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Executive Assistant:

Acting as a right-hand man to the LTG.


Working together with assigned clubs and providing a monthly update, as well as guiding them in their DCM planning.

Participating in a variety of roles (i.e. monthly division update, organizing pen-pals, monthly recognition, Penguin Popsicle Points). Step in when the LTG needs assistance.

Why did you apply for your role?

I was excited to get more active in the division, as I had mostly stayed within my club before this term. I don't have much related leadership experience, but I have held PR roles for school clubs, which involved communication (one important strength for EAs).

What has been your favorite memory this term?

I loved Region Training Conference--it reminded me how cool this community is and reignited my passion for Key Club. What advice would you give for future Key Clubbers in your position? Make sure to budget your time effectively, as the tasks can seem overwhelming if you're not prepared.

Kimberly Bowman Junior


Creatingandpublishingat least11 out of12 division newsletters by the20thofeverymonth.

Chairing thePublicRelationsCommitteealongsidethe Tech Editor.

Sendingin articlesandvisuals to theCNHArchive bythe 15thof everymonth.

CoordinatingwiththeTech Editorto take pictures at divisional events.

CommunicatingwithLTG/divisionto collect articlesand visuals.

Why did you apply foryour role?

I enjoyed my time on the DLTlast year but wasn't sure what role to apply for this term. So I thought being news editorwould allow me to explore my interest in photography anddesign whilecontinuing service in Key Club !

What has been your favorite memorythis term?

Seeing all theKey ClubbersatRTC& FRN :) What advicewouldyou give for futureKeyClubbers in your position? Do NOT procrastinate! Ihighlyrecommend setting mini deadlines for yourself (ex. I'll finish the cover + penguinsgraphicsweek 1, get interviews week 2, etc.) Also make sure to reach out to clubs for articles & visuals OR go on their Instagram to see what they're up to! If youever need inspiration, you can find a lot of ideasfrom other division Instagrampages/newsletters or on Pinterest :)

Thinking of applying for the 2023-2024 DLT?! Learn more about each position from our current DLT!!

Service Coordinator:

Chairing the service projects committee and organizing division-wide service events and projects, especially at DCMs.

Hosting at least 1 DWS every 2 months

Working closely with club project chairs (if applicable) and providing a general list of service project suggestions.

Keeping track of service hours for each club.

Working towards the Division hours goal.


Iappliedforthis rolebecause Ilovegivingback to the community! I also had priorexperiencewithplanningmedium tolarge scale events from Girl Scouts so IthoughtthatIcouldputmy experiencetogood use through this position!

What hasbeen yourfavoritememorythis term?

Myfavoritememorythistermhas beenmaking blankets for children! This was a reallyfun communityservice project!

Whatadvicewouldyougiveforfuture Key Clubbers in your position?

TheadviceIwouldgiveto future KeyClubbers in this position is that you should NOTleaveplanning eventstillthelastminute! I'm guilty of doing this many times thistermanditendedup beingreally stressful. Start planning events as early as possiblesoyouhaveplentyoftimeto submit the ERF, advertise, talk to advisors, andotherplanning!I wouldalsotry to think outside the box to prevent repeatedservice eventactivities.

Fundraising Coordinator:

Hosting at least 2 fundraisers in the 22-23 term

Chairing the fundraising committee and organizing regular division fundraisers for PTP, especially at DCMs.

Collecting monthly tMRFs from club treasurers and encouraging clubs to submit them and reach out to them if not, then reporting the info back to the LTG and DS.

Announcing International and District-wide news about PTP statuses and delivering reports at DCMs.

Working closely with club treasurers.

Working toward the division's fundraising goal.


Iwantedtobe moreinvolvedwithKey Club beyond being part of just my school’sclub. Ithought Icouldworkwell with others on trying to achieve a closer membershipbond and funevents!

What hasbeen yourfavoritememorythis term?

MyfavoritememorywastheSeptember DCM where we painted tote bags. I sat withmyschool’sofficerteamandjust had a lot of fun talking with them!

Whatadvicewouldyougiveforfuture Key Clubbers in your position?

Iwouldsaydon’t beafraid to reachout to multiple businesses if you want to collaboratewiththemandkeeping a note of ideas/places that have the optiontofundraise.

Collecting monthly MRF submissions from club secretaries, as well as encouraging clubs to submit them and reach out to them if not. Provide MRF feedback to clubs.

Assist LTG with filling out District MRF and writing Division updates. Take meeting minutes/notes during DLT meetings and DCMs, agenda will be created beforehand.

Take attendance at division events.

Why did you apply for your role?

Last year, I applied to be the division secretary because at the time, I wanted to find a way to delve further into key club not just within my school, as well as gain valuable leadership experience from the position. Beyond that, being able to meet and work with people from other clubs within our division sounded super cool and was definitely a plus that came along with being on the DLT ^-^

What has been your favorite memory this term?

My favorite memory this term was definitely FRN and getting to talk to members from all of our division. On a club level, I also really loved the joint socials that cupertino key club held with other clubs in our division!

What advice would you give for future Key Clubbers in your position?

To any of the future D34S secretaries, my biggest piece of advice is to be diligent and have good communication. Being division secretary requires sending out lots of emails and meeting timelines regularly, so being timely in completing your tasks is vital. You will also have to have good communication with your sec partner and your ltg (and really anyone you work with) so things can run smoothly. All in all, being a sec requires commitment but isn't too big of a workload so don't forget to have fun while you're at it :D

Why did you apply for your role?

I was the division news editor the previous term, and I loved being part of the DLT community. I thought that I would be a good secretary as I have had a large amount of experience in communication and event planning in the past. I also knew that I would really enjoy working closely with a partner :)

What has been your favorite memory this term?

My favorite memory has probably been the bonding event where we painted tote bags and drank boba! I met some really cool people and still use that tote bag to this day :)

What advice would you give for future Key Clubbers in your position? I would encourage future Key Clubbers in my position to make sure to stay organized and on top of due dates and emails, as tasks have to be done in a timely manner in this role.

Anything else you'd like to add?

The dlt is so so so fun !!! You will have a blast :)

Spirit Coordinator:

Chairing the spirit committee and coming up with and teaching division cheers for division events (e.g. FRN, RTC).

Announcing spirit-related items during DCMs.

Planning a division cheer video for Fall Rally North and organizing spirit gear. Organizing spirit socials in preparation for Fall Rally North. Planning division bonding events and starting cheers at division events. Make people in the division feel welcome.

Tech Editor:

Maintaining ALL sources of D34S' social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, website )

Chairing the Public Relations Committee alongside the News Editor. Take pictures at divisional events. Working alongside the DNE to ensure promotions are well executed. Creating graphic visuals of promotion.

Why did you apply for your role? I applied for this role because I wanted to have more experience with designing graphics, and at the same time better my skills at communication and working on deadlines. What has been your favorite memory this term? My favorite memory had been the Region Training Conference. During the conference, everyone was really friendly and excitable, it felt easy to have fun. At the same time, it also made me realize how big Key Club actually is. What advice would you give for future Key Clubbers in your position?

- get to know your partner. You'll be working with them for the entire year, it'll be easier to communicate if get to know each other.

- Communicate with others. This includes your partner and other members of the DLT. It may seem scary to ask about absences or confirm the dates, but discussing with your team would only help you! Ask them for help if necessary, and help them if you can!

- Manage deadlines. Sometimes deadlines may have large gaps in between, and it's easy to forget about them. Writing them down helps, so is using the google calendar!

- Learn to improve. You might meet seniors or members who have skills you want to learn, whether its managing sites or designing graphics. Trying to improve yourself would let you create better work and have better skills for the future.

- Have a sense of responsibility. DLT functions as a team, and in order for the best work to be made, remember to give your all! (at the same time, again, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it :D)

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