9 minute read
2018 Donor List
Giving is Always on Pitch 2018 DONORS
Sweet Adelines International impacts thousands of lives every year thanks to Members’ generous donations to scholarships, grants and music education. We are grateful for the generosity of so many and extend our heartfelt thanks to all those who made a donation last year and who are planning to do so again this year.
Faith Ahrling Patricia Alleman, in honor and memory of
Leah & Audrey Goldstein Mary Allen Wanda Anderson Wendy Arcand Carl and Sharon Babb, in memory of Carole Persinger & Betty Brock Anita Barry Adrienne & Clarke Bean Beeken Petty O'Keefe & Company, in memory of Beverly Johnston Ann Berg Karen Bernard, in honor of Isabel Neibergall Sarah Bican Joyce Brandt Lauren Brenckle, in honor of Shirley Fine David Briner, in memory of Sally Briner Patty Buethe Kate Burgess James and Jane Campbell, in memory of Janice Buckholtz Steve and Helen Campbell, in memory of Janice Buckholtz Larry Chubbuck Nancy Chung Kristina Collins J.D. Crowe Michelle Cunningham Dick and Mary Craig, in memory of Janice Buckholtz Stephanie Darling, in memory of Carole Persinger Paula Davis Kelly Deare, in honor of 2018/2019 IBOD Alice DeVine Peg Faithful Patricia Feifer Debra Ferenc, in memory of Bev Miller Judy Ferrier Betty Garnett Laura Gliedman Judy Gordan Jane Greer Diana Gregg Georgia Goldstein, in honor and memory of Leah &
Audrey Goldstein Carol Damon & Arne Grimson, in memory of Janice Buckholtz Elizabeth Hager Robin Hanson Julie Hayward, in memory of Carole Persinger Carolyn Healey, in memory of Nancy Kayser &
Carole Persinger Christa Hogan, in memory of Kathy Mills Kathleen Howard Michelle Hunget Darren Hurst Dorothy Hurt Joan Jones Sydney Knies Judith Innes Faye Iverson Dorothy Jurs Gary & Jackie Kerkoff, Jill Shambaugh, John, Kelli & Mike Burton, Bailey & Jackson, Kristie & John Kyndall, Emily & Josie, in memory of Bev Miller Charlene Kylander Annette Landry Joan Levitin, in memory of Carole Persinger Pat LeVezu Marti Lovejoy Jan MacCaskill Cammi MacKinlay Vicki Marcum,
To My Sisters in Song Sheila Martinez, in memory of Connie Noble Vickie Maybury, in honor of Dick Wilson Ann McAlexander Samuel McFarland Frances Mewett John and Jan Meyer, in memory of Carole Persinger Claudia Mills Carol Moskowitz, in memory of Nina McMahon,
Buffalo Gateway Chorus Toula Oberlies, in memory of Dale Ringeisen Gildow Emily O'Brien OK City Chapter, in honor of Shirley Fine Jean O'Reilly, in memory of Bev Miller Susan Padgett, in memory of Kelly Padgett Shelly Pardis Melanie Peel, in memory of Elizabeth Speer Debra Peters Platinum Show Chorus, in honor of Norma McMullen Carol Poole Kay Preller Judy and Lyle Prichard & Family, in memory of Janice Buckholtz Pride of Portland Chapter, in memory of Carole Persinger &
Yvonne Whedon Donna Prochazka Phyllis Quast Karen & Philip Ridout River City Harmony Chapter Von Roberts
Anedra Robertson Jane Rosenthal Randy Sahae Catherine Sarwar, in memory of Kelly Padgett Kathleen Scharr, in memory of
Carole Kirkpatrick Persinger Jewel Sechler Jill & John Shambaugh, in memory of Bev Miller Michele Sims Donna Smith Linda Smith, in memory of Carole Persinger Beverly Staats, in honor of A cappella Joy Chorus Rebecca & Marvin Strenge Helen Swanston Diane Till Marcia Vang Petra Van Klaveren-Chini Sally Wallace John and Brenda Walling, in memory of Janice Buckholtz Elena Walker & Dave Brus, in memory of Janice Buckholtz Cydney Wentsel Patricia White Becky Wilkins JoAnn Wilson Anita Wolfe YourCause, LLC Susan Zura
A Cappella Electric Sandra Adams, in honor of Anita Edge-Vocal Matrix Chorus Diane Bean, in memory of Kathy Mills Lisa Bonine Elizabeth Brannon, in memory of Marge Grau, Dorothy Myers,
Linda Richards & Jillian F. Hitt Capital Showcase Chorus Cedar Sounds Chapter, in memory of Kathy Mills Tami Chavez, in memory of Patricia Duncan Coeur d'Alene Chorus, in honor of Paula Davis Deborah Culp Norma Frazier, in memory of Patricia Duncan Grand Rapids Chapter, in honor of Audrey S. Steffens.
Betty Shafer & Phyllis Jaudes Nancy Inman Phyllis Jaudes Christine Kelly Liberty Oak Chapter, in memory of Richard J. McGee Sr. &
Leslie Palmer Finke Sheila Martinez, in memory of Patricia Duncan John and Jan Meyer, in memory of Music Educators Patricia Mikels, in memory of Patricia Duncan Deborah Moore, in honor of Irene Hershey Mary Ann Pastorfer Susan Peacock Debra Saucke, in memory of Carousel Harmony Chorus Judy Sargent, in memory of Carousel Harmony Chorus Marsha Scialdo Song of Sonoma, in honor of Sharon Carlson Marvin Strenge, in memory of Alice M Fox Karen Stuedemann, in memory of Esther Stuedemann Allen Sussman, in memory of Melanie Wroe Georgia Sutherland Sandra Thompson Twin Forks Chorus, Region 6 in memory of Theresa Holkesuig Vernen & Sueann Myers Susanne Weber West Shore Chorus Rebecca Wood
A Cappella Electric Almost Heaven Chapter, in memory of Bev Miller Bev Adell, in memory of Liz Speer MaryLou and John Allamen, in memory of Liz Speer Patricia Alleman Mary Allen Paula Andrews, in memory of Janet Lichtenberg James Angell Wendy Arcand Sharon Babb Anita Barry Candice Bassett, in memory of Peggy Laws Betty F. Beardsley, in memory of Bev Miller Ann Berg Karen Bernard Sarah Bican Caroline Bond Nancy Bowen Mary Brannon Lauren Brenckle Tanya Briley Kay Bromert, in memory of Zada Burrell & Mary Carleton Kate Burgess Capital City Chorus, in memory of Galen Weare Clough,
Pamela Delk, Don and Joann Ginder,
Anthony Lasich, Bill Boothe, Nan McKibban,
Dale Ringeisen-Gildow & Bev Miller Cascade Harmony Chapter Jennifer Champagne Carol Clark Diane Clark Betty Coleman Columbia River Chapter Columbus Chapter, in memory of Bev Miller Nancy Chung Marilyn Conlan, in memory of Marge Grau Susan Cox Michelle Cunningham Alice Curry, in memory of Liz Speer Serena Davis, in honor of our newly crowned
Queens, ClassRing Cynthia Diniaco Kelly Deare Dorothy Dedrick, in memory of Barbara McCormick Judith Dixon Lisbet Duponte Peg Faithful Patricia Feifer Five Valley Chapter Bonnie Flint, in honor of Pamela Johnson &
Joanie Williams Marion Florman Friendship VII Chapter, in memory of Bev Miller Sharon Gardner Laura Gliedman Diana Gregg Gail Grossman, in honor of Wendy Pachter Judi Grover, in memory of an icon, Flo Carroll, 60+ year member of City of Lakes Chorus,
Northern Lights Region Six Dorothy Hackman, in memory of Bev Miller Harmony of the Gorge Chapter
Annie Hayes Carolyn Healey, in memory of Bev Miller Heart of America, Region 25 Elizabeth Hager, in honor of Region 5, 2018 Judging Panel Christy Hedrick Susan Heimburger, in memory of Mary Ann Joly,
Anne Kotchman &
Mary Beth Beamish Dina Hendershot Clare Holland, in memory of Bev Miller & Ria Kittay Kathleen Howard Dorothy Hurt Molly Huffman, in memory of Bev Miller Inland Harmony Chapter Judith Innes Robin Iwai Ann Jarchow, in memory of Bev Miller Charlene L. Jones, in memory of Pat & Fred King Judy Kaeser Andrea Kanefsky, in honor and memory of Gary & Trush Cruz Judy Kendrick, in honor and memory of Bev Miller The Kevin Eikenberry Group, in memory of Bev Miller Danette Kientz Kitsap Pines Chapter Suzanne Knezick, in memory of Sandra Biggs Sally Lampe Stephanie Lecci, in honor and memory of Bev Miller Joan Levitin, in memory of Barbara McCormick Marti Lovejoy Jan MacCaskill Angie Mack Mary Madden, in memory of Dale M. Gildow-Ringeisen Nancy Maggio Marble City Baptist Church, in memory of Mary Riddle Beckie Martini, in memory of Jan Sandry Patricia McCandless, in memory of Bev Miller, Carole Persinger & Adrienne Wright Samuel McFarland Anita McKelney, in memory of Liz Speer Barbara Mclin, in memory of Bev Miller Frances Mewett John & Jan Meyer, in memory of Bev Miller Claudia Mills Charity Monroe Norma Mundstock, in memory of Bev Miller Morag Nelson, in memory of Bethany Nichols Northwest Harmony Chapter Toula Oberlies, in memory of Bev Miller Linda O'Connell, Melodeers, in memory of Liz Speer Olympia Chapter Pacific Sound Chapter Shelly Pardis Carol Poole Jenny Pratt, in memory of Bev Miller Patricia Pratt, in memory of Bev Miller Pride of Kentucky Chapter, in memory of Bev Miller Pride of Portland Chapter Donna Prochazka Doris Pulse Quartet of Nations Region 31 Phyllis Quast Marilyn Rader Daphna Rahmil Vicki Raichl Janet Rathke Mary Reed, in memory of Liz Speer Regina Reninger Von Roberts Tera Rockett Barbara Rolison Rolling Hills Chapter Elaine Rosenberg Jane Rosenthal Carolyn Roxburgh Bonita Rust, in memory of Flo Carroll Elizabeth Sabo Johnson, in honor and in memory of Bev Miller Anne Sanders Catherine Sarwar Kathleen Scharr, in memory of Barbara McCormick Pricilla Schoelzel Scioto Valley Chapter, in memory of Bev Miller Michelle Scott, in honor of Joyce Palmieri Susan E. Scott, in memory of Bev Miller Jan Seales Kathy Sellstrom Connie Selmi, in memory of Liz Speer of The Lyrics &
Mary Jane Show-Me Harmony Chorus, in memory of Pat Duncan &
Josephine Davison Carol A. Smith, in memory of Nancy McDaniel, Region 9 Mary Smith Susan Smith Song of Seattle Chapter Sounds of Superior Chorus, in honor of Judy Olson Dale Stead Lucille Summy & Beverly Hoover, in memory of Zada Burrell Jen Sward Suncoast Harmony Chapter, in honor of Naomi Wipert Diane Till Marilyn Turner Doris Twardosky Valley Forge Chapter Kim Van Keuren, in memory of Carol Ann Barbera Petra Van Klaveren-Chini Marcia Vang Voices Northwest Chapter Sally Wallace Judy Weipert West Shore Chapter, in memory of Dayle Staff Barbara Wetzel, in memory of Bev Miller Patricia White Melinda Whiteman, in memory of Liz Speer Tony and Sherill Whiteman, in memory of Liz Speer Ruth Widerski Owen Wilcox, in honor of Marilyn Funk Becky Wilkins Melynnie Williams, in memory of Mary Carleton Ron and Jackie Williams, in memory of Liz Speer JoAnn Wilson Mark Winnie Anita Wolfe Lynn Woolf Angela Yeargers YourCause Randa Zaitz, in memory of Carole Persinger &
Rose Cooper Sara Zawila, Melodeers, in memory of Liz Speer Sara Zembrodt, in memory of Bev Miller Susan Zura
“Honoring the memory of our dear friend, Bev Miller, a Proud Singer”. Donors & Proud Singers:
Marsha Fulton Nancy Field Marilyn Cox Sue Beck Chris Noteware Karen Koch
Nancy Anderson & Curt McLess Lori Austin Sharon Babb David Ballou Blaire Beavers Linda Sue Benefield Ann Berg Linda Brandt Mary Branham-Slade Charlotte Brooks Maureen M. Brzinski Carol Jo Bullen Nancy Chung Rick & Carol Corsi Lenore I. Davison Robert Decker Sean Decker Yoshiko Decker Lisa DeLaCruz Mary Dennis Jill A Douglas Brown Barbara Dunphy Gold Medal Ideas Peggy Gram Kathleen Howard Jane Johnson Lindsay Jordan Roberta Kemper Bronwyn E. Latta Nancy Maggio Linda Marshall Kerri Mauney Sandra McCullough Darcy Newell Robert Newell Larry Grant Noble Tony & Mindy Nyikos Shelly Pardis Donald Pflaster Carol Poole Joan M. Rettig Jane Richards Christina Robertson Barbara Saba John Seale Sandra Shelver Spirit of the Midwest Sheri Strawther Dee Thomas Diane Thornewell Sandra Trombly Kim & Dale Vaughn Lynn Vaughn Angela Williams
Carolyn Benkowitz Karen Bernard Marsha Bock Carol Broglio Beverly Bruening Doris Boudreaux Gail Burke Vivien Carmichael Lee Chalmers Sara Davis Debby Dean Deborah Ferenc Marisa Fontenot Cathy Frey Cathy Guidry Mary Hower Heather Johnston Diana Jordan Susan Kinniff Mary Louise Lamm Corla Lindsey Marti Lovejoy Vicki Lukas Jackie Narduzzo Cheryl Pyle Susie Scott Lorna Stephens Myra Tener Trudie Thompson Jan Welsh Ellen Wills
The next grant application cycle is open now through June 1, 2019. The scholarships and grants committee received more than $31,000 in grant requests during the last cycle and is thrilled to announce awards to the following outstanding grantees:
2019 Southern Arizona Youth in Harmony Festival .............................................................. ($3,500)
Young Women in Song and Harmony Festival (Metro Nashville Chorus)................................................ Central Illinois Youth in Harmony Festival (Vermillion Valley Chorus).................................................. A Cappella U Bay Area Showcase Chorus Young Singers Workshop................................................... ($2,000) ($3,000) ($1,400) 2019 A Cappella Festival of Kentuckiana ...................................................................... 2019 New Mexico Youth Harmony Camp ..................................................................... Inland Empire Chorus 2019 Harmony Stars Festival .............................................................. Harmony Explosion NorthWest ............................................................................ ($1,200) ($2,500) ($2,000) ($5,000)