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Regional Weekends…Virtually
From classes to contests to afterglows...regions made it happen
In March, Sweet Adelines International announced the cancellation of regional competitions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite their sadness, Sweet Adelines around the world responded to the news with support for their leadership and for each other. And in Sequoia-Pacifica Region #11, a little something more...Plans for the first-ever Sweet Adelines virtual regional weekend! Their example inspired others, and that is how Sweet Adelines and barbershop fans got to virtually sample a bit of the unique style of regional conventions around the world. Here are some of the creative ways regions organized virtual events for their members!
Region #1 • Virtual Festival
Activities were offered every day from April 24-26 for Region #1’s Virtual Festival via Facebook Live and YouTube. Friday and Saturday, quartets and choruses were featured, along with special messages from then-President Patty Cobb Baker and thenPresident-Elect Joan Boutilier. A Zoom afterglow was held on Saturday night, with a “meet the judges” panel hosted by Karen Sweeters on Sunday. Their festival was enthusiastically attended (virtually) by visiting members of Region #16.
Region #5 • 2020 Vision Made Virtual
For several weeks in April, Region #5 posted each chorus and quartet in their order of appearance on their Facebook page, with a short history of each one, photos, and sometimes video. They included a slideshow of their convention’s vendors so members could order online! Their 2020 Vision culminated in a live webinar with their judges Jean Barford, Mary Ashford, Dale Syverson, Ruth Ann Parker, Panel Secretary Marilyn Cox, 2020 Education Coordinator Annette Wallace, and Official Panel Liaison Ellen Hartz.
Region #8 • Virtual “Contest” and choruses in order of appearance, celebrated longevity and other awards, and shared a video tribute to their directors. “This was a way for us to get back into the spirit of what we’re all about and to have a good time,” said Communication Coordinator Heather Reimnitz in a video message at the end of the weekend. “Hopefully it took everybody’s minds off of things that are going on in the world. There will be another time when we can get together and sing and hug each other and have a great time with one another.”
Region #11 • The Non-Contest Weekend
Region #11 Communication Coordinator Debbie Curtis and Marketing Coordinator Jennifer Zucker along with the RMT and convention committee created the first “non-contest weekend.” Through their hard (and fast!) work, Region #11 brought 60+ years of traditions to members and guests via Zoom and Facebook Live.
Using their convention program as a framework, Region #11 created virtual versions of every event and tradition their region had planned. Using past performance videos, photos, and new recordings made using a cappella apps, they featured quartets and choruses in their order of appearance on what would have been contest day. They also offered an education class presented by their four judges and the panel secretary discussing each judging category with a live Q&A at the end and an afterglow for around 50 visitors via Zoom.
They moved their traditional Sunday morning brunch from the ballroom to the living room, hosting it virtually. Regional awards and recognitions were presented, and they held a rose ceremony, a Region #11 tradition of remembrance for members who have died over the last year.
Region #12 • Heroes of Harmony
Region #12 celebrated Heroes of Harmony with virtual quartet and chorus introductions, among other activities, via their YouTube channel. Members of the region’s judging panel sent video messages about their categories which were posted throughout the weekend. Events Coordinator Mary Mamer said
in her introductory video, “These are pretty interesting times we’re living in. I will miss seeing all of you in person, but modern technology is allowing us to bring this celebration to you.”
Region #13 • Celebrating 65 Years
Celebrating their 65th anniversary, Region #13 introduced all choruses and quartets via their Facebook page’s “contest.” For the afterglow, they posted interactive questions for members to answer, some with photos. Then, they committed to posting videos each Saturday for a month as part of their “North by Northwest Presents…” program.
Region #15 • Together Again in Harmony
Region #15 hosted a watch party on May 8-9, revisiting their 2019 competitions and afterglow, complete with live chat so members could share commentary and memories. They had watch party hosts and guest appearances from regional and international leaders.
Region #17 • Roll Call
Region #17 held a "roll call" of competitors on Facebook using a recorded video of competitors. The weekend also included video clips of messages from judges and regional leaders.
Region #19 • Online Extravaganza
“Online Extravaganza” was not an exaggeration for this threeweek event, marketed with extremely memorable video advertising. In addition to guest appearances and quartet and chorus “parades,” Region #19 hosted a series of fun contests: The Mask Parade (to show off homemade masks); The Crowning Glory (to show off crowns made of household objects); Hair We Go! (to show off “Stay-At-Home hair”); and Shame That Tune (a parody-writing contest).
Region #26 • Un-Contest 2020
The weeks-long “Un-Contest” involved the introduction of quartets and choruses as well as guest appearances by Sweet Adelines leaders, State of the Region address, team leader and director forums, award presentations, and the release of a new song.
Region #31 • Virtual Convention
Mass sing of How We Sang Today. Live chat with the judges’ panel. Watch party. Pub quiz. Educational workshops by regional leaders...Region #31’s convention had “virtually” everything! It was held the same weekend as they would have held their convention in Cardiff, Wales (UK), May 15-16. Region #34 • 2020 UnConvention
“What do you have when you don’t have a Convention? You have an UnConvention!” That’s how Region #34 began their introduction to a virtual event that included an opening ceremony, parade of chorus and quartet performance videos, educational classes, and an afterglow!
One-Day Events: Regions #2, #3, #4, #14, #21, #25 and #32
These regions packed a lot of fun and togetherness into one-day events. Regions #3 and #25 held a Regional Area Management Meeting (RAMM) for members via Zoom, with a slideshow of choruses and quartets as well as presentation of regional awards. Region #14 held a virtual afterglow on Zoom for its members. The Club 21 Association of Region #21 Quartet Champions held its regional kick-off party via Zoom, with guests “encouraged (but certainly not required) to dress in what you would normally dress in for this event. Might be fun to have a reason to put on proper undergarments...or not!” Region #4 members and visitors could tune in to see live webcasters Kim Wonders and Natalie Allen guide them through photos of choruses and quartets in order of appearance, as well as awards presentations and other traditions, followed by an invite to a virtual afterglow. Region #2 held a “No Contest Reception” via Zoom and posted the slide presentation of competitors on their webpage. Region #32 held a category seminar on the date when the chorus competition would have been held, May 9. The Sweet Adelines International judges who would have been at their competition spoke about their respective categories.