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Boat Captain's Video of Jaguar Swimming in Placencia Lagoon Goes Viral!

Darryl Lozano's video has been uploaded by multiple posters, most giving no credit to the Independence Village boat captain and guide, which led many to speculate on who was the lucky person to witness the special moment.

(Photo still from video captured by: DARRYL LOZANO)
By JOLIE POLLARD pollard.jolie@gmail.com
Darryl Lozano's video capturing a magnificent jaguar swimming towards the mangroves in the Placencia Lagoon has gone viral on social media with collective views of multiple postings already peaking to 100 thousand as of press time! To no one's surprise, the independent boat captain and tour guide calls the encounter the most extraordinary in all his experience cruising over the waters of southern Belize.
To put this into perspective, the 39-year-old native of Independence Village, located just a 15-minute-boat ride across the Placencia Lagoon, has been steering boats since he was seven years old and has seen several jaguars in the area. Just one sighting in the wild is an extremely remarkable experience for anyone, which makes Lozano a very fortunate man and undoubtedly, the envy of many a wildlife enthusiast.
All of his previous sightings, however, were of jaguars on land. Lozano had never seen a jaguar in the water until that Jan. 18th Friday morning at 6:45 a.m. when he was taking his boat, "Wetfeelings" over to Placencia for rental to Seahorse Dive Shop.
"I saw an animal swimming from a distance of about 500 feet away. I thought it was a dog, but as I got a little closer, the head and the ripples were much too big for a dog, so I quickly grabbed my phone [...]," Lozano recounted.
Coming up to 50 feet away from the silhouette of a creature bobbing in the brackish waters and back dropped by the early morning sunlight, Lozano soon realized he was looking at a swimming jaguar and stopped his boat while continuing to record a most exciting 25 seconds of the swim. The incredible clip includes a vivid close up of the jaguar's striking print pattern from its head down to its tail and hind legs and even captures the jaguar’s quick look-around before retreating to the mangroves with its powerful strokes. “This one was at least seven feet long from head to tail,” said Lozano, who is certain it’s the largest jaguar he’s ever seen.

Lozano was alone on his boat when he captured the jaguar swimming across the Placencia Lagoon shortly after sunrise.
(Photo still from video captured by: DARRYL LOZANO)
The husband and father of three who was alone on his boat that fateful morning, says he’s happy to know his video, which he posted on Facebook the same day at 12:12 p.m., has become so popular and is making its fast rounds on social media and WhatsApp. Even the Guatemalan news media shared the recording. Lozano makes no fuss of the lack of credit many posters and sharers have neglected to give him. “This makes me feel good, not only for me, but also for Placencia and the Lagoon,” he said. “When we have tourists visiting, they know they could expect anything to happen.”
It’s this most treasured and attractive aspect of southern Belize that Placencia Lagoon biodiversity researcher, Dr. Marisa Tellez says is still within our control to preserve despite all the recent developments related to the tourism industry and increased interest in living in this area. The co-founder and executive director of theCrocodile Research Coalition (CRC) believes that people on the Placencia Peninsula and its surrounding areas can continue to co-exist with jaguars, crocodiles, birds, agoutis, armadillos, manatees, birds and all the other wildlife – including fish – that call this area home if we develop sustainably.
“If you’re going to build, don’t clear all the land. Leave some of the vegetation behind so these creatures don’t lose their habitats,” Tellez said. “How would you like coming home one day and your home is bulldozed down?” According to Tellez, if you’re hoping to see a jaguar yourself one day, spot a Red Lore Parrot amongst the other beautiful birds, or order fresh fish at the restaurants, then you shouldn’t cut all the mangroves and trees or partake in harmful dredging that releases heavy metals into the aquatic environment.
“Placencia has the opportunity to be a leading role model around the world. It’s important to rise above the short-term mindset when developing this area. Why? Because short-term gain IS short term. We must think long term; long term sustainability and management will ensure the economic security of the community in this area, both in tourism and natural resources,” she stated. Additionally, the advocate for balance between the forces of man and nature says that she is available to provide advice to any developer who wants suggestions on how to build sustainably, and anyone who is interested in overcoming their fears of these grand native predators that are vital creatures in Belize’s ecosystem and culture.

The last glimpse of the jaguar in Lozano's video shows the large cat retreating into the mangroves. According to biodiversity researcher, Dr. Marisa Lozano of the Crocodile Research Coalition, the Placencia Peninsula is still at a point in time where long-term sustainable development that protects the habitats of wildlife sharing the Peninsula and its adjacent Placencia Lagoon with residents and visitors, can ensure more magnificent sightings like this in the future.
(Photo still from video captured by: DARRYL LOZANO)
Tellez and her CRC team have been tracking wildlife in the area through biodiversity surveys for the past three years, an activity that she intends to continue over the next 20. During this time, she has recorded the presence of two of the majesticcats within the vicinity of Placencia Lagoon: one on the property of Belize Aquaculture Limited that has reserved a large portion of its property for the protection of wildlife, and TexMar in Independence, another aquaculture facility that collaborates with the CRC in their crocodile and biodiversity conservation efforts.
While jaguars are guaranteed protection within the Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary and Jaguar Preserve that is accessible just 18.7 miles northwest of the Placencia Peninsula off the Southern Highway, Tellez reminds us that jaguars, just like other cats, are territorial creatures. She says they will prowl the lands of Belize to mark their spaces, and for some jaguars, that means dispersing in unprotected areas outside the famous sanctuary that is managed by the Belize Audubon Society.

(Photo still from video captured by: DARRYL LOZANO)
As for Darryl Lozano whose video continues to make its way across screens around the world, he said that prior to encountering the swimming jaguar, seeing a 10-foot-long tiger shark that almost tricked him into going into the water because of its initial resemblance to a gentle whale shark, had held the top rank for the most memorable experience in his boating career. We’re just going to have to take his word on that one.▪