2 minute read

How To Bond Before the Big Day

HOW TO BOND Before the Big Day by Nicole Conoyer

For many brides, the people they love most are from different periods in their lives. Maybe you’ve known your best friend since kindergarten and your soul sister since freshman year of undergrad, but you’ve known your siblings and cousins since your earliest days…and what about your bunk mate from summer camp? These women might not have much in common, but they all want to make this special time as magical as possible. But how do you bring them together and break the ice before the festivities begin?



Help minimize stress by bringing the bridal group together and streamlining communications with a single channel. Set up an email chain or group chat to make intros and share details and ideas.


Trying on dresses is on your to do list anyway, but it also happens to be a blast. Grab a bottle of bubby, gather your girls and set out for a day of shopping. This is a great way to get people talking, laughing and posing as they let their hair down.


If you’re the type of bride who likes to be involved in the planning, join your girls for a day of DIY crafting. You can create custom decorations for your engagement party, shower or even for the big day. It’s a great way to unwind, save money and bring everyone together for a cause. Once most of the cutting and pasting is out of the way, you can use your creative juices to create a custom cocktail for your reception guests.


Maybe it’s beauty trial time and you’re getting your hair and makeup done anyway, or maybe it’s just the perfect excuse for a day of pampering before girls’ night out. Bring your girls to get a second opinion on your wedding day look and invite them to join you in the makeup chair! Capture the day with plenty of pics before you hit the town for a private wine tasting, karaoke or dancing the night away.


Looking for something unique? Bring psychic readings into the mix. Grab your girls and see what the future holds. You can do this at the end of the day or beforehand to kick things off. It’ll create a fun personal memory for everyone and set the stage for group bonding as everyone compares notes afterwards. You’re daydreaming about your future, so why not share the wealth with your ladies?

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