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50-and 60-Year Members
50-and 60-Year Member Awards
Dottie Allen, Fox Valley Chapter, #6 Patti Alward-Johnson, Midwest Crossroad Chapter, #3 Marge Bailey, Chapter-at-Large, Region #8 Anita Barry, Jersey Harmony Chapter, #15 June Beamon, Southern Star Chapter, #8 Loretta Bell, Carolina Style Chapter, #14 Philomena Bernard, Champlain Valley Chapter, #1 Terry Borash, Carolina Harmony Chapter, #14 Margaret Brock, Columbia River Chapter, #13 Janet Burnett, Houston Horizon Chapter, #10 Kathy Carmody, Velvet Hills Chapter, #8 Lee Chalmers, Choral-Aires Chapter, #3 Joyce Creller, Northern Gateway Chapter, #12 Linea Croly, Seattle Shores Chapter, #13 Meech Debol, Spirit of Spokane Chapter, #13 Pat Devejian, Enchanted Mesa Show Chapter, #21 Barbara Ebner, Farmington Valley Chapter, #1 Sherry Ebner, Farmington Valley Chapter, #1 Joyce Eichenseer, Harmony on the Sound Chapter, #1 Hope Fulwiler, RiversEdge Chapter, #13 Beth Garske, RiversEdge Chapter, #13 Barbara Greffen, Pride of Baltimore Chapter, #19 Elizabeth Hardcastle, Sound Celebration Chorus, #5
Jo Atkinson, Dundalk Chapter, #19 Jackie Bishop, Mission Valley Chapter, #12 Yvonne Cody, Greater Harrisburg Chapter, #19 Marilyn Conlan, Verdugo Hills Chapter, #11 Jane Cullum, Dundalk Chapter, #19 Rosalie De Sena, Member-at-Large Sally Eggleston, Cedar Sounds Chapter, #5 Margaret Elver, Member-at-Large Barbara Fear, North Metro Chapter, #16 Shirley Fine, O.K. City Chapter #25 Lori Fodor-Reiner*, Chapter-at-Large, Region #12 Marge Grau*, Spirit of the Gulf Chaper, Region #9
Barbara Harp, Five Valley Chapter, #13 Ginnie Hartman, Lake Country Chapter, #6 Caryl Henkel, Toast of Champaign Chapter, #3 Nancy Hill, Acapella Omaha Chapter, #5 Maureen Holcombe, Valley Forge Chapter #19 Corrine Horton, Chapter-at-Large, Region #3 Mary Hower, Sparkling City Chapter, #10 Pat Hunter, Pacific Empire Chapter, #12 Roberta Jewell, Lake Effect Harmony Chapter, #16 Cathy Johnson, Member-at-Large Pamela Johnson, Sacramento Valley Chapter, #12 Judy Kaeser, Metro Mix Chapter, #5 Kay Kastens, Motor City Blend, #2 Marianna Keithley, Diamond Jubilee Chapter, #4 Joanne Kensinger, Topeka Acappella Unlimited Chapter, #5 Lenore Konkel, Fox Valley Chapter, #6 Carol Leary, Sounds of Pittsburgh Chapter, #17 Janet Lichtenberg, Southern Company Chapter, #9 Mary Liston, Pocatello Showcase Chapter, #8 Nancy Maggio, Chapter-at-Large, Region #11 Shirley Marconi, North Metro Chapter, #16 Nancy McLaughlin, Grand Olympics Chapter, #13 Bev Miller*, Capital City Chapter, #4 Rita Mitchell, Friendship VII Chapter, #4 Carol Moskowitz, Buffalo Gateway Chapter, #16 Janet Nickel, Chapter-at-Large, Region #19 Constance Noble*, San Diego Chapter, #21 Dianne Pedersen, Chapter-at-Large, Region #11 Johanna Ramsay, Harborlites Chapter, #21 Gail Ranger, Emerald City Chapter, #25 Maureen Rocchio, Chapter-at-Large, Region #16 Darlene Rogers, Texas Harmony Chapter, #10 Bonnie Rust, City of Lakes Chapter, #6 Dorothy Sauer, Pride of Toledo Chapter, #17 Claudia Scarber, Merrimack Valley Chapter, #1 Kathleen Schlee, Chapter-at-Large, Region #19 Glenna Sexton, Assiniboine Chapter, #6 Sandy Shelver, Queen City Sound Chapter, #25 Charlotte Shrewsbury, Dundalk Chapter, #19 Laurene Sullivan, Motor City Blend, #2 Diane Thayer, Pride of Toledo Chapter, #17 Judy Wallis, Member-at-Large Barbara West, Coastline Show Chapter, #1 Rita Zwick, City of Flags Chapter, #17
Susan Gunas, Farmington Valley Chapter, #1 June Hernesmaa, Chapter-at-Large Region #12 Shirley Janssen, Velvet Hills Chapter, #8 Carole Kagle, Dundalk Chapter, #19 Linda Keutzer, Member-at-Large Joanne Kick, Spirit of the Gulf Chapter, #9 Gloria Kuchenbecker, Member-at-Large Betty Meinholz, Goldcoast Chapter, #9 Norma Mundstock, Gem City Chapter, #4 Libby Petrovsky, Women of Note Chapter, #9 Joan Ray, Chapter-at-Large Region #12 Patricia Reynolds, Member-at-Large La Nell Rockwell, Velvet Hills Chapter, #8 Mary Ryberg, Zumbro Valley Chapter, #6 Anne Seidel, Crystal City Chapter, #17 Nancy Smith, Greater Harrisburg Chapter, #19 Jeanie Spong, City of Lakes Chapter, #6 Rita Taylor, Chapter-at-Large Region #26 Zoe Thompson, Chapter-at-Large Region, #13 Pat Tyree, Velvet Hills Chapter, #8 Carolyn vanBenthuysen, Chapter-at-Large Region, #11 Jan Wyckoff, L.A. South Towns Show Chapter, #11