9 possible that the amount of water in the soil affected the electricity generated, because it definitely would have changed the resistance of the soil (more water retained means less resistance). It is also possible that the amount of light, or type of light, affected the electricity generated, as it affects the rate of photosynthesis of the moss. This is demonstrated in the data table, where there is a significant difference in the amperage between natural lighting/indoor lighting and no lighting at all. It is likely that both water and light are factors, as can be seen in the graph. The amount of water most likely accounts for the small differences within different recordings of the same type/strength of lighting, while the large differences in amperage can be accounted for by the type/strength of lighting. As can be seen in the graph, there are large differences in amperage between different types of lighting, and small differences between same types of lighting, but different amounts of water (shown as time elapsed). This is most obvious when looking at times when the sun is the strongest (around noon). At the points when the sun (natural lighting) is the strongest, the amperage recorded is much higher than all other recordings. At the points where there is no light at all, the amperage recorded is the lowest of all recordings. However, there are also small differences within periods of time where the status of the lighting has not changed. This is most likely due to the decrease in amount of water; however, it could also be due to error (though unlikely due to the amount of trials undergone) or small uncontrolled changes in natural lighting. There are a lot of aspects of this project that could be improved upon in the future. Firstly, to address the problems inherent in the project itself, the effects of the amount of water and the effects of the amount/type of lighting should be isolated. Though there can be inferences drawn from doing the project without separating the effects of the two, the conclusions will be much more accurate if the effects of the two separately are known. It would eliminate much of the error inherent in the calculations (such as the inability to determine the actual amount of light, and so having to categorize the status of the lighting). Future research could also be done to examine how the type of photosynthetic organism used affects the electricity generated, as well as the type of soil (or type of bacteria within the soil). In doing this future research, something we will hopefully find out is how exactly the photosynthetic organisms affect the electricity generated, and how the results of the process can best be maximized.
I would like to thank my Biology teacher, Mr. Maxwell, my Physics teacher, Mr. Jenkins, my parents, and my uncle for supporting my efforts in this project, and for making it an extremely worthwhile experience.
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