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A Family Affair: Coronet Club Show 2019
A reflection from 2019 inductee Mary Duncan of ClassRing
Emcee Nikki Blackmer (Frenzy, 2017) entertains the crowd. 2019 International Champion Quartet, ClassRing, joins the Royal Family Chorus for the first time as members.
1994 Queens of Harmony, Showtime, wow the crowd with their 25th anniversary performance.
Brava! (2003) shakes the rafters and stirs the hearts of the audience!
Moxie Ladies (2009) celebrate their tenth anniversary with an energetic performance.
Mainstreet, 2017 BHS Quartet Champions, keeps the audience laughing.
Elegant black and gold gowns, shining crowns, and gleaming gold medals exquisitely set the stage for the 2019 Coronet Club show, Road to Gold, at the Sweet Adelines International annual convention. As a “newbie” member, I found the glitz and glamour of this incredible production overwhelming in the most exciting way possible. I had been an avid attendee of the Coronet Club shows ever since my mom, Michelle Hunget, became a member of the Coronet Club with her quartet, Zing!, and I had been anxiously looking forward to my opportunity to participate all year long.
I diligently studied my music and learning tracks beforehand, attempting to prepare myself for all of the sights, sounds, and feelings; however, I do not think there was any way to anticipate the flood of excitement, joy, accomplishment, and love that poured out of me (literally, poured from my tear ducts) and my quartet mates as we walked into that first Coronet Club rehearsal in New Orleans. Hailey, Heather, Michaela, and I were suddenly surrounded by people we had aspired to be our entire lives.
In some ways, it felt as though we had stepped into an alternate reality. A reality that was full of hustle and bustle as we saw Jean Barford preparing to direct the next song, the section leaders conversing off to the side, the choreography team going over that one particularly difficult move, and the show chair answering questions from our idols on the risers. It was an organized and elite chaos, as only to be expected of a group of perfectionists preparing to pull off the largest production of the week. As the pitch pipe blew from the risers, the chaotic energy was transformed into focused attention. It was powerful. It was exciting.
ClassRing had been observing up until this point. It felt as though we were stuck in time and everyone else was moving with lightning speed around us. The entire experience was surreal. We felt as though we couldn’t possibly belong there. We had to have come to the wrong room, mixed up our schedules. The only reason we knew we belonged is because the Coronet Club was so incredibly warm and welcoming to each of us.
Singing on the risers with each of those amazing queens was an experience none of ClassRing will ever forget. During that rehearsal, we also practiced ClassRing’s Coronet Club induction (as if we hadn’t been a mess of tears already), and as they sang to us, I was able to look around and really take in the faces of so many who have welcomed me over the years — coaches, teachers, mentors, friends. In that moment, it was apparent to me that the Coronet Club is more than a group of hard working and talented singers. It is a community — a family, quite literally.
We joined the Coronet Club again, this time as members, on the Friday night Coronet Club show. Of course, thanks to everyone’s hard work, the show went off without a hitch! It was so entertaining to hear from Moxie Ladies, celebrating their 10th anniversary, Brava!, celebrating their 15th anniversary and Showtime, celebrating their 25th anniversary. We also had the privilege of seeing LoveNotes, Bling!, Frenzy, Lustre, and Martini perform. Of course, we cannot forget the hard work and success of Frenzy’s Nikki Blackmer (Master Director of A Cappella Joy Chorus), who served as emcee.
ClassRing connected with this show theme because there was a large emphasis put on family. We performed “You Are My Home” with three of our ClassRing husbands. Mainstreet, 2017 BHS Quartet Champions, were incredible, and Tony DeRosa was able to perform to his sister, Chris, baritone of 2020 International Champion Quartet, Viva! in the very front row. Finally, the Royal Family Chorus was the perfect way to punctuate the end of a show centered around family. It truly was a family affair. The 2019 Coronet Club Show will always and forever hold a special place in my heart, for many reasons, and I am already looking forward to being one of those welcoming faces to our newest queens, Viva!