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New Resources in the SA Education Portal
New Resources in the Sweet Adelines Online Education Portal
For public education, visit www.sweetadelines.com/education. For members-only education, log in to the Sweet Adelines International website, then go to the Education section.
Recent Education Additions
“Developing Consistency with Mixed Voice Training” with International Faculty Maggie McAlexander • Three exercises to help develop a consistent mixed range. “Overtones” with International Faculty Kathleen Hansen • Examples of AMAZING overtones (and undertones) in barbershop performances. "Judging Categories Panel Discussion” hosted by Region #1 Education Coordinator Karen Sweeters • Find out what motivates people to become judges and learn about the categories. “Singing in Key: Maintaining Tonal Center” with International Faculty Kathleen Hansen • Get practical tips for holding your pitch in key. “Ask A Queen” Webinar hosted by International Master Faculty Karen Breidert Hear from four Sweet Adelines International Quartet Champions, aka Queens of Harmony.
Interval Singing Exercises Video Series by International Board Member and member of 2018 International Champion Quartet, Lustre, Jenny Harris
Part 1: The Scale • Correct intervals are key to a great sound. In Part 1 of the series, Jenny reviews, “The Scale.” Part 2: One, One Two One, etc. • Something we need to do as a cappella singers: Hear intervals in our minds and know what they should sound like! Jenny shares an exercise to help train your ear to hear intervals. Part 3: Focus on Each Interval • Understand intervals and practice them accurately! Jenny shares an exercise to help you focus on intervals while singing. Part 6: License Plates and More • Jenny leads a challenging interval exercise and shares ideas about how to create your own versions for vocal practicePart 4: Vocal Flexibility through the Scale • Looking for an expert-level interval singing exercise? Jenny offers expert interval training that is great for vocal flexibility. Part 5: Singing a String of Intervals • Correct intervals are key to a great sound. Jenny offers an exercise to help you practice intervals without stepping up to them through the scale. Part 1: Physical Warm-Ups, created by Norma Ferrier • Get moving and have fun with an interactive presentation by Norma Ferrier, choreographer of Forth Valley Chorus. Part 2: Vocal Warm-Ups, created by Rosalind Kipps • Warm up your voice as Rosalind Kipps, director of Sheffield Harmony Chorus and bass of Region #31 Champion Quartet, Nightfall, leads you through a variety of fun vocal exercises. Part 3: Giving Yourself a PVI, created by International Faculty Alyson Chaney Learn to give yourself a personal vocal instruction (PVI) with engaging exercises from Alyson Chaney, Region #31 Education Coordinator and member of Sweet Adelines International Faculty. Part 4: Planning for Success, created by Emma Rollson • Calling all Quartets! Join Emma Rollson, tenor of Region #31 Champion Quartet, Nightfall, as she talks about effective planning for quartets.
Warm ups Through the Decades with International Faculty Anna-Lisa Glad
Sing and Dance like it’s the….1950s • You’re really going to rock it! Sing and Dance like it’s the….1960s • Everybody will be groovin.’ Sing and Dance like it’s the….1970s • Pull out your funky dance moves. Sing and Dance like it’s the….1980s • Get ready for big hair, big fun, and big moves! Sing and Dance like it’s the….1990s • Unhook one strap of your overalls and get ready to pull out all the iconic dance moves!
Education from the 2020 Virtual Convention
Power Up! with Lori Lyford and Jana Gutenson, Director and Associate Director of 2019 International Champion Scottsdale Chorus • Come alive with a physical warm up led by 2019 Internationational Champion Scottsdale Chorus from their master class at the 2019 International Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana (USA) and a “bubbly” vocal warm-up direct from Lori and Jana! Power Up! with Catilin Castelino and Dana Gervais, Director and Choreographer of 2020 Harmony Classic Div. AA Champion Diablo Vista Chorus • “Be safe, be well, and keep singing!” Power Up! with Anna Alvring and Anna-Lena Rickardsson, Director and Assistant Director of 2020 International Champion Rönninge Show Chorus “Think of something that makes you feel happy, something that makes you feel good!” Move your body and your voice with the third Power Up! of the Virtual Convention. “On the Road to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Navigating the Journey” with Justice Waidner Smith, M.A. • Justice discusses Sweet Adelines history and assesses the organization’s current and ongoing DEI initiatives. “Judges and Competitors: Where Did We Begin?” with Certified Showmanship Judge Renée Porzel • From the days of “attack and release” and stage wigs to today’s judging categories, Renée gives a brief history of the SA judging program. The class includes archival examples of early to current quartet sounds. “Sweet Adelines International Judging and Competition 2020 Changes Explored and Explained” with SA Judge Specialist Paula Davis • SA judging and competition and the documents that support them have undergone several recent changes. Paula describes the changes and how they affect competitions.