler Keeps Dreaming… Non-game Outdoor Enjoyment 1st Jim Casada: Smoky Mountain Living - The Splendor of Solitude 2nd Jeff Dennis: Charleston Mercury: Expedition Edingsville 3rd Jim Casada: The Herald - The Beauties of „Back Beyond‟ Editorial/Opinion 1st Ben Moise: This Land is Our Land, This Land is Your Land 2nd P.J. Perea: Get in the Game - What Defines a Hunter? 3rd Jeff Dennis: Charleston Mercury - Colleton County Land Use Plan… Short Feature (<1000 words) 1st Jim Mize: Wheelin Sportsmen: Hunting Fashion 2nd Jeff Dennis: Treasured Photographs and Family Tales 3rd Matt Lindler: Wheelin Sportsmen - Mounting Decisions Electronic Media 1st P.J. Perea: Get in the Game Online - Light Up Your Life with LED 2nd Matt Lindler: Xtreme JAKES Online - Surviving the Spring 3rd Jim Casada: - Memories of October Magic Photo: Open 1st Jim Mize: Ambition 2nd Larry Chesney: Double Point 3rd Matt Lindler: Nebraska Sunset Photo: B&W 1st Matt Lindler: Yelping Hand 2nd P.J. Perea: Handle with Care 3rd P.J. Perea: Bagful of Friendship Photo: Color 1st Terry Madewell: SC Game and Fish - Last Cast 2nd Terry Madewell: South Carolina Sportsmen - Two Cool Cats 3rd P.J. Perea: Women in the Outdoors: Heaven‟s Driveway TV/Video 1st P.J. Perea: Get in the Game TV – Accessible Blinds 2nd P.J. Perea: Get in the Game TV – Survival Kits 3rd Perrin Anderson: Get in the Game TV - Swamp Fox JAKES Bob Glendy Award 1st Jim Casada: Spartanburg Herald – Old School Fishing with Cane Poles Conference 1st Terry Madewell: Carolina Sportsman – The Cold Hard Facts Tennessee Outdoor Writers Black-and-White Photography
Dan Cook Color Photography Dan Cook Radio Broadcasting Larry Rea Electronic Media Will Brantley Newspaper Column/Feature Sam Roberson Newspaper News Story Dan Cook Television Arnold Bull Magazine Story Rob Simbeck Texas Outdoor Writers Outdoor Photography People 1st Bill E. Mills, ―I Can‘t Believe It,‖ Saltwater Texas, August 2008 2nd Bink Grimes, ―Deep in the marsh,‖ Victoria Advocate, November 29, 2007 3rd Chester Moore, ―Gator Tamer,‖ Project: Zoo Quest, September 6, 2008 Honorable Mention, Gerald Burleigh, ―Truck,‖ Texas Fish & Game, June 2008 Wildlife 1st Chester Moore, ―Jaws,‖ Texas Fish & Game, July 2008 2nd Bink Grimes, ―Blue-winged teal in Lavaca County,‖ Texas Sporting Journal, October/November 2008 3rd Jim Steiert, ―Peregrine Falcon,‖ The Hereford Brand, April 20 2008 Nature 1st Bink Grimes, ―Mallard hen and chicks,‖ Ducks Unlimited, September/October 2008 2nd Jim Steiert, ―Gathering Clouds,‖ West Texas Rural Telephone Co-Op Connection, June 2008 3rd Mike Price, ―Mangrove snappers,‖ Saltwater Texas, April 2008 Scenic 1st Bob Lusk, ―Sunset Over Button Willow Lake outside Lonoke, Arkansas,‖ Pond Boss Leader, July/August 2008 2nd Jim Steiert, ―Palo Duro Canyon,‖ West Texas RuralTelephone Co-Op Connection, October 1, 2008 3rd Bill Olson, ―Pass It Back Ad, Mountain Shot,‖ Texas Outdoors Journal, September 2008 Outdoor Radio 1st Bill Olson & Harold Gunn, Texas Outdoor News, October 4, 2008 2nd T.J. Greaney, Texas Outdoor Zone Radio Program, October. 27, 2007 3rd Chester Moore, Chester Moore Outdoors, September 26, 2008 Outdoor Video 1st Karen Loke, producer/writer/editor/camera, ―Shooting for Success,‖ TP&W Video News Report, September 19, 2008 (News 8 Austin)
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2nd Keith Warren, producer, ―Playing the Game,‖ Hunting and Outdoors Adventures, January 2008 3rd Deborah Dougherty Warren, executive producer, ―Where Jeremiah Roamed,‖ Hunting and Outdoors Adventures, May 2008 Illustration 1. Sam Caldwell, ―Blue Marlin Moment,‖ Currents Newsletter, October/November 2008. 2nd Bill E. Mills, ―Valiant Fight,‖ Saltwater Texas, June 2008. 3rd Ben E Kocian, ―A Tabletop Bargain,‖ TIDE May/June 2008 Outdoor Publication – Under 25,000 1st Texas Wildlife, submitted by David Baxter, Features Editor 2. Pond Boss, submitted by Bob Lusk, owner, publisher and editor 3. ―Saltwater Texas‖ – submitted by Jonette Childs, editor Outdoor Publication – Over 25,000 1st Texas Fish & Game/Coastal Edition, Feburary 2008, submitted by Chester Moore, Executive Editor 2nd Texas Sporting Journal, May/June 2008, submitted by Steven Lightfoot, Senior Editor 3rd Texas Outdoors Journal, November 2008, submitted by Diane Parks, Associate Editor Excellence In Craft Outdoor Fiction 1st Ralph Winingham, ―Death in the Dust,‖ The Journal of Texas Trophy Hunters, November/ December 2007 2nd Chester Moore, ―Devil‘s Bottoms,‖, September 21, 2008 3rd Will Leschper, ―Losing a deer hunting lease,‖ Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, August 24, 2008 Honorable Mention, Capt. Mike Holmes, ―The Last Storm,‖ Saltwater Texas, September/October 2008 Outdoor Column 1st Kendal Hemphill, ―Elitism is Killing Us,‖ Texas Fish & Game Magazine, March 2008 2nd Ralph Winingham, ―Getting in Shape for Hunting Season,‖ Texas Wildlife Association Magazine, July 2008 3rd Don Haley, ―Confessions . . .,‖ The LazyBoy Letter, October 2008. Honorable Mention, Chester Moore, ―Chester‘s Notes - Dissing Texas,‖ Texas Fish & Game, September 2008 Newspaper Feature – Under 25,000 1st Jim Steiert, ―A passion for the Plains and grassland birds,‖ Hereford Brand, February 24, 2008 2nd T.J. Greaney, ―Lady Anglers Make Big Waves,‖ Maximum Outdoors, May/June 2008 3rd Art Morris, ―The path to becoming a trophy: One trout‘s story,‖ Saltwater Texas, May 2008 Newspaper Feature – Over 25,000 1st John Goodspeed, ―Theirs is the dirtiest of jobs,‖ San Antonio Express-News, February 13, 2008 2nd David Sikes ―Catch of a Lifetime,‖ Corpus Christi CallerTimes, February 10, 2008 3rd Will Leschper, ―Veteran musher pushes toward Nome,‖ Amarillo Globe-News, March 9, 2008
Magazine Feature – Under 25,000 1st Ralph Winingham, ―Charlie Brown Talks Catfish,‖ Texas Sportsman Magazine, May 2008. 2nd Judy Bishop Jurek, ―Gene Riser and the Riser Ranch,‖ Tracks, March/April 2008. 3rd David Baxter, ―Llano Springs Ranch,‖ Texas Wildlife Association Magazine, September 2008. Magazine Feature – Over 25,000 1st David Sikes, ―Rising Photo Star,‖ Texas Parks and Wildlife: The Outdoor Magazine of Texas, September 2008 2nd Ted Venker, ―The Legend of Loomis,‖ Tide, September/ October 2008 3rd John Jefferson, ―Texotics,‖ Texas Sporting Journal, January/ February 2008. Outdoor News Reporting – Under 25,000 1st Chester Moore, ―Ike‘s fish kills far-reaching, complex,‖ The Orange Leader, September 17, 2008. 2nd Jonette Childs, ―Tarpon Tomorrow,‖ Saltwater Texas, January 2008. Outdoor News Reporting – Over 25,000 1st Chester Moore, ―Alligator kills puts conservation in spotlight,‖ Texas Fish & Game, September 24, 2008 2nd Ralph Winingham, ―Young Shooters flock to 4H games,‖ Lone Star Outdoor News, August 8, 2008 3rd Bink Grimes ―Lackluster season for many waterfowlers,‖ Victoria Advocate, January 31, 2008 Outdoor Opinion Writing 1st Jim Steiert, ―Playas deserving of Wetland Management Districts.‖ Hereford Brand, October 12, 2008 2nd Greg Berlocher, ―Should Kayaking be Regulated,‖ Texas Fish & Game, October 2007 3rd David Sikes, ―A Question of Ethics,‖ Texas Sporting Journal, March/April 2008 Outdoor Humor 1st Mike Holmes, ―…gotta fish for something (crabby),‖ Saltwater Angler, April 2008 2nd Aaron Reed, ―Up a creek,‖ Kayak Angler, Summer 2008. 3rd Judy Bishop Jurek, ―Kids Say the Darndest Things at Deer Camp,‖ Whitetail News, July 2008. Outdoors Book 1st Robert L. Warren, The Black Mouse 2nd Robert Zaiglin and Dr. David Samuel, Whitetail Advantage: Understand Deer Behavior for Hunting Season 3. Bob Lusk with Mike Otto & Mark McDonald, Perfect Pond… Want One?‖ Webpage 1st ―CCA Web Page,‖, submitted by Pat Murray 2nd ―Texas Weekend Angler website,‖, submitted by Danno Wise 3rd ―Larry Bozka Web Page,‖, submitted by Larry Bozka Honorable Mention, ―Texas Outdoor Zone website,‖, submitted by T.J. Greaney (Continued on page 40)
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Numbers (Continued from page 5)
& Mike Otto & Mark McDonald 2 Bob Scammell 4 Brad Fenson 1 Brad Martin 2 Brandon Butler 2 Brent Frazee 3 Brett Prettyman 2 Brian Smith 1 Brian Smith & Josh Lantz 1 Brian Traylor 2 Bruce Cochran 1 Bruce Lemmert 2 Carol Lynde 3 Charles Willey 10 Chester Moore 1 Chris Dollar 3 Chris Madson 4 Chris Slemp 1 Chris Young 1 Christian Berg 1 Craig Springer 1 D.C. Reid 3 Dan Cook 1 Dan Dziedzina 5 Dan Neuland 11 Dan Small
1 Danno Wise 1 Darrell Taylor 1 Dave Appleton 1 Dave Books 4 Dave Carlson 2 Dave Hoffman 1 David A. Brown 2 David Baxter 4 David Brown 3 David Sikes 2 David Wei 1 Deborah Dougherty Warren 1 Diane Parks 1 Don Haley 4 Don Ingle 1 Don Maclean 1 Don Meredith & Duane Redford 3 Don Mulligan 5 Donald ―Babe‖ Winkelman 2 Doug Gardner 3 Doug Kelly 2 Doug Olander 3 Doug Stamm 1 Dr. David Samuel & Robert Zaiglin 2 Duane Radford 10 Edward Nickens
2 Ellen Horowitz 1 Eugene Hester 1 Frank Miniter 4 Frank Zurey 1 Gail Dohrmann 5 Gary Howey 5 Gary Kramer 1 Gary Schafer 2 Georgette Sotos 1 Gerald Burleigh 2 Gil Lackey 1 Glenn D. Chambers 2 Glynn Harris 4 Gord Pyzer 1 Greg Berlocher 2 Gus Karpes 1 Harold Gunn 1 Harry Guyer 1 Harvey Bauer 1 Howard Communications 1 Jack Abrams 2 Jack Ballard 8 Jack Olson 1 James Markou 2 James Smedley 1 James T. Smith 5 Jan Sundberg 2 Jason Jenkins 1 Jay Cassell 4 Jeff Dennis
2 Jeff Helsdon 3 Jeff Kelm 2 Jeff Williams 1 Jill Easton 1 Jim Baker 4 Jim Casada 2 Jim Ferguson 1 Jim Heim 1 Jim Low 4 Jim Mize 1 Jim Spencer 5 Jim Steiert 2 Jim Zaleski 1 Joanne Williams 2 Joe Byers 1 John Catsis 2 John Goodspeed 1 John Jefferson 1 John Kaplanis 6 John Martino 1 John McCoy 2 John Shtogren 1 John Sloan 2 John Tertuliani 2 Jonette Childs 2 Josh Lantz 2 Judy Bishop Jurek 3 Judy Nugent 4 Karen Loke (Continued on page 41)
Winners (Continued from page 39)
Supporting Member Award 1st ―Browning Bucks‖ by Browning submitted by Kevin Howard, Howard Communications Special Projects/Conservation 1st Valero Energy Corp., submitted Pat Murray, The Rising Tide, Summer 2008 special conservation issue 2nd Brad Martin, Land Fragmentation documentary for the Outdoors Channel, July 3-6, 2008. 3. Chester Moore. ―Don‘t Shoot‖ flier for endangered black bears, 2008. Original Internet Story 1st Aaron Reed, ―The Wilderness Beach,‖ 2nd John Goodspeed, ―With the economy in a tailspin,‖ http:// October 15, 2008 3rd Chester Moore, ―The Eyes of a Jaguar,‖ http://, September 18, 2008
Virginia Outdoor writers Bob Gooch Column: 1st King Montgomery, ―Tomorrow‘s Angler,‖ An Angler‘s Journal, PressBox Sports Magazine. 2nd Bill Cochran, ―Planting trees is something you do for your grandchildren.‖ 3rd King Montgomery, ―A Tooth for a Tooth,‖ An Angler‘s Journal, PressBox Sports Magazine. Feature Article 1st John Shtogren, ―Jarrett Rifles and Cowden Plantation,‖ Virginia Sportsmen, 2nd John Shtogren, ―Primeland Toms,‖The V9irginia Sportsmen Magazine. 3rd Bruce Lemmert ―Primum Non Nocere. [latin, trans. First, do not harm], First, dono harm,‖ Virginia Sportsmen magazine. Photography 1st King Montgomery ―Blandfield Plantation,‖ The Virginia Sportsman Magazine 2nd Marie Majarov, ―Kingfisher,‖ cover of Virginia Wildlife, March 2008 photography issue. 3rd King Montgomery, ―Return to the River of Swans, Chilean Patagonia,‖ The Virginia Sportsman.
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The Old Guide (Continued from page 22)
Yes, sir, the marsh is crammed full of ducks. Cain‘t hardly get a restful night‘s sleep for their commotion. Course the Old Guide don‘t sleep much anymore. Got the stomach problems. ―Yes, sir, Pat is still alive. She‘s right here by my feet ‗most like a rug. ―No, sir, her days of huntin‘ are finished. Her last time was when you an‘ yore boy hunted with me last year. ―Yes, sir, that was a fine retrieve she made on that crippled black duck. Must‘ve been a 200-yarder deep in the marsh. ―Yes, sir, she was the best markin‘ Lab I ever had. None before her.‖ ―No, sir, I won‘t be gettin‘ another. Too old now.‖ ―You say you got a young one you want to bring? ―A Chocolate? You don‘t say. ―Don‘t take this the wrong way, Mr. Rutherford, but them Chocolate‘s are awful strong-headed. Never did see one much worth its grub. Like I said, that‘s my say.
Numbers (Continued from page 40)
1 Kay Richey 3 Keith Sutton 1 Keith Warren 3 Kelly Shannon 1 Kendal Hemphill 1 Kenita Gibbins 1 Kenny Kieser 2 Kent Owings 1 Kevin Howard 1 Kevin Wilson 5 King Montgomery 3 Kirk Deeter 1 Kris Millgate 1 Kris Thoemke 1 Larry Bozka 2 Larry Chesney 1 Larry Larsen 3 Larry Myhre 1 Larry Rea 1 Larry Stone 3 Lawrence Pyne 5 Lee Allen 4 Linda Martin 4 Lisa Densmore 4 Louie Stout 1 Lucy B. Tobias 2 Lynda Cummings 1 Marc Folco 1 Marie Majarov 6 Mark Crowley 3 Mark Freeman 3 Mark Taylor
1 3 2 4 1 2 2 1 3 5 2 2 1 1 2 7 1 1 2 1 23 3 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 3
Mary Nickum Mary Peachin Maryann Gaug Matt Lindler Megan Parker Michael D. Faw Michael Furtman Michael Hungle Mike Giles Mike Holliday Mike Holmes Mike Marsh Mike Price Mike Readling Mike Walker Mike Zlotnicki Monte Burke Neil Waugh Nic Showalter NWTF P. J. Perea P.J. Reilly Pat Murray Paul Brown Paul Smith Peggy Goldberg Perrin Anderson Peter St. James Peter Wood R.G. Schmidt Ralph Shaw Ralph Winingham Ray McCune Rich Creason
―But I don‘t see a problem. How else they gonna learn if you don‘t hunt ‗em? How old is the dog? Twelve months. Had any trainin?‘ ―Six months with Bill Evans. Bill‘s a good trainer. ‗Bout the best ‗round. ―Bet your son Tommy has grown a might since last year?‖ ―Nearly six feet! You don‘t say. ‗Round one hundred an‘ sixty pounds. You don‘t say. An‘ only fifteen years old? You don‘t say. ―I swear time does have wings, don‘t it, Mr. Rutherford? ―Yes, sir, got you down for next weekend. You make sure you give my best to Tommy. Yes, sir, look forward to seein‘ the both of you.‖ Old Guide. His ear to the phone. Half-smoked cigarette pasted to his winterparched lips.
6 1 1 7 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 11 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 1 1 1 6 4 1 4
Rich Landers Richard Bernier Richard Creason Richard Holmes Richard Youngblood Rick Lesquier Rob Simbeck Robert Fulton Robert L. Warren Robert Stone Ron Jolly Ron Schara Steve Pollick Ron St. Germain Rosemary Rizzolo Russell Dohrmann Rusty Chinnis Ryan Weishalla Ryck Lydecker Sam Caldwell Sam Roberson Sandra Friend Scott Keepfer Scott Stouder Shauna Stephenson Sherri Canjar Sherry Zurey Shirley Teasdale Steve Brigman Steve Griffin Steve Pollick Steven Griffin Steven Lightfoot T. J. Schwanky
3 T.J. Greaney 1 Tammy Sapp 1 Ted Venker 13 Terry Guthrie 4 Terry Madewell 3 Terry Sheely 2 Terry Tomalin 1 The Sportsman Channel 3 Thomas J. O'Toole 1 Thomas Johnson 12 Tim Christie 5 Tim Flanigan 1 Tim Gallagher 3 Tom Berg 1 Tom Bert 1 Tom Carney 4 Tom Cummings 1 Tom Davenport 7 Tom Stienstra 4 Tom Tatum 2 Tom Ulrich 1 Tom Watson 1 Tommy Thompson 3 Ty Stockton 1 Valero Energy Corp 1 W.H. ―Chip‖ Gross 2 Warren Resen 2 Wes Murphy 1 Will Brantley 2 Will Elliott 4 Will Leschper 2 William H. Mullins
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Products For Outdoor Artists, Writers and Photographers Livescribe’s Pulse Smartpen—The Next Generation of Writer’s Gadgets?
The notes written on the dot printed paper can be transferred to the user’s computer as can the audio recordings. The Libescribe Pulse pen, some reviewers have opinioned, is the first wave of new technology that will revolutionize note taking in both the academic and professional communities.
Professional writers are discovering Livescribe™ pens. The basic principle is that a user takes notes, using the pen and writing on paper printed with dots and the writing is captured by a highspeed miniature laser camera. The pen is also an audio recorder and by writing and recording simultaneously the user can later return to the exact point in a recording where the applicable note was written. The notes and audio recordings can be uploaded to a computer and later exported to other computers. There are three package bundle levels available: the Charcoal Blue pack that includes 3-D recording headset, USB Mobile charging cradle, protective soft case, 2 ink cartridges, and a dot paper collegeruled notebook and the pen has 2GB of storage. The Titanium pack has a dot paper starter notebook rather than college-ruled notebook. Livescribe‘s top of the line is the ProPack: Black. It includes the same accessories except the storage case is premium leather, the transcription software is included and the pen has 4GB of storage. Bundled with all Smartpens, in addition to the note taking and recording software, is a variety of other functions including a scientific calculator, a simple calculator, Time, Date, Storage, Battery charge indicator. A recent innovation is that Livescribe dot paper can now be printed for free from a pen owner‘s own Livescribe Desktop program and by using currently available color printers with 600 dpi resolution or better. These home printed pages will work with the Smartpen exactly the same as the commercially available Livescribe dot paper. For more information on the Livescribe pens contact: Livescribe Pens, 7677 Oakport Street,
12th. Floor, Oakland, CA 94621, Phone: 510777-0071. Website:
Tweetering Across The Net TweetDeck is a personal browser that updates and manages conversations across the ‗real-time web‘ for Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn. Keep in touch with your friends and manage conversations with one up-to-date, organized, and searchable multi-column screen. Follow, create, and manage public and private Twitter lists and Facebook, MySpace and LinkedIn accounts. With the latest Beta version The PR Assoc. Editor Alan Bunn is posting to Twitter, two Facebook ‗fan‘ pages and his personal page. Advanced features will sync TweetDeck columns across multiple computers and the iPhone, backing up all your columns, groups and saved searches. Running in the background, it will auto-update every minute: Alan Bunn, is the USA Editor for African Expedition Magazine and he Tweeters to update readers on events in Africa and upcoming articles.
Target/Holder for Gun Writers Gun and hunting writers share a common need—targets. Whenever practical they take their guns to the nearest range and conduct their tests. But, a range isn‘t always available, or the writer wants a more impromptu test to demonstrate a product‘s features. Until now gun and hunting writers have used everything but the kitchen sink to set up a test target holder and target in the field. The problem has been that most of the so-called portable systems aren‘t always practical. That problem may now be in the past because a small North Dakota Company, JD Jaco Products, Inc., solved it with the development of a folding, disposable target frame. The frame is made of cardboard and can be folded flat, then quickly set up and a target inserted into the holder‘s frame. Writers who are members of an outdoor writer/media organization can contact the company at to receive a free target frame and supply of targets for their personal use.
The Pines Review
Winter, 2010 Vol. III No. 1 Page 43
2010 Events Calendar January: February:
April: May: June:
July: August:
Jan. 19-22: SHOT Show, Las Vegas Convention Ctr. Jan. 20: POMA SHOT Show Meeting, Convention Ctr. Press Conference Room Feb. 18-21: NWTF National Convention, Nashville, TN Feb. 25-27: Texas Outdoor Writers. Contact Larry J. LeBlanc, E.D. Mar. 19-21: Mason-Dixon Outdoor Writers Assn., Rehoboth Beach DE., Atlantic Sands Hotel. Contact: Ken Tiudy, Mar. 23-27: 41st Annual Writers Conference, University of North Dakota. Focus of conference is the difference between traditional print and contemporary digital writing. No fees for conference. Full information available. Contact:: Kathy King via email: April 29-May 1: Tenn. Outdoor Writers Assn., Old Hickory Lake, Sumner County, Contact: Gil Lackey, June 10-13: Outdoor Writers of America Assn., Rochester, MN. Contact: Kevin Rhoades, June 17-20: Outdoor Writers of Canada, Whitehorse, Canada. Contact: T. J. Schwanky, June 22-26: Scenic Wildlife Photo Workshop at Rky. Mtn. Natl. Park, offered by Rky. Mtn. Outdoor Writers and Photographers. Contcct: Nic Showalter, Aug. 11-14: Professional Outdoor Media Assn., LaPorte, IN., Best Western Hotel. Contact: L.L. Dovey, Aug. 18-22: Florida Outdoor Writers, Tallahassee. Contact: Tommy Thompson, Sept. 8-12: Rocky Mountain Outdoor Writers and Photographers, Yellowstone National Park. Contact: Don Laine, Sept. 13-16: Assn. Great Lakes Outdoor Writers, Ashland, WI. Contact: Berdette Zastrow, Oct. 6-9: SouthEastern Outdoor Press Assn., Huntsville, AL., Contact: Lisa Snuggs,
Classified Advertising Autographed Copies Last Supper In Paradise By: Galen L. Geer $13.95 +$5.00 P&H Collection of short stories set in modern Africa. Writerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Retreat Cabin For Rent A-frame cabin in scenic Wet Mountains of Southern Colorado. Rent by day, week or month. See our ad this issue. Phone: 719.784-3160. Email: German Wirehaired Pointers Top quality pups. Three Paws Kennel 701.347.5246. Casselton, North Dakota Free Newsletter Free monthly e-newsletter. Lists of books on turkey hunting, Africana, Archibald Rutledge. www.jimcasadaoutdoors. com. Or write: Jim Casada 1250 Yorkdale Drive Rock Hill, SC 29730-7638 Phone: 803-329-4354 FAX: 803-329-2420. Voltage Converters Travelling outside the USA? Convert 220v to 110v. $25 plus $5.00 S&H. Classified ads in The Pines Review are limited to 25 words and the rate is $10 per issue.
November: December: Events listing is a free service to writers organizations, conservation organizations and other groups with events that are of interest to members of outdoor media. All listings are subject to editorâ&#x20AC;&#x;s approval. Contact the editor at:
Classified ads in The Pines Review reach the outdoor media.
(At the last minute) Grits Greshman and Fred Bear Awards Presented Jan. 20, 2010, LAS VEGAS, Nev. - The Professional Outdoor Media Association (POMA) and the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) honored veteran journalist Dave Petzal during the State of the Industry Dinner at the Shooting Hunting Outdoor Trade (SHOT) Show. Petzal, of Bedford, NY, was presented with the POMA/NSSF Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator Award. In honor of legendary outdoor communicator Grits Gresham, POMA and the NSSF developed the award in 2005 to recognize communicators within the firearms/shooting sports/Second Amendment arena who grasp the ideals, foster the commitment, and display the talent Gresham showed during his storied career. Tom Gresham presented the award. Petzal started his communications career in 1964 as a magazine editor. In 1972, he became Managing Editor of Field & Stream, and since has held six different titles on the masthead. He is a graduate of Colgate University, was a drill sergeant in the U.S. Army, and has hunted in the United States, Canada, Alaska, Africa, Europe, New Zealand and New Jersey. In 2008, Petzal retired, but still handles the rifles department for Field & Stream. Petzal authored six books, and looks forward to, "not doing any more, ever." For recreation, Petzal says he shoots trap and fly fishes - badly. Nominations for the Grits Gresham Shooting Sports Communicator Award come from all corners of the shooting sports industry. Fred Bear Archery & Bowhunting Communicator Award COLUMBUS, OHIO - The prestigious POMA/ATA Fred Bear Archery and Bowhunting Communicator Award was revealed on the final day of the ATA Trade Show in Columbus, Ohio, Jan. 13 - 15. Legendary bowhunter and journalist Dwight Schuh, of Nampa, Idaho, was named the honoree. "Receiving this award is a validation of the efforts I've put into the industry. I've tried to be a good outdoorsman and a good writer; and I believe they go hand to hand. I've studied writers and writing so I can communicate what bowhunting means to me. I am a bowhunter at heart." The award pays tribute to communicators who embody everything that made Fred Bear so special to archery and bowhunting. "Schuh's accomplishments and commitment define what this award is all about," said POMA Chairman Chris Chaffin.
Henry Herbert, father of modern outdoor writing, wrote under the pseudonym of â&#x20AC;&#x153;Frank Forester.â&#x20AC;?
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