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Trades 4 Life to Resume in January 2019
By JENNIFER DALY Rotary Club of Placencia Press Volunteer dalyjennifer709@gmail.com
This January, The Rotary Club of Placencia joined a new venture called Trades 4 Life. This is a post secondary, trade school program that covers specialties in plumbing, air conditioning/ refrigeration, mechanics, computers, welding, plumbing and electrical. Rotary covers all the costs associated with each course along with registration fees. Trades 4 Life has been active in
Belize for a few years, and Rotary's first year participating has been a huge success. We will send another group of students to complete the program in January and may even arrange another session before the year is out. January's six graduates represented Seine Bight, Red Bank, Bella Vista and Independence Villages.
At this time applications for Trades 4 Life are limited to men ages 18 and up. The faculty is located in Belmopan, and the students spend an intensive six weeks away studying 12 hours a day, five days a week. All of their meals, lodging and transportation costs are covered. At the moment this program is restricted to males only because separate facilities must be built to house the females. Trades for Life is working on accepting females by next year. Please contact Bill Dejardin to submit your application. ▪